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# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets
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+ Newtonsoft.Json
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether binary data reading should compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary.
+ true if binary data reading will be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ true if the root object will be read as a JSON array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the used when reading values from BSON.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the used when writing values to BSON.
+ When set to no conversion will occur.
+ The used when writing values to BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The writer.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value that represents a BSON object id.
+ The Object ID value to write.
+ Writes a BSON regex.
+ The regex pattern.
+ The regex options.
+ Represents a BSON Oid (object id).
+ Gets or sets the value of the Oid.
+ The value of the Oid.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The Oid value.
+ Converts a binary value to and from a base 64 string value.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Create a custom object
+ The object type to convert.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Creates an object which will then be populated by the serializer.
+ Type of the object.
+ The created object.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Provides a base class for converting a to and from JSON.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts an to and from its name string value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the written enum text should be camel case.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether integer values are allowed.
+ true if integers are allowed; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Json Converter for Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4. Only serializes x, y, (z) and (w) properties.
+ Default Constructor - All Vector types enabled by default
+ Selectively enable Vector types
+ Use for Vector2 objects
+ Use for Vector3 objects
+ Use for Vector4 objects
+ Converts a to and from a string (e.g. "").
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2008-04-12T12:53Z).
+ Gets or sets the date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts a to and from a JavaScript date constructor (e.g. new Date(52231943)).
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts XML to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the name of the root element to insert when deserializing to XML if the JSON structure has produces multiple root elements.
+ The name of the deserialize root element.
+ Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ true if the array attibute is written to the XML; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write the root JSON object.
+ true if the JSON root object is omitted; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The value.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Checks if the attributeName is a namespace attribute.
+ Attribute name to test.
+ The attribute name prefix if it has one, otherwise an empty string.
+ True if attribute name is for a namespace attribute, otherwise false.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type.
+ Type of the value.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false.
+ Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the .
+ First attempt to use the public default constructor, then fall back to single paramatized constructor, then the non-public default constructor.
+ Json.NET will use a non-public default constructor before falling back to a paramatized constructor.
+ Specifies how dates are formatted when writing JSON text.
+ Dates are written in the ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2012-03-21T05:40Z".
+ Dates are written in the Microsoft JSON format, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/".
+ Specifies how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Date formatted strings are not parsed to a date type and are read as strings.
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and .
+ Treat as local time. If the object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time.
+ Treat as a UTC. If the object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC.
+ Treat as a local time if a is being converted to a string.
+ If a string is being converted to , convert to a local time if a time zone is specified.
+ Time zone information should be preserved when converting.
+ Specifies float format handling options when writing special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and with .
+ Write special floating point values as strings in JSON, e.g. "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".
+ Write special floating point values as symbols in JSON, e.g. NaN, Infinity, -Infinity.
+ Note that this will produce non-valid JSON.
+ Write special floating point values as the property's default value in JSON, e.g. 0.0 for a property, null for a property.
+ Specifies how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Specifies formatting options for the .
+ No special formatting is applied. This is the default.
+ Causes child objects to be indented according to the and settings.
+ Provides an interface for using pooled arrays.
+ The array type content.
+ Rent a array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ The minimum required length of the array. The returned array may be longer.
+ The rented array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ Return an array to the pool.
+ The array that is being returned.
+ Instructs the to use the specified constructor when deserializing that object.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Instructs the to deserialize properties with no matching class member into the specified collection
+ and write values during serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to write extension data when serializing the object.
+ true to write extension data when serializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to read extension data when deserializing the object.
+ true to read extension data when deserializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member, and require the member has a value.
+ Specifies how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore comments.
+ Load comments as a with type .
+ Specifies how line information is handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore line information.
+ Load line information.
+ Represents a view of a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The name.
+ When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value.
+ true if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise, false.
+ The component to test for reset capability.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component.
+ The value of a property for a given component.
+ The component with the property for which to retrieve the value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value.
+ The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value.
+ The component with the property value that is to be set.
+ The new value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted.
+ true if the property should be persisted; otherwise, false.
+ The component with the property to be examined for persistence.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to.
+ A that represents the type of component this property is bound to. When the or methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only.
+ true if the property is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property.
+ A that represents the type of the property.
+ Gets the hash code for the name of the member.
+ The hash code for the name of the member.
+ Specifies the settings used when loading JSON.
+ Gets or sets how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON comment handling.
+ Gets or sets how JSON line info is handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON line info handling.
+ Specifies the settings used when merging JSON.
+ Gets or sets the method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ The method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ Gets or sets how how null value properties are merged.
+ How null value properties are merged.
+ Specifies how JSON arrays are merged together.
+ Concatenate arrays.
+ Union arrays, skipping items that already exist.
+ Replace all array items.
+ Merge array items together, matched by index.
+ Specifies how null value properties are merged.
+ The content's null value properties will be ignored during merging.
+ The content's null value properties will be merged.
+ Represents a raw JSON string.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The raw json.
+ Creates an instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ The reader.
+ An instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Compares tokens to determine whether they are equal.
+ Determines whether the specified objects are equal.
+ The first object of type to compare.
+ The second object of type to compare.
+ true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for the specified object.
+ The for which a hash code is to be returned.
+ A hash code for the specified object.
+ The type of is a reference type and is null.
+ Contains the LINQ to JSON extension methods.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child properties of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the properties of every object in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Converts the value.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Converts the value.
+ The source collection type.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Returns a collection of child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ The source collection type.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Represents a JSON constructor.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets or sets the name of this constructor.
+ The constructor name.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ The constructor name.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Represents a token that can contain other tokens.
+ Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes.
+ Occurs before an item is added to the collection.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Raises the event.
+ The instance containing the event data.
+ Raises the event.
+ The instance containing the event data.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order.
+ An containing the descendant tokens of the .
+ Returns a collection of the tokens that contain this token, and all descendant tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An containing this token, and all the descendant tokens of the .
+ Adds the specified content as children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Adds the specified content as the first children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Creates an that can be used to add tokens to the .
+ An that is ready to have content written to it.
+ Replaces the children nodes of this token with the specified content.
+ The content.
+ Removes the child nodes from this token.
+ Merge the specified content into this .
+ The content to be merged.
+ Merge the specified content into this using .
+ The content to be merged.
+ The used to merge the content.
+ Gets the count of child JSON tokens.
+ The count of child JSON tokens
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ An empty collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The enumerable.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for this instance.
+ A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
+ Represents a JSON object.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Occurs when a property value changes.
+ Occurs when a property value is changing.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets an of this object's properties.
+ An of this object's properties.
+ Gets a the specified name.
+ The property name.
+ A with the specified name or null.
+ Gets an of this object's property values.
+ An of this object's property values.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the with the specified property name.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Tries to get the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ Removes the property with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ true if item was successfully removed; otherwise, false.
+ Tries the get value.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Raises the event with the provided arguments.
+ Name of the property.
+ Raises the event with the provided arguments.
+ Name of the property.
+ Returns the properties for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the properties for this component instance.
+ Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter.
+ An array of type that is used as a filter.
+ A that represents the filtered properties for this component instance.
+ Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component.
+ An containing the attributes for this object.
+ Returns the class name of this instance of a component.
+ The class name of the object, or null if the class does not have a name.
+ Returns the name of this instance of a component.
+ The name of the object, or null if the object does not have a name.
+ Returns a type converter for this instance of a component.
+ A that is the converter for this object, or null if there is no for this object.
+ Returns the default event for this instance of a component.
+ An that represents the default event for this object, or null if this object does not have events.
+ Returns the default property for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the default property for this object, or null if this object does not have properties.
+ Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the editor for this object.
+ An of the specified type that is the editor for this object, or null if the editor cannot be found.
+ Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter.
+ An array of type that is used as a filter.
+ An that represents the filtered events for this component instance.
+ Returns the events for this instance of a component.
+ An that represents the events for this component instance.
+ Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor.
+ A that represents the property whose owner is to be found.
+ An that represents the owner of the specified property.
+ Represents a JSON array.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the at the specified index.
+ Determines the index of a specific item in the .
+ The object to locate in the .
+ The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1.
+ Inserts an item to the at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
+ The object to insert into the .
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes the item at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index of the item to remove.
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Adds an item to the .
+ The object to add to the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes all items from the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Determines whether the contains a specific value.
+ The object to locate in the .
+ true if is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Copies to.
+ The array.
+ Index of the array.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
+ true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
+ The object to remove from the .
+ true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original .
+ The is read-only.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets the at the reader's current position.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The token to read from.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets the at the writer's current position.
+ Gets the token being writen.
+ The token being writen.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class writing to the given .
+ The container being written to.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Represents an abstract JSON token.
+ Gets a comparer that can compare two tokens for value equality.
+ A that can compare two nodes for value equality.
+ Gets or sets the parent.
+ The parent.
+ Gets the root of this .
+ The root of this .
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Compares the values of two tokens, including the values of all descendant tokens.
+ The first to compare.
+ The second to compare.
+ true if the tokens are equal; otherwise false.
+ Gets the next sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the next sibling token.
+ Gets the previous sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the previous sibling token.
+ Gets the path of the JSON token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately after this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added after this token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately before this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added before this token.
+ Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ A collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ A collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens after this tokens, in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets the with the specified key converted to the specified type.
+ The type to convert the token to.
+ The token key.
+ The converted token value.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order, filtered by the specified type.
+ The type to filter the child tokens on.
+ A containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Removes this token from its parent.
+ Replaces this token with the specified token.
+ The value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Returns the indented JSON for this token.
+ The indented JSON for this token.
+ Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ The JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to [].
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Creates an for this token.
+ An that can be used to read this token and its descendants.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object using the specified .
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used when reading the object.
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A , or null.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ A .
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Creates a new instance of the . All child tokens are recursively cloned.
+ A new instance of the .
+ Adds an object to the annotation list of this .
+ The annotation to add.
+ Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The type of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The type of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An that contains the annotations for this .
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An of that contains the annotations that match the specified type for this .
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The type of annotations to remove.
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The of annotations to remove.
+ Represents a JSON property.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the property name.
+ The property name.
+ Gets or sets the property value.
+ The property value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Specifies the type of token.
+ No token type has been set.
+ A JSON object.
+ A JSON array.
+ A JSON constructor.
+ A JSON object property.
+ A comment.
+ An integer value.
+ A float value.
+ A string value.
+ A boolean value.
+ A null value.
+ An undefined value.
+ A date value.
+ A raw JSON value.
+ A collection of bytes value.
+ A Guid value.
+ A Uri value.
+ A TimeSpan value.
+ Represents a value in JSON (string, integer, date, etc).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Creates a comment with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A comment with the given value.
+ Creates a string with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A string with the given value.
+ Creates a null value.
+ A null value.
+ Creates a undefined value.
+ A undefined value.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets or sets the underlying token value.
+ The underlying token value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
+ true if the current object is equal to the parameter; otherwise, false.
+ An object to compare with this object.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
+ The to compare with the current .
+ true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
+ The parameter is null.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings:
+ Value
+ Meaning
+ Less than zero
+ This instance is less than .
+ Zero
+ This instance is equal to .
+ Greater than zero
+ This instance is greater than .
+ is not the same type as this instance.
+ Specifies metadata property handling options for the .
+ Read metadata properties located at the start of a JSON object.
+ Read metadata properties located anywhere in a JSON object. Note that this setting will impact performance.
+ Do not try to read metadata properties.
+ Represents a trace writer that writes to the application's instances.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Provides methods to get attributes.
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Represents a trace writer.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the default collection items .
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection items preserve object references.
+ true if collection items preserve object references; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the collection item reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the collection item type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Represents a trace writer that writes to memory. When the trace message limit is
+ reached then old trace messages will be removed as new messages are added.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Returns an enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ An enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ Returns a of the most recent trace messages.
+ A of the most recent trace messages.
+ Provides methods to get attributes from a , , or .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance to get attributes for. This parameter should be a , , or .
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the ISerializable object constructor.
+ The ISerializable object constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Provides data for the Error event.
+ Gets the current object the error event is being raised against.
+ The current object the error event is being raised against.
+ Gets the error context.
+ The error context.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The current object.
+ The error context.
+ Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The property name camel cased.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Gets a value indicating whether members are being get and set using dynamic code generation.
+ This value is determined by the runtime permissions available.
+ true if using dynamic code generation; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the default members search flags.
+ The default members search flags.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether compiler generated members should be serialized.
+ true if serialized compiler generated members; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the interface when serializing and deserializing types.
+ true if the interface will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the attribute when serializing and deserializing types.
+ true if the attribute will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ If set to true the will use a cached shared with other resolvers of the same type.
+ Sharing the cache will significantly improve performance with multiple resolver instances because expensive reflection will only
+ happen once. This setting can cause unexpected behavior if different instances of the resolver are suppose to produce different
+ results. When set to false it is highly recommended to reuse instances with the .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Gets the serializable members for the type.
+ The type to get serializable members for.
+ The serializable members for the type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates the constructor parameters.
+ The constructor to create properties for.
+ The type's member properties.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The matching member property.
+ The constructor parameter.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the default for the contract.
+ Type of the object.
+ The contract's default .
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Determines which contract type is created for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates properties for the given .
+ The type to create properties for.
+ /// The member serialization mode for the type.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates the used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ The member.
+ The used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The member's parent .
+ The member to create a for.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Resolved name of the property.
+ Resolves the key of the dictionary. By default is used to resolve dictionary keys.
+ Key of the dictionary.
+ Resolved key of the dictionary.
+ Gets the resolved name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ Provides information surrounding an error.
+ Gets the error.
+ The error.
+ Gets the original object that caused the error.
+ The original object that caused the error.
+ Gets the member that caused the error.
+ The member that caused the error.
+ Gets the path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ The path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is handled.
+ true if handled; otherwise, false.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Provides methods to get and set values.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the of the collection items.
+ The of the collection items.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the collection type is a multidimensional array.
+ true if the collection type is a multidimensional array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the collection values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the collection values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Handles serialization callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ Handles serialization error callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ The error context.
+ Sets extension data for an object during deserialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ The extension data key.
+ The extension data value.
+ Gets extension data for an object during serialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the underlying type for the contract.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Gets or sets the type created during deserialization.
+ The type created during deserialization.
+ Gets or sets whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the default for this contract.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets all methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets all methods called before serialization of the object.
+ The methods called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The methods called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called during deserialization of the object.
+ The method called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets the method called before serialization of the object.
+ The method called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the default creator method used to create the object.
+ The default creator method used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default creator is non public.
+ true if the default object creator is non-public; otherwise, false.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the property name resolver.
+ The property name resolver.
+ Gets or sets the dictionary key resolver.
+ The dictionary key resolver.
+ Gets the of the dictionary keys.
+ The of the dictionary keys.
+ Gets the of the dictionary values.
+ The of the dictionary values.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Maps a JSON property to a .NET member or constructor parameter.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the type that declared this property.
+ The type that declared this property.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets the name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ The name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ Gets the that will get and set the during serialization.
+ The that will get and set the during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the for this property.
+ The for this property.
+ Gets or sets the type of the property.
+ The type of the property.
+ Gets or sets the for the property.
+ If set this converter takes presidence over the contract converter for the property type.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets the member converter.
+ The member converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is ignored.
+ true if ignored; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is readable.
+ true if readable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is writable.
+ true if writable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this has a member attribute.
+ true if has a member attribute; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the default value.
+ The default value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required.
+ A value indicating whether this is required.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property preserves object references.
+ true if this instance is reference; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property null value handling.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property default value handling.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the property object creation handling.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets or sets the type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ Gets or sets an action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ An action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ A collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ When implemented in a derived class, extracts the key from the specified element.
+ The element from which to extract the key.
+ The key for the specified element.
+ Adds a object.
+ The property to add to the collection.
+ Gets the closest matching object.
+ First attempts to get an exact case match of propertyName and then
+ a case insensitive match.
+ Name of the property.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Gets a property by property name.
+ The name of the property to get.
+ Type property name string comparison.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the .
+ Resolves a reference to its object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference to resolve.
+ The object that
+ Gets the reference for the sepecified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to get a reference for.
+ The reference to the object.
+ Determines whether the specified object is referenced.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to test for a reference.
+ true if the specified object is referenced; otherwise, false.
+ Adds a reference to the specified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference.
+ The object to reference.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the object member serialization.
+ The member object serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Gets the object's properties.
+ The object's properties.
+ Gets the constructor parameters required for any non-default constructor
+ Gets a collection of instances that define the parameters used with .
+ Gets or sets the override constructor used to create the object.
+ This is set when a constructor is marked up using the
+ JsonConstructor attribute.
+ The override constructor.
+ Gets or sets the parametrized constructor used to create the object.
+ The parametrized constructor.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ This function is called with a collection of arguments which are defined by the collection.
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets the extension data setter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data getter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data value type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Lookup and create an instance of the JsonConverter type described by the argument.
+ The JsonConverter type to create.
+ Optional arguments to pass to an initializing constructor of the JsonConverter.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Create a factory function that can be used to create instances of a JsonConverter described by the
+ argument type. The returned function can then be used to either invoke the converter's default ctor, or any
+ parameterized constructors by way of an object array.
+ Get and set values for a using reflection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The member info.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object.
+ Represents a method that constructs an object.
+ The object type to create.
+ Specifies how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Only control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ All non-ASCII and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ HTML (<, >, &, ', ") and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ Converts the value to the specified type. If the value is unable to be converted, the
+ value is checked whether it assignable to the specified type.
+ The value to convert.
+ The culture to use when converting.
+ The type to convert or cast the value to.
+ The converted type. If conversion was unsuccessful, the initial value
+ is returned if assignable to the target type.
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ The enum type to get names and values for.
+ Builds a string. Unlike StringBuilder this class lets you reuse it's internal buffer.
+ Determines whether the collection is null or empty.
+ The collection.
+ true if the collection is null or empty; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic IList.
+ The list to add to.
+ The collection of elements to add.
+ Gets the type of the typed collection's items.
+ The type.
+ The type of the typed collection's items.
+ Gets the member's underlying type.
+ The member.
+ The underlying type of the member.
+ Determines whether the member is an indexed property.
+ The member.
+ true if the member is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the property is an indexed property.
+ The property.
+ true if the property is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the member's value on the object.
+ The member.
+ The target object.
+ The member's value on the object.
+ Sets the member's value on the target object.
+ The member.
+ The target.
+ The value.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be read.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be read.
+ /// if set to true then allow the member to be gotten non-publicly.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be read; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be set.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be set.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set non-publicly.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set if read-only.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be set; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the string is all white space. Empty string will return false.
+ The string to test whether it is all white space.
+ true if the string is all white space; otherwise, false.
+ Nulls an empty string.
+ The string.
+ Null if the string was null, otherwise the string unchanged.
+ Indicating whether a property is required.
+ The property is not required. The default state.
+ The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value.
+ The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value.
+ The property is not required but it cannot be a null value.
+ Specifies reference handling options for the .
+ Note that references cannot be preserved when a value is set via a non-default constructor such as types that implement ISerializable.
+ Do not preserve references when serializing types.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing.
+ Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether null items are allowed in the collection.
+ true if null items are allowed in the collection; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with a flag indicating whether the array can contain null items
+ A flag indicating whether the array can contain null items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the id.
+ The id.
+ Gets or sets the title.
+ The title.
+ Gets or sets the description.
+ The description.
+ Gets the collection's items converter.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonContainer(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object references.
+ true to keep object reference; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve collection's items references.
+ true to keep collection's items object references; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Specifies default value handling options for the .
+ Include members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects.
+ Included members are written to JSON. Has no effect when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ so that is is not written to JSON.
+ This option will ignore all default values (e.g. null for objects and nullable types; 0 for integers,
+ decimals and floating point numbers; and false for booleans). The default value ignored can be changed by
+ placing the on the property.
+ Members with a default value but no JSON will be set to their default value when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ and sets members to their default value when deserializing.
+ Instructs the to use the specified when serializing the member or class.
+ Gets the of the converter.
+ The of the converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter. Can be null.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Specifies the settings on a object.
+ Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Missing member handling.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Null value handling.
+ Gets or sets how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ The converters.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ The preserve references handling.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ The contract resolver.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ The reference resolver.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ A function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ The binder.
+ Gets or sets the error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ The error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies the member serialization options for the .
+ All public members are serialized by default. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This is the default member serialization mode.
+ Only members marked with or are serialized.
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with .
+ All public and private fields are serialized. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with
+ and setting IgnoreSerializableAttribute on to false.
+ Specifies how object creation is handled by the .
+ Reuse existing objects, create new objects when needed.
+ Only reuse existing objects.
+ Always create new objects.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to JSON text data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ The TextReader containing the XML data to read.
+ Gets or sets the reader's character buffer pool.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Changes the state to closed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member with the specified name.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets the null value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the default value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing this property.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the object creation handling used when deserializing this property.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing this property.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required.
+ A value indicating whether this property is required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ Instructs the not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the writer's character array pool.
+ Gets or sets how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values.
+ Gets or sets which character to use for indenting when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether object names will be surrounded with quotes.
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class using the specified .
+ The TextWriter to write to.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Converts an object to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can read JSON.
+ true if this can read JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Represents a collection of .
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Specifies the state of the reader.
+ The Read method has not been called.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Reader is at a property.
+ Reader is at the start of an object.
+ Reader is in an object.
+ Reader is at the start of an array.
+ Reader is in an array.
+ The Close method has been called.
+ Reader has just read a value.
+ Reader is at the start of a constructor.
+ Reader in a constructor.
+ An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Gets the current reader state.
+ The current reader state.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the reader is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the reader is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content can
+ be read from a continuous stream without erroring.
+ true to support reading multiple pieces of JSON content; otherwise false. The default is false.
+ Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how custom date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets the type of the current JSON token.
+ Gets the text value of the current JSON token.
+ Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current JSON token.
+ Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ The depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Skips the children of the current token.
+ Sets the current token.
+ The new token.
+ Sets the current token and value.
+ The new token.
+ The value.
+ Sets the state based on current token type.
+ Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ Provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and JSON types.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates default .
+ Default settings are automatically used by serialization methods on ,
+ and and on .
+ To serialize without using any default settings create a with
+ .
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value true as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value false as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's null as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's undefined as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's positive infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's negative infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's NaN as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ The time zone handling when the date is converted to a string.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ The string escape handling.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type.
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using .
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The object to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string.
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string using .
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string.
+ The node to serialize.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ Omits writing the root object.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string.
+ The JSON string.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by .
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by
+ and writes a .NET array attribute for collections.
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Serializes the to a JSON string.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ Omits writing the root object.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string.
+ The JSON string.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by .
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by
+ and writes a .NET array attribute for collections.
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.
+ The enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.
+ Occurs when the errors during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ Get or set how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Get or set how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Get or set how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified .
+ The that contains the JSON structure to deserialize.
+ The being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Specifies missing member handling options for the .
+ Ignore a missing member and do not attempt to deserialize it.
+ Throw a when a missing member is encountered during deserialization.
+ Specifies null value handling options for the .
+ Include null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Ignore null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Specifies reference loop handling options for the .
+ Throw a when a loop is encountered.
+ Ignore loop references and do not serialize.
+ Serialize loop references.
+ Specifies type name handling options for the .
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Do not include the .NET type name when serializing types.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Always include the .NET type name when serializing.
+ Include the .NET type name when the type of the object being serialized is not the same as its declared type.
+ Specifies the type of JSON token.
+ This is returned by the if a method has not been called.
+ An object start token.
+ An array start token.
+ A constructor start token.
+ An object property name.
+ A comment.
+ Raw JSON.
+ An integer.
+ A float.
+ A string.
+ A boolean.
+ A null token.
+ An undefined token.
+ An object end token.
+ An array end token.
+ A constructor end token.
+ A Date.
+ Byte data.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the writer is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the writer is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets the top.
+ The top.
+ Gets the state of the writer.
+ Gets the path of the writer.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatting when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when writing JSON. Defaults to .
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the end of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the end of an array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end constructor.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes the end of the current JSON object or array.
+ Writes the current token and its children.
+ The to read the token from.
+ Writes the current token.
+ The to read the token from.
+ A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written.
+ Writes the token and its value.
+ The to write.
+ The value to write.
+ A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the property name for .
+ A null value can be passed to the method for token's that don't have a value, e.g. .
+ Writes the token.
+ The to write.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Sets the state of the JsonWriter,
+ The JsonToken being written.
+ The value being written.
+ Specifies the state of the .
+ An exception has been thrown, which has left the in an invalid state.
+ You may call the method to put the in the Closed state.
+ Any other method calls results in an being thrown.
+ The method has been called.
+ An object is being written.
+ A array is being written.
+ A constructor is being written.
+ A property is being written.
+ A write method has not been called.
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e2097f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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+guid: aadad8ac54f29e44583510294ac5c312
+timeCreated: 1466788355
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d09325
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea21e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
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+guid: 6a3c684705042f345975d924f6983e36
+timeCreated: 1466788352
+licenseType: Store
+ serializedVersion: 1
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ platformData:
+ Android:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ Any:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ Editor:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ OS: AnyOS
+ Linux:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ CPU: x86
+ Linux64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ CPU: x86_64
+ OSXIntel:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ OSXIntel64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ SamsungTV:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ Tizen:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings: {}
+ WebGL:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings: {}
+ Win:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ Win64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ WindowsStoreApps:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DontProcess: False
+ PlaceholderPath: Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
+ ScriptingBackend: Il2Cpp
+ iOS:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ CompileFlags:
+ FrameworkDependencies:
+ tvOS:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..242f110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 01ef782d02bb1994dbe418b69432552b
+folderAsset: yes
+timeCreated: 1466788344
+licenseType: Store
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dbcd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML
@@ -0,0 +1,8040 @@
+ Newtonsoft.Json
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether binary data reading should compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary.
+ true if binary data reading will be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ true if the root object will be read as a JSON array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the used when reading values from BSON.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the used when writing values to BSON.
+ When set to no conversion will occur.
+ The used when writing values to BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The writer.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value that represents a BSON object id.
+ The Object ID value to write.
+ Writes a BSON regex.
+ The regex pattern.
+ The regex options.
+ Represents a BSON Oid (object id).
+ Gets or sets the value of the Oid.
+ The value of the Oid.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The Oid value.
+ Converts a binary value to and from a base 64 string value.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Create a custom object
+ The object type to convert.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Creates an object which will then be populated by the serializer.
+ Type of the object.
+ The created object.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Provides a base class for converting a to and from JSON.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts an to and from its name string value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the written enum text should be camel case.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether integer values are allowed.
+ true if integers are allowed; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Json Converter for Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4. Only serializes x, y, (z) and (w) properties.
+ Default Constructor - All Vector types enabled by default
+ Selectively enable Vector types
+ Use for Vector2 objects
+ Use for Vector3 objects
+ Use for Vector4 objects
+ Converts a to and from a string (e.g. "").
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2008-04-12T12:53Z).
+ Gets or sets the date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts a to and from a JavaScript date constructor (e.g. new Date(52231943)).
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts XML to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the name of the root element to insert when deserializing to XML if the JSON structure has produces multiple root elements.
+ The name of the deserialize root element.
+ Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ true if the array attibute is written to the XML; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write the root JSON object.
+ true if the JSON root object is omitted; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The value.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Checks if the attributeName is a namespace attribute.
+ Attribute name to test.
+ The attribute name prefix if it has one, otherwise an empty string.
+ True if attribute name is for a namespace attribute, otherwise false.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type.
+ Type of the value.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false.
+ Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the .
+ First attempt to use the public default constructor, then fall back to single paramatized constructor, then the non-public default constructor.
+ Json.NET will use a non-public default constructor before falling back to a paramatized constructor.
+ Specifies how dates are formatted when writing JSON text.
+ Dates are written in the ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2012-03-21T05:40Z".
+ Dates are written in the Microsoft JSON format, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/".
+ Specifies how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Date formatted strings are not parsed to a date type and are read as strings.
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and .
+ Treat as local time. If the object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time.
+ Treat as a UTC. If the object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC.
+ Treat as a local time if a is being converted to a string.
+ If a string is being converted to , convert to a local time if a time zone is specified.
+ Time zone information should be preserved when converting.
+ Specifies float format handling options when writing special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and with .
+ Write special floating point values as strings in JSON, e.g. "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".
+ Write special floating point values as symbols in JSON, e.g. NaN, Infinity, -Infinity.
+ Note that this will produce non-valid JSON.
