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2023-10-09 00:51:40 +08:00
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public enum PrecisionType
Float = 0,
public enum AvailableShaderTypes
SurfaceShader = 0,
public class MasterNodeCategoriesData
public AvailableShaderTypes Category;
public string Name;
public MasterNodeCategoriesData( AvailableShaderTypes category, string name ) { Category = category; Name = name; }
public class MasterNode : OutputNode
protected const string CustomInspectorStr = "Custom Editor";
protected const string CustomInspectorFormat = "CustomEditor \"{0}\"";
private const string PropertyOrderFoldoutStr = " Material Properties";
private const string PropertyOrderTemplateFoldoutStr = "Material Properties";
protected MasterNodeDataCollector m_currentDataCollector;
protected const string ShaderNameStr = "Shader Name";
protected GUIContent m_shaderNameContent;
private const string IndentationHelper = "\t\t{0}\n";
private const string ShaderLODFormat = "\t\tLOD {0}\n";
public delegate void OnMaterialUpdated( MasterNode masterNode );
public event OnMaterialUpdated OnMaterialUpdatedEvent;
public event OnMaterialUpdated OnShaderUpdatedEvent;
protected const string GeneralFoldoutStr = " General";
protected readonly string[] ShaderModelTypeArr = { "2.0", "2.5", "3.0", "3.5", "4.0", "4.5", "4.6", "5.0" };
private const string ShaderKeywordsStr = "Shader Keywords";
protected int m_shaderLOD = 0;
protected int m_shaderModelIdx = 2;
protected Shader m_currentShader;
protected Material m_currentMaterial;
//private bool m_isMainMasterNode = false;
private Rect m_masterNodeIconCoords;
protected string m_shaderName = Constants.DefaultShaderName;
protected string m_croppedShaderName = Constants.DefaultShaderName;
protected string m_customInspectorName = Constants.DefaultCustomInspector;
protected int m_masterNodeCategory = 0;// MasterNodeCategories.SurfaceShader;
protected bool m_samplingMacros = false;
protected string m_currentShaderData = string.Empty;
private Texture2D m_masterNodeOnTex;
private Texture2D m_masterNodeOffTex;
private Texture2D m_gpuInstanceOnTex;
private Texture2D m_gpuInstanceOffTex;
// Shader Keywords
private List<string> m_shaderKeywords = new List<string>();
private bool m_shaderKeywordsFoldout = true;
private GUIStyle m_addShaderKeywordStyle;
private GUIStyle m_removeShaderKeywordStyle;
private GUIStyle m_smallAddShaderKeywordItemStyle;
private GUIStyle m_smallRemoveShaderKeywordStyle;
private const float ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth = 15;
public MasterNode() : base() { CommonInit(); }
public MasterNode( int uniqueId, float x, float y, float width, float height ) : base( uniqueId, x, y, width, height ) { CommonInit(); }
protected GUIContent m_categoryLabel = new GUIContent( "Shader Type ", "Specify the shader type you want to be working on" );
protected GUIContent[] m_availableCategoryLabels;
protected MasterNodeCategoriesData[] m_availableCategories;
private List<PropertyNode> m_propertyNodesVisibleList = new List<PropertyNode>();
private ReorderableList m_propertyReordableList;
protected bool m_propertyOrderChanged = false;
//private int m_availableCount = 0;
private int m_lastCount = 0;
private GUIStyle m_propertyAdjustment;
protected bool m_shaderNameIsTitle = true;
void CommonInit()
m_currentMaterial = null;
m_masterNodeIconCoords = new Rect( 0, 0, 64, 64 );
m_isMainOutputNode = false;
m_connStatus = NodeConnectionStatus.Connected;
m_activeType = GetType();
m_currentPrecisionType = PrecisionType.Float;
m_textLabelWidth = 120;
m_shaderNameContent = new GUIContent( ShaderNameStr, string.Empty );
void InitAvailableCategories()
int templateCount = m_containerGraph.ParentWindow.TemplatesManagerInstance.TemplateCount;
m_availableCategories = new MasterNodeCategoriesData[ templateCount + 1 ];
m_availableCategoryLabels = new GUIContent[ templateCount + 1 ];
m_availableCategories[ 0 ] = new MasterNodeCategoriesData( AvailableShaderTypes.SurfaceShader, string.Empty );
m_availableCategoryLabels[ 0 ] = new GUIContent( "Surface" );
for( int i = 0; i < templateCount; i++ )
int idx = i + 1;
TemplateDataParent templateData = m_containerGraph.ParentWindow.TemplatesManagerInstance.GetTemplate( i );
m_availableCategories[ idx ] = new MasterNodeCategoriesData( AvailableShaderTypes.Template, templateData.GUID );
m_availableCategoryLabels[ idx ] = new GUIContent( templateData.Name );
public void SetMasterNodeCategoryFromGUID( string GUID )
if( m_availableCategories == null )
m_masterNodeCategory = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < m_availableCategories.Length; i++ )
