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2023-10-09 00:51:40 +08:00
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEditor.VersionControl;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public enum ShaderLoadResult
public class Worker
public static readonly object locker = new object();
public void DoWork()
while ( IOUtils.ActiveThread )
if ( IOUtils.SaveInThreadFlag )
IOUtils.SaveInThreadFlag = false;
lock ( locker )
IOUtils.SaveInThreadShaderBody = IOUtils.ShaderCopywriteMessage + IOUtils.SaveInThreadShaderBody;
// Add checksum
string checksum = IOUtils.CreateChecksum( IOUtils.SaveInThreadShaderBody );
IOUtils.SaveInThreadShaderBody += IOUtils.CHECKSUM + IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR + checksum;
// Write to disk
StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter( IOUtils.SaveInThreadPathName );
fileWriter.Write( IOUtils.SaveInThreadShaderBody );
Debug.Log( "Saving complete" );
catch ( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
Debug.Log( "Thread closed" );
public static class IOUtils
public delegate void OnShaderAction( Shader shader, bool isTemplate, string type );
public static OnShaderAction OnShaderSavedEvent;
public static OnShaderAction OnShaderTypeChangedEvent;
public static readonly string ShaderCopywriteMessage = "// Made with Amplify Shader Editor\n// Available at the Unity Asset Store - http://u3d.as/y3X \n";
public static readonly string GrabPassEmpty = "\t\tGrabPass{ }\n";
public static readonly string GrabPassBegin = "\t\tGrabPass{ \"";
public static readonly string GrabPassEnd = "\" }\n";
public static readonly string PropertiesBegin = "\tProperties\n\t{\n";
public static readonly string PropertiesEnd = "\t}\n";
public static readonly string PropertiesElement = "\t\t{0}\n";
public static readonly string PropertiesElementsRaw = "{0}\n";
public static readonly string PragmaTargetHeader = "\t\t#pragma target {0}\n";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesHeader = "multi_compile_instancing";
public static readonly string VirtualTexturePragmaHeader = "multi_compile _ _VT_SINGLE_MODE";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesBegin = "UNITY_INSTANCING_CBUFFER_START({0})";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesEnd = "UNITY_INSTANCING_CBUFFER_END";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesElement = "UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP({0}, {1})";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesData = "UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP({0})";
public static readonly string DotsInstancedPropertiesData = "\tUNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP({0}, {1})";
public static readonly string DotsInstancedDefinesData = "#define {1} UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP_FROM_MACRO({0} , Metadata_{1})";
public static readonly string LWSRPInstancedPropertiesBegin = "UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_START({0})";
public static readonly string LWSRPInstancedPropertiesEnd = "UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_END({0})";
public static readonly string LWSRPInstancedPropertiesElement = "UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP({0}, {1})";
public static readonly string LWSRPInstancedPropertiesData = "UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP({0},{1})";
public static readonly string SRPCBufferPropertiesBegin = "CBUFFER_START( UnityPerMaterial )";//"CBUFFER_START({0})";
public static readonly string SRPCBufferPropertiesEnd = "CBUFFER_END";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesBeginTabs = "\t\t"+ InstancedPropertiesBegin + "\n";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesEndTabs = "\t\t"+ InstancedPropertiesEnd + "\n";
public static readonly string InstancedPropertiesElementTabs = "\t\t\t"+ InstancedPropertiesElement + "\n";
public static readonly string MetaBegin = "defaultTextures:";
public static readonly string MetaEnd = "userData:";
public static readonly string ShaderBodyBegin = "/*ASEBEGIN";
public static readonly string ShaderBodyEnd = "ASEEND*/";
//public static readonly float CurrentVersionFlt = 0.4f;
//public static readonly string CurrentVersionStr = "Version=" + CurrentVersionFlt;
public static readonly string CHECKSUM = "//CHKSM";
public static readonly string LAST_OPENED_OBJ_ID = "ASELASTOPENOBJID";
public static readonly string MAT_CLIPBOARD_ID = "ASEMATCLIPBRDID";
public static readonly char FIELD_SEPARATOR = ';';
public static readonly char VALUE_SEPARATOR = '=';
public static readonly char LINE_TERMINATOR = '\n';
