using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { public enum UsePassLocation { Above, Below } [Serializable] public class UsePassItem : ScriptableObject { public UsePassLocation Location; public string Value; public UsePassItem() { Location = UsePassLocation.Above; Value = string.Empty; } public UsePassItem( UsePassLocation location, string name ) { Location = location; Value = name; } } [Serializable] public class UsePassHelper : ScriptableObject { private const string UseGrabFormatNewLine = "UsePass \"{0}\"\n"; private const string UseGrabFormat = "UsePass \"{0}\""; private const float ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth = 15; private const string ShaderPoputContext = "CONTEXT/ShaderPopup"; [SerializeField] private List m_items = new List(); [SerializeField] private UndoParentNode m_owner = null; [SerializeField] protected bool m_isDirty = false; [SerializeField] protected string m_moduleName = string.Empty; private ReorderableList m_reordableList = null; private ReordableAction m_actionType = ReordableAction.None; private int m_actionIndex = 0; private GUIStyle m_propertyAdjustment; private Material m_dummyMaterial; private MenuCommand m_dummyCommand; private int m_currentUsePassIdx = 0; public void Init( string moduleName ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_moduleName = moduleName; } void DrawButtons() { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); // Add keyword if( GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth ) ) ) { UsePassItem newItem = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); newItem.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_items.Add( newItem ); EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null ); m_isDirty = true; } //Remove keyword if( GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth ) ) ) { if( m_items.Count > 0 ) { UsePassItem itemToDelete = m_items[ m_items.Count - 1 ]; m_items.RemoveAt( m_items.Count - 1 ); ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate( itemToDelete ); EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null ); } m_isDirty = true; } } public void Draw( UndoParentNode owner, bool style = true ) { if( m_owner == null ) m_owner = owner; if( m_reordableList == null ) { m_reordableList = new ReorderableList( m_items, typeof( UsePassItem ), true, false, false, false ) { headerHeight = 0, footerHeight = 0, showDefaultBackground = false, drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) => { if( m_items[ index ] != null ) { float labelWidthMultiplier; float popUpWidth; float shaderSelectorMultiplier; float buttonPlusPosMultiplier; if( style ) { rect.x -= 10; labelWidthMultiplier = 0.9f; popUpWidth = 0.31f; shaderSelectorMultiplier = 1.01f; buttonPlusPosMultiplier = 0.78f; } else { rect.x -= 1; labelWidthMultiplier = 1.01f; popUpWidth = 0.25f; shaderSelectorMultiplier = 1.0f; buttonPlusPosMultiplier = 0.55f; } Rect popupPos = new Rect( rect.x, rect.y + 2, popUpWidth * rect.width, rect.height ); Rect labelPos = new Rect( rect.x + popupPos.width * labelWidthMultiplier, rect.y, 0.59f * rect.width, rect.height ); Rect shaderSelectorPos = new Rect( labelPos.x + labelPos.width* shaderSelectorMultiplier, rect.y, 15, rect.height ); Rect buttonPlusPos = new Rect( shaderSelectorPos.x + shaderSelectorPos.width * buttonPlusPosMultiplier, rect.y, ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth, rect.height ); Rect buttonMinusPos = new Rect( buttonPlusPos.x + buttonPlusPos.width, rect.y, ShaderKeywordButtonLayoutWidth, rect.height ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_items[ index ].Location = (UsePassLocation)owner.EditorGUIEnumPopup( popupPos, m_items[ index ].Location ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && m_items[ index ].Location == UsePassLocation.Below && m_owner != null && m_owner.ContainerGraph.CurrentCanvasMode == NodeAvailability.TemplateShader ) { m_items[ index ].Location = UsePassLocation.Above; UIUtils.ShowMessage( "Below option still not available on templates" ); } m_items[ index ].Value = owner.EditorGUITextField( labelPos, string.Empty, m_items[ index ].Value ); if( GUI.Button( shaderSelectorPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.InspectorPopdropdownFallback ) ) { EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null ); GUI.FocusControl( null ); m_currentUsePassIdx = index; DisplayShaderContext( owner, GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.popup ) ); } if( GUI.Button( buttonPlusPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle ) ) { m_actionType = ReordableAction.Add; m_actionIndex = index; } if( GUI.Button( buttonMinusPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle ) ) { m_actionType = ReordableAction.Remove; m_actionIndex = index; } } } }; } if( m_actionType != ReordableAction.None ) { switch( m_actionType ) { case ReordableAction.Add: UsePassItem newItem = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); newItem.