3072 lines
120 KiB
3072 lines
120 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public enum ASEColorSpace
public enum SurfaceInputs
DEPTH = 0,
public enum CustomStyle
NodeWindowOff = 0,
public enum MasterNodePortCategory
Vertex = 1 << 0,
Fragment = 1 << 1,
Tessellation = 1 << 2,
Debug = 1 << 3
public enum PortGenType
//Normal = 1 << 1,
//Emission = 1 << 2,
//Metallic = 1 << 3,
//Specular = 1 << 4,
public struct NodeData
public MasterNodePortCategory Category;
public int OrderIndex;
public int GraphDepth;
public NodeData( MasterNodePortCategory category )
Category = category;
OrderIndex = 0;
GraphDepth = -1;
public struct NodeCastInfo
public int NodeId;
public int PortId;
public NodeCastInfo( int nodeId, int portId )
NodeId = nodeId;
PortId = portId;
public override string ToString()
return NodeId.ToString() + PortId.ToString();
public struct ButtonClickId
public const int LeftMouseButton = 0;
public const int RightMouseButton = 1;
public const int MiddleMouseButton = 2;
public enum ASESelectionMode
Shader = 0,
public enum DrawOrder
public enum NodeConnectionStatus
Not_Connected = 0,
public enum InteractionMode
public enum FunctionNodeCategories
public enum TransformSpaceFrom
Object = 0,
public enum TransformSpaceTo
Object = 0,
public class UIUtils
public static string NewTemplateGUID;
public static int SerializeHelperCounter = 0;
public static bool IgnoreDeselectAll = false;
public static bool DirtyMask = true;
public static bool Initialized = false;
public static float HeaderMaxHeight;
public static float CurrentHeaderHeight;
public static GUISkin MainSkin = null;
public static GUIStyle PlusStyle;
public static GUIStyle MinusStyle;
public static GUIStyle RangedFloatSliderStyle;
public static GUIStyle RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle;
public static GUIStyle SwitchNodePopUp;
public static GUIStyle PropertyPopUp;
public static GUIStyle ObjectField;
public static GUIStyle PreviewExpander;
public static GUIStyle PreviewCollapser;
public static GUIStyle ObjectFieldThumb;
public static GUIStyle ObjectFieldThumbOverlay;
public static GUIStyle InspectorPopdropdownStyle;
public static GUIStyle InspectorPopdropdownFallback;
public static GUIStyle BoldErrorStyle;
public static GUIStyle BoldWarningStyle;
public static GUIStyle BoldInfoStyle;
public static GUIStyle Separator;
public static GUIStyle ToolbarMainTitle;
public static GUIStyle ToolbarSearchTextfield;
public static GUIStyle ToolbarSearchCancelButton;
public static GUIStyle MiniButtonTopLeft;
public static GUIStyle MiniButtonTopMid;
public static GUIStyle MiniButtonTopRight;
public static GUIStyle CommentaryTitle;
public static GUIStyle StickyNoteText;
public static GUIStyle InputPortLabel;
public static GUIStyle OutputPortLabel;
public static GUIStyle MiniObjectFieldThumbOverlay;
public static GUIStyle MiniSamplerButton;
public static GUIStyle NodeWindowOffSquare;
public static GUIStyle NodeHeaderSquare;
public static GUIStyle NodeWindowOnSquare;
public static GUIStyle InternalDataOnPort;
public static GUIStyle InternalDataBackground;
public static GUIStyle GraphButtonIcon;
public static GUIStyle GraphButton;
public static GUIStyle GraphDropDown;
public static GUIStyle EmptyStyle = new GUIStyle();
public static GUIStyle ConsoleLogLabel;
public static GUIStyle ConsoleLogMessage;
public static GUIStyle ConsoleLogCircle;
public static GUIStyle TooltipBox;
public static GUIStyle Box;
public static GUIStyle Button;
public static GUIStyle TextArea;
public static GUIStyle Label;
public static GUIStyle Toggle;
public static GUIStyle Textfield;
public static GUIStyle UnZoomedNodeTitleStyle;
public static GUIStyle UnZoomedPropertyValuesTitleStyle;
public static GUIStyle UnZoomedInputPortStyle;
public static GUIStyle UnZoomedOutputPortPortStyle;
// Node Property Menu items
public static GUIStyle MenuItemToggleStyle;
public static GUIStyle MenuItemEnableStyle;
public static GUIStyle MenuItemBackgroundStyle;
public static GUIStyle MenuItemToolbarStyle;
public static GUIStyle MenuItemInspectorDropdownStyle;
public static GUIStyle FloatIntPickerONOFF;
public static bool UsingProSkin = false;
public static Texture ShaderIcon { get { return EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "Shader Icon" ).image; } }
public static Texture MaterialIcon { get { return EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "Material Icon" ).image; } }
public static Texture ShaderFunctionIcon { get { return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "50be8291f9514914aa55c66c49da67cf" ) ); } }
public static Texture2D WireNodeSelection = null;
public static Texture2D SliderButton = null;
public static Texture2D SmallErrorIcon = null;
public static Texture2D SmallWarningIcon = null;
public static Texture2D SmallInfoIcon = null;
public static Texture2D CheckmarkIcon = null;
public static Texture2D PopupIcon = null;
public static Texture2D MasterNodeOnTexture = null;
public static Texture2D MasterNodeOffTexture = null;
public static Texture2D GPUInstancedOnTexture = null;
public static Texture2D GPUInstancedOffTexture = null;
public static GUIContent LockIconOpen = null;
public static GUIContent LockIconClosed = null;
public static GUIContent FloatIntIconON = null;
public static GUIContent FloatIntIconOFF = null;
public static bool ShowContextOnPick = true;
private static AmplifyShaderEditorWindow m_currentWindow = null;
public static AmplifyShaderEditorWindow CurrentWindow
if( m_currentWindow == null )
for( int i = 0; i < IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows.Count; i++ )
if( IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows[ i ] != null )
m_currentWindow = IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows[ i ];
//Debug.Log("No Window Found!");
return m_currentWindow;
set { m_currentWindow = value; }
public static Vector2 PortsSize;
public static Vector3 PortsDelta;
public static Vector3 ScaledPortsDelta;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetZero;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetOne;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetTwo;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetThree;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetFour;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetFive;
public static RectOffset RectOffsetSix;
public static Material LinearMaterial = null;
public static Shader IntShader = null;
public static Shader FloatShader = null;
public static Shader Vector2Shader = null;
public static Shader Vector3Shader = null;
public static Shader Vector4Shader = null;
public static Shader ColorShader = null;
public static Shader Texture2DShader = null;
public static Shader MaskingShader = null;
public static bool InhibitMessages = false;
private static int m_shaderIndentLevel = 0;
private static string m_shaderIndentTabs = string.Empty;
//Label Vars
private static TextAnchor m_alignment;
private static TextClipping m_clipping;
private static bool m_wordWrap;
private static int m_fontSize;
private static Color m_fontColor;
private static FontStyle m_fontStyle;
private static string NumericNamePattern = @"^\d";
private static System.Globalization.TextInfo m_textInfo;
private static string m_latestOpenedFolder = string.Empty;
private static Dictionary<int, UndoParentNode> m_undoHelper = new Dictionary<int, UndoParentNode>();
private static Dictionary<string, int> AvailableKeywordsDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
public static readonly string[] AvailableKeywords =
private static Dictionary<string, int> AvailableURPKeywordsDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
public static readonly string[] AvailableURPKeywords =
//private static Dictionary<string, string> URPToBultinKeywordsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
//private static Dictionary<string, string> BultinToURPKeywordsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
public static readonly string[] CategoryPresets =
"Camera And Screen",
"Constants And Properties",
"Image Effects",
"Logical Operators",
"Math Operators",
"Matrix Operators",
"Object Transform",
"Surface Data",
"Trigonometry Operators",
"UV Coordinates",
"Vector Operators",
"Vertex Data"
private static Dictionary<MasterNodePortCategory, int> m_portCategoryToArrayIdx = new Dictionary<MasterNodePortCategory, int>
{ MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex,0},
{ MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation,0},
{ MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment,1},
{ MasterNodePortCategory.Debug,1}
private static Dictionary<string, string> m_reservedPropertyNames = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_MVP", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_MV", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_V", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_P", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_VP", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_T_MV", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_TEXTURE0", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_TEXTURE1", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_TEXTURE2", string.Empty},
{ "UNITY_MATRIX_TEXTURE3", string.Empty},
{ "_Object2World", string.Empty},
{ "_WorldSpaceCameraPos", string.Empty},
{ "unity_Scale", string.Empty},
{ "_ModelLightColor", string.Empty},
{ "_SpecularLightColor", string.Empty},
{ "_ObjectSpaceLightPos", string.Empty},
{ "_Light2World", string.Empty},
{ "_World2Light", string.Empty},
{ "_Object2Light", string.Empty},
{ "_Time", string.Empty},
{ "_SinTime", string.Empty},
{ "_CosTime", string.Empty},
{ "unity_DeltaTime", string.Empty},
{ "_ProjectionParams", string.Empty},
{ "_ScreenParams", string.Empty}
private static Dictionary<string, string> m_exampleMaterialIDs = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"2Sided", "8ebbbf2c99a544ca780a2573ef1450fc" },
{"DissolveBurn", "f144f2d7ff3daf349a2b7f0fd81ec8ac" },
{"MourEnvironmentGradient", "b64adae401bc073408ac7bff0993c107" },
{"ForceShield", "0119aa6226e2a4cfdb6c9a5ba9df7820" },
{"HighlightAnimated", "3d232e7526f6e426cab994cbec1fc287" },
{"Hologram", "b422c600f1c3941b8bc7e95db33476ad" },
{"LowPolyWater", "0557703d3791a4286a62f8ee709d5bef"},
{"AnimatedFire", "63ea5eae6d954a14292033589d0d4275" },
{"AnimatedFire-ShaderFunction", "9c6c9fcb82afe874a825a9e680e694b2" },
{"BurnEffect", "0b019675a8064414b97862a02f644166" },
{"CubemapReflections", "2c299f827334e9c459a60931aea62260" },
{"DitheringFade", "610507217b7dcad4d97e6e03e9844171" },
{"DoubleLayerCustomSurface", "846aec4914103104d99e9e31a217b548" },
{"NormalExtrusion", "70a5800fbba039f46b438a2055bc6c71" },
{"MatcapSample", "da8aaaf01fe8f2b46b2fbcb803bd7af4" },
{"ParallaxMappingIterations", "a0cea9c3f318ac74d89cd09134aad000" },
{"SandPOM", "905481dc696211145b88dc4bac2545f3" },
{"ParallaxWindow", "63ad0e7afb1717b4e95adda8904ab0c3" },
{"LocalPosCutoff", "fed8c9d33a691084c801573feeed5a62" },
{"ImprovedReadFromAtlasTiled", "941b31b251ea8e74f9198d788a604c9b" },
{"ReadFromAtlasTiled", "2d5537aa702f24645a1446dc3be92bbf" },
{"ReflectRefractSoapBubble", "a844987c9f2e7334abaa34f12feda3b9" },
{"RimLight", "e2d3a4d723cf1dc4eab1d919f3324dbc" },
{"RefractedShadows", "11818aa28edbeb04098f3b395a5bfc1d" },
{"TextureArray", "0f572993ab788a346aea45f2f797b7fa" },
{"ObjectNormalRefraction", "f1a0a645876302547b608ce881c94e6d" },
{"ShaderBallInterior", "e47ee174f55b6144b9c1a942bb23d82a" },
{"ScreenSpaceCurvature", "2e794cb9b3900b043a37ba28cdc2f907" },
{"ScreenSpaceDetail", "3a0163d12fede4d47a1f818a66a115de" },
{"SimpleNoise", "cc167bc6c2063a14f84a5a77be541194" },
{"SimpleBlur", "1d283ff911af20e429180bb15d023661" },
{"SimpleGPUInstancing", "9d609a7c8d00c7c4c9bdcdcdba154b81" },
{"SimpleLambert", "54b29030f7d7ffe4b84f2f215dede5ac" },
{"SimpleRefraction", "58c94d2f48acdc049a53b4ca53d6d98a" },
{"SimpleTexture", "9661085a7d249a54c95078ac8e7ff004" },
{"SnowAccum", "e3bd639f50ae1a247823079047a8dc01" },
{"StencilDiffuse01", "9f47f529fdeddd948a2d2722f73e6ac4" },
{"StencilMask01", "6f870834077d59b44ac421c36f619d59" },
{"StencilDiffuse02", "11cdb862d5ba68c4eae526765099305b" },
{"StencilMask02", "344696733b065c646b18c1aa2eacfdb7" },
{"StencilDiffuse03", "75e851f6c686a5f42ab900222b29355b" },
{"StencilMask03", "c7b3018ad495c6b479f2e3f8564aa6dc" },
{"SubstanceExample", "a515e243b476d7e4bb37eb9f82c87a12" },
{"AnimatedRefraction", "e414af1524d258047bb6b82b8860062c" },
{"Tessellation", "efb669a245f17384c88824d769d0087c" },
{"Translucency", "842ba3dcdd461ea48bdcfcea316cbcc4" },
{"Transmission", "1b21506b7afef734facfc42c596caa7b" },
{"Transparency", "e323a62068140c2408d5601877e8de2c" },
{"TriplanarProjection", "663d512de06d4e24db5205c679f394cb" },
{"TwoSideWithFace", "c953c4b601ba78e4f870d24d038b67f6" },
{"Ground", "48df9bdf7b922d94bb3167e6db39c943" },
{"WaterSample", "288137d67ce790e41903020c572ab4d7" },
{"WorldPosSlices", "013cc03f77f3d034692f902db8928787" }