if( m_availableCategories[ i ].Name.Equals( GUID ) )
m_masterNodeCategory = i;
public override void SetupNodeCategories()
int count = m_inputPorts.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
NodeData nodeData = new NodeData( m_inputPorts[ i ].Category );
ParentNode node = m_inputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode();
node.PropagateNodeData( nodeData, ref m_currentDataCollector );
else if( m_inputPorts[ i ].HasExternalLink )
InputPort linkedPort = m_inputPorts[ i ].ExternalLink;
if( linkedPort != null && linkedPort.IsConnected )
NodeData nodeData = new NodeData( linkedPort.Category );
ParentNode node = linkedPort.GetOutputNode();
node.PropagateNodeData( nodeData, ref m_currentDataCollector );
public virtual void RefreshAvailableCategories()
public virtual void AddMasterPorts() { }
public virtual void ForcePortType() { }
public virtual void UpdateMasterNodeMaterial( Material material ) { }
public virtual void SetName( string name ) { }
public void CopyFrom( MasterNode other )
Vec2Position = other.Vec2Position;
CurrentShader = other.CurrentShader;
CurrentMaterial = other.CurrentMaterial;
ShaderName = other.ShaderName;
m_masterNodeCategory = other.CurrentMasterNodeCategoryIdx;
protected void DrawCurrentShaderType()
if( m_availableCategories == null )
int oldType = m_masterNodeCategory;
m_masterNodeCategory = EditorGUILayoutPopup( m_categoryLabel, m_masterNodeCategory, m_availableCategoryLabels );
if( oldType != m_masterNodeCategory )
m_containerGraph.ParentWindow.ReplaceMasterNode( m_availableCategories[ m_masterNodeCategory ], false );
protected void DrawCustomInspector( bool dropdown )
#if !UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
dropdown = false;
if( ASEPackageManagerHelper.CurrentHDVersion <= ASESRPVersions.ASE_SRP_5_16_1 )
dropdown = false;
m_customInspectorName = EditorGUILayoutTextField( CustomInspectorStr, m_customInspectorName );
if( !dropdown )
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ResetToDefaultInspectorButton ), GUILayout.Width( 15 ), GUILayout.Height( 15 ) ) )
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
m_customInspectorName = Constants.DefaultCustomInspector;
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.InspectorPopdropdownFallback, GUILayout.Width( 17 ), GUILayout.Height( 19 ) ) )
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
GUI.FocusControl( null );
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
AddMenuItem( menu, Constants.DefaultCustomInspector );
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
if( ASEPackageManagerHelper.CurrentHDVersion > ASESRPVersions.ASE_SRP_6_9_1 )
if( ASEPackageManagerHelper.CurrentHDVersion > ASESRPVersions.ASE_SRP_10_0_0 )
AddMenuItem( menu, "Rendering.HighDefinition.LightingShaderGraphGUI" );
AddMenuItem( menu, "Rendering.HighDefinition.HDUnlitGUI" );
AddMenuItem( menu, "UnityEditor.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLitGUI" );
AddMenuItem( menu, "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.PBRMasterGUI" );
AddMenuItem( menu, "UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDLitGUI" );
AddMenuItem( menu, "UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDLitGUI" );
private void AddMenuItem( GenericMenu menu, string newClass )
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( newClass ), m_customInspectorName.Equals( newClass ), OnSelection, newClass );
private void OnSelection( object newClass )
m_customInspectorName = (string)newClass;
protected void DrawShaderName()
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
// this is a hack to control the automatic selection of text fields when the window is selected after serialization
// by having a selectable label the focus happens on it instead and doesn't interupt the usual flow of the editor
EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel( "", GUILayout.Height( 0 ) );
string newShaderName = EditorGUILayoutTextField( m_shaderNameContent, m_shaderName );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
if( newShaderName.Length > 0 )
newShaderName = UIUtils.RemoveShaderInvalidCharacters( newShaderName );
newShaderName = Constants.DefaultShaderName;
ShaderName = newShaderName;
ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.UpdateTabTitle( ShaderName, true );
m_shaderNameContent.tooltip = m_shaderName;
protected void DrawSamplingMacros()
m_samplingMacros = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Use Sampling Macros", m_samplingMacros );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
ContainerGraph.SamplingMacros = SamplingMacros;