public static readonly char VECTOR_SEPARATOR = ',';
public static readonly char FLOAT_SEPARATOR = '.';
public static readonly char CLIPBOARD_DATA_SEPARATOR = '|';
public static readonly char MATRIX_DATA_SEPARATOR = '|';
public readonly static string NO_TEXTURES = "<None>";
public static readonly string SaveShaderStr = "Please enter shader name to save";
public static readonly string FloatifyStr = ".0";
// Node parameter names
public const string NodeParam = "Node";
public const string NodePosition = "Position";
public const string NodeId = "Id";
public const string NodeType = "Type";
public const string WireConnectionParam = "WireConnection";
public static readonly uint NodeTypeId = 1;
public static readonly int InNodeId = 1;
public static readonly int InPortId = 2;
public static readonly int OutNodeId = 3;
public static readonly int OutPortId = 4;
public readonly static string DefaultASEDirtyCheckName = "__dirty";
public readonly static string DefaultASEDirtyCheckProperty = "[HideInInspector] " + DefaultASEDirtyCheckName + "( \"\", Int ) = 1";
public readonly static string DefaultASEDirtyCheckUniform = "uniform int " + DefaultASEDirtyCheckName + " = 1;";
public readonly static string MaskClipValueName = "_Cutoff";
public readonly static string MaskClipValueProperty = MaskClipValueName + "( \"{0}\", Float ) = {1}";
public readonly static string MaskClipValueUniform = "uniform float " + MaskClipValueName + " = {0};";
public readonly static string ChromaticAberrationProperty = "_ChromaticAberration";
//public static readonly string ASEFolderGUID = "daca988099666ec40aaa2cde22bb4935";
//public static string ASEResourcesPath = "/Plugins/EditorResources/";
//public static string ASEFolderPath;
//public static bool IsShaderFunctionWindow = false;
public static int DefaultASEDirtyCheckId;
// this is to be used in combination with AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath, both of these include the Assets/ path so we need to remove from one of them
public static string dataPath;
public static string EditorResourcesGUID = "0932db7ec1402c2489679c4b72eab5eb";
public static string GraphBgTextureGUID = "881c304491028ea48b5027ac6c62cf73";
public static string GraphFgTextureGUID = "8c4a7fca2884fab419769ccc0355c0c1";
public static string WireTextureGUID = "06e687f68dd96f0448c6d8217bbcf608";
public static string MasterNodeOnTextureGUID = "26c64fcee91024a49980ea2ee9d1a2fb";
public static string MasterNodeOffTextureGUID = "712aee08d999c16438e2d694f42428e8";
public static string GPUInstancedOnTextureGUID = "4b0c2926cc71c5846ae2a29652d54fb6";
public static string GPUInstancedOffTextureGUID = "486c7766baaf21b46afb63c1121ef03e";
public static string MainSkinGUID = "57482289c346f104a8162a3a79aaff9d";
public static string UpdateOutdatedGUID = "cce638be049286c41bcbd0a26c356b18";
public static string UpdateOFFGUID = "99d70ac09b4db9742b404c3f92d8564b";
public static string UpdateUpToDatedGUID = "ce30b12fbb3223746bcfef9ea82effe3";
public static string LiveOffGUID = "bb16faf366bcc6c4fbf0d7666b105354";
public static string LiveOnGUID = "6a0ae1d7892333142aeb09585572202c";
public static string LivePendingGUID = "e3182200efb67114eb5050f8955e1746";
public static string CleanupOFFGUID = "f62c0c3a5ddcd844e905fb2632fdcb15";
public static string CleanUpOnGUID = "615d853995cf2344d8641fd19cb09b5d";
public static string TakeScreenshotOFFGUID = "7587de2e3bec8bf4d973109524ccc6b1";
public static string TakeScreenshotONGUID = "7587de2e3bec8bf4d973109524ccc6b1";
public static string ShareOFFGUID = "bc5bd469748466a459badfab23915cb0";
public static string ShareONGUID = "bc5bd469748466a459badfab23915cb0";
public static string OpenSourceCodeOFFGUID = "f7e8834b42791124095a8b7f2d4daac2";
public static string OpenSourceCodeONGUID = "8b114792ff84f6546880c031eda42bc0";
public static string FocusNodeGUID = "da673e6179c67d346abb220a6935e359";
public static string FitViewGUID = "1def740f2314c6b4691529cadeee2e9c";
public static string ShowInfoWindowGUID = "77af20044e9766840a6be568806dc22e";
public static string ShowTipsWindowGUID = "066674048bbb1e64e8cdcc6c3b4abbeb";
public static string ShowConsoleWindowGUID = "9a81d7df8e62c044a9d1cada0c8a2131";
public static Dictionary<string, string> NodeTypeReplacer = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.RotateAboutAxis", "AmplifyShaderEditor.RotateAboutAxisNode"},
{"GlobalArrayNode", "AmplifyShaderEditor.GlobalArrayNode"},
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.SimpleMaxOp", "AmplifyShaderEditor.SimpleMaxOpNode"},
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.SimpleMinNode", "AmplifyShaderEditor.SimpleMinOpNode"},
