638 lines
24 KiB
638 lines
24 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class TemplatePass
private const string DefaultPassNameStr = "SubShader {0} Pass {1}";
private int m_idx = -1;
private bool m_isInvisible = false;
private int m_invisibleOptions = 0;
private bool m_isMainPass = false;
private TemplateModulesData m_modules;
private List<TemplateInputData> m_inputDataList = new List<TemplateInputData>();
private Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData> m_inputDataDict = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData>();
private TemplateFunctionData m_vertexFunctionData;
private TemplateFunctionData m_fragmentFunctionData;
private VertexDataContainer m_vertexDataContainer;
private TemplateInterpData m_interpolatorDataContainer;
private TemplateTessVControlTag m_tessVControlTag;
private TemplateTessControlData m_tessControlData;
private TemplateTessDomainData m_tessDomainData;
private List<TemplateLocalVarData> m_localVarsList = new List<TemplateLocalVarData>();
private string m_uniquePrefix;
private TemplatePropertyContainer m_templateProperties = new TemplatePropertyContainer();
private List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> m_availableShaderGlobals = new List<TemplateShaderPropertyData>();
TemplateInfoContainer m_passNameContainer = new TemplateInfoContainer();
TemplateOptionsContainer m_customOptionsContainer = new TemplateOptionsContainer();
public TemplatePass( TemplateMultiPass template, TemplateSubShader subShader, int subshaderIdx, int passIdx, TemplateIdManager idManager, string uniquePrefix, int offsetIdx, TemplatePassInfo passInfo, ref Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData> duplicatesHelper )
m_idx = passIdx;
m_uniquePrefix = uniquePrefix;
idManager.RegisterPassId( passInfo.Data );
m_isMainPass = passInfo.Data.Contains( TemplatesManager.TemplateMainPassTag );
if( !m_isMainPass )
string id = string.Empty;
int idIndex = 0;
m_isInvisible = TemplateHelperFunctions.FetchInvisibleInfo( passInfo.Data, ref m_invisibleOptions, ref id, ref idIndex );
if( m_isInvisible )
idManager.RegisterId( idIndex, uniquePrefix + id, id, true );
FetchPassName( offsetIdx, passInfo.Data );
if( m_passNameContainer.Index > -1 )
idManager.RegisterId( m_passNameContainer.Index, uniquePrefix + m_passNameContainer.Id, m_passNameContainer.Id );
m_passNameContainer.Data = string.Format( DefaultPassNameStr, subshaderIdx, passIdx );
m_customOptionsContainer = TemplateOptionsToolsHelper.GenerateOptionsContainer( false, passInfo.Data );
if( m_customOptionsContainer.Enabled )
idManager.RegisterId( m_customOptionsContainer.Index, uniquePrefix + m_customOptionsContainer.Body, m_customOptionsContainer.Body, true );
//m_customOptionsContainer.CopyPortOptionsFrom( subShader.CustomOptionsContainer, m_passNameContainer.Data );
m_modules = new TemplateModulesData( m_customOptionsContainer,idManager, m_templateProperties, uniquePrefix + "Module", offsetIdx, passInfo.Data, false );
if( !m_modules.PassTag.IsValid )
m_modules.PassTag.StartIdx = passInfo.GlobalStartIdx;
m_templateProperties.AddId( passInfo.Data, m_modules.PassTag.Id, passInfo.LocalStartIdx, false );
//m_modules.PassTag.StartIdx -= m_templateProperties.PropertyDict[ m_modules.PassTag.Id ].Indentation.Length;
//m_templateProperties.PropertyDict[ m_modules.PassTag.Id ].UseIndentationAtStart = false;
idManager.RegisterId( m_modules.PassTag.StartIdx, m_modules.UniquePrefix + m_modules.PassTag.Id, string.Empty );
m_modules.SetPassUniqueNameIfUndefined( m_passNameContainer.Data );
m_modules.SRPType = subShader.Modules.SRPType;
if( m_modules.SRPType == TemplateSRPType.HD )
m_modules.SRPIsPBR = passInfo.Data.Contains( TemplateHelperFunctions.HDPBRTag );
Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData> ownDuplicatesDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData>( duplicatesHelper );
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateShaderGlobalsList( passInfo.Data, ref m_availableShaderGlobals, ref ownDuplicatesDict,subshaderIdx,passIdx );
if( m_modules.SRPType == TemplateSRPType.BuiltIn )
TemplateHelperFunctions.CheckUnityBuiltinGlobalMacros( passInfo.Data, ref m_availableShaderGlobals, ref ownDuplicatesDict, subshaderIdx, passIdx );
// Vertex and Interpolator data
FetchVertexAndInterpData( template, subShader.Modules, offsetIdx, passInfo.Data );
if( m_vertexDataContainer != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataStartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId, m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId );
