// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { [Serializable] [NodeAttributes( "Function Switch", "Functions", "Function Switch allows switching options at compile time for shader function", NodeAvailabilityFlags = (int)NodeAvailability.ShaderFunction )] public sealed class FunctionSwitch : ParentNode { private const string InputPortNameStr = "In "; private const string ToggleFalseStr = "False"; private const string ToggleTrueStr = "True"; private const string CurrSelectedStr = "Current"; private const string MaxAmountStr = "Amount"; private const int MaxAllowedAmount = 9; private const int MinComboSize = 50; private const int MaxComboSize = 105; [SerializeField] private string m_optionLabel = "Option"; [SerializeField] private string[] AvailableInputsLabels = { "In 0", "In 1" }; [SerializeField] private int[] AvailableInputsValues = { 0, 1 }; [SerializeField] private int m_previousSelectedInput = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_currentSelectedInput = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_maxAmountInputs = 2; [SerializeField] private bool m_toggleMode = false; [SerializeField] private string[] m_optionNames = { "In 0", "In 1", "In 2", "In 3", "In 4", "In 5", "In 6", "In 7", "In 8" }; [SerializeField] private int m_orderIndex = -1; [SerializeField] private TexReferenceType m_referenceType = TexReferenceType.Object; [SerializeField] private FunctionSwitch m_functionSwitchReference = null; [SerializeField] private int m_referenceUniqueId = -1; [SerializeField] private bool m_validReference = false; private bool m_asDrawn = false; private GUIContent m_checkContent; private GUIContent m_popContent; private const double MaxTimestamp = 1; private bool m_nameModified = false; private double m_lastTimeNameModified = 0; private Rect m_varRect; private Rect m_imgRect; private bool m_editing; private int m_cachedPropertyId = -1; private bool m_dirtySettings = false; [SerializeField] private int m_refMaxInputs = -1; [SerializeField] private string m_refOptionLabel = string.Empty; [SerializeField] private int m_refSelectedInput = -1; protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId ) { base.CommonInit( uniqueId ); for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, InputPortNameStr + i ); m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < 2 ); } AddOutputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, " " ); m_checkContent = new GUIContent(); m_checkContent.image = UIUtils.CheckmarkIcon; m_popContent = new GUIContent(); m_popContent.image = UIUtils.PopupIcon; m_textLabelWidth = 100; m_autoWrapProperties = true; m_insideSize.Set( 80, 25 ); m_previewShaderGUID = "a58e46feaa5e3d14383bfeac24d008bc"; } public void SetCurrentSelectedInput( int newValue, int prevValue ) { m_previousSelectedInput = prevValue; if( m_validReference ) m_currentSelectedInput = Mathf.Clamp( newValue, 0, m_refMaxInputs - 1 ); else m_currentSelectedInput = Mathf.Clamp( newValue, 0, m_maxAmountInputs - 1 ); m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].DataType, false ); PreviewIsDirty = true; ChangeSignalPropagation(); } public int GetCurrentSelectedInput() { return m_currentSelectedInput; } public override void SetPreviewInputs() { base.SetPreviewInputs(); if( m_cachedPropertyId == -1 ) m_cachedPropertyId = Shader.PropertyToID( "_Current" ); PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_cachedPropertyId, m_currentSelectedInput ); } protected override void OnUniqueIDAssigned() { base.OnUniqueIDAssigned(); if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Object ) { UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); } else { if( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph != null ) UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); } } public override void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); m_functionSwitchReference = null; m_referenceUniqueId = -1; if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Object ) { UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); } else { UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); } } public override void OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, string name, WirePortDataType type ) { base.OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, name, type ); m_inputPorts[ portId ].MatchPortToConnection(); if( portId == m_currentSelectedInput ) m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ portId ].DataType, false ); } public override void OnInputPortConnected( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, bool activateNode = true ) { InputPort port = GetInputPortByUniqueId( portId ); int arrayPos = m_inputPorts.IndexOf( port ); if( activateNode && m_connStatus == NodeConnectionStatus.Connected && arrayPos == m_currentSelectedInput ) { port.GetOutputNode().ActivateNode( m_activeNode, m_activePort, m_activeType ); } OnNodeChange(); SetSaveIsDirty(); m_inputPorts[ portId ].MatchPortToConnection(); if( arrayPos == m_currentSelectedInput ) m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ portId ].DataType, false ); } public override void ActivateNode( int signalGenNodeId, int signalGenPortId, Type signalGenNodeType ) { if( m_selfPowered ) return; ConnStatus = m_restrictions.GetRestiction( signalGenNodeType, signalGenPortId ) ? NodeConnectionStatus.Error : NodeConnectionStatus.Connected; m_activeConnections += 1; m_activeType = signalGenNodeType; m_activeNode = signalGenNodeId; m_activePort = signalGenPortId; if( m_activeConnections == 1 ) if( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].IsConnected ) m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].GetOutputNode().ActivateNode( signalGenNodeId, signalGenPortId, signalGenNodeType ); SetSaveIsDirty(); } public override void DeactivateInputPortNode( int deactivatedPort, bool forceComplete ) { InputPort port = GetInputPortByUniqueId( deactivatedPort ); if( deactivatedPort == m_currentSelectedInput ) port.GetOutputNode().DeactivateNode( deactivatedPort, false ); } public override void DeactivateNode( int deactivatedPort, bool forceComplete ) { if( m_selfPowered ) return; SetSaveIsDirty(); m_activeConnections -= 1; if( ( forceComplete || m_activeConnections <= 0 ) ) { m_activeConnections = 0; ConnStatus = NodeConnectionStatus.Not_Connected; for( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++ ) { if( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected && i == m_currentSelectedInput ) { ParentNode node = m_inputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode(); if( node != null ) node.DeactivateNode( deactivatedPort == -1 ? m_inputPorts[ i ].PortId : deactivatedPort, false ); } } } } public void ChangeSignalPropagation() { if( m_previousSelectedInput != m_currentSelectedInput && ConnStatus == NodeConnectionStatus.Connected ) { if( m_inputPorts[ m_previousSelectedInput ].IsConnected ) m_inputPorts[ m_previousSelectedInput ].GetOutputNode().DeactivateNode( m_inputPorts[ m_previousSelectedInput ].PortId, false ); if( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].IsConnected ) m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].GetOutputNode().ActivateNode( UniqueId, m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].PortId, m_activeType ); } } public bool DrawOption( ParentNode owner, bool forceDraw = false ) { if( !IsConnected && !forceDraw ) { //EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Not Connected" ); return false; } if( m_asDrawn ) //used to prevent the same property to be drawn more than once return false; if( m_validReference ) { return m_functionSwitchReference.DrawOption( owner, true ); } int prev = m_currentSelectedInput; m_asDrawn = true; if( m_toggleMode ) { m_currentSelectedInput = owner.EditorGUILayoutToggle( m_optionLabel, ( m_currentSelectedInput != 0 ? true : false ) ) ? 1 : 0; if( m_currentSelectedInput != prev ) { SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prev ); return true; } else { return false; } } else { m_currentSelectedInput = owner.EditorGUILayoutIntPopup( m_optionLabel, m_currentSelectedInput, AvailableInputsLabels, AvailableInputsValues ); if( m_currentSelectedInput != prev ) { SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prev ); return true; } else { return false; } } } public void CheckReference() { if( m_referenceType != TexReferenceType.Instance ) { m_validReference = false; return; } if( m_functionSwitchReference == null ) { m_validReference = false; ResetToSelf(); return; } if( m_referenceUniqueId != m_functionSwitchReference.UniqueId ) { UpdateFromSelected(); } if( m_refSelectedInput != m_functionSwitchReference.GetCurrentSelectedInput() || m_refMaxInputs != m_functionSwitchReference.MaxAmountInputs || m_refOptionLabel != m_functionSwitchReference.OptionLabel ) { UpdateFromSelected(); } if( m_functionSwitchReference.DirtySettings ) { UpdateFromSelected(); } m_validReference = true; } void ResetToSelf() { m_functionSwitchReference = null; m_validReference = false; m_referenceUniqueId = -1; m_refMaxInputs = -1; m_refOptionLabel = string.Empty; m_refSelectedInput = -1; for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = m_optionNames[ i ]; } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } void UpdateFromSelected() { if( m_referenceUniqueId < 0 ) return; m_functionSwitchReference = UIUtils.GetNode( m_referenceUniqueId ) as FunctionSwitch; if( m_functionSwitchReference != null ) { m_validReference = true; for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_functionSwitchReference.MaxAmountInputs ); m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = m_functionSwitchReference.InputPorts[ i ].Name; } UpdateLabels(); m_refMaxInputs = m_functionSwitchReference.m_maxAmountInputs; m_refOptionLabel = m_functionSwitchReference.OptionLabel; m_refSelectedInput = m_functionSwitchReference.GetCurrentSelectedInput(); OrderIndex = m_functionSwitchReference.OrderIndex; SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_functionSwitchReference.GetCurrentSelectedInput(), m_currentSelectedInput ); } m_sizeIsDirty = true; m_isDirty = true; } public override void DrawProperties() { base.DrawProperties(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_referenceType = (TexReferenceType)EditorGUILayoutPopup( Constants.ReferenceTypeStr, (int)m_referenceType, Constants.ReferenceArrayLabels ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Object ) { if( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph == null ) UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); ResetToSelf(); } else { if( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph == null ) UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); } } if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Instance ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string[] arr = new string[ UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList().Count ]; int[] ids = new int[ UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList().Count ]; for( int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++ ) { arr[ i ] = i + " - " + UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList()[ i ].OptionLabel; ids[ i ] = UIUtils.FunctionSwitchList()[ i ].UniqueId; } m_referenceUniqueId = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup( Constants.AvailableReferenceStr, m_referenceUniqueId, arr, ids ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { UpdateFromSelected(); } return; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_optionLabel = EditorGUILayoutTextField( "Option Label", m_optionLabel ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { m_optionLabel = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidEnumCharacters( m_optionLabel ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_optionLabel ) ) { m_optionLabel = "Option"; } UIUtils.UpdateFunctionSwitchData( UniqueId, m_optionLabel ); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_toggleMode = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Toggle Mode", m_toggleMode ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { if( m_toggleMode ) { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].Name = ToggleFalseStr; m_inputPorts[ 1 ].Name = ToggleTrueStr; for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < 2 ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= 2 ) { m_currentSelectedInput = 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } else { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].Name = m_optionNames[ 0 ]; m_inputPorts[ 1 ].Name = m_optionNames[ 1 ]; for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } } if( !m_toggleMode ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_maxAmountInputs = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( MaxAmountStr, m_maxAmountInputs, 2, MaxAllowedAmount ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } EditorGUI.indentLevel++; for( int i = 0; i < m_maxAmountInputs; i++ ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = EditorGUILayoutTextField( "Item " + i, m_inputPorts[ i ].Name ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { m_nameModified = true; m_lastTimeNameModified = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidEnumCharacters( m_inputPorts[ i ].Name ); m_optionNames[ i ] = m_inputPorts[ i ].Name; if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_inputPorts[ i ].Name ) ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = InputPortNameStr + i; } m_sizeIsDirty = true; } } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; if( m_nameModified ) { UpdateLabels(); } } if( m_toggleMode ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int prevVal = m_currentSelectedInput; m_currentSelectedInput = EditorGUILayoutToggle( CurrSelectedStr, ( m_currentSelectedInput != 0 ? true : false ) ) ? 1 : 0; if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prevVal ); } else { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int prevVal = m_currentSelectedInput; m_currentSelectedInput = EditorGUILayoutIntPopup( CurrSelectedStr, m_currentSelectedInput, AvailableInputsLabels, AvailableInputsValues ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prevVal ); } } } if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { m_dirtySettings = true; } } public override void RefreshExternalReferences() { base.RefreshExternalReferences(); if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 14205 ) { if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Instance ) { m_functionSwitchReference = UIUtils.GetNode( m_referenceUniqueId ) as FunctionSwitch; UpdateFromSelected(); } } SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, m_previousSelectedInput ); } public void UpdateLabels() { int maxinputs = m_maxAmountInputs; if( m_validReference ) maxinputs = m_functionSwitchReference.MaxAmountInputs; AvailableInputsLabels = new string[ maxinputs ]; AvailableInputsValues = new int[ maxinputs ]; for( int i = 0; i < maxinputs; i++ ) { AvailableInputsLabels[ i ] = m_optionNames[ i ]; AvailableInputsValues[ i ] = i; } } public override void OnNodeLogicUpdate( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.OnNodeLogicUpdate( drawInfo ); CheckReference(); if( m_dirtySettings ) m_dirtySettings = false; } public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { float finalSize = 0; if( !m_toggleMode ) { GUIContent dropdown = new GUIContent( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].Name ); int cacheSize = UIUtils.GraphDropDown.fontSize; UIUtils.GraphDropDown.fontSize = 10; Vector2 calcSize = UIUtils.GraphDropDown.CalcSize( dropdown ); UIUtils.GraphDropDown.fontSize = cacheSize; finalSize = Mathf.Clamp( calcSize.x, MinComboSize, MaxComboSize ); if( m_insideSize.x != finalSize ) { m_insideSize.Set( finalSize, 25 ); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } } base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo ); bool toggleMode = m_toggleMode; if( m_validReference ) { toggleMode = m_functionSwitchReference.m_toggleMode; } if( toggleMode ) { m_varRect = m_remainingBox; m_varRect.size = Vector2.one * 22 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_varRect.center = m_remainingBox.center; if( m_showPreview ) m_varRect.y = m_remainingBox.y; } else { m_varRect = m_remainingBox; m_varRect.width = finalSize * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_varRect.height = 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_varRect.x = m_remainingBox.xMax - m_varRect.width; m_varRect.y += 1 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect = m_varRect; m_imgRect.x = m_varRect.xMax - 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect.width = 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect.height = m_imgRect.width; } } public override void DrawGUIControls( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { if( m_validReference ) { base.DrawGUIControls( drawInfo ); } else { base.DrawGUIControls( drawInfo ); if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.MouseDown ) return; if( m_varRect.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) { m_editing = true; } else if( m_editing ) { m_editing = false; } } } public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.Draw( drawInfo ); if( m_nameModified ) { if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_lastTimeNameModified ) > MaxTimestamp ) { m_nameModified = false; } } if( m_validReference ) { SetAdditonalTitleTextOnCallback( m_functionSwitchReference.OptionLabel, ( instance, newSubTitle ) => instance.AdditonalTitleContent.text = string.Format( Constants.SubTitleVarNameFormatStr, newSubTitle ) ); } else { SetAdditonalTitleTextOnCallback( m_optionLabel, ( instance, newSubTitle ) => instance.AdditonalTitleContent.text = string.Format( Constants.SubTitleValueFormatStr, newSubTitle ) ); if( m_editing ) { if( m_toggleMode ) { if( GUI.Button( m_varRect, GUIContent.none, UIUtils.GraphButton ) ) { PreviewIsDirty = true; int prevVal = m_currentSelectedInput; m_currentSelectedInput = m_currentSelectedInput == 1 ? 