1184 lines
39 KiB
1184 lines
39 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class TemplateDataContainer
public int UNITY_VERSION = -1;
public TemplateData TemplateDataRef;
public class VertexDataContainer
private List<TemplateVertexData> m_vertexData;
private string m_vertexDataId = string.Empty;
private int m_vertexDataStartIdx = -1;
public void Reload()
if( m_vertexData != null )
public void Destroy()
if( m_vertexData != null )
m_vertexData = null;
public List<TemplateVertexData> VertexData { get { return m_vertexData; } set { m_vertexData = value; } }
public string VertexDataId { get { return m_vertexDataId; } set { m_vertexDataId = value; } }
public int VertexDataStartIdx { get { return m_vertexDataStartIdx; } set { m_vertexDataStartIdx = value; } }
public sealed class TemplateData : TemplateDataParent
private string m_templateBody = string.Empty;
private string m_shaderNameId = string.Empty;
private List<TemplateProperty> m_propertyList = new List<TemplateProperty>();
private Dictionary<string, TemplateProperty> m_propertyDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateProperty>();
private List<TemplateInputData> m_inputDataList = new List<TemplateInputData>();
private Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData> m_inputDataDict = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData>();
//private List<TemplateCodeSnippetBase> m_snippetElementsList = new List<TemplateCodeSnippetBase>();
//private Dictionary<string, TemplateCodeSnippetBase> m_snippetElementsDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateCodeSnippetBase>();
private List<TemplateLocalVarData> m_localVarsList = new List<TemplateLocalVarData>();
private VertexDataContainer m_vertexDataContainer = new VertexDataContainer();
private TemplateInterpData m_interpolatorDataContainer;
private List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> m_availableShaderProperties = new List<TemplateShaderPropertyData>();
private TemplateFunctionData m_vertexFunctionData;
private TemplateFunctionData m_fragmentFunctionData;
private TemplateBlendData m_blendData = new TemplateBlendData();
private TemplateAlphaToMaskData m_alphaToMaskData = new TemplateAlphaToMaskData();
private TemplateCullModeData m_cullModeData = new TemplateCullModeData();
private TemplateColorMaskData m_colorMaskData = new TemplateColorMaskData();
private TemplateStencilData m_stencilData = new TemplateStencilData();
private TemplateDepthData m_depthData = new TemplateDepthData();
private TemplateTagsModuleData m_tagData = new TemplateTagsModuleData();
public TemplateData()
m_templateType = TemplateDataType.LegacySinglePass;
public TemplateData( string name )
m_templateType = TemplateDataType.LegacySinglePass;
Name = name;
public TemplateData( string name, string guid )
m_templateType = TemplateDataType.LegacySinglePass;
m_communityTemplate = false;
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( guid ) )
string datapath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( guid );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( datapath ) )
m_isValid = false;
string body = string.Empty;
body = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( datapath );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
m_isValid = false;
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( body ) )
LoadTemplateBody( body );
Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) ? m_defaultShaderName : name;
m_guid = guid;
public TemplateData( string name, string guid, string body )
m_templateType = TemplateDataType.LegacySinglePass;
m_communityTemplate = true;
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( body ) )
LoadTemplateBody( body );
Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) ? m_defaultShaderName : name;
m_guid = guid;
public override bool Reload()
if( m_vertexDataContainer != null )
if( m_interpolatorDataContainer != null )
if( m_availableShaderProperties != null )
if( m_propertyDict != null )
if( m_propertyList != null )
if( m_inputDataDict != null )
if( m_inputDataList != null )
if( m_localVarsList != null )
//if( m_snippetElementsDict != null )
// m_snippetElementsDict.Clear();
//if( m_snippetElementsList != null )
// for( int i = 0; i < m_snippetElementsList.Count; i++ )
// {
// GameObject.DestroyImmediate( m_snippetElementsList[ i ] );
// m_snippetElementsList[ i ] = null;
// }
// m_snippetElementsList.Clear();
string datapath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( m_guid );
string body = string.Empty;
body = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( datapath );
body = UIUtils.ForceLFLineEnding( body );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
m_isValid = false;
LoadTemplateBody( body );
if( m_communityTemplate )
Name = m_defaultShaderName;
return true;
void LoadTemplateBody( string body )
m_templateBody = UIUtils.ForceLFLineEnding( body ) ;
if( m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateShaderNameBeginTag ) < 0 )
m_isValid = false;
//Fetching common tags
//Fetch function code areas
FetchCodeAreas( TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexCodeBeginArea, MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex );
FetchCodeAreas( TemplatesManager.TemplateFragmentCodeBeginArea, MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment );
//Fetching inputs
FetchInputs( MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment );
FetchInputs( MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex );
//Fetch local variables must be done after fetching code areas as it needs them to see is variable is on vertex or fragment
TemplateHelperFunctions.FetchLocalVars( m_templateBody, ref m_localVarsList, m_vertexFunctionData, m_fragmentFunctionData );
//Fetch snippets
void FetchSubShaderProperties()
Match match = Regex.Match( m_templateBody, @"Pass\s*{" );
if( match.Groups.Count == 0 )
int beginSubShader = m_templateBody.IndexOf( "SubShader" );
int endSubShader = match.Groups[ 0 ].Index;
if( beginSubShader > 0 && endSubShader > 0 && endSubShader > beginSubShader )
int passIndex = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplatePassTag );
if( passIndex < 0 )
int currIdx = endSubShader - 1;
string identation = string.Empty;
for( ; currIdx > 0; currIdx-- )
if( m_templateBody[ currIdx ] != '\n' )
identation = m_templateBody[ currIdx ] + identation;
identation = m_templateBody[ currIdx ] + identation;
if( currIdx > 0 )
m_templateBody = m_templateBody.Insert( currIdx, identation + TemplatesManager.TemplatePassTag );
string subBody = m_templateBody.Substring( beginSubShader, endSubShader - beginSubShader );
int cullIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "Cull" );
if( cullIdx > 0 )
int end = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, cullIdx );
string cullParams = subBody.Substring( cullIdx, end - cullIdx );
m_cullModeData.CullModeId = cullParams;
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateCullMode( cullParams, ref m_cullModeData );
if( m_cullModeData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( cullParams, false, string.Empty );
int colorMaskIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "ColorMask" );
if( colorMaskIdx > 0 )
int end = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, colorMaskIdx );
string colorMaskParams = subBody.Substring( colorMaskIdx, end - colorMaskIdx );
m_colorMaskData.ColorMaskId = colorMaskParams;
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateColorMask( colorMaskParams, ref m_colorMaskData, TemplateHelperFunctions.ColorMaskPattern );
if( m_colorMaskData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( colorMaskParams, false );
int blendModeIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "Blend" );
if( blendModeIdx > 0 )
int end = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, blendModeIdx );
string blendParams = subBody.Substring( blendModeIdx, end - blendModeIdx );
m_blendData.BlendModeId = blendParams;
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateBlendMode( blendParams, ref m_blendData, TemplateHelperFunctions.BlendModePattern );
if( m_blendData.ValidBlendMode )
AddId( blendParams, false );
int blendOpIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "BlendOp" );
if( blendOpIdx > 0 )
int end = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, blendOpIdx );
string blendOpParams = subBody.Substring( blendOpIdx, end - blendOpIdx );
BlendData.BlendOpId = blendOpParams;
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateBlendOp( blendOpParams, ref m_blendData, TemplateHelperFunctions.BlendOpPattern );
if( m_blendData.ValidBlendOp )
AddId( blendOpParams, false );
m_blendData.DataCheck = ( m_blendData.ValidBlendMode || m_blendData.ValidBlendOp ) ? TemplateDataCheck.Valid : TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
int stencilIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "Stencil" );
if( stencilIdx > -1 )
int stencilEndIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "}", stencilIdx );
if( stencilEndIdx > 0 )