+ Write special floating point values as the property's default value in JSON, e.g. 0.0 for a property, null for a property.
+ Specifies how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Specifies formatting options for the .
+ No special formatting is applied. This is the default.
+ Causes child objects to be indented according to the and settings.
+ Provides an interface for using pooled arrays.
+ The array type content.
+ Rent a array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ The minimum required length of the array. The returned array may be longer.
+ The rented array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ Return an array to the pool.
+ The array that is being returned.
+ Instructs the to use the specified constructor when deserializing that object.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Instructs the to deserialize properties with no matching class member into the specified collection
+ and write values during serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to write extension data when serializing the object.
+ true to write extension data when serializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to read extension data when deserializing the object.
+ true to read extension data when deserializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member, and require the member has a value.
+ Specifies how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore comments.
+ Load comments as a with type .
+ Specifies how line information is handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore line information.
+ Load line information.
+ Represents a view of a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The name.
+ When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value.
+ true if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise, false.
+ The component to test for reset capability.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component.
+ The value of a property for a given component.
+ The component with the property for which to retrieve the value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value.
+ The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value.
+ The component with the property value that is to be set.
+ The new value.
+ When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted.
+ true if the property should be persisted; otherwise, false.
+ The component with the property to be examined for persistence.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to.
+ A that represents the type of component this property is bound to. When the or methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only.
+ true if the property is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property.
+ A that represents the type of the property.
+ Gets the hash code for the name of the member.
+ The hash code for the name of the member.
+ Specifies the settings used when loading JSON.
+ Gets or sets how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON comment handling.
+ Gets or sets how JSON line info is handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON line info handling.
+ Specifies the settings used when merging JSON.
+ Gets or sets the method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ The method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ Gets or sets how how null value properties are merged.
+ How null value properties are merged.
+ Specifies how JSON arrays are merged together.
+ Concatenate arrays.
+ Union arrays, skipping items that already exist.
+ Replace all array items.
+ Merge array items together, matched by index.
+ Specifies how null value properties are merged.
+ The content's null value properties will be ignored during merging.
+ The content's null value properties will be merged.
+ Represents a raw JSON string.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The raw json.
+ Creates an instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ The reader.
+ An instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Compares tokens to determine whether they are equal.
+ Determines whether the specified objects are equal.
+ The first object of type to compare.
+ The second object of type to compare.
+ true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for the specified object.
+ The for which a hash code is to be returned.
+ A hash code for the specified object.
+ The type of is a reference type and is null.
+ Contains the LINQ to JSON extension methods.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child properties of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the properties of every object in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Converts the value.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Converts the value.
+ The source collection type.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Returns a collection of child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ The source collection type.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Represents a JSON constructor.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets or sets the name of this constructor.
+ The constructor name.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ The constructor name.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Represents a token that can contain other tokens.
+ Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes.
+ Occurs before an item is added to the collection.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Raises the event.
+ The instance containing the event data.
+ Raises the event.
+ The instance containing the event data.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order.
+ An containing the descendant tokens of the .
+ Returns a collection of the tokens that contain this token, and all descendant tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An containing this token, and all the descendant tokens of the .
+ Adds the specified content as children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Adds the specified content as the first children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Creates an that can be used to add tokens to the .
+ An that is ready to have content written to it.
+ Replaces the children nodes of this token with the specified content.
+ The content.
+ Removes the child nodes from this token.
+ Merge the specified content into this .
+ The content to be merged.
+ Merge the specified content into this using .
+ The content to be merged.
+ The used to merge the content.
+ Gets the count of child JSON tokens.
+ The count of child JSON tokens
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ An empty collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The enumerable.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for this instance.
+ A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
+ Represents a JSON object.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Occurs when a property value changes.
+ Occurs when a property value is changing.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets an of this object's properties.
+ An of this object's properties.
+ Gets a the specified name.
+ The property name.
+ A with the specified name or null.
+ Gets an of this object's property values.
+ An of this object's property values.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the with the specified property name.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Tries to get the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ Removes the property with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ true if item was successfully removed; otherwise, false.
+ Tries the get value.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Raises the event with the provided arguments.
+ Name of the property.
+ Raises the event with the provided arguments.
+ Name of the property.
+ Returns the properties for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the properties for this component instance.
+ Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter.
+ An array of type that is used as a filter.
+ A that represents the filtered properties for this component instance.
+ Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component.
+ An containing the attributes for this object.
+ Returns the class name of this instance of a component.
+ The class name of the object, or null if the class does not have a name.
+ Returns the name of this instance of a component.
+ The name of the object, or null if the object does not have a name.
+ Returns a type converter for this instance of a component.
+ A that is the converter for this object, or null if there is no for this object.
+ Returns the default event for this instance of a component.
+ An that represents the default event for this object, or null if this object does not have events.
+ Returns the default property for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the default property for this object, or null if this object does not have properties.
+ Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component.
+ A that represents the editor for this object.
+ An of the specified type that is the editor for this object, or null if the editor cannot be found.
+ Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter.
+ An array of type that is used as a filter.
+ An that represents the filtered events for this component instance.
+ Returns the events for this instance of a component.
+ An that represents the events for this component instance.
+ Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor.
+ A that represents the property whose owner is to be found.
+ An that represents the owner of the specified property.
+ Represents a JSON array.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the at the specified index.
+ Determines the index of a specific item in the .
+ The object to locate in the .
+ The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1.
+ Inserts an item to the at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
+ The object to insert into the .
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes the item at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index of the item to remove.
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Adds an item to the .
+ The object to add to the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes all items from the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Determines whether the contains a specific value.
+ The object to locate in the .
+ true if is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Copies to.
+ The array.
+ Index of the array.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
+ true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
+ The object to remove from the .
+ true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original .
+ The is read-only.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets the at the reader's current position.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The token to read from.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets the at the writer's current position.
+ Gets the token being writen.
+ The token being writen.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class writing to the given .
+ The container being written to.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Represents an abstract JSON token.
+ Gets a comparer that can compare two tokens for value equality.
+ A that can compare two nodes for value equality.
+ Gets or sets the parent.
+ The parent.
+ Gets the root of this .
+ The root of this .
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Compares the values of two tokens, including the values of all descendant tokens.
+ The first to compare.
+ The second to compare.
+ true if the tokens are equal; otherwise false.
+ Gets the next sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the next sibling token.
+ Gets the previous sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the previous sibling token.
+ Gets the path of the JSON token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately after this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added after this token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately before this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added before this token.
+ Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ A collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ A collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens after this tokens, in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets the with the specified key converted to the specified type.
+ The type to convert the token to.
+ The token key.
+ The converted token value.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order, filtered by the specified type.
+ The type to filter the child tokens on.
+ A containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Removes this token from its parent.
+ Replaces this token with the specified token.
+ The value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Returns the indented JSON for this token.
+ The indented JSON for this token.
+ Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ The JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to [].
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Creates an for this token.
+ An that can be used to read this token and its descendants.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object using the specified .
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used when reading the object.
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A , or null.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ A .
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Creates a new instance of the . All child tokens are recursively cloned.
+ A new instance of the .
+ Adds an object to the annotation list of this .
+ The annotation to add.
+ Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The type of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The type of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An that contains the annotations for this .
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An of that contains the annotations that match the specified type for this .
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The type of annotations to remove.
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The of annotations to remove.
+ Represents a JSON property.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the property name.
+ The property name.
+ Gets or sets the property value.
+ The property value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Specifies the type of token.
+ No token type has been set.
+ A JSON object.
+ A JSON array.
+ A JSON constructor.
+ A JSON object property.
+ A comment.
+ An integer value.
+ A float value.
+ A string value.
+ A boolean value.
+ A null value.
+ An undefined value.
+ A date value.
+ A raw JSON value.
+ A collection of bytes value.
+ A Guid value.
+ A Uri value.
+ A TimeSpan value.
+ Represents a value in JSON (string, integer, date, etc).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Creates a comment with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A comment with the given value.
+ Creates a string with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A string with the given value.
+ Creates a null value.
+ A null value.
+ Creates a undefined value.
+ A undefined value.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets or sets the underlying token value.
+ The underlying token value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
+ true if the current object is equal to the parameter; otherwise, false.
+ An object to compare with this object.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
+ The to compare with the current .
+ true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
+ The parameter is null.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings:
+ Value
+ Meaning
+ Less than zero
+ This instance is less than .
+ Zero
+ This instance is equal to .
+ Greater than zero
+ This instance is greater than .
+ is not the same type as this instance.
+ Specifies metadata property handling options for the .
+ Read metadata properties located at the start of a JSON object.
+ Read metadata properties located anywhere in a JSON object. Note that this setting will impact performance.
+ Do not try to read metadata properties.
+ Represents a trace writer that writes to the application's instances.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Provides methods to get attributes.
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Represents a trace writer.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the default collection items .
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection items preserve object references.
+ true if collection items preserve object references; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the collection item reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the collection item type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Represents a trace writer that writes to memory. When the trace message limit is
+ reached then old trace messages will be removed as new messages are added.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Returns an enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ An enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ Returns a of the most recent trace messages.
+ A of the most recent trace messages.
+ Provides methods to get attributes from a , , or .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance to get attributes for. This parameter should be a , , or .
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the ISerializable object constructor.
+ The ISerializable object constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Get and set values for a using dynamic methods.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The member info.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Provides data for the Error event.
+ Gets the current object the error event is being raised against.
+ The current object the error event is being raised against.
+ Gets the error context.
+ The error context.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The current object.
+ The error context.
+ Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The property name camel cased.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Gets a value indicating whether members are being get and set using dynamic code generation.
+ This value is determined by the runtime permissions available.
+ true if using dynamic code generation; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the default members search flags.
+ The default members search flags.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether compiler generated members should be serialized.
+ true if serialized compiler generated members; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the interface when serializing and deserializing types.
+ true if the interface will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the attribute when serializing and deserializing types.
+ true if the attribute will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ If set to true the will use a cached shared with other resolvers of the same type.
+ Sharing the cache will significantly improve performance with multiple resolver instances because expensive reflection will only
+ happen once. This setting can cause unexpected behavior if different instances of the resolver are suppose to produce different
+ results. When set to false it is highly recommended to reuse instances with the .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Gets the serializable members for the type.
+ The type to get serializable members for.
+ The serializable members for the type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates the constructor parameters.
+ The constructor to create properties for.
+ The type's member properties.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The matching member property.
+ The constructor parameter.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the default for the contract.
+ Type of the object.
+ The contract's default .
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Determines which contract type is created for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates properties for the given .
+ The type to create properties for.
+ /// The member serialization mode for the type.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates the used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ The member.
+ The used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The member's parent .
+ The member to create a for.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Resolved name of the property.
+ Resolves the key of the dictionary. By default is used to resolve dictionary keys.
+ Key of the dictionary.
+ Resolved key of the dictionary.
+ Gets the resolved name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ Provides information surrounding an error.
+ Gets the error.
+ The error.
+ Gets the original object that caused the error.
+ The original object that caused the error.
+ Gets the member that caused the error.
+ The member that caused the error.
+ Gets the path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ The path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is handled.
+ true if handled; otherwise, false.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Provides methods to get and set values.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the of the collection items.
+ The of the collection items.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the collection type is a multidimensional array.
+ true if the collection type is a multidimensional array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the collection values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the collection values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Handles serialization callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ Handles serialization error callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ The error context.
+ Sets extension data for an object during deserialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ The extension data key.
+ The extension data value.
+ Gets extension data for an object during serialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the underlying type for the contract.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Gets or sets the type created during deserialization.
+ The type created during deserialization.
+ Gets or sets whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the default for this contract.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets all methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets all methods called before serialization of the object.
+ The methods called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The methods called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called during deserialization of the object.
+ The method called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets the method called before serialization of the object.
+ The method called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the default creator method used to create the object.
+ The default creator method used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default creator is non public.
+ true if the default object creator is non-public; otherwise, false.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the property name resolver.
+ The property name resolver.
+ Gets or sets the dictionary key resolver.
+ The dictionary key resolver.
+ Gets the of the dictionary keys.
+ The of the dictionary keys.
+ Gets the of the dictionary values.
+ The of the dictionary values.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Maps a JSON property to a .NET member or constructor parameter.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the type that declared this property.
+ The type that declared this property.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets the name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ The name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ Gets the that will get and set the during serialization.
+ The that will get and set the during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the for this property.
+ The for this property.
+ Gets or sets the type of the property.
+ The type of the property.
+ Gets or sets the for the property.
+ If set this converter takes presidence over the contract converter for the property type.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets the member converter.
+ The member converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is ignored.
+ true if ignored; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is readable.
+ true if readable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is writable.
+ true if writable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this has a member attribute.
+ true if has a member attribute; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the default value.
+ The default value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required.
+ A value indicating whether this is required.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property preserves object references.
+ true if this instance is reference; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property null value handling.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property default value handling.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the property object creation handling.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets or sets the type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ Gets or sets an action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ An action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ A collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ When implemented in a derived class, extracts the key from the specified element.
+ The element from which to extract the key.
+ The key for the specified element.
+ Adds a object.
+ The property to add to the collection.
+ Gets the closest matching object.
+ First attempts to get an exact case match of propertyName and then
+ a case insensitive match.
+ Name of the property.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Gets a property by property name.
+ The name of the property to get.
+ Type property name string comparison.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the .
+ Resolves a reference to its object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference to resolve.
+ The object that
+ Gets the reference for the sepecified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to get a reference for.
+ The reference to the object.
+ Determines whether the specified object is referenced.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to test for a reference.
+ true if the specified object is referenced; otherwise, false.
+ Adds a reference to the specified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference.
+ The object to reference.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the object member serialization.
+ The member object serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Gets the object's properties.
+ The object's properties.
+ Gets the constructor parameters required for any non-default constructor
+ Gets a collection of instances that define the parameters used with .
+ Gets or sets the override constructor used to create the object.
+ This is set when a constructor is marked up using the
+ JsonConstructor attribute.
+ The override constructor.
+ Gets or sets the parametrized constructor used to create the object.
+ The parametrized constructor.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ This function is called with a collection of arguments which are defined by the collection.
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets the extension data setter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data getter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data value type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Lookup and create an instance of the JsonConverter type described by the argument.
+ The JsonConverter type to create.
+ Optional arguments to pass to an initializing constructor of the JsonConverter.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Create a factory function that can be used to create instances of a JsonConverter described by the
+ argument type. The returned function can then be used to either invoke the converter's default ctor, or any
+ parameterized constructors by way of an object array.
+ Get and set values for a using reflection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The member info.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object.
+ Represents a method that constructs an object.
+ The object type to create.
+ Specifies how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Only control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ All non-ASCII and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ HTML (<, >, &, ', ") and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ Converts the value to the specified type. If the value is unable to be converted, the
+ value is checked whether it assignable to the specified type.
+ The value to convert.
+ The culture to use when converting.
+ The type to convert or cast the value to.
+ The converted type. If conversion was unsuccessful, the initial value
+ is returned if assignable to the target type.
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ The enum type to get names and values for.
+ Builds a string. Unlike StringBuilder this class lets you reuse it's internal buffer.
+ Determines whether the collection is null or empty.
+ The collection.
+ true if the collection is null or empty; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic IList.
+ The list to add to.
+ The collection of elements to add.
+ Gets the type of the typed collection's items.
+ The type.
+ The type of the typed collection's items.
+ Gets the member's underlying type.
+ The member.
+ The underlying type of the member.
+ Determines whether the member is an indexed property.
+ The member.
+ true if the member is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the property is an indexed property.
+ The property.
+ true if the property is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the member's value on the object.
+ The member.
+ The target object.
+ The member's value on the object.
+ Sets the member's value on the target object.
+ The member.
+ The target.
+ The value.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be read.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be read.
+ /// if set to true then allow the member to be gotten non-publicly.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be read; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be set.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be set.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set non-publicly.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set if read-only.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be set; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the string is all white space. Empty string will return false.
+ The string to test whether it is all white space.
+ true if the string is all white space; otherwise, false.
+ Nulls an empty string.
+ The string.
+ Null if the string was null, otherwise the string unchanged.
+ Indicating whether a property is required.
+ The property is not required. The default state.
+ The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value.
+ The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value.
+ The property is not required but it cannot be a null value.
+ Specifies reference handling options for the .
+ Note that references cannot be preserved when a value is set via a non-default constructor such as types that implement ISerializable.
+ Do not preserve references when serializing types.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing.
+ Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether null items are allowed in the collection.
+ true if null items are allowed in the collection; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with a flag indicating whether the array can contain null items
+ A flag indicating whether the array can contain null items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the id.
+ The id.
+ Gets or sets the title.
+ The title.
+ Gets or sets the description.
+ The description.
+ Gets the collection's items converter.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonContainer(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object references.
+ true to keep object reference; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve collection's items references.
+ true to keep collection's items object references; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Specifies default value handling options for the .
+ Include members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects.
+ Included members are written to JSON. Has no effect when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ so that is is not written to JSON.
+ This option will ignore all default values (e.g. null for objects and nullable types; 0 for integers,
+ decimals and floating point numbers; and false for booleans). The default value ignored can be changed by
+ placing the on the property.
+ Members with a default value but no JSON will be set to their default value when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ and sets members to their default value when deserializing.
+ Instructs the to use the specified when serializing the member or class.
+ Gets the of the converter.
+ The of the converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter. Can be null.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Specifies the settings on a object.
+ Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Missing member handling.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Null value handling.
+ Gets or sets how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ The converters.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ The preserve references handling.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ The contract resolver.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ The reference resolver.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ A function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ The binder.
+ Gets or sets the error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ The error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies the member serialization options for the .
+ All public members are serialized by default. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This is the default member serialization mode.
+ Only members marked with or are serialized.
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with .
+ All public and private fields are serialized. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with
+ and setting IgnoreSerializableAttribute on to false.
+ Specifies how object creation is handled by the .
+ Reuse existing objects, create new objects when needed.
+ Only reuse existing objects.
+ Always create new objects.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to JSON text data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ The TextReader containing the XML data to read.
+ Gets or sets the reader's character buffer pool.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Changes the state to closed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member with the specified name.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets the null value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the default value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing this property.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the object creation handling used when deserializing this property.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing this property.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required.
+ A value indicating whether this property is required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ Instructs the not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the writer's character array pool.
+ Gets or sets how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values.
+ Gets or sets which character to use for indenting when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether object names will be surrounded with quotes.
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class using the specified .
+ The TextWriter to write to.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Converts an object to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can read JSON.
+ true if this can read JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Represents a collection of .
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Specifies the state of the reader.
+ The Read method has not been called.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Reader is at a property.
+ Reader is at the start of an object.
+ Reader is in an object.
+ Reader is at the start of an array.
+ Reader is in an array.
+ The Close method has been called.
+ Reader has just read a value.
+ Reader is at the start of a constructor.
+ Reader in a constructor.
+ An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Gets the current reader state.
+ The current reader state.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the reader is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the reader is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content can
+ be read from a continuous stream without erroring.
+ true to support reading multiple pieces of JSON content; otherwise false. The default is false.
+ Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how custom date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets the type of the current JSON token.
+ Gets the text value of the current JSON token.
+ Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current JSON token.
+ Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ The depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Skips the children of the current token.
+ Sets the current token.
+ The new token.
+ Sets the current token and value.
+ The new token.
+ The value.
+ Sets the state based on current token type.
+ Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ Provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and JSON types.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates default .
+ Default settings are automatically used by serialization methods on ,
+ and and on .
+ To serialize without using any default settings create a with
+ .
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value true as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value false as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's null as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's undefined as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's positive infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's negative infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's NaN as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ The time zone handling when the date is converted to a string.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ The string escape handling.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type.
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using .
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The object to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string.
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string using .
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string.
+ The node to serialize.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ Omits writing the root object.
+ A JSON string of the XmlNode.
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string.
+ The JSON string.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by .
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by
+ and writes a .NET array attribute for collections.
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ The deserialized XmlNode
+ Serializes the to a JSON string.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ Omits writing the root object.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string.
+ The JSON string.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by .
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by
+ and writes a .NET array attribute for collections.
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ The that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
+ The parameter is null.
+ The class name is null or is zero (0).
+ Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.
+ The enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.
+ Occurs when the errors during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ Get or set how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Get or set how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Get or set how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified .
+ The that contains the JSON structure to deserialize.
+ The being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Specifies missing member handling options for the .
+ Ignore a missing member and do not attempt to deserialize it.
+ Throw a when a missing member is encountered during deserialization.
+ Specifies null value handling options for the .
+ Include null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Ignore null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Specifies reference loop handling options for the .
+ Throw a when a loop is encountered.
+ Ignore loop references and do not serialize.
+ Serialize loop references.
+ Specifies type name handling options for the .
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Do not include the .NET type name when serializing types.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Always include the .NET type name when serializing.
+ Include the .NET type name when the type of the object being serialized is not the same as its declared type.
+ Specifies the type of JSON token.
+ This is returned by the if a method has not been called.
+ An object start token.
+ An array start token.
+ A constructor start token.
+ An object property name.
+ A comment.
+ Raw JSON.
+ An integer.
+ A float.
+ A string.
+ A boolean.
+ A null token.
+ An undefined token.
+ An object end token.
+ An array end token.
+ A constructor end token.
+ A Date.
+ Byte data.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the writer is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the writer is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets the top.
+ The top.
+ Gets the state of the writer.
+ Gets the path of the writer.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatting when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when writing JSON. Defaults to .
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the end of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the end of an array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end constructor.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes the end of the current JSON object or array.
+ Writes the current token and its children.
+ The to read the token from.
+ Writes the current token.
+ The to read the token from.
+ A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written.
+ Writes the token and its value.
+ The to write.
+ The value to write.
+ A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the property name for .
+ A null value can be passed to the method for token's that don't have a value, e.g. .
+ Writes the token.
+ The to write.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Sets the state of the JsonWriter,
+ The JsonToken being written.
+ The value being written.
+ Specifies the state of the .
+ An exception has been thrown, which has left the in an invalid state.
+ You may call the method to put the in the Closed state.
+ Any other method calls results in an being thrown.
+ The method has been called.
+ An object is being written.
+ A array is being written.
+ A constructor is being written.
+ A property is being written.
+ A write method has not been called.
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7623f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.XML.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: d6807fedb8dcaf04682d2c84f0ab753f
+timeCreated: 1466788355
+licenseType: Store
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea08b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e130150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 17aef65a15b471f468b5fbeb4ff0c6a1
+timeCreated: 1466788349
+licenseType: Store
+ serializedVersion: 1
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ platformData:
+ Android:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ Any:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ Editor:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ OS: AnyOS
+ Linux:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ CPU: x86
+ Linux64:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ CPU: x86_64
+ LinuxUniversal:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ OSXIntel:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ OSXIntel64:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ OSXUniversal:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ SamsungTV:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ Win:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ Win64:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ WindowsStoreApps:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ DontProcess: False
+ PlaceholderPath:
+ ScriptingBackend: Il2Cpp
+ iOS:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ CompileFlags:
+ FrameworkDependencies:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows.meta b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c47db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1418141139a6ac443b18cb05c0643a29
+folderAsset: yes
+timeCreated: 1466788345
+licenseType: Store
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows/Newtonsoft.Json.XML b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows/Newtonsoft.Json.XML
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed0eec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Windows/Newtonsoft.Json.XML
@@ -0,0 +1,7977 @@
+ Newtonsoft.Json
+ Represents a BSON Oid (object id).
+ Gets or sets the value of the Oid.
+ The value of the Oid.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The Oid value.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether binary data reading should compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary.
+ true if binary data reading will be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ true if the root object will be read as a JSON array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the used when reading values from BSON.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reader.
+ if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array.
+ The used when reading values from BSON.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the used when writing values to BSON.
+ When set to no conversion will occur.
+ The used when writing values to BSON.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The writer.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value that represents a BSON object id.
+ The Object ID value to write.
+ Writes a BSON regex.
+ The regex pattern.
+ The regex options.
+ Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the .
+ First attempt to use the public default constructor, then fall back to single paramatized constructor, then the non-public default constructor.
+ Json.NET will use a non-public default constructor before falling back to a paramatized constructor.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Create a custom object
+ The object type to convert.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Creates an object which will then be populated by the serializer.
+ Type of the object.
+ The created object.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Provides a base class for converting a to and from JSON.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a F# discriminated union type to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts an ExpandoObject to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2008-04-12T12:53Z).
+ Gets or sets the date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ The culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts a to and from a JavaScript date constructor (e.g. new Date(52231943)).
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Converts a to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts a to and from JSON and BSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts an to and from its name string value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the written enum text should be camel case.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether integer values are allowed.
+ true if integers are allowed; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Json Converter for Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4. Only serializes x, y, (z) and (w) properties.
+ Default Constructor - All Vector types enabled by default
+ Selectively enable Vector types
+ Use for Vector2 objects
+ Use for Vector3 objects
+ Use for Vector4 objects
+ Converts a to and from a string (e.g. "").
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Converts XML to and from JSON.
+ Gets or sets the name of the root element to insert when deserializing to XML if the JSON structure has produces multiple root elements.
+ The name of the deserialize root element.
+ Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ true if the array attibute is written to the XML; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write the root JSON object.
+ true if the JSON root object is omitted; otherwise, false.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The value.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Checks if the attributeName is a namespace attribute.
+ Attribute name to test.
+ The attribute name prefix if it has one, otherwise an empty string.
+ True if attribute name is for a namespace attribute, otherwise false.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type.
+ Type of the value.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false.
+ Specifies how dates are formatted when writing JSON text.
+ Dates are written in the ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2012-03-21T05:40Z".
+ Dates are written in the Microsoft JSON format, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/".
+ Specifies how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Date formatted strings are not parsed to a date type and are read as strings.
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to .
+ Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and .
+ Treat as local time. If the object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time.
+ Treat as a UTC. If the object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC.
+ Treat as a local time if a is being converted to a string.
+ If a string is being converted to , convert to a local time if a time zone is specified.
+ Time zone information should be preserved when converting.
+ Specifies default value handling options for the .
+ Include members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects.
+ Included members are written to JSON. Has no effect when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ so that is is not written to JSON.
+ This option will ignore all default values (e.g. null for objects and nullable types; 0 for integers,
+ decimals and floating point numbers; and false for booleans). The default value ignored can be changed by
+ placing the on the property.
+ Members with a default value but no JSON will be set to their default value when deserializing.
+ Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects
+ and sets members to their default value when deserializing.
+ Specifies float format handling options when writing special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and with .
+ Write special floating point values as strings in JSON, e.g. "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".
+ Write special floating point values as symbols in JSON, e.g. NaN, Infinity, -Infinity.
+ Note that this will produce non-valid JSON.
+ Write special floating point values as the property's default value in JSON, e.g. 0.0 for a property, null for a property.
+ Specifies how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Floating point numbers are parsed to .
+ Specifies formatting options for the .
+ No special formatting is applied. This is the default.
+ Causes child objects to be indented according to the and settings.
+ Provides an interface for using pooled arrays.
+ The array type content.
+ Rent a array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ The minimum required length of the array. The returned array may be longer.
+ The rented array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.
+ Return an array to the pool.
+ The array that is being returned.
+ Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether null items are allowed in the collection.
+ true if null items are allowed in the collection; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with a flag indicating whether the array can contain null items
+ A flag indicating whether the array can contain null items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Instructs the to use the specified constructor when deserializing that object.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the id.
+ The id.
+ Gets or sets the title.
+ The title.
+ Gets or sets the description.
+ The description.
+ Gets the collection's items converter.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonContainer(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object references.
+ true to keep object reference; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve collection's items references.
+ true to keep collection's items object references; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the collection's items.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and JSON types.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates default .
+ Default settings are automatically used by serialization methods on ,
+ and and on .
+ To serialize without using any default settings create a with
+ .
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value true as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's boolean value false as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's null as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's undefined as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's positive infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's negative infinity as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Represents JavaScript's NaN as a string. This field is read-only.
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ The time zone handling when the date is converted to a string.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified.
+ The value to convert.
+ The format the date will be converted to.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ The string delimiter character.
+ The string escape handling.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Converts the to its JSON string representation.
+ The value to convert.
+ A JSON string representation of the .
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection converters used while serializing.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and .
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ A JSON string representation of the object.
+ Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string.
+ Serialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The object to serialize.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object.
+ Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.
+ Serialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object.
+ Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of .
+ Serialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ The used to serialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type.
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using .
+ The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified
+ traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed
+ as a parameter.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The anonymous type object.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The object to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ Converters to use while deserializing.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ The deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ Deserialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ Deserialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
+ Deserialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using .
+ Deserialization will happen on a new thread.
+ The JSON to deserialize.
+ The type of the object to deserialize to.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string.
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the object with values from the JSON string using .
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ Asynchronously populates the object with values from the JSON string using .
+ The JSON to populate values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ The used to deserialize the object.
+ If this is null, default serialization settings will be used.
+ A task that represents the asynchronous populate operation.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting.
+ The node to convert to JSON.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true.
+ The node to serialize.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ Omits writing the root object.
+ A JSON string of the XNode.
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string.
+ The JSON string.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by .
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by
+ and writes a .NET array attribute for collections.
+ The JSON string.
+ The name of the root element to append when deserializing.
+ A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.
+ This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON.
+ The deserialized XNode
+ Converts an object to and from JSON.
+ Writes the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to write to.
+ The value.
+ The calling serializer.
+ Reads the JSON representation of the object.
+ The to read from.
+ Type of the object.
+ The existing value of object being read.
+ The calling serializer.
+ The object value.
+ Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type.
+ Type of the object.
+ true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can read JSON.
+ true if this can read JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON.
+ true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false.
+ Instructs the to use the specified when serializing the member or class.
+ Gets the of the converter.
+ The of the converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type of the converter.
+ Parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter. Can be null.
+ Represents a collection of .
+ Instructs the how to serialize the collection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Instructs the to deserialize properties with no matching class member into the specified collection
+ and write values during serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to write extension data when serializing the object.
+ true to write extension data when serializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to read extension data when deserializing the object.
+ true to read extension data when deserializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Instructs the not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
+ Instructs the how to serialize the object.
+ Gets or sets the member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified member serialization.
+ The member serialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id.
+ The container Id.
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member with the specified name.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number,
+ order, and type of these parameters.
+ [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })]
+ Gets or sets the null value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the default value handling used when serializing this property.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing this property.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the object creation handling used when deserializing this property.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing this property.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required.
+ A value indicating whether this property is required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Specifies the state of the reader.
+ The Read method has not been called.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Reader is at a property.
+ Reader is at the start of an object.
+ Reader is in an object.
+ Reader is at the start of an array.
+ Reader is in an array.
+ The Close method has been called.
+ Reader has just read a value.
+ Reader is at the start of a constructor.
+ Reader in a constructor.
+ An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing.
+ The end of the file has been reached successfully.
+ Gets the current reader state.
+ The current reader state.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the reader is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the reader is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content can
+ be read from a continuous stream without erroring.
+ true to support reading multiple pieces of JSON content; otherwise false. The default is false.
+ Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how custom date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets the type of the current JSON token.
+ Gets the text value of the current JSON token.
+ Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current JSON token.
+ Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ The depth of the current token in the JSON document.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Skips the children of the current token.
+ Sets the current token.
+ The new token.
+ Sets the current token and value.
+ The new token.
+ The value.
+ Sets the state based on current token type.
+ Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Changes the to Closed.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line number indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ The line position indicating where the error occurred.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Instructs the to always serialize the member, and require the member has a value.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.
+ The enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.
+ Occurs when the errors during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ Get or set how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Get or set how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Get or set how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Collection that will be used during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will not use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ A new instance.
+ The will use default settings
+ from .
+ Creates a new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ The settings to be applied to the .
+ A new instance using the specified .
+ The will use default settings
+ from as well as the specified .
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
+ The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.
+ The target object to populate values onto.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified .
+ The that contains the JSON structure to deserialize.
+ The being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The type of the object to deserialize.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
+ into an instance of the specified type.
+ The containing the object.
+ The of object being deserialized.
+ The instance of being deserialized.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ The type of the value being serialized.
+ This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.
+ Specifing the type is optional.
+ Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure
+ to a Stream using the specified .
+ The used to write the JSON structure.
+ The to serialize.
+ Specifies the settings on a object.
+ Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
+ Reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
+ Missing member handling.
+ Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ Null value handling.
+ Gets or sets how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets a collection that will be used during serialization.
+ The converters.
+ Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
+ The preserve references handling.
+ Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
+ The metadata properties handling.
+ Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
+ The type name assembly format.
+ Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
+ The constructor handling.
+ Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
+ serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
+ The contract resolver.
+ Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
+ The equality comparer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ The reference resolver.
+ Gets or sets a function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ A function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
+ The trace writer.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names.
+ The binder.
+ Gets or sets the error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ The error handler called during serialization and deserialization.
+ Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
+ The context.
+ Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a .
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization.
+ Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written as JSON.
+ Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to .
+ Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object.
+ true if there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to JSON text data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
+ The TextReader containing the XML data to read.
+ Gets or sets the reader's character buffer pool.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a [].
+ A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a .
+ A . This method will return null at the end of an array.
+ Changes the state to closed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.
+ true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the current line number.
+ The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Gets the current line position.
+ The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false).
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets the writer's character array pool.
+ Gets or sets how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values.
+ Gets or sets which character to use for indenting when is set to Formatting.Indented.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether object names will be surrounded with quotes.
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class using the specified .
+ The TextWriter to write to.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ Specifies the type of JSON token.
+ This is returned by the if a method has not been called.
+ An object start token.
+ An array start token.
+ A constructor start token.
+ An object property name.
+ A comment.
+ Raw JSON.
+ An integer.
+ A float.
+ A string.
+ A boolean.
+ A null token.
+ An undefined token.
+ An object end token.
+ An array end token.
+ A constructor end token.
+ A Date.
+ Byte data.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or
+ should be closed when the writer is closed.
+ true to close the underlying stream or when
+ the writer is closed; otherwise false. The default is true.
+ Gets the top.
+ The top.
+ Gets the state of the writer.
+ Gets the path of the writer.
+ Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
+ Get or set how dates are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how time zones are handling when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. ,
+ and ,
+ are written to JSON text.
+ Get or set how and values are formatting when writing JSON text.
+ Gets or sets the culture used when writing JSON. Defaults to .
+ Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the end of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the end of an array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end constructor.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.
+ Writes the end of the current JSON object or array.
+ Writes the current token and its children.
+ The to read the token from.
+ Writes the current token.
+ The to read the token from.
+ A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written.
+ Writes the token and its value.
+ The to write.
+ The value to write.
+ A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the property name for .
+ A null value can be passed to the method for token's that don't have a value, e.g. .
+ Writes the token.
+ The to write.
+ Writes the specified end token.
+ The end token to write.
+ Writes indent characters.
+ Writes the JSON value delimiter.
+ Writes an indent space.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes out the given white space.
+ The string of white space characters.
+ Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
+ true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
+ Sets the state of the JsonWriter,
+ The JsonToken being written.
+ The value being written.
+ The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text.
+ Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ The path to the JSON where the error occurred.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
+ Specifies how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore comments.
+ Load comments as a with type .
+ Specifies how line information is handled when loading JSON.
+ Ignore line information.
+ Load line information.
+ Contains the LINQ to JSON extension methods.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, the ancestors of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ The type of the objects in source, constrained to .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child properties of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the properties of every object in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The token key.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection with the given key.
+ Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Converts the value.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Converts the value.
+ The source collection type.
+ The type to convert the value to.
+ A cast as a of .
+ A converted value.
+ Returns a collection of child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns a collection of converted child tokens of every array in the source collection.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ The source collection type.
+ An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Returns the input typed as .
+ The source collection type.
+ An of that contains the source collection.
+ The input typed as .
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Represents a JSON array.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the array.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the at the specified index.
+ Determines the index of a specific item in the .
+ The object to locate in the .
+ The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1.
+ Inserts an item to the at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
+ The object to insert into the .
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes the item at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index of the item to remove.
+ is not a valid index in the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Adds an item to the .
+ The object to add to the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Removes all items from the .
+ The is read-only.
+ Determines whether the contains a specific value.
+ The object to locate in the .
+ true if is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Copies to.
+ The array.
+ Index of the array.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
+ true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
+ The object to remove from the .
+ true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original .
+ The is read-only.
+ Represents a JSON constructor.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets or sets the name of this constructor.
+ The constructor name.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content.
+ The constructor name.
+ The contents of the constructor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name.
+ The constructor name.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Represents a token that can contain other tokens.
+ Occurs when the items list of the collection has changed, or the collection is reset.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Raises the event.
+ The instance containing the event data.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order.
+ An containing the descendant tokens of the .
+ Returns a collection of the tokens that contain this token, and all descendant tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An containing this token, and all the descendant tokens of the .
+ Adds the specified content as children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Adds the specified content as the first children of this .
+ The content to be added.
+ Creates an that can be used to add tokens to the .
+ An that is ready to have content written to it.
+ Replaces the children nodes of this token with the specified content.
+ The content.
+ Removes the child nodes from this token.
+ Merge the specified content into this .
+ The content to be merged.
+ Merge the specified content into this using .
+ The content to be merged.
+ The used to merge the content.
+ Gets the count of child JSON tokens.
+ The count of child JSON tokens
+ Represents a collection of objects.
+ The type of token
+ An empty collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The enumerable.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
+ The to compare with this instance.
+ true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for this instance.
+ A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
+ Represents a JSON object.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Occurs when a property value changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content.
+ The contents of the object.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets an of this object's properties.
+ An of this object's properties.
+ Gets a the specified name.
+ The property name.
+ A with the specified name or null.
+ Gets an of this object's property values.
+ An of this object's property values.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets or sets the with the specified property name.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used to read the object.
+ A with the values of the specified object
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Gets the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ The with the specified property name.
+ Tries to get the with the specified property name.
+ The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then
+ the will be used to match a property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the specified property name.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ Removes the property with the specified name.
+ Name of the property.
+ true if item was successfully removed; otherwise, false.
+ Tries the get value.
+ Name of the property.
+ The value.
+ true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Raises the event with the provided arguments.
+ Name of the property.
+ Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
+ The expression tree representation of the runtime value.
+ The to bind this object.
+ Represents a JSON property.
+ Gets the container's children tokens.
+ The container's children tokens.
+ Gets the property name.
+ The property name.
+ Gets or sets the property value.
+ The property value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The property name.
+ The property content.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Loads an from a .
+ A that will be read for the content of the .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified .
+ Represents a raw JSON string.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The raw json.
+ Creates an instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ The reader.
+ An instance of with the content of the reader's current token.
+ Specifies the settings used when loading JSON.
+ Gets or sets how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON comment handling.
+ Gets or sets how JSON line info is handled when loading JSON.
+ The JSON line info handling.
+ Specifies the settings used when merging JSON.
+ Gets or sets the method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ The method used when merging JSON arrays.
+ Gets or sets how how null value properties are merged.
+ How null value properties are merged.
+ Represents an abstract JSON token.
+ Gets a comparer that can compare two tokens for value equality.
+ A that can compare two nodes for value equality.
+ Gets or sets the parent.
+ The parent.
+ Gets the root of this .
+ The root of this .
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Compares the values of two tokens, including the values of all descendant tokens.
+ The first to compare.
+ The second to compare.
+ true if the tokens are equal; otherwise false.
+ Gets the next sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the next sibling token.
+ Gets the previous sibling token of this node.
+ The that contains the previous sibling token.
+ Gets the path of the JSON token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately after this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added after this token.
+ Adds the specified content immediately before this token.
+ A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added before this token.
+ Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ A collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
+ Returns a collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ A collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens after this tokens, in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ A collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
+ Gets the with the specified key.
+ The with the specified key.
+ Gets the with the specified key converted to the specified type.
+ The type to convert the token to.
+ The token key.
+ The converted token value.
+ Get the first child token of this token.
+ A containing the first child token of the .
+ Get the last child token of this token.
+ A containing the last child token of the .
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
+ An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order, filtered by the specified type.
+ The type to filter the child tokens on.
+ A containing the child tokens of this , in document order.
+ Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
+ The type to convert the values to.
+ A containing the child values of this , in document order.
+ Removes this token from its parent.
+ Replaces this token with the specified token.
+ The value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Returns the indented JSON for this token.
+ The indented JSON for this token.
+ Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Indicates how the output is formatted.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ The JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to [].
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value to create a from.
+ The initialized with the specified value.
+ Creates an for this token.
+ An that can be used to read this token and its descendants.
+ Creates a from an object.
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates a from an object using the specified .
+ The object that will be used to create .
+ The that will be used when reading the object.
+ A with the value of the specified object
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified .
+ The object type that the token will be deserialized to.
+ The that will be used when creating the object.
+ The new object created from the JSON value.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Load a from a string that contains JSON.
+ A that contains JSON.
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ A populated from the string that contains JSON.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ The used to load the JSON.
+ If this is null, default load settings will be used.
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Creates a from a .
+ An positioned at the token to read into this .
+ An that contains the token and its descendant tokens
+ that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined
+ by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A , or null.
+ Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ A .
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.
+ A that contains a JPath expression.
+ A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.
+ An that contains the selected elements.
+ Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
+ The expression tree representation of the runtime value.
+ The to bind this object.
+ Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
+ The expression tree representation of the runtime value.
+ The to bind this object.
+ Creates a new instance of the . All child tokens are recursively cloned.
+ A new instance of the .
+ Adds an object to the annotation list of this .
+ The annotation to add.
+ Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The type of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this .
+ The of the annotation to retrieve.
+ The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type.
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The type of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An that contains the annotations for this .
+ Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this .
+ The of the annotations to retrieve.
+ An of that contains the annotations that match the specified type for this .
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The type of annotations to remove.
+ Removes the annotations of the specified type from this .
+ The of annotations to remove.
+ Compares tokens to determine whether they are equal.
+ Determines whether the specified objects are equal.
+ The first object of type to compare.
+ The second object of type to compare.
+ true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.
+ Returns a hash code for the specified object.
+ The for which a hash code is to be returned.
+ A hash code for the specified object.
+ The type of is a reference type and is null.
+ Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.
+ Gets the at the reader's current position.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The token to read from.
+ Reads the next JSON token from the stream.
+ true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read.
+ Gets the path of the current JSON token.
+ Specifies the type of token.
+ No token type has been set.
+ A JSON object.
+ A JSON array.
+ A JSON constructor.
+ A JSON object property.
+ A comment.
+ An integer value.
+ A float value.
+ A string value.
+ A boolean value.
+ A null value.
+ An undefined value.
+ A date value.
+ A raw JSON value.
+ A collection of bytes value.
+ A Guid value.
+ A Uri value.
+ A TimeSpan value.
+ Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
+ Gets the at the writer's current position.
+ Gets the token being writen.
+ The token being writen.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class writing to the given .
+ The container being written to.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
+ Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
+ Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
+ Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
+ The name of the constructor.
+ Writes the end.
+ The token.
+ Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
+ The name of the property.
+ Writes a value.
+ An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a null value.
+ Writes an undefined value.
+ Writes raw JSON.
+ The raw JSON to write.
+ Writes out a comment /*...*/
containing the specified text.
+ Text to place inside the comment.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a [] value.
+ The [] value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Writes a value.
+ The value to write.
+ Represents a value in JSON (string, integer, date, etc).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class from another object.
+ A object to copy from.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value.
+ The value.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.
+ true if this token has child values; otherwise, false.
+ Creates a comment with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A comment with the given value.
+ Creates a string with the given value.
+ The value.
+ A string with the given value.
+ Creates a null value.
+ A null value.
+ Creates a undefined value.
+ A undefined value.
+ Gets the node type for this .
+ The type.
+ Gets or sets the underlying token value.
+ The underlying token value.
+ Writes this token to a .
+ A into which this method will write.
+ A collection of which will be used when writing the token.
+ Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
+ true if the current object is equal to the parameter; otherwise, false.
+ An object to compare with this object.
+ Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
+ The to compare with the current .
+ true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
+ The parameter is null.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ The format.
+ The format provider.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
+ The expression tree representation of the runtime value.
+ The to bind this object.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings:
+ Value
+ Meaning
+ Less than zero
+ This instance is less than .
+ Zero
+ This instance is equal to .
+ Greater than zero
+ This instance is greater than .
+ is not the same type as this instance.
+ Specifies how JSON arrays are merged together.
+ Concatenate arrays.
+ Union arrays, skipping items that already exist.
+ Replace all array items.
+ Merge array items together, matched by index.
+ Specifies how null value properties are merged.
+ The content's null value properties will be ignored during merging.
+ The content's null value properties will be merged.
+ Specifies the member serialization options for the .
+ All public members are serialized by default. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This is the default member serialization mode.
+ Only members marked with or are serialized.
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with .
+ All public and private fields are serialized. Members can be excluded using or .
+ This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with
+ and setting IgnoreSerializableAttribute on to false.
+ Specifies metadata property handling options for the .
+ Read metadata properties located at the start of a JSON object.
+ Read metadata properties located anywhere in a JSON object. Note that this setting will impact performance.
+ Do not try to read metadata properties.
+ Specifies missing member handling options for the .
+ Ignore a missing member and do not attempt to deserialize it.
+ Throw a when a missing member is encountered during deserialization.
+ Specifies null value handling options for the .
+ Include null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Ignore null values when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Specifies how object creation is handled by the .
+ Reuse existing objects, create new objects when needed.
+ Only reuse existing objects.
+ Always create new objects.
+ Specifies reference handling options for the .
+ Note that references cannot be preserved when a value is set via a non-default constructor such as types that implement ISerializable.
+ Do not preserve references when serializing types.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Preserve references when serializing.
+ Specifies reference loop handling options for the .
+ Throw a when a loop is encountered.
+ Ignore loop references and do not serialize.
+ Serialize loop references.
+ Indicating whether a property is required.
+ The property is not required. The default state.
+ The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value.
+ The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value.
+ The property is not required but it cannot be a null value.
+ Allows users to control class loading and mandate what class to load.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The property name camel cased.
+ Get and set values for a using dynamic methods.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The member info.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Gets a value indicating whether members are being get and set using dynamic code generation.
+ This value is determined by the runtime permissions available.
+ true if using dynamic code generation; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether compiler generated members should be serialized.
+ true if serialized compiler generated members; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ If set to true the will use a cached shared with other resolvers of the same type.
+ Sharing the cache will significantly improve performance with multiple resolver instances because expensive reflection will only
+ happen once. This setting can cause unexpected behavior if different instances of the resolver are suppose to produce different
+ results. When set to false it is highly recommended to reuse instances with the .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Gets the serializable members for the type.
+ The type to get serializable members for.
+ The serializable members for the type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates the constructor parameters.
+ The constructor to create properties for.
+ The type's member properties.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The matching member property.
+ The constructor parameter.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the default for the contract.
+ Type of the object.
+ The contract's default .
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates a for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Determines which contract type is created for the given type.
+ Type of the object.
+ A for the given type.
+ Creates properties for the given .
+ The type to create properties for.
+ /// The member serialization mode for the type.
+ Properties for the given .
+ Creates the used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ The member.
+ The used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
+ Creates a for the given .
+ The member's parent .
+ The member to create a for.
+ A created for the given .
+ Resolves the name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Resolved name of the property.
+ Resolves the key of the dictionary. By default is used to resolve dictionary keys.
+ Key of the dictionary.
+ Resolved key of the dictionary.
+ Gets the resolved name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ Name of the property.
+ The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Specifies the name of the serialized object.
+ Provides information surrounding an error.
+ Gets the error.
+ The error.
+ Gets the original object that caused the error.
+ The original object that caused the error.
+ Gets the member that caused the error.
+ The member that caused the error.
+ Gets the path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ The path of the JSON location where the error occurred.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is handled.
+ true if handled; otherwise, false.
+ Provides data for the Error event.
+ Gets the current object the error event is being raised against.
+ The current object the error event is being raised against.
+ Gets the error context.
+ The error context.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The current object.
+ The error context.
+ Provides methods to get attributes.
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Used by to resolves a for a given .
+ Resolves the contract for a given type.
+ The type to resolve a contract for.
+ The contract for a given type.
+ Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the .
+ Resolves a reference to its object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference to resolve.
+ The object that
+ Gets the reference for the sepecified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to get a reference for.
+ The reference to the object.
+ Determines whether the specified object is referenced.
+ The serialization context.
+ The object to test for a reference.
+ true if the specified object is referenced; otherwise, false.
+ Adds a reference to the specified object.
+ The serialization context.
+ The reference.
+ The object to reference.
+ Represents a trace writer.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Provides methods to get and set values.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the of the collection items.
+ The of the collection items.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the collection type is a multidimensional array.
+ true if the collection type is a multidimensional array; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the collection values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the collection values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the default collection items .
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection items preserve object references.
+ true if collection items preserve object references; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the collection item reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the collection item type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Handles serialization callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ Handles serialization error callback events.
+ The object that raised the callback event.
+ The streaming context.
+ The error context.
+ Sets extension data for an object during deserialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ The extension data key.
+ The extension data value.
+ Gets extension data for an object during serialization.
+ The object to set extension data on.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the underlying type for the contract.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Gets or sets the type created during deserialization.
+ The type created during deserialization.
+ Gets or sets whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the default for this contract.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets all methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ The methods called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The methods called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets all methods called before serialization of the object.
+ The methods called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets all method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The methods called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ The method called immediately after deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called during deserialization of the object.
+ The method called during deserialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ The method called after serialization of the object graph.
+ Gets or sets the method called before serialization of the object.
+ The method called before serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ The method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.
+ Gets or sets the default creator method used to create the object.
+ The default creator method used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default creator is non public.
+ true if the default object creator is non-public; otherwise, false.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the property name resolver.
+ The property name resolver.
+ Gets or sets the dictionary key resolver.
+ The dictionary key resolver.
+ Gets the of the dictionary keys.
+ The of the dictionary keys.
+ Gets the of the dictionary values.
+ The of the dictionary values.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values.
+ true if the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets the object's properties.
+ The object's properties.
+ Gets or sets the property name resolver.
+ The property name resolver.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Gets or sets the object member serialization.
+ The member object serialization.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.
+ A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
+ Gets the object's properties.
+ The object's properties.
+ Gets the constructor parameters required for any non-default constructor
+ Gets a collection of instances that define the parameters used with .
+ Gets or sets the override constructor used to create the object.
+ This is set when a constructor is marked up using the
+ JsonConstructor attribute.
+ The override constructor.
+ Gets or sets the parametrized constructor used to create the object.
+ The parametrized constructor.
+ Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override .
+ This function is called with a collection of arguments which are defined by the collection.
+ The function used to create the object.
+ Gets or sets the extension data setter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data getter.
+ Gets or sets the extension data value type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Maps a JSON property to a .NET member or constructor parameter.
+ Gets or sets the name of the property.
+ The name of the property.
+ Gets or sets the type that declared this property.
+ The type that declared this property.
+ Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.
+ The numeric order of serialization.
+ Gets or sets the name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ The name of the underlying member or parameter.
+ Gets the that will get and set the during serialization.
+ The that will get and set the during serialization.
+ Gets or sets the for this property.
+ The for this property.
+ Gets or sets the type of the property.
+ The type of the property.
+ Gets or sets the for the property.
+ If set this converter takes presidence over the contract converter for the property type.
+ The converter.
+ Gets or sets the member converter.
+ The member converter.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is ignored.
+ true if ignored; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is readable.
+ true if readable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is writable.
+ true if writable; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this has a member attribute.
+ true if has a member attribute; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the default value.
+ The default value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required.
+ A value indicating whether this is required.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property preserves object references.
+ true if this instance is reference; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property null value handling.
+ The null value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property default value handling.
+ The default value handling.
+ Gets or sets the property reference loop handling.
+ The reference loop handling.
+ Gets or sets the property object creation handling.
+ The object creation handling.
+ Gets or sets or sets the type name handling.
+ The type name handling.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.
+ Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.
+ Gets or sets an action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ An action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items converter.
+ Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.
+ Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items type name handling.
+ Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.
+ The collection's items reference loop handling.
+ A collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ When implemented in a derived class, extracts the key from the specified element.
+ The element from which to extract the key.
+ The key for the specified element.
+ Adds a object.
+ The property to add to the collection.
+ Gets the closest matching object.
+ First attempts to get an exact case match of propertyName and then
+ a case insensitive match.
+ Name of the property.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Gets a property by property name.
+ The name of the property to get.
+ Type property name string comparison.
+ A matching property if found.
+ Contract details for a used by the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The underlying type for the contract.
+ Lookup and create an instance of the JsonConverter type described by the argument.
+ The JsonConverter type to create.
+ Optional arguments to pass to an initializing constructor of the JsonConverter.
+ If null, the default constructor is used.
+ Create a factory function that can be used to create instances of a JsonConverter described by the
+ argument type. The returned function can then be used to either invoke the converter's default ctor, or any
+ parameterized constructors by way of an object array.
+ Represents a trace writer that writes to memory. When the trace message limit is
+ reached then old trace messages will be removed as new messages are added.
+ Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ For example a filter level of Info
will exclude Verbose
messages and include Info
+ Warning
and Error
+ The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.
+ The at which to write this trace.
+ The trace message.
+ The trace exception. This parameter is optional.
+ Returns an enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ An enumeration of the most recent trace messages.
+ Returns a of the most recent trace messages.
+ A of the most recent trace messages.
+ Represents a method that constructs an object.
+ The object type to create.
+ When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object.
+ Provides methods to get attributes from a , , or .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance to get attributes for. This parameter should be a , , or .
+ Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.
+ The type of the attributes.
+ When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
+ A collection of s, or an empty collection.
+ Get and set values for a using reflection.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The member info.
+ Sets the value.
+ The target to set the value on.
+ The value to set on the target.
+ Gets the value.
+ The target to get the value from.
+ The value.
+ Specifies how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
+ Only control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ All non-ASCII and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ HTML (<, >, &, ', ") and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.
+ Specifies what messages to output for the class.
+ Output no tracing and debugging messages.
+ Output error-handling messages.
+ Output warnings and error-handling messages.
+ Output informational messages, warnings, and error-handling messages.
+ Output all debugging and tracing messages.
+ Specifies type name handling options for the .
+ should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.
+ Incoming types should be validated with a custom
+ when deserializing with a value other than TypeNameHandling.None.
+ Do not include the .NET type name when serializing types.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON object structure.
+ Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON array structure.
+ Always include the .NET type name when serializing.
+ Include the .NET type name when the type of the object being serialized is not the same as its declared type.
+ Determines whether the collection is null or empty.
+ The collection.
+ true if the collection is null or empty; otherwise, false.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic IList.
+ The list to add to.
+ The collection of elements to add.
+ Converts the value to the specified type. If the value is unable to be converted, the
+ value is checked whether it assignable to the specified type.
+ The value to convert.
+ The culture to use when converting.
+ The type to convert or cast the value to.
+ The converted type. If conversion was unsuccessful, the initial value
+ is returned if assignable to the target type.
+ Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a
+ specific method on Dynamic that returns a result
+ Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a
+ specific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments for
+ the result.
+ Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a
+ specific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments for
+ the result.
+ Returns a Restrictions object which includes our current restrictions merged
+ with a restriction limiting our type
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.
+ The enum type to get names and values for.
+ Gets the type of the typed collection's items.
+ The type.
+ The type of the typed collection's items.
+ Gets the member's underlying type.
+ The member.
+ The underlying type of the member.
+ Determines whether the member is an indexed property.
+ The member.
+ true if the member is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the property is an indexed property.
+ The property.
+ true if the property is an indexed property; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the member's value on the object.
+ The member.
+ The target object.
+ The member's value on the object.
+ Sets the member's value on the target object.
+ The member.
+ The target.
+ The value.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be read.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be read.
+ /// if set to true then allow the member to be gotten non-publicly.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be read; otherwise, false.
+ Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be set.
+ The MemberInfo to determine whether can be set.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set non-publicly.
+ if set to true then allow the member to be set if read-only.
+ true if the specified MemberInfo can be set; otherwise, false.
+ Builds a string. Unlike StringBuilder this class lets you reuse it's internal buffer.
+ Determines whether the string is all white space. Empty string will return false.
+ The string to test whether it is all white space.
+ true if the string is all white space; otherwise, false.
+ Nulls an empty string.
+ The string.
+ Null if the string was null, otherwise the string unchanged.
+ Specifies the state of the .
+ An exception has been thrown, which has left the in an invalid state.
+ You may call the method to put the in the Closed state.
+ Any other method calls results in an being thrown.
+ The method has been called.
+ An object is being written.
+ A array is being written.
+ A constructor is being written.
+ A property is being written.
+ A write method has not been called.
+ Indicates the method that will be used during deserialization for locating and loading assemblies.