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.TFHCRemap", "AmplifyShaderEditor.TFHCRemapNode"},
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.TFHCPixelateUV", "AmplifyShaderEditor.TFHCPixelate"},
{"AmplifyShaderEditor.VirtualTexturePropertyNode", "AmplifyShaderEditor.VirtualTextureObject"}
private static readonly string AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol = "AMPLIFY_SHADER_EDITOR";
public static bool SaveInThreadFlag = false;
public static string SaveInThreadShaderBody;
public static string SaveInThreadPathName;
public static Thread SaveInThreadMainThread;
public static bool ActiveThread = true;
private static bool UseSaveThread = false;
private static bool Initialized = false;
public static bool FunctionNodeChanged = false;
public static List<AmplifyShaderEditorWindow> AllOpenedWindows = new List<AmplifyShaderEditorWindow>();
public static void StartSaveThread( string shaderBody, string pathName )
if( Provider.enabled && Provider.isActive )
Asset loadedAsset = Provider.GetAssetByPath( FileUtil.GetProjectRelativePath( pathName ) );
if( loadedAsset != null )
//Task statusTask = Provider.Status( loadedAsset );
//if( Provider.CheckoutIsValid( statusTask.assetList[ 0 ] ) )
Task checkoutTask = Provider.Checkout( loadedAsset, CheckoutMode.Both );
if( UseSaveThread )
if ( !SaveInThreadFlag )
if ( SaveInThreadMainThread == null )
Worker worker = new Worker();
SaveInThreadMainThread = new Thread( worker.DoWork );
Debug.Log( "Thread created" );
SaveInThreadShaderBody = shaderBody;
SaveInThreadPathName = pathName;
SaveInThreadFlag = true;
SaveTextfileToDisk( shaderBody, pathName );
public static void SetAmplifyDefineSymbolOnBuildTargetGroup( BuildTargetGroup targetGroup )
string currData = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup( targetGroup );
if ( !currData.Contains( AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol ) )
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( currData ) )
PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup( targetGroup, AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol );
if ( !currData[ currData.Length - 1 ].Equals( ';' ) )
currData += ';';
currData += AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol;
PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup( targetGroup, currData );
public static void RemoveAmplifyDefineSymbolOnBuildTargetGroup( BuildTargetGroup targetGroup )
string currData = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup( targetGroup );
if( currData.Contains( AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol ) )
currData = currData.Replace( AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol + ";", "" );
currData = currData.Replace( ";" + AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol, "" );
currData = currData.Replace( AmplifyShaderEditorDefineSymbol, "" );
PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup( targetGroup, currData );
public static void Init()
if ( !Initialized )
Initialized = true;
if( EditorPrefs.GetBool( Preferences.PrefDefineSymbol, true ) )
SetAmplifyDefineSymbolOnBuildTargetGroup( EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup );
//Array BuildTargetGroupValues = Enum.GetValues( typeof( BuildTargetGroup ));
//for ( int i = 0; i < BuildTargetGroupValues.Length; i++ )
// if( i != 0 && i != 15 && i != 16 )
// SetAmplifyDefineSymbolOnBuildTargetGroup( ( BuildTargetGroup ) BuildTargetGroupValues.GetValue( i ) );
DefaultASEDirtyCheckId = Shader.PropertyToID( DefaultASEDirtyCheckName );
dataPath = Application.dataPath.Remove( Application.dataPath.Length - 6 );
//ASEFolderPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( ASEFolderGUID );
//ASEResourcesPath = ASEFolderPath + ASEResourcesPath;
public static void DumpTemplateManagers()
for( int i = 0; i < AllOpenedWindows.Count; i++ )
if( AllOpenedWindows[ i ].TemplatesManagerInstance != null )
Debug.Log( AllOpenedWindows[ i ].titleContent.text + ": " + AllOpenedWindows[ i ].TemplatesManagerInstance.GetInstanceID() );
public static TemplatesManager FirstValidTemplatesManager
for( int i = 0; i < AllOpenedWindows.Count; i++ )
if( AllOpenedWindows[ i ].TemplatesManagerInstance != null )
return AllOpenedWindows[ i ].TemplatesManagerInstance;
return null;
public static void UpdateSFandRefreshWindows( AmplifyShaderFunction function )
for( int i = 0; i < AllOpenedWindows.Count; i++ )
AllOpenedWindows[ i ].LateRefreshAvailableNodes();
if( AllOpenedWindows[ i ].IsShaderFunctionWindow )
if( AllOpenedWindows[ i ].OpenedShaderFunction == function )
AllOpenedWindows[ i ].UpdateTabTitle();