string stencilParams = subBody.Substring( stencilIdx, stencilEndIdx + 1 - stencilIdx );
m_stencilData.StencilBufferId = stencilParams;
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateStencilOps( stencilParams, ref m_stencilData );
if( m_stencilData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( stencilParams, true );
int zWriteOpIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "ZWrite" );
if( zWriteOpIdx > -1 )
int zWriteEndIdx = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, zWriteOpIdx );
if( zWriteEndIdx > 0 )
m_depthData.ZWriteModeId = subBody.Substring( zWriteOpIdx, zWriteEndIdx + 1 - zWriteOpIdx );
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateZWriteMode( m_depthData.ZWriteModeId, ref m_depthData );
if( m_depthData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( m_depthData.ZWriteModeId, true );
int zTestOpIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "ZTest" );
if( zTestOpIdx > -1 )
int zTestEndIdx = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, zTestOpIdx );
if( zTestEndIdx > 0 )
m_depthData.ZTestModeId = subBody.Substring( zTestOpIdx, zTestEndIdx + 1 - zTestOpIdx );
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateZTestMode( m_depthData.ZTestModeId, ref m_depthData );
if( m_depthData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( m_depthData.ZTestModeId, true );
int zOffsetIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "Offset" );
if( zOffsetIdx > -1 )
int zOffsetEndIdx = subBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, zOffsetIdx );
if( zOffsetEndIdx > 0 )
m_depthData.OffsetId = subBody.Substring( zOffsetIdx, zOffsetEndIdx + 1 - zOffsetIdx );
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateZOffsetMode( m_depthData.OffsetId, ref m_depthData );
if( m_depthData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid )
AddId( m_depthData.OffsetId, true );
int tagsIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "Tags" );
if( tagsIdx > -1 )
int tagsEndIdx = subBody.IndexOf( "}", tagsIdx );
if( tagsEndIdx > -1 )
m_tagData.TagsId = subBody.Substring( tagsIdx, tagsEndIdx + 1 - tagsIdx );
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateTags( ref m_tagData, true );
m_tagData.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
AddId( m_tagData.TagsId, false );
m_tagData.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
m_tagData.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
void FetchCommonTags()
// Name
int nameBegin = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateShaderNameBeginTag );
if( nameBegin < 0 )
// Not a template
int nameEnd = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag, nameBegin );
int defaultBegin = nameBegin + TemplatesManager.TemplateShaderNameBeginTag.Length;
int defaultLength = nameEnd - defaultBegin;
m_defaultShaderName = m_templateBody.Substring( defaultBegin, defaultLength );
int[] nameIdx = m_defaultShaderName.AllIndexesOf( "\"" );
nameIdx[ 0 ] += 1; // Ignore the " character from the string
m_defaultShaderName = m_defaultShaderName.Substring( nameIdx[ 0 ], nameIdx[ 1 ] - nameIdx[ 0 ] );
m_shaderNameId = m_templateBody.Substring( nameBegin, nameEnd + TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag.Length - nameBegin );
AddId( m_shaderNameId, false );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
m_isValid = false;
// Vertex Data
int vertexDataTagBegin = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexDataTag );
if( vertexDataTagBegin > -1 )
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataStartIdx = vertexDataTagBegin;
int vertexDataTagEnd = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, vertexDataTagBegin );
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId = m_templateBody.Substring( vertexDataTagBegin, vertexDataTagEnd + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - vertexDataTagBegin );
int dataBeginIdx = m_templateBody.LastIndexOf( '{', vertexDataTagBegin, vertexDataTagBegin );
string vertexData = m_templateBody.Substring( dataBeginIdx + 1, vertexDataTagBegin - dataBeginIdx );
int parametersBegin = vertexDataTagBegin + TemplatesManager.TemplateVertexDataTag.Length;
string parameters = m_templateBody.Substring( parametersBegin, vertexDataTagEnd - parametersBegin );
m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData = TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateVertexDataList( vertexData, parameters );
AddId( m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId );
// Available interpolators
