1675 lines
56 KiB
1675 lines
56 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public enum CustomExpressionMode
public class CustomExpressionInputItem
public PrecisionType Precision;
public VariableQualifiers Qualifier;
public WirePortDataType Type;
public bool IsSamplerState;
public bool IsTexture2DArray;
public string CustomType;
public bool IsVariable;
public bool FoldoutFlag;
public string FoldoutLabel;
public CustomExpressionInputItem( PrecisionType precision, VariableQualifiers qualifier, string customType, bool isVariable, bool foldoutFlag, string foldoutLabel )
Precision = precision;
Qualifier = qualifier;
CustomType = customType;
FoldoutFlag = foldoutFlag;
FoldoutLabel = foldoutLabel;
IsVariable = isVariable;
public class CustomExpressionDependency
public int DependencyArrayIdx;
public int DependencyNodeId;
public CustomExpressionDependency() { DependencyArrayIdx = DependencyNodeId = -1; }
public CustomExpressionDependency( string id ) { DependencyNodeId = Convert.ToInt32( id ); DependencyArrayIdx = -1; }
public void Reset()
DependencyArrayIdx = -1;
DependencyNodeId = -1;
[NodeAttributes( "Custom Expression", "Miscellaneous", "Creates a custom expression or function if <b>return</b> is detected in the written code." )]
public sealed class CustomExpressionNode : ParentNode
private const string WarningText = "Characters $ and @ are NOT allowed inside code since they are internally used as delimiters over the node meta.\nThey will be automatically removed when saving the shader.";
private const float AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth = 15;
private const float LineAdjust = 1.15f;
private const float IdentationAdjust = 5f;
private const string CustomExpressionInfo = "Creates a custom expression or function according to how code is written on text area.\n\n" +
"- If a return function is detected on Code text area then a function will be created.\n" +
"Also in function mode a ; is expected on the end of each instruction line.\n\n" +
"- If no return function is detected then an expression will be generated and used directly on the vertex/frag body.\n" +
"On Expression mode a ; is not required on the end of an instruction line.\n\n" +
"- You can also call a function from an external file, just make sure to add the include file via the 'Additional Directives' group " +
"in the main property panel. Also works with shader functions.";
private const string ReturnHelper = "return";
private const double MaxTimestamp = 1;
private const string DefaultExpressionNameStr = "My Custom Expression";
private const string DefaultInputNameStr = "In";
private const string CodeTitleStr = "Code";
private const string OutputTypeStr = "Output Type";
private const string CustomTypeStr = " ";
private const string IsVariableStr = "Is Variable";
private const string InputsStr = "Inputs";
private const string InputNameStr = "Name";
private const string InputTypeStr = "Type";
private const string InputValueStr = "Value";
private const string InputQualifierStr = "Qualifier";
private const string ExpressionNameLabelStr = "Name";
private const string FunctionCallModeStr = "Mode";
private const string GenerateUniqueNameStr = "Set Unique";
private const string AutoRegisterStr = "Auto-Register";
private const string DependenciesStr = "Dependencies";
private const string VarRegexReplacer = @"\b{0}\b";
private readonly string[] PrecisionLabelsExtraLocal = { "Float", "Half", "Inherit Local" };
private readonly string[] AvailableWireTypesStr =
private readonly string[] AvailableOutputWireTypesStr =
private readonly string[] QualifiersStr =
private readonly WirePortDataType[] AvailableWireTypes =
private readonly WirePortDataType[] AvailableOutputWireTypes =
private readonly Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int> WireToIdx = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int>
{ WirePortDataType.INT, 0},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT, 1},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, 2},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, 3},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, 4},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3, 5},
{ WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4, 6},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D, 7},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, 8},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D, 9},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE, 10},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2DARRAY, 11},
{ WirePortDataType.SAMPLERSTATE, 12},
{ WirePortDataType.OBJECT, 13}
private string m_customExpressionName = DefaultExpressionNameStr;
private List<CustomExpressionInputItem> m_items = new List<CustomExpressionInputItem>();
private string m_code = " ";
private int m_outputTypeIdx = 1;
private bool m_visibleInputsFoldout = true;
private CustomExpressionMode m_mode = CustomExpressionMode.Create;
private bool m_voidMode = false;
private bool m_autoRegisterMode = false;
private bool m_functionMode = false;
private int m_firstAvailablePort = 0;
private string m_uniqueName;
private bool m_generateUniqueName = true;
private bool m_dependenciesFoldout = false;
private List<CustomExpressionDependency> m_dependencies = new List<CustomExpressionDependency>();
private const float ButtonLayoutWidth = 15;
private bool m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
private Dictionary<string, int> m_usedNames = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private double m_lastTimeNameModified = 0;
private bool m_nameModified = false;
private double m_lastTimeCodeModified = 0;
private bool m_codeModified = false;
//Title editing
private bool m_isEditing;
private bool m_stopEditing;
private bool m_startEditing;
private double m_clickTime;
private double m_doubleClickTime = 0.3;
private Rect m_titleClickArea;
//Item Reordable List
private ReordableAction m_actionType = ReordableAction.None;
private int m_actionIndex = 0;
private int m_lastIndex = 0;
private ReorderableList m_itemReordableList = null;
private ReorderableList m_dependenciesReordableList = null;
protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId )
