// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using System; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { [Serializable] public class TemplateInputData { public string PortName; public WirePortDataType DataType; public MasterNodePortCategory PortCategory; public int PortUniqueId; public int OrderId; public int TagGlobalStartIdx; public int TagLocalStartIdx; public string TagId; public string DefaultValue; public string LinkId; public TemplateInputData( int tagLocalStartIdx, int tagGlobalStartIdx, string tagId, string portName, string defaultValue, WirePortDataType dataType, MasterNodePortCategory portCategory, int portUniqueId, int orderId, string linkId ) { DefaultValue = defaultValue; PortName = portName; DataType = dataType; PortCategory = portCategory; PortUniqueId = portUniqueId; OrderId = orderId; TagId = tagId; TagGlobalStartIdx = tagGlobalStartIdx; TagLocalStartIdx = tagLocalStartIdx; LinkId = linkId; } public TemplateInputData( TemplateInputData other ) { DefaultValue = other.DefaultValue; PortName = other.PortName; DataType = other.DataType; PortCategory = other.PortCategory; PortUniqueId = other.PortUniqueId; OrderId = other.OrderId; TagId = other.TagId; TagGlobalStartIdx = other.TagGlobalStartIdx; LinkId = other.LinkId; } } [Serializable] public class TemplatePropertyContainer { [SerializeField] private List m_propertyList = new List(); private Dictionary m_propertyDict = new Dictionary(); public void AddId( TemplateProperty templateProperty ) { BuildInfo(); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } public void AddId( string body, string ID, bool searchIndentation = true ) { AddId( body, ID, searchIndentation, string.Empty ); } public void AddId( string body, string ID, bool searchIndentation, string customIndentation ) { BuildInfo(); int propertyIndex = body.IndexOf( ID ); if( propertyIndex > -1 ) { if( searchIndentation ) { int identationIndex = -1; for( int i = propertyIndex; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( body[ i ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine ) { identationIndex = i + 1; break; } if( i == 0 ) { identationIndex = 0; } } if( identationIndex > -1 ) { int length = propertyIndex - identationIndex; string indentation = ( length > 0 ) ? body.Substring( identationIndex, length ) : string.Empty; TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( ID, indentation, false ); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } else { TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( ID, string.Empty, false ); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } } else { TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( ID, customIndentation, true ); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } } } public void AddId( string body, string ID, int propertyIndex, bool searchIndentation ) { AddId( body, ID, propertyIndex, searchIndentation, string.Empty ); } public void AddId( string body, string ID, int propertyIndex, bool searchIndentation, string customIndentation ) { if( body == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty( body ) ) return; BuildInfo(); if( searchIndentation && propertyIndex > -1 && propertyIndex < body.Length ) { int indentationIndex = -1; for( int i = propertyIndex; i > 0; i-- ) { if( body[ i ] == TemplatesManager.TemplateNewLine ) { indentationIndex = i + 1; break; } } if( indentationIndex > -1 ) { int length = propertyIndex - indentationIndex; string indentation = ( length > 0 ) ? body.Substring( indentationIndex, length ) : string.Empty; TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( ID, indentation, false ); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } } else { TemplateProperty templateProperty = new TemplateProperty( ID, customIndentation, true ); m_propertyList.Add( templateProperty ); m_propertyDict.Add( templateProperty.Id, templateProperty ); } } public void BuildInfo() { if( m_propertyDict == null ) { m_propertyDict = new Dictionary(); } if( m_propertyList.Count != m_propertyDict.Count ) { m_propertyDict.Clear(); for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyList.Count; i++ ) { m_propertyDict.Add( m_propertyList[ i ].Id, m_propertyList[ i ] ); } } } public void ResetTemplateUsageData() { BuildInfo(); for( int i = 0; i < m_propertyList.Count; i++ ) { m_propertyList[ i ].Used = false; } } public void Reset() { m_propertyList.Clear(); m_propertyDict.Clear(); } public void Destroy() { m_propertyList.Clear(); m_propertyList = null; m_propertyDict.Clear(); m_propertyDict = null; } public Dictionary PropertyDict { get { BuildInfo(); return m_propertyDict; } } public List PropertyList { get { return m_propertyList; } } } [Serializable] public class TemplateProperty { public bool UseIndentationAtStart = false; public string Indentation; public bool UseCustomIndentation; public string Id; public bool AutoLineFeed; public bool Used; public TemplateProperty( string id, string indentation, bool useCustomIndentation ) { Id = id; Indentation = indentation; UseCustomIndentation = useCustomIndentation; AutoLineFeed = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( indentation ); Used = false; } } [Serializable] public class TemplateTessVControlTag { public string Id; public int StartIdx; public TemplateTessVControlTag() { StartIdx = -1; } public bool IsValid { get { return StartIdx >= 0; } } } [Serializable] public class TemplateTessControlData { public string Id; public int StartIdx; public string InVarType; public string InVarName; public string OutVarType; public string OutVarName; public bool IsValid { get { return StartIdx >= 0; } } public TemplateTessControlData() { StartIdx = -1; } public TemplateTessControlData( int startIdx, string id, string inVarInfo, string outVarInfo ) { StartIdx = startIdx; Id = id; string[] inVarInfoArr = inVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( inVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { InVarType = inVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; InVarName = inVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } string[] outVarInfoArr = outVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( outVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { OutVarType = outVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; OutVarName = outVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } } public string[] GenerateControl( Dictionary vertexData, List inputList ) { List value = new List(); if( vertexData != null && vertexData.Count > 0 ) { foreach( var item in vertexData ) { if( inputList.FindIndex( x => { return x.Contains( item.Value.VarName ); } ) > -1 ) value.Add( string.Format( "{0}.{1} = {2}.{1};", OutVarName, item.Value.VarName, InVarName ) ); } } return value.ToArray(); } } [Serializable] public class TemplateTessDomainData { public string Id; public int StartIdx; public string InVarType; public string InVarName; public string OutVarType; public string OutVarName; public string BaryVarType; public string BaryVarName; public bool IsValid { get { return StartIdx >= 0; } } public TemplateTessDomainData() { StartIdx = -1; } public TemplateTessDomainData( int startIdx, string id, string inVarInfo, string outVarInfo, string baryVarInfo ) { StartIdx = startIdx; Id = id; string[] inVarInfoArr = inVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( inVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { InVarType = inVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; InVarName = inVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } string[] outVarInfoArr = outVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( outVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { OutVarType = outVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; OutVarName = outVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } string[] baryVarInfoArr = baryVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( baryVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { BaryVarType = baryVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; BaryVarName = baryVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } } public string[] GenerateDomain( Dictionary vertexData, List inputList ) { List value = new List(); if( vertexData != null && vertexData.Count > 0 ) { foreach( var item in vertexData ) { //o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; if( inputList.FindIndex( x => { return x.Contains( item.Value.VarName ); } ) > -1 ) value.Add( string.Format( "{0}.{1} = {2}[0].{1} * {3}.x + {2}[1].{1} * {3}.y + {2}[2].