2024-04-21 22:38:26 +08:00
using System ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.Rendering ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections ;
using CommandUndoRedo ;
using System.Linq ;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems ;
namespace RuntimeGizmos
//To be safe, if you are changing any transforms hierarchy, such as parenting an object to something,
//you should call ClearTargets before doing so just to be sure nothing unexpected happens... as well as call UndoRedoManager.Clear()
//For example, if you select an object that has children, move the children elsewhere, deselect the original object, then try to add those old children to the selection, I think it wont work.
public class TransformGizmo : MonoBehaviour
public TransformSpace space = TransformSpace . Global ;
public TransformType transformType = TransformType . Move ;
public TransformPivot pivot = TransformPivot . Pivot ;
public CenterType centerType = CenterType . All ;
public ScaleType scaleType = ScaleType . FromPoint ;
public KeyCode changeModeHotkey = KeyCode . LeftAlt ;
//These are the same as the unity editor hotkeys
public KeyCode SetMoveType = KeyCode . W ;
public KeyCode SetRotateType = KeyCode . E ;
public KeyCode SetScaleType = KeyCode . R ;
//public KeyCode SetRectToolType = KeyCode.T;
public KeyCode SetAllTransformType = KeyCode . Y ;
public KeyCode SetSpaceToggle = KeyCode . X ;
public KeyCode SetPivotModeToggle = KeyCode . Z ;
public KeyCode SetCenterTypeToggle = KeyCode . C ;
public KeyCode SetScaleTypeToggle = KeyCode . S ;
public KeyCode translationSnapping = KeyCode . LeftControl ;
public KeyCode AddSelection = KeyCode . LeftShift ;
public KeyCode RemoveSelection = KeyCode . LeftControl ;
public string DevNote = "Action key is set to LeftControl at runtime! It's in Awake()" ;
public KeyCode ActionKey = KeyCode . LeftShift ; //Its set to shift instead of control so that while in the editor we dont accidentally undo editor changes =/
public KeyCode UndoAction = KeyCode . Z ;
public KeyCode RedoAction = KeyCode . Y ;
public Color xColor = new Color ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0.8f ) ;
public Color yColor = new Color ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0.8f ) ;
public Color zColor = new Color ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0.8f ) ;
public Color allColor = new Color ( . 7f , . 7f , . 7f , 0.8f ) ;
public Color selectedColor = new Color ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0.8f ) ;
public Color hoverColor = new Color ( 1 , . 75f , 0 , 0.8f ) ;
public float planesOpacity = . 5f ;
//public Color rectPivotColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.8f);
//public Color rectCornerColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.8f);
//public Color rectAnchorColor = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 0.8f);
//public Color rectLineColor = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 0.8f);
public float movementSnap = . 25f ;
public float rotationSnap = 15f ;
public float scaleSnap = 1f ;
public float handleLength = . 25f ;
public float handleWidth = . 003f ;
public float planeSize = . 035f ;
public float triangleSize = . 03f ;
public float boxSize = . 03f ;
public int circleDetail = 40 ;
public float allMoveHandleLengthMultiplier = 1f ;
public float allRotateHandleLengthMultiplier = 1.4f ;
public float allScaleHandleLengthMultiplier = 1.6f ;
public float minSelectedDistanceCheck = . 01f ;
public float moveSpeedMultiplier = 1f ;
public float scaleSpeedMultiplier = 1f ;
public float rotateSpeedMultiplier = 1f ;
public float allRotateSpeedMultiplier = 20f ;
public bool useFirstSelectedAsMain = true ;
//If circularRotationMethod is true, when rotating you will need to move your mouse around the object as if turning a wheel.
//If circularRotationMethod is false, when rotating you can just click and drag in a line to rotate.
public bool circularRotationMethod ;
//Mainly for if you want the pivot point to update correctly if selected objects are moving outside the transformgizmo.
//Might be poor on performance if lots of objects are selected...
public bool forceUpdatePivotPointOnChange = true ;
public int maxUndoStored = 100 ;
public bool manuallyHandleGizmo ;
public LayerMask selectionMask = Physics . DefaultRaycastLayers ;
public Action onCheckForSelectedAxis ;
public Action onDrawCustomGizmo ;
public Camera myCamera { get ; private set ; }
public bool isTransforming { get ; private set ; }
public float totalScaleAmount { get ; private set ; }
public Quaternion totalRotationAmount { get ; private set ; }
public Axis translatingAxis { get { return nearAxis ; } }
public Axis translatingAxisPlane { get { return planeAxis ; } }
public bool hasTranslatingAxisPlane { get { return translatingAxisPlane ! = Axis . None & & translatingAxisPlane ! = Axis . Any ; } }
public TransformType transformingType { get { return translatingType ; } }
public Vector3 pivotPoint { get ; private set ; }
Vector3 totalCenterPivotPoint ;
public Transform mainTargetRoot { get { return ( targetRootsOrdered . Count > 0 ) ? ( useFirstSelectedAsMain ) ? targetRootsOrdered [ 0 ] : targetRootsOrdered [ targetRootsOrdered . Count - 1 ] : null ; } }
AxisInfo axisInfo ;
Axis nearAxis = Axis . None ;
Axis planeAxis = Axis . None ;
TransformType translatingType ;
AxisVectors handleLines = new AxisVectors ( ) ;
AxisVectors handlePlanes = new AxisVectors ( ) ;
AxisVectors handleTriangles = new AxisVectors ( ) ;
AxisVectors handleSquares = new AxisVectors ( ) ;
AxisVectors circlesLines = new AxisVectors ( ) ;
//We use a HashSet and a List for targetRoots so that we get fast lookup with the hashset while also keeping track of the order with the list.
