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2023-10-09 00:51:40 +08:00
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class ShortcutKeyData
public bool IsPressed;
public System.Type NodeType;
public string Name;
public ShortcutKeyData( System.Type type, string name )
NodeType = type;
Name = name;
IsPressed = false;
public class GraphContextMenu
private List<ContextMenuItem> m_items;
private List<ContextMenuItem> m_itemFunctions;
private Dictionary<System.Type, NodeAttributes> m_itemsDict;
private Dictionary<System.Type, NodeAttributes> m_deprecatedItemsDict;
private Dictionary<System.Type, System.Type> m_castTypes;
private Dictionary<KeyCode, ShortcutKeyData> m_shortcutTypes;
private KeyCode m_lastKeyPressed;
private ParentGraph m_currentGraph;
private bool m_correctlyLoaded = false;
public GraphContextMenu( ParentGraph currentGraph )
m_currentGraph = currentGraph;
m_correctlyLoaded = RefreshNodes( currentGraph );
private Type[] GetTypesInNamespace( Assembly assembly, string nameSpace )
return assembly.GetTypes().Where( t => String.Equals( t.Namespace, nameSpace, StringComparison.Ordinal ) ).ToArray();
public bool RefreshNodes( ParentGraph currentGraph )
if( m_items != null )
m_items = null;
if( m_itemFunctions != null )
m_itemFunctions = null;
m_items = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
m_itemFunctions = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
if( m_itemsDict != null )
m_itemsDict = new Dictionary<System.Type, NodeAttributes>();
if( m_deprecatedItemsDict != null )
m_deprecatedItemsDict = new Dictionary<System.Type, NodeAttributes>();
if( m_castTypes != null )
m_castTypes = new Dictionary<System.Type, System.Type>();
if( m_shortcutTypes != null )
m_shortcutTypes = new Dictionary<KeyCode, ShortcutKeyData>();
m_lastKeyPressed = KeyCode.None;
// Fetch all available nodes by their attributes
//IEnumerable<System.Type> availableTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().ToList().SelectMany( type => type.GetTypes() );
var mainAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Type[] availableTypes = GetTypesInNamespace( mainAssembly, "AmplifyShaderEditor" );
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
var editorAssembly = Assembly.Load( "Assembly-CSharp-Editor" );
if( mainAssembly != editorAssembly )
Type[] extraTypes = GetTypesInNamespace( editorAssembly, "AmplifyShaderEditor" );
availableTypes = availableTypes.Concat<Type>( extraTypes ).ToArray();
catch( Exception )
// quiet catch because we don't care if it fails to find the assembly, we'll just skip it
foreach( System.Type type in availableTypes )
foreach( NodeAttributes attribute in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes( type ).OfType<NodeAttributes>() )
if( attribute.Available && !attribute.Deprecated )
//if ( !UIUtils.CurrentWindow.IsShaderFunctionWindow && attribute.AvailableInFunctionsOnly )
// continue;
if( !UIUtils.HasColorCategory( attribute.Category ) )
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( attribute.CustomCategoryColor ) )
Color color = new Color();
ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString( attribute.CustomCategoryColor, out color );
UIUtils.AddColorCategory( attribute.Category, color );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
UIUtils.AddColorCategory( attribute.Category, Constants.DefaultCategoryColor );
// UIUtils.AddColorCategory( attribute.Category, Constants.DefaultCategoryColor );
if( attribute.CastType != null && attribute.CastType.Length > 0 && type != null )
for( int i = 0; i < attribute.CastType.Length; i++ )
m_castTypes.Add( attribute.CastType[ i ], type );
if( attribute.ShortcutKey != KeyCode.None && type != null )
m_shortcutTypes.Add( attribute.ShortcutKey, new ShortcutKeyData( type, attribute.Name ) );
ContextMenuItem newItem = new ContextMenuItem( attribute, type, attribute.Name, attribute.Tags, attribute.Category, attribute.Description, null, attribute.ShortcutKey );
if( UIUtils.GetNodeAvailabilityInBitArray( attribute.NodeAvailabilityFlags, NodeAvailability.SurfaceShader ) )
m_items.Add( newItem );
else if( UIUtils.GetNodeAvailabilityInBitArray( attribute.NodeAvailabilityFlags, currentGraph.ParentWindow.CurrentNodeAvailability ) )
m_items.Add( newItem );
else if( UIUtils.GetNodeAvailabilityInBitArray( attribute.NodeAvailabilityFlags, currentGraph.CurrentCanvasMode ) )
m_items.Add( newItem );
m_itemsDict.Add( type, attribute );
m_itemFunctions.Add( newItem );
m_deprecatedItemsDict.Add( type, attribute );
catch( ReflectionTypeLoadException exception )
Debug.LogException( exception );
return false;
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:AmplifyShaderFunction" );
List<AmplifyShaderFunction> allFunctions = new List<AmplifyShaderFunction>();
for( int i = 0; i < guids.Length; i++ )