private static Dictionary<TextureType, string> m_textureTypeToCgType = new Dictionary<TextureType, string>()
{TextureType.Texture1D, "sampler1D" },
{TextureType.Texture2D, "sampler2D" },
{TextureType.Texture3D, "sampler3D" },
{TextureType.Cube , "samplerCUBE"},
{TextureType.Texture2DArray, "sampler2DArray" },
{TextureType.ProceduralTexture, "sampler2D" }
private static Dictionary<string, Color> m_nodeCategoryToColor = new Dictionary<string, Color>()
{ "Master", new Color( 0.6f, 0.52f, 0.43f, 1.0f )},
{ "Default", new Color( 0.26f, 0.35f, 0.44f, 1.0f )},
{ "Vertex Data", new Color( 0.8f, 0.07f, 0.18f, 1.0f)},//new Color( 0.75f, 0.10f, 0.30f, 1.0f )},
{ "Math Operators", new Color( 0.26f, 0.35f, 0.44f, 1.0f )},//new Color( 0.10f, 0.27f, 0.45f, 1.0f) },
{ "Logical Operators", new Color( 0.0f, 0.55f, 0.45f, 1.0f)},//new Color( 0.11f, 0.28f, 0.47f, 1.0f) },
{ "Trigonometry Operators", new Color( 0.1f, 0.20f, 0.35f, 1.0f)},//new Color( 0.8f, 0.07f, 0.18f, 1.0f)},
{ "Image Effects", new Color( 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.90f, 1.0f)},//new Color( 0.12f, 0.47f, 0.88f, 1.0f)},
{ "Miscellaneous", new Color( 0.49f, 0.32f, 0.60f, 1.0f)},
{ "Camera And Screen", new Color( 0.75f, 0.10f, 0.30f, 1.0f )},//new Color( 0.17f, 0.22f, 0.07f, 1.0f) },
{ "Constants And Properties", new Color( 0.42f, 0.70f, 0.22f, 1.0f) },
{ "Surface Data", new Color( 0.92f, 0.73f, 0.03f, 1.0f)},
{ "Matrix Transform", new Color( 0.09f, 0.43f, 0.2f, 1.0f) },
{ "Time", new Color( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f)},//new Color( 0.89f, 0.59f, 0.0f, 1.0f) },
{ "Functions", new Color( 1.00f, 0.4f, 0.0f, 1.0f) },
{ "Vector Operators", new Color( 0.22f, 0.20f, 0.45f, 1.0f)},
{ "Matrix Operators", new Color( 0.45f, 0.9f, 0.20f, 1.0f) },
{ "Light", new Color( 1.0f, 0.9f, 0.0f, 1.0f) },
{ "Textures", new Color( 0.15f, 0.40f, 0.8f, 1.0f)},
{ "Commentary", new Color( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f)},
{ "UV Coordinates", new Color( 0.89f, 0.59f, 0.0f, 1.0f) },
{ "Object Transform", new Color( 0.15f, 0.4f, 0.49f, 1.0f)},
{ "Vertex Transform", new Color( 0.15f, 0.4f, 0.49f, 1.0f)}
private static Dictionary<ToolButtonType, List<string>> m_toolButtonTooltips = new Dictionary<ToolButtonType, List<string>>
{ ToolButtonType.New, new List<string>() { "Create new shader." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Open, new List<string>() { "Open existing shader." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Save, new List<string>() { "No changes to save.", "Save current changes." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Library, new List<string>() { "Lists custom shader selection." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Options, new List<string>() { "Open Options menu." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Update, new List<string>() { "Open or create a new shader first.", "Click to enable to update current shader.", "Shader up-to-date." } },
{ ToolButtonType.Live, new List<string>() { "Open or create a new shader first.", "Click to enable live shader preview", "Click to enable live shader and material preview." , "Live preview active, click to disable." } },
{ ToolButtonType.TakeScreenshot, new List<string>() { "Take screenshot", "Take screenshot" }},
{ ToolButtonType.Share, new List<string>() { "Share selection", "Share selection" }},
{ ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes, new List<string>() { "No unconnected nodes to clean.", "Remove all nodes not connected( directly or indirectly) to the master node." }},
{ ToolButtonType.Help, new List<string>() { "Show help window." } },
{ ToolButtonType.FocusOnMasterNode,new List<string>() { "Focus on active master node." } },
{ ToolButtonType.FocusOnSelection, new List<string>() { "Focus on selection fit to screen ( if none selected )." } }
private static Color[] m_dataTypeToColorMonoMode = { new Color( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), Color.white };
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, Color> m_dataTypeToColor = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, Color>( new WirePortDataTypeComparer() )
{ WirePortDataType.OBJECT, Color.white},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE,Color.white},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT, Color.gray},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, new Color(1f,1f,0f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, new Color(0.5f,0.5f,1f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, new Color(1f,0,1f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, new Color(0.5f,1f,0.5f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, new Color(0.5f,1f,0.5f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.COLOR, new Color(1f,0,1f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.INT, Color.white},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,1f)},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,1f)}
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_dataTypeToName = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{ WirePortDataType.OBJECT, "Generic Object"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "Float"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "Vector2"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, "Vector3"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, "Vector4"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, "3x3 Matrix"},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, "4x4 Matrix"},
{ WirePortDataType.COLOR, "Color"},
{ WirePortDataType.INT, "Int"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, "Sampler1D"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, "Sampler2D"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, "Sampler3D"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, "SamplerCUBE"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, "Sampler2DArray"},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE,"Sampler State"},
private static Dictionary<SurfaceInputs, string> m_inputTypeDeclaration = new Dictionary<SurfaceInputs, string>()
{ SurfaceInputs.DEPTH, "{0} Depth : SV_Depth"},
{ SurfaceInputs.UV_COORDS, "{0}2 uv"},// texture uv must have uv or uv2 followed by the texture name
{ SurfaceInputs.UV2_COORDS, "{0}2 uv2"},
{ SurfaceInputs.VIEW_DIR, "{0}3 viewDir"},
{ SurfaceInputs.COLOR, Constants.ColorInput},
{ SurfaceInputs.SCREEN_POS, "{0}4 screenPos"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_POS, "{0}3 worldPos"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_REFL, "{0}3 worldRefl"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_NORMAL,"{0}3 worldNormal"},
{ SurfaceInputs.VFACE, Constants.VFaceInput},
{ SurfaceInputs.INTERNALDATA, Constants.InternalData}
private static Dictionary<SurfaceInputs, string> m_inputTypeName = new Dictionary<SurfaceInputs, string>()
{ SurfaceInputs.DEPTH, "Depth"},
{ SurfaceInputs.UV_COORDS, "uv"},// texture uv must have uv or uv2 followed by the texture name
{ SurfaceInputs.UV2_COORDS, "uv2"},
{ SurfaceInputs.VIEW_DIR, "viewDir"},
{ SurfaceInputs.COLOR, Constants.ColorVariable},
{ SurfaceInputs.SCREEN_POS, "screenPos"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_POS, "worldPos"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_REFL, "worldRefl"},
{ SurfaceInputs.WORLD_NORMAL, "worldNormal"},
{ SurfaceInputs.VFACE, Constants.VFaceVariable},
private static Dictionary<PrecisionType, string> m_precisionTypeToCg = new Dictionary<PrecisionType, string>()
{PrecisionType.Float, "float"},
{PrecisionType.Half, "half"},
{PrecisionType.Inherit, "float"}
private static Dictionary<VariableQualifiers, string> m_qualifierToCg = new Dictionary<VariableQualifiers, string>()
{ VariableQualifiers.In, string.Empty},
{VariableQualifiers.Out, "out"},
{VariableQualifiers.InOut, "inout"}
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_precisionWirePortToCgType = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "{0}"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "{0}2"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, "{0}3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, "{0}3x3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, "{0}4x4"},
{WirePortDataType.COLOR, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.INT, "int"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, "sampler1D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, "sampler2D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, "sampler3D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, "samplerCUBE"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, "sampler2DArray"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, "SamplerState"}
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_precisionWirePortToStandardMacroType = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "{0}"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "{0}2"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, "{0}3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, "{0}3x3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, "{0}4x4"},
{WirePortDataType.COLOR, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.INT, "int"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, "sampler1D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, "SamplerState"}
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_precisionWirePortToSRPMacroType = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "{0}"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "{0}2"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, "{0}3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, "{0}3x3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, "{0}4x4"},
{WirePortDataType.COLOR, "{0}4"},
{WirePortDataType.INT, "int"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, "sampler1D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, "TEXTURE2D("},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, "TEXTURE3D("},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, "SamplerState"}
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_wirePortToCgType = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "float"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "float2"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, "float3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, "float4"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, "float3x3"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, "float4x4"},
{WirePortDataType.COLOR, "float4"},
{WirePortDataType.INT, "int"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, "sampler1D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, "sampler2D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, "sampler3D"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, "samplerCUBE"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, "sampler2DArray"},
{WirePortDataType.UINT, "uint"},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, "SamplerState"}
private static Dictionary<KeyCode, string> m_keycodeToString = new Dictionary<KeyCode, string>()
{KeyCode.Alpha0,"0" },
{KeyCode.Alpha1,"1" },
{KeyCode.Alpha2,"2" },
{KeyCode.Alpha3,"3" },
{KeyCode.Alpha4,"4" },
{KeyCode.Alpha5,"5" },
{KeyCode.Alpha6,"6" },
{KeyCode.Alpha7,"7" },
{KeyCode.Alpha8,"8" },
{KeyCode.Alpha9,"9" }
private static Dictionary<WireStatus, Color> m_wireStatusToColor = new Dictionary<WireStatus, Color>()
{ WireStatus.Default,new Color(0.7f,0.7f,0.7f,1.0f) },
{WireStatus.Highlighted,Color.yellow },
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string> m_autoSwizzle = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, string>()
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT, ".x"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, ".xy"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, ".xyz"},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, ".xyzw"}
private static Dictionary<string, bool> m_unityNativeShaderPaths = new Dictionary<string, bool>
{ "Resources/unity_builtin_extra", true },
{ "Library/unity default resources", true }
private static Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int> m_portPriority = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int>()
{WirePortDataType.OBJECT, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, 0},
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, 0},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, 1},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, 2},
{WirePortDataType.INT, 3},
{WirePortDataType.UINT, 3},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT, 4},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, 5},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, 6},
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, 7},
{WirePortDataType.COLOR, 7}
private static readonly string IncorrectInputConnectionErrorMsg = "Input Port {0} from node {1} has type {2}\nwhich is incompatible with connection of type {3} from port {4} on node {5}";