public void DrawShaderKeywords()
if( m_addShaderKeywordStyle == null )
m_addShaderKeywordStyle = UIUtils.PlusStyle;
if( m_removeShaderKeywordStyle == null )
m_removeShaderKeywordStyle = UIUtils.MinusStyle;
if( m_smallAddShaderKeywordItemStyle == null )
m_smallAddShaderKeywordItemStyle = UIUtils.PlusStyle;
if( m_smallRemoveShaderKeywordStyle == null )
m_smallRemoveShaderKeywordStyle = UIUtils.MinusStyle;
m_shaderKeywordsFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout( m_shaderKeywordsFoldout, ShaderKeywordsStr );
// Add keyword
if( GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, m_addShaderKeywordStyle ) )
m_shaderKeywords.Insert( 0, "" );
//Remove keyword
if( GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, m_removeShaderKeywordStyle ) )
m_shaderKeywords.RemoveAt( m_shaderKeywords.Count - 1 );
if( m_shaderKeywordsFoldout )
EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1;
int itemCount = m_shaderKeywords.Count;
int markedToDelete = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
GUILayout.Label( " " );
// Add new port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, m_smallAddShaderKeywordItemStyle, GUILayout.Width( ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
m_shaderKeywords.Insert( i, "" );
//Remove port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, m_smallRemoveShaderKeywordStyle, GUILayout.Width( ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
markedToDelete = i;
if( markedToDelete > -1 )
m_shaderKeywords.RemoveAt( markedToDelete );
EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo )
if( m_availableCategories == null )
base.Draw( drawInfo );
public override void OnNodeRepaint( DrawInfo drawInfo )
base.OnNodeRepaint( drawInfo );
if( m_isMainOutputNode )
if( m_masterNodeOnTex == null )
m_masterNodeOnTex = UIUtils.MasterNodeOnTexture;
if( m_masterNodeOffTex == null )
m_masterNodeOffTex = UIUtils.MasterNodeOffTexture;
if( m_gpuInstanceOnTex == null )
m_gpuInstanceOnTex = UIUtils.GPUInstancedOnTexture;
if( m_gpuInstanceOffTex == null )
m_gpuInstanceOffTex = UIUtils.GPUInstancedOffTexture;
m_masterNodeIconCoords = m_globalPosition;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.x += m_globalPosition.width - m_masterNodeOffTex.width * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.y += m_globalPosition.height - m_masterNodeOffTex.height * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.width = m_masterNodeOffTex.width * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.height = m_masterNodeOffTex.height * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
GUI.DrawTexture( m_masterNodeIconCoords, m_masterNodeOffTex );
if( m_gpuInstanceOnTex == null )
m_gpuInstanceOnTex = UIUtils.GPUInstancedOnTexture;
protected void DrawInstancedIcon( DrawInfo drawInfo )
if( m_gpuInstanceOffTex == null || drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.Repaint )
m_masterNodeIconCoords = m_globalPosition;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.x += m_globalPosition.width - 5 - m_gpuInstanceOffTex.width * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.y += m_headerPosition.height;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.width = m_gpuInstanceOffTex.width * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
m_masterNodeIconCoords.height = m_gpuInstanceOffTex.height * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
GUI.DrawTexture( m_masterNodeIconCoords, m_gpuInstanceOffTex );
//public override void DrawProperties()
// base.DrawProperties();
// //EditorGUILayout.LabelField( _shaderTypeLabel );
public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo )
base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo );
//IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_isMainMasterNode );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_shaderModelIdx );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_customInspectorName );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_shaderLOD );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_masterNodeCategory );
public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams )
base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 21 )
m_shaderModelIdx = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() < 17005 )
string val = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
if( m_customPrecision )
if( val.Equals( "Fixed" ) )
m_currentPrecisionType = PrecisionType.Half;
m_currentPrecisionType = (PrecisionType)Enum.Parse( typeof( PrecisionType ), val );
m_currentPrecisionType = PrecisionType.Inherit;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 2404 )
