470 lines
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470 lines
15 KiB
// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <info@amplify.pt>
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
class NodeDescriptionInfo
public bool FoldoutValue;
public string Category;
public string[,] Contents;
public sealed class PortLegendInfo : EditorWindow
private const string NoASEWindowWarning = "Please Open the ASE to get access to shortcut info";
private const float PixelSeparator = 5;
private const string EditorShortcutsTitle = "Editor Shortcuts";
private const string MenuShortcutsTitle = "Menu Shortcuts";
private const string NodesShortcutsTitle = "Nodes Shortcuts";
private const string PortShortcutsTitle = "Port Shortcuts";
private const string PortLegendTitle = "Port Legend";
private const string NodesDescTitle = "Node Info";
private const string CompatibleAssetsTitle = "Compatible Assets";
private const string KeyboardUsageTemplate = "[{0}] - {1}";
private const string m_lockedStr = "Locked Port";
private const float WindowSizeX = 350;
private const float WindowSizeY = 300;
private const float WindowPosX = 5;
private const float WindowPosY = 5;
private int TitleLabelWidth = 150;
private Rect m_availableArea;
private bool m_portAreaFoldout = true;
private bool m_editorShortcutAreaFoldout = true;
private bool m_menuShortcutAreaFoldout = true;
private bool m_nodesShortcutAreaFoldout = true;
private bool m_nodesDescriptionAreaFoldout = true;
private bool m_compatibleAssetsFoldout = true;
private Vector2 m_currentScrollPos;
private GUIStyle m_portStyle;
private GUIStyle m_labelStyleBold;
private GUIStyle m_labelStyle;
private GUIStyle m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold;
private GUIStyle m_nodeInfoLabelStyle;
private GUIStyle m_nodeInfoFoldoutStyle;
private GUIContent m_content = new GUIContent( "Helper", "Shows helper info for ASE users" );
private bool m_init = true;
private List<ShortcutItem> m_editorShortcuts = null;
private List<ShortcutItem> m_nodesShortcuts = null;
private List<NodeDescriptionInfo> m_nodeDescriptionsInfo = null;
private List<string[]> m_compatibleAssetsInfo = null;
public static PortLegendInfo OpenWindow()
PortLegendInfo currentWindow = ( PortLegendInfo ) PortLegendInfo.GetWindow( typeof( PortLegendInfo ), false );
currentWindow.minSize = new Vector2( WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY );
currentWindow.maxSize = new Vector2( WindowSizeX * 2, 2 * WindowSizeY ); ;
currentWindow.wantsMouseMove = true;
return currentWindow;
public void Init()
m_init = false;
wantsMouseMove = false;
titleContent = m_content;
m_portStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.PortEmptyIcon ) );
m_portStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
m_portStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageOnly;
m_portStyle.margin = new RectOffset( 5, 0, 5, 0 );
m_labelStyleBold = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.InputPortLabel );
m_labelStyleBold.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
m_labelStyleBold.fontSize = ( int ) ( Constants.TextFieldFontSize );
m_labelStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.InputPortLabel );
m_labelStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
m_labelStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.TextOnly;
m_labelStyle.contentOffset = new Vector2( -10, 0 );
m_labelStyle.fontSize = ( int ) ( Constants.TextFieldFontSize );
m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.InputPortLabel );
m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold.fontSize = ( int ) ( Constants.TextFieldFontSize );
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.InputPortLabel );
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.TextOnly;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle.fontSize = ( int ) ( Constants.TextFieldFontSize );
m_nodeInfoFoldoutStyle = new GUIStyle( ( GUIStyle ) "foldout" );
m_nodeInfoFoldoutStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
if ( !EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin )
m_labelStyleBold.normal.textColor = m_labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold.normal.textColor = m_labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle.normal.textColor = m_labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
m_availableArea = new Rect( WindowPosX, WindowPosY, WindowSizeX - 2 * WindowPosX, WindowSizeY - 2 * WindowPosY );
void DrawPort( WirePortDataType type )
GUI.color = UIUtils.GetColorForDataType( type, false );
