558 lines
18 KiB
558 lines
18 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditorInternal;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public sealed class NodeParametersWindow : MenuParent
private int m_lastSelectedNode = -1;
private const string TitleStr = "Node Properties";
private GUIStyle m_nodePropertiesStyle;
private GUIContent m_dummyContent = new GUIContent();
private GUIStyle m_propertyAdjustment;
private ReorderableList m_functionInputsReordableList = null;
private int m_functionInputsLastCount = 0;
private ReorderableList m_functionSwitchesReordableList = null;
private int m_functionSwitchesLastCount = 0;
private ReorderableList m_functionOutputsReordableList = null;
private int m_functionOutputsLastCount = 0;
private ReorderableList m_propertyReordableList = null;
private int m_lastCount = 0;
private bool m_forceUpdate = false;
private List<PropertyNode> m_propertyReordableNodes = new List<PropertyNode>();
// width and height are between [0,1] and represent a percentage of the total screen area
public NodeParametersWindow( AmplifyShaderEditorWindow parentWindow ) : base( parentWindow, 0, 0, 285, 0, string.Empty, MenuAnchor.TOP_LEFT, MenuAutoSize.MATCH_VERTICAL )
SetMinimizedArea( -225, 0, 260, 0 );
public void OnShaderFunctionLoad()
m_functionInputsReordableList = null;
m_functionSwitchesReordableList = null;
m_functionOutputsReordableList = null;
public bool Draw( Rect parentPosition, ParentNode selectedNode, Vector2 mousePosition, int mouseButtonId, bool hasKeyboardFocus )
bool changeCheck = false;
base.Draw( parentPosition, mousePosition, mouseButtonId, hasKeyboardFocus );
if ( m_nodePropertiesStyle == null )
m_nodePropertiesStyle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodePropertiesTitle );
m_nodePropertiesStyle.normal.textColor = m_nodePropertiesStyle.active.textColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f ) : new Color( 0f, 0f, 0f );
if ( m_isMaximized )
KeyCode key = Event.current.keyCode;
if ( m_isMouseInside || hasKeyboardFocus )
if ( key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollUpKey )
m_currentScrollPos.y -= 10;
if ( m_currentScrollPos.y < 0 )
m_currentScrollPos.y = 0;
if ( key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollDownKey )
m_currentScrollPos.y += 10;
if( m_forceUpdate )
if( m_propertyReordableList != null )
m_propertyReordableList = null;
if ( m_functionInputsReordableList != null )
m_functionInputsReordableList = null;
if( m_functionSwitchesReordableList != null )
m_functionSwitchesReordableList = null;
if ( m_functionOutputsReordableList != null )
m_functionOutputsReordableList = null;
m_forceUpdate = false;
GUILayout.BeginArea( m_transformedArea, m_content, m_style );
//Draw selected node parameters
if ( selectedNode != null )
// this hack is need because without it the several FloatFields/Textfields/... would show wrong values ( different from the ones they were assigned to show )
if ( m_lastSelectedNode != selectedNode.UniqueId )
m_lastSelectedNode = selectedNode.UniqueId;
GUI.FocusControl( "" );
if ( selectedNode.UniqueId == ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNodeId )
m_dummyContent.text = "Output Node";
if ( selectedNode.Attributes != null )
m_dummyContent.text = selectedNode.Attributes.Name;
else if ( selectedNode is CommentaryNode )
m_dummyContent.text = "Commentary";
m_dummyContent.text = TitleStr;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( m_dummyContent, m_nodePropertiesStyle );
//UIUtils.RecordObject( selectedNode , "Changing properties on node " + selectedNode.UniqueId);
m_currentScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_currentScrollPos, GUILayout.Width( 0 ), GUILayout.Height( 0 ) );
float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
//if( selectedNode.TextLabelWidth > 0 )
// EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = selectedNode.TextLabelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = TransformedArea.width * 0.42f;
changeCheck = selectedNode.SafeDrawProperties();
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
if ( changeCheck )
if ( selectedNode.ConnStatus == NodeConnectionStatus.Connected )
//Draw Graph Params
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Graph Properties", m_nodePropertiesStyle );
m_currentScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_currentScrollPos, GUILayout.Width( 0 ), GUILayout.Height( 0 ) );
float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 90;
bool generalIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedGeneralShaderOptions;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref generalIsVisible, " General", DrawGeneralFunction );
m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedGeneralShaderOptions = generalIsVisible;
AmplifyShaderFunction function = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction;
if( function != null )
//function.AdditionalIncludes.Draw( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode );
//function.AdditionalPragmas.Draw( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode );
function.AdditionalDirectives.Draw( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode );
bool inputIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionInputs;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref inputIsVisible, " Function Inputs", DrawFunctionInputs );