if( m_interpolatorDataContainer != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataStartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataId, m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataId );
//Fetch function code areas
FetchCodeAreas( offsetIdx, TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexCodeBeginArea, MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex, passInfo.Data );
if( m_vertexFunctionData != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_vertexFunctionData.Position, uniquePrefix + m_vertexFunctionData.Id, m_vertexFunctionData.Id );
FetchCodeAreas( offsetIdx, TemplatesManager.TemplateFragmentCodeBeginArea, MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment, passInfo.Data );
if( m_fragmentFunctionData != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_fragmentFunctionData.Position, uniquePrefix + m_fragmentFunctionData.Id, m_fragmentFunctionData.Id );
//Fetching inputs, must be do
if( m_fragmentFunctionData != null )
FetchInputs( offsetIdx, MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment, passInfo.Data );
if( m_vertexFunctionData != null )
FetchInputs( offsetIdx, MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex, passInfo.Data );
FetchTessellationData( template, subShader.Modules, offsetIdx, passInfo.Data );
if( m_tessVControlTag != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_tessVControlTag.StartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_tessVControlTag.Id, m_tessVControlTag.Id );
if( m_tessControlData != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_tessControlData.StartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_tessControlData.Id, m_tessControlData.Id );
if( m_tessDomainData != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_tessDomainData.StartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_tessDomainData.Id, m_tessDomainData.Id );
TemplateHelperFunctions.FetchInlineVars( passInfo.Data, ref idManager );
//Fetch local variables must be done after fetching code areas as it needs them to see is variable is on vertex or fragment
TemplateHelperFunctions.FetchLocalVars( passInfo.Data, ref m_localVarsList, m_vertexFunctionData, m_fragmentFunctionData );
int localVarCount = m_localVarsList.Count;
if( localVarCount > 0 )
idManager.RegisterTag( TemplatesManager.TemplateLocalVarTag );
for( int i = 0; i < localVarCount; i++ )
if( m_localVarsList[ i ].IsSpecialVar )
idManager.RegisterTag( m_localVarsList[ i ].Id );
int inputsCount = m_inputDataList.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < inputsCount; i++ )
if( m_inputDataList[ i ] != null )
idManager.RegisterId( m_inputDataList[ i ].TagGlobalStartIdx, uniquePrefix + m_inputDataList[ i ].TagId, m_inputDataList[ i ].TagId );
//int passEndIndex = passInfo.Data.LastIndexOf( "}" );
//if( passEndIndex > 0 )
// int identationIndex = -1;
// for( int i = passEndIndex; i >= 0; i-- )
// {
// if( passInfo.Data[ i ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine )
// {
// identationIndex = i + 1;
// break;
// }
// if( i == 0 )
// {
// identationIndex = 0;
// }
// }
// if( identationIndex > -1 )
// {
// int length = passEndIndex - identationIndex;
// string indentation = ( length > 0 ) ? passInfo.Data.Substring( identationIndex, length ) : string.Empty;
// TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndPassTag, indentation, false );
// m_templateProperties.AddId( templateProperty );
// idManager.RegisterId( offsetIdx + passEndIndex, uniquePrefix + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndPassTag, string.Empty );
// }
ownDuplicatesDict = null;
public void Destroy()
m_passNameContainer = null;
m_customOptionsContainer = null;
if( m_templateProperties != null )
m_templateProperties = null;
if( m_modules != null )
m_modules = null;
if( m_inputDataList != null )
m_inputDataList = null;
if( m_inputDataDict != null )
m_inputDataDict = null;
m_vertexFunctionData = null;
m_fragmentFunctionData = null;
if( m_vertexDataContainer != null )
m_vertexDataContainer = null;
m_tessVControlTag = null;
m_tessControlData = null;
m_tessDomainData = null;
if( m_interpolatorDataContainer != null )
if( m_localVarsList != null )
m_localVarsList = null;
m_interpolatorDataContainer = null;
if( m_availableShaderGlobals != null )
m_availableShaderGlobals = null;
public TemplateInputData InputDataFromId( int id )
if( m_inputDataDict == null )
m_inputDataDict = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData>();
if( m_inputDataDict.Count != m_inputDataList.Count )
