// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { public enum WirePortDataType { OBJECT = 1 << 1, FLOAT = 1 << 2, FLOAT2 = 1 << 3, FLOAT3 = 1 << 4, FLOAT4 = 1 << 5, FLOAT3x3 = 1 << 6, FLOAT4x4 = 1 << 7, COLOR = 1 << 8, INT = 1 << 9, SAMPLER1D = 1 << 10, SAMPLER2D = 1 << 11, SAMPLER3D = 1 << 12, SAMPLERCUBE = 1 << 13, UINT = 1 << 14, SAMPLER2DARRAY = 1 << 15, SAMPLERSTATE = 1 << 16 } public enum VariableQualifiers { In = 0, Out, InOut } public struct WirePortDataTypeComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals( WirePortDataType x, WirePortDataType y ) { return x == y; } public int GetHashCode( WirePortDataType obj ) { // you need to do some thinking here, return (int)obj; } } [System.Serializable] public class WirePort { private const double PortClickTime = 0.2; private double m_lastTimeClicked = -1; private Vector2 m_labelSize; private Vector2 m_unscaledLabelSize; protected bool m_dirtyLabelSize = true; private bool m_isEditable = false; private bool m_editingName = false; protected int m_portRestrictions = 0; private bool m_repeatButtonState = false; [SerializeField] private Rect m_position; [SerializeField] private Rect m_labelPosition; [SerializeField] protected int m_nodeId = -1; [SerializeField] protected int m_portId = -1; [SerializeField] protected int m_orderId = -1; [SerializeField] protected WirePortDataType m_dataType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT; [SerializeField] protected string m_name; [SerializeField] protected List m_externalReferences; [SerializeField] protected bool m_locked = false; [SerializeField] protected bool m_visible = true; [SerializeField] protected bool m_isDummy = false; [SerializeField] protected bool m_hasCustomColor = false; [SerializeField] protected Color m_customColor = Color.white; [SerializeField] protected Rect m_activePortArea; public WirePort( int nodeId, int portId, WirePortDataType dataType, string name, int orderId = -1 ) { m_nodeId = nodeId; m_portId = portId; m_orderId = orderId; m_dataType = dataType; m_name = name; m_externalReferences = new List(); } public virtual void Destroy() { m_externalReferences.Clear(); m_externalReferences = null; } public void SetFreeForAll() { m_portRestrictions = -1; } public void AddPortForbiddenTypes( params WirePortDataType[] forbiddenTypes ) { if( forbiddenTypes != null ) { if( m_portRestrictions == 0 ) { //if no previous restrictions are detected then we set up the bit array so we can set is bit correctly m_portRestrictions = int.MaxValue; } for( int i = 0; i < forbiddenTypes.Length; i++ ) { m_portRestrictions = m_portRestrictions & ( int.MaxValue - (int)forbiddenTypes[ i ] ); } } } public void AddPortRestrictions( params WirePortDataType[] validTypes ) { if( validTypes != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < validTypes.Length; i++ ) { m_portRestrictions = m_portRestrictions | (int)validTypes[ i ]; } } } public void CreatePortRestrictions( params WirePortDataType[] validTypes ) { m_portRestrictions = 0; if( validTypes != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < validTypes.Length; i++ ) { m_portRestrictions = m_portRestrictions | (int)validTypes[ i ]; } } } public virtual bool CheckValidType( WirePortDataType dataType ) { if( m_portRestrictions == 0 ) { return true; } return ( m_portRestrictions & (int)dataType ) != 0; } public bool ConnectTo( WireReference port ) { if( m_locked ) return false; if( m_externalReferences.Contains( port ) ) return false; m_externalReferences.Add( port ); return true; } public bool ConnectTo( int nodeId, int portId ) { if( m_locked ) return false; foreach( WireReference reference in m_externalReferences ) { if( reference.NodeId == nodeId && reference.PortId == portId ) { return false; } } m_externalReferences.Add( new WireReference( nodeId, portId, m_dataType, false ) ); return true; } public