private static readonly string IncorrectOutputConnectionErrorMsg = "Output Port {0} from node {1} has type {2}\nwhich is incompatible with connection of type {3} from port {4} on node {5}";
private static readonly string NoVertexModeNodeWarning = "{0} is unable to generate code in vertex function";
private static float SwitchFixedHeight;
private static float SwitchFontSize;
private static RectOffset SwitchNodeBorder;
private static RectOffset SwitchNodeMargin;
private static RectOffset SwitchNodeOverflow;
private static RectOffset SwitchNodePadding;
public static void ForceExampleShaderCompilation()
CurrentWindow.ForceMaterialsToUpdate( ref m_exampleMaterialIDs );
public static void Destroy()
if( IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows != null && IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows.Count > 0 )
Initialized = false;
PlusStyle = null;
MinusStyle = null;
m_textInfo = null;
RangedFloatSliderStyle = null;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle = null;
PropertyPopUp = null;
ObjectField = null;
PreviewExpander = null;
PreviewCollapser = null;
MenuItemToggleStyle = null;
MenuItemEnableStyle = null;
MenuItemBackgroundStyle = null;
MenuItemToolbarStyle = null;
MenuItemInspectorDropdownStyle = null;
ObjectFieldThumb = null;
ObjectFieldThumbOverlay = null;
InspectorPopdropdownStyle = null;
InspectorPopdropdownFallback = null;
TooltipBox = null;
UnZoomedNodeTitleStyle = null;
UnZoomedPropertyValuesTitleStyle = null;
UnZoomedInputPortStyle = null;
UnZoomedOutputPortPortStyle = null;
ToolbarSearchTextfield = null;
ToolbarSearchCancelButton = null;
FloatIntPickerONOFF = null;
Box = null;
Button = null;
TextArea = null;
Label = null;
Toggle = null;
Textfield = null;
CommentaryTitle = null;
StickyNoteText = null;
InputPortLabel = null;
OutputPortLabel = null;
IntShader = null;
FloatShader = null;
Vector2Shader = null;
Vector3Shader = null;
Vector4Shader = null;
ColorShader = null;
Texture2DShader = null;
MaskingShader = null;
BoldErrorStyle = null;
BoldWarningStyle = null;
BoldInfoStyle = null;
Separator = null;
ToolbarMainTitle = null;
GraphButtonIcon = null;
GraphButton = null;
GraphDropDown = null;
ConsoleLogLabel = null;
ConsoleLogMessage = null;
ConsoleLogCircle = null;
MiniButtonTopLeft = null;
MiniButtonTopMid = null;
MiniButtonTopRight = null;
NodeWindowOffSquare = null;
NodeHeaderSquare = null;
NodeWindowOnSquare = null;
InternalDataOnPort = null;
InternalDataBackground = null;
MiniObjectFieldThumbOverlay = null;
MiniSamplerButton = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( SmallErrorIcon );
SmallErrorIcon = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( SmallWarningIcon );
SmallWarningIcon = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( SmallInfoIcon );
SmallInfoIcon = null;
LockIconOpen = null;
LockIconClosed = null;
FloatIntIconON = null;
FloatIntIconOFF = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( CheckmarkIcon );
CheckmarkIcon = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( PopupIcon );
PopupIcon = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( MasterNodeOnTexture );
MasterNodeOnTexture = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( MasterNodeOffTexture );
MasterNodeOffTexture = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( GPUInstancedOnTexture );
GPUInstancedOnTexture = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( GPUInstancedOffTexture );
GPUInstancedOffTexture = null;
MainSkin = null;
if( LinearMaterial != null )
GameObject.DestroyImmediate( LinearMaterial );
LinearMaterial = null;
if( m_undoHelper == null )
m_undoHelper = null;
ASEMaterialInspector.Instance = null;
public static void ResetMainSkin()
if( (object)MainSkin != null )
CurrentHeaderHeight = HeaderMaxHeight;
ScaledPortsDelta = PortsDelta;
MainSkin.textField.fontSize = (int)( Constants.TextFieldFontSize );
MainSkin.label.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize );
MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.NodeTitle ].fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultTitleFontSize );
InputPortLabel.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize );
OutputPortLabel.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize );
CommentaryTitle.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize );
StickyNoteText.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize );
public static void InitMainSkin()
MainSkin = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IOUtils.MainSkinGUID ), typeof( GUISkin ) ) as GUISkin;
Initialized = true;
Texture2D portTex = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.PortEmptyIcon ).normal.background;
PortsSize = new Vector2( portTex.width, portTex.height );
PortsDelta = new Vector3( 0.5f * PortsSize.x, 0.5f * PortsSize.y );
HeaderMaxHeight = MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.NodeHeader ].normal.background.height;
RectOffsetZero = new RectOffset( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
RectOffsetOne = new RectOffset( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
RectOffsetTwo = new RectOffset( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
RectOffsetThree = new RectOffset( 3, 3, 3, 3 );
RectOffsetFour = new RectOffset( 4, 4, 4, 4 );
RectOffsetFive = new RectOffset( 5, 5, 5, 5 );
RectOffsetSix = new RectOffset( 6, 6, 6, 6 );
PropertyPopUp = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodePropertyPicker );
ObjectField = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectField" );
PreviewExpander = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodePreviewExpander );
PreviewCollapser = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodePreviewCollapser );
WireNodeSelection = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "bfe0b03d5d60cea4f9d4b2d1d121e592" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
SliderButton = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "dd563e33152bb6443b099b4139ceecb9" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
SmallErrorIcon = EditorGUIUtility.Load( "icons/d_console.erroricon.sml.png" ) as Texture2D;
SmallWarningIcon = EditorGUIUtility.Load( "icons/d_console.warnicon.sml.png" ) as Texture2D;
SmallInfoIcon = EditorGUIUtility.Load( "icons/d_console.infoicon.sml.png" ) as Texture2D;
LockIconOpen = new GUIContent( EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "LockIcon-On" ) );
LockIconOpen.tooltip = "Click to unlock and customize the variable name";
LockIconClosed = new GUIContent( EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "LockIcon" ) );
LockIconClosed.tooltip = "Click to lock and auto-generate the variable name";
if( UsingProSkin )
FloatIntIconON = new GUIContent( EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "CircularToggle_ON" ) );
FloatIntIconOFF = new GUIContent( EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "CircularToggle_OFF" ) );
FloatIntIconON = new GUIContent( ( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "ac0860a6a77e29d4091ba790a17daa0f" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D ) );
FloatIntIconOFF = new GUIContent( ( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "1aaca50d084b0bb43854f075ce2f302b" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D ) );
CommentaryTitle = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.CommentaryTitle ] );
StickyNoteText = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.CommentaryTitle ] );
StickyNoteText.wordWrap = true;
StickyNoteText.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
InputPortLabel = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.InputPortlabel ] );
OutputPortLabel = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.OutputPortLabel ] );
CheckmarkIcon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "e9c4642eaa083a54ab91406d8449e6ac" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
PopupIcon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "d2384a227b4ac4943b73c8151393e502" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
BoldErrorStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"BoldLabel" );
BoldErrorStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red;
BoldErrorStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
BoldWarningStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"BoldLabel" );
BoldWarningStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;
BoldWarningStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
BoldInfoStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"BoldLabel" );
BoldInfoStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
BoldInfoStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
ToolbarMainTitle = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.MainCanvasTitle ] );
Separator = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.FlatBackground ] );
MiniButtonTopLeft = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.MiniButtonTopLeft ] );
MiniButtonTopMid = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.MiniButtonTopMid ] );
MiniButtonTopRight = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.MiniButtonTopRight ] );
InternalDataOnPort = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.NodeTitle ] );
InternalDataOnPort.fontSize = 8;
InternalDataOnPort.fontStyle = FontStyle.BoldAndItalic;
InternalDataBackground = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.NodeWindowOffSquare ] );
InternalDataBackground.normal.background = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "330fd0c8f074a3c4f8042114a61a73d9" ), typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
InternalDataBackground.overflow = RectOffsetOne;
MiniObjectFieldThumbOverlay = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectFieldThumbOverlay" );
MiniSamplerButton = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.SamplerButton ] );
m_textInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo( "en-US", false ).TextInfo;
RangedFloatSliderStyle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.horizontalSlider );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.horizontalSliderThumb );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.normal.background = SliderButton;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.active.background = null;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.hover.background = null;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.focused.background = null;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.overflow = new RectOffset( 1, 1, -4, 4 );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.margin = RectOffsetZero;
SwitchNodePopUp = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"Popup" );
// RectOffset cannot be initiliazed on constructor
SwitchNodeBorder = new RectOffset( 4, 15, 3, 3 );
SwitchNodeMargin = new RectOffset( 4, 4, 3, 3 );
SwitchNodeOverflow = new RectOffset( 0, 0, -1, 2 );
SwitchNodePadding = new RectOffset( 6, 14, 2, 3 );
SwitchFixedHeight = 18;
SwitchFontSize = 10;
GraphButtonIcon = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.GraphButtonIcon ] );
GraphButton = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.GraphButton ] );
GraphDropDown = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.GraphButton ] );
GraphDropDown.padding.right = 20;
Box = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.box );
Button = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.button );
TextArea = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.textArea );
Label = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.label );
Toggle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.toggle );
Textfield = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.textField );
//ShaderIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "Shader Icon" ).image;
//MaterialIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "Material Icon" ).image;
ConsoleLogLabel = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.label );
ConsoleLogMessage = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.ConsoleLogMessage ] );
ConsoleLogCircle = new GUIStyle( MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.ConsoleLogCircle ] );
NodeWindowOffSquare = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeWindowOffSquare );
NodeHeaderSquare = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeHeaderSquare );
NodeWindowOnSquare = GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeWindowOnSquare );
UnZoomedNodeTitleStyle = new GUIStyle( GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeTitle ) );
UnZoomedNodeTitleStyle.fontSize = 13;
UnZoomedPropertyValuesTitleStyle = new GUIStyle( GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.PropertyValuesTitle ) );
UnZoomedPropertyValuesTitleStyle.fontSize = 11;
UnZoomedInputPortStyle = new GUIStyle( InputPortLabel );
UnZoomedInputPortStyle.fontSize = (int)Constants.DefaultFontSize;
