155 lines
6.4 KiB
155 lines
6.4 KiB
import json
from flask import Flask
from .databaseController import DatabaseController
from .endpoints.query import Query
from .endpoints.post import GetPost
from .endpoints.posts import GetPosts
from .endpoints.set_action import SetAction
from .endpoints.posts_count import GetPostsCount
from .endpoints.account_stats import AccountStats
def get_post_dictionary(id, error_id, action_taken, text, files, date, x_handle, x_rating):
if files == "" or files is None:
files = []
files = files.split(',')
dict = {"id": id, "id_str": str(id), "error_id": error_id, "action_taken": action_taken, "text": text, "files": files, "date": date, "handle": x_handle, "rating": x_rating}
if error_id == -1:
if action_taken == -1:
return dict
class Database:
db : DatabaseController = None
app : Flask = None
def __init__(self, api) -> None:
self.app = api.app
if "Archive" in self.app.databases:
del self.app.databases["Archive"]
self.app.databases["Archive"] = self
api.add_resource(Query, "/Archive/Query")
api.add_resource(GetPost, "/Archive/GetPost/<id>")
api.add_resource(GetPosts, "/Archive/GetPosts")
api.add_resource(GetPostsCount, "/Archive/GetPosts/Count")
api.add_resource(AccountStats, "/Archive/AccountStats")
api.add_resource(SetAction, "/Archive/SetAction")
def get_accounts(self):
query = f'''
SELECT x_handle, id FROM accounts
ORDER BY x_handle ASC'''
results = self.db.run_query(query)
accounts = []
if results is not None:
accounts = [{"x_handle": result[0], "id": result[1]} for result in results]
return accounts
def get_account_stats(self):
query = '''SELECT x_handle,
SUM(IIF(x_posts.action_taken = 0, 1, 0)) as undecided,
SUM(IIF(x_posts.action_taken = 1, 1, 0)) as approved,
SUM(IIF(x_posts.action_taken = 2, 1, 0)) as deleted,
SUM(IIF(x_posts.action_taken = 3, 1, 0)) as hidden,
SUM(IIF(x_post_details.id is NULL, 1, 0)) as invalid
FROM x_posts
LEFT JOIN accounts on accounts.id = x_posts.account_id
LEFT JOIN x_post_details on x_post_details.id = x_posts.id
GROUP BY account_id
ORDER BY x_handle'''
results = self.db.run_query(query)
return [{"x_handle": result[0], "undecided": result[1], "approved": result[2], "deleted": result[3], "hidden": result[4], "invalid": result[5]} for result in results]
def get_post(self, id):
query = f'''SELECT x_posts.id, x_posts.error_id, x_posts.action_taken, x_post_details.text, x_post_details.files, x_post_details.date, accounts.x_handle, accounts.rating from x_posts
LEFT JOIN x_post_details
ON x_posts.id = x_post_details.id
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON x_posts.account_id = accounts.id WHERE x_posts.id = {id}'''
result = self.db.run_query(query)
if len(result) == 0:
return None
#return most recent post
result = result[-1]
return get_post_dictionary(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5], result[6], result[7])
def build_where_query(self, artist, actions_taken = [0, 1, 2, 3], last_id = -1, include_ratings = ["SFW", "NSFW"]):
where_query = "WHERE x_post_details.id NOT NULL AND x_posts.error_id = 0"
if last_id != -1:
where_query += f" AND x_posts.id < {last_id}"
if actions_taken != [0, 1, 2, 3]:
where_query += " AND (" + " OR ".join([f"x_posts.action_taken = {action}" for action in actions_taken]) + ")"
if include_ratings != ["SFW", "NSFW", "NSFL"]:
where_query += " AND (" + " OR ".join([f'accounts.rating = "{rating}"' for rating in include_ratings]) + ")"
if artist is not None and artist != "":
where_query += f' AND accounts.x_handle = "{artist}"'
return where_query
def get_posts_count(self, artist, actions_taken = [0, 1, 2, 3], last_id = -1, include_ratings = ["SFW", "NSFW"]):
where_query = self.build_where_query(artist, actions_taken, last_id, include_ratings)
query = f'''
SELECT count(*) FROM x_posts
LEFT JOIN x_post_details
ON x_posts.id = x_post_details.id
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON x_posts.account_id = accounts.id
result = self.db.run_query(query)
return result[0][0]
def get_posts(self, num_posts, artist, actions_taken = [0, 1, 2, 3], last_id = -1, offset = 0, include_ratings = ["SFW", "NSFW"], order = "DESC"):
num_posts = max(1, min(num_posts, 100))
order_by = "RANDOM()" if order == "RAND" else "x_posts.id ASC" if order == "ASC" else "x_posts.id DESC"
where_query = self.build_where_query(artist, actions_taken, last_id, include_ratings)
query = f'''
SELECT x_posts.id, x_posts.action_taken, x_post_details.text, x_post_details.files, x_post_details.date, accounts.x_handle, accounts.rating FROM x_posts
LEFT JOIN x_post_details
ON x_posts.id = x_post_details.id
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON x_posts.account_id = accounts.id
ORDER BY {order_by}
LIMIT {num_posts} OFFSET {offset}'''
results = self.db.run_query(query)
posts = []
if results is not None:
for result in results:
posts.append(get_post_dictionary(result[0], -1, result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5], result[6]))
return posts
def wrap_query_response(self, result, mode = "json"):
if result is None:
response = self.app.response_class(status=400)
if mode == "json":
response = self.app.response_class(
response=json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False, indent=1),
elif mode == "text":
response = self.app.response_class(
response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
return response
def reload_data(self):
self.db = DatabaseController("/home/pi/python/Katbots/JapariArchive/database.db") |