namespace RuntimeGizmos { public enum TransformSpace {Global, Local} public enum TransformType {Move, Rotate, Scale /*, RectTool*/, All} public enum TransformPivot {Pivot, Center} public enum Axis {None, X, Y, Z, Any} //CenterType.All is the center of the current object mesh or pivot if not mesh and all its childrens mesh or pivot if no mesh. // CenterType.All might give different results than unity I think because unity only counts empty gameobjects a little bit, as if they have less weight. //CenterType.Solo is the center of the current objects mesh or pivot if no mesh. //Unity seems to use colliders first to use to find how much weight the object has or something to decide how much it effects the center, //but for now we only look at the, so expect some differences between unity. public enum CenterType {All, Solo} //ScaleType.FromPoint acts as if you are using a parent transform as your new pivot and transforming that parent instead of the child. //ScaleType.FromPointOffset acts as if you are scaling based on a point that is offset from the actual pivot. Its similar to unity editor scaling in Center pivot mode (though a little inaccurate if object is skewed) public enum ScaleType {FromPoint, FromPointOffset} }