{1} * {3}.z;", OutVarName, item.Value.VarName, InVarName, BaryVarName ) ); } } return value.ToArray(); } } [Serializable] public class TemplateFunctionData { public int MainBodyLocalIdx; public string MainBodyName; public string Id; public int Position; public string InVarType; public string InVarName; public string OutVarType; public string OutVarName; public MasterNodePortCategory Category; public TemplateFunctionData( int mainBodyLocalIdx, string mainBodyName, string id, int position, string inVarInfo, string outVarInfo, MasterNodePortCategory category ) { MainBodyLocalIdx = mainBodyLocalIdx; MainBodyName = mainBodyName; Id = id; Position = position; { string[] inVarInfoArr = inVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( inVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { InVarType = inVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; InVarName = inVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } } { string[] outVarInfoArr = outVarInfo.Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR ); if( outVarInfoArr.Length > 1 ) { OutVarType = outVarInfoArr[ 1 ]; OutVarName = outVarInfoArr[ 0 ]; } } Category = category; } } [Serializable] public class TemplateTagData { public int StartIdx = -1; public string Id; public bool SearchIndentation; public string CustomIndentation; public TemplateTagData( int startIdx, string id, bool searchIndentation ) { StartIdx = startIdx; Id = id; SearchIndentation = searchIndentation; CustomIndentation = string.Empty; } public TemplateTagData( string id, bool searchIndentation ) { Id = id; SearchIndentation = searchIndentation; CustomIndentation = string.Empty; } public TemplateTagData( string id, bool searchIndentation, string customIndentation ) { Id = id; SearchIndentation = searchIndentation; CustomIndentation = customIndentation; } public bool IsValid { get { return StartIdx >= 0; } } } public enum TemplatePortIds { Name = 0, DataType, UniqueId, OrderId, Link } public enum TemplateCommonTagId { Property = 0, Global = 1, Function = 2, Tag = 3, Pragmas = 4, Pass = 5, Params_Vert = 6, Params_Frag = 7 //CullMode = 8, //BlendMode = 9, //BlendOp = 10, //ColorMask = 11, //StencilOp = 12 } [Serializable] public class TemplatesManager : ScriptableObject { public static int MPShaderVersion = 14503; public static readonly string TemplateShaderNameBeginTag = "/*ase_name*/"; public static readonly string TemplateStencilTag = "/*ase_stencil*/\n"; public static readonly string TemplateAllModulesTag = "/*ase_all_modules*/\n"; public static readonly string TemplateMPSubShaderTag = "\\bSubShader\\b\\s*{"; //public static readonly string TemplateMPPassTag = "^\\s*Pass\b\\s*{";//"\\bPass\\b\\s*{"; public static readonly string TemplateMPPassTag = "\\bPass\\b\\s*{"; public static readonly string TemplateLocalVarTag = "/*ase_local_var*/"; public static readonly string TemplateDependenciesListTag = "/*ase_dependencies_list*/"; public static readonly string TemplatePragmaBeforeTag = "/*ase_pragma_before*/"; public static readonly string TemplatePragmaTag = "/*ase_pragma*/"; public static readonly string TemplatePassTag = "/*ase_pass*/"; public static readonly string TemplatePassesEndTag = "/*ase_pass_end*/"; public static readonly string TemplateLODsTag = "/*ase_lod*/"; //public static readonly string TemplatePassTagPattern = @"\s\/\*ase_pass\*\/"; public static readonly string TemplatePassTagPattern = @"\s\/\*ase_pass[:\*]+"; public static readonly string TemplatePropertyTag = "/*ase_props*/"; public static readonly string TemplateGlobalsTag = "/*ase_globals*/"; public static readonly string TemplateSRPBatcherTag = "/*ase_srp_batcher*/\n"; public static readonly string TemplateInterpolatorBeginTag = "/*ase_interp("; public static readonly string TemplateVertexDataTag = "/*ase_vdata:"; public static readonly string TemplateTessVControlTag = "/*ase_vcontrol*/"; public static readonly string TemplateTessControlCodeArea = "/*ase_control_code:"; public static readonly string TemplateTessDomainCodeArea = "/*ase_domain_code:"; //public static readonly string TemplateExcludeFromGraphTag = "/*ase_hide_pass*/"; public static readonly string TemplateMainPassTag = "/*ase_main_pass*/"; public static readonly string TemplateFunctionsTag = "/*ase_funcs*/\n"; //public static readonly string TemplateTagsTag = "/*ase_tags*/"; //public static readonly string TemplateCullModeTag = "/*ase_cull_mode*/"; //public static readonly string TemplateBlendModeTag = "/*ase_blend_mode*/"; //public static readonly string TemplateBlendOpTag = "/*ase_blend_op*/"; //public static readonly string TemplateColorMaskTag = "/*ase_color_mask*/"; //public static readonly string TemplateStencilOpTag = "/*ase_stencil*/"; public static readonly string TemplateCodeSnippetAttribBegin = "#CODE_SNIPPET_ATTRIBS_BEGIN#"; public static readonly string TemplateCodeSnippetAttribEnd = "#CODE_SNIPPET_ATTRIBS_END#\n"; public static readonly string TemplateCodeSnippetEnd = "#CODE_SNIPPET_END#\n"; public static readonly char TemplateNewLine = '\n'; // INPUTS AREA public static readonly string TemplateInputsVertBeginTag = "/*ase_vert_out:"; public static readonly string TemplateInputsFragBeginTag = "/*ase_frag_out:"; public static readonly string TemplateInputsVertParamsTag = "/*ase_vert_input*/"; public static readonly string TemplateInputsFragParamsTag = "/*ase_frag_input*/"; // CODE AREA public static readonly string TemplateVertexCodeBeginArea = "/*ase_vert_code:"; public static readonly string TemplateFragmentCodeBeginArea = "/*ase_frag_code:"; public static readonly string TemplateEndOfLine = "*/\n"; public static readonly string TemplateEndSectionTag = "*/"; public static readonly string TemplateFullEndTag = "/*end*/"; public static readonly string NameFormatter = "\"{0}\""; public static readonly TemplateTagData[] CommonTags = { new TemplateTagData( TemplatePropertyTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplateGlobalsTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplateSRPBatcherTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplateFunctionsTag,true), //new TemplateTagData( TemplateTagsTag,false," "), new TemplateTagData( TemplatePragmaBeforeTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplatePragmaTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplatePassTag,true), new TemplateTagData( TemplateInputsVertParamsTag,false), new TemplateTagData( TemplateInputsFragParamsTag,false), new TemplateTagData( TemplateLODsTag,true) //new TemplateTagData( TemplateCullModeTag,false), //new TemplateTagData( TemplateBlendModeTag,false), //new TemplateTagData( TemplateBlendOpTag,false), //new TemplateTagData( TemplateColorMaskTag,false), //new TemplateTagData( TemplateStencilOpTag,true), }; public static string LightweigthPBRGUID = "1976390536c6c564abb90fe41f6ee334"; public static string LightweigthUnlitGUID = "e2514bdcf5e5399499a9eb24d175b9db"; public static string UniversalPBRGUID = "94348b07e5e8bab40bd6c8a1e3df54cd"; public static string UniversalUnlitGUID = "2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d"; public static string HDNewLitGUID = "53b46d85872c5b24c8f4f0a1c3fe4c87"; public static string HDNewPBRGUID = "41e04be03f2c20941bc749271be1c937"; public static string HDNewUnlitGUID = "7f5cb9c3ea6481f469fdd856555439ef"; public static string HDLitGUID = "091c43ba8bd92c9459798d59b089ce4e"; public static string HDPBRGUID = "bb308bce79762c34e823049efce65141"; public static string HDUnlitGUID = "dfe2f27ac20b08c469b2f95c236be0c3"; public static Dictionary DeprecatedTemplates = new Dictionary() { { HDLitGUID, HDNewLitGUID}, { HDUnlitGUID,HDNewUnlitGUID}, { HDPBRGUID,HDNewLitGUID}, { HDNewPBRGUID,HDNewLitGUID} }; public static Dictionary OfficialTemplates = new Dictionary() { { "0770190933193b94aaa3065e307002fa","Legacy/Unlit"}, { "32139be9c1eb75640a847f011acf3bcf","Legacy/Post-Processing Stack"}, { "6ce779933eb99f049b78d6163735e06f","Legacy/Custom RT Init"}, { "32120270d1b3a8746af2aca8bc749736","Legacy/Custom RT Update"}, { LightweigthPBRGUID,"LW/PBR"}, { LightweigthUnlitGUID,"LW/Unlit"}, { UniversalPBRGUID,"Universal/PBR"}, { UniversalUnlitGUID,"Universal/Unlit"}, { "53b46d85872c5b24c8f4f0a1c3fe4c87","HD/Lit"}, { HDLitGUID,"Deprecated/HD/Lit"}, { HDPBRGUID,"Deprecated/HD/PBR"}, { HDUnlitGUID,"Deprecated/HD/Unlit"}, { "c71b220b631b6344493ea3cf87110c93","Legacy/Post Process" }, { "6e114a916ca3e4b4bb51972669d463bf","Deprecated/Legacy/Default Unlit" }, { "5056123faa0c79b47ab6ad7e8bf059a4","Legacy/Default UI" }, { "899e609c083c74c4ca567477c39edef0","Legacy/Unlit Lightmap" }, { "0f8ba0101102bb14ebf021ddadce9b49","Legacy/Default Sprites" }, { "0b6a9f8b4f707c74ca64c0be8e590de0","Legacy/Particles Alpha Blended" }, { "e1de45c0d41f68c41b2cc20c8b9c05ef","Legacy/Multi Pass Unlit" } }; public static readonly string TemplateMenuItemsFileGUID = "da0b931bd234a1e43b65f684d4b59bfb"; private Dictionary m_availableTemplates = new Dictionary(); [SerializeField] private List m_sortedTemplates = new List(); [SerializeField] public string[] AvailableTemplateNames; [SerializeField] public bool Initialized = false; private Dictionary m_optionsInitialSetup = new Dictionary(); public static string CurrTemplateGUIDLoaded = string.Empty; public static bool IsTestTemplate { get { return CurrTemplateGUIDLoaded.Equals( "a95a019bbc760714bb8228af04c291d1" ); } } public static bool ShowDebugMessages = false; public void RefreshAvailableTemplates() { if( m_availableTemplates.Count != m_sortedTemplates.Count ) { m_availableTemplates.Clear(); int count = m_sortedTemplates.