List < Transform > targetRootsOrdered = new List < Transform > ( ) ;
Dictionary < Transform , TargetInfo > targetRoots = new Dictionary < Transform , TargetInfo > ( ) ;
HashSet < Renderer > highlightedRenderers = new HashSet < Renderer > ( ) ;
HashSet < Transform > children = new HashSet < Transform > ( ) ;
List < Transform > childrenBuffer = new List < Transform > ( ) ;
List < Renderer > renderersBuffer = new List < Renderer > ( ) ;
List < Material > materialsBuffer = new List < Material > ( ) ;
WaitForEndOfFrame waitForEndOFFrame = new WaitForEndOfFrame ( ) ;
Coroutine forceUpdatePivotCoroutine ;
static Material lineMaterial ;
static Material outlineMaterial ;
void Awake ( )
myCamera = GetComponent < Camera > ( ) ;
SetMaterial ( ) ;
ActionKey = KeyCode . LeftControl ;
private void Start ( )
HandleManager . RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction = ( data ) = >
var transformCommand = new HandleTransformCommand ( this , data ) ;
UndoRedoManager . Insert ( transformCommand ) ;
} ;
HandleManager . RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoActions = ( data ) = >
CommandGroup commandGroup = new CommandGroup ( ) ;
commandGroup . Set ( data . Select ( d = > new HandleTransformCommand ( this , d ) ) . ToList < ICommand > ( ) ) ;
UndoRedoManager . Insert ( commandGroup ) ;
} ;
ModelViewerInterface . SetTooltip ( 0 , $"H - show/hide this\r\n\r\nUndo:\t\t{ActionKey} + {UndoAction}\r\nRedo:\t\t{ActionKey} + {RedoAction}\r\n\r\nMove only: \t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetMoveType}\r\nRotate only: {changeModeHotkey} + {SetRotateType}\r\nScale only: \t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetScaleType}\r\nAll:\t \t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetAllTransformType}" ) ;
ModelViewerInterface . SetTooltip ( 1 , $"\r\n\r\nSpace Toggle:\t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetSpaceToggle}\r\nPivot Toggle:\t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetPivotModeToggle}\r\nScale type toggle: \t{changeModeHotkey} + {SetScaleTypeToggle}\r\nCenter type toggle:{changeModeHotkey} + {SetCenterTypeToggle}" ) ;
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ModelViewerMain . OnObjectDeleteEvent . AddListener ( ( _ ) = > ClearTargets ( ) ) ;
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private void RenderPipelineManager_endFrameRendering ( ScriptableRenderContext context , Camera [ ] camera )
OnPostRender ( ) ;
void OnEnable ( )
RenderPipelineManager . endFrameRendering + = RenderPipelineManager_endFrameRendering ;
forceUpdatePivotCoroutine = StartCoroutine ( ForceUpdatePivotPointAtEndOfFrame ( ) ) ;
void OnDisable ( )
ClearTargets ( ) ;
RenderPipelineManager . endFrameRendering - = RenderPipelineManager_endFrameRendering ;
StopCoroutine ( forceUpdatePivotCoroutine ) ;
void OnDestroy ( )
ClearAllHighlightedRenderers ( ) ;
void Update ( )
HandleUndoRedo ( ) ;
SetSpaceAndType ( ) ;
if ( manuallyHandleGizmo )
if ( onCheckForSelectedAxis ! = null ) onCheckForSelectedAxis ( ) ;
SetNearAxis ( ) ;
GetTarget ( ) ;
ModelViewerInterface . SetTooltip ( 2 , $"<b>Space:</b> {space} <b>| Pivot:</b> {pivot} <b>| Scale:</b> {scaleType} <b>| Center:</b> {centerType}" ) ;
if ( mainTargetRoot = = null ) return ;
TransformSelected ( ) ;
void LateUpdate ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot = = null ) return ;
//We run this in lateupdate since coroutines run after update and we want our gizmos to have the updated target transform position after TransformSelected()
SetAxisInfo ( ) ;
if ( manuallyHandleGizmo )
if ( onDrawCustomGizmo ! = null ) onDrawCustomGizmo ( ) ;
SetLines ( ) ;
void OnPostRender ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot = = null | | manuallyHandleGizmo ) return ;
lineMaterial . SetPass ( 0 ) ;
Color xColor = ( nearAxis = = Axis . X ) ? ( isTransforming ) ? selectedColor : hoverColor : this . xColor ;
Color yColor = ( nearAxis = = Axis . Y ) ? ( isTransforming ) ? selectedColor : hoverColor : this . yColor ;
Color zColor = ( nearAxis = = Axis . Z ) ? ( isTransforming ) ? selectedColor : hoverColor : this . zColor ;
Color allColor = ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any ) ? ( isTransforming ) ? selectedColor : hoverColor : this . allColor ;
//Note: The order of drawing the axis decides what gets drawn over what.
TransformType moveOrScaleType = ( transformType = = TransformType . Scale | | ( isTransforming & & translatingType = = TransformType . Scale ) ) ? TransformType . Scale : TransformType . Move ;
DrawQuads ( handleLines . z , GetColor ( moveOrScaleType , this . zColor , zColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleLines . x , GetColor ( moveOrScaleType , this . xColor , xColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleLines . y , GetColor ( moveOrScaleType , this . yColor , yColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawTriangles ( handleTriangles . x , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . xColor , xColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawTriangles ( handleTriangles . y , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . yColor , yColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawTriangles ( handleTriangles . z , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . zColor , zColor , hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handlePlanes . z , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . zColor , zColor , planesOpacity , ! hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handlePlanes . x , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . xColor , xColor , planesOpacity , ! hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handlePlanes . y , GetColor ( TransformType . Move , this . yColor , yColor , planesOpacity , ! hasTranslatingAxisPlane ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleSquares . x , GetColor ( TransformType . Scale , this . xColor , xColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleSquares . y , GetColor ( TransformType . Scale , this . yColor , yColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleSquares . z , GetColor ( TransformType . Scale , this . zColor , zColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( handleSquares . all , GetColor ( TransformType . Scale , this . allColor , allColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( circlesLines . all , GetColor ( TransformType . Rotate , this . allColor , allColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( circlesLines . x , GetColor ( TransformType . Rotate , this . xColor , xColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( circlesLines . y , GetColor ( TransformType . Rotate , this . yColor , yColor ) ) ;
DrawQuads ( circlesLines . z , GetColor ( TransformType . Rotate , this . zColor , zColor ) ) ;
Color GetColor ( TransformType type , Color normalColor , Color nearColor , bool forceUseNormal = false )
return GetColor ( type , normalColor , nearColor , false , 1 , forceUseNormal ) ;
Color GetColor ( TransformType type , Color normalColor , Color nearColor , float alpha , bool forceUseNormal = false )
return GetColor ( type , normalColor , nearColor , true , alpha , forceUseNormal ) ;
Color GetColor ( TransformType type , Color normalColor , Color nearColor , bool setAlpha , float alpha , bool forceUseNormal = false )
Color color ;
if ( ! forceUseNormal & & TranslatingTypeContains ( type , false ) )
color = nearColor ;
color = normalColor ;
if ( setAlpha )
color . a = alpha ;
return color ;
void HandleUndoRedo ( )
if ( maxUndoStored ! = UndoRedoManager . maxUndoStored ) { UndoRedoManager . maxUndoStored = maxUndoStored ; }
if ( Input . GetKey ( ActionKey ) )
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( UndoAction ) )
UndoRedoManager . Undo ( ) ;
else if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( RedoAction ) )
UndoRedoManager . Redo ( ) ;
public List < Transform > GetTargetRoots ( )
return targetRootsOrdered . Where ( r = > r ! = null ) . ToList ( ) ;
//We only support scaling in local space.