GUILayout.Box( string.Empty, m_portStyle, GUILayout.Width( UIUtils.PortsSize.x ), GUILayout.Height( UIUtils.PortsSize.y ) );
GUI.color = Color.white;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( UIUtils.GetNameForDataType( type ), m_labelStyle );
void OnGUI()
if ( !UIUtils.Initialized || UIUtils.CurrentWindow == null )
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
if ( m_init )
TitleLabelWidth = (int)(this.position.width * 0.42f);
KeyCode key = Event.current.keyCode;
if ( key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollUpKey )
m_currentScrollPos.y -= 10;
if ( m_currentScrollPos.y < 0 )
m_currentScrollPos.y = 0;
if ( key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollDownKey )
m_currentScrollPos.y += 10;
if ( Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && Event.current.button > 0 )
m_currentScrollPos.x += Constants.MenuDragSpeed * Event.current.delta.x;
if ( m_currentScrollPos.x < 0 )
m_currentScrollPos.x = 0;
m_currentScrollPos.y += Constants.MenuDragSpeed * Event.current.delta.y;
if ( m_currentScrollPos.y < 0 )
m_currentScrollPos.y = 0;
m_availableArea = new Rect( WindowPosX, WindowPosY, position.width - 2 * WindowPosX, position.height - 2 * WindowPosY );
GUILayout.BeginArea( m_availableArea );
if ( GUILayout.Button( "Wiki Page" ) )
Application.OpenURL( Constants.HelpURL );
m_currentScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_currentScrollPos );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_portAreaFoldout, PortLegendTitle, DrawPortInfo );
float currLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 1;
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_editorShortcutAreaFoldout, EditorShortcutsTitle, DrawEditorShortcuts );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_menuShortcutAreaFoldout, MenuShortcutsTitle, DrawMenuShortcuts );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_nodesShortcutAreaFoldout, NodesShortcutsTitle, DrawNodesShortcuts );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_compatibleAssetsFoldout, CompatibleAssetsTitle, DrawCompatibleAssets );
NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref m_nodesDescriptionAreaFoldout, NodesDescTitle, DrawNodeDescriptions );
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = currLabelWidth;
void DrawPortInfo()
Color originalColor = GUI.color;
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.OBJECT );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.INT );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT2 );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT3 );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.COLOR );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3 );
DrawPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4 );
GUI.color = Constants.LockedPortColor;
GUILayout.Box( string.Empty, m_portStyle, GUILayout.Width( UIUtils.PortsSize.x ), GUILayout.Height( UIUtils.PortsSize.y ) );
GUI.color = Color.white;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( m_lockedStr, m_labelStyle );
GUI.color = originalColor;
public void DrawEditorShortcuts()
AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window = UIUtils.CurrentWindow;
if ( window != null )
if ( m_editorShortcuts == null )
m_editorShortcuts = window.ShortcutManagerInstance.AvailableEditorShortcutsList;
int count = m_editorShortcuts.Count;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
DrawItem( m_editorShortcuts[ i ].Name, m_editorShortcuts[ i ].Description );
DrawItem( "Q", "Alternative Pan modifier" );
DrawItem( "Ctrl + F", "Find nodes" );
DrawItem( "LMB Drag", "Box selection" );
DrawItem( "MMB/RMB Drag", "Camera pan" );
DrawItem( "Alt + MMB/RMB Drag", "Zoom graph" );
DrawItem( "Shift/Ctrl + Node Select", "Add/Remove from selection" );
DrawItem( "Shift + Node Drag", "Node move with offset" );
DrawItem( "Ctrl + Node Drag", "Node move with snap" );
DrawItem( "MMB/RMB + Drag Panel", "Scroll panel" );
DrawItem( "Alt + LMB Drag", "Additive box selection" );
DrawItem( "Alt + Shift + Drag", "Subtractive box selection" );
DrawItem( "Alt + Node Drag", "Auto-(Dis)Connect node on existing wire connection" );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
public void DrawMenuShortcuts()
AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window = UIUtils.CurrentWindow;
if ( window != null )
DrawItem( ShortcutsManager.ScrollUpKey.ToString(), "Scroll Up Menu" );
DrawItem( ShortcutsManager.ScrollDownKey.ToString(), "Scroll Down Menu" );