0 : 1; if( m_currentSelectedInput != prevVal ) SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prevVal ); m_editing = false; } if( m_currentSelectedInput == 1 ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, m_checkContent, UIUtils.GraphButtonIcon ); } } else { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int prevVal = m_currentSelectedInput; m_currentSelectedInput = EditorGUIIntPopup( m_varRect, m_currentSelectedInput, AvailableInputsLabels, AvailableInputsValues, UIUtils.GraphDropDown ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { PreviewIsDirty = true; SetCurrentSelectedInput( m_currentSelectedInput, prevVal ); m_editing = false; } } } } } public override void OnNodeRepaint( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.OnNodeRepaint( drawInfo ); if( !m_isVisible ) return; if( ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD2 ) { if( m_validReference ) { bool cacheState = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = false; if( m_functionSwitchReference.m_toggleMode ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, GUIContent.none, UIUtils.GraphButton ); if( m_functionSwitchReference.GetCurrentSelectedInput() == 1 ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, m_checkContent, UIUtils.GraphButtonIcon ); } } else { GUI.Label( m_varRect, m_functionSwitchReference.AvailableInputsLabels[ m_currentSelectedInput ], UIUtils.GraphDropDown ); } GUI.enabled = cacheState; } else { if( !m_editing ) { if( m_toggleMode ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, GUIContent.none, UIUtils.GraphButton ); if( m_currentSelectedInput == 1 ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, m_checkContent, UIUtils.GraphButtonIcon ); } } else { GUI.Label( m_varRect, AvailableInputsLabels[ m_currentSelectedInput ], UIUtils.GraphDropDown ); GUI.Label( m_imgRect, m_popContent, UIUtils.GraphButtonIcon ); } } } } } public override void PropagateNodeData( NodeData nodeData, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector ) { if( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].IsConnected ) m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].GetOutputNode().PropagateNodeData( nodeData, ref dataCollector ); } public override string GenerateShaderForOutput( int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar ) { return m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector ); } public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams ) { base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams ); m_optionLabel = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ); m_toggleMode = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_currentSelectedInput = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_previousSelectedInput = m_currentSelectedInput; m_maxAmountInputs = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_orderIndex = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } for( int i = 0; i < m_maxAmountInputs; i++ ) { m_optionNames[ i ] = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ); m_inputPorts[ i ].Name = m_optionNames[ i ]; } if( m_toggleMode ) { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].Name = ToggleFalseStr; m_inputPorts[ 1 ].Name = ToggleTrueStr; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; UIUtils.UpdateFunctionSwitchData( UniqueId, m_optionLabel ); UIUtils.UpdateFunctionSwitchCopyData( UniqueId, m_optionLabel ); if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 14205 ) { m_referenceType = (TexReferenceType)Enum.Parse( typeof( TexReferenceType ), GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_referenceUniqueId = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); if( m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Object ) { if( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph == null ) UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); ResetToSelf(); } else { if( ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph == null ) UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionSwitchNode( this ); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionSwitchCopyNode( this ); } } } public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo ) { base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_optionLabel ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_toggleMode ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_currentSelectedInput ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_maxAmountInputs ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_orderIndex ); for( int i = 0; i < m_maxAmountInputs; i++ ) { IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_optionNames[ i ] ); } IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_referenceType ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, ( m_functionSwitchReference != null ? m_functionSwitchReference.UniqueId : -1 ) ); } public int OrderIndex { get { return m_orderIndex; } set { m_orderIndex = value; } } public string OptionLabel { get { return m_optionLabel; } set { m_optionLabel = value; } } public bool AsDrawn { get { return m_asDrawn; } set { m_asDrawn = value; } } public override string DataToArray { get { return m_optionLabel; } } public int MaxAmountInputs { get { return m_maxAmountInputs; } } public bool DirtySettings { get { return m_dirtySettings; } } } }