int interpDataBegin = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateInterpolatorBeginTag );
if( interpDataBegin > -1 )
int interpDataEnd = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, interpDataBegin );
string interpDataId = m_templateBody.Substring( interpDataBegin, interpDataEnd + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - interpDataBegin );
int dataBeginIdx = m_templateBody.LastIndexOf( '{', interpDataBegin, interpDataBegin );
string interpData = m_templateBody.Substring( dataBeginIdx + 1, interpDataBegin - dataBeginIdx );
m_interpolatorDataContainer = TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateInterpDataList( interpData, interpDataId, 8 );
m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataId = interpDataId;
m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataStartIdx = interpDataBegin;
AddId( interpDataId );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
m_isValid = false;
Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData> duplicatesHelper = new Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData>();
m_availableShaderProperties = new List<TemplateShaderPropertyData>();
// Common Tags
for( int i = 0; i < TemplatesManager.CommonTags.Length; i++ )
int idx = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id );
if( idx > -1 )
string currentId = TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id;
TemplateCommonTagId commonTagId = (TemplateCommonTagId)i;
switch( commonTagId )
// Properties
case TemplateCommonTagId.Property:
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateShaderPropertiesList( m_templateBody.Substring( 0, idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length ), ref m_availableShaderProperties, ref duplicatesHelper,-1,-1 );
// Globals
case TemplateCommonTagId.Global:
TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateShaderGlobalsList( m_templateBody.Substring( 0, idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length ), ref m_availableShaderProperties, ref duplicatesHelper,-1,-1 );
//case TemplateCommonTagId.Tag:
// m_propertyList[ m_propertyList.Count - 1 ].Indentation = " ";
//case TemplateCommonTagId.CullMode:
// int newId = idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length;
// int end = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, newId );
// string cullParams = m_templateBody.Substring( newId, end - newId );
// currentId = m_templateBody.Substring( idx, end - idx );
// m_cullModeData.CullModeId = currentId;
// TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateCullMode( cullParams, ref m_cullModeData );
//Blend Mode
//case TemplateCommonTagId.BlendMode:
// int newId = idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length;
// int end = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, newId );
// string blendParams = m_templateBody.Substring( newId, end - newId );
// currentId = m_templateBody.Substring( idx, end - idx );
// m_blendData.BlendModeId = currentId;
// TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateBlendMode( blendParams, ref m_blendData );
//case TemplateCommonTagId.BlendOp:
// int newId = idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length;
// int end = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, newId );
// currentId = m_templateBody.Substring( idx, end - idx );
// BlendData.BlendOpId = currentId;
// TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateBlendOp( m_templateBody.Substring( newId, end - newId ), ref m_blendData );
//case TemplateCommonTagId.ColorMask:
// int newId = idx + TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].Id.Length;
// int end = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine, newId );
// string colorMaskParams = m_templateBody.Substring( newId, end - newId );
// currentId = m_templateBody.Substring( idx, end - idx );
// m_colorMaskData.ColorMaskId = currentId;
// TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateColorMask( colorMaskParams, ref m_colorMaskData );
//case TemplateCommonTagId.StencilOp:
// int id = m_templateBody.LastIndexOf( "Stencil" );
// if( id > -1 )
// {
// string stencilParams = m_templateBody.Substring( id, idx - id );
// currentId = stencilParams + TemplatesManager.TemplateStencilOpTag;
// m_stencilData.StencilBufferId = currentId;
// TemplateHelperFunctions.CreateStencilOps( stencilParams, ref m_stencilData );
// }
//AddId( TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ] );
AddId( currentId, TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].SearchIndentation, TemplatesManager.CommonTags[ i ].CustomIndentation );