m_customInspectorName = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 6101 )
ShaderLOD = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() >= 13001 )
//Debug.LogWarning( "Add correct version as soon as it is merged into master" );
m_masterNodeCategory = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
public override void OnInputPortConnected( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, bool activateNode = true )
if( activateNode )
InputPort port = GetInputPortByUniqueId( portId );
port.GetOutputNode().ActivateNode( UniqueId, portId, m_activeType );
public void FireMaterialChangedEvt()
if( OnMaterialUpdatedEvent != null )
OnMaterialUpdatedEvent( this );
public void FireShaderChangedEvt()
if( OnShaderUpdatedEvent != null )
OnShaderUpdatedEvent( this );
public void RegisterStandaloneFuntions()
List<CustomExpressionNode> nodes = m_containerGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.NodesList;
int count = nodes.Count;
Dictionary<int, CustomExpressionNode> examinedNodes = new Dictionary<int, CustomExpressionNode>();
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( nodes[ i ].AutoRegisterMode )
nodes[ i ].CheckDependencies( ref m_currentDataCollector, ref examinedNodes );
examinedNodes = null;
// What operation this node does
public virtual void Execute( Shader selectedShader )
Execute( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( selectedShader ), false );
public virtual Shader Execute( string pathname, bool isFullPath )
m_currentDataCollector = new MasterNodeDataCollector( this );
return null;
public void CheckSamplingMacrosFlag()
if( ContainerGraph.SamplingMacros && m_currentDataCollector != null )
m_currentDataCollector.AddToDirectives( Constants.SamplingMacrosDirective );
protected void SortInputPorts( ref List<InputPort> vertexPorts, ref List<InputPort> fragmentPorts )
for( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++ )
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].Category == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment || m_inputPorts[ i ].Category == MasterNodePortCategory.Debug )
if( fragmentPorts != null )
fragmentPorts.Add( m_inputPorts[ i ] );
if( vertexPorts != null )
vertexPorts.Add( m_inputPorts[ i ] );
if( fragmentPorts.Count > 0 )
fragmentPorts.Sort( ( x, y ) => x.OrderId.CompareTo( y.OrderId ) );
if( vertexPorts.Count > 0 )
vertexPorts.Sort( ( x, y ) => x.OrderId.CompareTo( y.OrderId ) );
protected void UpdateShaderAsset( ref string pathname, ref string shaderBody, bool isFullPath )
// Generate Graph info
shaderBody += ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.GenerateGraphInfo();
//TODO: Remove current SaveDebugShader and uncomment SaveToDisk as soon as pathname is editable
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( pathname ) )
IOUtils.StartSaveThread( shaderBody, ( isFullPath ? pathname : ( IOUtils.dataPath + pathname ) ) );
IOUtils.StartSaveThread( shaderBody, Application.dataPath + "/AmplifyShaderEditor/Samples/Shaders/" + m_shaderName + ".shader" );
if( CurrentShader == null )
AssetDatabase.Refresh( ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate );
CurrentShader = Shader.Find( ShaderName );
// // need to always get asset datapath because a user can change and asset location from the project window
// AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( m_currentShader ) );
// //ShaderUtil.UpdateShaderAsset( m_currentShader, ShaderBody );
// //ShaderImporter importer = (ShaderImporter)ShaderImporter.GetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( CurrentShader ) );
// //importer.SaveAndReimport();
if( m_currentShader != null )
m_currentDataCollector.UpdateShaderImporter( ref m_currentShader );
if( m_currentMaterial != null )
if( m_currentMaterial.shader != m_currentShader )
m_currentMaterial.shader = m_currentShader;
//m_currentDataCollector.UpdateMaterialOnPropertyNodes( m_currentMaterial );
//This master node UpdateMaterial is needed on Standard Surface node to update its internal properties
UpdateMaterial( m_currentMaterial );
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.UpdateMaterialOnPropertyNodes( m_currentMaterial );
// need to always get asset datapath because a user can change and asset location from the project window
//AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( m_currentMaterial ) );
m_currentDataCollector = null;
public void InvalidateMaterialPropertyCount()
m_lastCount = -1;
private void RefreshVisibleList( ref List<PropertyNode> allNodes )
// temp reference for lambda expression