+ In simple mode, the assembly used during deserialization need not match exactly the assembly used during serialization. Specifically, the version numbers need not match as the LoadWithPartialName method is used to load the assembly.
+ In full mode, the assembly used during deserialization must match exactly the assembly used during serialization. The Load method of the Assembly class is used to load the assembly.
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+ CPU: x86
+ Linux64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ CPU: x86_64
+ OSXIntel:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ OSXIntel64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ SamsungTV:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ Win:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ Win64:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ WindowsStoreApps:
+ enabled: 1
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+ DontProcess: False
+ PlaceholderPath: Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/Standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
+ ScriptingBackend: DotNet
+ iOS:
+ enabled: 0
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diff --git a/Assets/Materials/New Material 1.mat.meta b/Assets/Materials/New Material 1.mat.meta
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+--- !u!84 &8400000
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+// Made with Amplify Shader Editor
+// Available at the Unity Asset Store - http://u3d.as/y3X
+Shader "UniversalStandard"
+ Properties
+ {
+ [HideInInspector] _AlphaCutoff("Alpha Cutoff ", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
+ [HideInInspector] _EmissionColor("Emission Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+ [ASEEnd][ASEBegin]_MainTex("MainTex", 2D) = "white" {}
+ [HideInInspector] _texcoord( "", 2D ) = "white" {}
+ //_TessPhongStrength( "Tess Phong Strength", Range( 0, 1 ) ) = 0.5
+ //_TessValue( "Tess Max Tessellation", Range( 1, 32 ) ) = 16
+ //_TessMin( "Tess Min Distance", Float ) = 10
+ //_TessMax( "Tess Max Distance", Float ) = 25
+ //_TessEdgeLength ( "Tess Edge length", Range( 2, 50 ) ) = 16
+ //_TessMaxDisp( "Tess Max Displacement", Float ) = 25
+ }
+ SubShader
+ {
+ LOD 0
+ Tags { "RenderPipeline"="UniversalPipeline" "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry" }
+ Cull Back
+ AlphaToMask Off
+ #pragma target 2.0
+ float4 FixedTess( float tessValue )
+ {
+ return tessValue;
+ }
+ float CalcDistanceTessFactor (float4 vertex, float minDist, float maxDist, float tess, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+ {
+ float3 wpos = mul(o2w,vertex).xyz;
+ float dist = distance (wpos, cameraPos);
+ float f = clamp(1.0 - (dist - minDist) / (maxDist - minDist), 0.01, 1.0) * tess;
+ return f;
+ }
+ float4 CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (float3 triVertexFactors)
+ {
+ float4 tess;
+ tess.x = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z);
+ tess.y = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.z);
+ tess.z = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y);
+ tess.w = (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z) / 3.0f;
+ return tess;
+ }
+ float CalcEdgeTessFactor (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float edgeLen, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+ {
+ float dist = distance (0.5 * (wpos0+wpos1), cameraPos);
+ float len = distance(wpos0, wpos1);
+ float f = max(len * scParams.y / (edgeLen * dist), 1.0);
+ return f;
+ }
+ float DistanceFromPlane (float3 pos, float4 plane)
+ {
+ float d = dot (float4(pos,1.0f), plane);
+ return d;
+ }
+ bool WorldViewFrustumCull (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float3 wpos2, float cullEps, float4 planes[6] )
+ {
+ float4 planeTest;
+ planeTest.x = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+ planeTest.y = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+ planeTest.z = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+ planeTest.w = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+ (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+ return !all (planeTest);
+ }
+ float4 DistanceBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float tess, float minDist, float maxDist, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+ {
+ float3 f;
+ f.x = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v0,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+ f.y = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v1,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+ f.z = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v2,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+ return CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (f);
+ }
+ float4 EdgeLengthBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+ {
+ float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+ float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+ float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+ float4 tess;
+ tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+ return tess;
+ }
+ float4 EdgeLengthBasedTessCull( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float maxDisplacement, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams, float4 planes[6] )
+ {
+ float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+ float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+ float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+ float4 tess;
+ if (WorldViewFrustumCull(pos0, pos1, pos2, maxDisplacement, planes))
+ {
+ tess = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+ tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+ }
+ return tess;
+ }
+ Pass
+ {
+ Name "Forward"
+ Tags { "LightMode"="UniversalForward" }
+ Blend One Zero, One Zero
+ ZWrite On
+ ZTest LEqual
+ Offset 0 , 0
+ ColorMask RGBA
+ #pragma multi_compile_instancing
+ #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+ #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
+ #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x
+ #pragma vertex vert
+ #pragma fragment frag
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/UnityInstancing.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+ #if ASE_SRP_VERSION <= 70108
+ #endif
+ struct VertexInput
+ {
+ float4 vertex : POSITION;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ struct VertexOutput
+ {
+ float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+ float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+ #endif
+ float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef ASE_FOG
+ float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2;
+ #endif
+ float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
+ };
+ CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+ float4 _MainTex_ST;
+ float _TessPhongStrength;
+ float _TessValue;
+ float _TessMin;
+ float _TessMax;
+ float _TessEdgeLength;
+ float _TessMaxDisp;
+ #endif
+ sampler2D _MainTex;
+ VertexOutput VertexFunction ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+ o.ase_texcoord3.xy = v.ase_texcoord.xy;
+ //setting value to unused interpolator channels and avoid initialization warnings
+ o.ase_texcoord3.zw = 0;
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = v.vertex.xyz;
+ #else
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ v.vertex.xyz = vertexValue;
+ #else
+ v.vertex.xyz += vertexValue;
+ #endif
+ v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( v.vertex.xyz );
+ float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+ o.worldPos = positionWS;
+ #endif
+ VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+ vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+ vertexInput.positionCS = positionCS;
+ o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+ #endif
+ #ifdef ASE_FOG
+ o.fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor( positionCS.z );
+ #endif
+ o.clipPos = positionCS;
+ return o;
+ }
+ #if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+ struct VertexControl
+ {
+ float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ struct TessellationFactors
+ {
+ float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+ float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+ };
+ VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexControl o;
+ o.vertex = v.vertex;
+ o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ o.ase_texcoord = v.ase_texcoord;
+ return o;
+ }
+ TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch v)
+ {
+ TessellationFactors o;
+ float4 tf = 1;
+ float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+ float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+ tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+ tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+ #endif
+ o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+ return o;
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ [partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+ [outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+ [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+ [outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+ VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+ {
+ return patch[id];
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+ {
+ VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+ o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+ o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+ o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z;
+ float3 pp[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal));
+ float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz;
+ #endif
+ return VertexFunction(o);
+ }
+ #else
+ VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ return VertexFunction( v );
+ }
+ #endif
+ half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN ) : SV_Target
+ {
+ float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+ #endif
+ float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+ ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ float2 uv_MainTex = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _MainTex_ST.xy + _MainTex_ST.zw;
+ float4 tex2DNode5 = tex2D( _MainTex, uv_MainTex );
+ float3 BakedAlbedo = 0;
+ float3 BakedEmission = 0;
+ float3 Color = tex2DNode5.rgb;
+ float Alpha = 1;
+ float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+ float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+ #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+ clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold );
+ #endif
+ LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x );
+ #endif
+ #ifdef ASE_FOG
+ Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor );
+ #endif
+ return half4( Color, Alpha );
+ }
+ }
+ Pass
+ {
+ Name "ShadowCaster"
+ Tags { "LightMode"="ShadowCaster" }
+ ZWrite On
+ ZTest LEqual
+ AlphaToMask Off
+ #pragma multi_compile_instancing
+ #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+ #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
+ #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x
+ #pragma vertex vert
+ #pragma fragment frag
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+ struct VertexInput
+ {
+ float4 vertex : POSITION;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ };
+ struct VertexOutput
+ {
+ float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+ float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+ #endif
+ float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+ #endif
+ };
+ CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+ float4 _MainTex_ST;
+ float _TessPhongStrength;
+ float _TessValue;
+ float _TessMin;
+ float _TessMax;
+ float _TessEdgeLength;
+ float _TessMaxDisp;
+ #endif
+ float3 _LightDirection;
+ VertexOutput VertexFunction( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexOutput o;
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = v.vertex.xyz;
+ #else
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ v.vertex.xyz = vertexValue;
+ #else
+ v.vertex.xyz += vertexValue;
+ #endif
+ v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( v.vertex.xyz );
+ o.worldPos = positionWS;
+ #endif
+ float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldDir( v.ase_normal );
+ float4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip( ApplyShadowBias( positionWS, normalWS, _LightDirection ) );
+ clipPos.z = min(clipPos.z, clipPos.w * UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE);
+ #else
+ clipPos.z = max(clipPos.z, clipPos.w * UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE);
+ #endif
+ VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+ vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+ vertexInput.positionCS = clipPos;
+ o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+ #endif
+ o.clipPos = clipPos;
+ return o;
+ }
+ #if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+ struct VertexControl
+ {
+ float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ };
+ struct TessellationFactors
+ {
+ float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+ float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+ };
+ VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexControl o;
+ o.vertex = v.vertex;
+ o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ return o;
+ }
+ TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch v)
+ {
+ TessellationFactors o;
+ float4 tf = 1;
+ float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+ float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+ tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+ tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+ #endif
+ o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+ return o;
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ [partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+ [outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+ [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+ [outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+ VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+ {
+ return patch[id];
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+ {
+ VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+ o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+ o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+ float3 pp[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal));
+ float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz;
+ #endif
+ return VertexFunction(o);
+ }
+ #else
+ VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ return VertexFunction( v );
+ }
+ #endif
+ half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+ {
+ float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+ #endif
+ float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+ ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ float Alpha = 1;
+ float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+ float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+ #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+ clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThresholdShadow);
+ #else
+ clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x );
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Pass
+ {
+ Name "DepthOnly"
+ Tags { "LightMode"="DepthOnly" }
+ ZWrite On
+ ColorMask 0
+ AlphaToMask Off
+ #pragma multi_compile_instancing
+ #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+ #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
+ #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x
+ #pragma vertex vert
+ #pragma fragment frag
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+ #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+ struct VertexInput
+ {
+ float4 vertex : POSITION;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ };
+ struct VertexOutput
+ {
+ float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+ float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+ #endif
+ float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+ #endif
+ };
+ CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+ float4 _MainTex_ST;
+ float _TessPhongStrength;
+ float _TessValue;
+ float _TessMin;
+ float _TessMax;
+ float _TessEdgeLength;
+ float _TessMaxDisp;
+ #endif
+ VertexOutput VertexFunction( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = v.vertex.xyz;
+ #else
+ float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ v.vertex.xyz = vertexValue;
+ #else
+ v.vertex.xyz += vertexValue;
+ #endif
+ v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( v.vertex.xyz );
+ o.worldPos = positionWS;
+ #endif
+ o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+ VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+ vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+ vertexInput.positionCS = clipPos;
+ o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+ #endif
+ return o;
+ }
+ #if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+ struct VertexControl
+ {
+ float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+ float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+ };
+ struct TessellationFactors
+ {
+ float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+ float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+ };
+ VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ VertexControl o;
+ o.vertex = v.vertex;
+ o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+ return o;
+ }
+ TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch v)
+ {
+ TessellationFactors o;
+ float4 tf = 1;
+ float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+ float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+ tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+ tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+ tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+ #endif
+ o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+ return o;
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ [partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+ [outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+ [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+ [outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+ VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+ {
+ return patch[id];
+ }
+ [domain("tri")]
+ VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+ {
+ VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+ o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+ o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+ float3 pp[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal));
+ float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz;
+ #endif
+ return VertexFunction(o);
+ }
+ #else
+ VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+ {
+ return VertexFunction( v );
+ }
+ #endif
+ half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+ {
+ float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+ #endif
+ float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+ ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ float Alpha = 1;
+ float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+ #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+ clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold);
+ #endif
+ LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x );
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CustomEditor "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.PBRMasterGUI"
+ Fallback "Hidden/InternalErrorShader"
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.FunctionNode;6;-258.7642,-20.71493;Inherit;False;Blinn-Phong Light;1;;1;cf814dba44d007a4e958d2ddd5813da6;0;3;42;COLOR;0,0,0,0;False;52;FLOAT3;0,0,0;False;43;COLOR;0,0,0,0;False;2;COLOR;0;FLOAT;57
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+--- !u!114 &4526115926251968408
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+--- !u!114 &4526115926399974328
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1071957
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+--- !u!224 &5682331944661171093
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+--- !u!114 &1160409419726520999
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+--- !u!1 &2023615170869959625
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+--- !u!224 &5203495626939517929
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+--- !u!1 &2471763352390373912
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+--- !u!224 &6096567429521374474
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+--- !u!222 &4742402777936722718
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+--- !u!1 &3594065669119621667
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+--- !u!224 &6787305365772754371
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--- /dev/null
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+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class AnimatorLooper : MonoBehaviour
+ Animator anim;
+ // Start is called before the first frame update
+ void Start()
+ {
+ anim = GetComponentInChildren();
+ if(anim == null)
+ {
+ Destroy(this.gameObject);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update is called once per frame
+ void Update()
+ {
+ if(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime > 1)
+ {
+ anim.Play(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).fullPathHash, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Toggle()
+ {
+ anim.speed = anim.speed == 1 ? 0 : 1;
+ }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/B83.Win32.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+/* * * * *
+ * This is a collection of Win API helpers. Mainly dealing with window message hooks
+ * and file drag&drop support for Windows standalone Unity applications.
+ *
+ * 2019.11.28 - Changed the "UnityDragAndDropHook" class to a static class. This
+ * has been done for IL2CPP support. IL2CPP can not marshall instance method
+ * callbacks passed to native code. So the callbacks must be static methods.
+ * Therefore all fields involved also need to be static.
+ *
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Markus Göbel (Bunny83)
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * * * * */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace B83.Win32
+ public enum HookType : int
+ {
+ WH_CBT = 5,
+ WH_MOUSE = 7,
+ WH_DEBUG = 9,
+ WH_SHELL = 10,
+ WH_MOUSE_LL = 14
+ }
+ // windows messages
+ public enum WM : uint
+ {
+ NULL = 0x0000,
+ CREATE = 0x0001,
+ DESTROY = 0x0002,
+ MOVE = 0x0003,
+ SIZE = 0x0005,
+ ACTIVATE = 0x0006,
+ SETFOCUS = 0x0007,
+ KILLFOCUS = 0x0008,
+ ENABLE = 0x000A,
+ SETREDRAW = 0x000B,
+ SETTEXT = 0x000C,
+ GETTEXT = 0x000D,
+ PAINT = 0x000F,
+ CLOSE = 0x0010,
+ QUERYOPEN = 0x0013,
+ ENDSESSION = 0x0016,
+ QUIT = 0x0012,
+ ERASEBKGND = 0x0014,
+ SHOWWINDOW = 0x0018,
+ FONTCHANGE = 0x001D,
+ TIMECHANGE = 0x001E,
+ CANCELMODE = 0x001F,
+ SETCURSOR = 0x0020,
+ QUEUESYNC = 0x0023,
+ PAINTICON = 0x0026,
+ NEXTDLGCTL = 0x0028,
+ DRAWITEM = 0x002B,
+ DELETEITEM = 0x002D,
+ VKEYTOITEM = 0x002E,
+ CHARTOITEM = 0x002F,
+ SETFONT = 0x0030,
+ GETFONT = 0x0031,
+ SETHOTKEY = 0x0032,
+ GETHOTKEY = 0x0033,
+ COMPAREITEM = 0x0039,
+ GETOBJECT = 0x003D,
+ COMPACTING = 0x0041,
+ [Obsolete]
+ COMMNOTIFY = 0x0044,
+ [Obsolete]
+ POWER = 0x0048,
+ COPYDATA = 0x004A,
+ NOTIFY = 0x004E,
+ TCARD = 0x0052,
+ HELP = 0x0053,
+ USERCHANGED = 0x0054,
+ NOTIFYFORMAT = 0x0055,
+ GETICON = 0x007F,
+ SETICON = 0x0080,
+ NCCREATE = 0x0081,
+ NCDESTROY = 0x0082,
+ NCCALCSIZE = 0x0083,
+ NCHITTEST = 0x0084,
+ NCPAINT = 0x0085,
+ NCACTIVATE = 0x0086,
+ GETDLGCODE = 0x0087,
+ SYNCPAINT = 0x0088,
+ INPUT = 0x00FF,
+ KEYFIRST = 0x0100,
+ KEYDOWN = 0x0100,
+ KEYUP = 0x0101,
+ CHAR = 0x0102,
+ DEADCHAR = 0x0103,
+ SYSKEYDOWN = 0x0104,
+ SYSKEYUP = 0x0105,
+ SYSCHAR = 0x0106,
+ SYSDEADCHAR = 0x0107,
+ UNICHAR = 0x0109,
+ KEYLAST = 0x0108,
+ IME_KEYLAST = 0x010F,
+ INITDIALOG = 0x0110,
+ COMMAND = 0x0111,
+ SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112,
+ TIMER = 0x0113,
+ HSCROLL = 0x0114,
+ VSCROLL = 0x0115,
+ INITMENU = 0x0116,
+ MENUSELECT = 0x011F,
+ MENUCHAR = 0x0120,
+ ENTERIDLE = 0x0121,
+ MENUDRAG = 0x0123,
+ MENUCOMMAND = 0x0126,
+ QUERYUISTATE = 0x0129,
+ CTLCOLOREDIT = 0x0133,
+ CTLCOLORBTN = 0x0135,
+ CTLCOLORDLG = 0x0136,
+ MOUSEFIRST = 0x0200,
+ MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200,
+ LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201,
+ LBUTTONUP = 0x0202,
+ RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204,
+ RBUTTONUP = 0x0205,
+ MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207,
+ MBUTTONUP = 0x0208,
+ MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A,
+ XBUTTONUP = 0x020C,
+ MOUSELAST = 0x020E,
+ PARENTNOTIFY = 0x0210,
+ EXITMENULOOP = 0x0212,
+ NEXTMENU = 0x0213,
+ SIZING = 0x0214,
+ MOVING = 0x0216,
+ DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219,
+ MDICREATE = 0x0220,
+ MDIDESTROY = 0x0221,
+ MDIACTIVATE = 0x0222,
+ MDIRESTORE = 0x0223,
+ MDINEXT = 0x0224,
+ MDIMAXIMIZE = 0x0225,
+ MDITILE = 0x0226,
+ MDICASCADE = 0x0227,
+ MDIGETACTIVE = 0x0229,
+ MDISETMENU = 0x0230,
+ EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232,
+ DROPFILES = 0x0233,
+ IME_SETCONTEXT = 0x0281,
+ IME_NOTIFY = 0x0282,
+ IME_CONTROL = 0x0283,
+ IME_SELECT = 0x0285,
+ IME_CHAR = 0x0286,
+ IME_REQUEST = 0x0288,
+ IME_KEYDOWN = 0x0290,
+ IME_KEYUP = 0x0291,
+ MOUSEHOVER = 0x02A1,
+ MOUSELEAVE = 0x02A3,
+ TABLET_FIRST = 0x02c0,
+ TABLET_LAST = 0x02df,
+ CUT = 0x0300,
+ COPY = 0x0301,
+ PASTE = 0x0302,
+ CLEAR = 0x0303,
+ UNDO = 0x0304,
+ RENDERFORMAT = 0x0305,
+ HOTKEY = 0x0312,
+ PRINT = 0x0317,
+ PRINTCLIENT = 0x0318,
+ APPCOMMAND = 0x0319,
+ AFXFIRST = 0x0360,
+ AFXLAST = 0x037F,
+ PENWINFIRST = 0x0380,
+ PENWINLAST = 0x038F,
+ APP = 0x8000,
+ USER = 0x0400,
+ CPL_LAUNCH = USER + 0x1000,
+ CPL_LAUNCHED = USER + 0x1001,
+ SYSTIMER = 0x118,
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct CWPSTRUCT
+ {
+ public IntPtr lParam;
+ public IntPtr wParam;
+ public WM message;
+ public IntPtr hwnd;
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct POINT
+ {
+ public int x, y;
+ public POINT(int aX, int aY)
+ {
+ x = aX;
+ y = aY;
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct MSG
+ {
+ public IntPtr hwnd;
+ public WM message;
+ public IntPtr wParam;
+ public IntPtr lParam;
+ public ushort time;
+ public POINT pt;
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct RECT
+ {
+ public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
+ public RECT(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
+ {
+ Left = left;
+ Top = top;
+ Right = right;
+ Bottom = bottom;
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return "(" + Left + ", " + Top + ", " + Right + ", " + Bottom + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ public delegate IntPtr HookProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, ref MSG lParam);
+ public delegate bool EnumThreadDelegate(IntPtr Hwnd, IntPtr lParam);
+ public static class Window
+ {
+ [DllImport("user32.dll")]
+ public static extern bool EnumThreadWindows(uint dwThreadId, EnumThreadDelegate lpfn, IntPtr lParam);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
+ public static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, out RECT lpRect);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll")]
+ public static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
+ static extern int GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder lpClassName, int nMaxCount);
+ public static string GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd)
+ {
+ var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(256);
+ int count = GetClassName(hWnd, sb, 256);
+ return sb.ToString(0, count);
+ }
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
+ static extern int GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hWnd);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
+ static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);
+ public static string GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd)
+ {
+ int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd) + 2;
+ var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(length);
+ int count = GetWindowText(hWnd, sb, length);
+ return sb.ToString(0, count);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class WinAPI
+ {
+ [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
+ public static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName);
+ [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
+ public static extern uint GetCurrentThreadId();
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
+ public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(HookType hookType, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
+ public static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hhk);
+ [DllImport("user32.dll")]
+ public static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, ref MSG lParam);
+ [DllImport("shell32.dll")]
+ public static extern void DragAcceptFiles(IntPtr hwnd, bool fAccept);
+ [DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
+ public static extern uint DragQueryFile(IntPtr hDrop, uint iFile, System.Text.StringBuilder lpszFile, uint cch);
+ [DllImport("shell32.dll")]
+ public static extern void DragFinish(IntPtr hDrop);
+ [DllImport("shell32.dll")]
+ public static extern void DragQueryPoint(IntPtr hDrop, out POINT pos);
+ }
+ public static class UnityDragAndDropHook
+ {
+ public delegate void DroppedFilesEvent(List aPathNames, POINT aDropPoint);
+ public static event DroppedFilesEvent OnDroppedFiles;
+ private static uint threadId;
+ private static IntPtr mainWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
+ private static IntPtr m_Hook;
+ private static string m_ClassName = "UnityWndClass";
+ // attribute required for IL2CPP, also has to be a static method
+ [AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(EnumThreadDelegate))]
+ private static bool EnumCallback(IntPtr W, IntPtr _)
+ {
+ if (Window.IsWindowVisible(W) && (mainWindow == IntPtr.Zero || (m_ClassName != null && Window.GetClassName(W) == m_ClassName)))
+ {
+ mainWindow = W;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static void InstallHook()
+ {
+ threadId = WinAPI.GetCurrentThreadId();
+ if (threadId > 0)
+ Window.EnumThreadWindows(threadId, EnumCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
+ var hModule = WinAPI.GetModuleHandle(null);
+ m_Hook = WinAPI.SetWindowsHookEx(HookType.WH_GETMESSAGE, Callback, hModule, threadId);
+ // Allow dragging of files onto the main window. generates the WM_DROPFILES message
+ WinAPI.DragAcceptFiles(mainWindow, true);
+ }
+ public static void UninstallHook()
+ {
+ WinAPI.UnhookWindowsHookEx(m_Hook);
+ WinAPI.DragAcceptFiles(mainWindow, false);
+ m_Hook = IntPtr.Zero;
+ }
+ // attribute required for IL2CPP, also has to be a static method
+ [AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(HookProc))]
+ private static IntPtr Callback(int code, IntPtr wParam, ref MSG lParam)
+ {
+ if (code == 0 && lParam.message == WM.DROPFILES)
+ {
+ POINT pos;
+ WinAPI.DragQueryPoint(lParam.wParam, out pos);
+ // 0xFFFFFFFF as index makes the method return the number of files
+ uint n = WinAPI.DragQueryFile(lParam.wParam, 0xFFFFFFFF, null, 0);
+ var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(1024);
+ List result = new List();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ int len = (int)WinAPI.DragQueryFile(lParam.wParam, i, sb, 1024);
+ result.Add(sb.ToString(0, len));
+ sb.Length = 0;
+ }
+ WinAPI.DragFinish(lParam.wParam);
+ if (OnDroppedFiles != null)
+ OnDroppedFiles(result, pos);
+ }
+ return WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(m_Hook, code, wParam, ref lParam);
+ }
+ public static void InstallHook()
+ {
+ }
+ public static void UninstallHook()
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/B83.Win32.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/B83.Win32.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..393553a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/B83.Win32.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5182a63499ffa6c449a1c6f4bb475410
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5bf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using B83.Win32;
+public class FileDragAndDrop : MonoBehaviour
+ List log = new List();
+ void OnEnable ()
+ {
+ // must be installed on the main thread to get the right thread id.