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { m_availableTemplates.Add( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID, m_sortedTemplates[ i ] ); } } } public void Init() { if( !Initialized ) { if( ShowDebugMessages ) Debug.Log( "Initialize" ); string templateMenuItems = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( TemplateMenuItemsFileGUID ) ); bool refreshTemplateMenuItems = false; foreach( KeyValuePair kvp in OfficialTemplates ) { if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( kvp.Key ) ) ) { TemplateMultiPass template = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); template.Init( kvp.Value, kvp.Key, false ); AddTemplate( template ); if( !refreshTemplateMenuItems && templateMenuItems.IndexOf( kvp.Value ) < 0 ) refreshTemplateMenuItems = true; } } // Search for other possible templates on the project string[] allShaders = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:shader" ); for( int i = 0; i < allShaders.Length; i++ ) { if( !m_availableTemplates.ContainsKey( allShaders[ i ] ) ) { CheckAndLoadTemplate( allShaders[ i ] ); } } // TODO: Sort list alphabeticaly AvailableTemplateNames = new string[ m_sortedTemplates.Count + 1 ]; AvailableTemplateNames[ 0 ] = "Custom"; for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { m_sortedTemplates[ i ].OrderId = i; AvailableTemplateNames[ i + 1 ] = m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name; } if( refreshTemplateMenuItems ) CreateTemplateMenuItems(); Initialized = true; } } //[MenuItem( "Window/Amplify Shader Editor/Create Menu Items", false, 1000 )] //public static void ForceCreateTemplateMenuItems() //{ // UIUtils.CurrentWindow.TemplatesManagerInstance.CreateTemplateMenuItems(); //} public void CreateTemplateMenuItems() { if( m_sortedTemplates == null || m_sortedTemplates.Count == 0 ) return; // change names for duplicates for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name == m_sortedTemplates[ j ].Name ) { var match = Regex.Match( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name, @".+(\d+)" ); if( match.Success ) { string strNumber = match.Groups[ 1 ].Value; int number = int.Parse( strNumber ) + 1; string firstPart = m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name.Substring( 0, match.Groups[ 1 ].Index ); string secondPart = m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name.Substring( match.Groups[ 1 ].Index + strNumber.Length ); m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name = firstPart + number + secondPart; } else { m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name += " 1"; } } } } System.Text.StringBuilder fileContents = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); fileContents.Append( "// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool\n" ); fileContents.Append( "// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda \n" ); fileContents.Append( "using UnityEditor;\n" ); fileContents.Append( "\n" ); fileContents.Append( "namespace AmplifyShaderEditor\n" ); fileContents.Append( "{\n" ); fileContents.Append( "\tpublic class TemplateMenuItems\n" ); fileContents.Append( "\t{\n" ); int fixedPriority = 85; for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { fileContents.AppendFormat( "\t\t[MenuItem( \"Assets/Create/Amplify Shader/{0}\", false, {1} )]\n", m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name, fixedPriority ); string itemName = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].Name ); fileContents.AppendFormat( "\t\tpublic static void ApplyTemplate{0}()\n", itemName/*i*/ ); fileContents.Append( "\t\t{\n" ); //fileContents.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tAmplifyShaderEditorWindow.CreateNewTemplateShader( \"{0}\" );\n", m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID ); fileContents.