commit fbd1078d6872958500202bfe35af2bba0aa34e50 Author: Katboi01 Date: Wed Oct 11 02:06:15 2023 +0200 updated localization files diff --git a/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ab1dab --- /dev/null +++ b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2678 @@ +-----REGEX----- +r:"^([0-9]+) left ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)まで$"=$1 left through $2/$3 +r:"^ ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)まで= Through 10/19$"=Through $1/$2 +r:"^所持数([0-9]+)$"=Owned - $1 +r:"^所持数 ([0-9]+)$"=Owned - $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)体$"=$1 Defeats +r:"^けもステータス ([0-9]+)$"=Kemo-Status $1 +r:"^1 left ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)まで$"=1 left until $1/$2 +r:"^電池 ([0-9]+)$"=Batteries: $1 +r:"^獲得日時:([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$"=Acquired: $1/$2/$3 $4:$5 +r:"^([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリアバトル\n開始$"=Chapter $1, Episode $2 Battle Clear/n Start +r:"^メインストーリー\n([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリア$"=Main Story\nChapter $1, Episode $2 cleared +r:"^([0-9]+) More To Go. ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)まで$"=$1 left until $2/$3 +r:"^あと([0-9]+)回 ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)まで$"=$1 left until $2/$3 +r:"^あと([0-9]+)回$"=$1 left +r:"^ ([0-9]+)話 バトル([0-9]+) クリア$"= Episode $1 Battle $2 Cleared +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日と([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 Days and $2 Hours left +r:"^[ ]?しょうたい券パック([ .,!。、!]*)"=" $1 Invitation Pack" +r:"^[ ]?しょうたい券付き([ .,!。、!]*)"=" $1 Shop Ticket" +r:"^次のLvまで([0-9]+)$"=$1 Exp to the next level. +r:"^([0-9]+)日目$"=Day $1 +r:"^累計ログイン([0-9]+)日目$"=Cumulative login day $1! +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日$"=$1 Day(s) left +r:"^あと([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 Hour(s) left +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日と([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 Day(s), $2 Hour(s) left +r:"^開催期間\\n([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+) ([0-9]+:[0-9]+)まで$"=Available until\n$1 $2 +r:"^まもり+([0-9]+)$"=Defense +$1 +r:"^現在のなかよしレベル上限:([0-9]+)$"=Current Max Friendship Level: $1 +r:"^解放には「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」が必要 (現在「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」)$"=Friendship Lv. $1 is needed for Release (Current Friendship Lv. $2) +r:"^解放には「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」が必要$"=Friendship Lv. $1 needed for Release +r:"^([0-9]+)日$"=$1 Day(s) +r:"^こうげき \+([0-9]+)$"=Attack +$1 +r:"^Beat!!!ダメージアップ \+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+%)$"=Beat!!! damage increase +$1 +r:"^探検隊Lv.([0-9]+)$"=Expedition Lv.$2 +r:"^かつやく<\/size>Pt <\/size>\+([0-9]+)$"=Assist Pt +$3 +r:"^装飾([1-9])$"=Decoration $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリア$"=Chapter $1, Episode $2 cleared +r:"^([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話$"=Chapter $1, Episode $2 +r:"^メインストーリー\\n([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリア$"=Main Story\nChapter $1, Episode $2 cleared +r:"^([0-9]+)章$"=Chapter $1 +r:"^防御力:([0-9]+)$"=Defense: $1 +r:"^攻撃力:([0-9]+)$"=Attack power: $1 +r:"^総合力:([0-9]+)$"=Total power: $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)話$"=Ep. $1 +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)時間前$"=Online $1 hour(s) ago +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)秒前$"=Online $1 second(s) ago +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)分前$"=Online $1 minute(s) ago +r:"^探検隊Lv.