using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { [Serializable] public class StencilBufferOpHelper { public static readonly string[] StencilComparisonValues = { "", "Greater" , "GEqual" , "Less" , "LEqual" , "Equal" , "NotEqual" , "Always" , "Never" }; public static readonly Dictionary StencilComparisonValuesDict = new Dictionary() { {"Greater" , 1}, {"GEqual" , 2}, {"Less" , 3}, {"LEqual" , 4}, {"Equal" , 5}, {"NotEqual", 6}, {"Always" , 7}, {"Never" , 8}, }; public static readonly string[] StencilComparisonLabels = { "", "Greater" , "Greater or Equal" , "Less" , "Less or Equal" , "Equal" , "Not Equal" , "Always" , "Never" }; public static readonly string[] StencilOpsValues = { "", "Keep", "Zero", "Replace", "IncrSat", "DecrSat", "Invert", "IncrWrap", "DecrWrap" }; public static readonly Dictionary StencilOpsValuesDict = new Dictionary() { {"Keep", 1}, {"Zero", 2}, {"Replace", 3}, {"IncrSat", 4}, {"DecrSat", 5}, {"Invert", 6}, {"IncrWrap",7}, {"DecrWrap",8}, }; public static readonly string[] StencilOpsLabels = { "", "Keep", "Zero", "Replace", "IncrSat", "DecrSat", "Invert", "IncrWrap", "DecrWrap" }; private const string FoldoutLabelStr = " Stencil Buffer"; private GUIContent ReferenceValueContent = new GUIContent( "Reference", "The value to be compared against (if Comparison is anything else than always) and/or the value to be written to the buffer (if either Pass, Fail or ZFail is set to replace)" ); private GUIContent ReadMaskContent = new GUIContent( "Read Mask", "An 8 bit mask as an 0-255 integer, used when comparing the reference value with the contents of the buffer (referenceValue & readMask) comparisonFunction (stencilBufferValue & readMask)" ); private GUIContent WriteMaskContent = new GUIContent( "Write Mask", "An 8 bit mask as an 0-255 integer, used when writing to the buffer" ); private const string ComparisonStr = "Comparison"; private const string PassStr = "Pass"; private const string FailStr = "Fail"; private const string ZFailStr = "ZFail"; private const string ComparisonFrontStr = "Comp. Front"; private const string PassFrontStr = "Pass Front"; private const string FailFrontStr = "Fail Front"; private const string ZFailFrontStr = "ZFail Front"; private const string ComparisonBackStr = "Comp. Back"; private const string PassBackStr = "Pass Back"; private const string FailBackStr = "Fail Back"; private const string ZFailBackStr = "ZFail Back"; private const int ReadMaskDefaultValue = 255; private const int WriteMaskDefaultValue = 255; private const int ComparisonDefaultValue = 0; private const int PassStencilOpDefaultValue = 0; private const int FailStencilOpDefaultValue = 0; private const int ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue = 0; [SerializeField] private bool m_active; [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_refValue = new InlineProperty(); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_readMask = new InlineProperty( ReadMaskDefaultValue ); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_writeMask = new InlineProperty( WriteMaskDefaultValue ); //Comparison Function [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_comparisonFunctionIdx = new InlineProperty( ComparisonDefaultValue ); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx = new InlineProperty( ComparisonDefaultValue ); //Pass Stencil Op [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_passStencilOpIdx = new InlineProperty( PassStencilOpDefaultValue ); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_passStencilOpBackIdx = new InlineProperty( PassStencilOpDefaultValue ); //Fail Stencil Op [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_failStencilOpIdx = new InlineProperty( FailStencilOpDefaultValue ); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_failStencilOpBackIdx = new InlineProperty( FailStencilOpDefaultValue ); //ZFail Stencil Op [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_zFailStencilOpIdx = new InlineProperty( ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue ); [SerializeField] private InlineProperty m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx = new InlineProperty( ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue ); public string CreateStencilOp( UndoParentNode owner ) { string result = "\t\tStencil\n\t\t{\n"; result += string.Format( "\t\t\tRef {0}\n", m_refValue.GetValueOrProperty() ); if( m_readMask.Active || m_readMask.IntValue != ReadMaskDefaultValue ) { result += string.Format( "\t\t\tReadMask {0}\n", m_readMask.GetValueOrProperty() ); } if( m_writeMask.Active || m_writeMask.IntValue != WriteMaskDefaultValue ) { result += string.Format( "\t\t\tWriteMask {0}\n", m_writeMask.GetValueOrProperty() ); } if( ( owner as StandardSurfaceOutputNode ).CurrentCullMode == CullMode.Off ) { if( m_comparisonFunctionIdx.IntValue != ComparisonDefaultValue || m_comparisonFunctionIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tCompFront {0}\n", m_comparisonFunctionIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilComparisonValues[ m_comparisonFunctionIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_passStencilOpIdx.IntValue != PassStencilOpDefaultValue || m_passStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tPassFront {0}\n", m_passStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_passStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_failStencilOpIdx.IntValue != FailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_failStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tFailFront {0}\n", m_failStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_failStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_zFailStencilOpIdx.IntValue != ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_zFailStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tZFailFront {0}\n", m_zFailStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_zFailStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.IntValue != ComparisonDefaultValue || m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tCompBack {0}\n", m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilComparisonValues[ m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_passStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue != PassStencilOpDefaultValue || m_passStencilOpBackIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tPassBack {0}\n", m_passStencilOpBackIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_passStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_failStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue != FailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_failStencilOpBackIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tFailBack {0}\n", m_failStencilOpBackIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_failStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue != ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tZFailBack {0}\n", m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue ] ) ); } else { if( m_comparisonFunctionIdx.IntValue != ComparisonDefaultValue || m_comparisonFunctionIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tComp {0}\n", m_comparisonFunctionIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilComparisonValues[ m_comparisonFunctionIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_passStencilOpIdx.IntValue != PassStencilOpDefaultValue || m_passStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tPass {0}\n", m_passStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_passStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_failStencilOpIdx.IntValue != FailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_failStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tFail {0}\n", m_failStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_failStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); if( m_zFailStencilOpIdx.IntValue != ZFailStencilOpDefaultValue || m_zFailStencilOpIdx.Active ) result += string.Format( "\t\t\tZFail {0}\n", m_zFailStencilOpIdx.GetValueOrProperty( StencilOpsValues[ m_zFailStencilOpIdx.IntValue ] ) ); } result += "\t\t}\n"; return result; } public void Draw( UndoParentNode owner ) { bool foldoutValue = owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedStencilOptions; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( owner, ref foldoutValue, ref m_active, FoldoutLabelStr, () => { float cache = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; float cache2 = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 110; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 30; m_refValue.IntSlider( ref owner, ReferenceValueContent, 0, 255 ); m_readMask.IntSlider( ref owner, ReadMaskContent, 0, 255 ); m_writeMask.IntSlider( ref owner, WriteMaskContent, 0, 255 ); //EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cache; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = cache2; if( ( owner as StandardSurfaceOutputNode ).CurrentCullMode == CullMode.Off ) { m_comparisonFunctionIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ComparisonFrontStr, StencilComparisonLabels ); m_passStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, PassFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_failStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, FailFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_zFailStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ZFailFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ComparisonBackStr, StencilComparisonLabels ); m_passStencilOpBackIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, PassBackStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_failStencilOpBackIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, FailBackStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ZFailBackStr, StencilOpsLabels ); } else { m_comparisonFunctionIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ComparisonStr, StencilComparisonLabels ); m_passStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, PassFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_failStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, FailFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); m_zFailStencilOpIdx.EnumTypePopup( ref owner, ZFailFrontStr, StencilOpsLabels ); } EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cache; } ); owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedStencilOptions = foldoutValue; } public void ReadFromString( ref uint index, ref string[] nodeParams ) { m_active = Convert.ToBoolean( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 14501 ) { m_refValue.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_readMask.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_writeMask.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_comparisonFunctionIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_passStencilOpIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_failStencilOpIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_zFailStencilOpIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); } else { m_refValue.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_readMask.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_writeMask.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_comparisonFunctionIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_passStencilOpIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_failStencilOpIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_zFailStencilOpIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); } if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 13203 ) { if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 14501 ) { m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_passStencilOpBackIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_failStencilOpBackIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.ReadFromString( ref index, ref nodeParams ); } else { m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_passStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_failStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( nodeParams[ index++ ] ); } } } public void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo ) { IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_active ); m_refValue.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_readMask.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_writeMask.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_comparisonFunctionIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_passStencilOpIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_failStencilOpIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_zFailStencilOpIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_comparisonFunctionBackIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_passStencilOpBackIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_failStencilOpBackIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); m_zFailStencilOpBackIdx.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo ); } public bool Active { get { return m_active; } set { m_active = value; } } } }