for( int i = 0; i < m_inputDataList.Count; i++ )
m_inputDataDict.Add( m_inputDataList[ i ].PortUniqueId, m_inputDataList[ i ] );
if( m_inputDataDict.ContainsKey( id ) )
return m_inputDataDict[ id ];
return null;
void FetchPassName( int offsetIdx, string body )
Match match = Regex.Match( body, TemplateHelperFunctions.PassNamePattern );
if( match != null && match.Groups.Count > 1 )
m_passNameContainer.Id = match.Groups[ 0 ].Value;
m_passNameContainer.Data = match.Groups[ 1 ].Value;
m_passNameContainer.Index = offsetIdx + match.Index;
void FetchTessellationData( TemplateMultiPass template, TemplateModulesData subShaderModule, int offsetIdx, string body )
// Tessellation VControl Tag
int vcontrolcodeBegin = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateTessVControlTag );
if( vcontrolcodeBegin > -1 )
m_tessVControlTag = new TemplateTessVControlTag();
m_tessVControlTag.Id = TemplatesManager.TemplateTessVControlTag;
m_tessVControlTag.StartIdx = offsetIdx + vcontrolcodeBegin;
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, m_tessVControlTag.Id );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
// Tessellation Control Data
int controlCodeBegin = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateTessControlCodeArea );
if( controlCodeBegin > -1 )
int beginIdx = controlCodeBegin + TemplatesManager.TemplateTessControlCodeArea.Length;
int endIdx = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, beginIdx );
int length = endIdx - beginIdx;
string parameters = body.Substring( beginIdx, length );
string[] parametersArr = parameters.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
string id = body.Substring( controlCodeBegin, endIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - controlCodeBegin );
string inParameters = parametersArr[ 0 ];
string outParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 1 ) ? parametersArr[ 1 ] : string.Empty;
m_tessControlData = new TemplateTessControlData( offsetIdx + controlCodeBegin, id, inParameters, outParameters );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, id );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
// Tessellation Domain Data
int domainCodeBegin = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateTessDomainCodeArea );
if( domainCodeBegin > -1 )
int beginIdx = domainCodeBegin + TemplatesManager.TemplateTessDomainCodeArea.Length;
int endIdx = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, beginIdx );
int length = endIdx - beginIdx;
string parameters = body.Substring( beginIdx, length );
string[] parametersArr = parameters.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
string id = body.Substring( domainCodeBegin, endIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - domainCodeBegin );
string inParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 0 ) ? parametersArr[ 0 ] : string.Empty;
string outParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 1 ) ? parametersArr[ 1 ] : string.Empty;
string baryParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 2 ) ? parametersArr[ 2 ] : string.Empty;
m_tessDomainData = new TemplateTessDomainData( offsetIdx + domainCodeBegin, id, inParameters, outParameters, baryParameters );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, id );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
void FetchVertexAndInterpData(TemplateMultiPass template, TemplateModulesData subShaderModule, int offsetIdx, string body )
// Vertex Data
int vertexDataTagBegin = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexDataTag );
if( vertexDataTagBegin > -1 )
m_vertexDataContainer = new VertexDataContainer();
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataStartIdx = offsetIdx + vertexDataTagBegin;
int vertexDataTagEnd = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, vertexDataTagBegin );
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId = body.Substring( vertexDataTagBegin, vertexDataTagEnd + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - vertexDataTagBegin );
int dataBeginIdx = body.LastIndexOf( '{', vertexDataTagBegin, vertexDataTagBegin );
int dataEndIdx = body.IndexOf( '}', vertexDataTagEnd );
string vertexData = body.Substring( dataBeginIdx + 1, dataEndIdx - dataBeginIdx );
int parametersBegin = vertexDataTagBegin + TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexDataTag.Length;
string parameters = body.Substring( parametersBegin, vertexDataTagEnd - parametersBegin );
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData = TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateVertexDataList( vertexData, parameters );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
