191 lines
7.2 KiB
191 lines
7.2 KiB
import os
import json
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import nextcord
from nextcord.ext import tasks, commands
def load_config(config_name):
if not os.path.exists(config_name):
return None
with open(config_name, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return json.load(f)
def save_config(config_name, config):
with open(config_name, 'wt', encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(config, f, indent=1, ensure_ascii=False)
# dictionary of urls and time they were added
processed_urls = {}
config = load_config("config.json")
if config is None:
config = {"deepl_key": "", "discord_bot_token": "", "ping_terms": {}}
save_config("config.json", config)
if not config.get("deepl_key") or not config.get("discord_bot_token"):
raise Exception("Config file is missing some values")
intents = nextcord.Intents.default()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=".", intents=intents)
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'}
deepl_headers = {'Authorization': f'DeepL-Auth-Key {config["deepl_key"]}', 'User-Agent': 'YahooScraper/1.0.0'}
search_term = 'けものフレンズ'
ping_terms : dict = config["ping_terms"]
def add_ping(term, user_id):
if term not in ping_terms:
ping_terms[term] = [user_id]
elif user_id not in ping_terms[term]:
print(f"{user_id} is already being pinged for {term}")
config["ping_terms"] = ping_terms
save_config("config.json", config)
async def ping_users(auction_name):
"""If the name of the listing is particularly interesting, ping some people
- HAV0X"""
users_to_ping = []
for term in ping_terms.keys():
if term in auction_name:
for user in ping_terms[term]:
if user not in users_to_ping:
if len(users_to_ping) > 0:
ping_message = "Interesting listing, pinging: " + ", ".join([f"<@{user}>" for user in users_to_ping])
await send_message_text("Japari Modding", "yahoo-auctions", ping_message)
def translate(text: str):
text = requests.post("https://api-free.deepl.com/v2/translate",
json={"text": [text], "target_lang": "EN", 'source_lang': 'JA'}, headers=deepl_headers).json()[
return text.replace("Beast Friends", "Kemono Friends")
def embed_auction(service: str, url: str, name: str, name_en: str, thumbnail: str, price=None):
desc = name
if price is not None:
desc += '\nPrice: ' + price
embed = nextcord.Embed(title=name_en, url=url, description=desc)
return embed
async def send_message(server_name: str, channel_name: str, embed: nextcord.Embed):
for guild in bot.guilds:
if guild.name == server_name:
for channel in guild.channels:
if channel.name == channel_name and isinstance(channel, nextcord.TextChannel):
await channel.send(embed=embed)
async def send_message_text(server_name: str, channel_name: str, text: str):
for guild in bot.guilds:
if guild.name == server_name:
for channel in guild.channels:
if channel.name == channel_name and isinstance(channel, nextcord.TextChannel):
await channel.send(content=text)
async def check_yahoo_fleamarket(search_term: str, page: int, notify: bool):
url = f'https://buyee.jp/paypayfleamarket/search?keyword={search_term}&order-sort=created_time&page={page}'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Find all item listings on the page
item_listings = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'item-lists'}).find_all('li', {'class': 'list'})
date = datetime.now().date()
for item in item_listings:
url = 'https://buyee.jp' + item.find('a').get('href')
if url in processed_urls:
name = item.find('h2', {'class': 'name'}).text
price = item.find('p', {'class': 'price'}).text
thumbnail_data = item.find('img', {'class': "thumbnail"}).get("data-bind")
thumbnail_start = thumbnail_data.find('imagePath: \'') + len('imagePath: \'')
thumbnail_end = thumbnail_data.find('\'', thumbnail_start)
thumbnail = "https:" + thumbnail_data[thumbnail_start:thumbnail_end]
if notify:
name_en = translate(name)
embed = embed_auction("Yahoo! Flea market", url, name, name_en, thumbnail, price)
await send_message("Japari Modding", "yahoo-auctions", embed)
await ping_users(name)
print('New item added:', url)
processed_urls[url] = date
except Exception as e:
print(url, e)
async def check_yahoo_auction(search_term: str, page: int, notify: bool):
url = f'https://buyee.jp/item/search/query/{search_term}?sort=end&order=d&page={page}'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Find all item listings on the page
item_listings = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'auctionSearchResult'}).find_all('li', {'class': 'itemCard'})
date = datetime.now().date()
for item in item_listings:
url = 'https://buyee.jp' + item.find('a').get('href')
if url in processed_urls:
name = item.find('div', {'class': 'itemCard__itemName'}).find('a').text
price = item.find('div', {'class': 'g-price__outer'}).find('span').text
thumbnail = item.find('img', {'class': 'g-thumbnail__image'}).get('data-src').split(';')[0]
if notify:
name_en = translate(name)
embed = embed_auction("Yahoo! JAPAN Auction", url, name, name_en, thumbnail, price)
await send_message("Japari Modding", "yahoo-auctions", embed)
await ping_users(name)
print('New item added:', url)
processed_urls[url] = date
except Exception as e:
print(url, e)
async def on_ready():
for i in range(1, 4):
await check_yahoo_auction(search_term, i, False)
await check_yahoo_fleamarket(search_term, i, False)
await asyncio.sleep(10)
async def myLoop():
fulldate = datetime.now()
print(f'Last check: {fulldate.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")}\nCache count: {len(processed_urls)}')
await check_yahoo_auction(search_term, 1, True)
except Exception as e:
print("Yahoo auction check failed:", e)
await check_yahoo_fleamarket(search_term, 1, True)
except Exception as e:
print("Yahoo flea market check failed:", e)
onlydate = fulldate.date()
for key in list(processed_urls.keys()):
if onlydate - processed_urls[key] > timedelta(weeks=3):
del processed_urls[key]
bot.run(config["discord_bot_token"], reconnect=True)