base.CommonInit( uniqueId );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, "In0" );
m_items.Add( new CustomExpressionInputItem( PrecisionType.Inherit, VariableQualifiers.In, string.Empty, false, true, string.Empty/*"[0]"*/ ) );
AddOutputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, "Out" );
m_textLabelWidth = 97;
m_customPrecision = true;
protected override void OnUniqueIDAssigned()
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create )
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.AddNode( this );
SetTitleText( m_customExpressionName );
if( m_nodeAttribs != null )
m_uniqueName = m_nodeAttribs.Name + OutputId;
m_uniqueName = "CustomExpression" + OutputId;
public override void OnInputPortConnected( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, bool activateNode = true )
base.OnInputPortConnected( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, activateNode );
CheckPortConnection( portId );
public override void OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( int portId, int otherNodeId, int otherPortId, string name, WirePortDataType type )
base.OnConnectedOutputNodeChanges( portId, otherNodeId, otherPortId, name, type );
CheckPortConnection( portId );
void CheckPortConnection( int portId )
if( portId == 0 && ( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode ) )
m_inputPorts[ 0 ].MatchPortToConnection();
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType, false );
public override void OnNodeLogicUpdate( DrawInfo drawInfo )
base.OnNodeLogicUpdate( drawInfo );
if( m_nameModified )
if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_lastTimeNameModified ) > MaxTimestamp )
m_nameModified = false;
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
if( m_repopulateNameDictionary )
m_repopulateNameDictionary = false;
for( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++ )
m_usedNames.Add( m_inputPorts[ i ].Name, i );
if( m_codeModified )
if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_lastTimeCodeModified ) > MaxTimestamp )
m_codeModified = false;
bool functionMode = m_code.Contains( ReturnHelper );
if( functionMode != m_functionMode )
m_functionMode = functionMode;
bool CheckCallMode()
if( m_functionMode && m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call )
Mode = CustomExpressionMode.Create;
m_outputTypeIdx = ( AvailableOutputWireTypesStr.Length - 1 );
//m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( AvailableOutputWireTypes[ m_outputTypeIdx ], false );
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType, false );
m_voidMode = true;
return true;
return false;
public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo )
base.Draw( drawInfo );
if( ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD3 )
if( !m_isEditing && ( ( !ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.MouseInteracted && drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && m_titleClickArea.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) ) )
if( ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_clickTime ) < m_doubleClickTime )
m_startEditing = true;
GUI.FocusControl( null );
m_clickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
else if( m_isEditing && ( ( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && !m_titleClickArea.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition ) ) || !EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField ) )
m_stopEditing = true;
if( m_isEditing || m_startEditing )
GUI.SetNextControlName( m_uniqueName );
m_customExpressionName = EditorGUITextField( m_titleClickArea, string.Empty, m_customExpressionName, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeTitle ) );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
SetTimedUpdate( 2 );
SetTitleText( m_customExpressionName );
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
m_isDirty = true;
if( m_startEditing )
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( m_uniqueName );
if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint )
if( m_startEditing )
m_startEditing = false;
m_isEditing = true;
if( m_stopEditing )
m_stopEditing = false;
m_isEditing = false;
GUI.FocusControl( null );
public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo )
base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo );
m_titleClickArea = m_titlePos;
m_titleClickArea.height = Constants.NODE_HEADER_HEIGHT;
public override void OnNodeRepaint( DrawInfo drawInfo )
base.OnNodeRepaint( drawInfo );
if( !m_isVisible )
// Fixed Title ( only renders when not editing )
if( !m_isEditing && !m_startEditing && ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD3 )
GUI.Label( m_titleClickArea, m_content, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.NodeTitle ) );
public string GetFirstAvailableName()
string name = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count + 1; i++ )
name = DefaultInputNameStr + i;
if( !m_usedNames.ContainsKey( name ) )
return name;
Debug.LogWarning( "Could not find valid name" );
return string.Empty;
public override void DrawProperties()
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_propertiesFoldout, Constants.ParameterLabelStr, DrawBaseProperties );
//NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_visibleInputsFoldout, InputsStr, DrawInputs, DrawAddRemoveInputs );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_visibleInputsFoldout, InputsStr, DrawReordableInputs, DrawItemsAddRemoveInputs );
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( CustomExpressionInfo, MessageType.Info );
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( WarningText, MessageType.Warning );
string WrapCodeInFunction( bool isTemplate, string functionName, bool expressionMode )
//Hack to be used util indent is properly used
int currIndent = UIUtils.ShaderIndentLevel;
UIUtils.ShaderIndentLevel = isTemplate ? 0 : 1;
if( !isTemplate ) UIUtils.ShaderIndentLevel++;
//string functionName = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_customExpressionName );
string returnType = ( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode ) ? "void" : UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( CurrentPrecisionType, m_outputPorts[ 0 ].DataType );
if( expressionMode )
returnType = "inline " + returnType;