// Available interpolators
int interpDataBegin = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateInterpolatorBeginTag );
if( interpDataBegin > -1 )
int interpDataEnd = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, interpDataBegin );
string interpDataId = body.Substring( interpDataBegin, interpDataEnd + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - interpDataBegin );
int dataBeginIdx = body.LastIndexOf( '{', interpDataBegin, interpDataBegin );
int dataEndIdx = body.IndexOf( '}', interpDataEnd );
string interpData = body.Substring( dataBeginIdx + 1, dataEndIdx - dataBeginIdx );
int interpolatorAmount = TemplateHelperFunctions.AvailableInterpolators[ "2.5" ];
if( m_modules.ShaderModel.IsValid )
interpolatorAmount = m_modules.ShaderModel.InterpolatorAmount;
else if( subShaderModule.ShaderModel.IsValid )
interpolatorAmount = subShaderModule.ShaderModel.InterpolatorAmount;
else if( template.GlobalShaderModel.IsValid )
interpolatorAmount = template.GlobalShaderModel.InterpolatorAmount;
m_interpolatorDataContainer = TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateInterpDataList( interpData, interpDataId, interpolatorAmount );
m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataId = interpDataId;
m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataStartIdx = offsetIdx + interpDataBegin;
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, interpDataId );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
void FetchCodeAreas( int offsetIdx, string begin, MasterNodePortCategory category, string body )
int areaBeginIndexes = body.IndexOf( begin );
if( areaBeginIndexes > -1 )
int beginIdx = areaBeginIndexes + begin.Length;
int endIdx = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, beginIdx );
int length = endIdx - beginIdx;
string parameters = body.Substring( beginIdx, length );
string[] parametersArr = parameters.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
string id = body.Substring( areaBeginIndexes, endIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - areaBeginIndexes );
string inParameters = parametersArr[ 0 ];
string outParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 1 ) ? parametersArr[ 1 ] : string.Empty;
if( category == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment )
string mainBodyName = string.Empty;
int mainBodyLocalIndex = -1;
Match mainBodyNameMatch = Regex.Match( body, TemplateHelperFunctions.FragmentPragmaPattern );
if( mainBodyNameMatch != null && mainBodyNameMatch.Groups.Count == 2 )
mainBodyName = mainBodyNameMatch.Groups[ 1 ].Value;
string pattern = string.Format( TemplateHelperFunctions.FunctionBodyStartPattern, mainBodyName );
Match mainBodyIdMatch = Regex.Match( body, pattern );
if( mainBodyIdMatch != null && mainBodyIdMatch.Groups.Count > 0 )
mainBodyLocalIndex = mainBodyIdMatch.Index;
m_fragmentFunctionData = new TemplateFunctionData( mainBodyLocalIndex, mainBodyName, id, offsetIdx + areaBeginIndexes, inParameters, outParameters, category );
string mainBodyName = string.Empty;
int mainBodyLocalIndex = -1;
Match mainBodyNameMatch = Regex.Match( body, TemplateHelperFunctions.VertexPragmaPattern );
if( mainBodyNameMatch != null && mainBodyNameMatch.Groups.Count == 2 )
mainBodyName = mainBodyNameMatch.Groups[ 1 ].Value;
string pattern = string.Format( TemplateHelperFunctions.FunctionBodyStartPattern, mainBodyName );
Match mainBodyIdMatch = Regex.Match( body, pattern );
if( mainBodyIdMatch != null && mainBodyIdMatch.Groups.Count > 0 )
mainBodyLocalIndex = mainBodyIdMatch.Index;
m_vertexFunctionData = new TemplateFunctionData( mainBodyLocalIndex, mainBodyName, id, offsetIdx + areaBeginIndexes, inParameters, outParameters, category );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, id, true );
void FetchInputs( int offset, MasterNodePortCategory portCategory, string body )
string beginTag = ( portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment ) ? TemplatesManager.TemplateInputsFragBeginTag : TemplatesManager.TemplateInputsVertBeginTag;
int[] inputBeginIndexes = body.AllIndexesOf( beginTag );
if( inputBeginIndexes != null && inputBeginIndexes.Length > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < inputBeginIndexes.Length; i++ )
int inputEndIdx = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndSectionTag, inputBeginIndexes[ i ] );
int defaultValueBeginIdx = inputEndIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndSectionTag.Length;