public static void UpdateIO()
int windowCount = AllOpenedWindows.Count;
if ( windowCount == 0 )
EditorApplication.update -= IOUtils.UpdateIO;
for ( int i = 0; i < AllOpenedWindows.Count; i++ )
if ( AllOpenedWindows[i] == EditorWindow.focusedWindow )
UIUtils.CurrentWindow = AllOpenedWindows[ i ];
if( FunctionNodeChanged )
AllOpenedWindows[ i ].CheckFunctions = true;
if ( AllOpenedWindows[ i ] == null )
AllOpenedWindows.RemoveAt( i );
if ( FunctionNodeChanged )
FunctionNodeChanged = false;
public static void Destroy()
ActiveThread = false;
if ( SaveInThreadMainThread != null )
SaveInThreadMainThread = null;
public static void GetShaderName( out string shaderName, out string fullPathname, string defaultName, string customDatapath )
string currDatapath = String.IsNullOrEmpty( customDatapath ) ? Application.dataPath : customDatapath;
fullPathname = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject( "Select Shader to save", defaultName, "shader", SaveShaderStr, currDatapath );
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( fullPathname ) )
shaderName = fullPathname.Remove( fullPathname.Length - 7 ); // -7 remove .shader extension
string[] subStr = shaderName.Split( '/' );
if ( subStr.Length > 0 )
shaderName = subStr[ subStr.Length - 1 ]; // Remove pathname
shaderName = string.Empty;
public static void AddTypeToString( ref string myString, string typeName )
myString += typeName;
public static void AddFieldToString( ref string myString, string fieldName, object fieldValue )
myString += FIELD_SEPARATOR + fieldName + VALUE_SEPARATOR + fieldValue;
public static void AddFieldValueToString( ref string myString, object fieldValue )
myString += FIELD_SEPARATOR + fieldValue.ToString();
public static void AddLineTerminator( ref string myString )
public static string CreateChecksum( string buffer )
SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();
byte[] buf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( buffer );
byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash( buf, 0, buf.Length );
string hashstr = BitConverter.ToString( hash ).Replace( "-", "" );
return hashstr;
public static void SaveTextfileToDisk( string shaderBody, string pathName, bool addAdditionalInfo = true )
if ( addAdditionalInfo )
shaderBody = ShaderCopywriteMessage + shaderBody;
// Add checksum
string checksum = CreateChecksum( shaderBody );
shaderBody += CHECKSUM + VALUE_SEPARATOR + checksum;
// Write to disk
StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter( pathName );
fileWriter.Write( shaderBody );
catch ( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
public static string AddAdditionalInfo( string shaderBody )
shaderBody = ShaderCopywriteMessage + shaderBody;
string checksum = CreateChecksum( shaderBody );
shaderBody += CHECKSUM + VALUE_SEPARATOR + checksum;
return shaderBody;
public static string LoadTextFileFromDisk( string pathName )
string result = string.Empty;
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( pathName ) && File.Exists( pathName ) )
StreamReader fileReader = null;
fileReader = new StreamReader( pathName );
result = fileReader.ReadToEnd();
catch ( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
if( fileReader != null)
return result;
public static bool IsASEShader( Shader shader )
string datapath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( shader );
if ( UIUtils.IsUnityNativeShader( datapath ) )
return false;
string buffer = LoadTextFileFromDisk( datapath );
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( buffer ) || !IOUtils.HasValidShaderBody( ref buffer ) )
return false;
return true;
public static bool IsShaderFunction( string functionInfo )
string buffer = functionInfo;
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( buffer ) || !IOUtils.HasValidShaderBody( ref buffer ) )
return false;
return true;
public static bool HasValidShaderBody( ref string shaderBody )
int shaderBodyBeginId = shaderBody.IndexOf( ShaderBodyBegin );
if ( shaderBodyBeginId > -1 )
int shaderBodyEndId = shaderBody.IndexOf( ShaderBodyEnd );
return ( shaderBodyEndId > -1 && shaderBodyEndId > shaderBodyBeginId );
return false;
public static int[] AllIndexesOf( this string str, string substr, bool ignoreCase = false )
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( str ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( substr ) )
throw new ArgumentException( "String or substring is not specified." );
List<int> indexes = new List<int>();
int index = 0;
while ( ( index = str.IndexOf( substr, index, ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal ) ) != -1 )
indexes.Add( index++ );
