Shader "Hidden/FresnelNode" { Properties { _A ("_Normal", 2D) = "white" {} _B ("_Bias", 2D) = "white" {} _C ("_Scale", 2D) = "white" {} _D ("_Power", 2D) = "white" {} _E ("_View", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { Pass //not connected world { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag //sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; int _FresnelType; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-saturate(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = float3(xy, z); float3 worldNormal = normalize(float3(xy, z)); float3 worldViewDir = normalize(float3(0,0,-5) - vertexPos); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //connected world { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; int _FresnelType; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-saturate(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = float3(xy, z); float3 worldNormal = tex2D( _A, i.uv ); float3 worldViewDir = normalize(float3(0,0,-5) - vertexPos); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //connected tangent { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; int _FresnelType; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-saturate(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = float3(xy, z); float3 worldNormal = normalize(float3(xy, z)); float3 tangent = normalize(float3( -z, xy.y*0.01, xy.x )); float3 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(vertexPos,1)).xyz; float3 worldTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(tangent); float tangentSign = -1; float3 worldBinormal = normalize( cross(worldNormal, worldTangent) * tangentSign); float4 tSpace0 = float4(worldTangent.x, worldBinormal.x, worldNormal.x, worldPos.x); float4 tSpace1 = float4(worldTangent.y, worldBinormal.y, worldNormal.y, worldPos.y); float4 tSpace2 = float4(worldTangent.z, worldBinormal.z, worldNormal.z, worldPos.z); float2 sphereUVs = i.uv; sphereUVs.x = (atan2(vertexPos.x, -vertexPos.z) / (UNITY_PI) + 0.5); float3 tangentNormal = tex2D(_A, sphereUVs).xyz; worldNormal = fixed3( dot(, tangentNormal ), dot(, tangentNormal ), dot(, tangentNormal ) ); float3 worldViewDir = normalize(float3(0,0,-5) - vertexPos); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //not connected half vector { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag //sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; int _FresnelType; float4 _EditorWorldLightPos; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = normalize(float3(xy, z)); float3 worldViewDir = normalize(float3(0,0,-5) - vertexPos); float3 lightDir = normalize( ); float3 halfVector = normalize(worldViewDir+lightDir); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //connected both { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; sampler2D _E; int _FresnelType; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-saturate(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = float3(xy, z); float3 worldNormal = tex2D( _A, i.uv ); float3 worldViewDir = tex2D( _E, i.uv );; float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //not connected world and light { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag //sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; int _FresnelType; float4 _EditorWorldLightPos; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = normalize(float3(xy, z)); float3 normal = normalize(vertexPos); float3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal); float3 lightDir = normalize( ); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, lightDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, lightDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, lightDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //connected view { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; sampler2D _E; int _FresnelType; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-saturate(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = float3(xy, z); float3 normal = normalize(vertexPos); float3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal); float3 worldViewDir = tex2D( _E, i.uv ); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( worldNormal, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } Pass //not connected half vector with connected view { CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert_img #pragma fragment frag //sampler2D _A; sampler2D _B; sampler2D _C; sampler2D _D; sampler2D _E; int _FresnelType; float4 _EditorWorldLightPos; float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target { float b = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r; float s = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r; float pw = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r; float2 xy = 2 * i.uv - 1; float z = -sqrt(1-(dot(xy,xy))); float3 vertexPos = normalize(float3(xy, z)); float3 worldViewDir = tex2D( _E, i.uv ); float3 lightDir = normalize( ); float3 halfVector = normalize(worldViewDir+lightDir); float fresnel = 0; if(_FresnelType == 0) fresnel = (b + s*pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , pw)); else if(_FresnelType == 1) fresnel = (b + (1-b) * pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , 5)); else if(_FresnelType == 2) { float f0 = pow((1-s)/(1+s),2); fresnel = (f0 + (1-f0) * pow(1 - dot( halfVector, worldViewDir ) , 5)); } return fresnel; } ENDCG } } }