public TransformSpace GetProperTransformSpace ( )
return transformType = = TransformType . Scale ? TransformSpace . Local : space ;
public bool TransformTypeContains ( TransformType type )
return TransformTypeContains ( transformType , type ) ;
public bool TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType type , bool checkIsTransforming = true )
TransformType transType = ! checkIsTransforming | | isTransforming ? translatingType : transformType ;
return TransformTypeContains ( transType , type ) ;
public bool TransformTypeContains ( TransformType mainType , TransformType type )
return ExtTransformType . TransformTypeContains ( mainType , type , GetProperTransformSpace ( ) ) ;
public float GetHandleLength ( TransformType type , Axis axis = Axis . None , bool multiplyDistanceMultiplier = true )
float length = handleLength ;
if ( transformType = = TransformType . All )
if ( type = = TransformType . Move ) length * = allMoveHandleLengthMultiplier ;
if ( type = = TransformType . Rotate ) length * = allRotateHandleLengthMultiplier ;
if ( type = = TransformType . Scale ) length * = allScaleHandleLengthMultiplier ;
if ( multiplyDistanceMultiplier ) length * = GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
if ( type = = TransformType . Scale & & isTransforming & & ( translatingAxis = = axis | | translatingAxis = = Axis . Any ) ) length + = totalScaleAmount ;
return length ;
void SetSpaceAndType ( )
if ( Input . GetKey ( ActionKey ) ) return ;
if ( Input . GetKey ( changeModeHotkey ) )
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetMoveType ) ) transformType = TransformType . Move ;
else if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetRotateType ) ) transformType = TransformType . Rotate ;
else if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetScaleType ) ) transformType = TransformType . Scale ;
//else if(Input.GetKeyDown(SetRectToolType)) type = TransformType.RectTool;
else if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetAllTransformType ) ) transformType = TransformType . All ;
if ( ! isTransforming ) translatingType = transformType ;
if ( Input . GetKey ( changeModeHotkey ) )
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetPivotModeToggle ) )
if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Pivot ) pivot = TransformPivot . Center ;
else if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Center ) pivot = TransformPivot . Pivot ;
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetCenterTypeToggle ) )
if ( centerType = = CenterType . All ) centerType = CenterType . Solo ;
else if ( centerType = = CenterType . Solo ) centerType = CenterType . All ;
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetSpaceToggle ) )
if ( space = = TransformSpace . Global ) space = TransformSpace . Local ;
else if ( space = = TransformSpace . Local ) space = TransformSpace . Global ;
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( SetScaleTypeToggle ) )
if ( scaleType = = ScaleType . FromPoint ) scaleType = ScaleType . FromPointOffset ;
else if ( scaleType = = ScaleType . FromPointOffset ) scaleType = ScaleType . FromPoint ;
if ( transformType = = TransformType . Scale )
if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Pivot ) scaleType = ScaleType . FromPoint ; //FromPointOffset can be inaccurate and should only really be used in Center mode if desired.
void TransformSelected ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot ! = null )
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bool isModifyingSelection = Input . GetKey ( AddSelection ) | | Input . GetKey ( RemoveSelection ) ;
if ( nearAxis ! = Axis . None & & ! isModifyingSelection & & Input . GetMouseButtonDown ( 0 ) & & ! EventSystem . current . IsPointerOverGameObject ( ) )
2024-04-21 22:38:26 +08:00
StartCoroutine ( TransformSelected ( translatingType ) ) ;
IEnumerator TransformSelected ( TransformType transType )
SetTransforming ( true ) ;
totalScaleAmount = 0 ;
totalRotationAmount = Quaternion . identity ;
Vector3 originalPivot = pivotPoint ;
Vector3 otherAxis1 , otherAxis2 ;
Vector3 axis = GetNearAxisDirection ( out otherAxis1 , out otherAxis2 ) ;
Vector3 planeNormal = hasTranslatingAxisPlane ? axis : ( transform . position - originalPivot ) . normalized ;
Vector3 projectedAxis = Vector3 . ProjectOnPlane ( axis , planeNormal ) . normalized ;
Vector3 previousMousePosition = Vector3 . zero ;
Vector3 currentSnapMovementAmount = Vector3 . zero ;
float currentSnapRotationAmount = 0 ;
float currentSnapScaleAmount = 0 ;
List < ICommand > transformCommands = new List < ICommand > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < targetRootsOrdered . Count ; i + + )
transformCommands . Add ( new HandleTransformCommand ( this , targetRootsOrdered [ i ] ) ) ;
while ( ! Input . GetMouseButtonUp ( 0 ) )
Ray mouseRay = myCamera . ScreenPointToRay ( Input . mousePosition ) ;
Vector3 mousePosition = Geometry . LinePlaneIntersect ( mouseRay . origin , mouseRay . direction , originalPivot , planeNormal ) ;
bool isSnapping = Input . GetKey ( translationSnapping ) ;
if ( previousMousePosition ! = Vector3 . zero & & mousePosition ! = Vector3 . zero )
if ( transType = = TransformType . Move )
Vector3 movement = Vector3 . zero ;
if ( hasTranslatingAxisPlane )
movement = mousePosition - previousMousePosition ;
float moveAmount = ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( mousePosition - previousMousePosition , projectedAxis ) * moveSpeedMultiplier ;
movement = axis * moveAmount ;
if ( isSnapping & & movementSnap > 0 )
currentSnapMovementAmount + = movement ;
movement = Vector3 . zero ;
if ( hasTranslatingAxisPlane )
float amountInAxis1 = ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( currentSnapMovementAmount , otherAxis1 ) ;
float amountInAxis2 = ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( currentSnapMovementAmount , otherAxis2 ) ;
float remainder1 ;
float snapAmount1 = CalculateSnapAmount ( movementSnap , amountInAxis1 , out remainder1 ) ;
float remainder2 ;
float snapAmount2 = CalculateSnapAmount ( movementSnap , amountInAxis2 , out remainder2 ) ;
if ( snapAmount1 ! = 0 )
Vector3 snapMove = ( otherAxis1 * snapAmount1 ) ;
movement + = snapMove ;
currentSnapMovementAmount - = snapMove ;
if ( snapAmount2 ! = 0 )
Vector3 snapMove = ( otherAxis2 * snapAmount2 ) ;
movement + = snapMove ;
currentSnapMovementAmount - = snapMove ;
float remainder ;
float snapAmount = CalculateSnapAmount ( movementSnap , currentSnapMovementAmount . magnitude , out remainder ) ;
if ( snapAmount ! = 0 )
movement = currentSnapMovementAmount . normalized * snapAmount ;
currentSnapMovementAmount = currentSnapMovementAmount . normalized * remainder ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < targetRootsOrdered . Count ; i + + )
