// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { [Serializable] [NodeAttributes( "Function Input", "Functions", "Function Input adds an input port to the shader function", NodeAvailabilityFlags = (int)NodeAvailability.ShaderFunction )] public sealed class FunctionInput : ParentNode { private const string InputTypeStr = "Input Type"; private readonly string[] m_inputValueTypes ={ "Int", "Float", "Vector2", "Vector3", "Vector4", "Color", "Matrix 3x3", "Matrix 4x4", "Sampler 1D", "Sampler 2D", "Sampler 3D", "Sampler Cube", "Sampler 2D Array", "Sampler State", "Custom"}; [SerializeField] private int m_selectedInputTypeInt = 1; private WirePortDataType m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT; [SerializeField] private FunctionNode m_functionNode; [SerializeField] private string m_inputName = "Input"; [SerializeField] private bool m_autoCast = false; [SerializeField] private int m_orderIndex = -1; private int m_typeId = -1; public bool m_ignoreConnection = false; public delegate string PortGeneration( ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, int index, ParentGraph graph ); public PortGeneration OnPortGeneration = null; //Title editing [SerializeField] private string m_uniqueName; private bool m_isEditing; private bool m_stopEditing; private bool m_startEditing; private double m_clickTime; private double m_doubleClickTime = 0.3; private Rect m_titleClickArea; private bool m_showTitleWhenNotEditing = true; protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId ) { base.CommonInit( uniqueId ); AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, Constants.EmptyPortValue ); m_inputPorts[ 0 ].AutoDrawInternalData = true; //m_inputPorts[ 0 ].Visible = false; AddOutputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, Constants.EmptyPortValue ); m_autoWrapProperties = true; m_textLabelWidth = 100; SetTitleText( m_inputName ); UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); m_previewShaderGUID = "04bc8e7b317dccb4d8da601680dd8140"; } public override void SetPreviewInputs() { if( Fnode == null ) { m_ignoreConnection = false; CheckSpherePreview(); } else { var input = Fnode.GetInput( this ); if( input != null && ( !InputPorts[ 0 ].IsConnected || input.IsConnected ) ) { m_ignoreConnection = true; InputPorts[ 0 ].PreparePortCacheID(); Fnode.SetPreviewInput( input ); if( input.ExternalReferences.Count > 0 ) { SpherePreview = Fnode.ContainerGraph.GetNode( input.ExternalReferences[ 0 ].NodeId ).SpherePreview; } else { SpherePreview = false; } PreviewMaterial.SetTexture( InputPorts[ 0 ].CachedPropertyId, input.InputPreviewTexture( Fnode.ContainerGraph ) ); } else { m_ignoreConnection = false; CheckSpherePreview(); } } if( !m_ignoreConnection ) base.SetPreviewInputs(); for( int i = 0; i < OutputPorts[ 0 ].ExternalReferences.Count; i++ ) { ContainerGraph.GetNode( OutputPorts[ 0 ].ExternalReferences[ i ].NodeId ).OnNodeChange(); } if( m_typeId == -1 ) m_typeId = Shader.PropertyToID( "_Type" ); if( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType == WirePortDataType.FLOAT || m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType == WirePortDataType.INT ) PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_typeId, 1 ); else if( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType == WirePortDataType.FLOAT2 ) PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_typeId, 2 ); else if( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType == WirePortDataType.FLOAT3 ) PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_typeId, 3 ); else PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_typeId, 0 ); } public override bool RecursivePreviewUpdate( Dictionary duplicatesDict = null ) { if( duplicatesDict == null ) { duplicatesDict = ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.VisitedChanged; } for( int i = 0; i < InputPorts.Count; i++ ) { ParentNode outNode = null; if( Fnode != null ) { var input = Fnode.GetInput( this ); if( input.ExternalReferences.Count > 0 ) { outNode = Fnode.ContainerGraph.GetNode( input.ExternalReferences[ 0 ].NodeId ); } else if( InputPorts[ i ].ExternalReferences.Count > 0 ) { outNode = ContainerGraph.GetNode( InputPorts[ i ].ExternalReferences[ 0 ].NodeId ); } } else { if( InputPorts[ i ].ExternalReferences.Count > 0 ) { outNode = ContainerGraph.GetNode( InputPorts[ i ].ExternalReferences[ 0 ].NodeId ); } } if( outNode != null ) { if( !duplicatesDict.ContainsKey( outNode.OutputId ) ) { bool result = outNode.RecursivePreviewUpdate(); if( result ) PreviewIsDirty = true; } else if( duplicatesDict[ outNode.OutputId ] ) { PreviewIsDirty = true; } } } bool needsUpdate = PreviewIsDirty; RenderNodePreview(); if( !duplicatesDict.ContainsKey( OutputId ) ) duplicatesDict.Add( OutputId, needsUpdate ); return needsUpdate; } protected override void OnUniqueIDAssigned() { base.OnUniqueIDAssigned(); UIUtils.RegisterFunctionInputNode( this ); if( m_nodeAttribs != null ) m_uniqueName = m_nodeAttribs.Name + UniqueId; } public override void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); OnPortGeneration = null; UIUtils.UnregisterFunctionInputNode( this ); } public override void OnInputPortConnected( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, bool activateNode = true ) { base.OnInputPortConnected( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, activateNode ); if( AutoCast ) { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].MatchPortToConnection(); SetIntTypeFromPort(); UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); } } public override void OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, string name, WirePortDataType type ) { base.OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, name, type ); if( AutoCast ) { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].MatchPortToConnection(); SetIntTypeFromPort(); UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); } } public void SetIntTypeFromPort() { switch( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType ) { case WirePortDataType.INT: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 0; break; default: case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 1; break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 2; break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 3; break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 4; break; case WirePortDataType.COLOR: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 5; break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 6; break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 7; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 8; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 9; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 10; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 11; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 12; break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 13; break; case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: m_selectedInputTypeInt = 14; break; } } public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.Draw( drawInfo ); // Custom Editable Title if( ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD3 ) { if( !m_isEditing && ( ( !ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.MouseInteracted && drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && m_titleClickArea.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) ) ) { if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_clickTime ) < m_doubleClickTime ) m_startEditing = true; else GUI.FocusControl( null ); m_clickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } else if( m_isEditing && ( ( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && !m_titleClickArea.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) || !EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField ) ) { m_stopEditing = true; } if( m_isEditing || m_startEditing ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.SetNextControlName( m_uniqueName ); m_inputName = EditorGUITextField( m_titleClickArea, string.Empty, m_inputName, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeTitle ) ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { SetTitleText( m_inputName ); UIUtils.UpdateFunctionInputData( UniqueId, m_inputName ); } if( m_startEditing ) EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( m_uniqueName ); } if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint ) { if( m_startEditing ) { m_startEditing = false; m_isEditing = true; } if( m_stopEditing ) { m_stopEditing = false; m_isEditing = false; GUI.FocusControl( null ); } } } } public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { // RUN LAYOUT CHANGES AFTER TITLES CHANGE base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo ); m_titleClickArea = m_titlePos; m_titleClickArea.height = Constants.NODE_HEADER_HEIGHT; } public override void OnNodeRepaint( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.OnNodeRepaint( drawInfo ); if( !m_isVisible ) return; // Fixed Title ( only renders when not editing ) if( m_showTitleWhenNotEditing && !m_isEditing && !m_startEditing && ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD3 ) { GUI.Label( m_titleClickArea, m_content, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeTitle ) ); } } public override void OnNodeDoubleClicked( Vector2 currentMousePos2D ) { if( currentMousePos2D.y - m_globalPosition.y > ( Constants.NODE_HEADER_HEIGHT + Constants.NODE_HEADER_EXTRA_HEIGHT ) * ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CameraDrawInfo.InvertedZoom ) { ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.ParametersWindow.IsMaximized = !ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.ParametersWindow.IsMaximized; } } public override void DrawProperties() { base.DrawProperties(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_inputName = EditorGUILayoutTextField( "Name", m_inputName ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { SetTitleText( m_inputName ); UIUtils.UpdateFunctionInputData( UniqueId, m_inputName ); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_selectedInputTypeInt = EditorGUILayoutPopup( InputTypeStr, m_selectedInputTypeInt, m_inputValueTypes ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); } m_autoCast = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Auto Cast", m_autoCast ); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); if( !m_inputPorts[ 0 ].IsConnected && m_inputPorts[ 0 ].ValidInternalData ) { m_inputPorts[ 0 ].ShowInternalData( this, true, "Default Value" ); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } void UpdatePorts() { switch( m_selectedInputTypeInt ) { case 0: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.INT; break; default: case 1: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT; break; case 2: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT2; break; case 3: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT3; break; case 4: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT4; break; case 5: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.COLOR; break; case 6: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3; break; case 7: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4; break; case 8: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D; break; case 9: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D; break; case 10: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D; break; case 11: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE; break; case 12: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY; break; case 13: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE; break; case 14: m_selectedInputType = WirePortDataType.OBJECT; break; } ChangeInputType( m_selectedInputType, false ); //This node doesn't have any restrictions but changing types should be restricted to prevent invalid connections m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeTypeWithRestrictions( m_selectedInputType, PortCreateRestriction( m_selectedInputType ) ); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } public int PortCreateRestriction( WirePortDataType dataType ) { int restrictions = 0; WirePortDataType[] types = null; switch( dataType ) { case WirePortDataType.OBJECT: break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: case WirePortDataType.COLOR: case WirePortDataType.INT: { types = new WirePortDataType[] { WirePortDataType.FLOAT, WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, WirePortDataType.COLOR, WirePortDataType.INT, WirePortDataType.OBJECT }; } break; case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3: case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4: { types = new WirePortDataType[] { WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, WirePortDataType.OBJECT }; } break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D: case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D: case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D: case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE: case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY: { types = new WirePortDataType[] { WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, WirePortDataType.OBJECT }; } break; case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE: { types = new WirePortDataType[] { WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE }; } break; default: break; } if( types != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++ ) { restrictions = restrictions | (int)types[ i ]; } } return restrictions; } public override string GenerateShaderForOutput( int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar ) { if( m_outputPorts[ outputId ].IsLocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory ) ) return m_outputPorts[ outputId ].LocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory ); string result = string.Empty; if( OnPortGeneration != null ) result = OnPortGeneration( ref dataCollector, m_orderIndex, ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph ); else result = m_inputPorts[ 0 ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector ); if( m_outputPorts[ outputId ].ConnectionCount > 1 ) RegisterLocalVariable( outputId, result, ref dataCollector ); else m_outputPorts[ outputId ].SetLocalValue( result, dataCollector.PortCategory ); return m_outputPorts[ outputId ].LocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory ); } public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo ) { base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_inputName ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_selectedInputTypeInt ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_orderIndex ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_autoCast ); } public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams ) { base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams ); m_inputName = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ); m_selectedInputTypeInt = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_orderIndex = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_autoCast = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); SetTitleText( m_inputName ); UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); } public override void RefreshExternalReferences() { base.RefreshExternalReferences(); SetTitleText( m_inputName ); UpdatePorts(); SetAdditonalTitleText( "( " + m_inputValueTypes[ m_selectedInputTypeInt ] + " )" ); } public WirePortDataType SelectedInputType { get { return m_selectedInputType; } } public string InputName { get { return m_inputName; } } public int OrderIndex { get { return m_orderIndex; } set { m_orderIndex = value; } } public bool AutoCast { get { return m_autoCast; } set { m_autoCast = value; } } public FunctionNode Fnode { get { return m_functionNode; } set { m_functionNode = value; } } } }