m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionInputs = inputIsVisible;
bool swicthIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionSwitches;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref swicthIsVisible, " Function Switches", DrawFunctionSwitches );
m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionSwitches = swicthIsVisible;
bool outputIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionOutputs;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref outputIsVisible, " Function Outputs", DrawFunctionOutputs );
m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionOutputs = outputIsVisible;
bool properties = ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref properties, " Material Properties", DrawFunctionProperties );
ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties = properties;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
// Close window area
return changeCheck;
public void DrawGeneralFunction()
AmplifyShaderFunction function = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction;
if ( function == null )
float cacheWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 115;
SerializedObject serializedObject = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject( function );
if ( serializedObject != null )
SerializedProperty temo = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_description" );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( temo, new GUIContent( " Description" ) );
SerializedProperty cat = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_nodeCategory" );
SerializedProperty ppos = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_previewPosition" );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( ppos, new GUIContent( "Preview Position" ) );
cat.intValue = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode.EditorGUILayoutPopup( "Category", cat.intValue, UIUtils.CategoryPresets );
if( cat.enumValueIndex == 0 )
SerializedProperty custCat = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_customNodeCategory" );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( custCat, new GUIContent( "Custom" ) );
SerializedProperty hidden = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_hidden" );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( hidden, new GUIContent( "Hidden" ) );
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cacheWidth;
public void DrawFunctionInputs()
List<FunctionInput> functionInputNodes = UIUtils.FunctionInputList();
if ( m_functionInputsReordableList == null || functionInputNodes.Count != m_functionInputsLastCount )
functionInputNodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
m_functionInputsReordableList = new ReorderableList( functionInputNodes, typeof( FunctionInput ), true, false, false, false );
m_functionInputsReordableList.headerHeight = 0;
m_functionInputsReordableList.footerHeight = 0;
m_functionInputsReordableList.showDefaultBackground = false;
m_functionInputsReordableList.drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
EditorGUI.LabelField( rect, functionInputNodes[ index ].InputName );
m_functionInputsReordableList.onChangedCallback = ( list ) =>
//for ( int i = 0; i < functionInputNodes.Count; i++ )
// functionInputNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = i;
ForceInputReorder( ref functionInputNodes );
m_functionInputsLastCount = m_functionInputsReordableList.count;
if ( m_functionInputsReordableList != null )
if ( m_propertyAdjustment == null )
m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle();
m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17;
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( m_propertyAdjustment );
public void ForceInputReorder( ref List<FunctionInput> functionInputNodes )
for( int i = 0; i < functionInputNodes.Count; i++ )
functionInputNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = i;
public void DrawFunctionSwitches()
List<FunctionSwitch> functionSwitchNodes = UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList();
if( m_functionSwitchesReordableList == null || functionSwitchNodes.Count != m_functionSwitchesLastCount )
functionSwitchNodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
m_functionSwitchesReordableList = new ReorderableList( functionSwitchNodes, typeof( FunctionSwitch ), true, false, false, false );
m_functionSwitchesReordableList.headerHeight = 0;
m_functionSwitchesReordableList.footerHeight = 0;
m_functionSwitchesReordableList.showDefaultBackground = false;
m_functionSwitchesReordableList.drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
EditorGUI.LabelField( rect, functionSwitchNodes[ index ].OptionLabel );
m_functionSwitchesReordableList.onChangedCallback = ( list ) =>
ForceSwitchesReorder(ref functionSwitchNodes );
m_functionSwitchesLastCount = m_functionSwitchesReordableList.count;
if( m_functionSwitchesReordableList != null )
if( m_propertyAdjustment == null )
m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle();
m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17;
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( m_propertyAdjustment );
public void ForceSwitchesReorder( ref List<FunctionSwitch> functionSwitchNodes )
