// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { [Serializable] [NodeAttributes( "Debug Switch", "Logical Operators", "Hard Switch between any of its input ports" )] public class SwitchNode : ParentNode { private const string Info = "This is a Debug node which only generates the source for the selected port. This means that no properties are generated for other ports and information might be lost."; private const string InputPortName = "In "; private const string CurrSelectedStr = "Current"; private const string MaxAmountStr = "Max Amount"; private const int MaxAllowedAmount = 8; [SerializeField] private string[] m_availableInputsLabels = { "In 0", "In 1" }; [SerializeField] private int[] m_availableInputsValues = { 0, 1 }; [SerializeField] private int m_currentSelectedInput = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_maxAmountInputs = 2; private int m_cachedPropertyId = -1; private GUIContent m_popContent; private Rect m_varRect; private Rect m_imgRect; private bool m_editing; protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId ) { base.CommonInit( uniqueId ); for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, InputPortName + i ); m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < 2 ); } AddOutputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, " " ); m_popContent = new GUIContent(); m_popContent.image = UIUtils.PopupIcon; m_insideSize.Set( 50, 25 ); m_textLabelWidth = 100; m_autoWrapProperties = false; m_previewShaderGUID = "a58e46feaa5e3d14383bfeac24d008bc"; } public override void SetPreviewInputs() { base.SetPreviewInputs(); if( m_cachedPropertyId == -1 ) m_cachedPropertyId = Shader.PropertyToID( "_Current" ); PreviewMaterial.SetInt( m_cachedPropertyId, m_currentSelectedInput ); } public override void OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( int inputPortId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, string name, WirePortDataType type ) { m_inputPorts[ inputPortId ].MatchPortToConnection(); if( inputPortId == m_currentSelectedInput ) m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ inputPortId ].DataType, false ); } public override void OnInputPortConnected( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, bool activateNode = true ) { base.OnInputPortConnected( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, activateNode ); m_inputPorts[ portId ].MatchPortToConnection(); if( portId == m_currentSelectedInput ) m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ portId ].DataType, false ); } public void UpdateLabels() { m_availableInputsLabels = new string[ m_maxAmountInputs ]; m_availableInputsValues = new int[ m_maxAmountInputs ]; for( int i = 0; i < m_maxAmountInputs; i++ ) { m_availableInputsLabels[ i ] = InputPortName + i; m_availableInputsValues[ i ] = i; } } //void UpdateOutput() //{ // m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeProperties( m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].Name, m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].DataType, false ); // m_sizeIsDirty = true; //} public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo ); m_varRect = m_remainingBox; m_varRect.width = 50 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_varRect.height = 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_varRect.x = m_remainingBox.xMax - m_varRect.width; //m_varRect.x += m_remainingBox.width * 0.5f - m_varRect.width * 0.5f; m_varRect.y += 1 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect = m_varRect; m_imgRect.x = m_varRect.xMax - 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect.width = 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom; m_imgRect.height = m_imgRect.width; } public override void DrawGUIControls( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.DrawGUIControls( drawInfo ); if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.MouseDown ) return; if( m_varRect.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) { m_editing = true; } else if( m_editing ) { m_editing = false; } } public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.Draw( drawInfo ); if( m_editing ) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_currentSelectedInput = EditorGUIIntPopup( m_varRect, m_currentSelectedInput, m_availableInputsLabels, m_availableInputsValues, UIUtils.GraphDropDown ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { PreviewIsDirty = true; m_editing = false; } } } public override void OnNodeRepaint( DrawInfo drawInfo ) { base.OnNodeRepaint( drawInfo ); if( !m_isVisible ) return; if( !m_editing && ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD4 ) { GUI.Label( m_varRect, m_availableInputsLabels[ m_currentSelectedInput ], UIUtils.GraphDropDown ); GUI.Label( m_imgRect, m_popContent, UIUtils.GraphButtonIcon ); } } public override void DrawProperties() { base.DrawProperties(); NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_propertiesFoldout, Constants.ParameterLabelStr, DrawDebugOptions ); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( Info, MessageType.Warning ); } void DrawDebugOptions() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_maxAmountInputs = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( MaxAmountStr, m_maxAmountInputs, 2, MaxAllowedAmount ); if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } m_currentSelectedInput = EditorGUILayoutIntPopup( CurrSelectedStr, m_currentSelectedInput, m_availableInputsLabels, m_availableInputsValues ); } public override string GenerateShaderForOutput( int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar ) { return m_inputPorts[ m_currentSelectedInput ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector ); } public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams ) { base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams ); m_currentSelectedInput = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); m_maxAmountInputs = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ); for( int i = 0; i < MaxAllowedAmount; i++ ) { m_inputPorts[ i ].Visible = ( i < m_maxAmountInputs ); } if( m_currentSelectedInput >= m_maxAmountInputs ) { m_currentSelectedInput = m_maxAmountInputs - 1; } UpdateLabels(); m_sizeIsDirty = true; } public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo ) { base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_currentSelectedInput ); IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_maxAmountInputs ); } } }