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m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 0}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 78b2425a2284af743826c689403a4924, type: 3}
m_Name: Bicubic Precompute
m_functionInfo: "// Made with Amplify Shader Editor\n// Available at the Unity Asset
Store - http://u3d.as/y3X \n/*ASEBEGIN\nVersion=18600\n0;537;1729;822;2496.342;532.7923;2.001278;True;False\nNode;AmplifyShaderEditor.FunctionInput;5;-931.3976,161.7528;Inherit;False;UV;2;0;False;1;0;FLOAT2;0,0;False;1;FLOAT2;0\nNode;AmplifyShaderEditor.FunctionInput;55;-937.6257,292.313;Inherit;False;Texel
= UV * TexelSize.zw - 0.5@$float2 f = frac( UV )@$UV -= f@$$float4 xn = float4(
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ) - f.xxxx@$float4 yn = float4( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ) - f.yyyy@$$float4
xs = xn * xn * xn@$float4 ys = yn * yn * yn@$$float3 xv = float3( xs.x, xs.y -
4.0 * xs.x, xs.z - 4.0 * xs.y + 6.0 * xs.x )@$float3 yv = float3( ys.x, ys.y -
4.0 * ys.x, ys.z - 4.0 * ys.y + 6.0 * ys.x )@$float4 xc = float4( xv.xyz, 6.0
- xv.x - xv.y - xv.z )@$float4 yc = float4( yv.xyz, 6.0 - yv.x - yv.y - yv.z )@$$float4
c = float4( UV.x - 0.5, UV.x + 1.5, UV.y - 0.5, UV.y + 1.5 )@$float4 s = float4(
xc.x + xc.y, xc.z + xc.w, yc.x + yc.y, yc.z + yc.w )@$$float w0 = s.x / ( s.x
+ s.y )@$float w1 = s.z / ( s.z + s.w )@$$Offsets = ( c + float4( xc.y, xc.w,
yc.y, yc.w ) / s ) * TexelSize.xyxy@$Weights = float2( w0, w1 )@$;7;False;4;True;UV;FLOAT2;0,0;In;;Float;False;True;TexelSize;FLOAT4;0,0,0,0;In;;Inherit;False;True;Offsets;FLOAT4;0,0,0,0;Out;;Float;False;True;Weights;FLOAT2;0,0;Out;;Float;False;Stochastic
m_description: 'Precomputation step (1 of 2) for bicubic sampling.
This node only precomputes data that is fed into the "Bicubic Sample" nodes using
Fetch sampling mode. All textures sharing the same precomputation step must also
share the same size and UV coordinates. '
m_additionalIncludes: []
m_outsideIncludes: []
m_additionalPragmas: []
m_outsidePragmas: []
m_validData: 0
m_isDirty: 1
m_moduleName: ' Additional Directives'
m_independentModule: 1
m_additionalDirectives: []
m_shaderFunctionDirectives: []
m_nativeDirectives: []
m_nativeDirectivesIndex: -1
m_nativeDirectivesFoldout: 0
m_directivesSaveItems: []
m_nodeCategory: 12
m_customNodeCategory: Rust
m_previewPosition: 0
m_hidden: 0