using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { public enum DebugScreenShotNodeState { CreateNode, FocusOnNode, TakeScreenshot, WaitFrame, DeleteNode }; public enum DebugUndoNodeState { CreateNode, FocusOnNode, WaitFrameCreate, DeleteNode, WaitFrameDelete, UndoNode, WaitFrameUndo, PrepareForNext }; public class NodeExporterUtils { //Auto-Screenshot nodes private RenderTexture m_screenshotRT; private Texture2D m_screenshotTex2D; private List m_screenshotList = new List(); private DebugScreenShotNodeState m_screenShotState; private bool m_takingShots = false; private DebugUndoNodeState m_undoState; private bool m_testingUndo = false; private AmplifyShaderEditorWindow m_window; private ParentNode m_node; private string m_pathname; public NodeExporterUtils( AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window ) { m_window = window; Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedoPerformed; } public void OnUndoRedoPerformed() { if( m_testingUndo && m_undoState == DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameUndo ) { m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.PrepareForNext; } } public void CalculateShaderInstructions( Shader shader ) { //Type shaderutilType = Type.GetType( "UnityEditor.ShaderUtil, UnityEditor" ); //shaderutilType.InvokeMember( "OpenCompiledShader", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { shader, mode, customPlatformsMask, includeAllVariants } ); } public void ActivateAutoScreenShot( string pathname, int from, int to ) { m_pathname = pathname; if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( m_pathname ) ) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( m_pathname ); } m_screenshotRT = new RenderTexture( (int)m_window.position.width, (int)m_window.position.height, 0 ); m_screenshotTex2D = new Texture2D( (int)m_window.position.width, (int)m_window.position.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false ); = m_screenshotRT; m_window.CurrentPaletteWindow.FillList( ref m_screenshotList, true ); m_window.CurrentGraph.ClearGraph(); if( m_window.IsShaderFunctionWindow ) { m_window.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode.Vec2Position = new Vector2( 1500, 0 ); } else { m_window.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode.Vec2Position = new Vector2( 1500, 0 ); } m_window.ResetCameraSettings(); m_takingShots = true; m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.CreateNode; } public void ActivateNodesURL( int from , int to ) { m_window.CurrentPaletteWindow.FillList( ref m_screenshotList, true ); if( to < 0 || to > m_screenshotList.Count ) to = m_screenshotList.Count; if( from >= to ) return; for( int i = from; i < to; i++ ) { if( m_screenshotList[ i ].NodeType != typeof( FunctionNode ) ) { Application.OpenURL( m_screenshotList[ i ].NodeAttributes.NodeUrl ); } } } public void ActivateAutoUndo() { m_window.CurrentPaletteWindow.FillList( ref m_screenshotList, true ); m_window.CurrentGraph.ClearGraph(); m_window.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode.Vec2Position = new Vector2( 1500, 0 ); m_window.ResetCameraSettings(); m_testingUndo = true; m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.CreateNode; } public void Update() { if( m_testingUndo ) { if( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) { m_window.Focus(); switch( m_undoState ) { case DebugUndoNodeState.CreateNode: { m_window.CurrentGraph.DeSelectAll(); m_node = m_window.CreateNode( m_screenshotList[ 0 ].NodeType,, null, true ); m_node.RefreshExternalReferences(); m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.FocusOnNode; Debug.Log( "Created " + m_node.Attributes.Name ); } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.FocusOnNode: { m_window.FocusOnPoint(, 1, false ); m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameCreate; Debug.Log( "Focused " + m_node.Attributes.Name ); } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameCreate: { m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.DeleteNode; Debug.Log( "Waiting on Create" ); } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.DeleteNode: { Debug.Log( "Deleting " + m_node.Attributes.Name ); m_window.DeleteSelectedNodeWithRepaint(); m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameDelete; } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameDelete: { m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.UndoNode; Debug.Log( "Waiting on Delete" ); } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.UndoNode: { Debug.Log( "Performing Undo" ); m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameUndo; Undo.PerformUndo(); } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.WaitFrameUndo: { } break; case DebugUndoNodeState.PrepareForNext: { m_screenshotList.RemoveAt( 0 ); Debug.Log( "Undo Performed. Nodes Left " + m_screenshotList.Count ); m_testingUndo = m_screenshotList.Count > 0; if( m_testingUndo ) { m_undoState = DebugUndoNodeState.CreateNode; Debug.Log( "Going to next node" ); } else { Debug.Log( "Finished Undo Test" ); } } break; } } } if( m_takingShots ) { m_window.Focus(); switch( m_screenShotState ) { case DebugScreenShotNodeState.CreateNode: { m_node = m_window.CreateNode( m_screenshotList[ 0 ].NodeType,, null, false ); m_node.RefreshExternalReferences(); m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.FocusOnNode; } break; case DebugScreenShotNodeState.FocusOnNode: { //m_window.FocusOnNode( m_node, 1, false ); m_window.FocusOnPoint(, 1, false ); m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.TakeScreenshot; } break; case DebugScreenShotNodeState.TakeScreenshot: { if( m_screenshotRT != null && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) { m_screenshotTex2D.ReadPixels( new Rect( 0, 0, m_screenshotRT.width, m_screenshotRT.height ), 0, 0 ); m_screenshotTex2D.Apply(); byte[] bytes = m_screenshotTex2D.EncodeToPNG(); string pictureFilename = UIUtils.ReplaceInvalidStrings( m_screenshotList[ 0 ].Name ); pictureFilename = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( pictureFilename ); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes( m_pathname + pictureFilename + ".png", bytes ); m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.WaitFrame; } } break; case DebugScreenShotNodeState.WaitFrame: { Debug.Log( "Wait Frame" ); m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.DeleteNode; } break; case DebugScreenShotNodeState.DeleteNode: { m_window.DestroyNode( m_node ); m_screenshotList.RemoveAt( 0 ); m_takingShots = m_screenshotList.Count > 0; Debug.Log( "Destroy Node " + m_screenshotList.Count ); if( m_takingShots ) { m_screenShotState = DebugScreenShotNodeState.CreateNode; } else { = null; m_screenshotRT.Release(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate( m_screenshotRT ); m_screenshotRT = null; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate( m_screenshotTex2D ); m_screenshotTex2D = null; } } break; }; } } public void Destroy() { m_window = null; if( m_screenshotRT != null ) { m_screenshotRT.Release(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate( m_screenshotRT ); m_screenshotRT = null; } if( m_screenshotTex2D != null ) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate( m_screenshotTex2D ); m_screenshotTex2D = null; } } } }