List<PropertyNode> nodes = allNodes;
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode rnode = nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if( ( rnode == null || !rnode.IsInside ) && ( !m_propertyNodesVisibleList.Exists( x => x.PropertyName.Equals( nodes[ i ].PropertyName ) ) ) )
m_propertyNodesVisibleList.Add( nodes[ i ] );
m_propertyNodesVisibleList.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
public void DrawMaterialInputs( GUIStyle toolbarstyle, bool style = true )
m_propertyOrderChanged = false;
Color cachedColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = new Color( cachedColor.r, cachedColor.g, cachedColor.b, 0.5f );
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( toolbarstyle );
GUI.color = cachedColor;
if( style )
ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties = GUILayoutToggle( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties, PropertyOrderFoldoutStr, UIUtils.MenuItemToggleStyle );
ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties = GUILayoutToggle( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties, PropertyOrderTemplateFoldoutStr, UIUtils.MenuItemToggleStyle );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
EditorPrefs.SetBool( "ExpandedProperties", ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties );
if( !ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties )
cachedColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = new Color( cachedColor.r, cachedColor.g, cachedColor.b, ( EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.5f : 0.25f ) );
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( UIUtils.MenuItemBackgroundStyle );
GUI.color = cachedColor;
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
if( nodes.Count != m_lastCount )
RefreshVisibleList( ref nodes );
m_lastCount = nodes.Count;
if( m_propertyReordableList == null )
m_propertyReordableList = new ReorderableList( m_propertyNodesVisibleList, typeof( PropertyNode ), true, false, false, false )
headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0,
showDefaultBackground = false,
drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
var first = rect;
first.width *= 0.60f;
EditorGUI.LabelField( first, m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ index ].PropertyInspectorName );
var second = rect;
second.width *= 0.4f;
second.x += first.width;
if( GUI.Button( second, m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ index ].PropertyName, new GUIStyle( "AssetLabel Partial" ) ) )
UIUtils.FocusOnNode( m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ index ], 1, false );
onReorderCallback = ( list ) =>
ReorderList( ref nodes );
m_propertyOrderChanged = true;
ReorderList( ref nodes );
if( m_propertyReordableList != null )
if( m_propertyAdjustment == null )
m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle();
m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17;
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( m_propertyAdjustment );
public void ForceReordering()
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
if( nodes.Count != m_lastCount )
RefreshVisibleList( ref nodes );
m_lastCount = nodes.Count;
ReorderList( ref nodes );
private void RecursiveLog()
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
nodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
if( ( nodes[ i ] is ReordenatorNode ) )
( nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode ).RecursiveLog();
Debug.Log( nodes[ i ].OrderIndex + " " + nodes[ i ].PropertyName );
private void ReorderList( ref List<PropertyNode> nodes )
// clear lock list before reordering because of multiple sf being used
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode rnode = nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if( rnode != null )
int propoffset = 0;
int count = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyNodesVisibleList.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode renode = m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if( renode != null )
if( !renode.IsInside )
m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ i ].OrderIndex = count + propoffset;
if( renode.PropertyListCount > 0 )
propoffset += renode.RecursiveCount();
// the same reordenator can exist multiple times, apply ordering to all of them
for( int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++ )
ReordenatorNode pnode = ( nodes[ j ] as ReordenatorNode );
if( pnode != null && pnode.PropertyName.Equals( renode.PropertyName ) )
pnode.OrderIndex = renode.RawOrderIndex;
pnode.RecursiveSetOrderOffset( renode.RawOrderIndex, true );