return indexes.ToArray();
public static void AddFunctionHeader( ref string function, string header )
function += "\t\t" + header + "\n\t\t{\n";
public static void AddSingleLineFunction( ref string function, string header )
function += "\t\t" + header;
public static void AddFunctionLine( ref string function, string line )
function += "\t\t\t" + line + "\n";
public static void CloseFunctionBody( ref string function )
function += "\t\t}\n";
public static string CreateFullFunction( string header, params string[] functionLines )
string result = string.Empty;
AddFunctionHeader( ref result, header );
for ( int i = 0; i > functionLines.Length; i++ )
AddFunctionLine( ref result, functionLines[ i ] );
CloseFunctionBody( ref result );
return result;
public static string CreateCodeComments( bool forceForwardSlash, params string[] comments )
string finalComment = string.Empty;
if ( comments.Length == 1 )
finalComment = "//" + comments[ 0 ];
if ( forceForwardSlash )
for ( int i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++ )
finalComment += "//" + comments[ i ];
if ( i < comments.Length - 1 )
finalComment += "\n\t\t\t";
finalComment = "/*";
for ( int i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++ )
if ( i != 0 )
finalComment += "\t\t\t";
finalComment += comments[ i ];
if ( i < comments.Length - 1 )
finalComment += "\n";
finalComment += "*/";
return finalComment;
public static string GetUVChannelDeclaration( string uvName, int channelId, int set )
string uvSetStr = ( set == 0 ) ? "uv" : "uv" + Constants.AvailableUVSetsStr[ set ];
return "float2 " + uvSetStr + uvName /*+ " : TEXCOORD" + channelId*/;
public static string GetUVChannelName( string uvName, int set )
string uvSetStr = ( set == 0 ) ? "uv" : "uv" + Constants.AvailableUVSetsStr[ set ];
return uvSetStr + uvName;
public static string GetVertexUVChannelName( int set )
string uvSetStr = ( set == 0 ) ? "texcoord" : ( "texcoord" + set.ToString() );
return uvSetStr;
public static string Floatify( float value )
return ( value % 1 ) != 0 ? value.ToString() : ( value.ToString() + FloatifyStr );
public static string Vector2ToString( Vector2 data )
return data.x.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.y.ToString();
public static string Vector3ToString( Vector3 data )
return data.x.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.y.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.z.ToString();
public static string Vector4ToString( Vector4 data )
return data.x.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.y.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.z.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.w.ToString();
public static string ColorToString( Color data )
return data.r.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.g.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.b.ToString() + VECTOR_SEPARATOR + data.a.ToString();
public static string Matrix3x3ToString( Matrix4x4 matrix )
return matrix[ 0, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 0, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 0, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR +
matrix[ 1, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 1, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 1, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR +
matrix[ 2, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 2, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 2, 2 ].ToString();
public static string Matrix4x4ToString( Matrix4x4 matrix )
return matrix[ 0, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 0, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 0, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 0, 3 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR +
matrix[ 1, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 1, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 1, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 1, 3 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR +
matrix[ 2, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 2, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 2, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 2, 3 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR +
matrix[ 3, 0 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 3, 1 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 3, 2 ].ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + matrix[ 3, 3 ].ToString();
public static Vector2 StringToVector2( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length >= 2 )
return new Vector2( Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] ) );