string functionBody = UIUtils.ShaderIndentTabs + returnType + " " + functionName + "( ";
int count = m_inputPorts.Count - m_firstAvailablePort;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int portIdx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
string qualifier = m_items[ i ].Qualifier == VariableQualifiers.In ? string.Empty : UIUtils.QualifierToCg( m_items[ i ].Qualifier ) + " ";
PrecisionType precision = m_items[ i ].Precision;
if( precision == PrecisionType.Inherit )
precision = CurrentPrecisionType;
//string dataType = ( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT ) ? m_items[ i ].CustomType : UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precision, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType );
string declaration = string.Empty;
if( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
declaration = m_items[ i ].CustomType + " " + m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name;
declaration = UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToTypeValue( precision, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name );
functionBody += qualifier + declaration;
//functionBody += qualifier + dataType + " " + m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name;
if( i < ( count - 1 ) )
functionBody += ", ";
functionBody += " )\n" + UIUtils.ShaderIndentTabs + "{\n";
if( expressionMode )
functionBody += UIUtils.ShaderIndentTabs + "return ";
string[] codeLines = m_code.Split( IOUtils.LINE_TERMINATOR );
for( int i = 0; i < codeLines.Length; i++ )
if( codeLines[ i ].Length > 0 )
functionBody += ( ( i == 0 && expressionMode ) ? string.Empty : UIUtils.ShaderIndentTabs ) + codeLines[ i ] + ( ( ( i == codeLines.Length - 1 ) && expressionMode ) ? string.Empty : "\n" );
if( expressionMode )
functionBody += ";\n";
functionBody += UIUtils.ShaderIndentTabs + "}\n";
UIUtils.ShaderIndentLevel = currIndent;
return functionBody;
void DrawBaseProperties()
m_customExpressionName = EditorGUILayoutTextField( ExpressionNameLabelStr, m_customExpressionName );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
SetTimedUpdate( 2 );
SetTitleText( m_customExpressionName );
Mode = (CustomExpressionMode)EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup( FunctionCallModeStr, m_mode );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
if( CheckCallMode() )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( UniqueId, "Call Mode cannot have return over is code.\nFalling back to Create Mode" );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( CodeTitleStr );
m_code = EditorGUILayoutTextArea( m_code, UIUtils.MainSkin.textArea );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
m_codeModified = true;
m_lastTimeCodeModified = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create )
bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = !AutoRegisterMode;
m_generateUniqueName = EditorGUILayoutToggle( GenerateUniqueNameStr, m_generateUniqueName ) && !AutoRegisterMode;
GUI.enabled = !m_generateUniqueName;
AutoRegisterMode = EditorGUILayoutToggle( AutoRegisterStr, AutoRegisterMode ) && !m_generateUniqueName;
GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;
m_outputTypeIdx = EditorGUILayoutPopup( OutputTypeStr, m_outputTypeIdx, AvailableOutputWireTypesStr );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
bool oldVoidValue = m_voidMode;
if( oldVoidValue != m_voidMode )
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( AvailableOutputWireTypes[ m_outputTypeIdx ], false );
NodeUtils.DrawNestedPropertyGroup( ref m_dependenciesFoldout, "Dependencies", DrawDependencies, DrawDependenciesAddRemoveInputs );
void UpdateVoidMode()
m_voidMode = ( m_outputTypeIdx == ( AvailableOutputWireTypesStr.Length - 1 ) );
void SetupCallMode()
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode )
if( m_firstAvailablePort != 1 )
m_firstAvailablePort = 1;
AddInputPortAt( 0, WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, DefaultInputNameStr );
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false );
if( m_firstAvailablePort != 0 )
m_firstAvailablePort = 0;
if( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].IsConnected )
m_containerGraph.DeleteConnection( true, UniqueId, m_inputPorts[ 0 ].PortId, false, true );
DeleteInputPortByArrayIdx( 0 );
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( AvailableOutputWireTypes[ m_outputTypeIdx ], false );
void DrawItemsAddRemoveInputs()
if( m_inputPorts.Count == m_firstAvailablePort )
m_visibleInputsFoldout = false;
// Add new port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
AddPortAt( m_inputPorts.Count );
m_visibleInputsFoldout = true;
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
//Remove port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
RemovePortAt( m_inputPorts.Count - 1 );
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
void DrawDependenciesAddRemoveInputs()
// Add new port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
m_dependencies.Add( new CustomExpressionDependency() );
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
//Remove port
if( GUILayoutButton( string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle, GUILayout.Width( ButtonLayoutWidth ) ) )
m_dependencies.RemoveAt( m_dependencies.Count - 1 );
void DrawDependencies()
if( m_dependenciesReordableList == null )
m_dependenciesReordableList = new ReorderableList( m_dependencies, typeof( CustomExpressionDependency ), true, false, false, false )
headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0,
showDefaultBackground = false,
drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
if( m_dependencies[ index ] != null )
rect.xMin -= 1;
Rect popupPos = new Rect( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - 2 * Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight );
Rect buttonPlusPos = new Rect( rect.x + rect.width - 2 * Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth, rect.y - 2, Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth, Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth );
Rect buttonMinusPos = new Rect( rect.x + rect.width - Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth, rect.y - 2, Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth, Constants.PlusMinusButtonLayoutWidth );