for( int i = 0; i < functionSwitchNodes.Count; i++ )
functionSwitchNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = i;
public void DrawFunctionOutputs()
List<FunctionOutput> functionOutputNodes = UIUtils.FunctionOutputList();
if ( m_functionOutputsReordableList == null || functionOutputNodes.Count != m_functionOutputsLastCount )
functionOutputNodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
m_functionOutputsReordableList = new ReorderableList( functionOutputNodes, typeof( FunctionOutput ), true, false, false, false );
m_functionOutputsReordableList.headerHeight = 0;
m_functionOutputsReordableList.footerHeight = 0;
m_functionOutputsReordableList.showDefaultBackground = false;
m_functionOutputsReordableList.drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
EditorGUI.LabelField( rect, functionOutputNodes[ index ].OutputName );
m_functionOutputsReordableList.onChangedCallback = ( list ) =>
for ( int i = 0; i < functionOutputNodes.Count; i++ )
functionOutputNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = i;
m_functionOutputsLastCount = m_functionOutputsReordableList.count;
if ( m_functionOutputsReordableList != null )
if ( m_propertyAdjustment == null )
m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle();
m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17;
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( m_propertyAdjustment );
private void RefreshVisibleList( ref List<PropertyNode> allNodes )
// temp reference for lambda expression
List<PropertyNode> nodes = allNodes;
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode rnode = nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if( ( rnode == null || !rnode.IsInside ) && ( !m_propertyReordableNodes.Exists( x => x.PropertyName.Equals( nodes[ i ].PropertyName ) ) ) )
m_propertyReordableNodes.Add( nodes[ i ] );
m_propertyReordableNodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
public void DrawFunctionProperties()
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
if( nodes.Count != m_lastCount )
RefreshVisibleList( ref nodes );
m_lastCount = nodes.Count;
if( m_propertyReordableList == null )
m_propertyReordableList = new ReorderableList( m_propertyReordableNodes, typeof( PropertyNode ), true, false, false, false )
headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0,
showDefaultBackground = false,
drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
var first = rect;
first.width *= 0.60f;
EditorGUI.LabelField( first, m_propertyReordableNodes[ index ].PropertyInspectorName );
var second = rect;
second.width *= 0.4f;
second.x += first.width;
if( GUI.Button( second, m_propertyReordableNodes[ index ].PropertyName, new GUIStyle( "AssetLabel Partial" ) ) )
UIUtils.FocusOnNode( m_propertyReordableNodes[ index ], 1, false );
onReorderCallback = ( list ) =>
ReorderList( ref nodes );
ReorderList( ref nodes );
if( m_propertyReordableList != null )
if( m_propertyAdjustment == null )
m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle();
m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17;
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( m_propertyAdjustment );
public void ForceReordering()
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
ReorderList( ref nodes );
List<FunctionInput> functionInputNodes = UIUtils.FunctionInputList();
ForceInputReorder( ref functionInputNodes );
List<FunctionSwitch> functionSwitchNodes = UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList();
ForceSwitchesReorder( ref functionSwitchNodes );
private void RecursiveLog()
List<PropertyNode> nodes = UIUtils.PropertyNodesList();
nodes.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
if( ( nodes[ i ] is ReordenatorNode ) )
( nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode ).RecursiveLog();
Debug.Log( nodes[ i ].OrderIndex + " " + nodes[ i ].PropertyName );
private void ReorderList( ref List<PropertyNode> nodes )
// clear lock list before reordering because of multiple sf being used
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode rnode = nodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if ( rnode != null )
int propoffset = 0;
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_propertyReordableNodes.Count; i++ )
ReordenatorNode renode = m_propertyReordableNodes[ i ] as ReordenatorNode;
if ( renode != null )
if ( !renode.IsInside )
m_propertyReordableNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = count + propoffset;
if ( renode.PropertyListCount > 0 )
propoffset += renode.RecursiveCount();
// the same reordenator can exist multiple times, apply ordering to all of them
for( int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++ )
ReordenatorNode pnode = ( nodes[ j ] as ReordenatorNode );
if ( pnode != null && pnode.PropertyName.Equals( renode.PropertyName ) )
pnode.OrderIndex = renode.RawOrderIndex;
pnode.RecursiveSetOrderOffset( renode.RawOrderIndex, true );
m_propertyReordableNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = 0;
m_propertyReordableNodes[ i ].OrderIndex = count + propoffset;
public override void Destroy()
m_functionInputsReordableList = null;
m_functionOutputsReordableList = null;
m_propertyReordableList = null;
public bool ForceUpdate
get { return m_forceUpdate; }
set { m_forceUpdate = value; }