duplicatesHelper = null;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
m_isValid = false;
void FetchCodeAreas( string begin, MasterNodePortCategory category )
int areaBeginIndexes = m_templateBody.IndexOf( begin );
if( areaBeginIndexes > -1 )
int beginIdx = areaBeginIndexes + begin.Length;
int endIdx = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine, beginIdx );
int length = endIdx - beginIdx;
string parameters = m_templateBody.Substring( beginIdx, length );
string[] parametersArr = parameters.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
string id = m_templateBody.Substring( areaBeginIndexes, endIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine.Length - areaBeginIndexes );
string inParameters = parametersArr[ 0 ];
string outParameters = ( parametersArr.Length > 1 ) ? parametersArr[ 1 ] : string.Empty;
if( category == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment )
m_fragmentFunctionData = new TemplateFunctionData(-1, string.Empty, id, areaBeginIndexes, inParameters, outParameters, category );
m_vertexFunctionData = new TemplateFunctionData( -1, string.Empty,id, areaBeginIndexes, inParameters, outParameters, category );
AddId( id, true );
void FetchInputs( MasterNodePortCategory portCategory )
string beginTag = ( portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment ) ? TemplatesManager.TemplateInputsFragBeginTag : TemplatesManager.TemplateInputsVertBeginTag;
int[] inputBeginIndexes = m_templateBody.AllIndexesOf( beginTag );
if( inputBeginIndexes != null && inputBeginIndexes.Length > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < inputBeginIndexes.Length; i++ )
int inputEndIdx = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndSectionTag, inputBeginIndexes[ i ] );
int defaultValueBeginIdx = inputEndIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateEndSectionTag.Length;
int endLineIdx = m_templateBody.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag, defaultValueBeginIdx );
string defaultValue = m_templateBody.Substring( defaultValueBeginIdx, endLineIdx - defaultValueBeginIdx );
string tagId = m_templateBody.Substring( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], endLineIdx + TemplatesManager.TemplateFullEndTag.Length - inputBeginIndexes[ i ] );
int beginIndex = inputBeginIndexes[ i ] + beginTag.Length;
int length = inputEndIdx - beginIndex;
string inputData = m_templateBody.Substring( beginIndex, length );
string[] inputDataArray = inputData.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
if( inputDataArray != null && inputDataArray.Length > 0 )
string portName = inputDataArray[ (int)TemplatePortIds.Name ];
WirePortDataType dataType = (WirePortDataType)Enum.Parse( typeof( WirePortDataType ), inputDataArray[ (int)TemplatePortIds.DataType ].ToUpper() );
int portUniqueIDArrIdx = (int)TemplatePortIds.UniqueId;
int portUniqueId = ( portUniqueIDArrIdx < inputDataArray.Length ) ? Convert.ToInt32( inputDataArray[ portUniqueIDArrIdx ] ) : -1;
if( portUniqueId < 0 )
portUniqueId = m_inputDataList.Count;
int portOrderArrayIdx = (int)TemplatePortIds.OrderId;
int portOrderId = ( portOrderArrayIdx < inputDataArray.Length ) ? Convert.ToInt32( inputDataArray[ portOrderArrayIdx ] ) : -1;
if( portOrderId < 0 )
portOrderId = m_inputDataList.Count;
AddInput( inputBeginIndexes[ i ], tagId, portName, defaultValue, dataType, portCategory, portUniqueId, portOrderId );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
//void FetchSnippets()
// int[] codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes = m_templateBody.AllIndexesOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetAttribBegin );
// int[] codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes = m_templateBody.AllIndexesOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetAttribEnd );
// int[] codeSnippetEndIndexes = m_templateBody.AllIndexesOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetEnd );
// if( codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes != null && codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes.Length > 0 &&
// codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes != null && codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes.Length > 0 &&
// codeSnippetEndIndexes != null && codeSnippetEndIndexes.Length > 0 &&
// codeSnippetEndIndexes.Length == codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes.Length &&
// codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes.Length == codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes.Length )
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes.Length; i++ )
// {
// // get attributes
// int startAttribIndex = codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes[ i ] + TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetAttribBegin.Length;
// int lengthAttrib = codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes[ i ] - startAttribIndex;
// string snippetAttribs = m_templateBody.Substring( startAttribIndex, lengthAttrib );
// string[] snippetAttribsArr = snippetAttribs.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
// if( snippetAttribsArr != null && snippetAttribsArr.Length > 0 )
// {
// string attribName = snippetAttribsArr[ (int)TemplateCodeSnippetInfoIdx.Name ];
// TemplateCodeSnippetType attribType = (TemplateCodeSnippetType)Enum.Parse( typeof( TemplateCodeSnippetType ), snippetAttribsArr[ (int)TemplateCodeSnippetInfoIdx.Type ] );
// if( m_snippetElementsDict.ContainsKey( attribName ) )
// {
// if( m_snippetElementsDict[ attribName ].Type != attribType )
// {
// if( DebugConsoleWindow.DeveloperMode )
// Debug.LogWarning( "Found incompatible types for snippet " + attribName );
// }
// }
// else
// {
// switch( attribType )
// {
// case TemplateCodeSnippetType.Toggle:
// {
// //Register must be done by first instantiang the correct type and register it on both containers
// //Overrides don't work if we use the container reference into the other
// TemplateCodeSnippetToggle newSnippet = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TemplateCodeSnippetToggle>();
// newSnippet.Init( attribName, attribType );
// m_snippetElementsDict.Add( attribName, newSnippet );
// m_snippetElementsList.Add( newSnippet );
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// // Add initial tag indentation
// int indentationIndex = codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes[ i ];
// int lengthAdjust = 0;
// for( ; indentationIndex > 0; indentationIndex--, lengthAdjust++ )
// {
// if( m_templateBody[ indentationIndex ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine )
// {
// indentationIndex += 1;
// lengthAdjust -= 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if( indentationIndex > 0 )
// {
// string snippetId = m_templateBody.Substring( indentationIndex,
// codeSnippetEndIndexes[ i ] + TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetEnd.Length - codeSnippetAttribBeginIndexes[ i ] + lengthAdjust );
// int snippetCodeStart = codeSnippetAttribEndIndexes[ i ] + TemplatesManager.TemplateCodeSnippetAttribEnd.Length;
// int snippetCodeLength = codeSnippetEndIndexes[ i ] - snippetCodeStart;
// //Remove possible identation characters present between tag and last instruction
// if( m_templateBody[ snippetCodeStart + snippetCodeLength - 1 ] != TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine )
// {
// for( ; snippetCodeLength > 0; snippetCodeLength-- )
// {
// if( m_templateBody[ snippetCodeStart + snippetCodeLength - 1 ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine )
// break;
// }
// }
// if( snippetCodeLength > 0 )
// {
// string snippetCode = m_templateBody.Substring( snippetCodeStart, snippetCodeLength );
// TemplateCodeSnippetElement element = new TemplateCodeSnippetElement( snippetId, snippetCode );
// m_snippetElementsDict[ attribName ].AddSnippet( element );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
//void RefreshSnippetInfo()
// if( m_snippetElementsDict == null )
// {
// m_snippetElementsDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateCodeSnippetBase>();
// }
// if( m_snippetElementsDict.Count != m_snippetElementsList.Count )
// {
// m_snippetElementsDict.Clear();
// for( int i = 0; i < m_snippetElementsList.Count; i++ )
// {
// m_snippetElementsDict.Add( m_snippetElementsList[ i ].NameId, m_snippetElementsList[ i ] );
// }
// }
//public void DrawSnippetProperties( ParentNode owner )
// for( int i = 0; i < m_snippetElementsList.Count; i++ )
// {
// m_snippetElementsList[ i ].DrawProperties( owner );
// }
//public void InsertSnippets( ref string shaderBody )
// for( int i = 0; i < m_snippetElementsList.Count; i++ )
// {
// m_snippetElementsList[ i ].InsertSnippet( ref shaderBody );
// }
public void AddId( string ID, bool searchIndentation = true )
AddId( ID, searchIndentation, string.Empty );
public void AddId( string ID, bool searchIndentation, string customIndentation )
int propertyIndex = m_templateBody.IndexOf( ID );