bool ConnectTo( int nodeId, int portId, WirePortDataType dataType, bool typeLocked ) { if( m_locked ) return false; foreach( WireReference reference in m_externalReferences ) { if( reference.NodeId == nodeId && reference.PortId == portId ) { return false; } } m_externalReferences.Add( new WireReference( nodeId, portId, dataType, typeLocked ) ); return true; } public void DummyAdd( int nodeId, int portId ) { m_externalReferences.Insert( 0, new WireReference( nodeId, portId, WirePortDataType.OBJECT, false ) ); m_isDummy = true; } public void DummyRemove() { m_externalReferences.RemoveAt( 0 ); m_isDummy = false; } public void DummyClear() { m_externalReferences.Clear(); m_isDummy = false; } public WireReference GetConnection( int connID = 0 ) { if( connID < m_externalReferences.Count ) return m_externalReferences[ connID ]; return null; } public void ChangeProperties( string newName, WirePortDataType newType, bool invalidateConnections ) { Name = newName; ChangeType( newType, invalidateConnections ); //if ( m_dataType != newType ) //{ // DataType = newType; // if ( invalidateConnections ) // { // InvalidateAllConnections(); // } // else // { // NotifyExternalRefencesOnChange(); // } //} } public void ChangeType( WirePortDataType newType, bool invalidateConnections ) { if( m_dataType != newType ) { //ParentNode node = UIUtils.GetNode( m_nodeId ); //if ( node ) //{ // Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( node.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow, Constants.UndoChangeTypeNodesId ); // Undo.RecordObject( node, Constants.UndoChangeTypeNodesId ); //} DataType = newType; if( invalidateConnections ) { InvalidateAllConnections(); } else { NotifyExternalRefencesOnChange(); } } } public virtual void ChangePortId( int newId ) { } public virtual void NotifyExternalRefencesOnChange() { } public void UpdateInfoOnExternalConn( int nodeId, int portId, WirePortDataType type ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_externalReferences.Count; i++ ) { if( m_externalReferences[ i ].NodeId == nodeId && m_externalReferences[ i ].PortId == portId ) { m_externalReferences[ i ].DataType = type; } } } public void InvalidateConnection( int nodeId, int portId ) { int id = -1; for( int i = 0; i < m_externalReferences.Count; i++ ) { if( m_externalReferences[ i ].NodeId == nodeId && m_externalReferences[ i ].PortId == portId ) { id = i; break; } } if( id > -1 ) m_externalReferences.RemoveAt( id ); } public void RemoveInvalidConnections() { Debug.Log( "Cleaning invalid connections" ); List validConnections = new List(); for( int i = 0; i < m_externalReferences.Count; i++ ) { if( m_externalReferences[ i ].IsValid ) { validConnections.Add( m_externalReferences[ i ] ); } else { Debug.Log( "Detected invalid connection on node " + m_nodeId + " port " + m_portId ); } } m_externalReferences.Clear(); m_externalReferences = validConnections; } public void InvalidateAllConnections() { m_externalReferences.Clear(); } public virtual void FullDeleteConnections() { } public bool IsConnectedTo( int nodeId, int portId ) { if( m_locked ) return false; for( int i = 0; i < m_externalReferences.Count; i++ ) { if( m_externalReferences[ i ].NodeId == nodeId && m_externalReferences[ i ].PortId == portId ) return true; } return false; } public WirePortDataType ConnectionType( int id = 0 ) { return ( id < m_externalReferences.Count ) ? m_externalReferences[ id ].DataType : DataType; } public bool CheckMatchConnectionType( int id = 0 ) { if( id < m_externalReferences.Count ) return m_externalReferences[ id ].DataType == DataType; return false; } public void MatchPortToConnection( int id = 0 ) { if( id < m_externalReferences.Count ) { DataType = m_externalReferences[ id ].DataType; } } public void ResetWireReferenceStatus() { for( int i = 0; i < m_externalReferences.Count; i++ ) { m_externalReferences[ i ].WireStatus = WireStatus.Default; } } public bool InsideActiveArea( Vector2 pos ) { return m_activePortArea.Contains( pos ); } public void Click() { if( m_isEditable ) { if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_lastTimeClicked ) < PortClickTime ) { m_editingName = true; GUI.FocusControl( "port" + m_nodeId.ToString() + m_portId.ToString() ); TextEditor te = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject( typeof( TextEditor ), GUIUtility.keyboardControl ); if( te != null ) { te.SelectAll(); } } m_lastTimeClicked = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } } public bool Draw( Rect textPos, GUIStyle style ) { bool changeFlag = false; if( m_isEditable && m_editingName ) { textPos.width = m_labelSize.x; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.SetNextControlName( "port" + m_nodeId.ToString() + m_portId.ToString() ); m_name = GUI.TextField( textPos, m_name, style ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { m_dirtyLabelSize = true; changeFlag = true; } if( Event.current.isKey && ( Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter ) ) { m_editingName = false; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } } else { GUI.Label( textPos, m_name, style ); } //GUI.Label( textPos, string.Empty ); return changeFlag; } public void ResetEditing() { m_editingName = false; } public virtual void ForceClearConnection() { } public bool IsConnected { get { return ( m_externalReferences.Count > 0 && !m_locked ); } } public List ExternalReferences { get { return m_externalReferences; } } public int ConnectionCount { get { return m_externalReferences.Count; } } public Rect Position { get { return m_position; } set { m_position = value; } } public Rect LabelPosition { get { return m_labelPosition; } set { m_labelPosition = value; } } public int PortId { get { return m_portId; } set { m_portId = value; } } public int OrderId { get { return m_orderId; } set { m_orderId = value; } } public int NodeId { get { return m_nodeId; } set { m_nodeId = value; } } public virtual WirePortDataType DataType { get { return m_dataType; } set { m_dataType = value; } } public bool Visible { get { return m_visible; } set { m_visible = value; if( !m_visible && IsConnected ) { ForceClearConnection(); } } } public bool Locked { get { return m_locked; } set { //if ( m_locked && IsConnected ) //{ // ForceClearConnection(); //} m_locked = value; } } public virtual string Name { get { return m_name; } set { m_name = value; m_dirtyLabelSize = true; } } public bool DirtyLabelSize { get { return m_dirtyLabelSize; } set { m_dirtyLabelSize = value; } } public bool HasCustomColor { get { return m_hasCustomColor; } } public Color CustomColor { get { return m_customColor; } set { m_hasCustomColor = true; m_customColor = value; } } public Rect ActivePortArea { get { return m_activePortArea; } set { m_activePortArea = value; } } public Vector2 LabelSize { get { return m_labelSize; } set { m_labelSize = value; } } public Vector2 UnscaledLabelSize { get { return m_unscaledLabelSize; } set { m_unscaledLabelSize = value; } } public bool IsEditable { get { return m_isEditable; } set { m_isEditable = value; } } public bool Available { get { return m_visible && !m_locked; } } public override string ToString() { string dump = ""; dump += "Order: " + m_orderId + "\n"; dump += "Name: " + m_name + "\n"; dump += " Type: " + m_dataType; dump += " NodeId : " + m_nodeId; dump += " PortId : " + m_portId; dump += "\nConnections:\n"; foreach( WireReference wirePort in m_externalReferences ) { dump += wirePort + "\n"; } return dump; } public bool RepeatButtonState { get { return m_repeatButtonState; } set { m_repeatButtonState = value; } } public bool IsDummy { get { return m_isDummy; } } public bool NotFreeForAllTypes { get { return m_portRestrictions != -1; } } } }