UnZoomedOutputPortPortStyle = new GUIStyle( OutputPortLabel );
UnZoomedOutputPortPortStyle.fontSize = (int)Constants.DefaultFontSize;
ObjectFieldThumb = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectFieldThumb" );
ObjectFieldThumbOverlay = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectFieldThumbOverlay" );
FloatIntPickerONOFF = new GUIStyle( "metimelabel" );
FloatIntPickerONOFF.padding.left = -2;
FloatIntPickerONOFF.margin = new RectOffset(0,2,2,2);
TooltipBox = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"Tooltip" );
TooltipBox.richText = true;
MasterNodeOnTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IOUtils.MasterNodeOnTextureGUID ) );
MasterNodeOffTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IOUtils.MasterNodeOnTextureGUID ) );
GPUInstancedOnTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IOUtils.GPUInstancedOnTextureGUID ) );
GPUInstancedOffTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IOUtils.GPUInstancedOffTextureGUID ) );
UsingProSkin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin;
public static bool IsLoading
get { return CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsLoading; }
public static void CheckNullMaterials()
if( LinearMaterial == null )
Shader linearShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "e90ef6ea05743b84baf9549874c52e47" ) ); //linear previews
LinearMaterial = new Material( linearShader );
if( IntShader == null )
IntShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "0f64d695b6ffacc469f2dd31432a232a" ) ); //int
if( FloatShader == null )
FloatShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "d9ca47581ac157145bff6f72ac5dd73e" ) ); //ranged float
if( Vector2Shader == null )
Vector2Shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "88b4191eb06084d4da85d1dd2f984085" ) ); //vector2
if( Vector3Shader == null )
Vector3Shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "8a44d38f06246bf48944b3f314bc7920" ) ); //vector3
if( Vector4Shader == null )
Vector4Shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "aac241d0e47a5a84fbd2edcd640788dc" ) ); //vector4
if( ColorShader == null )
ColorShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "6cf365ccc7ae776488ae8960d6d134c3" ) ); //color node
if( MaskingShader == null )
MaskingShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "9c34f18ebe2be3e48b201b748c73dec0" ) ); //masking shader
if( Texture2DShader == null )
Texture2DShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "13bd295c44d04e1419f20f792d331e33" ) ); //texture2d shader
private static void FetchMenuItemStyles()
ObjectFieldThumb = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectFieldThumb" );
ObjectFieldThumbOverlay = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ObjectFieldThumbOverlay" );
MenuItemToggleStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"foldout" );
MenuItemEnableStyle = UsingProSkin ? new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"OL ToggleWhite" ) : new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"OL Toggle" );
MenuItemBackgroundStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"TE NodeBackground" );
MenuItemToolbarStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"toolbarbutton" ) { fixedHeight = 20 };
MenuItemInspectorDropdownStyle = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"toolbardropdown" ) { fixedHeight = 20 };
MenuItemInspectorDropdownStyle.margin.bottom = 2;
InspectorPopdropdownStyle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.GetStyle( "PopupCurveDropdown" ) );
InspectorPopdropdownStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
InspectorPopdropdownStyle.border.bottom = 16;
InspectorPopdropdownFallback = new GUIStyle( InspectorPopdropdownStyle );
InspectorPopdropdownFallback.overflow = new RectOffset( 0, -5, 0, 0 );
PlusStyle = ( EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ) ? new GUIStyle( GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.CustomExpressionAddItem ) ) : new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"OL Plus" );
PlusStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageOnly;
PlusStyle.overflow = new RectOffset( -2, 0, -4, 0 );
MinusStyle = ( EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ) ? new GUIStyle( GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.CustomExpressionRemoveItem ) ) : new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"OL Minus" );
MinusStyle.contentOffset = Vector2.zero;
MinusStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageOnly;
MinusStyle.overflow = new RectOffset( -2, 0, -4, 0 );
ToolbarSearchTextfield = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ToolbarSeachTextField" );
ToolbarSearchCancelButton = new GUIStyle( (GUIStyle)"ToolbarSeachCancelButton" );
public static void UpdateMainSkin( DrawInfo drawInfo )
CurrentHeaderHeight = HeaderMaxHeight * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
ScaledPortsDelta = drawInfo.InvertedZoom * PortsDelta;
MainSkin.textField.fontSize = (int)( Constants.TextFieldFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MainSkin.label.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.NodeTitle ].fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultTitleFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.PropertyValuesTitle ].fontSize = (int)( Constants.PropertiesTitleFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
InputPortLabel.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
OutputPortLabel.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
CommentaryTitle.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
StickyNoteText.fontSize = (int)( Constants.DefaultFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
RangedFloatSliderStyle.fixedHeight = 18 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.fixedHeight = 12 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.fixedWidth = 10 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.overflow.left = (int)( 1 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.overflow.right = (int)( 1 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.overflow.top = (int)( -4 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
RangedFloatSliderThumbStyle.overflow.bottom = (int)( 4 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.fixedHeight = SwitchFixedHeight * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
SwitchNodePopUp.border.left = (int)( SwitchNodeBorder.left * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.border.right = (int)( SwitchNodeBorder.right * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.border.top = (int)( SwitchNodeBorder.top * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.border.bottom = (int)( SwitchNodeBorder.bottom * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.margin.left = (int)( SwitchNodeMargin.left * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.margin.right = (int)( SwitchNodeMargin.right * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.margin.top = (int)( SwitchNodeMargin.top * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.margin.bottom = (int)( SwitchNodeMargin.bottom * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.overflow.left = (int)( SwitchNodeOverflow.left * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.overflow.right = (int)( SwitchNodeOverflow.right * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.overflow.top = (int)( SwitchNodeOverflow.top * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.overflow.bottom = (int)( SwitchNodeOverflow.bottom * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.padding.left = (int)( SwitchNodePadding.left * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.padding.right = (int)( SwitchNodePadding.right * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.padding.top = (int)( SwitchNodePadding.top * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.padding.bottom = (int)( SwitchNodePadding.bottom * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
SwitchNodePopUp.fontSize = (int)( SwitchFontSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
BoldErrorStyle.fontSize = (int)( 12 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
BoldWarningStyle.fontSize = (int)( 12 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
BoldInfoStyle.fontSize = (int)( 12 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
PropertyPopUp.fixedHeight = Constants.PropertyPickerHeight * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
PropertyPopUp.fixedWidth = Constants.PropertyPickerWidth * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
if( UsingProSkin != EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin )
UsingProSkin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin;
GraphDropDown.padding.left = (int)( 2 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom + 2 );
GraphDropDown.padding.right = (int)( 20 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
GraphDropDown.fontSize = (int)( 10 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
PreviewExpander.fixedHeight = Constants.PreviewExpanderHeight * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
PreviewExpander.fixedWidth = Constants.PreviewExpanderWidth * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
PreviewCollapser.fixedHeight = Constants.PreviewExpanderHeight * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
PreviewCollapser.fixedWidth = Constants.PreviewExpanderWidth * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)CustomStyle.SamplerButton ].fontSize = (int)( 9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
ObjectFieldThumbOverlay.fontSize = (int)( 9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MiniButtonTopLeft.fontSize = (int)( 9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MiniButtonTopMid.fontSize = (int)( 9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MiniButtonTopRight.fontSize = (int)( 9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MiniObjectFieldThumbOverlay.fontSize = (int)( 7 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
MiniSamplerButton.fontSize = (int)( 8 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
InternalDataOnPort.fontSize = (int)( 8 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
ToolbarMainTitle.padding.left = 0;
ToolbarMainTitle.padding.right = 0;
public static void CacheLabelVars()
m_alignment = GUI.skin.label.alignment;
m_clipping = GUI.skin.label.clipping;
m_wordWrap = GUI.skin.label.wordWrap;
m_fontSize = GUI.skin.label.fontSize;
m_fontStyle = GUI.skin.label.fontStyle;
m_fontColor = GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor;
public static void RestoreLabelVars()
GUI.skin.label.alignment = m_alignment;
GUI.skin.label.clipping = m_clipping;
GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = m_wordWrap;
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = m_fontSize;
GUI.skin.label.fontStyle = m_fontStyle;
GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor = m_fontColor;
public static string GetTooltipForToolButton( ToolButtonType toolButtonType, int state ) { return m_toolButtonTooltips[ toolButtonType ][ state ]; }
public static string KeyCodeToString( KeyCode keyCode )
if( m_keycodeToString.ContainsKey( keyCode ) )
return m_keycodeToString[ keyCode ];
return keyCode.ToString();
public static string TextureTypeToCgType( TextureType type ) { return m_textureTypeToCgType[ type ]; }
public static string QualifierToCg( VariableQualifiers qualifier )
return m_qualifierToCg[ qualifier ];
public static string WirePortToCgType( WirePortDataType type )
if( type == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
return string.Empty;
return m_wirePortToCgType[ type ];
public static string FinalPrecisionWirePortToCgType( PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type )
return PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precisionType, type );
public static string PrecisionWirePortToCgType( PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type )
if( type == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
return string.Empty;
if( type == WirePortDataType.INT )
return m_wirePortToCgType[ type ];
if( type == WirePortDataType.UINT )
return m_wirePortToCgType[ type ];
return string.Format( m_precisionWirePortToCgType[ type ], m_precisionTypeToCg[ precisionType ] );
public static string PrecisionWirePortToTypeValue( PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type, string varName/*, bool isSRP, bool samplingMacro*/ )
string result = string.Empty;
string varType = string.Empty;
if( type == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
varType = string.Empty;
if( type == WirePortDataType.INT )
varType = m_wirePortToCgType[ type ];
if( type == WirePortDataType.UINT )
varType = m_wirePortToCgType[ type ];
switch( type )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.UINT:
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