m_dependencies[ index ].DependencyArrayIdx = EditorGUIPopup( popupPos, string.Empty, m_dependencies[ index ].DependencyArrayIdx, UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.NodesArr );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
m_dependencies[ index ].DependencyNodeId = UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.GetNode( m_dependencies[ index ].DependencyArrayIdx ).UniqueId;
if( m_dependencies[ index ].DependencyNodeId == UniqueId )
m_dependencies[ index ].Reset();
if( GUI.Button( buttonPlusPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Add;
m_actionIndex = index;
if( GUI.Button( buttonMinusPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Remove;
m_actionIndex = index;
if( m_dependenciesReordableList != null )
if( m_dependencies.Count == 0 )
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Your list is Empty!\nUse the plus button to add one.", MessageType.Info );
if( m_actionType != ReordableAction.None )
switch( m_actionType )
case ReordableAction.Add:
m_dependencies.Insert( m_actionIndex + 1, new CustomExpressionDependency() );
case ReordableAction.Remove:
m_dependencies.RemoveAt( m_actionIndex );
m_isDirty = true;
m_actionType = ReordableAction.None;
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
void DrawReordableInputs()
if( m_itemReordableList == null )
m_itemReordableList = new ReorderableList( m_items, typeof( CustomExpressionInputItem ), true, false, false, false )
headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0,
showDefaultBackground = false,
elementHeightCallback = ( int index ) =>
float lineHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * LineAdjust;
if( m_items[ index ].FoldoutFlag )
float size = 7 * lineHeight;
// Take Is Variable toggle into account
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call )
size += lineHeight;
if( m_inputPorts[ m_firstAvailablePort + index ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
size += lineHeight;
if( !m_inputPorts[ m_firstAvailablePort + index ].IsConnected )
switch( m_inputPorts[ m_firstAvailablePort + index ].DataType )
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
size += 0;// lineHeight;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
size += lineHeight;//2 * lineHeight;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
size += 5 * lineHeight;//6 * lineHeight;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
size += 6 * lineHeight;//8 * lineHeight;
return size;
return lineHeight;
onReorderCallback = ( ReorderableList list ) =>
int realLastIndex = m_firstAvailablePort + m_lastIndex;
int realCurrIndex = m_firstAvailablePort + list.index;
InputPort portA = m_inputPorts[ realLastIndex ];
int originalOutputPortId = CreateOutputId( portA.PortId );
SwapInputPorts( realLastIndex, realCurrIndex );
if( m_outputPorts.Count > 1 )
if( list.index > m_lastIndex )
for( int i = m_lastIndex; i <= list.index; i++ )
if( m_items[ i ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
int portIdx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
int oldOutputPortId;
if( i < list.index )
int oldinputPortId = m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId + 1;
oldOutputPortId = CreateOutputId( oldinputPortId );
oldOutputPortId = originalOutputPortId;
m_outputPortsDict[ oldOutputPortId ].ChangePortId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId ) );
for( int i = list.index; i <= m_lastIndex; i++ )
if( m_items[ i ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
int portIdx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
int oldOutputPortId;
if( i > list.index )
int oldinputPortId = m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId - 1;
oldOutputPortId = CreateOutputId( oldinputPortId );
oldOutputPortId = originalOutputPortId;
m_outputPortsDict[ oldOutputPortId ].ChangePortId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId ) );
m_outputPorts.Sort( ( A, B ) =>
return A.PortId.CompareTo( B.PortId );
} );
for( int i = 0; i < m_outputPorts.Count; i++ )
m_outputPortsDict.Add( m_outputPorts[ i ].PortId, m_outputPorts[ i ] );
onSelectCallback = ( ReorderableList list ) =>
m_lastIndex = list.index;
drawElementCallback = ( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) =>
if( m_items[ index ] != null )
float lineHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
float lineSpacing = lineHeight * LineAdjust;
rect.x -= IdentationAdjust;
rect.height = lineHeight;
int portIdx = index + m_firstAvailablePort;
Rect foldoutRect = rect;
if( !m_items[ index ].FoldoutFlag )
foldoutRect.width -= 2 * AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
m_items[ index ].FoldoutFlag = EditorGUIFoldout( foldoutRect, m_items[ index ].FoldoutFlag, /*m_items[ index ].FoldoutLabel + " - " +*/ m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name );
if( m_items[ index ].FoldoutFlag )
rect.x += IdentationAdjust;
rect.y += lineSpacing;
VariableQualifiers newQualifier = (VariableQualifiers)EditorGUIPopup( rect, InputQualifierStr, (int)m_items[ index ].Qualifier, QualifiersStr );
if( newQualifier != m_items[ index ].Qualifier )
VariableQualifiers oldQualifier = m_items[ index ].Qualifier;
m_items[ index ].Qualifier = newQualifier;
if( newQualifier == VariableQualifiers.In )
RemoveOutputPort( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId ), false );
else if( oldQualifier == VariableQualifiers.In )
int outputId = CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId );
AddOutputPort( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name, outputId );
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Visible = newQualifier != VariableQualifiers.Out;
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
// Precision
rect.y += lineSpacing;
m_items[ index ].Precision = (PrecisionType)EditorGUIPopup( rect, PrecisionContent.text, (int)m_items[ index ].Precision, PrecisionLabelsExtraLocal );
// Type
rect.y += lineSpacing;
int typeIdx = WireToIdx[ m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType ];
typeIdx = EditorGUIPopup( rect, InputTypeStr, typeIdx, AvailableWireTypesStr );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