Transform target = targetRootsOrdered [ i ] . GetComponent < UIHandle > ( ) . Target ;
target . Translate ( movement , Space . World ) ;
SetPivotPointOffset ( movement ) ;
else if ( transType = = TransformType . Scale )
Vector3 projected = ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any ) ? transform . right : projectedAxis ;
float scaleAmount = ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( mousePosition - previousMousePosition , projected ) * scaleSpeedMultiplier ;
if ( isSnapping & & scaleSnap > 0 )
currentSnapScaleAmount + = scaleAmount ;
scaleAmount = 0 ;
float remainder ;
float snapAmount = CalculateSnapAmount ( scaleSnap , currentSnapScaleAmount , out remainder ) ;
if ( snapAmount ! = 0 )
scaleAmount = snapAmount ;
currentSnapScaleAmount = remainder ;
//WARNING - There is a bug in unity 5.4 and 5.5 that causes InverseTransformDirection to be affected by scale which will break negative scaling. Not tested, but updating to 5.4.2 should fix it - https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/transformdirection-and-inversetransformdirection-operations-are-affected-by-scale
Vector3 localAxis = ( GetProperTransformSpace ( ) = = TransformSpace . Local & & nearAxis ! = Axis . Any ) ? mainTargetRoot . InverseTransformDirection ( axis ) : axis ;
Vector3 targetScaleAmount = Vector3 . one ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any ) targetScaleAmount = ( ExtVector3 . Abs ( mainTargetRoot . localScale . normalized ) * scaleAmount ) ;
else targetScaleAmount = localAxis * scaleAmount ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < targetRootsOrdered . Count ; i + + )
Transform target = targetRootsOrdered [ i ] . GetComponent < UIHandle > ( ) . Target ;
Vector3 targetScale = target . localScale + targetScaleAmount ;
if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Pivot )
target . localScale = targetScale ;
else if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Center )
if ( scaleType = = ScaleType . FromPoint )
target . SetScaleFrom ( originalPivot , targetScale ) ;
else if ( scaleType = = ScaleType . FromPointOffset )
target . SetScaleFromOffset ( originalPivot , targetScale ) ;
totalScaleAmount + = scaleAmount ;
else if ( transType = = TransformType . Rotate )
float rotateAmount = 0 ;
Vector3 rotationAxis = axis ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any )
Vector3 rotation = transform . TransformDirection ( new Vector3 ( Input . GetAxis ( "Mouse Y" ) , - Input . GetAxis ( "Mouse X" ) , 0 ) ) ;
Quaternion . Euler ( rotation ) . ToAngleAxis ( out rotateAmount , out rotationAxis ) ;
rotateAmount * = allRotateSpeedMultiplier ;
if ( circularRotationMethod )
float angle = Vector3 . SignedAngle ( previousMousePosition - originalPivot , mousePosition - originalPivot , axis ) ;
rotateAmount = angle * rotateSpeedMultiplier ;
Vector3 projected = ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any | | ExtVector3 . IsParallel ( axis , planeNormal ) ) ? planeNormal : Vector3 . Cross ( axis , planeNormal ) ;
rotateAmount = ( ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( mousePosition - previousMousePosition , projected ) * ( rotateSpeedMultiplier * 100f ) ) / GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
if ( isSnapping & & rotationSnap > 0 )
currentSnapRotationAmount + = rotateAmount ;
rotateAmount = 0 ;
float remainder ;
float snapAmount = CalculateSnapAmount ( rotationSnap , currentSnapRotationAmount , out remainder ) ;
if ( snapAmount ! = 0 )
rotateAmount = snapAmount ;
currentSnapRotationAmount = remainder ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < targetRootsOrdered . Count ; i + + )
Transform target = targetRootsOrdered [ i ] . GetComponent < UIHandle > ( ) . Target ;
if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Pivot )
target . Rotate ( rotationAxis , rotateAmount , Space . World ) ;
else if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Center )
target . RotateAround ( originalPivot , rotationAxis , rotateAmount ) ;
totalRotationAmount * = Quaternion . Euler ( rotationAxis * rotateAmount ) ;
previousMousePosition = mousePosition ;
yield return null ;
var objects = GetTargetRoots ( ) . Select ( t = > t . GetComponent < UIHandle > ( ) . Owner ) . Distinct ( ) ;
foreach ( var obj in objects )
obj . SetKeyframe ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < transformCommands . Count ; i + + )
( ( HandleTransformCommand ) transformCommands [ i ] ) . StoreNewTransformValues ( ) ;
CommandGroup commandGroup = new CommandGroup ( ) ;
commandGroup . Set ( transformCommands ) ;
UndoRedoManager . Insert ( commandGroup ) ;
totalRotationAmount = Quaternion . identity ;
totalScaleAmount = 0 ;
SetTransforming ( false ) ;
SetTranslatingAxis ( transformType , Axis . None ) ;
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
float CalculateSnapAmount ( float snapValue , float currentAmount , out float remainder )
remainder = 0 ;
if ( snapValue < = 0 ) return currentAmount ;
float currentAmountAbs = Mathf . Abs ( currentAmount ) ;
if ( currentAmountAbs > snapValue )
remainder = currentAmountAbs % snapValue ;
return snapValue * ( Mathf . Sign ( currentAmount ) * Mathf . Floor ( currentAmountAbs / snapValue ) ) ;
return 0 ;
Vector3 GetNearAxisDirection ( out Vector3 otherAxis1 , out Vector3 otherAxis2 )
otherAxis1 = otherAxis2 = Vector3 . zero ;
if ( nearAxis ! = Axis . None )
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . X )
otherAxis1 = axisInfo . yDirection ;
otherAxis2 = axisInfo . zDirection ;
return axisInfo . xDirection ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . Y )
otherAxis1 = axisInfo . xDirection ;
otherAxis2 = axisInfo . zDirection ;
return axisInfo . yDirection ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . Z )
otherAxis1 = axisInfo . xDirection ;
otherAxis2 = axisInfo . yDirection ;
return axisInfo . zDirection ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . Any )
return Vector3 . one ;
return Vector3 . zero ;
void GetTarget ( )
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bool isAdding = Input . GetKey ( AddSelection ) ;
bool isRemoving = Input . GetKey ( RemoveSelection ) ;
if ( ( nearAxis = = Axis . None | | isAdding | | isRemoving ) & & ! EventSystem . current . IsPointerOverGameObject ( ) )
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bool leftClick = Input . GetMouseButtonDown ( 0 ) ;
bool rightClick = Input . GetMouseButtonDown ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! leftClick & & ! rightClick ) return ;
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RaycastHit [ ] hits = Physics . RaycastAll ( myCamera . ScreenPointToRay ( Input . mousePosition ) , Mathf . Infinity , selectionMask ) ;
if ( hits . Length > 0 )
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if ( rightClick )