varType = string.Format( m_precisionWirePortToCgType[ type ], m_precisionTypeToCg[ precisionType ] );
result = varType + " " + varName;
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY:
ParentGraph outsideGraph = UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph;
if( outsideGraph.SamplingMacros /*&& !outsideGraph.IsStandardSurface*/ )
if( outsideGraph.IsSRP )
varType = string.Format( m_precisionWirePortToSRPMacroType[ type ], m_precisionTypeToCg[ precisionType ] );
varType = string.Format( m_precisionWirePortToStandardMacroType[ type ], m_precisionTypeToCg[ precisionType ] );
result = varType + varName + ")";
varType = string.Format( m_precisionWirePortToCgType[ type ], m_precisionTypeToCg[ precisionType ] );
result = varType + " " + varName;
return result;
public static string GetAutoSwizzle( WirePortDataType type )
return m_autoSwizzle[ type ];
public static Color GetColorForDataType( WirePortDataType dataType, bool monochromeMode = true, bool isInput = true )
if( monochromeMode )
return isInput ? m_dataTypeToColorMonoMode[ 0 ] : m_dataTypeToColorMonoMode[ 1 ];
if ( m_dataTypeToColor.ContainsKey( dataType ) )
return m_dataTypeToColor[ dataType ];
return m_dataTypeToColor[ WirePortDataType.OBJECT ];
public static bool IsValidType( WirePortDataType type )
switch ( type )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY:
return true;
return false;
public static string GetNameForDataType( WirePortDataType dataType ) { return m_dataTypeToName[ dataType ]; }
public static string GetInputDeclarationFromType( PrecisionType precision, SurfaceInputs inputType )
string precisionStr = m_precisionTypeToCg[ precision ];
return string.Format( m_inputTypeDeclaration[ inputType ], precisionStr );
public static string GetInputValueFromType( SurfaceInputs inputType ) { return m_inputTypeName[ inputType ]; }
private static string CreateLocalValueName( PrecisionType precision, WirePortDataType dataType, string localOutputValue, string value ) { return string.Format( Constants.LocalValueDecWithoutIdent, PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precision, dataType ), localOutputValue, value ); }
public static string CastPortType( ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, PrecisionType nodePrecision, NodeCastInfo castInfo, object value, WirePortDataType oldType, WirePortDataType newType, string parameterName = null )
if( oldType == newType || newType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
return ( parameterName != null ) ? parameterName : value.ToString();
PrecisionType currentPrecision = nodePrecision;
string precisionStr = m_precisionTypeToCg[ currentPrecision ];
string newTypeStr = m_wirePortToCgType[ newType ];
newTypeStr = m_textInfo.ToTitleCase( newTypeStr );
int castId = ( dataCollector.PortCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex || dataCollector.PortCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation ) ? dataCollector.AvailableVertexTempId : dataCollector.AvailableFragTempId;
string localVarName = "temp_cast_" + castId;//m_wirePortToCgType[ oldType ] + "To" + newTypeStr + "_" + castInfo.ToString();
string result = string.Empty;
bool useRealValue = ( parameterName == null );
switch( oldType )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? value.ToString() : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, string.Format( Constants.CastHelper, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ), "xx" ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, string.Format( Constants.CastHelper, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ), "xxx" ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, string.Format( Constants.CastHelper, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ), "xxxx" ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, string.Format( Constants.CastHelper, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ), "xxxx" ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(int)" + parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.UINT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(uint)" + parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
Vector2 vecVal = useRealValue ? (Vector2)value : Vector2.zero;
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "2( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " )" : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? vecVal.x.ToString() : parameterName + ".x";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "3( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + " 0.0 )" : precisionStr + "3( " + parameterName + " , 0.0 )";
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "4( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + " 0.0 , 0.0 )" : precisionStr + "4( " + parameterName + ", 0.0 , 0.0 )";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
Vector3 vecVal = useRealValue ? (Vector3)value : Vector3.zero;
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "3( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " )" : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? vecVal.x.ToString() : parameterName + ".x";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "2( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " )" : parameterName + ".xy";
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "4( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " , 0.0 )" : precisionStr + "4( " + parameterName + " , 0.0 )";
//case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
// if ( useRealValue )
// {
// result = precisionStr + "3x3( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " , " +
// vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " , " +
// vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " )";
// }
// else
// {
// string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, parameterName );
// CurrentDataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( portCategory, -1, localVal );
// result = precisionStr + "3x3( " + localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".x , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".y , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z )";
// }
//case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
// if ( useRealValue )
// {
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , 0 , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , 0 , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , 0 , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , 0 )";
// }
// else
// {
// string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, parameterName );
// CurrentDataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( portCategory, -1, localVal );
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , 0 , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , 0 , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , 0 , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , 0 )";
// }
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
Vector4 vecVal = useRealValue ? (Vector4)value : Vector4.zero;
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "4( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " , " + vecVal.w + " )" : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? vecVal.x.ToString() : parameterName + ".x";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "2( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " )" : parameterName + ".xy";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "3( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " )" : parameterName + ".xyz";
//case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
// if ( useRealValue )
// {
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , " + vecVal + ".w , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , " + vecVal + ".w , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , " + vecVal + ".w , " +
// vecVal + ".x , " + vecVal + ".y , " + vecVal + ".z , " + vecVal + ".w )";
// }
// else
// {
// string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, parameterName );
// CurrentDataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( portCategory, -1, localVal );
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w )";
// }
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "4( " + vecVal.x + " , " + vecVal.y + " , " + vecVal.z + " , " + vecVal.w + " )" : parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
//Matrix4x4 matrixVal = useRealValue ? ( Matrix4x4 ) value : Matrix4x4.identity;
//switch ( newType )
// case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
// case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
// {
// result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "4x4(" + matrixVal.m00 + " , " + matrixVal.m01 + " , " + matrixVal.m02 + " , " + matrixVal.m03 + " , " +
// matrixVal.m10 + " , " + matrixVal.m11 + " , " + matrixVal.m12 + " , " + matrixVal.m10 + " , " +
// matrixVal.m20 + " , " + matrixVal.m21 + " , " + matrixVal.m22 + " , " + matrixVal.m20 + " , " +
// matrixVal.m30 + " , " + matrixVal.m31 + " , " + matrixVal.m32 + " , " + matrixVal.m30 + " )" : precisionStr + "4x4(" + parameterName + ")";
// }
// break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
Matrix4x4 matrixVal = useRealValue ? (Matrix4x4)value : Matrix4x4.identity;
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "4x4(" + matrixVal.m00 + " , " + matrixVal.m01 + " , " + matrixVal.m02 + " , " + matrixVal.m03 + " , " +
matrixVal.m10 + " , " + matrixVal.m11 + " , " + matrixVal.m12 + " , " + matrixVal.m10 + " , " +
matrixVal.m20 + " , " + matrixVal.m21 + " , " + matrixVal.m22 + " , " + matrixVal.m20 + " , " +
matrixVal.m30 + " , " + matrixVal.m31 + " , " + matrixVal.m32 + " , " + matrixVal.m30 + " )" : parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
Color colorValue = ( useRealValue ) ? (Color)value : Color.black;
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "4( " + colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " )" : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? colorValue.r.ToString() : parameterName + ".r";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "2( " + colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " )" : parameterName + ".rg";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? precisionStr + "3( " + colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " )" : parameterName + ".rgb";
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
result = useRealValue ? precisionStr + "4( " + colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " )" : parameterName;
//case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
// if ( useRealValue )
// {
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " , " +
// colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " , " +
// colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " , " +
// colorValue.r + " , " + colorValue.g + " , " + colorValue.b + " , " + colorValue.a + " )";
// }
// else
// {
// string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, parameterName );
// CurrentDataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( portCategory, -1, localVal );
// result = precisionStr + "4x4( " + localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w , " +
// localVarName + ".x , " + localVarName + ".y , " + localVarName + ".z , " + localVarName + ".w )";
// }
case WirePortDataType.INT:
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? value.ToString() : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, oldType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, oldType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(float)" + parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.UINT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(uint)" + parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.UINT:
switch( newType )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: result = useRealValue ? value.ToString() : parameterName; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, newType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, oldType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
string localVal = CreateLocalValueName( currentPrecision, oldType, localVarName, ( ( useRealValue ) ? value.ToString() : parameterName ) );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( dataCollector.PortCategory, -1, localVal );
result = localVarName;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(float)" + parameterName;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
result = ( useRealValue ) ? ( (int)value ).ToString() : "(int)" + parameterName;
if( result.Equals( string.Empty ) )
result = "0";
string warningStr = string.Format( "Unable to cast from {0} to {1}. Generating dummy data ( {2} )", oldType, newType, result );
if( oldType == WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D || oldType == WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D || oldType == WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D || oldType == WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE || oldType == WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY )