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.InstallHook();
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.OnDroppedFiles += OnFiles;
+ }
+ void OnDisable()
+ {
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.UninstallHook();
+ }
+ void OnFiles(List aFiles, POINT aPos)
+ {
+ string file = "";
+ // scan through dropped files and filter out supported image types
+ foreach (var f in aFiles)
+ {
+ var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(f);
+ var ext = fi.Extension.ToLower();
+ if (ext == ".png" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg")
+ {
+ file = f;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the user dropped a supported file, create a DropInfo
+ if (file != "")
+ {
+ var data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file);
+ var tex = new Texture2D(1, 1);
+ tex.LoadImage(data);
+ tex.name = new System.IO.FileInfo(file).Name;
+ Error.Log(Color.green, "Loading file " + tex.name);
+ Error.Log(Color.green, "Not implemented!");
+ //ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().Builder.SpawnReference(tex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error.Log(Color.yellow, "Dropped file is not supported");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf5f7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/FileDragAndDrop.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: a3fe1a8c3947c1343b441d0b26c74dcd
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e71ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System.Linq;
+using B83.Win32;
+public class ImageExample : MonoBehaviour
+ Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[6];
+ DropInfo dropInfo = null;
+ class DropInfo
+ {
+ public string file;
+ public Vector2 pos;
+ }
+ void OnEnable ()
+ {
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.InstallHook();
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.OnDroppedFiles += OnFiles;
+ }
+ void OnDisable()
+ {
+ UnityDragAndDropHook.UninstallHook();
+ }
+ void OnFiles(List aFiles, POINT aPos)
+ {
+ string file = "";
+ // scan through dropped files and filter out supported image types
+ foreach(var f in aFiles)
+ {
+ var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(f);
+ var ext = fi.Extension.ToLower();
+ if (ext == ".png" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg")
+ {
+ file = f;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the user dropped a supported file, create a DropInfo
+ if (file != "")
+ {
+ var info = new DropInfo
+ {
+ file = file,
+ pos = new Vector2(aPos.x, aPos.y)
+ };
+ dropInfo = info;
+ }
+ }
+ void LoadImage(int aIndex, DropInfo aInfo)
+ {
+ if (aInfo == null)
+ return;
+ // get the GUI rect of the last Label / box
+ var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
+ // check if the drop position is inside that rect
+ if (rect.Contains(aInfo.pos))
+ {
+ var data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(aInfo.file);
+ var tex = new Texture2D(1,1);
+ tex.LoadImage(data);
+ if (textures[aIndex] != null)
+ Destroy(textures[aIndex]);
+ textures[aIndex] = tex;
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnGUI()
+ {
+ DropInfo tmp = null;
+ if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && dropInfo!= null)
+ {
+ tmp = dropInfo;
+ dropInfo = null;
+ }
+ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ if (textures[i] != null)
+ GUILayout.Label(textures[i], GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(200));
+ else
+ GUILayout.Box("Drag image here", GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(200));
+ LoadImage(i, tmp);
+ }
+ GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
+ for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ if (textures[i] != null)
+ GUILayout.Label(textures[i], GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(200));
+ else
+ GUILayout.Box("Drag image here", GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(200));
+ LoadImage(i, tmp);
+ }
+ GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eede840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/DragAndDrop/ImageExample.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: abe7df44ab19a9b46a506ce5cc1efcf4
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs b/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e017928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class FestiveMode : MonoBehaviour
+ public Button DefaultButton;
+ bool _birthday = false;
+ public Button BirthdayButton;
+ public AudioClip BirthdaySound;
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ var CurrentDate = System.DateTime.Now;
+ if (CurrentDate.Day == 24 && CurrentDate.Month == 1)
+ {
+ _birthday = true;
+ DefaultButton.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+ BirthdayButton.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnButtonClick()
+ {
+ if (_birthday)
+ {
+ AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(BirthdaySound, GameObject.FindObjectOfType().transform.position, 0.1f);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8834eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/FestiveMode.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: f40185d2dbc771c449552261f42dc5cd
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb346a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 23371cc964348c240b759eeeeb4d63aa
+folderAsset: yes
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eaa116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 2a9e9df3c14e9034eb587348635c8f09
+folderAsset: yes
+ userData:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/BoxSliderEditor.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/BoxSliderEditor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a779f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/BoxSliderEditor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEditor;
+using UnityEditor.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker.Editors
+ [CustomEditor(typeof(BoxSlider), true)]
+ [CanEditMultipleObjects]
+ public class BoxSliderEditor : SelectableEditor
+ {
+ SerializedProperty m_HandleRect;
+ SerializedProperty m_MinValue;
+ SerializedProperty m_MaxValue;
+ SerializedProperty m_WholeNumbers;
+ SerializedProperty m_Value;
+ SerializedProperty m_ValueY;
+ SerializedProperty m_OnValueChanged;
+ protected override void OnEnable()
+ {
+ base.OnEnable();
+ m_HandleRect = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_HandleRect");
+ m_MinValue = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_MinValue");
+ m_MaxValue = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_MaxValue");
+ m_WholeNumbers = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_WholeNumbers");
+ m_Value = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Value");
+ m_ValueY = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ValueY");
+ m_OnValueChanged = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_OnValueChanged");
+ }
+ public override void OnInspectorGUI()
+ {
+ base.OnInspectorGUI();
+ EditorGUILayout.Space();
+ serializedObject.Update();
+ EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_HandleRect);
+ if (m_HandleRect.objectReferenceValue != null)
+ {
+ EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
+ EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_MinValue);
+ EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_MaxValue);
+ EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_WholeNumbers);
+ EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_Value, m_MinValue.floatValue, m_MaxValue.floatValue);
+ EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_ValueY, m_MinValue.floatValue, m_MaxValue.floatValue);
+ // Draw the event notification options
+ EditorGUILayout.Space();
+ EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_OnValueChanged);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Specify a RectTransform for the slider fill or the slider handle or both. Each must have a parent RectTransform that it can slide within.", MessageType.Info);
+ }
+ serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/BoxSliderEditor.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/BoxSliderEditor.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c5e76
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8701e045b26e51f4eb345f2ccb3c13f5
+timeCreated: 1426804458
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/HSVPicker.Editors.asmdef b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/HSVPicker.Editors.asmdef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff3ebec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/HSVPicker.Editors.asmdef
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "name": "HSVPicker.Editors",
+ "references": [
+ "HSVPicker"
+ ],
+ "includePlatforms": [
+ "Editor"
+ ],
+ "excludePlatforms": [],
+ "allowUnsafeCode": false,
+ "overrideReferences": false,
+ "precompiledReferences": [],
+ "autoReferenced": true,
+ "defineConstraints": [],
+ "versionDefines": [],
+ "noEngineReferences": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/HSVPicker.Editors.asmdef.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Editor/HSVPicker.Editors.asmdef.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db480c4
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 485edc8694d264a8fb6d3a830531425d
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Enums.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Enums.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e713f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Enums.meta
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+using UnityEngine;
+public enum ColorValues
+ R,
+ G,
+ B,
+ A,
+ Hue,
+ Saturation,
+ Value
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+using System;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+public class ColorChangedEvent : UnityEvent
\ No newline at end of file
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+public class HSVChangedEvent : UnityEvent
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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Picker 2.0.prefab.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Picker 2.0.prefab.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55845f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/Picker 2.0.prefab.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 916ee089a0d7b63419075f91e1c657ec
+timeCreated: 1442747914
+licenseType: Free
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43fd49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+HSV color picker using Unity UI.
+Github https://github.com/judah4/HSV-Color-Picker-Unity
+Drag picker prefab onto a UI canvas.
+On the color picker setup section.
+Show Rgb: Show RGB sliders.
+Show Hsv: Show HSV sliders.
+Show Alpha: Show the alpha slider.
+Show Color Box: Show the larger color selection box and color column.
+Show Color Slider Toggle: Show the button to toggle the HSV and RGB sliders.
+Show Header: Options to show the top header with color preview and hex code.
+* Hide: Hide the top header.
+* Show Color: Show only the color preview in the header.
+* Show Color Code: Show only the color code in the header.
+* Show All: Show the entire top header.
+Color Presets:
+The prefabs starts with 4 colors in the color presets. This can be updated in the Setup section of the picker prefab.
+Set the Preset Colors Id for different shared list between color pickers.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a74108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/README.txt.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 78aa9aa1471451045b0f2f552ad0c361
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861a832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 2b5fe4e314cbd9944bcaa93e814e9bd5
+folderAsset: yes
+timeCreated: 1442586536
+licenseType: Free
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..638bf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(Image))]
+ public class ColorImage : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker picker;
+ private Image image;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ image = GetComponent();
+ picker.onValueChanged.AddListener(ColorChanged);
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ picker.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(ColorChanged);
+ }
+ private void ColorChanged(Color newColor)
+ {
+ image.color = newColor;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3d87fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorImage.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6bca58eb07ad66b498a2f158bcb13225
+timeCreated: 1442675622
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c97a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using TMPro;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(TMP_Text))]
+ public class ColorLabel : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker picker;
+ public ColorValues type;
+ public string prefix = "R: ";
+ public float minValue = 0;
+ public float maxValue = 255;
+ public int precision = 0;
+ [SerializeField, HideInInspector]
+ private TMP_Text label;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ label = GetComponent();
+ }
+ private void OnEnable()
+ {
+ if (Application.isPlaying && picker != null)
+ {
+ picker.onValueChanged.AddListener(ColorChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.AddListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if (picker != null)
+ {
+ picker.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(ColorChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.RemoveListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnValidate()
+ {
+ label = GetComponent();
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ #endif
+ private void ColorChanged(Color color)
+ {
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ private void HSVChanged(float hue, float sateration, float value)
+ {
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ private void UpdateValue()
+ {
+ if(label == null)
+ return;
+ if (picker == null)
+ {
+ label.text = prefix + "-";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float value = minValue + (picker.GetValue(type) * (maxValue - minValue));
+ label.text = prefix + ConvertToDisplayString(value);
+ }
+ }
+ private string ConvertToDisplayString(float value)
+ {
+ if (precision > 0)
+ return value.ToString("f " + precision);
+ else
+ return Mathf.FloorToInt(value).ToString();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe6254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorLabel.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6b10e832a32d2d14facd8a3f489ee8d6
+timeCreated: 1442587803
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cf1ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ public class ColorPicker : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ private float _hue = 0;
+ private float _saturation = 0;
+ private float _brightness = 0;
+ [SerializeField]
+ private Color _color = Color.red;
+ [Header("Setup")]
+ public ColorPickerSetup Setup;
+ [Header("Event")]
+ public ColorChangedEvent onValueChanged = new ColorChangedEvent();
+ public HSVChangedEvent onHSVChanged = new HSVChangedEvent();
+ public Color CurrentColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (CurrentColor == value)
+ return;
+ _color = value;
+ RGBChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ Setup.AlphaSlidiers.Toggle(Setup.ShowAlpha);
+ Setup.ColorToggleElement.Toggle(Setup.ShowColorSliderToggle);
+ Setup.RgbSliders.Toggle(Setup.ShowRgb);
+ Setup.HsvSliders.Toggle(Setup.ShowHsv);
+ Setup.ColorBox.Toggle(Setup.ShowColorBox);
+ HandleHeaderSetting(Setup.ShowHeader);
+ UpdateColorToggleText();
+ RGBChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ public float H
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _hue;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_hue == value)
+ return;
+ _hue = value;
+ HSVChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ public float S
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _saturation;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_saturation == value)
+ return;
+ _saturation = value;
+ HSVChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ public float V
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _brightness;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_brightness == value)
+ return;
+ _brightness = value;
+ HSVChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ public float R
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color.r;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_color.r == value)
+ return;
+ _color.r = value;
+ RGBChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ public float G
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color.g;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_color.g == value)
+ return;
+ _color.g = value;
+ RGBChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ public float B
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color.b;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_color.b == value)
+ return;
+ _color.b = value;
+ RGBChanged();
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ private float A
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color.a;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_color.a == value)
+ return;
+ _color.a = value;
+ SendChangedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ private void RGBChanged()
+ {
+ HsvColor color = HSVUtil.ConvertRgbToHsv(CurrentColor);
+ _hue = color.normalizedH;
+ _saturation = color.normalizedS;
+ _brightness = color.normalizedV;
+ }
+ private void HSVChanged()
+ {
+ Color color = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb(_hue * 360, _saturation, _brightness, _color.a);
+ _color = color;
+ }
+ private void SendChangedEvent()
+ {
+ onValueChanged.Invoke(CurrentColor);
+ onHSVChanged.Invoke(_hue, _saturation, _brightness);
+ }
+ public void AssignColor(ColorValues type, float value)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ R = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ G = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ B = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ A = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ H = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ S = value;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ V = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void AssignColor(Color color)
+ {
+ CurrentColor = color;
+ }
+ public float GetValue(ColorValues type)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ return R;
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ return G;
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ return B;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ return A;
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ return H;
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ return S;
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ return V;
+ default:
+ throw new System.NotImplementedException("");
+ }
+ }
+ public void ToggleColorSliders()
+ {
+ Setup.ShowHsv = !Setup.ShowHsv;
+ Setup.ShowRgb = !Setup.ShowRgb;
+ Setup.HsvSliders.Toggle(Setup.ShowHsv);
+ Setup.RgbSliders.Toggle(Setup.ShowRgb);
+ UpdateColorToggleText();
+ }
+ void UpdateColorToggleText()
+ {
+ if (Setup.ShowRgb)
+ {
+ Setup.SliderToggleButtonText.text = "RGB";
+ }
+ if (Setup.ShowHsv)
+ {
+ Setup.SliderToggleButtonText.text = "HSV";
+ }
+ }
+ private void HandleHeaderSetting(ColorPickerSetup.ColorHeaderShowing setupShowHeader)
+ {
+ if (setupShowHeader == ColorPickerSetup.ColorHeaderShowing.Hide)
+ {
+ Setup.ColorHeader.Toggle(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ Setup.ColorHeader.Toggle(true);
+ Setup.ColorPreview.Toggle(setupShowHeader != ColorPickerSetup.ColorHeaderShowing.ShowColorCode);
+ Setup.ColorCode.Toggle(setupShowHeader != ColorPickerSetup.ColorHeaderShowing.ShowColor);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4aac35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPicker.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8262e4a8322117f4da079921eaa72834
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1500c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using TMPro;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [System.Serializable]
+ public class ColorPickerSetup
+ {
+ public enum ColorHeaderShowing
+ {
+ Hide,
+ ShowColor,
+ ShowColorCode,
+ ShowAll,
+ }
+ [System.Serializable]
+ public class UiElements
+ {
+ public RectTransform[] Elements;
+ public void Toggle(bool active)
+ {
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < Elements.Length; cnt++)
+ {
+ Elements[cnt].gameObject.SetActive(active);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool ShowRgb = true;
+ public bool ShowHsv;
+ public bool ShowAlpha = true;
+ public bool ShowColorBox = true;
+ public bool ShowColorSliderToggle = true;
+ public ColorHeaderShowing ShowHeader = ColorHeaderShowing.ShowAll;
+ public UiElements RgbSliders;
+ public UiElements HsvSliders;
+ public UiElements ColorToggleElement;
+ public UiElements AlphaSlidiers;
+ public UiElements ColorHeader;
+ public UiElements ColorCode;
+ public UiElements ColorPreview;
+ public UiElements ColorBox;
+ public TMP_Text SliderToggleButtonText;
+ public string PresetColorsId = "default";
+ public Color[] DefaultPresetColors;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f192900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPickerSetup.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5f1e0a31fe4cdb5458d5a88aa1268434
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7ce7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ public static class ColorPresetManager
+ {
+ private static Dictionary _presets = new Dictionary();
+ public static ColorPresetList Get(string listId = "default")
+ {
+ ColorPresetList preset;
+ if (!_presets.TryGetValue(listId, out preset))
+ {
+ preset = new ColorPresetList(listId);
+ _presets.Add(listId, preset);
+ }
+ return preset;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ColorPresetList
+ {
+ public string ListId { get; private set; }
+ public List Colors { get; private set; }
+ public event UnityAction> OnColorsUpdated;
+ public ColorPresetList(string listId, List colors = null)
+ {
+ if (colors == null)
+ {
+ colors = new List();
+ }
+ Colors = colors;
+ ListId = listId;
+ }
+ public void AddColor(Color color)
+ {
+ Colors.Add(color);
+ if (OnColorsUpdated != null)
+ {
+ OnColorsUpdated.Invoke(Colors);
+ }
+ }
+ public void UpdateList(IEnumerable colors)
+ {
+ Colors.Clear();
+ Colors.AddRange(colors);
+ if (OnColorsUpdated != null)
+ {
+ OnColorsUpdated.Invoke(Colors);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c849823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresetManager.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 55b59bed8e892614e9397d8a20e36e0c
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fabe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ public class ColorPresets : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker picker;
+ public GameObject[] presets;
+ public Image createPresetImage;
+ private ColorPresetList _colors;
+ void Awake()
+ {
+ // picker.onHSVChanged.AddListener(HSVChanged);
+ picker.onValueChanged.AddListener(ColorChanged);
+ }
+ void Start()
+ {
+ _colors = ColorPresetManager.Get(picker.Setup.PresetColorsId);
+ if (_colors.Colors.Count < picker.Setup.DefaultPresetColors.Length)
+ {
+ _colors.UpdateList(picker.Setup.DefaultPresetColors);
+ }
+ _colors.OnColorsUpdated += OnColorsUpdate;
+ OnColorsUpdate(_colors.Colors);
+ }
+ private void OnColorsUpdate(List colors)
+ {
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < presets.Length; cnt++)
+ {
+ if (colors.Count <= cnt)
+ {
+ presets[cnt].SetActive(false);
+ continue;
+ }
+ presets[cnt].SetActive(true);
+ presets[cnt].GetComponent().color = colors[cnt];
+ }
+ createPresetImage.gameObject.SetActive(colors.Count < presets.Length);
+ }
+ public void CreatePresetButton()
+ {
+ _colors.AddColor(picker.CurrentColor);
+ // for (var i = 0; i < presets.Length; i++)
+ //{
+ // if (!presets[i].activeSelf)
+ // {
+ // presets[i].SetActive(true);
+ // presets[i].GetComponent().color = picker.CurrentColor;
+ // break;
+ // }
+ //}
+ }
+ public void PresetSelect(Image sender)
+ {
+ picker.CurrentColor = sender.color;
+ }
+ // Not working, it seems ConvertHsvToRgb() is broken. It doesn't work when fed
+ // input h, s, v as shown below.
+ // private void HSVChanged(float h, float s, float v)
+ // {
+ // createPresetImage.color = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb(h, s, v, 1);
+ // }
+ private void ColorChanged(Color color)
+ {
+ createPresetImage.color = color;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8901ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorPresets.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 0923373e76e77402c9c53a2f1250ad3e
+timeCreated: 1456875791
+licenseType: Pro
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..414b973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ ///
+ /// Displays one of the color values of aColorPicker
+ ///
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(Slider))]
+ public class ColorSlider : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker hsvpicker;
+ ///
+ /// Which value this slider can edit.
+ ///
+ public ColorValues type;
+ private Slider slider;
+ private bool listen = true;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ slider = GetComponent();
+ hsvpicker.onValueChanged.AddListener(ColorChanged);
+ hsvpicker.onHSVChanged.AddListener(HSVChanged);
+ slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(SliderChanged);
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ hsvpicker.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(ColorChanged);
+ hsvpicker.onHSVChanged.RemoveListener(HSVChanged);
+ slider.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(SliderChanged);
+ }
+ private void ColorChanged(Color newColor)
+ {
+ listen = false;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ slider.normalizedValue = newColor.r;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ slider.normalizedValue = newColor.g;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ slider.normalizedValue = newColor.b;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ slider.normalizedValue = newColor.a;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void HSVChanged(float hue, float saturation, float value)
+ {
+ listen = false;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ slider.normalizedValue = hue; //1 - hue;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ slider.normalizedValue = saturation;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ slider.normalizedValue = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void SliderChanged(float newValue)
+ {
+ if (listen)
+ {
+ newValue = slider.normalizedValue;
+ //if (type == ColorValues.Hue)
+ // newValue = 1 - newValue;
+ hsvpicker.AssignColor(type, newValue);
+ }
+ listen = true;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c516b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSlider.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: c600592efa0cf25479655321bf4fb08a
+timeCreated: 1442586558
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b6773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(RawImage)), ExecuteInEditMode()]
+ public class ColorSliderImage : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker picker;
+ ///
+ /// Which value this slider can edit.
+ ///
+ public ColorValues type;
+ public Slider.Direction direction;
+ private RawImage image;
+ private RectTransform rectTransform
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return transform as RectTransform;
+ }
+ }
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ image = GetComponent();
+ if(Application.isPlaying)
+ RegenerateTexture();
+ }
+ private void OnEnable()
+ {
+ if (picker != null && Application.isPlaying)
+ {
+ picker.onValueChanged.AddListener(ColorChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.AddListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDisable()
+ {
+ if (picker != null)
+ {
+ picker.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(ColorChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.RemoveListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if (image.texture != null)
+ DestroyImmediate(image.texture);
+ }
+ private void ColorChanged(Color newColor)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ RegenerateTexture();
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void HSVChanged(float hue, float saturation, float value)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ RegenerateTexture();
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void RegenerateTexture()
+ {
+ Color32 baseColor = picker != null ? picker.CurrentColor : Color.black;
+ float h = picker != null ? picker.H : 0;
+ float s = picker != null ? picker.S : 0;
+ float v = picker != null ? picker.V : 0;
+ Texture2D texture;
+ Color32[] colors;
+ bool vertical = direction == Slider.Direction.BottomToTop || direction == Slider.Direction.TopToBottom;
+ bool inverted = direction == Slider.Direction.TopToBottom || direction == Slider.Direction.RightToLeft;
+ int size;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ size = 255;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ size = 360;
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ size = 100;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new System.NotImplementedException("");
+ }
+ if (vertical)
+ texture = new Texture2D(1, size);
+ else
+ texture = new Texture2D(size, 1);
+ texture.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
+ colors = new Color32[size];
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case ColorValues.R:
+ for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = new Color32(i, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, 255);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.G:
+ for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = new Color32(baseColor.r, i, baseColor.b, 255);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.B:
+ for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = new Color32(baseColor.r, baseColor.g, i, 255);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.A:
+ for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = new Color32(i, i, i, 255);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Hue:
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb(i, 1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Saturation:
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb(h * 360, (float)i / size, v, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ColorValues.Value:
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ colors[inverted ? size - 1 - i : i] = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb(h * 360, s, (float)i / size, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new System.NotImplementedException("");
+ }
+ texture.SetPixels32(colors);
+ texture.Apply();
+ if (image.texture != null)
+ DestroyImmediate(image.texture);
+ image.texture = texture;
+ switch (direction)
+ {
+ case Slider.Direction.BottomToTop:
+ case Slider.Direction.TopToBottom:
+ image.uvRect = new Rect(0, 0, 2, 1);
+ break;
+ case Slider.Direction.LeftToRight:
+ case Slider.Direction.RightToLeft:
+ image.uvRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2deb1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/ColorSliderImage.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 7ca76dd9ad6eb204c9b0481aece34497
+timeCreated: 1442682013
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc2c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using TMPro;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(TMP_InputField))]
+ public class HexColorField : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker hsvpicker;
+ public bool displayAlpha;
+ private TMP_InputField hexInputField;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ hexInputField = GetComponent();
+ // Add listeners to keep text (and color) up to date
+ hexInputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(UpdateColor);
+ hsvpicker.onValueChanged.AddListener(UpdateHex);
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ hexInputField.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(UpdateColor);
+ hsvpicker.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(UpdateHex);
+ }
+ private void UpdateHex(Color newColor)
+ {
+ hexInputField.text = ColorToHex(newColor);
+ }
+ private void UpdateColor(string newHex)
+ {
+ Color color;
+ if (!newHex.StartsWith("#"))
+ newHex = "#"+newHex;
+ if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(newHex, out color))
+ hsvpicker.CurrentColor = color;
+ else
+ Debug.Log("hex value is in the wrong format, valid formats are: #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB and #RRGGBBAA (# is optional)");
+ }
+ private string ColorToHex(Color32 color)
+ {
+ return displayAlpha
+ ? string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}{3:X2}", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
+ : string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", color.r, color.g, color.b);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa9f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/HexColorField.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: d85c534b3c1560544b09d0996dfeba84
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8368184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(BoxSlider), typeof(RawImage)), ExecuteInEditMode()]
+ public class SVBoxSlider : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public ColorPicker picker;
+ private BoxSlider slider;
+ private RawImage image;
+ private int textureWidth = 128;
+ private int textureHeight = 128;
+ private float lastH = -1;
+ private bool listen = true;
+ public RectTransform rectTransform
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return transform as RectTransform;
+ }
+ }
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ slider = GetComponent();
+ image = GetComponent();
+ if(Application.isPlaying)
+ {
+ RegenerateSVTexture ();
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnEnable()
+ {
+ if (Application.isPlaying && picker != null)
+ {
+ slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(SliderChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.AddListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDisable()
+ {
+ if (picker != null)
+ {
+ slider.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(SliderChanged);
+ picker.onHSVChanged.RemoveListener(HSVChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if ( image.texture != null )
+ {
+ DestroyImmediate (image.texture);
+ }
+ }
+ private void SliderChanged(float saturation, float value)
+ {
+ if (listen)
+ {
+ picker.AssignColor(ColorValues.Saturation, saturation);
+ picker.AssignColor(ColorValues.Value, value);
+ }
+ listen = true;
+ }
+ private void HSVChanged(float h, float s, float v)
+ {
+ if (!lastH.Equals(h))
+ {
+ lastH = h;
+ RegenerateSVTexture();
+ }
+ if (!s.Equals(slider.normalizedValue))
+ {
+ listen = false;
+ slider.normalizedValue = s;
+ }
+ if (!v.Equals(slider.normalizedValueY))
+ {
+ listen = false;
+ slider.normalizedValueY = v;
+ }
+ }
+ private void RegenerateSVTexture()
+ {
+ double h = picker != null ? picker.H * 360 : 0;
+ if ( image.texture != null )
+ DestroyImmediate (image.texture);
+ var texture = new Texture2D (textureWidth, textureHeight);
+ texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
+ texture.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
+ for ( int s = 0; s < textureWidth; s++ )
+ {
+ Color[] colors = new Color[textureHeight];
+ for ( int v = 0; v < textureHeight; v++ )
+ {
+ colors[v] = HSVUtil.ConvertHsvToRgb (h, (float)s / textureWidth, (float)v / textureHeight, 1);
+ }
+ texture.SetPixels (s, 0, 1, textureHeight, colors);
+ }
+ texture.Apply();
+ image.texture = texture;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b57beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UI/SVBoxSlider.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1e4240873631f724496efec97d7151b3
+timeCreated: 1442650713
+licenseType: Free
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cb4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 2b33138f525222146865861432dbe845
+folderAsset: yes
+timeCreated: 1426051345
+licenseType: Pro
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd478c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+using System;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+namespace HSVPicker
+ [AddComponentMenu("UI/BoxSlider", 35)]
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform))]
+ public class BoxSlider : Selectable, IDragHandler, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, ICanvasElement
+ {
+ public enum Direction
+ {
+ LeftToRight,
+ RightToLeft,
+ BottomToTop,
+ TopToBottom,
+ }
+ [Serializable]
+ public class BoxSliderEvent : UnityEvent { }
+ [SerializeField]
+ private RectTransform m_HandleRect;
+ public RectTransform handleRect { get { return m_HandleRect; } set { if (SetClass(ref m_HandleRect, value)) { UpdateCachedReferences(); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
+ [Space(6)]
+ [SerializeField]
+ private float m_MinValue = 0;
+ public float minValue { get { return m_MinValue; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_MinValue, value)) { Set(m_Value); SetY (m_ValueY); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
+ [SerializeField]
+ private float m_MaxValue = 1;
+ public float maxValue { get { return m_MaxValue; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_MaxValue, value)) { Set(m_Value); SetY (m_ValueY); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
+ [SerializeField]
+ private bool m_WholeNumbers = false;
+ public bool wholeNumbers { get { return m_WholeNumbers; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_WholeNumbers, value)) { Set(m_Value); SetY (m_ValueY); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
+ [SerializeField]
+ private float m_Value = 1f;
+ public float value
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (wholeNumbers)
+ return Mathf.Round(m_Value);
+ return m_Value;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ Set(value);
+ }
+ }
+ public float normalizedValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (Mathf.Approximately(minValue, maxValue))
+ return 0;
+ return Mathf.InverseLerp(minValue, maxValue, value);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.value = Mathf.Lerp(minValue, maxValue, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ private float m_ValueY = 1f;
+ public float valueY
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (wholeNumbers)
+ return Mathf.Round(m_ValueY);
+ return m_ValueY;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetY(value);
+ }
+ }
+ public float normalizedValueY
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (Mathf.Approximately(minValue, maxValue))
+ return 0;
+ return Mathf.InverseLerp(minValue, maxValue, valueY);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.valueY = Mathf.Lerp(minValue, maxValue, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [Space(6)]
+ // Allow for delegate-based subscriptions for faster events than 'eventReceiver', and allowing for multiple receivers.
+ [SerializeField]
+ private BoxSliderEvent m_OnValueChanged = new BoxSliderEvent();
+ public BoxSliderEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { m_OnValueChanged = value; } }
+ // Private fields
+ //private Image m_FillImage;
+ //private Transform m_FillTransform;
+ //private RectTransform m_FillContainerRect;
+ private Transform m_HandleTransform;
+ private RectTransform m_HandleContainerRect;
+ // The offset from handle position to mouse down position
+ private Vector2 m_Offset = Vector2.zero;
+ private DrivenRectTransformTracker m_Tracker;
+ // Size of each step.
+ float stepSize { get { return wholeNumbers ? 1 : (maxValue - minValue) * 0.1f; } }
+ protected BoxSlider()
+ { }
+ protected override void OnValidate()
+ {
+ base.OnValidate();
+ if (wholeNumbers)
+ {
+ m_MinValue = Mathf.Round(m_MinValue);
+ m_MaxValue = Mathf.Round(m_MaxValue);
+ }
+ //Onvalidate is called before OnEnabled. We need to make sure not to touch any other objects before OnEnable is run.
+ if (IsActive())
+ {
+ UpdateCachedReferences();
+ Set(m_Value, false);
+ SetY(m_ValueY, false);
+ // Update rects since other things might affect them even if value didn't change.
+ UpdateVisuals();
+ }
+ #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
+ if (!UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(this) && !Application.isPlaying)
+ CanvasUpdateRegistry.RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(this);
+ #else
+ var prefabType = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(this);
+ if (prefabType != UnityEditor.PrefabType.Prefab && !Application.isPlaying)
+ CanvasUpdateRegistry.RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(this);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #endif // if UNITY_EDITOR
+ public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate executing)
+ {
+ if (executing == CanvasUpdate.Prelayout)
+ onValueChanged.Invoke(value, valueY);
+ #endif
+ }
+ public void LayoutComplete()
+ {
+ }
+ public void GraphicUpdateComplete()
+ {
+ }
+ public static bool SetClass(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T: class
+ {
+ if ((currentValue == null && newValue == null) || (currentValue != null && currentValue.Equals(newValue)))
+ return false;
+ currentValue = newValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static bool SetStruct(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T: struct
+ {
+ if (currentValue.Equals(newValue))
+ return false;
+ currentValue = newValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected override void OnEnable()
+ {
+ base.OnEnable();
+ UpdateCachedReferences();
+ Set(m_Value, false);
+ SetY(m_ValueY, false);
+ // Update rects since they need to be initialized correctly.