HandleManager . CloseAllPopups ( ) ;
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if ( ! isAdding & & ! isRemoving )
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ClearTargets ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < hits . Length ; i + + )
var hitInfo = hits [ i ] ;
Transform target = hitInfo . transform ;
UIHandle handle = target . GetComponent < UIHandle > ( ) ;
if ( rightClick )
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handle . TogglePopup ( i ) ;
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else if ( leftClick )
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if ( isRemoving )
RemoveTarget ( target ) ;
AddTarget ( target ) ;
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else if ( rightClick )
HandleManager . CloseAllPopups ( ) ;
ClearTargets ( ) ;
public void AddTarget ( Transform target , bool addCommand = true )
if ( target ! = null )
var container = target . GetComponentInParent < ObjectContainer > ( ) ;
if ( container ! = null )
ModelViewerMain . GetInstance ( ) . SelectionAdd ( container ) ;
if ( targetRoots . ContainsKey ( target ) ) return ;
if ( children . Contains ( target ) ) return ;
if ( addCommand ) UndoRedoManager . Insert ( new AddTargetCommand ( this , target , targetRootsOrdered ) ) ;
AddTargetRoot ( target ) ;
AddTargetHighlightedRenderers ( target ) ;
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
public void RemoveTarget ( Transform target , bool addCommand = true )
if ( target ! = null )
var container = target . GetComponentInParent < ObjectContainer > ( ) ;
if ( container ! = null )
ModelViewerMain . GetInstance ( ) . SelectionRemove ( container ) ;
if ( ! targetRoots . ContainsKey ( target ) ) return ;
if ( addCommand ) UndoRedoManager . Insert ( new RemoveTargetCommand ( this , target ) ) ;
RemoveTargetHighlightedRenderers ( target ) ;
RemoveTargetRoot ( target ) ;
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
public void ClearTargets ( bool addCommand = true )
if ( addCommand ) UndoRedoManager . Insert ( new ClearTargetsCommand ( this , targetRootsOrdered ) ) ;
ClearAllHighlightedRenderers ( ) ;
targetRoots . Clear ( ) ;
targetRootsOrdered . Clear ( ) ;
children . Clear ( ) ;
ModelViewerMain . GetInstance ( ) . SelectionClear ( ) ;
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UpdateModelViewerHandleSelection ( ) ;
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void ClearAndAddTarget ( Transform target )
UndoRedoManager . Insert ( new ClearAndAddTargetCommand ( this , target , targetRootsOrdered ) ) ;
ClearTargets ( false ) ;
AddTarget ( target , false ) ;
void AddTargetHighlightedRenderers ( Transform target )
if ( target ! = null )
GetTargetRenderers ( target , renderersBuffer ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < renderersBuffer . Count ; i + + )
Renderer render = renderersBuffer [ i ] ;
if ( ! highlightedRenderers . Contains ( render ) )
materialsBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
materialsBuffer . AddRange ( render . sharedMaterials ) ;
if ( ! materialsBuffer . Contains ( outlineMaterial ) )
materialsBuffer . Add ( outlineMaterial ) ;
render . materials = materialsBuffer . ToArray ( ) ;
highlightedRenderers . Add ( render ) ;
materialsBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
void GetTargetRenderers ( Transform target , List < Renderer > renderers )
renderers . Clear ( ) ;
if ( target ! = null )
target . GetComponentsInChildren < Renderer > ( true , renderers ) ;
void ClearAllHighlightedRenderers ( )
foreach ( var target in targetRoots )
RemoveTargetHighlightedRenderers ( target . Key ) ;
//In case any are still left, such as if they changed parents or what not when they were highlighted.
renderersBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
renderersBuffer . AddRange ( highlightedRenderers ) ;
RemoveHighlightedRenderers ( renderersBuffer ) ;
void RemoveTargetHighlightedRenderers ( Transform target )
GetTargetRenderers ( target , renderersBuffer ) ;
RemoveHighlightedRenderers ( renderersBuffer ) ;
void RemoveHighlightedRenderers ( List < Renderer > renderers )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < renderersBuffer . Count ; i + + )
Renderer render = renderersBuffer [ i ] ;
if ( render ! = null )
materialsBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
materialsBuffer . AddRange ( render . sharedMaterials ) ;
if ( materialsBuffer . Contains ( outlineMaterial ) )
materialsBuffer . Remove ( outlineMaterial ) ;
render . materials = materialsBuffer . ToArray ( ) ;
highlightedRenderers . Remove ( render ) ;
renderersBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
void AddTargetRoot ( Transform targetRoot )
targetRoots . Add ( targetRoot , new TargetInfo ( ) ) ;
targetRootsOrdered . Add ( targetRoot ) ;
AddAllChildren ( targetRoot ) ;
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UpdateModelViewerHandleSelection ( ) ;
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2024-04-21 22:38:26 +08:00
void RemoveTargetRoot ( Transform targetRoot )
if ( targetRoots . Remove ( targetRoot ) )
targetRootsOrdered . Remove ( targetRoot ) ;
RemoveAllChildren ( targetRoot ) ;
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UpdateModelViewerHandleSelection ( ) ;
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void AddAllChildren ( Transform target )
childrenBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
target . GetComponentsInChildren < Transform > ( true , childrenBuffer ) ;
childrenBuffer . Remove ( target ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < childrenBuffer . Count ; i + + )
Transform child = childrenBuffer [ i ] ;
children . Add ( child ) ;
RemoveTargetRoot ( child ) ; //We do this in case we selected child first and then the parent.
childrenBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
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2024-04-21 22:38:26 +08:00
void RemoveAllChildren ( Transform target )
childrenBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
target . GetComponentsInChildren < Transform > ( true , childrenBuffer ) ;
childrenBuffer . Remove ( target ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < childrenBuffer . Count ; i + + )
children . Remove ( childrenBuffer [ i ] ) ;
childrenBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
public void SetPivotPoint ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot ! = null )
if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Pivot )
pivotPoint = mainTargetRoot . position ;
else if ( pivot = = TransformPivot . Center )
totalCenterPivotPoint = Vector3 . zero ;
Dictionary < Transform , TargetInfo > . Enumerator targetsEnumerator = targetRoots . GetEnumerator ( ) ; //We avoid foreach to avoid garbage.