([0-9]+)で解放$"=Released at Expedition Lv. $1 +r:"^そうじチケットを([0-9]+)個獲得$"=Earned $1 Cleaning Tickets +r:"^腕試しクエスト([0-9]+)のバトル([0-9]+)をクリア"= Cleared Battle $1 of Quest $2 +r:"^☆([0-9]+)のフレンズが加入!([0-9]+)人目!"=Get ☆$1 Friends $2 Times! +r:"^フレンズが加入! ([0-9]+)人目!"=Get Friends to join $1 Times! +r:"^ピクニックで 「フレンズの小さな石 ([0-9]+)個獲得!"=Get $1 Small Friend Pyroxene at the Picnic. +r:"^次のLvまで([0-9]+)$"=$1 to the next lvl. +r:"^([0-9]+)日目$"=Day $1 +r:"^累計ログイン([0-9]+)日目$"=Cumulative login day $1! +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日$"=$1 Day(s) left +r:"^あと([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 Hour(s) left +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日と([0-9]+)時間=$1 Day(s), $2 Hour(s) left +r:"^開催期間\\n([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+) ([0-9]+:[0-9]+)まで$"=Available until\n$1 $2 +r:"^まもり+([0-9]+)$"=Defense +$1 +r:"^現在のなかよしレベル上限:([0-9]+)$"=Current Max Friendship Level: $1 +r:"^解放には「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」が必要 (現在「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」)$"=Friendship Lv. $1 is required for release (Current Friendship Lv. $2) +r:"^解放には「なかよしLv.([0-9]+)」が必要$"=Friendship Lv. $1 is required for Release +r:"^([0-9]+)日$"=$1 Day(s) +r:"^こうげき \+([0-9]+)$"=Attack +$1 +r:"^Beat!!!ダメージアップ \+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+%)$"=Beat!!! damage increase +$1 +r:"^探検隊Lv.<\/size>([0-9]+)$"=Expedition Lv.$2 +r:"^かつやく<\/size>Pt <\/size>\+([0-9]+)$"=AssistPt +$3 +r:"^装飾([1-9])$"=Decoration $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリア$"=Chapter $1, Ep. $2 cleared +r:"^([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話$"=Chapter. $1, Episode $2 +r:"^メインストーリー\\n([0-9]+)章([0-9]+)話クリア$"=Main Story\nChapter $1, Episode $2 cleared +r:"^([0-9]+)章$"=Chapter $1 +r:"^防御力:([0-9]+)$"=Defense: $1 +r:"^攻撃力:([0-9]+)$"=Attack power: $1 +r:"^総合力:([0-9]+)$"=Total power: $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)話$"=$1 Episode +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)時間前$"=Online $1 hour(s) ago +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)秒前$"=Online $1 second(s) ago +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)分前$"=Online $1 minute(s) ago +r:"^探検隊Lv.([0-9]+)で解放$"=Released at Expedition Lv. $1 +r:"^探検隊Lv.<\/size>$"=ExpeditionLv. +r:"^獲得日時:([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+)$"=Acquisition date: $1 +r:"^本日残り([0-9]+)回$"=$1 remaining today +r:"^([0-9]+)%オフ!$"=$1% off! +r:"^([0-9]+)回$"=$1 Times +r:"^([0-9]+)日目$"=$1 Days +r:"^無料で([0-9]+)回しょうたいします\\nよろしいですか?$"=I'll give you $1 free rounds, if that's OK with you. +r:"^ぷれみあむ☆([0-9]+)フレンズしょうたい([0-9]+)$"=Premium ☆$1 Friends Invitation $2 +r:"^ぷれみあむ☆([0-9]+)フレンズしょうたい$"=Premium ☆$1 Friends Invitation +r:"^☆([0-9]+)フレンズしょうたい$"=☆$1 Friends Invitation +r:"^([0-9]+)倍になる"=$1 Times. +r:"^合計けもステータスを([0-9]+)以上にはじめて到達!$"=Total Kemo status reached over $1 for the first time! +r:"^シナリオバトル([0-9]+)$"=Scenario Battle $1 +r:"^最終更新 ([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+)$"=Last updated $1 +r:"^(所持数 ([0-9]+))$"=($1 Owned) +r:"^高さ:([0-9]+)$"=Height: $1 +r:"^レベル上限\+([0-9]+)$"=Level Limit +$1 +r:"^スタミナ([0-9]+)回復ドリンク$"=$1 Stamina Recovery Drink +r:"^レベル上限+([0-9]+)$"=Upper level +$1 +r:"^次の経験値まで([0-9]+)$"=$1 until the next experience. +r:"^([0-9]+)コーラス以上のけもコーラスを発生させてクリア$"=Clear by making $1 or more "Kemono Chorus". +r:"^メインストーリーS([0-9]+) 第([0-9]+)章$"=Main Story S$1 Chapter $2 +r:"^ターン ([0-9]+)$"=Turn $1 +r:"^クラス([0-9]+)$"=Class $1 +r:"^階級([0-9]+)段%"=Grade $1 +r:"^Beat!!!