if( propertyIndex > -1 )
if( searchIndentation )
int indentationIndex = -1;
for( int i = propertyIndex; i > 0; i-- )
if( m_templateBody[ i ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine )
indentationIndex = i + 1;
if( indentationIndex > -1 )
int length = propertyIndex - indentationIndex;
string indentation = ( length > 0 ) ? m_templateBody.Substring( indentationIndex, length ) : string.Empty;
m_propertyList.Add( new TemplateProperty( ID, indentation, false ) );
m_propertyList.Add( new TemplateProperty( ID, customIndentation, true ) );
void BuildInfo()
if( m_propertyDict == null )
m_propertyDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateProperty>();
if( m_propertyList.Count != m_propertyDict.Count )
for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyList.Count; i++ )
m_propertyDict.Add( m_propertyList[ i ].Id, m_propertyList[ i ] );
public void ResetTemplateUsageData()
for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyList.Count; i++ )
m_propertyList[ i ].Used = false;
public void AddInput( int tagStartIdx, string tagId, string portName, string defaultValue, WirePortDataType dataType, MasterNodePortCategory portCategory, int portUniqueId, int portOrderId )
TemplateInputData inputData = new TemplateInputData( tagStartIdx, tagStartIdx, tagId, portName, defaultValue, dataType, portCategory, portUniqueId, portOrderId, string.Empty );
m_inputDataList.Add( inputData );
m_inputDataDict.Add( inputData.PortUniqueId, inputData );
AddId( tagId, false );
public override void Destroy()
if( m_vertexDataContainer != null )
m_vertexDataContainer = null;
if( m_interpolatorDataContainer != null )
m_interpolatorDataContainer = null;
if( m_availableShaderProperties != null )
m_availableShaderProperties = null;
if( m_propertyDict != null )
m_propertyDict = null;
if( m_propertyList != null )
m_propertyList = null;
if( m_inputDataDict != null )
m_inputDataDict = null;
if( m_inputDataList != null )
m_inputDataList = null;
if( m_localVarsList != null )
m_localVarsList = null;
//if( m_snippetElementsDict != null )
// m_snippetElementsDict.Clear();
// m_snippetElementsDict = null;
//if( m_snippetElementsList != null )
// for( int i = 0; i < m_snippetElementsList.Count; i++ )
// {
// GameObject.DestroyImmediate( m_snippetElementsList[ i ] );
// m_snippetElementsList[ i ] = null;
// }
// m_snippetElementsList.Clear();
// m_snippetElementsList = null;
m_alphaToMaskData = null;
m_cullModeData = null;
m_blendData = null;
m_colorMaskData = null;
m_stencilData = null;
if( m_tagData != null )
m_tagData = null;
public void FillEmptyTags( ref string body )
body = body.Replace( TemplatesManager.TemplateLocalVarTag, string.Empty );
for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyList.Count; i++ )
if( !m_propertyList[ i ].Used )
if( m_propertyList[ i ].UseCustomIndentation )
body = body.Replace( m_propertyList[ i ].Id, string.Empty );
body = body.Replace( m_propertyList[ i ].Indentation + m_propertyList[ i ].Id, string.Empty );
public bool FillVertexInstructions( ref string body, params string[] values )
if( m_vertexFunctionData != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_vertexFunctionData.Id ) )
return FillTemplateBody( m_vertexFunctionData.Id, ref body, values );
if( values.Length > 0 )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( "Attemping to add vertex instructions on a template with no assigned vertex code area", MessageSeverity.Error );
return false;
return true;
public bool FillFragmentInstructions( ref string body, params string[] values )
if( m_fragmentFunctionData != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_fragmentFunctionData.Id ) )
return FillTemplateBody( m_fragmentFunctionData.Id, ref body, values );
if( values.Length > 0 )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( "Attemping to add fragment instructions on a template with no assigned vertex code area", MessageSeverity.Error );
return false;
return true;
// values must be unindented an without line feed
public bool FillTemplateBody( string id, ref string body, params string[] values )
if( values.Length == 0 )
return true;
if( m_propertyDict.ContainsKey( id ) )
string finalValue = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++ )
if( m_propertyDict[ id ].AutoLineFeed )
string[] valuesArr = values[ i ].Split( '\n' );
for( int j = 0; j < valuesArr.Length; j++ )
//first value will be automatically indented by the string replace
finalValue += ( ( i == 0 && j == 0 ) ? string.Empty : m_propertyDict[ id ].Indentation ) + valuesArr[ j ];