allFunctions.Add( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AmplifyShaderFunction>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( guids[ i ] ) ) );
int functionCount = allFunctions.Count;
if( functionCount > 0 )
m_castTypes.Add( typeof( AmplifyShaderFunction ), typeof( FunctionNode ) );
for( int i = 0; i < functionCount; i++ )
if( !allFunctions[ i ].Hidden )
NodeAttributes attribute = new NodeAttributes( allFunctions[ i ].FunctionName, allFunctions[ i ].CustomNodeCategory, allFunctions[ i ].Description, KeyCode.None, true, 0, int.MaxValue, typeof( AmplifyShaderFunction ) );
System.Type type = typeof( FunctionNode );
ContextMenuItem newItem = new ContextMenuItem( attribute, type, AddSpacesToSentence( attribute.Name ), attribute.Tags, attribute.Category, attribute.Description, allFunctions[ i ], attribute.ShortcutKey );
m_items.Add( newItem );
m_itemFunctions.Add( newItem );
//Sort out the final list by name
m_items.Sort( ( x, y ) => x.Category.CompareTo( y.Category ) );
m_itemFunctions.Sort( ( x, y ) => x.Category.CompareTo( y.Category ) );
return true;
public void Destroy()
for( int i = 0; i < m_items.Count; i++ )
m_items[ i ].Destroy();
for( int i = 0; i < m_itemFunctions.Count; i++ )
if( m_itemFunctions[ i ] != null )
m_itemFunctions[ i ].Destroy();
m_items = null;
m_itemFunctions = null;
m_itemsDict = null;
m_deprecatedItemsDict = null;
m_castTypes = null;
m_shortcutTypes = null;
public static string AddSpacesToSentence( string text )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
return string.Empty;
bool lastIsUpper = char.IsUpper( text, 0 );
bool lastIsLetter = char.IsLetter( text, 0 );
StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder();
title.Append( text[ 0 ] );
for( int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++ )
bool currIsUpper = char.IsUpper( text, i );
bool currIsLetter = char.IsLetter( text, i );
if( currIsUpper && !lastIsUpper && lastIsLetter )
title.Append( " " );
// if current is a number and previous is a letter we space it (ie: Rotation2D = Rotation 2D)
if( lastIsLetter && char.IsNumber( text, i ) )
title.Append( " " );
// if previous is upper, current is upper and the next two following are lower then we space it (ie: UVDistortion = UV Distortion)
if( i < text.Length - 1 )
bool nextIsLower = char.IsLower( text, i + 1 ) && char.IsLetter( text, i + 1 );
bool lastIsLower = i < text.Length - 2 ? char.IsLower( text, i + 2 ) && char.IsLetter( text, i + 2 ) : false;
if( lastIsUpper && currIsUpper && currIsLetter && nextIsLower && lastIsLower )
title.Append( " " );
lastIsUpper = currIsUpper;
lastIsLetter = currIsLetter;
title.Append( text[ i ] );
return title.ToString();
public NodeAttributes GetNodeAttributesForType( System.Type type )
if( type == null )
Debug.LogError( "Invalid type detected" );
return null;
if( m_itemsDict.ContainsKey( type ) )
return m_itemsDict[ type ];
return null;
public NodeAttributes GetDeprecatedNodeAttributesForType( System.Type type )
if( m_deprecatedItemsDict.ContainsKey( type ) )
return m_deprecatedItemsDict[ type ];
return null;
public void UpdateKeyPress( KeyCode key )
if( key == KeyCode.None )
m_lastKeyPressed = key;
if( m_shortcutTypes.ContainsKey( key ) )
m_shortcutTypes[ key ].IsPressed = true;
public void UpdateKeyReleased( KeyCode key )
if( key == KeyCode.None )
if( m_shortcutTypes.ContainsKey( key ) )
m_shortcutTypes[ key ].IsPressed = false;
public void ResetShortcutKeyStates()
foreach( KeyValuePair<KeyCode, ShortcutKeyData> kvp in m_shortcutTypes )
kvp.Value.IsPressed = false;
public ParentNode CreateNodeFromCastType( System.Type type )
if( m_castTypes.ContainsKey( type ) )
ParentNode newNode = (ParentNode)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance( m_castTypes[ type ] );
return newNode;
return null;
public ParentNode CreateNodeFromShortcutKey()
if( m_lastKeyPressed == KeyCode.None )
return null;
if( m_shortcutTypes.ContainsKey( m_lastKeyPressed ) && m_shortcutTypes[ m_lastKeyPressed ].IsPressed )
ParentNode newNode = (ParentNode)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance( m_shortcutTypes[ m_lastKeyPressed ].NodeType );
return newNode;
return null;
public bool CheckShortcutKey()
if( m_lastKeyPressed == KeyCode.None )
return false;
if( m_shortcutTypes.ContainsKey( m_lastKeyPressed ) && m_shortcutTypes[ m_lastKeyPressed ].IsPressed )
return true;
return false;
public List<ContextMenuItem> MenuItems
if( m_currentGraph.ParentWindow.IsShaderFunctionWindow )
return m_itemFunctions;
return m_items;
public List<ContextMenuItem> ItemFunctions { get { return m_itemFunctions; } }
public KeyCode LastKeyPressed
get { return m_lastKeyPressed; }
public Dictionary<KeyCode, ShortcutKeyData> NodeShortcuts { get { return m_shortcutTypes; } }
public bool CorrectlyLoaded { get { return m_correctlyLoaded; } }