// actual type is need in order for texture array and sampler state to fallback correctly
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].ChangeType( AvailableWireTypes[ typeIdx ], false );
if( typeIdx == 5 || typeIdx == 6 )
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Matrix4x4InternalData = Matrix4x4.identity;
if( m_items[ index ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
OutputPort currOutPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId ) );
currOutPort.ChangeType( AvailableWireTypes[ typeIdx ], false );
if( AvailableWireTypes[ typeIdx ] == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
rect.y += lineSpacing;
m_items[ index ].CustomType = EditorGUITextField( rect, CustomTypeStr, m_items[ index ].CustomType );
rect.y += lineSpacing;
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name = EditorGUITextField( rect, InputNameStr, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
m_nameModified = true;
m_lastTimeNameModified = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name ) )
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name = DefaultInputNameStr + index;
if( m_items[ index ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
OutputPort currOutPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId ) );
currOutPort.Name = m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name;
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call )
//Is Unique
rect.y += lineSpacing;
m_items[ index ].IsVariable = EditorGUIToggle( rect, IsVariableStr, m_items[ index ].IsVariable );
// Port Data
if( !m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].IsConnected )
rect.y += lineSpacing;
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].ShowInternalData( rect, this, true, InputValueStr );
rect.x += rect.width - 2 * AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
rect.y += lineSpacing;
if( !m_inputPorts[ m_firstAvailablePort + index ].IsConnected )
switch( m_inputPorts[ m_firstAvailablePort + index ].DataType )
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
rect.y += 0;// lineSpacing;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
rect.y += lineSpacing;//2 * lineSpacing;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
rect.y += 5 * lineSpacing;//6 * lineSpacing;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
rect.y += 6 * lineSpacing;//8 * lineSpacing;
rect.width = AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
if( GUI.Button( rect, string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Add;
m_actionIndex = index;
rect.x += AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
if( GUI.Button( rect, string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Remove;
m_actionIndex = index;
rect.x += IdentationAdjust + rect.width - 2 * AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
rect.width = AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
if( GUI.Button( rect, string.Empty, UIUtils.PlusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Add;
m_actionIndex = index;
rect.x += AddRemoveButtonLayoutWidth;
if( GUI.Button( rect, string.Empty, UIUtils.MinusStyle ) )
m_actionType = ReordableAction.Remove;
m_actionIndex = index;
if( m_itemReordableList != null )
if( m_items.Count == 0 )
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Your list is Empty!\nUse the plus button to add one.", MessageType.Info );
if( m_actionType != ReordableAction.None )
switch( m_actionType )
case ReordableAction.Add:
AddPortAt( m_firstAvailablePort + m_actionIndex + 1 );
case ReordableAction.Remove:
RemovePortAt( m_firstAvailablePort + m_actionIndex );
m_isDirty = true;
m_actionType = ReordableAction.None;
EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl( null );
void RecalculateInOutOutputPorts()
m_outputPorts.Sort( ( x, y ) => x.PortId.CompareTo( y.PortId ) );
int count = m_inputPorts.Count - m_firstAvailablePort;
int outputId = 1;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int idx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
if( m_items[ i ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
m_outputPorts[ outputId ].ChangeProperties( m_inputPorts[ idx ].Name, m_inputPorts[ idx ].DataType, false );
m_outputPorts[ outputId ].ChangePortId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ idx ].PortId ) );
int outCount = m_outputPorts.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < outCount; i++ )
m_outputPortsDict.Add( m_outputPorts[ i ].PortId, m_outputPorts[ i ] );
void AddPortAt( int idx )
AddInputPortAt( idx, WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, GetFirstAvailableName() );
m_items.Insert( idx - m_firstAvailablePort, new CustomExpressionInputItem( PrecisionType.Inherit, VariableQualifiers.In, string.Empty, false, true, string.Empty/* "[" + idx + "]"*/ ) );
m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
void RemovePortAt( int idx )
if( m_inputPorts.Count > m_firstAvailablePort )
int varIdx = idx - m_firstAvailablePort;
if( m_items[ varIdx ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
int id = CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ idx ].PortId );
RemoveOutputPort( id, false );
DeleteInputPortByArrayIdx( idx );
m_items.RemoveAt( varIdx );
m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
public override void OnAfterDeserialize()
m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
public override string GenerateShaderForOutput( int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_code ) )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( UniqueId, string.Format( "Custom Expression \"{0}\" need to have code associated", m_customExpressionName ), MessageSeverity.Warning );
return "0";
m_code = UIUtils.ForceLFLineEnding( m_code );
bool codeContainsReturn = m_code.Contains( ReturnHelper );
bool expressionMode = false;
if( !codeContainsReturn )
string[] codeLines = m_code.Split( IOUtils.LINE_TERMINATOR );
expressionMode = codeLines.Length == 1 && !m_voidMode;
if( !expressionMode &&
!codeContainsReturn &&
m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create && !m_voidMode )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( UniqueId, string.Format( "Custom Expression \"{0}\" has a non-void return type but no return instruction was detected", m_customExpressionName ), MessageSeverity.Error );