warningStr = string.Format( "Unable to cast from {0} to {1}. You might want to use a Texture Sample node and connect it to the 'Tex' port. Generating dummy data ( {2} )", oldType, newType, result );
ShowMessage( warningStr, MessageSeverity.Warning );
return result;
public static bool CanCast( WirePortDataType from, WirePortDataType to )
if( from == WirePortDataType.OBJECT || to == WirePortDataType.OBJECT || from == to )
return true;
switch( from )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
if( to == WirePortDataType.INT )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
return false;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
if( to == WirePortDataType.COLOR ||
to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
if( to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT3 ||
to == WirePortDataType.COLOR )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
if( to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4 )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
if( to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3 )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
if( to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT3 ||
to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 )
return true;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
if( to == WirePortDataType.FLOAT )
return true;
return false;
public static int GetChannelsAmount( WirePortDataType type )
switch( type )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: return 0;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: return 1;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: return 2;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: return 3;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: return 4;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3: return 9;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4: return 16;
case WirePortDataType.COLOR: return 4;
case WirePortDataType.INT: return 1;
case WirePortDataType.UINT: return 1;
return 0;
public static WirePortDataType GetWireTypeForChannelAmount( int channelAmount )
switch( channelAmount )
case 1: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT;
case 2: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT2;
case 3: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT3;
case 4: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT4;
case 9: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3;
case 16: return WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4;
return WirePortDataType.FLOAT;
public static string GenerateUniformName( bool excludeUniformKeyword, WirePortDataType dataType, string dataName )
return GenerateUniformName( excludeUniformKeyword, WirePortToCgType( dataType ), dataName );
public static string GenerateUniformName( bool excludeUniformKeyword, string dataType, string dataName )
int index = excludeUniformKeyword ? 1 : 0;
return string.Format( Constants.UniformDec[index], dataType, dataName );
public static string GeneratePropertyName( string name, PropertyType propertyType, bool forceUnderscore = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) )
return name;
name = RemoveInvalidCharacters( name );
if( propertyType != PropertyType.Global || forceUnderscore )
if( name[ 0 ] != '_' )
name = '_' + name;
return name;
public static string UrlReplaceInvalidStrings( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.UrlReplacementStringValuesLen; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.UrlReplacementStringValues[i,0], Constants.UrlReplacementStringValues[i,1] );
return originalString;
public static string ReplaceInvalidStrings( string originalString )
for(int i = 0; i< Constants.ReplacementStringValuesLen;i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.ReplacementStringValues[i,0], Constants.ReplacementStringValues[ i, 1 ] );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveWikiInvalidCharacters( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.WikiInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.WikiInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveInvalidEnumCharacters( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.EnumInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.EnumInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveInvalidAttrCharacters( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.AttrInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.AttrInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveHeaderAttrCharacters( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.AttrInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.HeaderInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveInvalidCharacters( string originalString )
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.OverallInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.OverallInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static string RemoveShaderInvalidCharacters( string originalString )
originalString = originalString.Replace( '\\', '/' );
for( int i = 0; i < Constants.ShaderInvalidChars.Length; i++ )
originalString = originalString.Replace( Constants.ShaderInvalidChars[ i ], string.Empty );
return originalString;
public static bool IsUnityNativeShader( Shader shader )
string pathName = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( shader );
if( pathName.Contains( "unity_builtin_extra") ||
pathName.Contains( "unity default resources" ))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsUnityNativeShader( string path ) { return m_unityNativeShaderPaths.ContainsKey( path ); }
public static string GetComponentForPosition( int pos, WirePortDataType type, bool addDot = false )
string result = addDot ? "." : string.Empty;
switch( pos )
case 0:
return ( ( type == WirePortDataType.COLOR ) ? ( result + "r" ) : ( result + "x" ) );
case 1:
return ( ( type == WirePortDataType.COLOR ) ? ( result + "g" ) : ( result + "y" ) );
case 2:
return ( ( type == WirePortDataType.COLOR ) ? ( result + "b" ) : ( result + "z" ) );
case 3:
return ( ( type == WirePortDataType.COLOR ) ? ( result + "a" ) : ( result + "w" ) );
return string.Empty;
public static string InvalidParameter( ParentNode node )
ShowMessage( node.UniqueId, "Invalid entrance type on node" + node, MessageSeverity.Error );
return "0";
public static string NoConnection( ParentNode node )
ShowMessage( node.UniqueId, "No Input connection on node" + node, MessageSeverity.Error );
return "0";
public static string UnknownError( ParentNode node )
ShowMessage( node.UniqueId, "Unknown error on node" + node, MessageSeverity.Error );
return "0";
public static string GetTex2DProperty( string name, TexturePropertyValues defaultValue ) { return name + "(\"" + name + "\", 2D) = \"" + defaultValue + "\" {}"; }
public static string AddBrackets( string value ) { return "( " + value + " )"; }
public static Color GetColorFromWireStatus( WireStatus status ) { return m_wireStatusToColor[ status ]; }
public static bool HasColorCategory( string category ) { return m_nodeCategoryToColor.ContainsKey( category ); }
public static void AddColorCategory( string category, Color color )
m_nodeCategoryToColor.Add( category, color );
public static Color AddColorCategory( string category, string hexColor )
Color color = new Color();
ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString( hexColor, out color );
m_nodeCategoryToColor.Add( category, color );
return color;
catch( System.Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
return m_nodeCategoryToColor[ "Default" ];
public static Color GetColorFromCategory( string category )
if( m_nodeCategoryToColor.ContainsKey( category ) )
return m_nodeCategoryToColor[ category ];
Debug.LogWarning( category + " category does not contain an associated color" );
return m_nodeCategoryToColor[ "Default" ];
public static string LatestOpenedFolder
get { return m_latestOpenedFolder; }
set { m_latestOpenedFolder = value; }
public static Shader CreateNewUnlit()
if( CurrentWindow == null )
return null;
string shaderName;
string pathName;
Shader newShader = null;
IOUtils.GetShaderName( out shaderName, out pathName, "MyUnlitShader", m_latestOpenedFolder );
if( !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( shaderName ) && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( pathName ) )
CurrentWindow.CreateNewGraph( shaderName );
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode.SetName( shaderName );
newShader = CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FireMasterNode( pathName, true );
return newShader;
public static Shader CreateNewEmpty( string customPath = null , string customShaderName = null )
if( CurrentWindow == null )
return null;
string shaderName;
string pathName;
Shader newShader = null;
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( Selection.activeObject );
if( path == "" )
path = "Assets";
else if( System.IO.Path.GetExtension( path ) != "" )
path = path.Replace( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( Selection.activeObject ) ), "" );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( customPath ) )
IOUtils.GetShaderName( out shaderName, out pathName, Constants.DefaultShaderName, m_latestOpenedFolder );
pathName = customPath;
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( customShaderName ) )
shaderName = Constants.DefaultShaderName;
int indexOfAssets = pathName.IndexOf( "Assets" );
string uniquePath = ( indexOfAssets > 0 ) ? pathName.Remove( 0, indexOfAssets ) : pathName;
string assetPathAndName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath( uniquePath + shaderName + ".shader" );
pathName = assetPathAndName;
shaderName = assetPathAndName.Remove( 0, assetPathAndName.IndexOf( shaderName ) );
shaderName = customShaderName;
shaderName = shaderName.Remove( shaderName.Length - 7 );
if( !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( shaderName ) && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( pathName ) )
m_latestOpenedFolder = pathName;
CurrentWindow.titleContent.text = AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.GenerateTabTitle( shaderName );
CurrentWindow.titleContent.image = ShaderIcon;
CurrentWindow.CreateNewGraph( shaderName );
CurrentWindow.LastOpenedLocation = pathName;
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode.SetName( shaderName );
newShader = CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FireMasterNode( pathName, true );
return newShader;
public static Shader CreateNewEmptyTemplate( string templateGUID, string customPath = null, string customShaderName = null )
if( CurrentWindow == null )
return null;
string shaderName;
string pathName;
Shader newShader = null;
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( Selection.activeObject );
if( path == "" )
path = "Assets";
else if( System.IO.Path.GetExtension( path ) != "" )
path = path.Replace( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( Selection.activeObject ) ), "" );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( customPath ) )
IOUtils.GetShaderName( out shaderName, out pathName, Constants.DefaultShaderName, m_latestOpenedFolder );
pathName = customPath;
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( customShaderName ) )
shaderName = Constants.DefaultShaderName;
int indexOfAssets = pathName.IndexOf( "Assets" );
string uniquePath = ( indexOfAssets > 0 ) ? pathName.Remove( 0, indexOfAssets ) : pathName;
string assetPathAndName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath( uniquePath + shaderName + ".shader" );
pathName = assetPathAndName;
shaderName = assetPathAndName.Remove( 0, assetPathAndName.IndexOf( shaderName ) );
shaderName = customShaderName;
shaderName = shaderName.Remove( shaderName.Length - 7 );
if( !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( shaderName ) && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( pathName ) )
m_latestOpenedFolder = pathName;
CurrentWindow.titleContent.text = AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.GenerateTabTitle( shaderName );
CurrentWindow.titleContent.image = UIUtils.ShaderIcon;
CurrentWindow.CreateNewTemplateGraph( templateGUID );
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode.SetName( shaderName );
newShader = CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FireMasterNode( pathName, true );
return newShader;
public static void SetDelayedMaterialMode( Material material )
if( CurrentWindow == null )
CurrentWindow.SetDelayedMaterialMode( material );
public static void CreateEmptyFromInvalid( Shader shader )
if( CurrentWindow == null )
CurrentWindow.CreateNewGraph( shader );
public static void CreateEmptyFunction( AmplifyShaderFunction shaderFunction )
if( CurrentWindow == null )
CurrentWindow.CreateNewFunctionGraph( shaderFunction );
CurrentWindow.SaveToDisk( false );