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tAmplifyShaderEditorWindow.CreateConfirmationTemplateShader( \"{0}\" );\n", m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID ); fileContents.Append( "\t\t}\n" ); } fileContents.Append( "\t}\n" ); fileContents.Append( "}\n" ); string filePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( TemplateMenuItemsFileGUID ); IOUtils.SaveTextfileToDisk( fileContents.ToString(), filePath, false ); m_filepath = filePath; //AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( filePath ); } string m_filepath = string.Empty; public void ReimportMenuItems() { if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_filepath ) ) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( m_filepath ); m_filepath = string.Empty; } } public int GetIdForTemplate( TemplateData templateData ) { if( templateData == null ) return -1; for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { if( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID.Equals( templateData.GUID ) ) return m_sortedTemplates[ i ].OrderId; } return -1; } public void AddTemplate( TemplateDataParent templateData ) { if( templateData == null || !templateData.IsValid ) return; RefreshAvailableTemplates(); if( !m_availableTemplates.ContainsKey( templateData.GUID ) ) { m_sortedTemplates.Add( templateData ); m_availableTemplates.Add( templateData.GUID, templateData ); } } public void RemoveTemplate( string guid ) { TemplateDataParent templateData = GetTemplate( guid ); if( templateData != null ) { RemoveTemplate( templateData ); } } public void RemoveTemplate( TemplateDataParent templateData ) { RefreshAvailableTemplates(); if( m_availableTemplates != null ) m_availableTemplates.Remove( templateData.GUID ); m_sortedTemplates.Remove( templateData ); templateData.Destroy(); } public void Destroy() { if( TemplatesManager.ShowDebugMessages ) Debug.Log( "Destroy Manager" ); if( m_availableTemplates != null ) { foreach( KeyValuePair kvp in m_availableTemplates ) { kvp.Value.Destroy(); } m_availableTemplates.Clear(); m_availableTemplates = null; } int count = m_sortedTemplates.Count; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate( m_sortedTemplates[ i ] ); } m_sortedTemplates.Clear(); m_sortedTemplates = null; AvailableTemplateNames = null; Initialized = false; } public TemplateDataParent GetTemplate( int id ) { if( id < m_sortedTemplates.Count ) return m_sortedTemplates[ id ]; return null; } public TemplateDataParent GetTemplate( string guid ) { RefreshAvailableTemplates(); if( m_availableTemplates == null && m_sortedTemplates != null ) { m_availableTemplates = new Dictionary(); for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { m_availableTemplates.Add( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID, m_sortedTemplates[ i ] ); } } if( m_availableTemplates.ContainsKey( guid ) ) return m_availableTemplates[ guid ]; return null; } public TemplateDataParent GetTemplateByName( string name ) { RefreshAvailableTemplates(); if( m_availableTemplates == null && m_sortedTemplates != null ) { m_availableTemplates = new Dictionary(); for( int i = 0; i < m_sortedTemplates.Count; i++ ) { m_availableTemplates.Add( m_sortedTemplates[ i ].GUID, m_sortedTemplates[ i ] ); } } foreach( KeyValuePair kvp in m_availableTemplates ) { if( kvp.Value.DefaultShaderName.Equals( name ) ) { return kvp.Value; } } return null; } public TemplateDataParent CheckAndLoadTemplate( string guid ) { TemplateDataParent templateData = GetTemplate( guid ); if( templateData == null ) { string datapath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( guid ); string body = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( datapath ); if( body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateShaderNameBeginTag ) > -1 ) { templateData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); templateData.Init( string.Empty, guid, true ); if( templateData.IsValid ) { AddTemplate( templateData ); return templateData; } } } return null; } private void OnEnable() { if( !Initialized ) { Init(); } else { RefreshAvailableTemplates(); } hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; if( ShowDebugMessages ) Debug.Log( "On Enable Manager: " + this.GetInstanceID() ); } public void ResetOptionsSetupData() { if( ShowDebugMessages ) Debug.Log( "Reseting options setup data" ); m_optionsInitialSetup.Clear(); } public bool SetOptionsValue( string optionId, bool value ) { if( m_optionsInitialSetup.ContainsKey( optionId ) ) { m_optionsInitialSetup[ optionId ] = m_optionsInitialSetup[ optionId ] || value; } else { m_optionsInitialSetup.Add( optionId, value ); } return m_optionsInitialSetup[ optionId ]; } public bool CheckIfDeprecated( string guid , out string newGUID ) { if( DeprecatedTemplates.ContainsKey( guid ) ) { UIUtils.ShowMessage( "Shader using deprecated template which no longer exists on ASE. Pointing to new correct one, options and connections to master node were reset." ); newGUID = DeprecatedTemplates[ guid ]; return true; } newGUID = string.Empty; return false; } public int TemplateCount { get { return m_sortedTemplates.Count; } } } }