if( outputId != 0 )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( UniqueId, string.Format( "Attempting to get value on Custom Expression \"{0}\" from inexisting \"{1}\" inout/out variable", m_customExpressionName, m_outputPorts[ outputId ].Name ), MessageSeverity.Error );
return "0";
int dependenciesCount = m_dependencies.Count;
Dictionary<int, CustomExpressionNode> examinedNodes = new Dictionary<int, CustomExpressionNode>();
for( int i = 0; i < dependenciesCount; i++ )
CustomExpressionNode node = m_containerGraph.GetNode( m_dependencies[ i ].DependencyNodeId ) as CustomExpressionNode;
if( node == null )
node = UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.GetNode( m_dependencies[ i ].DependencyNodeId ) as CustomExpressionNode;
if( node != null )
node.CheckDependencies( ref dataCollector, ref examinedNodes );
examinedNodes = null;
OutputPort outputPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( outputId );
if( outputPort.IsLocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory ) )
return outputPort.LocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory );
string expressionName = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_customExpressionName );
string localVarName = "local" + expressionName;
if( m_generateUniqueName )
expressionName += OutputId;
localVarName += OutputId;
int count = m_inputPorts.Count;
if( count > 0 )
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode )
string mainData = m_inputPorts[ 0 ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
RegisterLocalVariable( 0, string.Format( Constants.CodeWrapper, mainData ), ref dataCollector, localVarName );
if( codeContainsReturn )
string function = WrapCodeInFunction( dataCollector.IsTemplate, expressionName, false );
string functionCall = expressionName + "( ";
for( int i = m_firstAvailablePort; i < count; i++ )
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.SamplingMacros && !UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsSRP )
// we don't know what kind of sampling the user will do so we add all of them
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.Auto );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.MipLevel );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.MipBias );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.Derivative );
string inputPortLocalVar = m_inputPorts[ i ].Name + OutputId;
int idx = i - m_firstAvailablePort;
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType != WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
string result = m_inputPorts[ i ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, CurrentPrecisionType, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, inputPortLocalVar, result );
string result =( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )? m_inputPorts[ i ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector) : m_inputPorts[ i ].InternalData.ToString();
string inputLocalVar = string.Format( Constants.CustomTypeLocalValueDecWithoutIdent, m_items[ idx ].CustomType, inputPortLocalVar, result );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, inputLocalVar );
if( m_items[ idx ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
OutputPort currOutputPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ i ].PortId ) );
currOutputPort.SetLocalValue( inputPortLocalVar, dataCollector.PortCategory );
functionCall += inputPortLocalVar;
if( i < ( count - 1 ) )
functionCall += " , ";
functionCall += " )";
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode )
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( 0, functionCall + ";", true );
RegisterLocalVariable( 0, functionCall, ref dataCollector, localVarName );
dataCollector.AddFunction( expressionName, function );
string localCode = m_code;
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode )
for( int i = m_firstAvailablePort; i < count; i++ )
int idx = i - m_firstAvailablePort;
if( !m_items[ idx ].IsVariable ||
m_items[ idx ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In ||
!m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected
string inputPortLocalVar = m_inputPorts[ i ].Name + OutputId;
string nameToReplaceRegex = string.Format( VarRegexReplacer, m_inputPorts[ i ].Name );
localCode = Regex.Replace( localCode, nameToReplaceRegex, inputPortLocalVar, RegexOptions.Multiline );
//localCode = localCode.Replace( m_inputPorts[ i ].Name, inputPortLocalVar );
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
string result = m_inputPorts[ i ].GenerateShaderForOutput( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, true, true );
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, m_items[ idx ].CustomType + " " + inputPortLocalVar, result + ";" );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, CurrentPrecisionType, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, inputPortLocalVar, result );
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, m_items[ idx ].CustomType + " " + inputPortLocalVar, m_inputPorts[ i ].WrappedInternalData + ";" );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, CurrentPrecisionType, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, inputPortLocalVar, m_inputPorts[ i ].WrappedInternalData );
if( m_items[ idx ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
OutputPort currOutputPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ i ].PortId ) );
currOutputPort.SetLocalValue( inputPortLocalVar, dataCollector.PortCategory );
// Not Unique
string result = m_inputPorts[ i ].GenerateShaderForOutput( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, true, true );
string nameToReplaceRegex = string.Format( VarRegexReplacer, m_inputPorts[ i ].Name );
localCode = Regex.Replace( localCode, nameToReplaceRegex, result, RegexOptions.Multiline );
//localCode = localCode.Replace( m_inputPorts[ i ].Name, result );
localCode = string.Format( Constants.InlineCodeWrapper,localCode );
string[] codeLines = localCode.Split( '\n' );
for( int codeIdx = 0; codeIdx < codeLines.Length; codeIdx++ )
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( 0, codeLines[ codeIdx ], true );
string function = WrapCodeInFunction( dataCollector.IsTemplate, expressionName, true );