while ( targetsEnumerator . MoveNext ( ) )
Transform target = targetsEnumerator . Current . Key ;
TargetInfo info = targetsEnumerator . Current . Value ;
info . centerPivotPoint = target . GetCenter ( centerType ) ;
totalCenterPivotPoint + = info . centerPivotPoint ;
totalCenterPivotPoint / = targetRoots . Count ;
if ( centerType = = CenterType . Solo )
pivotPoint = targetRoots [ mainTargetRoot ] . centerPivotPoint ;
else if ( centerType = = CenterType . All )
pivotPoint = totalCenterPivotPoint ;
void SetPivotPointOffset ( Vector3 offset )
pivotPoint + = offset ;
totalCenterPivotPoint + = offset ;
IEnumerator ForceUpdatePivotPointAtEndOfFrame ( )
while ( this . enabled )
ForceUpdatePivotPointOnChange ( ) ;
yield return waitForEndOFFrame ;
void ForceUpdatePivotPointOnChange ( )
if ( forceUpdatePivotPointOnChange )
if ( mainTargetRoot ! = null & & ! isTransforming )
bool hasSet = false ;
Dictionary < Transform , TargetInfo > . Enumerator targets = targetRoots . GetEnumerator ( ) ;
while ( targets . MoveNext ( ) )
if ( ! hasSet )
if ( targets . Current . Value . previousPosition ! = Vector3 . zero & & targets . Current . Key . position ! = targets . Current . Value . previousPosition )
SetPivotPoint ( ) ;
hasSet = true ;
targets . Current . Value . previousPosition = targets . Current . Key . position ;
public void SetTranslatingAxis ( TransformType type , Axis axis , Axis planeAxis = Axis . None )
this . translatingType = type ;
this . nearAxis = axis ;
this . planeAxis = planeAxis ;
public AxisInfo GetAxisInfo ( )
AxisInfo currentAxisInfo = axisInfo ;
if ( isTransforming & & GetProperTransformSpace ( ) = = TransformSpace . Global & & translatingType = = TransformType . Rotate )
currentAxisInfo . xDirection = totalRotationAmount * Vector3 . right ;
currentAxisInfo . yDirection = totalRotationAmount * Vector3 . up ;
currentAxisInfo . zDirection = totalRotationAmount * Vector3 . forward ;
return currentAxisInfo ;
void SetNearAxis ( )
if ( isTransforming ) return ;
SetTranslatingAxis ( transformType , Axis . None ) ;
if ( mainTargetRoot = = null ) return ;
float distanceMultiplier = GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
float handleMinSelectedDistanceCheck = ( this . minSelectedDistanceCheck + handleWidth ) * distanceMultiplier ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . None & & ( TransformTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) | | TransformTypeContains ( TransformType . Scale ) ) )
//Important to check scale lines before move lines since in TransformType.All the move planes would block the scales center scale all gizmo.
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . None & & TransformTypeContains ( TransformType . Scale ) )
float tipMinSelectedDistanceCheck = ( this . minSelectedDistanceCheck + boxSize ) * distanceMultiplier ;
HandleNearestPlanes ( TransformType . Scale , handleSquares , tipMinSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . None & & TransformTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) )
//Important to check the planes first before the handle tip since it makes selecting the planes easier.
float planeMinSelectedDistanceCheck = ( this . minSelectedDistanceCheck + planeSize ) * distanceMultiplier ;
HandleNearestPlanes ( TransformType . Move , handlePlanes , planeMinSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
if ( nearAxis ! = Axis . None )
planeAxis = nearAxis ;
float tipMinSelectedDistanceCheck = ( this . minSelectedDistanceCheck + triangleSize ) * distanceMultiplier ;
HandleNearestLines ( TransformType . Move , handleTriangles , tipMinSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . None )
//Since Move and Scale share the same handle line, we give Move the priority.
TransformType transType = transformType = = TransformType . All ? TransformType . Move : transformType ;
HandleNearestLines ( transType , handleLines , handleMinSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
if ( nearAxis = = Axis . None & & TransformTypeContains ( TransformType . Rotate ) )
HandleNearestLines ( TransformType . Rotate , circlesLines , handleMinSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
void HandleNearestLines ( TransformType type , AxisVectors axisVectors , float minSelectedDistanceCheck )
float xClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToLines ( axisVectors . x ) ;
float yClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToLines ( axisVectors . y ) ;
float zClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToLines ( axisVectors . z ) ;
float allClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToLines ( axisVectors . all ) ;
HandleNearest ( type , xClosestDistance , yClosestDistance , zClosestDistance , allClosestDistance , minSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
void HandleNearestPlanes ( TransformType type , AxisVectors axisVectors , float minSelectedDistanceCheck )
float xClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToPlanes ( axisVectors . x ) ;
float yClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToPlanes ( axisVectors . y ) ;
float zClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToPlanes ( axisVectors . z ) ;
float allClosestDistance = ClosestDistanceFromMouseToPlanes ( axisVectors . all ) ;
HandleNearest ( type , xClosestDistance , yClosestDistance , zClosestDistance , allClosestDistance , minSelectedDistanceCheck ) ;
void HandleNearest ( TransformType type , float xClosestDistance , float yClosestDistance , float zClosestDistance , float allClosestDistance , float minSelectedDistanceCheck )
if ( type = = TransformType . Scale & & allClosestDistance < = minSelectedDistanceCheck ) SetTranslatingAxis ( type , Axis . Any ) ;
else if ( xClosestDistance < = minSelectedDistanceCheck & & xClosestDistance < = yClosestDistance & & xClosestDistance < = zClosestDistance ) SetTranslatingAxis ( type , Axis . X ) ;
else if ( yClosestDistance < = minSelectedDistanceCheck & & yClosestDistance < = xClosestDistance & & yClosestDistance < = zClosestDistance ) SetTranslatingAxis ( type , Axis . Y ) ;
else if ( zClosestDistance < = minSelectedDistanceCheck & & zClosestDistance < = xClosestDistance & & zClosestDistance < = yClosestDistance ) SetTranslatingAxis ( type , Axis . Z ) ;
else if ( type = = TransformType . Rotate & & mainTargetRoot ! = null )
Ray mouseRay = myCamera . ScreenPointToRay ( Input . mousePosition ) ;
Vector3 mousePlaneHit = Geometry . LinePlaneIntersect ( mouseRay . origin , mouseRay . direction , pivotPoint , ( transform . position - pivotPoint ) . normalized ) ;
if ( ( pivotPoint - mousePlaneHit ) . sqrMagnitude < = ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Rotate ) ) . Squared ( ) ) SetTranslatingAxis ( type , Axis . Any ) ;
float ClosestDistanceFromMouseToLines ( List < Vector3 > lines )
Ray mouseRay = myCamera . ScreenPointToRay ( Input . mousePosition ) ;
float closestDistance = float . MaxValue ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i + 1 < lines . Count ; i + + )
IntersectPoints points = Geometry . ClosestPointsOnSegmentToLine ( lines [ i ] , lines [ i + 1 ] , mouseRay . origin , mouseRay . direction ) ;
float distance = Vector3 . Distance ( points . first , points . second ) ;
if ( distance < closestDistance )
closestDistance = distance ;
return closestDistance ;
float ClosestDistanceFromMouseToPlanes ( List < Vector3 > planePoints )
float closestDistance = float . MaxValue ;
if ( planePoints . Count > = 4 )
Ray mouseRay = myCamera . ScreenPointToRay ( Input . mousePosition ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < planePoints . Count ; i + = 4 )
Plane plane = new Plane ( planePoints [ i ] , planePoints [ i + 1 ] , planePoints [ i + 2 ] ) ;
float distanceToPlane ;
if ( plane . Raycast ( mouseRay , out distanceToPlane ) )
Vector3 pointOnPlane = mouseRay . origin + ( mouseRay . direction * distanceToPlane ) ;
Vector3 planeCenter = ( planePoints [ 0 ] + planePoints [ 1 ] + planePoints [ 2 ] + planePoints [ 3 ] ) / 4f ;
float distance = Vector3 . Distance ( planeCenter , pointOnPlane ) ;
if ( distance < closestDistance )
closestDistance = distance ;
return closestDistance ;
void SetAxisInfo ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot ! = null )
axisInfo . Set ( mainTargetRoot , pivotPoint , GetProperTransformSpace ( ) ) ;
//This helps keep the size consistent no matter how far we are from it.