+ UpdateVisuals();
+ }
+ protected override void OnDisable()
+ {
+ m_Tracker.Clear();
+ base.OnDisable();
+ }
+ void UpdateCachedReferences()
+ {
+ if (m_HandleRect)
+ {
+ m_HandleTransform = m_HandleRect.transform;
+ if (m_HandleTransform.parent != null)
+ m_HandleContainerRect = m_HandleTransform.parent.GetComponent();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_HandleContainerRect = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the valueUpdate the visible Image.
+ void Set(float input)
+ {
+ Set(input, true);
+ }
+ void Set(float input, bool sendCallback)
+ {
+ // Clamp the input
+ float newValue = Mathf.Clamp(input, minValue, maxValue);
+ if (wholeNumbers)
+ newValue = Mathf.Round(newValue);
+ // If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update
+ if (m_Value.Equals(newValue))
+ return;
+ m_Value = newValue;
+ UpdateVisuals();
+ if (sendCallback)
+ m_OnValueChanged.Invoke(newValue, valueY);
+ }
+ void SetY(float input)
+ {
+ SetY(input, true);
+ }
+ void SetY(float input, bool sendCallback)
+ {
+ // Clamp the input
+ float newValue = Mathf.Clamp(input, minValue, maxValue);
+ if (wholeNumbers)
+ newValue = Mathf.Round(newValue);
+ // If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update
+ if (m_ValueY.Equals(newValue))
+ return;
+ m_ValueY = newValue;
+ UpdateVisuals();
+ if (sendCallback)
+ m_OnValueChanged.Invoke(value, newValue);
+ }
+ protected override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
+ {
+ base.OnRectTransformDimensionsChange();
+ UpdateVisuals();
+ }
+ enum Axis
+ {
+ Horizontal = 0,
+ Vertical = 1
+ }
+ // Force-update the slider. Useful if you've changed the properties and want it to update visually.
+ private void UpdateVisuals()
+ {
+ if (!Application.isPlaying)
+ UpdateCachedReferences();
+ #endif
+ m_Tracker.Clear();
+ //to business!
+ if (m_HandleContainerRect != null)
+ {
+ m_Tracker.Add(this, m_HandleRect, DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors);
+ Vector2 anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
+ Vector2 anchorMax = Vector2.one;
+ anchorMin[0] = anchorMax[0] = (normalizedValue);
+ anchorMin[1] = anchorMax[1] = ( normalizedValueY);
+ m_HandleRect.anchorMin = anchorMin;
+ m_HandleRect.anchorMax = anchorMax;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the slider's position based on the mouse.
+ void UpdateDrag(PointerEventData eventData, Camera cam)
+ {
+ RectTransform clickRect = m_HandleContainerRect;
+ if (clickRect != null && clickRect.rect.size[0] > 0)
+ {
+ Vector2 localCursor;
+ if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(clickRect, eventData.position, cam, out localCursor))
+ return;
+ localCursor -= clickRect.rect.position;
+ float val = Mathf.Clamp01((localCursor - m_Offset)[0] / clickRect.rect.size[0]);
+ normalizedValue = (val);
+ float valY = Mathf.Clamp01((localCursor - m_Offset)[1] / clickRect.rect.size[1]);
+ normalizedValueY = ( valY);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool MayDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
+ {
+ return IsActive() && IsInteractable() && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left;
+ }
+ public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
+ {
+ if (!MayDrag(eventData))
+ return;
+ base.OnPointerDown(eventData);
+ m_Offset = Vector2.zero;
+ if (m_HandleContainerRect != null && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(m_HandleRect, eventData.position, eventData.enterEventCamera))
+ {
+ Vector2 localMousePos;
+ if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(m_HandleRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localMousePos))
+ m_Offset = localMousePos;
+ m_Offset.y = -m_Offset.y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Outside the slider handle - jump to this point instead
+ UpdateDrag(eventData, eventData.pressEventCamera);
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
+ {
+ if (!MayDrag(eventData))
+ return;
+ UpdateDrag(eventData, eventData.pressEventCamera);
+ }
+ //public override void OnMove(AxisEventData eventData)
+ //{
+ // if (!IsActive() || !IsInteractable())
+ // {
+ // base.OnMove(eventData);
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // switch (eventData.moveDir)
+ // {
+ // case MoveDirection.Left:
+ // if (axis == Axis.Horizontal && FindSelectableOnLeft() == null) {
+ // Set(reverseValue ? value + stepSize : value - stepSize);
+ // SetY (reverseValue ? valueY + stepSize : valueY - stepSize);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // base.OnMove(eventData);
+ // break;
+ // case MoveDirection.Right:
+ // if (axis == Axis.Horizontal && FindSelectableOnRight() == null) {
+ // Set(reverseValue ? value - stepSize : value + stepSize);
+ // SetY(reverseValue ? valueY - stepSize : valueY + stepSize);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // base.OnMove(eventData);
+ // break;
+ // case MoveDirection.Up:
+ // if (axis == Axis.Vertical && FindSelectableOnUp() == null) {
+ // Set(reverseValue ? value - stepSize : value + stepSize);
+ // SetY(reverseValue ? valueY - stepSize : valueY + stepSize);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // base.OnMove(eventData);
+ // break;
+ // case MoveDirection.Down:
+ // if (axis == Axis.Vertical && FindSelectableOnDown() == null) {
+ // Set(reverseValue ? value + stepSize : value - stepSize);
+ // SetY(reverseValue ? valueY + stepSize : valueY - stepSize);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // base.OnMove(eventData);
+ // break;
+ // }
+ //}
+ //public override Selectable FindSelectableOnLeft()
+ //{
+ // if (navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.Automatic && axis == Axis.Horizontal)
+ // return null;
+ // return base.FindSelectableOnLeft();
+ //}
+ //public override Selectable FindSelectableOnRight()
+ //{
+ // if (navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.Automatic && axis == Axis.Horizontal)
+ // return null;
+ // return base.FindSelectableOnRight();
+ //}
+ //public override Selectable FindSelectableOnUp()
+ //{
+ // if (navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.Automatic && axis == Axis.Vertical)
+ // return null;
+ // return base.FindSelectableOnUp();
+ //}
+ //public override Selectable FindSelectableOnDown()
+ //{
+ // if (navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.Automatic && axis == Axis.Vertical)
+ // return null;
+ // return base.FindSelectableOnDown();
+ //}
+ public virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
+ {
+ eventData.useDragThreshold = false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c384ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/BoxSlider.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 37c44bc94a9a7f241b5b552f3ff89458
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d88958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using System;
+namespace HSVPicker
+#region ColorUtilities
+ public static class HSVUtil
+ {
+ public static HsvColor ConvertRgbToHsv(Color color)
+ {
+ return ConvertRgbToHsv((int)(color.r * 255), (int)(color.g * 255), (int)(color.b * 255));
+ }
+ //Converts an RGB color to an HSV color.
+ public static HsvColor ConvertRgbToHsv(double r, double b, double g)
+ {
+ double delta, min;
+ double h = 0, s, v;
+ min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b);
+ v = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b);
+ delta = v - min;
+ if (v.Equals(0))
+ s = 0;
+ else
+ s = delta / v;
+ if (s.Equals(0))
+ h = 360;
+ else
+ {
+ if (r.Equals(v))
+ h = (g - b) / delta;
+ else if (g.Equals(v))
+ h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
+ else if (b.Equals(v))
+ h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
+ h *= 60;
+ if (h <= 0.0)
+ h += 360;
+ }
+ HsvColor hsvColor = new HsvColor();
+ hsvColor.H = 360 - h;
+ hsvColor.S = s;
+ hsvColor.V = v / 255;
+ return hsvColor;
+ }
+ // Converts an HSV color to an RGB color.
+ public static Color ConvertHsvToRgb(double h, double s, double v, float alpha)
+ {
+ double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
+ if (s.Equals(0))
+ {
+ r = v;
+ g = v;
+ b = v;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int i;
+ double f, p, q, t;
+ if (h.Equals(360))
+ h = 0;
+ else
+ h = h / 60;
+ i = (int)(h);
+ f = h - i;
+ p = v * (1.0 - s);
+ q = v * (1.0 - (s * f));
+ t = v * (1.0 - (s * (1.0f - f)));
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ r = v;
+ g = t;
+ b = p;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ r = q;
+ g = v;
+ b = p;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ r = p;
+ g = v;
+ b = t;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ r = p;
+ g = q;
+ b = v;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ r = t;
+ g = p;
+ b = v;
+ break;
+ default:
+ r = v;
+ g = p;
+ b = q;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return new Color((float)r, (float)g, (float)b, alpha);
+ }
+ }
+#endregion ColorUtilities
+// Describes a color in terms of
+// Hue, Saturation, and Value (brightness)
+#region HsvColor
+ public struct HsvColor
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The Hue, ranges between 0 and 360
+ ///
+ public double H;
+ ///
+ /// The saturation, ranges between 0 and 1
+ ///
+ public double S;
+ // The value (brightness), ranges between 0 and 1
+ public double V;
+ public float normalizedH
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (float)H / 360f;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ H = (double)value * 360;
+ }
+ }
+ public float normalizedS
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (float)S;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ S = (double)value;
+ }
+ }
+ public float normalizedV
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (float)V;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ V = (double)value;
+ }
+ }
+ public HsvColor(double h, double s, double v)
+ {
+ this.H = h;
+ this.S = s;
+ this.V = v;
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return "{" + H.ToString("f2") + "," + S.ToString("f2") + "," + V.ToString("f2") + "}";
+ }
+ #endregion HsvColor
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84f89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/UtilityScripts/HSVUtil.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 4f3189246d7fc204faba7a1e9c08e0af
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2175b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "name": "judah4.hsvcolorpickerunity",
+ "displayName": "HSVPicker",
+ "version": "3.0.1",
+ "unity": "2019.4",
+ "description": "HSV color picker for Unity UI",
+ "keywords": [
+ ],
+ "dependencies": {
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json.meta b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff6f01b
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/HSVPicker/package.json.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: d46aec3749789425caab28d9edf026cf
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/KeyboardShortcuts.cs b/Assets/Scripts/KeyboardShortcuts.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102003e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/KeyboardShortcuts.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+using CommandUndoRedo;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
+public class KeyboardShortcuts : MonoBehaviour
+ public static KeyboardShortcuts Instance;
+ EventSystem eventSystem;
+ public bool KeyboardLocked = false;
+ public List KeyStrokes = new List();
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ if (Instance != null)
+ {
+ Destroy(Instance);
+ }
+ Instance = this;
+ eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
+ }
+ public void Undo()
+ {
+ UndoRedoManager.Undo();
+ }
+ public void Redo()
+ {
+ UndoRedoManager.Redo();
+ }
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject != null) return;
+ KatboiSequence();
+ if (Input.anyKeyDown && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.inputString))
+ {
+ switch (Input.inputString.ToUpper()[0])
+ {
+ case 'H':
+ //Settings.Instance.showHints = !Settings.Instance.showHints;
+ //ModelViewerInterface.GetInstance().TooltipLabels[0].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(Settings.Instance.showHints);
+ //Settings.Save();
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ Screenshot.Instance.TakeScreenshot();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
+ {
+ TimelineController.ChangeCurrentFrame(1, true);
+ }
+ else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
+ {
+ TimelineController.ChangeCurrentFrame(-1, true);
+ }
+ else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
+ {
+ TimelineController.Instance.Play = !TimelineController.Instance.Play;
+ }
+ }
+ private void KatboiSequence()
+ {
+ List sequences = new List()
+ {
+ "KATBOI01"
+ };
+ if (Input.anyKeyDown && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.inputString))
+ {
+ if (KeyStrokes.Count >= 10)
+ {
+ KeyStrokes = KeyStrokes.Skip(KeyStrokes.Count - 10).ToList();
+ }
+ KeyStrokes.Add(Input.inputString.ToUpper()[0]);
+ }
+ var curString = new string(KeyStrokes.ToArray());
+ string passcode = sequences.FirstOrDefault(s => curString.Contains(s));
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(passcode))
+ {
+ switch (passcode)
+ {
+ case "KATBOI01":
+ //secret here
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ KeyStrokes.Clear();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/KeyboardShortcuts.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/KeyboardShortcuts.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b1b56
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+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase.meta
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+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
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index 0000000..c488cc4
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System.Collections;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
+using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
+using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
+using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+public class AssetLibrary : MonoBehaviour
+ protected static AssetLibrary _mainInstance;
+ public ResourceLocationMap AddressableResourceMap;
+ private List _addressableKeys;
+ public string LocalFilesPath;
+ public static T GetInstance() where T : AssetLibrary
+ {
+ return _mainInstance as T;
+ }
+ public List GetAddressableKeys()
+ {
+ if (_addressableKeys == null)
+ {
+ _addressableKeys = AddressableResourceMap.Keys.Select(k=>k.ToString()).ToList();
+ }
+ return _addressableKeys.ToList();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Load catalog.json from games that use addressables
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public IEnumerator LoadAddressableCatalog(string catalogPath)
+ {
+ var opHandle = Addressables.LoadContentCatalogAsync(catalogPath);
+ yield return opHandle;
+ if (opHandle.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded)
+ {
+ Debug.Log(opHandle.Result.GetType());
+ AddressableResourceMap = opHandle.Result as ResourceLocationMap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw opHandle.OperationException;
+ }
+ //var keys = AddressableResourceMap.Keys.Where(k=>k.ToString().Contains("chara_100_0001")).ToList();
+ //for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
+ //{
+ // Debug.Log(keys[i].ToString());
+ // Debug.Log(JObject.FromObject(AddressableResourceMap.Locations[keys[i]][0]).ToString());
+ // Debug.Log(AddressableResourceMap.Locations[keys[i]][0].Data.GetType());
+ // //switch (AddressableResourceMap.Locations[keys[i]][0])
+ // //{
+ // // case CompactLocation cl:
+ // // break;
+ // //}
+ //}
+ }
+ public string GetResourcePath(string resourceName)
+ {
+ var locator = AddressableResourceMap.Locations[resourceName][0]; // AddressableResourceMap.Locations[resourceName][0].Dependencies[0].Data as AssetBundleRequestOptions;
+ if (locator.HasDependencies)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ var data = locator.Data as AssetBundleRequestOptions;
+ var filePath = data.BundleName + "/" + data.Hash + "/" + "__data";
+ return filePath;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetLibrary.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetLibrary.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetLibrary.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 68d09003b62bea04bbedb8a5b21b9aa6
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865be5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+public class AssetSpawnData
+ public AssetTypes AssetType;
+ public string FilePath;
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46752f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetSpawnData.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: a31e5f4826d6b7c42bca99c19497a7f4
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d20c2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+public enum AssetTypes
+ Unknown,
+ Character,
+ Object
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482b0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/AssetTypes.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 547b343c746a81e4dbfc463e6edd4948
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2fae9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+public class BoneList
+ public string Name;
+ public SerializableBone[] Bones = new SerializableBone[0];
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5338ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/BoneList.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 98e7f80672878ce44b33fbf239398d53
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca68c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+using CommandUndoRedo;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
+public class CameraOrbit : MonoBehaviour
+ public bool LightLock = false;
+ public Camera Cam;
+ bool controlOn;
+ float controlTime;
+ [Header("Light")]
+ public GameObject Light;
+ public GameObject CameraTargetHelper;
+ public Vector3 TargetCenter;
+ EventSystem eventSystem;
+ [Header("Free Camera")]
+ bool FreeCamLeft = false;
+ bool FreeCamRight = false;
+ public Vector3 lookRotation;
+ private CameraSettings _settings => ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().GetCameraHandler().Settings;
+ private CameraTransformCommand _tempCommand;
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ Init();
+ }
+ public CameraOrbit Init()
+ {
+ Cam = GetComponentInChildren();
+ eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
+ return this;
+ }
+ void Update()
+ {
+ if (ModelViewerMain.GetInstance() == null) return;
+ UpdateImmediate();
+ }
+ public void UpdateImmediate()
+ {
+ if (HandleManager.InteractionInProgress || _settings.CameraLock) return;
+ switch (_settings.CameraMode)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ OrbitAround();
+ OrbitLight();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ OrbitAround(true);
+ OrbitLight();
+ break;
+ case 2: FreeCamera(); break;
+ }
+ }
+ #region Camera
+ ///
+ /// Orbit camera around world center
+ ///
+ void OrbitAround(bool aroundCharacter = false)
+ {
+ float x = 0;
+ float y = 0;
+ var settings = _settings;
+ using (var context = new KeyframeToggleContext(settings))
+ {
+ if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject == null)
+ {
+ x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
+ y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
+ }
+ if (aroundCharacter)
+ {
+ var selectedObject = ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().SelectedObject;
+ TargetCenter = selectedObject != null ? selectedObject.GetCenter() : Vector3.zero;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TargetCenter = Vector3.zero;
+ }
+ Cam.fieldOfView = settings.Fov;
+ Vector3 position = transform.position;
+ Vector3 rotation = Cam.transform.localEulerAngles;
+ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject())
+ {
+ StartKeyframe();
+ controlOn = true;
+ controlTime = 0;
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && controlOn)
+ {
+ controlTime += Time.deltaTime;
+ position -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * settings.RotSpeed * transform.right;
+ settings.SliderCamDist.value -= Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * settings.ZoomSpeed;
+ settings.SliderCamHeight.value -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * settings.RotSpeed;
+ }
+ else if (controlOn)
+ {
+ controlOn = false;
+ if (controlTime > 0.2f)
+ {
+ context.ForceSetKeyframe();
+ EndKeyframe();
+ }
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject())
+ {
+ StartKeyframe();
+ CameraTargetHelper.SetActive(true);
+ controlTime = 0;
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButton(2) && CameraTargetHelper.activeSelf)
+ {
+ controlTime += Time.deltaTime;
+ settings.SliderTargetHeight.value -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
+ CameraTargetHelper.transform.position = settings.SliderTargetHeight.value * Vector3.up;
+ }
+ if (CameraTargetHelper.activeSelf && Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2))
+ {
+ CameraTargetHelper.SetActive(false);
+ if (controlTime > 0.2f)
+ {
+ context.ForceSetKeyframe();
+ EndKeyframe();
+ }
+ }
+ float camDist = settings.CamDist;
+ settings.SliderCamHeight.maxValue = camDist + 1 - camDist * 0.2f;
+ settings.SliderCamHeight.minValue = -camDist + 1 + camDist * 0.2f;
+ settings.SliderCamHeight.value += y * settings.RotSpeed;
+ Vector3 target = TargetCenter + settings.TargetHeight * Vector3.up; //set target offsets
+ position.y = TargetCenter.y + settings.CamHeight; //set camera height
+ transform.position = position; //set final position of camera at target
+ transform.position += (x * transform.right) * settings.RotSpeed;
+ //Debug.Log(rotation);
+ transform.LookAt(target); //look at target position
+ Cam.transform.localEulerAngles = settings.CamAngle * Vector3.forward;
+ transform.position = target - transform.forward * camDist; //move away from target
+ lookRotation = transform.localEulerAngles;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Free Camera, Unity-Style
+ ///
+ void FreeCamera()
+ {
+ var settings = _settings; ;
+ //Debug.Log("1 " + lookRotation);
+ //Debug.Log("2 " + transform.localEulerAngles);
+ //Debug.Log("3 " + transform.eulerAngles);
+ Cam.fieldOfView = settings.Fov;
+ float moveSpeed = settings.MovSpeed;
+ float rotateSpeed = settings.RotSpeed;
+ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject())
+ {
+ StartKeyframe();
+ lookRotation = transform.localEulerAngles;
+ FreeCamLeft = true;
+ controlTime = 0;
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && FreeCamLeft)
+ {
+ controlTime += Time.deltaTime;
+ transform.position += Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
+ transform.position += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * transform.right * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
+ lookRotation.x -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * rotateSpeed;
+ lookRotation.y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * rotateSpeed;
+ lookRotation.x = Mathf.Clamp(lookRotation.x, -90, 90);
+ if (lookRotation.y >= 360) lookRotation.y -= 360;
+ if (lookRotation.y <= -360) lookRotation.y += 360;
+ //x (up down) y (left right) changes
+ transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(lookRotation.x, lookRotation.y, lookRotation.z);
+ }
+ else if (FreeCamLeft)
+ {
+ FreeCamLeft = false;
+ if (controlTime > 0.2f)
+ {
+ ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().GetCameraHandler().SetKeyframe();
+ EndKeyframe();
+ }
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject())
+ {
+ StartKeyframe();
+ FreeCamRight = true;
+ controlTime = 0;
+ }
+ if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && FreeCamRight)
+ {
+ controlTime += Time.deltaTime;
+ transform.position += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * transform.right * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
+ transform.position += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * transform.up * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
+ }
+ else if (FreeCamRight)
+ {
+ FreeCamRight = false;
+ if (controlTime > 0.2f)
+ {
+ ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().GetCameraHandler().SetKeyframe();
+ EndKeyframe();
+ }
+ }
+ Cam.transform.localEulerAngles = settings.CamAngle * Vector3.forward;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Light
+ ///
+ /// Rotate Light Source
+ ///
+ private void OrbitLight()
+ {
+ if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && !LightLock)
+ {
+ Light.transform.Rotate(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * Vector3.up, Space.Self);
+ Light.transform.Rotate(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * Vector3.right, Space.Self);
+ }
+ }
+ public void SetLightColor(Color color)
+ {
+ Light.GetComponent().color = color;
+ }
+ public void SetLightIntensity(float value)
+ {
+ Light.GetComponent().intensity = value;
+ }
+ public void SetLightShadowIntensity(float value)
+ {
+ Light.GetComponent().shadowStrength = value;
+ }
+ public void SetLightShadows(int value)
+ {
+ Light.GetComponent().shadows = (LightShadows)value;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private void StartKeyframe()
+ {
+ var cam = ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().GetCameraHandler();
+ if (cam == ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().WorkCameraOrbit)
+ {
+ _tempCommand = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ _tempCommand = new CameraTransformCommand()
+ {
+ Container = cam,
+ OldValues = cam.SerializeFrame() as KeyframeDataCamera,
+ Frame = TimelineController.Instance.CurrentFrame
+ };
+ }
+ private void EndKeyframe()
+ {
+ if (_tempCommand != null )
+ {
+ _tempCommand.NewValues = _tempCommand.Container.SerializeFrame() as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ UndoRedoManager.Insert(_tempCommand);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c78f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraOrbit.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 32a48605970827e4999f4dd7807a5eac
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5301802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class CameraSettings : MonoBehaviour, IKeyframeSetter
+ protected bool _setKeyframe = true;
+ [Header("Scene")]
+ public SliderPanel
+ SliderFov;
+ public SliderPanel
+ SliderCamDist,
+ SliderCamHeight,
+ SliderTargetHeight,
+ SliderCamAngle;
+ [Header("Unsaved")]
+ public SliderPanel
+ SliderMovSpeed;
+ public SliderPanel
+ SliderRotSpeed,
+ SliderZoomSpeed;
+ public Toggle ToggleCameraLock;
+ public Toggle ToggleWorkCamera;
+ public ExtendedDropdown BackgroundDropdown;
+ public TMPro.TMP_Dropdown DropdownCameraMode;
+ public GameObject ColorPickerPanel;
+ public int CameraMode => DropdownCameraMode.value;
+ public bool CameraLock => ToggleCameraLock.isOn;
+ public float Fov => SliderFov.value;
+ public float CamDist => SliderCamDist.value;
+ public float CamHeight => SliderCamHeight.value;
+ public float TargetHeight => SliderTargetHeight.value;
+ public float CamAngle => SliderCamAngle.value;
+ public float MovSpeed => SliderMovSpeed.value;
+ public float RotSpeed => SliderRotSpeed.value;
+ public float ZoomSpeed => SliderZoomSpeed.value;
+ public void SwapCamera(bool workCameraMode)
+ {
+ var mainCamera = ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().MainCameraOrbit;
+ var workCamera = ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().WorkCameraOrbit;
+ var camera = mainCamera.Camera;
+ if (workCameraMode)
+ {
+ mainCamera.LastPosition = mainCamera.SerializeFrame() as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ mainCamera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(camera.Cam.transform.position, camera.Cam.transform.rotation);
+ mainCamera.LineRenderer.enabled = true;
+ workCamera.LineRenderer.enabled = false;
+ if(workCamera.LastPosition.Root.Position == Vector3.zero)
+ {
+ workCamera.PastePose(mainCamera.LastPosition, new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ workCamera.PastePose(workCamera.LastPosition, new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ workCamera.LastPosition = workCamera.SerializeFrame() as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ workCamera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(camera.Cam.transform.position, camera.Cam.transform.rotation);
+ //WorkCameraOrbit.LineRenderer.enabled = true;
+ mainCamera.LineRenderer.enabled = false;
+ mainCamera.PastePose(mainCamera.LastPosition, new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ }
+ public void SetKeyframe(int frameNum = -1)
+ {
+ if (ToggleWorkCamera.isOn || !_setKeyframe) return;
+ ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().MainCameraOrbit.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void EnableKeyframeSet()
+ {
+ _setKeyframe = true;
+ }
+ public void DisableKeyframeSet()
+ {
+ _setKeyframe = false;
+ }
+ public void OnBackgroundDropdownSelected(int index)
+ {
+ switch (index)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ Camera.main.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox;
+ //ColorPickerPanel.SetActive(false);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Camera.main.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
+ //ColorPickerPanel.SetActive(true);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Camera.main.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing;
+ //ColorPickerPanel.SetActive(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void SetBackgroundColor(Color color)
+ {
+ Camera.main.backgroundColor = color;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..761bf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/CameraSettings.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 38982c2df9f1d8143ab670461e160feb
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78f2b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: ee079ecd1686a3d43ae7b09d94eb43bb
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa92617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System.Linq;
+public class CameraContainer: ObjectContainer
+ public CameraOrbit Camera;
+ public KeyframeDataCamera LastPosition;
+ public LineRenderer LineRenderer;
+ public CameraSettings Settings;
+ protected override void Start()
+ {
+ //Set default keyframe in custom ModelViewerMain
+ }
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ if (!LineRenderer.enabled) return;
+ float fov = Settings.Fov;
+ float aspect = Camera.Cam.aspect;
+ float nearPlane = Camera.Cam.nearClipPlane;
+ float farPlane = Camera.Cam.farClipPlane;
+ Vector3[] far = CalculateCameraFrustRect(fov, aspect, farPlane, transform);
+ Vector3[] near = CalculateCameraFrustRect(fov, aspect, nearPlane, transform);
+ var edges = new Vector3[]
+ {
+ far[0], far[1], far[2], far[3], far[0], near[0], near[1], near[2], near[3], near[0], near[1], far[1], far[2], near[2], near[3], far[3]
+ };
+ LineRenderer.positionCount = edges.Length;
+ LineRenderer.SetPositions(edges);
+ }
+ private static Vector3[] CalculateCameraFrustRect(float fieldOfView, float aspect, float dist, Transform transform)
+ {
+ dist = Mathf.Clamp(dist, 0.1f, 20f);
+ Vector3[] rect = new Vector3[4];
+ float frustumHeight = 2.0F * dist * Mathf.Tan(fieldOfView * 0.5F * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
+ rect[0] = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-frustumHeight * aspect / 2, frustumHeight / 2, dist));
+ rect[1] = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(frustumHeight * aspect / 2, frustumHeight / 2, dist));
+ rect[2] = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(frustumHeight * aspect / 2, -frustumHeight / 2, dist));
+ rect[3] = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-frustumHeight * aspect / 2, -frustumHeight / 2, dist));
+ return (rect);
+ }
+ Vector3 TransformPoint(Vector3 transforPos, Quaternion transformRotation, Vector3 transformScale, Vector3 pos)
+ {
+ Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transforPos, transformRotation, transformScale);
+ return matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
+ }