m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ i ].OrderIndex = 0;
m_propertyNodesVisibleList[ i ].OrderIndex = count + propoffset;
public void CopyPropertyListFrom( MasterNode masterNode )
m_lastCount = masterNode.ReordableListLastCount;
m_propertyNodesVisibleList.AddRange( masterNode.PropertyNodesVisibleList );
public virtual void UpdateFromShader( Shader newShader ) { }
public void ClearUpdateEvents()
OnShaderUpdatedEvent = null;
OnMaterialUpdatedEvent = null;
public Material CurrentMaterial { get { return m_currentMaterial; } set { m_currentMaterial = value; } }
public Shader CurrentShader
if( value != null )
SetName( value.name );
m_currentShader = value;
get { return m_currentShader; }
public virtual void OnRefreshLinkedPortsComplete() { }
public virtual void ReleaseResources() { }
public override void Destroy()
OnMaterialUpdatedEvent = null;
OnShaderUpdatedEvent = null;
m_masterNodeOnTex = null;
m_masterNodeOffTex = null;
m_gpuInstanceOnTex = null;
m_gpuInstanceOffTex = null;
m_addShaderKeywordStyle = null;
m_removeShaderKeywordStyle = null;
m_smallAddShaderKeywordItemStyle = null;
m_smallRemoveShaderKeywordStyle = null;
m_shaderKeywords = null;
m_propertyReordableList = null;
m_propertyAdjustment = null;
if( m_currentDataCollector != null )
m_currentDataCollector = null;
public static void OpenShaderBody( ref string result, string name )
result += string.Format( "Shader \"{0}\"\n", name ) + "{\n";
public static void CloseShaderBody( ref string result )
result += "}\n";
public static void OpenSubShaderBody( ref string result )
result += "\n\tSubShader\n\t{\n";
public static void CloseSubShaderBody( ref string result )
result += "\t}\n";
public static void AddShaderProperty( ref string result, string name, string value )
result += string.Format( "\t{0} \"{1}\"\n", name, value );
public static void AddShaderPragma( ref string result, string value )
result += string.Format( "\t\t#pragma {0}\n", value );
public static void AddRenderState( ref string result, string state, string stateParams )
result += string.Format( "\t\t{0} {1}\n", state, stateParams );
public static void AddRenderTags( ref string result, string tags )
result += string.Format( IndentationHelper, tags ); ;
public static void AddShaderLOD( ref string result, int shaderLOD )
if( shaderLOD > 0 )
result += string.Format( ShaderLODFormat, shaderLOD );
public static void AddMultilineBody( ref string result, string[] lines )
for( int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++ )
result += string.Format( IndentationHelper, lines[ i ] );
public static void OpenCGInclude( ref string result )
result += "\t\tCGINCLUDE\n";
public static void OpenCGProgram( ref string result )
result += "\t\tCGPROGRAM\n";
public static void CloseCGProgram( ref string result )
result += "\n\t\tENDCG\n";
public string ShaderName
//get { return ( ( _isHidden ? "Hidden/" : string.Empty ) + ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( _shaderCategory ) ? "" : ( _shaderCategory + "/" ) ) + _shaderName ); }
get { return m_shaderName; }
m_shaderName = value;
string[] shaderNameArr = m_shaderName.Split( '/' );
m_croppedShaderName = shaderNameArr[ shaderNameArr.Length - 1 ];
if( m_shaderNameIsTitle )
m_content.text = GenerateClippedTitle( m_croppedShaderName );
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
public string CurrentInspector { get { return m_customInspectorName; } }
public string CustomInspectorFormatted { get { return string.Format( CustomInspectorFormat, m_customInspectorName ); } }
public string CroppedShaderName { get { return m_croppedShaderName; } }
public virtual AvailableShaderTypes CurrentMasterNodeCategory { get { return ( m_masterNodeCategory == 0 ) ? AvailableShaderTypes.SurfaceShader : AvailableShaderTypes.Template; } }
public int CurrentMasterNodeCategoryIdx { get { return m_masterNodeCategory; } }
public MasterNodeDataCollector CurrentDataCollector { get { return m_currentDataCollector; } set { m_currentDataCollector = value; } }
public List<PropertyNode> PropertyNodesVisibleList { get { return m_propertyNodesVisibleList; } }
public ReorderableList PropertyReordableList { get { return m_propertyReordableList; } }
public int ReordableListLastCount { get { return m_lastCount; } }
public MasterNodeCategoriesData CurrentCategoriesData { get { return m_availableCategories[ m_masterNodeCategory ]; } }
public int ShaderLOD
get { return m_shaderLOD; }
m_shaderLOD = Mathf.Max( 0, value );
public bool SamplingMacros
get { return m_samplingMacros; }
m_samplingMacros = value;
if( IsLODMainMasterNode )
ContainerGraph.SamplingMacros = value;