public static void DrawFloat( UndoParentNode owner, ref Rect propertyDrawPos, ref float value, float newLabelWidth = 8 )
float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = newLabelWidth;
value = owner.EditorGUIFloatField( propertyDrawPos, " ", value, UIUtils.MainSkin.textField );
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
public static GUIStyle GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle style )
return ( Initialized ) ? MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)style ] : null;
public static void SetCustomStyle( CustomStyle style, GUIStyle guiStyle )
if( MainSkin != null )
MainSkin.customStyles[ (int)style ] = new GUIStyle( guiStyle );
public static void OpenFile()
if( CurrentWindow == null )
string newShader = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Select Shader to open", m_latestOpenedFolder, "shader" );
if( !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( newShader ) )
m_latestOpenedFolder = newShader.Substring( 0, newShader.LastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
int relFilenameId = newShader.IndexOf( Application.dataPath );
if( relFilenameId > -1 )
string relFilename = newShader.Substring( relFilenameId + Application.dataPath.Length - 6 );// -6 need to also copy the assets/ part
CurrentWindow.LoadFromDisk( relFilename );
ShowMessage( "Can only load shaders\nfrom inside the projects folder", MessageSeverity.Error );
public static bool DetectNodeLoopsFrom( ParentNode node, Dictionary<int, int> currentNodes )
for( int i = 0; i < node.InputPorts.Count; i++ )
if( node.InputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
ParentNode newNode = node.InputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode();
if( !currentNodes.ContainsKey( newNode.UniqueId ) )
RecursiveNodeFill( newNode, currentNodes );
bool found = currentNodes.ContainsKey( node.UniqueId );
currentNodes = null;
return found;
private static void RecursiveNodeFill( ParentNode node, Dictionary<int, int> currentNodes )
if( !currentNodes.ContainsKey( node.UniqueId ) )
currentNodes.Add( node.UniqueId, 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < node.InputPorts.Count; i++ )
if( node.InputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
ParentNode newNode = node.InputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode();
if( !currentNodes.ContainsKey( newNode.UniqueId ) )
RecursiveNodeFill( newNode, currentNodes );
public static ParentNode CreateNode( System.Type type, bool registerUndo, Vector2 pos, int nodeId = -1, bool addLast = true )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CreateNode( type, registerUndo, pos, nodeId, addLast );
return null;
public static void DestroyNode( int nodeId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.DestroyNode( nodeId );
public static void ShowMessage( int ownerId, string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Normal, bool registerTimestamp = true )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.ShowMessage( ownerId, message, severity, registerTimestamp );
public static void ShowMessage( string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Normal, bool registerTimestamp = true )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.ShowMessage( message, severity, registerTimestamp );
public static ParentNode GetNode( int nodeId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GetNode( nodeId );
return null;
public static PropertyNode GetInternalTemplateNode( int nodeId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GetInternalTemplateNode( nodeId );
return null;
public static PropertyNode GetInternalTemplateNode( string propertyName )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GetInternalTemplateNode( propertyName );
return null;
public static void DeleteConnection( bool isInput, int nodeId, int portId, bool registerOnLog, bool propagateCallback )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.DeleteConnection( isInput, nodeId, portId, registerOnLog, propagateCallback );
public static void ConnectInputToOutput( int inNodeId, int inPortId, int outNodeId, int outPortId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.ConnectInputToOutput( inNodeId, inPortId, outNodeId, outPortId );
public static Shader CreateNewGraph( string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CreateNewGraph( name );
return null;
public static void SetConnection( int InNodeId, int InPortId, int OutNodeId, int OutPortId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SetConnection( InNodeId, InPortId, OutNodeId, OutPortId );
public static bool IsChannelAvailable( int channelId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.IsChannelAvailable( channelId );
return false;
public static bool ReleaseUVChannel( int nodeId, int channelId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.ReleaseUVChannel( nodeId, channelId );
return false;
public static bool RegisterUVChannel( int nodeId, int channelId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.RegisterUVChannel( nodeId, channelId, name );
return false;
public static void GetFirstAvailableName( int nodeId, WirePortDataType type, out string outProperty, out string outInspector, bool useCustomPrefix = false, string customPrefix = null )
outProperty = string.Empty;
outInspector = string.Empty;
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.GetFirstAvailableName( nodeId, type, out outProperty, out outInspector, useCustomPrefix, customPrefix );
public static bool IsNumericName( string name )
Match match = Regex.Match( name, NumericNamePattern );
if( match != null && match.Success )
return true;
return false;
public static bool CheckInvalidUniformName( string name )
if( m_reservedPropertyNames.ContainsKey( name ) )
ShowMessage( string.Format( Constants.ReservedPropertyNameStr, name ) );
return true;
if( IsNumericName( name ))
ShowMessage( string.Format( Constants.NumericPropertyNameStr, name ) );
return true;
return false;
public static bool RegisterUniformName( int nodeId, string name )
if( CheckInvalidUniformName( name ) )
return false;
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.RegisterUniformName( nodeId, name );
return false;
public static bool ReleaseUniformName( int nodeId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.ReleaseUniformName( nodeId, name );
return false;
public static bool IsUniformNameAvailable( string name )
if( CheckInvalidUniformName( name ) )
return false;
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.IsUniformNameAvailable( name );
return false;
public static int CheckUniformNameOwner( string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.CheckUniformNameOwner( name );
return -1;
public static string GetUniqueUniformName( string name )
int num = 0;
Regex reg = new Regex( @"([0-9]+)$" );
Match match = reg.Match( name );
if( match.Success )
string s = match.Groups[ 1 ].Captures[ 0 ].Value;
num = int.Parse( s );
name = name.Replace( s, "" );
for( int i = num + 1; i < 1000; i++ )
string testName = name + i;
if( CheckInvalidUniformName( testName ) )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
if( CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.IsUniformNameAvailable( testName ) )
return testName;
return name;
public static bool RegisterLocalVariableName( int nodeId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.RegisterLocalVariableName( nodeId, name );
return false;
public static bool ReleaseLocalVariableName( int nodeId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.ReleaseLocalVariableName( nodeId, name );
return false;
public static bool IsLocalvariableNameAvailable( string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.IsLocalvariableNameAvailable( name );
return false;
public static string GetChannelName( int channelId )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.GetChannelName( channelId );
return string.Empty;
public static void SetChannelName( int channelId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.SetChannelName( channelId, name );
public static int RegisterFirstAvailableChannel( int nodeId, string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.DuplicatePrevBufferInstance.RegisterFirstAvailableChannel( nodeId, name );
return -1;
public static int PortCategorytoAttayIdx( MasterNodePortCategory category )
if( m_portCategoryToArrayIdx.ContainsKey( category ))
return m_portCategoryToArrayIdx[category];
return m_portCategoryToArrayIdx[ MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment ];
public static bool DisplayDialog( string shaderPath )
string value = System.String.Format( "Save changes to the shader {0} before closing?", shaderPath );
return EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Load selected", value, "Yes", "No" );
public static void ForceUpdateFromMaterial()
if( CurrentWindow != null )
// CurrentWindow.Focus();
public static void MarkToRepaint() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) CurrentWindow.MarkToRepaint(); }
public static void RequestSave() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) CurrentWindow.RequestSave(); }
public static string FloatToString( float value )
string floatStr = value.ToString();
if( value % 1 == 0 )
floatStr += ".0";
return floatStr;
public static int CurrentShaderVersion()
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LoadedShaderVersion;
return -1;
public static bool IsProperty( PropertyType type ) { return ( type == PropertyType.Property || type == PropertyType.InstancedProperty ); }
public static MasterNode CurrentMasterNode()
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode;
return null;
public static void AddVirtualTextureCount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.AddVirtualTextureCount(); } }
public static bool HasVirtualTexture()
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.HasVirtualTexture;
return false;
public static void RemoveVirtualTextureCount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.RemoveVirtualTextureCount(); } }
//public static void AddInstancePropertyCount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.AddInstancePropertyCount(); } }
public static bool IsInstancedShader()
if( CurrentWindow != null )
return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.IsInstancedShader;
return false;
//public static void RemoveInstancePropertyCount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.RemoveInstancePropertyCount(); } }
//public static void AddNormalDependentCount() { if ( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.AddNormalDependentCount(); } }
//public static void RemoveNormalDependentCount() { if ( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.RemoveNormalDependentCount(); } }
//public static bool IsNormalDependent()
// if ( CurrentWindow != null )
// {
// return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.IsNormalDependent;
// }
// return false;
public static void CopyValuesFromMaterial( Material mat )
if( CurrentWindow != null && CurrentWindow.CurrentMaterial == mat )
CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CopyValuesFromMaterial( mat );
int aseWindowCount = IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < aseWindowCount; i++ )
if( IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows[ i ] != m_currentWindow && IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows[ i ].CurrentMaterial == mat )
IOUtils.AllOpenedWindows[ i ].CurrentGraph.CopyValuesFromMaterial( mat );
// Sampler Node
public static void RegisterSamplerNode( SamplerNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterSamplerNode( SamplerNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] SamplerNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static SamplerNode GetSamplerNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static void UpdateSamplerDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetSamplerNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static int GetSamplerNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.SamplerNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Float Node
public static void RegisterFloatIntNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFloatIntNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] FloatIntNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static int[] FloatIntNodeIds() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.NodeIds; } return null; }
public static PropertyNode GetFloatIntNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static void UpdateFloatIntDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetFloatIntNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static int GetNodeIdByName( string name )
if( CurrentWindow != null )
UsageListFloatIntNodes list = CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes;
int count = list.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( list.NodesList[ i ].PropertyName.Equals( name ) )
return list.NodesList[ i ].UniqueId;
return -1;