+ Vector3 InverseTransformPoint(Vector3 transforPos, Quaternion transformRotation, Vector3 transformScale, Vector3 pos)
+ {
+ Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transforPos, transformRotation, transformScale);
+ Matrix4x4 inverse = matrix.inverse;
+ return inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
+ }
+ public override ObjectContainerSerializable Serialize()
+ {
+ var serialized = new CameraContainerSerializable(this);
+ return serialized;
+ }
+ public override KeyframeData SerializeFrame()
+ {
+ return new KeyframeDataCamera(this);
+ }
+ public override void Deserialize(ObjectContainerSerializable serialized)
+ {
+ DeserializeFrames(serialized);
+ }
+ public override void Lerp(KeyframeData frame1, KeyframeData frame2, float amount)
+ {
+ var tsf = frame1 as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ if (frame1 != frame2)
+ {
+ tsf = tsf.Lerp(frame2, amount) as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ }
+ var orbitLocator = ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().MainCameraOrbit;
+ if (ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().GetCameraHandler() == ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().WorkCameraOrbit)
+ {
+ //if in work camera mode, move the camera locator only
+ orbitLocator.transform.position = tsf.Root.Position;
+ orbitLocator.transform.eulerAngles = tsf.Root.Rotation;
+ orbitLocator.LastPosition = tsf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ orbitLocator.PastePose(tsf, new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Select()
+ {
+ }
+ public override void Deselect()
+ {
+ }
+ public override void PastePose(KeyframeData frame, PoseLoadOptions pasteParams = null)
+ {
+ var keyframe = frame as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ Camera.transform.localPosition = keyframe.Root.Position;
+ Camera.transform.localEulerAngles = keyframe.Root.Rotation;
+ Camera.lookRotation = keyframe.Root.Rotation;
+ //if (Camera.lookRotation.x > 90) Camera.lookRotation.x -= 360;
+ //if (Camera.lookRotation.x < -90) Camera.lookRotation.x += 360;
+ //lookRotation.x = lookRotation.x - 360;
+ using (new KeyframeToggleContext(this))
+ {
+ Settings.DropdownCameraMode.value = keyframe.CameraMode;
+ //Settings.ToggleCameraLock.isOn = keyframe.CameraLock;
+ Settings.SliderFov.value = keyframe.Fov;
+ Settings.SliderCamDist.value = keyframe.CamDist;
+ Settings.SliderCamHeight.value = keyframe.CamHeight;
+ Settings.SliderTargetHeight.value = keyframe.TargetHeigh;
+ Settings.SliderCamAngle.value = keyframe.CamAngle;
+ }
+ Camera.UpdateImmediate();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda81dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainer.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 72e8d74079817324498115876d689669
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d271b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+public class CameraContainerSerializable : ObjectContainerSerializable
+ public CameraContainerSerializable() { }
+ public CameraContainerSerializable(CameraContainer container)
+ {
+ GUID = "cameraOrbit";
+ Frames = container.Frames.Select(f => new FrameContent(f)).ToList();
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c8439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/CameraContainerSerializable.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5a1693bb5411564489cd61fa721c0fd0
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a1965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+public class ObjectContainer : MonoBehaviour, IKeyframeSetter
+ [JsonIgnore] public bool DoNotSave;
+ public int ModelId;
+ public string GUID = "";
+ public bool LoadInProgress = false;
+ public List Handles = new List();
+ public List Renderers = new List();
+ public Dictionary> Morphs = new Dictionary>();
+ public List Frames = new List();
+ public List InstantiatedObjects = new List();
+ protected bool _setKeyframe = true;
+ protected bool _applicationQuitting = false;
+ public void Awake()
+ {
+ if (GUID == "")
+ GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
+ }
+ public static T Create(string name = "Container") where T : ObjectContainer
+ {
+ var container = new GameObject(name).AddComponent();
+ return container;
+ }
+ protected virtual void Start()
+ {
+ if (ModelViewerMain.GetInstance() == null) return;
+ if (DoNotSave) return;
+ if (Frames.Count == 0)
+ {
+ SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void PasteContainer(ObjectContainerSerializable bones, PoseLoadOptions pasteParams)
+ {
+ GUID = bones.GUID;
+ }
+ public virtual Vector3 GetCenter() { return transform.position; }
+ public void ToggleVisible(GameObject go, bool value)
+ {
+ go.SetActive(value);
+ }
+ public void ToggleRendererVisible(Renderer r, bool value)
+ {
+ r.enabled = value;
+ }
+ public virtual ObjectContainerSerializable Serialize()
+ {
+ return new ObjectContainerSerializable(this);
+ }
+ public virtual KeyframeData SerializeFrame()
+ {
+ return new KeyframeData(this);
+ }
+ public virtual void Deserialize(ObjectContainerSerializable serialized)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(GetType().FullName);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if (_applicationQuitting) return;
+ foreach (var rend in Renderers)
+ {
+ for (int i = rend.sharedMaterials.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Destroy(rend.sharedMaterials[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var obj in InstantiatedObjects)
+ {
+ Destroy(obj);
+ }
+ ModelViewerMain.UnregisterObject(this);
+ if (gameObject != null)
+ Destroy(gameObject);
+ Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets();
+ System.GC.Collect();
+ }
+ #region Timeline
+ public virtual DataType GetDataType()
+ {
+ switch (this)
+ {
+ case SceneContainer _:
+ return DataType.Scene;
+ case CameraContainer _:
+ return DataType.Camera;
+ default:
+ return DataType.Character;
+ }
+ }
+ public FrameContent TryGetFrame(int frameNum)
+ {
+ return Frames.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FrameNum == frameNum);
+ }
+ public void GetClosestFrames(int frame, out FrameContent previousFrame, out FrameContent nextFrame)
+ {
+ previousFrame = null;
+ nextFrame = null;
+ var frames = Frames.OrderBy(f => f.FrameNum).ToArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Frames.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (Frames[i].FrameNum < frame)
+ {
+ previousFrame = nextFrame = frames[i];
+ }
+ else if (Frames[i].FrameNum == frame)
+ {
+ previousFrame = nextFrame = frames[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (Frames[i].FrameNum > frame)
+ {
+ if (previousFrame == null) previousFrame = frames[i];
+ nextFrame = frames[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true if frame existed or false if it was created
+ public bool GetCurrentFrame(int frame, out FrameContent currentFrame)
+ {
+ GetClosestFrames(frame, out var previousFrame, out var nextFrame);
+ if (previousFrame.FrameNum == frame)
+ {
+ currentFrame = previousFrame;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (nextFrame.FrameNum == frame)
+ {
+ currentFrame = nextFrame;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentFrame = new FrameContent(frame);
+ Frames.Add(currentFrame);
+ Frames = Frames.OrderBy(f => f.FrameNum).ToList();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void SetKeyframe(int frameNum = -1)
+ {
+ if (DoNotSave || !_setKeyframe) return;
+ Debug.Log("Setting frame for " + name);
+ //if (Frames.Count == 0) SetDefaultFrame();
+ if (frameNum == -1) frameNum = TimelineController.Instance.CurrentFrame;
+ GetClosestFrames(frameNum, out var previousFrame, out var nextFrame);
+ FrameContent currentFrame = null;
+ if (previousFrame == null || previousFrame.FrameNum != frameNum)
+ {
+ currentFrame = new FrameContent(frameNum);
+ Frames.Add(currentFrame);
+ Frames = Frames.OrderBy(f => f.FrameNum).ToList();
+ }
+ else if (previousFrame.FrameNum == frameNum) currentFrame = previousFrame;
+ else if (nextFrame.FrameNum == frameNum) currentFrame = nextFrame;
+ currentFrame.SetObjectData(SerializeFrame());
+ TimelineController.UpdateTimeline();
+ }
+ public void SetDefaultFrame()
+ {
+ Frames = new List()
+ {
+ new FrameContent(0).SetObjectData(SerializeFrame())
+ };
+ }
+ public virtual void DeserializeFrames(ObjectContainerSerializable serialized)
+ {
+ Frames = serialized.Frames.Select(f => new FrameContent(f)).ToList();
+ }
+ public virtual void Lerp(KeyframeData frame1, KeyframeData frame2, float amount)
+ {
+ if (frame1 == frame2)
+ {
+ PastePose(frame1, new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PastePose(frame1.Lerp(frame2, amount), new PoseLoadOptions(true));
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void PastePose(KeyframeData frame, PoseLoadOptions pasteParams)
+ {
+ if (pasteParams.Root)
+ {
+ transform.SetTransform(frame.Root);
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void Deselect()
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(this.GetType().FullName);
+ }
+ public virtual void Select()
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(this.GetType().FullName);
+ }
+ public void Destroy()
+ {
+ Destroy(this.gameObject);
+ }
+ public void EnableKeyframeSet()
+ {
+ _setKeyframe = true;
+ }
+ public void DisableKeyframeSet()
+ {
+ _setKeyframe = false;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private void OnApplicationQuit()
+ {
+ _applicationQuitting = true;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63dee63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainer.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 2bf6dfe0e5776cd49b8f8923c18704da
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d565284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+public class ObjectContainerSerializable
+ public string Filename;
+ public string GUID;
+ public List Frames;
+ public ObjectContainerSerializable() { }
+ public ObjectContainerSerializable(ObjectContainer containerBase)
+ {
+ this.Filename = containerBase.name;
+ this.GUID = containerBase.GUID;
+ this.Frames = containerBase.Frames.Select(frame => new FrameContent(frame)).ToList();
+ }
+ public ObjectContainerSerializable(ObjectContainerSerializable source)
+ {
+ this.Filename = source.Filename;
+ this.GUID = source.GUID;
+ this.Frames = source.Frames.Select(frame => new FrameContent(frame)).ToList();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6066d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/ObjectContainerSerializable.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 85c39ae818417104eb7ae9174bd0f708
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0736c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class SceneContainer : ObjectContainer
+ public CameraContainer MainCameraOrbit;
+ public CameraContainer WorkCameraOrbit;
+ public List AllObjects = new List();
+ public List Objects() where T : ObjectContainer
+ {
+ return AllObjects.Cast().ToList();
+ }
+ public static SceneContainer Create(ModelViewerMain main) where T : SceneContainer
+ {
+ var container = new GameObject("Scene").AddComponent();
+ container.Init(main);
+ return container;
+ }
+ public virtual void Init(ModelViewerMain main)
+ {
+ GUID = "scene";
+ MainCameraOrbit = main.MainCameraOrbit;
+ WorkCameraOrbit = main.WorkCameraOrbit;
+ SetDefaultFrame();
+ AllObjects.Add(MainCameraOrbit);
+ }
+ public override ObjectContainerSerializable Serialize()
+ {
+ return new SceneSerializable(this);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be4dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneContainer.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 520e0b69d9f17e2488c1eb19d9a50940
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9fe86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class SceneSerializable : ObjectContainerSerializable
+ public string Version;
+ public string Date;
+ public TimelineControllerSerializable Timeline;
+ public List Objects = new List();
+ public SceneSerializable() { }
+ public SceneSerializable(SceneContainer scene)
+ {
+ this.Version = Application.version;
+ this.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ;
+ this.Timeline = new TimelineControllerSerializable(TimelineController.Instance);
+ this.Frames = scene.Frames.Select(f => new FrameContent(f)).ToList();
+ foreach (var obj in scene.AllObjects)
+ {
+ if (obj != scene)
+ Objects.Add(obj.Serialize());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e971e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Containers/SceneSerializable.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 7592143342b8b0741831e85e6a2f88b1
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f445c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 7d421e7c2f2db7e4c90eed5665505326
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1965d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class InverseKinematics : MonoBehaviour {
+ private Material lineMaterial;
+ private Dictionary linePoints = new Dictionary();
+ public bool SoftEnabled = true;
+ public Transform upperArm;
+ public Transform forearm;
+ public Transform hand;
+ public Transform elbow;
+ public Transform target;
+ [Space(20)]
+ public Vector3 uppperArm_OffsetRotation;
+ public Vector3 forearm_OffsetRotation;
+ public Vector3 hand_OffsetRotation;
+ [Space(20)]
+ public bool handMatchesTargetRotation = true;
+ [Space(20)]
+ public bool linesVisible = true;
+ public bool forceLinesInvisible = true;
+ float angle;
+ float upperArm_Length;
+ float forearm_Length;
+ float arm_Length;
+ float targetDistance;
+ float adyacent;
+ public void SpawnLines(Color specialColor) {
+ lineMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply"));
+ NewLine(upperArm, elbow, 0.005f, Color.yellow);
+ NewLine(elbow, target, 0.005f, Color.yellow);
+ NewLine(upperArm, target, 0.005f, Color.white);
+ NewLine(forearm, elbow, 0.01f, specialColor);
+ }
+ void NewLine(Transform point1, Transform point2, float width, Color color)
+ {
+ GameObject go = new GameObject("line");
+ go.layer = 5;
+ go.transform.SetParent(this.transform);
+ var lr = go.AddComponent();
+ lr.startWidth = lr.endWidth = width;
+ lr.startColor = lr.endColor = color;
+ lr.sharedMaterial = lineMaterial;
+ linePoints.Add(go, new Transform[] { point1, point2 });
+ }
+ void UpdateLines()
+ {
+ foreach(var kv in linePoints)
+ {
+ var lr = kv.Key.GetComponent();
+ if (!SoftEnabled)
+ {
+ if(lr.enabled != SoftEnabled)
+ {
+ lr.enabled = SoftEnabled;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((lr.enabled != linesVisible) || (lr.enabled && forceLinesInvisible))
+ {
+ if(forceLinesInvisible)
+ {
+ lr.enabled = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lr.enabled = linesVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < kv.Value.Length; i++)
+ {
+ lr.SetPosition(i, kv.Value[i].position);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update is called once per frame
+ void LateUpdate () {
+ if(upperArm != null && forearm != null && hand != null && elbow != null && target != null)
+ {
+ if (SoftEnabled)
+ {
+ upperArm_Length = Vector3.Distance(upperArm.position, forearm.position);
+ forearm_Length = Vector3.Distance(forearm.position, hand.position);
+ arm_Length = upperArm_Length + forearm_Length;
+ targetDistance = Vector3.Distance(upperArm.position, target.position);
+ targetDistance = Mathf.Min(targetDistance, arm_Length - arm_Length * 0.001f);
+ upperArm.LookAt(target, elbow.position - upperArm.position);
+ upperArm.Rotate(uppperArm_OffsetRotation);
+ Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(elbow.position - upperArm.position, forearm.position - upperArm.position);
+ adyacent = ((upperArm_Length * upperArm_Length) - (forearm_Length * forearm_Length) + (targetDistance * targetDistance)) / (2 * targetDistance);
+ angle = Mathf.Acos(adyacent / upperArm_Length) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
+ if (float.IsNaN(angle))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Vector3 oldPosition = upperArm.localPosition;
+ upperArm.RotateAround(upperArm.position, cross, -angle);
+ upperArm.localPosition = oldPosition;
+ forearm.LookAt(target, cross);
+ forearm.Rotate(forearm_OffsetRotation);
+ if (handMatchesTargetRotation)
+ {
+ hand.rotation = target.rotation;
+ hand.Rotate(hand_OffsetRotation);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //target.position = hand.position;
+ //target.rotation = hand.rotation;
+ //target.Rotate(-hand_OffsetRotation);
+ //elbow.position = forearm.position;
+ }
+ UpdateLines();
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ Destroy(lineMaterial);
+ foreach(var i in linePoints)
+ {
+ Destroy(i.Key);
+ }
+ Destroy(elbow.gameObject);
+ Destroy(target.gameObject);
+ }
+ void OnDrawGizmos(){
+ if (linesVisible) {
+ if(upperArm != null && elbow != null && hand != null && target != null && elbow != null){
+ Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
+ Gizmos.DrawLine (upperArm.position, forearm.position);
+ Gizmos.DrawLine (forearm.position, hand.position);
+ Gizmos.color = Color.red;
+ Gizmos.DrawLine (upperArm.position, target.position);
+ Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
+ Gizmos.DrawLine (forearm.position, elbow.position);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b783f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Inverse Kinematics/InverseKinematics.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 30d20bcf9ec4ed24b97a6e8ab136c34f
+timeCreated: 1499795966
+licenseType: Store
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2ce91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class ModelBuilder : MonoBehaviour
+ public static ModelBuilder _mainInstance;
+ public static ModelBuilder GetInstance()
+ {
+ return _mainInstance;
+ }
+ public static T GetInstance() where T : ModelBuilder
+ {
+ return _mainInstance as T;
+ }
+ public virtual IEnumerator SpawnSerialized(ObjectContainerSerializable oc, Action callback = null)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public IEnumerator SpawnAsset(string assetPath, Action callback = null)
+ {
+ yield return SpawnAsset(AssetTypes.Unknown, assetPath, callback);
+ }
+ public virtual IEnumerator SpawnAsset(Enum assetType, string assetPath, Action callback = null)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public virtual IEnumerator SpawnAsset(AssetSpawnData data, Action callback = null)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb812d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelBuilder.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3553f9c3dfc57b14d95850ae26fc05e7
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d069c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "name": "ModelViewerBase",
+ "rootNamespace": "",
+ "references": [
+ "GUID:6055be8ebefd69e48b49212b09b47b2f",
+ "GUID:24ad1c085c49dc34dbe16c3d92c6f299",
+ "GUID:aee7fa92e14bf364ebccdd24623e1764",
+ "GUID:ee695b84b4c90104b9367eebc6b0d70d",
+ "GUID:9e24947de15b9834991c9d8411ea37cf",
+ "GUID:84651a3751eca9349aac36a66bba901b"
+ ],
+ "includePlatforms": [],
+ "excludePlatforms": [],
+ "allowUnsafeCode": false,
+ "overrideReferences": false,
+ "precompiledReferences": [],
+ "autoReferenced": true,
+ "defineConstraints": [],
+ "versionDefines": [],
+ "noEngineReferences": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f34e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerBase.asmdef.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1f135e4ce2898524aa1e81c5cd7f1242
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c7b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Networking;
+public class ModelViewerDownloader
+ public static string UrlBase = "";
+ public static string SaveLocation = "/idbfs/ModelViewer/";
+ public static ModelViewerDownloader Instance;
+ public bool SyncRequired;
+ public ModelViewerDownloader() : this(UrlBase, "/idbfs/ModelViewer/") { }
+ public ModelViewerDownloader(string baseUrl, string saveLocation)
+ {
+ UrlBase = baseUrl;
+ SaveLocation = saveLocation;
+ ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().StartCoroutine(Loop());
+ }
+ public class DownloadTask
+ {
+ public string Name;
+ public bool Redownload = false;
+ public bool Finished = false;
+ public bool Success = false;
+ public int Priority = 0;
+ public string ResultText;
+ public byte[] ResultBytes;
+ public System.Action OnDownloadSuccess;
+ public DownloadTask(string name, int priority, bool redownload)
+ {
+ Name = name;
+ Priority = priority;
+ Redownload = redownload;
+ }
+ }
+ private static List _downloadRunning = new List();
+ private static List _downloadQueue = new List();
+ public IEnumerator Loop()
+ {
+ float lastSync = 5;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if(_downloadQueue.Count > 0)
+ {
+ _downloadRunning.AddRange(_downloadQueue);
+ _downloadRunning = _downloadRunning.OrderByDescending(d=>d.Priority).ToList();
+ _downloadQueue.Clear();
+ }
+ if(_downloadRunning.Count > 0)
+ {
+ var fileToDownload = _downloadRunning[0];
+ _downloadRunning.RemoveAt(0);
+ yield return DownloadFile(fileToDownload);
+ if(!_downloadRunning.Any() && !_downloadQueue.Any())
+ {
+ SyncRequired = true;
+ lastSync = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(SyncRequired)
+ {
+ lastSync += Time.deltaTime;
+ if(lastSync >= 5)
+ {
+ CommitChanges();
+ }
+ }
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static IEnumerator WaitForDownload(string name, int priority = 0, bool redownload = false, System.Action lines = null, System.Action bytes = null, System.Action text = null, System.Action onDownloadSuccess = null)
+ {
+ var task = _downloadQueue.Concat(_downloadRunning).FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == name);
+ if(task == null)
+ {
+ task = new DownloadTask(name, priority, redownload);
+ task.OnDownloadSuccess = onDownloadSuccess;
+ _downloadQueue.Add(task);
+ }
+ while (!task.Finished)
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ lines?.Invoke(task.ResultText.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray());
+ bytes?.Invoke(task.ResultBytes);
+ text?.Invoke(task.ResultText);
+ }
+ private IEnumerator DownloadFile(DownloadTask task)
+ {
+ string fileSavePath = $"{SaveLocation}{task.Name}";
+ string fileSavePath = Application.persistentDataPath + " /" + task.Name;
+ if (!task.Redownload && LoadFromIdbfs(fileSavePath, out var data))
+ {
+ //Debug.Log("Loaded from " + fileSavePath);
+ task.Success = true;
+ task.ResultText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
+ task.ResultBytes = data;
+ task.Finished = true;
+ yield break;
+ }
+ string url = UrlBase + task.Name + (task.Redownload ? "?time=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() : "");
+ //var downloadPanel = KFKViewerUI.Instance.DownloadPanel;
+ //Msg.Log(url);
+ using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url))
+ {
+ //downloadPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+ var operation = www.SendWebRequest();
+ do
+ {
+ //downloadPanel.SetStatus(task.Name, www.downloadProgress);
+ yield return null;
+ }
+ while (!operation.isDone);
+ if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
+ {
+ Error.Log(Color.red, www.error);
+ task.Success = false;
+ task.ResultText = "";
+ task.ResultBytes = new byte[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SaveToIdbfs(fileSavePath, www.downloadHandler.data);
+ task.OnDownloadSuccess?.Invoke();
+ task.Success = true;
+ task.ResultText = www.downloadHandler.text;
+ task.ResultBytes = www.downloadHandler.data;
+ }
+ }
+ //downloadPanel.SetStatus(task.Name, 0);
+ //downloadPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+ task.Finished = true;
+ }
+ public static bool LoadFromIdbfs(string name, out byte[] data)
+ {
+ if(File.Exists(name))
+ {
+ data = File.ReadAllBytes(name);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void SaveToIdbfs(string path, byte[] data)
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
+ File.WriteAllBytes(path, data);
+ //Debug.Log("Saved " + path);
+ }
+ private static void CommitChanges()
+ {
+ Instance.SyncRequired = false;
+ Debug.Log("Database Updated");
+ SyncFiles();
+ }
+ [DllImport("__Internal")]
+ private static extern void SyncFiles();
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7b628e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerDownloader.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 413260822fc499146b2e2bfdc91a5a21
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e66bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UIPanels;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames;
+public class ModelViewerInterface : MonoBehaviour
+ public static ModelViewerInterface _mainInstance;
+ public Transform DynamicPanels;
+ public TMPro.TMP_Text[] TooltipLabels;
+ public ScrollRect ScenePresetToggle;
+ public ScrollRect PosePresetToggle;
+ public List TopbarPanels;
+ public UIPanels.UIToolbarPanel TogglesContent;
+ public UIPanels.UISaveLoadPanel SaveLoadPanel;
+ public UIPanels.UICameraSettingsPanel CameraSettingsPanel;
+ public Canvas MainCanvas;
+ public RectTransform Tooltip;
+ public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI TooltipText;
+ public static ModelViewerInterface GetInstance()
+ {
+ return _mainInstance;
+ }
+ public static T GetInstance() where T : ModelViewerInterface
+ {
+ return _mainInstance as T;
+ }
+ public static void SetTooltip(int index, string tooltip)
+ {
+ var tooltips = GetInstance().TooltipLabels;
+ if(tooltips.Length > index)
+ {
+ tooltips[index].SetText(tooltip);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ToggleVisible(GameObject go)
+ {
+ ToggleVisible(go, false);
+ }
+ public static void ToggleVisible(GameObject go, bool force = false, bool forceValue = false)
+ {
+ if (force)
+ {
+ go.SetActive(forceValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ go.SetActive(!go.activeSelf);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void SetDropdownData(TMPro.TMP_Dropdown dd, List values, bool nullValue = false, bool sortValues = false)
+ {
+ dd.ClearOptions();
+ if (nullValue)
+ dd.AddOptions(new List() { Strings.NoValueSelectedString });
+ if (values != null)
+ {
+ if (sortValues)
+ {
+ values = new List(values);
+ values.Sort();
+ }
+ dd.AddOptions(values);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void DropdownPrevious(TMPro.TMP_Dropdown dropdown)
+ {
+ Error.Log(Color.red, "Remove this");
+ dropdown.value = dropdown.value - 1 < 0 ? dropdown.options.Count - 1 : dropdown.value - 1;
+ }
+ public static void DropdownNext(TMPro.TMP_Dropdown dropdown)
+ {
+ Error.Log(Color.red, "Remove this");
+ dropdown.value = dropdown.value + 1 >= dropdown.options.Count ? 0 : dropdown.value + 1;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c83965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerInterface.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3b1090dfa84b72140b13b27e73e267f2
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b8d168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+using System;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+public class ModelViewerMain : MonoBehaviour
+ protected static ModelViewerMain _mainInstance;
+ [SerializeField]
+ public CameraContainer
+ MainCameraOrbit,
+ WorkCameraOrbit;
+ public OperationMode Mode;
+ public SceneContainer CurrentScene;
+ public ObjectContainer SelectedObject;
+ public List SelectedObjects = new List();
+ protected float[] _backupTimes = new float[] { 15 * 60, 5 * 60, 60 };
+ protected float[] _backupTimers;
+ public enum OperationMode
+ {
+ Single,
+ Multiple
+ }
+ public static ModelViewerMain GetInstance()
+ {
+ return _mainInstance;
+ }
+ public static T GetInstance() where T : ModelViewerMain
+ {
+ return _mainInstance as T;
+ }
+ public CameraOrbit GetCamera()
+ {
+ return CurrentScene.MainCameraOrbit.Camera;
+ }
+ public CameraContainer GetCameraHandler()
+ {
+ if (!CurrentScene.MainCameraOrbit.LineRenderer.enabled)
+ return CurrentScene.MainCameraOrbit;
+ else
+ return CurrentScene.WorkCameraOrbit;
+ }
+ public static void RegisterObject(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ GetInstance().CurrentScene.AllObjects.Add(container);
+ }
+ public static void UnregisterObject(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ GetInstance().CurrentScene.AllObjects.Remove(container);
+ GetInstance().SelectionRemove(container);
+ }
+ public T GetSelectedObject() where T: ObjectContainer
+ {
+ return SelectedObject as T;
+ }
+ public T GetCurrentScene() where T : SceneContainer
+ {
+ return CurrentScene as T;
+ }
+ public void SelectObject(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ if (SelectedObject == container) return;
+ Debug.Log(SelectedObject);
+ if(Mode == OperationMode.Single)
+ {
+ SelectedObject?.Destroy();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SelectedObject?.Deselect();
+ }
+ SelectedObject = container;
+ SelectedObject?.Select();
+ TimelineController.UpdateTimeline();
+ }
+ public void SelectionAdd(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ if (container == null) return;
+ if (SelectedObjects.Count == 0)
+ {
+ SelectedObjects.Add(container);
+ SelectObject(container);
+ }
+ else if(container != null && !SelectedObjects.Contains(container))
+ {
+ SelectedObjects.Add(container);
+ }
+ }
+ public void SelectionRemove(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ if (container == null) return;
+ bool wasSelected = container == SelectedObject;
+ if (container != null && SelectedObjects.Contains(container))
+ {
+ SelectedObjects.Remove(container);
+ if (wasSelected)
+ {
+ if(SelectedObjects.Count > 0)
+ {
+ SelectObject(SelectedObjects[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SelectObject(null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void SelectionClear()
+ {
+ SelectedObjects.Clear();
+ }
+ public void EmptyScene() where T : SceneContainer
+ {
+ DestroyImmediate(CurrentScene);
+ CurrentScene = SceneContainer.Create(this);
+ ModelViewerMain.GetInstance().SelectionClear();
+ TimelineController.UpdateTimeline();
+ }
+ public SceneSerializable SaveScene()
+ {
+ return CurrentScene.Serialize() as SceneSerializable;
+ }
+ public virtual IEnumerator LoadScene(SceneSerializable bc)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ protected void AutoSaveUpdate()
+ {
+ bool skip = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _backupTimes.Length; i++)
+ {
+ _backupTimers[i] -= Time.deltaTime;
+ if (skip)
+ {
+ _backupTimers[i] = _backupTimes[i];
+ }
+ else if (_backupTimers[i] <= 0)
+ {
+ _backupTimers[i] = _backupTimes[i];
+ var scene = SaveScene();
+ scene.Filename = $"AutoBackup_{_backupTimes[i]}";
+ UISceneContainer.CreateNew(scene, true).Save(true);
+ skip = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fecf8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/ModelViewerMain.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1b829d711d6087b41a841693e6a48c1b
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c1cbab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3f8104f11c2f4d4498ca9a63e6ddebe6
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba641e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+public class PoseLoadOptions
+ //general
+ public bool
+ Root,
+ Morphs;
+ //body parts
+ public bool
+ Body,
+ Ears,
+ //EarsAlt,
+ Tail,
+ //TailAlt,
+ Other;
+ //all
+ public bool
+ Position,
+ Rotation,
+ Scale;
+ public PoseLoadOptions(bool value)
+ {
+ Root = value;
+ Morphs = value;
+ Body = value;
+ Ears = value;
+ //EarsAlt = value;
+ Tail = value;
+ //TailAlt = value;
+ Other = value;
+ Position = value;
+ Rotation = value;
+ Scale = value;
+ }
+ public static PoseLoadOptions None()
+ {
+ return new PoseLoadOptions(false);
+ }
+ public static PoseLoadOptions All()
+ {
+ return new PoseLoadOptions(true);
+ }
+public static class PoseLoadOptionsExtra
+ public static void ApplyTo(this SerializableTransform tsf, Transform t, PoseLoadOptions options)
+ {
+ if (tsf.Space == Space.World)
+ {
+ if (options.Position) t.position = tsf.Position;
+ if (options.Rotation) t.eulerAngles = tsf.Rotation;
+ if (options.Scale) t.localScale = tsf.Scale;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (options.Position) t.localPosition = tsf.Position;
+ if (options.Rotation) t.localEulerAngles = tsf.Rotation;