int endLineIdx = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag, defaultValueBeginIdx );
string defaultValue = body.Substring( defaultValueBeginIdx, endLineIdx - defaultValueBeginIdx );
string tagId = body.Substring( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], endLineIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag.Length - inputBeginIndexes[ i ] );
int beginIndex = inputBeginIndexes[ i ] + beginTag.Length;
int length = inputEndIdx - beginIndex;
string inputData = body.Substring( beginIndex, length );
string[] inputDataArray = inputData.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
if( inputDataArray != null && inputDataArray.Length > 0 )
string portName = inputDataArray[ (int)TemplatePortIds.Name ];
WirePortDataType dataType = (WirePortDataType)Enum.Parse( typeof( WirePortDataType ), inputDataArray[ (int)TemplatePortIds.DataType ].ToUpper() );
if( inputDataArray.Length == 3 )
int portOrderId = m_inputDataList.Count;
int portUniqueId = -1;
bool isInt = int.TryParse( inputDataArray[ 2 ], out portUniqueId );
if( isInt )
if( portUniqueId < 0 )
portUniqueId = m_inputDataList.Count;
m_inputDataList.Add( new TemplateInputData( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], offset + inputBeginIndexes[ i ], tagId, portName, defaultValue, dataType, portCategory, portUniqueId, portOrderId, string.Empty ) );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, tagId, false );
portUniqueId = m_inputDataList.Count;
m_inputDataList.Add( new TemplateInputData( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], offset + inputBeginIndexes[ i ], tagId, portName, defaultValue, dataType, portCategory, portUniqueId, portOrderId, inputDataArray[ 2 ] ) );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, tagId, false );
int portUniqueIDArrIdx = (int)TemplatePortIds.UniqueId;
int portUniqueId = ( portUniqueIDArrIdx < inputDataArray.Length ) ? Convert.ToInt32( inputDataArray[ portUniqueIDArrIdx ] ) : -1;
if( portUniqueId < 0 )
portUniqueId = m_inputDataList.Count;
int portOrderArrayIdx = (int)TemplatePortIds.OrderId;
int portOrderId = ( portOrderArrayIdx < inputDataArray.Length ) ? Convert.ToInt32( inputDataArray[ portOrderArrayIdx ] ) : -1;
if( portOrderId < 0 )
portOrderId = m_inputDataList.Count;
int portLinkIdx = (int)TemplatePortIds.Link;
string linkId = ( portLinkIdx < inputDataArray.Length ) ? inputDataArray[ portLinkIdx ] : string.Empty;
m_inputDataList.Add( new TemplateInputData( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], offset + inputBeginIndexes[ i ], tagId, portName, defaultValue, dataType, portCategory, portUniqueId, portOrderId, linkId ) );
m_templateProperties.AddId( body, tagId, false );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
public TemplateOptionsContainer CustomOptionsContainer { get { return m_customOptionsContainer; } }
public TemplateModulesData Modules { get { return m_modules; } }
public List<TemplateInputData> InputDataList { get { return m_inputDataList; } }
public TemplateFunctionData VertexFunctionData { get { return m_vertexFunctionData; } }
public TemplateFunctionData FragmentFunctionData { get { return m_fragmentFunctionData; } }
public VertexDataContainer VertexDataContainer { get { return m_vertexDataContainer; } }
public TemplateInterpData InterpolatorDataContainer { get { return m_interpolatorDataContainer; } }
public TemplateTessVControlTag TessVControlTag { get { return m_tessVControlTag; } }
public TemplateTessControlData TessControlData { get { return m_tessControlData; } }
public TemplateTessDomainData TessDomainData { get { return m_tessDomainData; } }
public string UniquePrefix { get { return m_uniquePrefix; } }
public TemplatePropertyContainer TemplateProperties { get { return m_templateProperties; } }
public List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> AvailableShaderGlobals { get { return m_availableShaderGlobals; } }
public List<TemplateLocalVarData> LocalVarsList { get { return m_localVarsList; } }
public TemplateInfoContainer PassNameContainer { get { return m_passNameContainer; } }
public bool IsMainPass { get { return m_isMainPass; } set { m_isMainPass = value; } }
public bool IsInvisible { get { return m_isInvisible; } }
public int InvisibleOptions { get { return m_invisibleOptions; } }
public int Idx { get { return m_idx; } }
public bool AddToList
if( m_isInvisible )
return ( m_inputDataList.Count > 0 );
return true;
public bool HasValidFunctionBody
if( m_fragmentFunctionData != null || m_vertexFunctionData != null )
return true;
return false;