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_items.Insert( m_actionIndex + 1, newItem ); break; case ReordableAction.Remove: UsePassItem itemToDelete = m_items[ m_actionIndex ]; m_items.RemoveAt( m_actionIndex ); ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate( itemToDelete ); break; } m_isDirty = true; m_actionType = ReordableAction.None; EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null ); } bool foldoutValue = owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedUsePass; if( style ) { NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref foldoutValue, m_moduleName, DrawReordableList, DrawButtons ); } else { NodeUtils.DrawNestedPropertyGroup( ref foldoutValue, m_moduleName, DrawReordableList, DrawButtons ); } owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedUsePass = foldoutValue; } private void DisplayShaderContext( UndoParentNode node, Rect r ) { if( m_dummyCommand == null ) m_dummyCommand = new MenuCommand( this, 0 ); if( m_dummyMaterial == null ) m_dummyMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( "Hidden/ASESShaderSelectorUnlit" ) ); #pragma warning disable 0618 UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SetupShaderMenu( m_dummyMaterial ); #pragma warning restore 0618 EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu( r, ShaderPoputContext, m_dummyCommand ); } private void OnSelectedShaderPopup( string command, Shader shader ) { if( shader != null ) { UIUtils.MarkUndoAction(); Undo.RecordObject( m_owner, "Selected Use Pass shader" ); m_items[ m_currentUsePassIdx ].Value =; } } void DrawReordableList() { if( m_reordableList != null ) { if( m_propertyAdjustment == null ) { m_propertyAdjustment = new GUIStyle(); m_propertyAdjustment.padding.left = 17; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if( m_items.Count == 0 ) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Your list is Empty!\nUse the plus button to add one.", MessageType.Info ); } else { m_reordableList.DoLayoutList(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } public void ReadFromString( ref uint index, ref string[] nodeParams ) { try { int count = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { string locationValue = nodeParams[ index++ ]; // REMOVE THIS TEST AFTER A COUPLE OF VERSIONS (curr v1.5.6 r02) if( locationValue.Equals( "Bellow" ) ) locationValue = "Below"; UsePassLocation location = (UsePassLocation)Enum.Parse( typeof( UsePassLocation ), locationValue ); string name = nodeParams[ index++ ]; UsePassItem newItem = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); newItem.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; newItem.Location = location; newItem.Value = name; m_items.Add( newItem ); } } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); } } public void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo ) { IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items.Count ); for( int i = 0; i < m_items.Count; i++ ) { IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].Location ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].Value ); } } public void BuildUsePassInfo( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, ref string aboveItems, ref string bellowItems, string tabs) { int count = 0; count = dataCollector.AboveUsePassesList.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { aboveItems += tabs + string.Format( UseGrabFormatNewLine, dataCollector.AboveUsePassesList[ i ].PropertyName ); } count = dataCollector.BelowUsePassesList.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { bellowItems += tabs + string.Format( UseGrabFormatNewLine, dataCollector.BelowUsePassesList[ i ].PropertyName ); } count = m_items.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( m_items[ i ].Location == UsePassLocation.Above ) { aboveItems += tabs + string.Format( UseGrabFormatNewLine, m_items[ i ].Value ); } else { bellowItems += tabs + string.Format( UseGrabFormatNewLine, m_items[ i ].Value ); } } } public void BuildUsePassInfo( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, ref List aboveItems, ref List bellowItems ) { int count = 0; count = dataCollector.AboveUsePassesList.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { aboveItems.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, string.Format( UseGrabFormat, dataCollector.AboveUsePassesList[ i ].PropertyName ) ) ); } count = dataCollector.BelowUsePassesList.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { bellowItems.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, string.Format( UseGrabFormat, dataCollector.BelowUsePassesList[ i ].PropertyName ) ) ); } count = m_items.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( m_items[ i ].Location == UsePassLocation.Above ) { aboveItems.Add( new PropertyDataCollector(-1,string.Format( UseGrabFormat, m_items[ i ].Value ))); } else { bellowItems.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, string.Format( UseGrabFormat, m_items[ i ].Value ) ) ); } } } //public string ModuleName { set { m_moduleName = value; } } public void Destroy() { m_owner = null; m_items.Clear(); m_items = null; m_reordableList = null; m_dummyMaterial = null; m_dummyCommand = null; } } }