+ if (options.Scale) t.localScale = tsf.Scale;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9263047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/PoseLoadOptions.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 9f825489d1d491e478e07e6e6334ca16
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a474384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+public class SerializablePoseParams
+ public bool Body,
+ Root,
+ Ears,
+ EarsAlt,
+ Tail,
+ TailAlt,
+ PhysicsBones,
+ Morphs;
+ public SerializablePoseParams() { }
+ public SerializablePoseParams(bool value)
+ {
+ Body = Root = Ears = EarsAlt = Tail = TailAlt = PhysicsBones = Morphs = true;
+ }
+ public SerializablePoseParams SetRoot(bool value)
+ {
+ Root = value;
+ return this;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d9cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/SerializablePoseParams.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: adae87bbf883dae4baa06f2c4303f5cc
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9208b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 7a69fe7c010475646b6b04eb27a854b1
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24f0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+public interface IKeyframeSetter
+ public void SetKeyframe(int frameNum);
+ public void EnableKeyframeSet();
+ public void DisableKeyframeSet();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2938d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/IKeyframeSetter.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8fa2a5bc09d8ef04c8e7844a4c11ade4
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c8d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+public class KeyframeData
+ public SerializableTransform Root;
+ public KeyframeData() { }
+ public KeyframeData(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ this.Root = new SerializableTransform(container.transform);
+ }
+ public virtual KeyframeData Clone()
+ {
+ var keyframe = new KeyframeData();
+ keyframe.Root = new SerializableTransform(this.Root);
+ return keyframe;
+ }
+ public virtual KeyframeData Lerp(KeyframeData target, float amount)
+ {
+ var copy = this.Clone();
+ copy.Root = copy.Root.LerpWith(target.Root, amount);
+ return copy;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ba10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeData.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 78f95c9a0a831be438b081224ae745eb
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ac0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class KeyframeDataCamera : KeyframeData
+ public SerializableTransform CamTransform;
+ public int CameraMode;
+ public bool CameraLock;
+ public float Fov = 45;
+ public float CamDist = 5;
+ public float CamHeight = 1;
+ public float TargetHeigh = 1;
+ public float CamAngle = 0;
+ public float MovSpeed = 5;
+ public float RotSpeed = 1;
+ public float ZoomSpeed = 0.2f;
+ public KeyframeDataCamera() { }
+ public KeyframeDataCamera(CameraContainer camera)
+ {
+ Root = new SerializableTransform(camera.Camera.transform);
+ CamTransform = new SerializableTransform(camera.Camera.Cam.transform);
+ var settings = camera.Settings;
+ CameraMode = settings.CameraMode;
+ CameraLock = settings.CameraLock;
+ Fov = settings.Fov;
+ CamDist = settings.CamDist;
+ CamHeight = settings.CamHeight;
+ TargetHeigh = settings.TargetHeight;
+ CamAngle = settings.CamAngle;
+ MovSpeed = settings.MovSpeed;
+ RotSpeed = settings.RotSpeed;
+ ZoomSpeed = settings.ZoomSpeed;
+ }
+ public override KeyframeData Clone()
+ {
+ var keyframe = new KeyframeDataCamera();
+ keyframe.Root = new SerializableTransform(this.Root);
+ keyframe.CamTransform = new SerializableTransform(this.CamTransform);
+ keyframe.CameraMode = this.CameraMode;
+ keyframe.CameraLock = this.CameraLock;
+ keyframe.Fov = this.Fov;
+ keyframe.CamDist = this.CamDist;
+ keyframe.CamHeight = this.CamHeight;
+ keyframe.TargetHeigh = this.TargetHeigh;
+ keyframe.CamAngle = this.CamAngle;
+ keyframe.MovSpeed = this.MovSpeed;
+ keyframe.RotSpeed = this.RotSpeed;
+ keyframe.ZoomSpeed = this.ZoomSpeed;
+ return keyframe;
+ }
+ public override KeyframeData Lerp(KeyframeData target1, float amount)
+ {
+ var target = target1 as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ var copy = this.Clone() as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ copy.Root = copy.Root.LerpWith(target.Root, amount);
+ copy.CamTransform = copy.CamTransform.LerpWith(target.CamTransform, amount);
+ copy.Fov = Mathf.Lerp(copy.Fov, target.Fov, amount);
+ copy.CamDist = Mathf.Lerp(copy.CamDist, target.CamDist, amount);
+ copy.CamHeight = Mathf.Lerp(copy.CamHeight, target.CamHeight, amount);
+ copy.TargetHeigh = Mathf.Lerp(copy.TargetHeigh, target.TargetHeigh, amount);
+ copy.CamAngle = Mathf.Lerp(copy.CamAngle, target.CamAngle, amount);
+ return copy;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a6db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeDataCamera.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6436dcc628970074cb9f996d0953e8fe
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c2d819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using System;
+public class KeyframeToggleContext : IDisposable
+ private IKeyframeSetter _keyframmable;
+ private bool _enableKeyframes;
+ public KeyframeToggleContext(IKeyframeSetter keyframmable, bool enableKeyframes = false)
+ {
+ _keyframmable = keyframmable;
+ _enableKeyframes = enableKeyframes;
+ Toggle(true);
+ }
+ public void ForceSetKeyframe(int frameNum = -1)
+ {
+ Toggle(false);
+ _keyframmable.SetKeyframe(frameNum);
+ Toggle(true);
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ Toggle(false);
+ }
+ private void Toggle(bool on)
+ {
+ if (on)
+ {
+ if (_enableKeyframes) _keyframmable.EnableKeyframeSet();
+ else _keyframmable.DisableKeyframeSet();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_enableKeyframes) _keyframmable.DisableKeyframeSet();
+ else _keyframmable.EnableKeyframeSet();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22bb005
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/Pose/Timeline/KeyframeToggleContext.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 943743df82cb7ce41a28df2e9cda34dd
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098c512
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 87656b5a24d76394a814678c521b7193
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d84b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using CommandUndoRedo;
+public class CameraTransformCommand : ICommand
+ public CameraContainer Container;
+ public KeyframeDataCamera NewValues;
+ public KeyframeDataCamera OldValues;
+ public int Frame;
+ public void Execute()
+ {
+ TimelineController.SetCurrentFrame(Frame);
+ Container.PastePose(NewValues);
+ Container.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void UnExecute()
+ {
+ TimelineController.SetCurrentFrame(Frame);
+ Container.PastePose(OldValues);
+ Container.SetKeyframe();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca3cac
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/CameraTransformCommand.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: ad6653f31ee3e334da62554c392eee38
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..921149a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+public class HandleUndoData : UndoData
+ public UIHandle Handle;
+ public Transform NewPosition;
+ public SerializableTransform OldPosition;
+ public HandleUndoData() { }
+ public HandleUndoData(UIHandle handle)
+ {
+ Handle = handle;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c0fe2
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/RuntimeGizmo/HandleUndoData.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 157ab30982d081842bb68ee2cb4f8d7b
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f48dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+public partial class SharedResources : MonoBehaviour
+ public static SharedResources Instance;
+ public AnimatorOverrideController GenericAnimatorController ;
+ public UITimelineObjectEntry TimelineObjectEntry ;
+ public UISceneContainer UISceneContainer ;
+ public UIDraggableProxy UIDraggableProxy ;
+ public UIPoseContainer UIPoseContainer ;
+ public UIPopupPastePanel PopupPastePanel ;
+ public UISelectionEntry SelectionEntry ;
+ public TimelineFrameContainer TimelineFrame ;
+ public UIPopupMessage PopupMessage ;
+ public PopupController HandlePopup ;
+ public SliderPanel SliderPanel ;
+ public SliderPanel TogglePanel ;
+ public MorphPanel MorphPanel ;
+ public GameObject ModelIcon ;
+ public GameObject Handle ;
+ protected void Awake()
+ {
+ if(Instance != null && Instance != this)
+ {
+ Destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ Instance = this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb2ed1
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/SharedResources.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8af8c42fefb782c4ea8b0f63839931cc
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa87f54
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 94bd658007ce9f9498607709721de17f
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78c34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+public class ExtendedDropdown : MonoBehaviour
+ public bool LoopAround;
+ [SerializeField] private TMPro.TMP_Dropdown _dropdown;
+ public UnityEvent OnValueChangedEvent;
+ public List options => _dropdown.options;
+ public KeyCode PreviousKey = KeyCode.None;
+ public KeyCode NextKey = KeyCode.None;
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ if(Input.GetKeyDown(PreviousKey))
+ {
+ DropdownPrevious();
+ }
+ if (Input.GetKeyDown(NextKey))
+ {
+ DropdownNext();
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnValueChanged(int index)
+ {
+ OnValueChangedEvent.Invoke(index);
+ }
+ public void SetValueWithoutNotify(string value)
+ {
+ var option = options.FindIndex(v => v.text == value);
+ SetValueWithoutNotify(option);
+ }
+ public void SetValueWithoutNotify(int value)
+ {
+ _dropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify(value);
+ }
+ public void DropdownPrevious()
+ {
+ if (LoopAround)
+ {
+ _dropdown.value = _dropdown.value - 1 < 0 ? _dropdown.options.Count - 1 : _dropdown.value - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _dropdown.value = Mathf.Clamp(_dropdown.value - 1, 0, _dropdown.options.Count - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ public void DropdownNext()
+ {
+ if (LoopAround)
+ {
+ _dropdown.value = _dropdown.value + 1 >= _dropdown.options.Count ? 0 : _dropdown.value + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _dropdown.value = Mathf.Clamp(_dropdown.value + 1, 0, _dropdown.options.Count - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ public void SetOptions(List values, bool nullValue = false, bool sortValues = false)
+ {
+ var dd = _dropdown;
+ dd.ClearOptions();
+ if (nullValue)
+ dd.AddOptions(new List() { Strings.NoValueSelectedString });
+ if (values != null)
+ {
+ if (sortValues)
+ {
+ values = new List(values);
+ values.Sort();
+ }
+ dd.AddOptions(values);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6fc3d
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/ExtendedDropdown.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 588358108868b3e4a9c5d0771c66dbd3
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/FrameContent.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/FrameContent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b43a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/FrameContent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+public class FrameContent
+ public int FrameNum;
+ public KeyframeData ObjectData;
+ //public KeyframeDataCharacter AsCharacter;
+ //public KeyframeDataCamera AsCamera;
+ //public KeyframeDataScene AsScene;
+ public FrameContent() { }
+ public FrameContent(int frameNum)
+ {
+ FrameNum = frameNum;
+ }
+ public FrameContent(FrameContent frame)
+ {
+ FrameNum = frame.FrameNum;
+ ObjectData = frame.ObjectData.Clone();
+ }
+ public FrameContent SetObjectData(KeyframeData data)
+ {
+ ObjectData = data;
+ //AsCharacter = ObjectData as KeyframeDataCharacter;
+ //AsCamera = ObjectData as KeyframeDataCamera;
+ //AsScene = ObjectData as KeyframeDataScene;
+ return this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/FrameContent.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/FrameContent.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8acc48d
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: a3514ca7309b4404fa82480b7356b964
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d4e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using System;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using static SerializableBone;
+namespace KF3.UI.Panels
+ public class HandleSettingsPanel : UIPanels.UIToolbarPanel
+ {
+ public ScrollRect HandleVisibilityToggles;
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ var handleManager = HandleManager.Instance;
+ foreach (BoneTags en in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BoneTags)))
+ {
+ var handle = SliderPanel.CreateToggle(en.ToString(), handleManager.EnabledHandles.Contains(en), HandleVisibilityToggles.content, (value)=>
+ {
+ if (value)
+ {
+ handleManager.EnabledHandles.Add(en);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handleManager.EnabledHandles.Remove(en);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd8bab
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+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/HandleSettingsPanel.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 39645b413d3a924438246b4f9ffaadc5
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0511220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8b6140bc0ba26f246b92786a4448449d
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce44e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using static SerializableBone;
+public class HandleManager : MonoBehaviour
+ public static HandleManager Instance;
+ public GameObject HandlesPanel;
+ public GameObject Pfb_HandleDisplay;
+ public UIPopupPanel Pfb_Popup;
+ public Button Pfb_PopupButton;
+ public Material LineRendererMaterial;
+ public List EnabledHandles = new List() { BoneTags.Humanoid };
+ public bool EnabledLines = true;
+ public static bool InteractionInProgress;
+ private List AllHandles = new List();
+ public static System.Action RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction;
+ public static System.Action> RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoActions;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ Instance = this;
+ }
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ var camera = Camera.main;
+ //var poseModeOn = UmaViewerUI.Instance.PoseManager.PoseModeOn;
+ foreach (var handle in AllHandles)
+ {
+ //handle.ForceDisplayOff(!poseModeOn);
+ handle.UpdateManual(camera, EnabledLines);
+ if (handle.Popup.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
+ {
+ handle.Popup.UpdateManual(camera);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void RegisterHandle(UIHandle handle)
+ {
+ var hm = HandleManager.Instance;
+ if (hm.AllHandles.Contains(handle))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ hm.AllHandles.Add(handle);
+ }
+ public static void UnregisterHandle(UIHandle handle)
+ {
+ var hm = HandleManager.Instance;
+ if (!hm.AllHandles.Contains(handle))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ hm.AllHandles.Remove(handle);
+ }
+ public static void CloseAllPopups()
+ {
+ var hm = HandleManager.Instance;
+ foreach(var handle in hm.AllHandles)
+ {
+ if (handle.Popup.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
+ {
+ handle.TogglePopup();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Used on UI buttons
+ public void ToggleBonesVisible(string tag)
+ {
+ var enumTag = (BoneTags)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(BoneTags), tag);
+ if (EnabledHandles.Contains(enumTag))
+ {
+ EnabledHandles.Remove(enumTag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EnabledHandles.Add(enumTag);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Used on UI buttons
+ public void ToggleLinesVisible(bool value)
+ {
+ EnabledLines = value;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc286a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/HandleManager.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 491e0b38519c9e94facd88535f6f3458
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandle.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandle.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6628f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandle.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class UIHandle : MonoBehaviour
+ /// Object that "owns" the handle
+ public ObjectContainer Owner;
+ /// Object that the handle refers to. Cast in inheriting class
+ public Transform Target;
+ /// Display object on the UI
+ public GameObject Handle;
+ /// Collider for selecting the handle on UI
+ public SphereCollider Collider;
+ /// Object that appears when right-clicking the handle
+ public UIPopupPanel Popup;
+ public LineRenderer LineRenderer;
+ protected SerializableTransform _defaultTransform;
+ protected float _baseScale = 1;
+ protected bool _forceDisplayOff = false;
+ protected ModelViewerMain Main => ModelViewerMain.GetInstance();
+ public static T CreateAsChild(Transform parent) where T : UIHandle
+ {
+ var handle = new GameObject(parent.name + "_Handle").AddComponent();
+ handle.transform.parent = parent.transform;
+ handle.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
+ handle.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
+ handle.transform.rotation = parent.rotation;
+ handle.Target = parent.transform;
+ return handle;
+ }
+ public virtual UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner, Transform target)
+ {
+ Target = target;
+ return Init(owner);
+ }
+ public virtual UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ HandleManager.RegisterHandle(this);
+ gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UIHandle");
+ Target = Target == null? owner.transform : Target;
+ Owner = owner;
+ Owner.Handles.Add(this);
+ Handle = Instantiate(HandleManager.Instance.Pfb_HandleDisplay, HandleManager.Instance.HandlesPanel.transform);
+ Handle.transform.SetAsFirstSibling();
+ Popup = Instantiate(HandleManager.Instance.Pfb_Popup, HandleManager.Instance.HandlesPanel.transform).Init(this);
+ Popup.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+ _defaultTransform = new SerializableTransform(Target, Space.Self);
+ var collider = gameObject.AddComponent();
+ collider.center = Vector3.zero;
+ Collider = collider;
+ return this;
+ }
+ private void OnDrawGizmos()
+ {
+ Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position + Collider.center, transform.lossyScale.x * Collider.radius);
+ }
+ public virtual void UpdateManual(Camera camera, bool linesEnabled)
+ {
+ if (Handle != null && camera != null && transform != null)
+ {
+ Handle.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * Mathf.Clamp(_baseScale / Vector3.Distance(camera.transform.position, transform.position), 0.1f, 1);
+ if (Collider.transform.localScale.x != 0 && transform.lossyScale.x != 0)
+ {
+ Collider.radius = 35 /* magic number */ * (1 / transform.lossyScale.x) * GetRadiusOnScreen(camera, Collider.transform.position, Handle.transform.localScale.x);
+ Collider.radius = Mathf.Clamp(Collider.radius, 0.001f, 2);
+ }
+ Handle.transform.position = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Collider.transform.TransformPoint(Collider.center));
+ if (ShouldBeHidden())
+ {
+ if (Handle.activeSelf == true)
+ {
+ ToggleActive(false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool isOnScreen =
+ !(Handle.transform.position.x < 0 || Handle.transform.position.y < 0 || Handle.transform.position.z < 0
+ || Handle.transform.position.x > Screen.width || Handle.transform.position.y > Screen.height);
+ if (Handle.activeSelf != isOnScreen)
+ {
+ ToggleActive(!Handle.activeSelf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(Handle.activeSelf && LineRenderer != null)
+ {
+ if (LineRenderer.enabled != linesEnabled)
+ {
+ LineRenderer.enabled = linesEnabled;
+ }
+ if (linesEnabled)
+ {
+ LineRenderer.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { (Target).position, (Target).parent.position });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual bool ShouldBeHidden()
+ {
+ return _forceDisplayOff;
+ }
+ /// For future, `offset` param will allow popups to be spaced out when selecting more than 1 handle at a time.
+ public void TogglePopup(int offset = 0)
+ {
+ Popup.Offset = offset * Popup.GetComponent().sizeDelta.x;
+ ModelViewerInterface.ToggleVisible(Popup.gameObject);
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetDefaults(Vector3 localPos, Vector3 localRot, Vector3 localScale)
+ {
+ _defaultTransform.Position = localPos;
+ _defaultTransform.Rotation = localRot;
+ _defaultTransform.Scale = localScale;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetColor(Color color)
+ {
+ color.a = Handle.GetComponent().color.a;
+ Handle.GetComponent().color = color;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetScale(float scale)
+ {
+ this._baseScale = scale;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetName(string name)
+ {
+ Handle.gameObject.name = name;
+ Popup.NameLabel.text = name;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetOffset(Vector3 offset)
+ {
+ Collider.center = offset;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public UIHandle SetContainer(ObjectContainer container)
+ {
+ Owner = container;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public float GetRadiusOnScreen(Camera cam, Vector3 position, float screenSize)
+ {
+ Vector3 a = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(position);
+ Vector3 b = new Vector3(a.x, a.y + screenSize, a.z);
+ Vector3 aa = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(a);
+ Vector3 bb = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(b);
+ return (aa - bb).magnitude;
+ }
+ public UIHandle WithLineRenderer()
+ {
+ LineRenderer = Handle.gameObject.AddComponent();
+ LineRenderer.positionCount = 2;
+ LineRenderer.startWidth = LineRenderer.endWidth = 0.005f;
+ LineRenderer.material = HandleManager.Instance.LineRendererMaterial;
+ LineRenderer.startColor = LineRenderer.endColor = Handle.GetComponent().color;
+ return this;
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if (Popup)
+ {
+ Destroy(Popup.gameObject);
+ }
+ if (Handle)
+ {
+ Destroy(Handle);
+ }
+ HandleManager.UnregisterHandle(this);
+ }
+ private void TransformReset(PoseLoadOptions options = null)
+ {
+ if(options == null)
+ {
+ options = PoseLoadOptions.All();
+ }
+ _defaultTransform.ApplyTo(Target, options);
+ }
+ public void TransformResetAll()
+ {
+ var HandleUndoData = new HandleUndoData(this);
+ HandleUndoData.OldPosition = new SerializableTransform(Target, Space.World);
+ TransformReset();
+ HandleUndoData.NewPosition = Target;
+ HandleManager.RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction.Invoke(HandleUndoData);
+ Owner.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void TransformResetPosition()
+ {
+ var HandleUndoData = new HandleUndoData(this);
+ HandleUndoData.OldPosition = new SerializableTransform(Target, Space.World);
+ TransformReset(new PoseLoadOptions(false) { Position = true });
+ HandleUndoData.NewPosition = Target;
+ HandleManager.RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction.Invoke(HandleUndoData);
+ Owner.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void TransformResetRotation()
+ {
+ var HandleUndoData = new HandleUndoData(this);
+ HandleUndoData.OldPosition = new SerializableTransform(Target, Space.World);
+ TransformReset(new PoseLoadOptions(false) { Rotation = true });
+ HandleUndoData.NewPosition = Target;
+ HandleManager.RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction.Invoke(HandleUndoData);
+ Owner.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void TransformResetScale()
+ {
+ var HandleUndoData = new HandleUndoData(this);
+ HandleUndoData.OldPosition = new SerializableTransform(Target, Space.World);
+ TransformReset(new PoseLoadOptions(false) { Scale = true });
+ HandleUndoData.NewPosition = Target;
+ HandleManager.RegisterRuntimeGizmoUndoAction.Invoke(HandleUndoData);
+ Owner.SetKeyframe();
+ }
+ public void ToggleActive(bool value)
+ {
+ Handle.SetActive(value);
+ Collider.enabled = value;
+ Popup.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+ }
+ public void ForceDisplayOff(bool value)
+ {
+ _forceDisplayOff = value;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandle.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandle.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8357440
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 0f855de4e8b12374a8c7ef07e3ce5142
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb300dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using static SerializableBone;
+public class UIHandleBone : UIHandle
+ public Transform Bone => Target;
+ public List Tags;
+ public static UIHandleBone CreateAsChild(ObjectContainer owner, Transform parent, List boneTags)
+ {
+ var handle = CreateAsChild(parent);
+ handle.Init(owner, boneTags);
+ return handle;
+ }
+ public override UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ throw new System.Exception("Use ObjectContainer, List constructor!");
+ }
+ public UIHandleBone Init(ObjectContainer owner, List boneTags)
+ {
+ if (boneTags == null || !boneTags.Any())
+ {
+ boneTags = new List() { BoneTags.Untagged };
+ }
+ Tags = boneTags.ToList();
+ base.Init(owner);
+ SetScale(0.5f);
+ if (Tags.Contains(BoneTags.Left)) SetColor(Color.green);
+ else if (Tags.Contains(BoneTags.Right)) SetColor(Color.blue);
+ else SetColor(Color.white);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset All", TransformResetAll);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Position", TransformResetPosition);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Rotation", TransformResetRotation);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Scale", TransformResetScale);
+ return this;
+ }
+ protected override bool ShouldBeHidden()
+ {
+ return _forceDisplayOff || !HandleManager.Instance.EnabledHandles.Intersect(Tags).Any();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2750bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleBone.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5ebd7e66c67c47f4fa215b1e3ba00091
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5531ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class UIHandleIK : UIHandle
+ public List HiddenHandles = new List();
+ public static Transform CreateTransform(string handleName, Transform parent, Vector3 position)
+ {
+ var go = new GameObject(handleName);
+ go.transform.SetParent(parent);
+ go.transform.position = position;
+ return go.transform;
+ }
+ public static Transform CreateTransform(string handleName, Transform parent, Vector3 position, Vector3 eulerAngles)
+ {
+ var go = CreateTransform(handleName, parent, position);
+ go.eulerAngles = eulerAngles;
+ return go;
+ }
+ public static UIHandleIK CreateAsChild(ObjectContainer owner, Transform parent, Color color, string name, float scale)
+ {
+ var handle = CreateAsChild(parent);
+ handle.Init(owner).SetName(name).SetColor(color).SetScale(scale);
+ return handle;
+ }
+ public override UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ base.Init(owner);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Position", () => TransformResetPosition());
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Rotation", () => TransformResetRotation());
+ Popup.AddButton("Toggle Helper Lines", () =>
+ {
+ foreach (var c in owner.GetComponents())
+ {
+ c.forceLinesInvisible = !c.forceLinesInvisible;
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ protected override bool ShouldBeHidden()
+ {
+ return _forceDisplayOff || !HandleManager.Instance.EnabledHandles.Contains(SerializableBone.BoneTags.IK);
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec831f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleIK.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 03de88101ab64404e9d237323c9663b6
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..810e423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+public class UIHandleMain : UIHandle
+ public static UIHandleMain CreateAsChild(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ var handle = CreateAsChild(owner.transform);
+ handle.Init(owner).SetColor(Color.yellow).SetScale(1.5f);
+ return handle;
+ }
+ public override UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ base.Init(owner);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset All", TransformResetAll);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Position", TransformResetPosition);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Rotation", TransformResetRotation);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Scale", TransformResetScale);
+ Popup.AddButton("Delete", () => Destroy(Owner));
+ return this;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f224e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleMain.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: add71905575d4ec44b658c58aa433e1b
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a2153d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using static SerializableBone;
+public class UIHandlePhysicsBone : UIHandleBone
+ new public static UIHandlePhysicsBone CreateAsChild(ObjectContainer owner, Transform parent, List boneTags)
+ {
+ var handle = CreateAsChild(parent);
+ handle.Init(owner, boneTags).SetScale(0.5f);
+ return handle;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f093bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandlePhysicsBone.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 43d8d17f43ab7d94ca0a609656dfee90
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f99b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+public class UIHandleProp : UIHandle
+ public static UIHandleProp CreateAsChild(ObjectContainer owner, Transform parent)
+ {
+ var handle = CreateAsChild(parent);
+ handle.Init(owner).SetScale(0.65f);
+ return handle;
+ }
+ public override UIHandle Init(ObjectContainer owner)
+ {
+ base.Init(owner);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset All", TransformResetAll);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Position", TransformResetPosition);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Rotation", TransformResetRotation);
+ Popup.AddButton("Reset Scale", TransformResetScale);
+ return this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83141d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIHandleProp.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: e0fa65a26810d854ebc243e69ff044f6
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIPopupPanel.cs b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIPopupPanel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702dbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/ModelViewerBase/UI/Handles/UIPopupPanel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class UIPopupPanel : MonoBehaviour
+ public UIHandle Owner;
+ public float Offset;
+ public Transform Content;
+ public TMPro.TMP_Text NameLabel;
+ public Dictionary> ConditionalButtons = new Dictionary>();
+ private int _side;
+ public UIPopupPanel Init(UIHandle owner)
+ {
+ Owner = owner;
+ transform.SetAsFirstSibling();
+ NameLabel.text = owner.Target.name;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public void UpdateManual(Camera camera)
+ {
+ if (camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Owner.transform.position).x < camera.pixelWidth / 2 - _side)
+ {
+ _side = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _side = 1;
+ }
+ float pos = _side * camera.pixelWidth / 20 + Offset;
+ transform.position = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Owner.transform.position) + pos * Vector3.right;
+ foreach (var kv in ConditionalButtons)
+ {
+ kv.Key.gameObject.SetActive(kv.Value.Invoke());
+ }
+ }
+ public void AddButton(string name, System.Action callback)
+ {
+ Button b = Instantiate(HandleManager.Instance.Pfb_PopupButton, Content).GetComponent