public float GetDistanceMultiplier ( )
if ( mainTargetRoot = = null ) return 0f ;
if ( myCamera . orthographic ) return Mathf . Max ( . 01f , myCamera . orthographicSize * 2f ) ;
return Mathf . Max ( . 01f , Mathf . Abs ( ExtVector3 . MagnitudeInDirection ( pivotPoint - transform . position , myCamera . transform . forward ) ) ) ;
void SetLines ( )
SetHandleLines ( ) ;
SetHandlePlanes ( ) ;
SetHandleTriangles ( ) ;
SetHandleSquares ( ) ;
SetCircles ( GetAxisInfo ( ) , circlesLines ) ;
void SetHandleLines ( )
handleLines . Clear ( ) ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) | | TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Scale ) )
float lineWidth = handleWidth * GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
float xLineLength = 0 ;
float yLineLength = 0 ;
float zLineLength = 0 ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) )
xLineLength = yLineLength = zLineLength = GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Move ) ;
else if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Scale ) )
xLineLength = GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . X ) ;
yLineLength = GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . Y ) ;
zLineLength = GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . Z ) ;
AddQuads ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , xLineLength , lineWidth , handleLines . x ) ;
AddQuads ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , yLineLength , lineWidth , handleLines . y ) ;
AddQuads ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . zDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , zLineLength , lineWidth , handleLines . z ) ;
int AxisDirectionMultiplier ( Vector3 direction , Vector3 otherDirection )
return ExtVector3 . IsInDirection ( direction , otherDirection ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
void SetHandlePlanes ( )
handlePlanes . Clear ( ) ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) )
Vector3 pivotToCamera = myCamera . transform . position - pivotPoint ;
float cameraXSign = Mathf . Sign ( Vector3 . Dot ( axisInfo . xDirection , pivotToCamera ) ) ;
float cameraYSign = Mathf . Sign ( Vector3 . Dot ( axisInfo . yDirection , pivotToCamera ) ) ;
float cameraZSign = Mathf . Sign ( Vector3 . Dot ( axisInfo . zDirection , pivotToCamera ) ) ;
float planeSize = this . planeSize ;
if ( transformType = = TransformType . All ) { planeSize * = allMoveHandleLengthMultiplier ; }
planeSize * = GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
Vector3 xDirection = ( axisInfo . xDirection * planeSize ) * cameraXSign ;
Vector3 yDirection = ( axisInfo . yDirection * planeSize ) * cameraYSign ;
Vector3 zDirection = ( axisInfo . zDirection * planeSize ) * cameraZSign ;
Vector3 xPlaneCenter = pivotPoint + ( yDirection + zDirection ) ;
Vector3 yPlaneCenter = pivotPoint + ( xDirection + zDirection ) ;
Vector3 zPlaneCenter = pivotPoint + ( xDirection + yDirection ) ;
AddQuad ( xPlaneCenter , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , planeSize , handlePlanes . x ) ;
AddQuad ( yPlaneCenter , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , planeSize , handlePlanes . y ) ;
AddQuad ( zPlaneCenter , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , planeSize , handlePlanes . z ) ;
void SetHandleTriangles ( )
handleTriangles . Clear ( ) ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Move ) )
float triangleLength = triangleSize * GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
AddTriangles ( axisInfo . GetXAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Move ) ) , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , triangleLength , handleTriangles . x ) ;
AddTriangles ( axisInfo . GetYAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Move ) ) , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , triangleLength , handleTriangles . y ) ;
AddTriangles ( axisInfo . GetZAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Move ) ) , axisInfo . zDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , triangleLength , handleTriangles . z ) ;
void AddTriangles ( Vector3 axisEnd , Vector3 axisDirection , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float size , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer )
Vector3 endPoint = axisEnd + ( axisDirection * ( size * 2f ) ) ;
Square baseSquare = GetBaseSquare ( axisEnd , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , size / 2f ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . bottomLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . topLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . topRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . topLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . bottomRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare . topRight ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare [ i ] ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseSquare [ i + 1 ] ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( endPoint ) ;
void SetHandleSquares ( )
handleSquares . Clear ( ) ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Scale ) )
float boxSize = this . boxSize * GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
AddSquares ( axisInfo . GetXAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . X ) ) , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , boxSize , handleSquares . x ) ;
AddSquares ( axisInfo . GetYAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . Y ) ) , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , boxSize , handleSquares . y ) ;
AddSquares ( axisInfo . GetZAxisEnd ( GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Scale , Axis . Z ) ) , axisInfo . zDirection , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , boxSize , handleSquares . z ) ;
AddSquares ( pivotPoint - ( axisInfo . xDirection * ( boxSize * . 5f ) ) , axisInfo . xDirection , axisInfo . yDirection , axisInfo . zDirection , boxSize , handleSquares . all ) ;
void AddSquares ( Vector3 axisStart , Vector3 axisDirection , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float size , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer )
AddQuads ( axisStart , axisDirection , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , size , size * . 5f , resultsBuffer ) ;
void AddQuads ( Vector3 axisStart , Vector3 axisDirection , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float length , float width , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer )
Vector3 axisEnd = axisStart + ( axisDirection * length ) ;
AddQuads ( axisStart , axisEnd , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , width , resultsBuffer ) ;
void AddQuads ( Vector3 axisStart , Vector3 axisEnd , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float width , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer )
Square baseRectangle = GetBaseSquare ( axisStart , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , width ) ;
Square baseRectangleEnd = GetBaseSquare ( axisEnd , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , width ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . bottomLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . topLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . topRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . bottomRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd . bottomLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd . topLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd . topRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd . bottomRight ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle [ i ] ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd [ i ] ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangleEnd [ i + 1 ] ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle [ i + 1 ] ) ;
void AddQuad ( Vector3 axisStart , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float width , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer )
Square baseRectangle = GetBaseSquare ( axisStart , axisOtherDirection1 , axisOtherDirection2 , width ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . bottomLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . topLeft ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . topRight ) ;
resultsBuffer . Add ( baseRectangle . bottomRight ) ;
Square GetBaseSquare ( Vector3 axisEnd , Vector3 axisOtherDirection1 , Vector3 axisOtherDirection2 , float size )
Square square ;
Vector3 offsetUp = ( ( axisOtherDirection1 * size ) + ( axisOtherDirection2 * size ) ) ;
Vector3 offsetDown = ( ( axisOtherDirection1 * size ) - ( axisOtherDirection2 * size ) ) ;
//These might not really be the proper directions, as in the bottomLeft might not really be at the bottom left...
