using UnityEngine;
//, modified
public static class RendererExtensions
/// Counts the bounding box corners of the given RectTransform that are visible from the given Camera in screen space.
/// The amount of bounding box corners that are visible from the Camera.
/// Rect transform.
/// Camera.
private static int CountCornersVisibleFrom(this RectTransform rectTransform)
Rect screenBounds = new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height); // Screen space bounds (assumes camera renders across the entire screen)
Vector3[] objectCorners = new Vector3[4];
int visibleCorners = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < objectCorners.Length; i++) // For each corner in rectTransform
if (screenBounds.Contains(objectCorners[i])) // If the corner is inside the screen
return visibleCorners;
/// Determines if this RectTransform is fully visible from the specified camera.
/// Works by checking if each bounding box corner of this RectTransform is inside the cameras screen space view frustrum.
/// true if is fully visible from the specified camera; otherwise, false.
/// Rect transform.
/// Camera.
public static bool IsFullyVisibleFrom(this RectTransform rectTransform)
return CountCornersVisibleFrom(rectTransform) == 4; // True if all 4 corners are visible
/// Determines if this RectTransform is at least partially visible from the specified camera.
/// Works by checking if any bounding box corner of this RectTransform is inside the cameras screen space view frustrum.
/// true if is at least partially visible from the specified camera; otherwise, false.
/// Rect transform.
/// Camera.
public static bool IsVisible(this RectTransform rectTransform)
return CountCornersVisibleFrom(rectTransform) > 0; // True if any corners are visible