finalValue += TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine;
//first value will be automatically indented by the string replace
finalValue += ( i == 0 ? string.Empty : m_propertyDict[ id ].Indentation ) + values[ i ];
body = body.Replace( id, finalValue );
m_propertyDict[ id ].Used = true;
return true;
if( values.Length > 1 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty( values[ 0 ] ) )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( string.Format( "Attempting to write data into inexistant tag {0}. Please review the template {1} body and consider adding the missing tag.", id, m_name ), MessageSeverity.Error );
return false;
return true;
public bool FillTemplateBody( string id, ref string body, List<PropertyDataCollector> values )
if( values.Count == 0 )
return true;
string[] array = new string[ values.Count ];
for( int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++ )
array[ i ] = values[ i ].PropertyName;
return FillTemplateBody( id, ref body, array );
public TemplateInputData InputDataFromId( int id )
if( m_inputDataDict == null )
m_inputDataDict = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInputData>();
if( m_inputDataDict.Count != m_inputDataList.Count )
for( int i = 0; i < m_inputDataList.Count; i++ )
m_inputDataDict.Add( m_inputDataList[ i ].PortUniqueId, m_inputDataList[ i ] );
if( m_inputDataDict.ContainsKey( id ) )
return m_inputDataDict[ id ];
return null;
public string GetVertexData( TemplateInfoOnSematics info )
int count = m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData[ i ].DataInfo == info )
return string.Format( TemplateHelperFunctions.TemplateVarFormat, m_vertexFunctionData.InVarName, m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData[ i ].VarName );
return string.Empty;
public string GetInterpolatedData( TemplateInfoOnSematics info )
int count = m_interpolatorDataContainer.Interpolators.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( m_interpolatorDataContainer.Interpolators[ i ].DataInfo == info )
return string.Format( TemplateHelperFunctions.TemplateVarFormat, m_fragmentFunctionData.InVarName, m_interpolatorDataContainer.Interpolators[ i ].VarName );
return string.Empty;
public string InterpDataId { get { return m_interpolatorDataContainer.InterpDataId; } }
public string VertexDataId { get { return m_vertexDataContainer.VertexDataId; } }
public string ShaderNameId { get { return m_shaderNameId; } set { m_shaderNameId = value; } }
public string TemplateBody { get { return m_templateBody; } set { m_templateBody = value; } }
public List<TemplateInputData> InputDataList { get { return m_inputDataList; } set { m_inputDataList = value; } }
public List<TemplateLocalVarData> LocalVarsList { get { return m_localVarsList; } }
public List<TemplateVertexData> VertexDataList { get { return m_vertexDataContainer.VertexData; } }
public TemplateInterpData InterpolatorData { get { return m_interpolatorDataContainer; } }
public TemplateFunctionData VertexFunctionData { get { return m_vertexFunctionData; } set { m_vertexFunctionData = value; } }
public TemplateFunctionData FragmentFunctionData { get { return m_fragmentFunctionData; } set { m_fragmentFunctionData = value; } }
public List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> AvailableShaderProperties { get { return m_availableShaderProperties; } set { m_availableShaderProperties = value; } }
public TemplateBlendData BlendData { get { return m_blendData; } set { m_blendData = value; } }
public TemplateAlphaToMaskData AlphaToMaskData { get { return m_alphaToMaskData; } set { m_alphaToMaskData = value; } }
public TemplateCullModeData CullModeData { get { return m_cullModeData; } set { m_cullModeData = value; } }
public TemplateColorMaskData ColorMaskData { get { return m_colorMaskData; } set { m_colorMaskData = value; } }
public TemplateStencilData StencilData { get { return m_stencilData; } set { m_stencilData = value; } }
public TemplateDepthData DepthData { get { return m_depthData; } set { m_depthData = value; } }
public TemplateTagsModuleData TagData { get { return m_tagData; } set { m_tagData = value; } }
private List<TemplateProperty> PropertyList { get { return m_propertyList; } set { m_propertyList = value; } }
public VertexDataContainer VertexDataContainer { get { return m_vertexDataContainer; } set { m_vertexDataContainer = value; } }
public TemplateInterpData InterpolatorDataContainer { get { return m_interpolatorDataContainer; } set { m_interpolatorDataContainer = value; } }