square . bottomLeft = axisEnd + offsetDown ;
square . topLeft = axisEnd + offsetUp ;
square . bottomRight = axisEnd - offsetUp ;
square . topRight = axisEnd - offsetDown ;
return square ;
void SetCircles ( AxisInfo axisInfo , AxisVectors axisVectors )
axisVectors . Clear ( ) ;
if ( TranslatingTypeContains ( TransformType . Rotate ) )
float circleLength = GetHandleLength ( TransformType . Rotate ) ;
AddCircle ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . xDirection , circleLength , axisVectors . x ) ;
AddCircle ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . yDirection , circleLength , axisVectors . y ) ;
AddCircle ( pivotPoint , axisInfo . zDirection , circleLength , axisVectors . z ) ;
AddCircle ( pivotPoint , ( pivotPoint - transform . position ) . normalized , circleLength , axisVectors . all , false ) ;
void AddCircle ( Vector3 origin , Vector3 axisDirection , float size , List < Vector3 > resultsBuffer , bool depthTest = true )
Vector3 up = axisDirection . normalized * size ;
Vector3 forward = Vector3 . Slerp ( up , - up , . 5f ) ;
Vector3 right = Vector3 . Cross ( up , forward ) . normalized * size ;
Matrix4x4 matrix = new Matrix4x4 ( ) ;
matrix [ 0 ] = right . x ;
matrix [ 1 ] = right . y ;
matrix [ 2 ] = right . z ;
matrix [ 4 ] = up . x ;
matrix [ 5 ] = up . y ;
matrix [ 6 ] = up . z ;
matrix [ 8 ] = forward . x ;
matrix [ 9 ] = forward . y ;
matrix [ 10 ] = forward . z ;
Vector3 lastPoint = origin + matrix . MultiplyPoint3x4 ( new Vector3 ( Mathf . Cos ( 0 ) , 0 , Mathf . Sin ( 0 ) ) ) ;
Vector3 nextPoint = Vector3 . zero ;
float multiplier = 360f / circleDetail ;
Plane plane = new Plane ( ( transform . position - pivotPoint ) . normalized , pivotPoint ) ;
float circleHandleWidth = handleWidth * GetDistanceMultiplier ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < circleDetail + 1 ; i + + )
nextPoint . x = Mathf . Cos ( ( i * multiplier ) * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) ;
nextPoint . z = Mathf . Sin ( ( i * multiplier ) * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) ;
nextPoint . y = 0 ;
nextPoint = origin + matrix . MultiplyPoint3x4 ( nextPoint ) ;
if ( ! depthTest | | plane . GetSide ( lastPoint ) )
Vector3 centerPoint = ( lastPoint + nextPoint ) * . 5f ;
Vector3 upDirection = ( centerPoint - origin ) . normalized ;
AddQuads ( lastPoint , nextPoint , upDirection , axisDirection , circleHandleWidth , resultsBuffer ) ;
lastPoint = nextPoint ;
void DrawLines ( List < Vector3 > lines , Color color )
if ( lines . Count = = 0 ) return ;
GL . Begin ( GL . LINES ) ;
GL . Color ( color ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lines . Count ; i + = 2 )
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 1 ] ) ;
GL . End ( ) ;
void DrawTriangles ( List < Vector3 > lines , Color color )
if ( lines . Count = = 0 ) return ;
GL . Begin ( GL . TRIANGLES ) ;
GL . Color ( color ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lines . Count ; i + = 3 )
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 1 ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 2 ] ) ;
GL . End ( ) ;
void DrawQuads ( List < Vector3 > lines , Color color )
if ( lines . Count = = 0 ) return ;
GL . Begin ( GL . QUADS ) ;
GL . Color ( color ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lines . Count ; i + = 4 )
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 1 ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 2 ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 3 ] ) ;
GL . End ( ) ;
void DrawFilledCircle ( List < Vector3 > lines , Color color )
if ( lines . Count = = 0 ) return ;
Vector3 center = Vector3 . zero ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lines . Count ; i + + )
center + = lines [ i ] ;
center / = lines . Count ;
GL . Begin ( GL . TRIANGLES ) ;
GL . Color ( color ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i + 1 < lines . Count ; i + + )
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( lines [ i + 1 ] ) ;
GL . Vertex ( center ) ;
GL . End ( ) ;
void SetMaterial ( )
if ( lineMaterial = = null )
lineMaterial = new Material ( Shader . Find ( "Custom/Lines" ) ) ;
outlineMaterial = new Material ( Shader . Find ( "Custom/Outline" ) ) ;
void SetTransforming ( bool value )
isTransforming = value ;
HandleManager . InteractionInProgress = value ;
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public void UpdateModelViewerHandleSelection ( )
if ( _applicationQuitting ) return ;
var ui = ModelViewerInterface . GetInstance ( ) ;
for ( int i = ui . SelectedHandlesPanel . content . childCount - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
Destroy ( ui . SelectedHandlesPanel . content . GetChild ( i ) . gameObject ) ;
foreach ( var transform in targetRootsOrdered )
SliderPanel . CreateToggle ( transform . name , true , ui . SelectedHandlesPanel . content , ( _ ) = > RemoveTargetRoot ( transform ) ) ;
private bool _applicationQuitting = false ;
private void OnApplicationQuit ( )
_applicationQuitting = true ;
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