string functionCall = expressionName + "( ";
for( int i = m_firstAvailablePort; i < count; i++ )
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.SamplingMacros && !UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsSRP )
// we don't know what kind of sampling the user will do so we add all of them
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.Auto );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.MipLevel );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.MipBias );
GeneratorUtils.AddCustomStandardSamplingMacros( ref dataCollector, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, MipType.Derivative );
string inputPortLocalVar = m_inputPorts[ i ].Name + OutputId;
int idx = i - m_firstAvailablePort;
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType != WirePortDataType.OBJECT )
string result = m_inputPorts[ i ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, CurrentPrecisionType, m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType, inputPortLocalVar, result );
string result = ( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected ) ? m_inputPorts[ i ].GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector ) : m_inputPorts[ i ].InternalData.ToString();
string inputLocalVar = string.Format( Constants.CustomTypeLocalValueDecWithoutIdent, m_items[ idx ].CustomType, inputPortLocalVar, result );
dataCollector.AddLocalVariable( UniqueId, inputLocalVar );
if( m_items[ idx ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
OutputPort currOutputPort = GetOutputPortByUniqueId( CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ i ].PortId ) );
currOutputPort.SetLocalValue( inputPortLocalVar, dataCollector.PortCategory );
functionCall += inputPortLocalVar;
if( i < ( count - 1 ) )
functionCall += " , ";
functionCall += " )";
RegisterLocalVariable( 0, functionCall, ref dataCollector, localVarName );
dataCollector.AddFunction( expressionName, function );
return outputPort.LocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory );
if( m_code.Contains( ReturnHelper ) )
string function = WrapCodeInFunction( dataCollector.IsTemplate, expressionName, false );
dataCollector.AddFunction( expressionName, function );
string functionCall = expressionName + "()";
RegisterLocalVariable( 0, functionCall, ref dataCollector, localVarName );
RegisterLocalVariable( 0, string.Format( Constants.CodeWrapper, m_code ), ref dataCollector, localVarName );
return m_outputPorts[ 0 ].LocalValue( dataCollector.PortCategory );
int CreateOutputId( int inputId )
return ( inputId + 1 );
int CreateInputId( int outputId )
return outputId - 1;
void UpdateOutputPorts()
int count = m_inputPorts.Count - m_firstAvailablePort;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( m_items[ i ].Qualifier != VariableQualifiers.In )
int portIdx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
int outputPortId = CreateOutputId( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].PortId );
AddOutputPort( m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name, outputPortId );
public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams )
// This node is, by default, created with one input port
base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams );
m_code = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
m_code = m_code.Replace( Constants.LineFeedSeparator, '\n' );
m_code = m_code.Replace( Constants.SemiColonSeparator, ';' );
m_outputTypeIdx = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( m_outputTypeIdx >= AvailableWireTypes.Length )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( UniqueId, "Sampler types were removed as a valid output custom expression type" );
m_outputTypeIdx = 1;
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( AvailableWireTypes[ m_outputTypeIdx ], false );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 12001 )
bool mode = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_mode = mode ? CustomExpressionMode.Call : CustomExpressionMode.Create;
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call || m_voidMode )
m_firstAvailablePort = 1;
AddInputPortAt( 0, WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, DefaultInputNameStr );
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call )
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.RemoveNode( this );
int count = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( count == 0 )
DeleteInputPortByArrayIdx( m_firstAvailablePort );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
bool foldoutValue = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
string name = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
WirePortDataType type = (WirePortDataType)Enum.Parse( typeof( WirePortDataType ), GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
string internalData = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
VariableQualifiers qualifier = VariableQualifiers.In;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 12001 )
qualifier = (VariableQualifiers)Enum.Parse( typeof( VariableQualifiers ), GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
string customType = string.Empty;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 15311 )
customType = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
PrecisionType precision = PrecisionType.Float;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 15607 )
precision = (PrecisionType)Enum.Parse( typeof( PrecisionType ), GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
bool isVariable = false;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 16600 )
isVariable = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
int portIdx = i + m_firstAvailablePort;
if( i == 0 )
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].ChangeProperties( name, type, false );
m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Visible = qualifier != VariableQualifiers.Out;
m_items[ 0 ].Qualifier = qualifier;
m_items[ 0 ].FoldoutFlag = foldoutValue;
m_items[ 0 ].CustomType = customType;
m_items[ 0 ].Precision = precision;
m_items[ 0 ].IsVariable = isVariable;
m_items.Add( new CustomExpressionInputItem( precision, qualifier, customType, isVariable, foldoutValue, string.Empty/*"[" + i + "]"*/ ) );