public static PropertyNode GetFloatIntNodeByUniqueId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatIntNodes.GetNodeByUniqueId( uniqueId ); } return null; }
//public static int GetFloatNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FloatNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Texture Property
public static void RegisterTexturePropertyNode( TexturePropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterTexturePropertyNode( TexturePropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] TexturePropertyNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static TexturePropertyNode GetTexturePropertyNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static void UpdateTexturePropertyDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetTexturePropertyNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static int GetTexturePropertyNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TexturePropertyNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Texture Array
public static void RegisterTextureArrayNode( TextureArrayNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterTextureArrayNode( TextureArrayNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] TextureArrayNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static TextureArrayNode GetTextureArrayNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static void UpdateTextureArrayDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetTextureArrayNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static int GetTextureArrayNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.TextureArrayNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Raw Property Node
public static void RegisterRawPropertyNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.RawPropertyNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterRawPropertyNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.RawPropertyNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
// Property Node
public static void RegisterPropertyNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterPropertyNode( PropertyNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] PropertyNodeNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static PropertyNode GetPropertyNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static PropertyNode GetPropertyNodeByUniqueId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.GetNodeByUniqueId( uniqueId ); } return null; }
public static void UpdatePropertyDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetPropertyNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static List<PropertyNode> PropertyNodesList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
public static int GetPropertyNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.PropertyNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Function Inputs
public static void RegisterFunctionInputNode( FunctionInput node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionInputNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFunctionInputNode( FunctionInput node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionInputNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static void UpdateFunctionInputData( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionInputNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static List<FunctionInput> FunctionInputList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionInputNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
// Function Nodes
public static void RegisterFunctionNode( FunctionNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFunctionNode( FunctionNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static void UpdateFunctionData( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static List<FunctionNode> FunctionList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
// Function Outputs
public static void RegisterFunctionOutputNode( FunctionOutput node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionOutputNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFunctionOutputNode( FunctionOutput node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionOutputNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static void UpdateFunctionOutputData( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionOutputNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static List<FunctionOutput> FunctionOutputList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionOutputNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
// Function Switches Copy
public static void RegisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( FunctionSwitch node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchCopyNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( FunctionSwitch node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchCopyNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static void UpdateFunctionSwitchCopyData( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchCopyNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static List<FunctionSwitch> FunctionSwitchCopyList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchCopyNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
// Function Switches
public static void RegisterFunctionSwitchNode( FunctionSwitch node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterFunctionSwitchNode( FunctionSwitch node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static void UpdateFunctionSwitchData( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static List<FunctionSwitch> FunctionSwitchList() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.NodesList; } return null; }
public static void UpdateFunctionSwitchArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.UpdateNodeArr(); } }
public static string[] FunctionSwitchesNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static FunctionSwitch GetFunctionSwitchNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static int GetFunctionSwitchNodeIndex( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.FunctionSwitchNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
// Screen Color Node
public static void RegisterScreenColorNode( ScreenColorNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterScreenColorNode( ScreenColorNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] ScreenColorNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static ScreenColorNode GetScreenColorNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static int GetScreenColorNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static void UpdateScreenColorDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetScreenColorNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.ScreenColorNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
// Local Var Node
public static int RegisterLocalVarNode( RegisterLocalVarNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.AddNode( node ); } return -1; }
public static void UnregisterLocalVarNode( RegisterLocalVarNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] LocalVarNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static int LocalVarNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.NodesList.Count; } return 0; }
public static int GetLocalVarNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static RegisterLocalVarNode GetLocalVarNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static void UpdateLocalVarDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.LocalVarNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
//Global Array
public static void RegisterGlobalArrayNode( GlobalArrayNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.AddNode( node ); } }
public static void UnregisterGlobalArrayNode( GlobalArrayNode node ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.RemoveNode( node ); } }
public static string[] GlobalArrayNodeArr() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.NodesArr; } return null; }
public static GlobalArrayNode GetGlobalArrayNode( int idx ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.GetNode( idx ); } return null; }
public static int GetGlobalArrayNodeRegisterId( int uniqueId ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.GetNodeRegisterIdx( uniqueId ); } return -1; }
public static void UpdateGlobalArrayDataNode( int uniqueId, string data ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.UpdateDataOnNode( uniqueId, data ); } }
public static int GetGlobalArrayNodeAmount() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.GlobalArrayNodes.NodesList.Count; } return -1; }
public static void FocusOnNode( ParentNode node, float zoom, bool selectNode ) { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { CurrentWindow.FocusOnNode( node, zoom, selectNode ); } }
public static PrecisionType CurrentPrecision() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentPrecision; } return PrecisionType.Float; }
public static string CurrentPrecisionCg() { if( CurrentWindow != null ) { return m_precisionTypeToCg[ CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentPrecision ]; } return m_precisionTypeToCg[ PrecisionType.Float ]; }
public static PrecisionType GetFinalPrecision( PrecisionType precision )
if( CurrentWindow != null && CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph != null )
PrecisionType mainPrecision = CurrentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentPrecision;
if( (int)mainPrecision > (int)precision )
return mainPrecision;
return precision;
public static bool GetNodeAvailabilityInBitArray( int bitArray, NodeAvailability availability ) { return ( bitArray & (int)availability ) != 0; }
public static bool GetCategoryInBitArray( int bitArray, MasterNodePortCategory category ) { return ( bitArray & (int)category ) != 0; }
public static void SetCategoryInBitArray( ref int bitArray, MasterNodePortCategory category ) { bitArray = bitArray | (int)category; }
public static int GetPriority( WirePortDataType type ) { return m_portPriority[ type ]; }
public static void ShowIncompatiblePortMessage( bool fromInput, ParentNode inNode, WirePort inPort, ParentNode outNode, WirePort outPort )
string inPortName = inPort.Name.Equals( Constants.EmptyPortValue ) ? inPort.PortId.ToString() : inPort.Name;
string outPortName = outPort.Name.Equals( Constants.EmptyPortValue ) ? outPort.PortId.ToString() : outPort.Name;
ShowMessage( outNode.UniqueId, string.Format( ( fromInput ? IncorrectInputConnectionErrorMsg : IncorrectOutputConnectionErrorMsg ), inPortName, inNode.Attributes.Name, inPort.DataType, outPort.DataType, outPortName, outNode.Attributes.Name ) );
public static void ShowNoVertexModeNodeMessage( ParentNode node )
ShowMessage( node.UniqueId, string.Format( NoVertexModeNodeWarning, node.Attributes.Name ), MessageSeverity.Warning );
public static int TotalExampleMaterials { get { return m_exampleMaterialIDs.Count; } }
public static int ShaderIndentLevel
get { return m_shaderIndentLevel; }
m_shaderIndentLevel = Mathf.Max( value, 0 );
m_shaderIndentTabs = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < m_shaderIndentLevel; i++ ) { m_shaderIndentTabs += "\t"; }
public static string ShaderIndentTabs { get { return m_shaderIndentTabs; } }
public static void AddLineToShaderBody( ref string ShaderBody, string line ) { ShaderBody += m_shaderIndentTabs + line; }
public static void AddMultiLineToShaderBody( ref string ShaderBody, string[] lines )
for( int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++ )
ShaderBody += m_shaderIndentTabs + lines[ i ];
public static void ClearUndoHelper()
public static bool CheckUndoNode( ParentNode node )
if( node == null )
return false;
if( m_undoHelper.ContainsKey( node.UniqueId ) )
return false;
m_undoHelper.Add( node.UniqueId, node );
EditorUtility.SetDirty( node );
return true;
public static void MarkUndoAction()
SerializeHelperCounter = 2;
public static bool SerializeFromUndo()
if( SerializeHelperCounter > 0 )
return true;
return false;
public static int GetKeywordId( string keyword, TemplateSRPType type = TemplateSRPType.BuiltIn)
switch( type )
case TemplateSRPType.BuiltIn:
if( AvailableKeywordsDict.Count != AvailableKeywords.Length )
for( int i = 1; i < AvailableKeywords.Length; i++ )
AvailableKeywordsDict.Add( AvailableKeywords[ i ], i );
if( AvailableKeywordsDict.ContainsKey( keyword ) )
return AvailableKeywordsDict[ keyword ];
case TemplateSRPType.HD:
case TemplateSRPType.Lightweight:
if( AvailableURPKeywordsDict.Count != AvailableURPKeywords.Length )
for( int i = 1; i < AvailableURPKeywords.Length; i++ )
AvailableURPKeywordsDict.Add( AvailableURPKeywords[ i ], i );
if( AvailableURPKeywordsDict.ContainsKey( keyword ) )
return AvailableURPKeywordsDict[ keyword ];
return 0;
public static string ForceLFLineEnding( string body )
body = body.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" );
body = body.Replace( "\r", "\n" );
return body;