// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { public enum ToolButtonType { Update = 0, Live, OpenSourceCode, CleanUnusedNodes, //SelectShader, New, Open, Save, Library, Options, Help, MasterNode, FocusOnMasterNode, FocusOnSelection, ShowInfoWindow, ShowTipsWindow, ShowConsole, TakeScreenshot, Share } public enum ToolbarType { File, Help } public class ToolbarMenuTab { private Rect m_tabArea; private GenericMenu m_tabMenu; public ToolbarMenuTab( float x, float y, float width, float height ) { m_tabMenu = new GenericMenu(); m_tabArea = new Rect( x, y, width, height ); } public void ShowMenu() { m_tabMenu.DropDown( m_tabArea ); } public void AddItem( string itemName, GenericMenu.MenuFunction callback ) { m_tabMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( itemName ), false, callback ); } } [Serializable] public sealed class ToolsWindow : MenuParent { private static readonly Color RightIconsColorOff = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f ); private static readonly Color LeftIconsColorOff = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f ); private static readonly Color RightIconsColorOn = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 1.0f ); private static readonly Color LeftIconsColorOn = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f ); private const float TabY = 9; private const float TabX = 5; private const string ShaderFileTitleStr = "Current Shader"; private const string FileToolbarStr = "File"; private const string HelpToolbarStr = "Help"; private const string LiveShaderStr = "Live Shader"; private const string LoadOnSelectionStr = "Load on selection"; private const string CurrentObjectStr = "Current Object: "; public ToolsMenuButton.ToolButtonPressed ToolButtonPressedEvt; //private GUIStyle m_toolbarButtonStyle; private GUIStyle m_toggleStyle; private GUIStyle m_borderStyle; // left private ToolsMenuButton m_updateButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_liveButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_openSourceCodeButton; //middle right private ToolsMenuButton m_cleanUnusedNodesButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_focusOnMasterNodeButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_focusOnSelectionButton; // right private ToolsMenuButton m_shareButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_takeScreenshotButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_showInfoWindowButton; // hidden private ToolsMenuButton m_showTipsWindowButton; private ToolsMenuButton m_showConsoleWindowButton; //Used for collision detection to invalidate inputs on graph area private Rect m_areaLeft = new Rect( 0, 0, 140, 40 ); private Rect m_areaRight = new Rect( 0, 0, 75, 40 ); private Rect m_boxRect; private Rect m_borderRect; public const double InactivityRefreshTime = 0.25; private int m_currentSelected = 0; //Search Bar private const string SearchBarId = "ASE_SEARCH_BAR"; private bool m_searchBarVisible = false; private bool m_selectSearchBarTextfield = false; private bool m_refreshSearchResultList = false; private Rect m_searchBarSize; private string m_searchBarValue = string.Empty; private List m_searchResultNodes = new List(); // width and height are between [0,1] and represent a percentage of the total screen area public ToolsWindow( AmplifyShaderEditorWindow parentWindow ) : base( parentWindow, 0, 0, 0, 64, "Tools", MenuAnchor.TOP_LEFT, MenuAutoSize.NONE ) { m_updateButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.Update, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.UpdateOutdatedGUID, string.Empty, "Create and apply shader to material.", 5 ); m_updateButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_updateButton.AddState( IOUtils.UpdateOFFGUID ); m_updateButton.AddState( IOUtils.UpdateUpToDatedGUID ); m_liveButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.Live, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.LiveOffGUID, string.Empty, "Automatically saves shader when canvas is changed.", 50 ); m_liveButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_liveButton.AddState( IOUtils.LiveOnGUID ); m_liveButton.AddState( IOUtils.LivePendingGUID ); //ToolsMenuButton cleanUnusedNodesButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.CleanupOFFGUID, string.Empty, "Remove all nodes not connected to the master node.", 77 ); //cleanUnusedNodesButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; //cleanUnusedNodesButton.AddState( IOUtils.CleanUpOnGUID ); //m_list[ ( int ) ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes ] = cleanUnusedNodesButton; m_openSourceCodeButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.OpenSourceCode, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.OpenSourceCodeOFFGUID, string.Empty, "Open shader file in your default shader editor.", 80, false ); m_openSourceCodeButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_openSourceCodeButton.AddState( IOUtils.OpenSourceCodeONGUID ); // middle right m_cleanUnusedNodesButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.CleanupOFFGUID, string.Empty, "Remove all nodes not connected to the master node.", 77 ); m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.AddState( IOUtils.CleanUpOnGUID ); m_focusOnMasterNodeButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.FocusOnMasterNode, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.FocusNodeGUID, string.Empty, "Focus on active master node.", -1, false ); m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_focusOnSelectionButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.FocusOnSelection, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.FitViewGUID, string.Empty, "Focus on selection or fit to screen if none selected." ); m_focusOnSelectionButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; // right m_shareButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.Share, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.ShareOFFGUID, string.Empty, "Share selection", 100 ); m_shareButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_shareButton.AddState( IOUtils.ShareONGUID ); m_takeScreenshotButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.TakeScreenshot, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.TakeScreenshotOFFGUID, string.Empty, "Take ScreenShot (WINDOWS ONLY).", 100 ); m_takeScreenshotButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_takeScreenshotButton.AddState( IOUtils.TakeScreenshotONGUID ); m_showInfoWindowButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.ShowInfoWindow, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.ShowInfoWindowGUID, string.Empty, "Open Helper Window." ); m_showInfoWindowButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; // hidden m_showTipsWindowButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.ShowTipsWindow, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.ShowTipsWindowGUID, string.Empty, "Open Quick Tips!" ); m_showTipsWindowButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_showConsoleWindowButton = new ToolsMenuButton( m_parentWindow, ToolButtonType.ShowConsole, 0, 0, -1, -1, IOUtils.ShowConsoleWindowGUID, string.Empty, "Show internal console", 74 ); m_showConsoleWindowButton.ToolButtonPressedEvt += OnButtonPressedEvent; m_showConsoleWindowButton.AddState( IOUtils.ShowConsoleWindowGUID ); m_searchBarSize = new Rect( 0, TabY + 4, 110, 60 ); } void OnShowPortLegend() { ParentWindow.ShowPortInfo(); } override public void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); //for ( int i = 0; i < m_list.Length; i++ ) //{ // m_list[ i ].Destroy(); //} //m_list = null; m_searchResultNodes.Clear(); m_searchResultNodes = null; m_updateButton.Destroy(); m_updateButton = null; m_liveButton.Destroy(); m_liveButton = null; m_openSourceCodeButton.Destroy(); m_openSourceCodeButton = null; m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.Destroy(); m_focusOnMasterNodeButton = null; m_focusOnSelectionButton.Destroy(); m_focusOnSelectionButton = null; m_showInfoWindowButton.Destroy(); m_showInfoWindowButton = null; m_takeScreenshotButton.Destroy(); m_takeScreenshotButton = null; m_shareButton.Destroy(); m_shareButton = null; m_showTipsWindowButton.Destroy(); m_showTipsWindowButton = null; m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.Destroy(); m_cleanUnusedNodesButton = null; m_showConsoleWindowButton.Destroy(); m_showConsoleWindowButton = null; } void OnButtonPressedEvent( ToolButtonType type ) { if ( ToolButtonPressedEvt != null ) ToolButtonPressedEvt( type ); } public override void Draw( Rect parentPosition, Vector2 mousePosition, int mouseButtonId, bool hasKeyboadFocus ) { base.Draw( parentPosition, mousePosition, mouseButtonId, hasKeyboadFocus ); Color bufferedColor = GUI.color; m_areaLeft.x = m_transformedArea.x + TabX; m_areaRight.x = m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 75 - TabX; //if ( m_toolbarButtonStyle == null ) //{ // m_toolbarButtonStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.Button ); // m_toolbarButtonStyle.fixedWidth = 100; //} if ( m_toggleStyle == null ) { m_toggleStyle = UIUtils.Toggle; } //for ( int i = 0; i < m_list.Length; i++ ) //{ // GUI.color = m_list[ i ].IsInside( mousePosition ) ? LeftIconsColorOn : LeftIconsColorOff; // m_list[ i ].Draw( TabX + m_transformedArea.x + m_list[ i ].ButtonSpacing, TabY ); //} GUI.color = m_updateButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? LeftIconsColorOn : LeftIconsColorOff; m_updateButton.Draw( TabX + m_transformedArea.x + m_updateButton.ButtonSpacing, TabY ); GUI.color = m_liveButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? LeftIconsColorOn : LeftIconsColorOff; m_liveButton.Draw( TabX + m_transformedArea.x + m_liveButton.ButtonSpacing, TabY ); GUI.color = m_openSourceCodeButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? LeftIconsColorOn : LeftIconsColorOff; m_openSourceCodeButton.Draw( TabX + m_transformedArea.x + m_openSourceCodeButton.ButtonSpacing, TabY ); if ( m_searchBarVisible ) { m_searchBarSize.x = m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 320 - TabX; string currentFocus = GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl(); if ( Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown ) { KeyCode keyCode = Event.current.keyCode; if ( Event.current.shift ) { if ( keyCode == KeyCode.F3 || ( ( keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter || keyCode == KeyCode.Return ) && ( currentFocus.Equals( SearchBarId ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( currentFocus ) ) ) ) SelectPrevious(); } else { if ( keyCode == KeyCode.F3 || ( ( keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter || keyCode == KeyCode.Return ) && ( currentFocus.Equals( SearchBarId ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( currentFocus ) ) ) ) SelectNext(); } } if( currentFocus.Equals( SearchBarId ) || ( m_parentWindow.CameraDrawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && m_searchBarSize.Contains( m_parentWindow.CameraDrawInfo.MousePosition ) ) || m_selectSearchBarTextfield ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { GUI.SetNextControlName( SearchBarId ); m_searchBarValue = EditorGUI.TextField( m_searchBarSize, m_searchBarValue, UIUtils.ToolbarSearchTextfield ); } if ( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { m_refreshSearchResultList = true; } } else { GUI.Label( m_searchBarSize, m_searchBarValue, UIUtils.ToolbarSearchTextfield ); } m_searchBarSize.x += m_searchBarSize.width; if ( m_parentWindow.CameraDrawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && m_searchBarSize.Contains( m_parentWindow.CameraDrawInfo.MousePosition ) ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_searchBarValue ) ) { m_searchBarVisible = false; m_refreshSearchResultList = false; } else { m_searchBarValue = string.Empty; m_searchResultNodes.Clear(); m_currentSelected = -1; } } GUI.Label( m_searchBarSize, string.Empty, UIUtils.ToolbarSearchCancelButton ); if ( Event.current.isKey && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape ) { m_searchBarVisible = false; m_refreshSearchResultList = false; GUI.FocusControl( null ); m_selectSearchBarTextfield = false; } if ( m_refreshSearchResultList && ( m_parentWindow.CurrentInactiveTime > InactivityRefreshTime ) ) { RefreshList(); } } if ( m_selectSearchBarTextfield ) { m_selectSearchBarTextfield = false; EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( SearchBarId ); //GUI.FocusControl( SearchBarId ); } //if ( Event.current.control && Event.current.isKey && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.F && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown ) if( m_parentWindow.CurrentCommandName.Equals("Find") ) { if ( !m_searchBarVisible ) { m_searchBarVisible = true; m_refreshSearchResultList = false; } m_selectSearchBarTextfield = true; } GUI.color = m_shareButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_shareButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 195 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = m_takeScreenshotButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_takeScreenshotButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 165 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = m_focusOnSelectionButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_focusOnSelectionButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 120 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 85 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 50 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = m_showInfoWindowButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; m_showInfoWindowButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 25 - TabX, TabY ); //GUI.color = m_showTipsWindowButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; //m_showTipsWindowButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 190 - TabX, TabY ); //GUI.color = m_showConsoleWindowButton.IsInside( mousePosition ) ? RightIconsColorOn : RightIconsColorOff; //m_showConsoleWindowButton.Draw( m_transformedArea.x + m_transformedArea.width - 195 - TabX, TabY ); GUI.color = bufferedColor; } public void OnNodeRemovedFromGraph( ParentNode node ) { m_searchResultNodes.Remove( node ); } int m_previousNodeCount = 0; void RefreshList() { m_refreshSearchResultList = false; m_currentSelected = -1; m_searchResultNodes.Clear(); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_searchBarValue ) ) { List nodes = m_parentWindow.CurrentGraph.AllNodes; int count = nodes.Count; m_previousNodeCount = count; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( nodes[ i ].CheckFindText( m_searchBarValue ) ) { m_searchResultNodes.Add( nodes[ i ] ); } } } } void SelectNext() { if ( m_refreshSearchResultList || m_parentWindow.CurrentGraph.AllNodes.Count != m_previousNodeCount ) { RefreshList(); } if ( m_searchResultNodes.Count > 0 ) { m_currentSelected = ( m_currentSelected + 1 ) % m_searchResultNodes.Count; m_parentWindow.FocusOnNode( m_searchResultNodes[ m_currentSelected ], 1, true ,true); } } void SelectPrevious() { if ( m_refreshSearchResultList || m_parentWindow.CurrentGraph.AllNodes.Count != m_previousNodeCount ) { RefreshList(); } if ( m_searchResultNodes.Count > 0 ) { m_currentSelected = ( m_currentSelected > 1 ) ? ( m_currentSelected - 1 ) : ( m_searchResultNodes.Count - 1 ); m_parentWindow.FocusOnNode( m_searchResultNodes[ m_currentSelected ], 1, true ); } } public void SetStateOnButton( ToolButtonType button, int state, string tooltip ) { switch ( button ) { case ToolButtonType.New: case ToolButtonType.Open: case ToolButtonType.Save: case ToolButtonType.Library: case ToolButtonType.Options: case ToolButtonType.Help: case ToolButtonType.MasterNode: break; case ToolButtonType.OpenSourceCode: { m_openSourceCodeButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Update: { m_updateButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Live: { m_liveButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.TakeScreenshot: { m_takeScreenshotButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes: //case eToolButtonType.SelectShader: { m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.FocusOnMasterNode: { m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.FocusOnSelection: { m_focusOnSelectionButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Share: { m_shareButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.ShowInfoWindow: { m_showInfoWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.ShowTipsWindow: { m_showTipsWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; case ToolButtonType.ShowConsole: { m_showConsoleWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state, tooltip ); } break; } } public void SetStateOnButton( ToolButtonType button, int state ) { switch ( button ) { case ToolButtonType.New: case ToolButtonType.Open: case ToolButtonType.Save: case ToolButtonType.Library: case ToolButtonType.Options: case ToolButtonType.Help: case ToolButtonType.MasterNode: break; case ToolButtonType.OpenSourceCode: { m_openSourceCodeButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Update: { m_updateButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Live: { m_liveButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.TakeScreenshot: { m_takeScreenshotButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.CleanUnusedNodes: //case eToolButtonType.SelectShader: { m_cleanUnusedNodesButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.FocusOnMasterNode: { m_focusOnMasterNodeButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.FocusOnSelection: { m_focusOnSelectionButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.Share: { m_shareButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.ShowInfoWindow: { m_showInfoWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; case ToolButtonType.ShowTipsWindow: { m_showTipsWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); }break; case ToolButtonType.ShowConsole: { m_showConsoleWindowButton.SetStateOnButton( state ); } break; } } public void DrawShaderTitle( MenuParent nodeParametersWindow, MenuParent paletteWindow, float availableCanvasWidth, float graphAreaHeight, string shaderName ) { float leftAdjust = nodeParametersWindow.IsMaximized ? nodeParametersWindow.RealWidth : 0; float rightAdjust = paletteWindow.IsMaximized ? 0 : paletteWindow.RealWidth; m_boxRect = new Rect( leftAdjust + rightAdjust, 0, availableCanvasWidth, 35 ); m_boxRect.x += paletteWindow.IsMaximized ? 0 : -paletteWindow.RealWidth; m_boxRect.width += nodeParametersWindow.IsMaximized ? 0 : nodeParametersWindow.RealWidth; m_boxRect.width += paletteWindow.IsMaximized ? 0 : paletteWindow.RealWidth; m_borderRect = new Rect( m_boxRect ); m_borderRect.height = graphAreaHeight; int extra = m_searchBarVisible ? (int)m_searchBarSize.width + 20: 0; //m_boxRect.xMax -= ( paletteWindow.IsMaximized ? 195 : 230 ) + extra; //m_boxRect.xMin += nodeParametersWindow.IsMaximized ? 95 : 145; UIUtils.ToolbarMainTitle.padding.right = ( paletteWindow.IsMaximized ? 195 : 230 ) + extra; UIUtils.ToolbarMainTitle.padding.left = nodeParametersWindow.IsMaximized ? 110 : 145; if ( m_borderStyle == null ) { m_borderStyle = ( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode == null ) ? UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderFunctionBorder ) : UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderBorder ); } GUI.Label( m_borderRect, shaderName, m_borderStyle ); GUI.Label( m_boxRect, shaderName, UIUtils.ToolbarMainTitle ); } public override bool IsInside( Vector2 position ) { if ( !m_isActive ) return false; return m_boxRect.Contains( position ) || m_areaLeft.Contains( position ) || m_areaRight.Contains( position ); } public GUIStyle BorderStyle { get { return m_borderStyle; } set { m_borderStyle = value; } } } }