AddInputPort( type, false, name );
m_inputPorts[ m_inputPorts.Count - 1 ].Visible = qualifier != VariableQualifiers.Out;
m_inputPorts[ i ].InternalData = internalData;
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 7205 )
m_customExpressionName = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams );
SetTitleText( m_customExpressionName );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 14401 )
m_generateUniqueName = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 15102 )
m_autoRegisterMode = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 15403 )
int dependencyCount = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
for( int i = 0; i < dependencyCount; i++ )
m_dependencies.Add( new CustomExpressionDependency( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) ) );
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create )
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.AddNode( this );
m_repopulateNameDictionary = true;
m_functionMode = m_code.Contains( ReturnHelper );
public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo )
base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo );
m_code = m_code.Replace( Constants.LineFeedSeparator.ToString(), string.Empty );
m_code = m_code.Replace( Constants.SemiColonSeparator.ToString(), string.Empty );
m_code = UIUtils.ForceLFLineEnding( m_code );
string parsedCode = m_code.Replace( '\n', Constants.LineFeedSeparator );
parsedCode = parsedCode.Replace( ';', Constants.SemiColonSeparator );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, parsedCode );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_outputTypeIdx );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call );
int count = m_inputPorts.Count - m_firstAvailablePort;
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, count );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int portIdx = m_firstAvailablePort + i;
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].FoldoutFlag );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].Name );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].DataType );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_inputPorts[ portIdx ].InternalData );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].Qualifier );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].CustomType );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].Precision );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_items[ i ].IsVariable );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_customExpressionName );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_generateUniqueName );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_autoRegisterMode );
count = m_dependencies.Count;
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, count );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_dependencies[ i ].DependencyNodeId );
public override void Destroy()
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create )
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.RemoveNode( this );
m_items = null;
m_dependencies = null;
m_itemReordableList = null;
public void CheckDependencies( ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, ref Dictionary<int, CustomExpressionNode> examinedNodes )
if( !examinedNodes.ContainsKey( UniqueId ) && m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Create && !m_generateUniqueName )
int dependencyCount = m_dependencies.Count;
for( int d = 0; d < dependencyCount; d++ )
if( !examinedNodes.ContainsKey( m_dependencies[ d ].DependencyNodeId ) )
CustomExpressionNode dNode = m_containerGraph.GetNode( m_dependencies[ d ].DependencyNodeId ) as CustomExpressionNode;
if( dNode == null )
dNode = UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.GetNode( m_dependencies[ d ].DependencyNodeId ) as CustomExpressionNode;
if( dNode != null )
dNode.CheckDependencies( ref dataCollector, ref examinedNodes );
dataCollector.AddFunction( ExpressionName, EncapsulatedCode( dataCollector.IsTemplate ) );
examinedNodes.Add( UniqueId, this );
public string EncapsulatedCode( bool isTemplate )
string functionName = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_customExpressionName );
if( m_generateUniqueName )
functionName += OutputId;
return WrapCodeInFunction( isTemplate, functionName, false );
public CustomExpressionMode Mode
get { return m_mode; }
if( m_mode != value )
m_mode = value;
if( m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call )
AutoRegisterMode = false;
m_generateUniqueName = false;
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.RemoveNode( this );
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.AddNode( this );
public string ExpressionName
string expressionName = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters( m_customExpressionName );
if( m_generateUniqueName )
expressionName += OutputId;
return expressionName;
public override string DataToArray { get { return m_customExpressionName; } }
public bool AutoRegisterMode
get { return m_autoRegisterMode; }
if( value != m_autoRegisterMode )
m_autoRegisterMode = value;
public override void RefreshExternalReferences()
int portCount = m_inputPorts.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < portCount; i++ )
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].DataType == WirePortDataType.COLOR )
m_inputPorts[ i ].ChangeType( WirePortDataType.FLOAT4, false ); ;
int dependencyCount = m_dependencies.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < dependencyCount; i++ )
m_dependencies[ i ].DependencyArrayIdx = UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.GetNodeRegisterIdx( m_dependencies[ i ].DependencyNodeId );
//Fixing bug where user could set main output port as OBJECT
if( m_outputPorts[ 0 ].DataType == WirePortDataType.OBJECT && ( m_voidMode || m_mode == CustomExpressionMode.Call ) )
m_outputPorts[ 0 ].ChangeType( m_inputPorts[ 0 ].DataType, false );
public override void FireTimedUpdate()
UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.CustomExpressionOnFunctionMode.UpdateDataOnNode( UniqueId, m_customExpressionName );
public List<CustomExpressionDependency> Dependencies { get { return m_dependencies; } }