DrawItem( "RMB Drag", "Scroll Menu" );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
void DrawItem( string name, string description )
GUILayout.Label( name, m_labelStyleBold , GUILayout.Width( TitleLabelWidth ) );
GUILayout.Label( description, m_labelStyle );
GUILayout.Space( PixelSeparator );
public void DrawNodesShortcuts()
AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window = UIUtils.CurrentWindow;
if ( window != null )
if ( m_nodesShortcuts == null || m_nodesShortcuts.Count == 0 )
m_nodesShortcuts = window.ShortcutManagerInstance.AvailableNodesShortcutsList;
int count = m_nodesShortcuts.Count;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
DrawItem( m_nodesShortcuts[ i ].Name, m_nodesShortcuts[ i ].Description );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
string CreateCompatibilityString( string source )
string[] split = source.Split( '.' );
if ( split != null && split.Length > 1 )
return split[ 1 ];
return source;
public void DrawCompatibleAssets()
AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window = UIUtils.CurrentWindow;
if ( window != null )
if ( m_compatibleAssetsInfo == null )
m_compatibleAssetsInfo = new List<string[]>();
List<ContextMenuItem> items = window.ContextMenuInstance.MenuItems;
int count = items.Count;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( items[ i ].NodeAttributes != null && items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType != null )
string types = string.Empty;
if ( items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType.Length > 1 )
for ( int j = 0; j < items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType.Length; j++ )
types += CreateCompatibilityString( items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType[ j ].ToString() );
if ( j < items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType.Length - 1 )
types += ", ";
types = CreateCompatibilityString( items[ i ].NodeAttributes.CastType[ 0 ].ToString() );
m_compatibleAssetsInfo.Add( new string[] { items[ i ].NodeAttributes.Name + ": ", types } );
int nodeCount = m_compatibleAssetsInfo.Count;
for ( int j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++ )
DrawItem( m_compatibleAssetsInfo[ j ][ 0 ], m_compatibleAssetsInfo[ j ][ 1 ] );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
public void DrawNodeDescriptions()
AmplifyShaderEditorWindow window = UIUtils.CurrentWindow;
if ( window != null )
if ( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo == null )
//fetch node info
m_nodeDescriptionsInfo = new List<NodeDescriptionInfo>();
Dictionary<string, PaletteFilterData> nodeData = window.CurrentPaletteWindow.BuildFullList();
var enumerator = nodeData.GetEnumerator();
while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
List<ContextMenuItem> nodes = enumerator.Current.Value.Contents;
int count = nodes.Count;
NodeDescriptionInfo currInfo = new NodeDescriptionInfo();
currInfo.Contents = new string[ count, 2 ];
currInfo.Category = enumerator.Current.Key;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
currInfo.Contents[ i, 0 ] = nodes[ i ].Name + ':';
currInfo.Contents[ i, 1 ] = nodes[ i ].Description;
m_nodeDescriptionsInfo.Add( currInfo );
GUILayout.Space( 5 );
int count = m_nodeDescriptionsInfo.Count;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].FoldoutValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].FoldoutValue, m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].Category, m_nodeInfoFoldoutStyle );
if ( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].FoldoutValue )
int nodeCount = m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].Contents.GetLength( 0 );
for ( int j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++ )
GUILayout.Label( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].Contents[ j, 0 ], m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold );
GUILayout.Label( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo[ i ].Contents[ j, 1 ], m_nodeInfoLabelStyle );
GUILayout.Space( PixelSeparator );
GUILayout.Space( PixelSeparator );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( NoASEWindowWarning );
private void OnDestroy()
m_nodesShortcuts = null;
m_editorShortcuts = null;
m_portStyle = null;
m_labelStyle = null;
m_labelStyleBold = null;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyle = null;
m_nodeInfoLabelStyleBold = null;
m_nodeInfoFoldoutStyle = null;
m_init = false;
if ( m_nodeDescriptionsInfo != null )
m_nodeDescriptionsInfo = null;
if( m_compatibleAssetsInfo != null )
m_compatibleAssetsInfo = null;