return Vector2.zero;
public static Vector3 StringToVector3( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length >= 3 )
return new Vector3( Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 2 ] ) );
return Vector3.zero;
public static Vector4 StringToVector4( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length >= 4 )
return new Vector4( Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 2 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 3 ] ) );
return Vector4.zero;
public static Color StringToColor( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length >= 4 )
return new Color( Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 2 ] ),
Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 3 ] ) );
return Color.white;
public static Matrix4x4 StringToMatrix3x3( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length == 9 )
Matrix4x4 matrix = new Matrix4x4();
matrix[ 0, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] );
matrix[ 0, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] );
matrix[ 0, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 2 ] );
matrix[ 1, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 3 ] );
matrix[ 1, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 4 ] );
matrix[ 1, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 5 ] );
matrix[ 2, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 6 ] );
matrix[ 2, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 7 ] );
matrix[ 2, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 8 ] );
return matrix;
return Matrix4x4.identity;
public static Matrix4x4 StringToMatrix4x4( string data )
string[] parsedData = data.Split( VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( parsedData.Length == 16 )
Matrix4x4 matrix = new Matrix4x4();
matrix[ 0, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 0 ] );
matrix[ 0, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 1 ] );
matrix[ 0, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 2 ] );
matrix[ 0, 3 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 3 ] );
matrix[ 1, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 4 ] );
matrix[ 1, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 5 ] );
matrix[ 1, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 6 ] );
matrix[ 1, 3 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 7 ] );
matrix[ 2, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 8 ] );
matrix[ 2, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 9 ] );
matrix[ 2, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 10 ] );
matrix[ 2, 3 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 11 ] );
matrix[ 3, 0 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 12 ] );
matrix[ 3, 1 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 13 ] );
matrix[ 3, 2 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 14 ] );
matrix[ 3, 3 ] = Convert.ToSingle( parsedData[ 15 ] );
return matrix;
return Matrix4x4.identity;
public static void SaveTextureToDisk( Texture2D tex, string pathname )
byte[] rawData = tex.GetRawTextureData();
Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D( tex.width, tex.height, tex.format, tex.mipmapCount > 1, false );
newTex.LoadRawTextureData( rawData );
byte[] pngData = newTex.EncodeToPNG();
File.WriteAllBytes( pathname, pngData );
//public static void SaveObjToList( string newObj )
// Debug.Log( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.Lastpath );
// UIUtils.CurrentWindow.Lastpath = newObj;
// string lastOpenedObj = EditorPrefs.GetString( IOUtils.LAST_OPENED_OBJ_ID );
// string[] allLocations = lastOpenedObj.Split( ':' );
// string lastLocation = allLocations[ allLocations.Length - 1 ];
// string resave = string.Empty;
// for ( int i = 0; i < allLocations.Length; i++ )
// {
// if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( allLocations[ i ] ) )
// continue;
// resave += allLocations[ i ];
// resave += ":";
// }
// resave += newObj;
// EditorPrefs.SetString( IOUtils.LAST_OPENED_OBJ_ID, resave );
//public static void DeleteObjFromList( string newObj )
// string lastOpenedObj = EditorPrefs.GetString( IOUtils.LAST_OPENED_OBJ_ID );
// string[] allLocations = lastOpenedObj.Split( ':' );
// string resave = string.Empty;
// for ( int i = 0; i < allLocations.Length; i++ )
// {
// if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( allLocations[ i ] ) || newObj.Equals( allLocations[ i ] ) )
// continue;
// resave += allLocations[ i ];
// if ( i < allLocations.Length - 1 )
// resave += ":";
// }
// EditorPrefs.SetString( IOUtils.LAST_OPENED_OBJ_ID, resave );