で([0-9]+)コーラスを発生させてクリア$"=Clear $1 choruses with BEAT!!! +r:"^([0-9]+)ターン以内にクリア$"=Clear within $1 turns +r:"^ターン ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$"=Turn $1/$2 +r:"^ランク([0-9]+)$"=Rank $1 +r:"^とくべつくんれんに([0-9]+)回挑戦$"=Challenge $1 times to Kubetsu Training +r:"^-([0-9]+)分$"=-$1 minutes +r:"^([0-9]+)話"=Ep. $1 +r:"^クリアターン数 ([0-9]+)"=Cleared in $1 Turn(s). +r:"^クリアターン数 ([0-9]+)"=Cleared in $1 Turn(s). +r:"^次の回復まで ([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$"=Recovery Time: $1:$2 +r:"^スタンプ([0-9]+)個と電池を受け取りました$"=Received $1 Stamps and Batteries. +r:"^あと([0-9]+)個入手で効果量アップ"=Get $1 to increase the effect! +r:"^([0-9]+)個$"=$1 Pieces +r:"^最終ログイン([0-9]+)日前$"=Last Login: $1 Days Ago +r:"^([0-9]+)話$"=Episode $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)話$"=Episode $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)章$"=Chapter $1 +r:"^([0-9]+)章$"=Chapter $1 +r:"^あと<([0-9]+)回$"=$1 Actions +r:"^残り<\/size>([0-9]+)日$"=Remaining $2 days +r:"^残り([0-9]+)日"=$1 Day(s) Remain +r:"^残り([0-9]+)日"=$1 Day(s) Remain +r:"^残り<\/size>([0-9]+)日$"=Remaining $2 days +r:"^残り([0-9]+)日"=$1 Day(s) Remain +r:"^残り([0-9]+)日"=$1 Day(s) Remain +r:"^あと([0-9]+)日と([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 Days and $2 Hours To Go +r:"^お一人様([0-9]+)個まで!$"=Up to $1 per person! +r:"^あと([0-9]+)個$"=$1 more +r:"^あと([0-9]+)個 あと([0-9]+)日と([0-9]+)時間$"=$1 left. $2 Day(s), $3 Hour(s) left. +r:"^今月([0-9]+) More To Go.$"=$1 this month. +r:"^[ ]から受け取りました.$"=Accepted from $1. +r:"^本日の回復できる回数:([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)回$"=Number of attempts left today: $1/$2 +r:"^クリア回数は毎日0:00に回復します\n次の回復まであと([0-9]+)時間$"=Number of attempts are restored at 00:00 JST.\n$1 hours until next attempts are restored. +r:"^本日の残り回数が0回となりました\nマップキー×([0-9]+)を消費してクリア回数を回復しますか?$"=Remaining number of attempts today is 0.\nUse a Map Key to attempt again? +r:"^本日の残り回数が0回となりました\nすごいマップキー×([0-9]+)を消費してクリア回数を回復しますか?$"=Remaining number of attempts today is 0.\nUse an Amazing Map Key to attempt again? +r:"^本日の残り回数が([0-9]+)回となりました$"=Today's remaining count is $1 +r:"^([0-9]+).([0-9]+)周年記念$"=$1.$2th Anniversary +r:"^([0-9]+)周年記念$"=$1th Anniversary +r:"^+おまけ ([0-9]+)個$"=+$1 Bonus +r:"^×([0-9]+)$$"=x$1 +r:"^([0-9]+)勝$"=$1 Win(s) +r:"^× ([0-9]+) を$" = Accepted x $1 +r:"^獲得状況 ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$"= Owned: $1/$2 + + +----------NEEDS FIXED---------- +残り3=3 +残り 3=3 + +-----UNTESTED REGEX----- +r:"^([0-9]+:[0-9]+~[0-9]+:[0-9]+)の時間にホームにアクセス!$"=Access The Home Between $1! +r:"^あと<\/size>([0-9]+)日$"=after$1 days +r:"^残り<\/size>([0-9]+)日$"=$1 Day(s) remain +r:"^\+([0-9]+)分$"=+$1 min. +r:"^受け取り日時:([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+)$"=Reception date and time: $1 +r:"^☆([0-9]+)以上しょうたい$"=☆$1 or better +r:"^☆([0-9]+)しょうたい$"=☆$1 Invetation +たいき 1=Standby 1 +たいき 2=Standby 2 +たいき 3=Standby 3 +たいき 4=Standby 4 + + +----------FRIEND MOVE REGEX---------- +r:"^相手単体に([0-9]+)%のダメージを与え\n与ダメージを14%減少させる (2ターン)$" + +けもステ=KemoPT +トド=Steller Sea Lion +けもステ=KemoPT +残り3=3 +残り 3=3 +たいき 1=Standby 1 +たいき 2=Standby 2 +たいき 3=Standby 3 +たいき 4=Standby 4 +けもステ=KemoPT +残り3=3 +残り 3=3 +たいき 1=Standby 1 +たいき 2=Standby 2 +たいき 3=Standby 3 +たいき 4=Standby 4 +なかよしPt2倍!=Friendshipx2! +探検隊Lv.=ExpeditionLv. +探検隊=Expedition +探検隊=Expedition +探検隊=Expedition +ぷれみあむ☆4{{A}}{{B}}2=Premium ☆4 {{A}} {{B}} 2 +ぷれみあむ☆4{{A}}{{B}}3=Premium ☆4 {{A}} {{B}} 3 +ぷれみあむ☆4{{A}}{{B}}1=Premium ☆4 {{A}} {{B}} 1 +ぷれみあむ☆4{{A}}{{B}}=Premium ☆4 {{A}} {{B}} +☆4{{A}}{{B}}=☆4 {{A}} {{B}} +特商法第12条の6に関する事項=Article 12-6 of the Special Commercial Code +☆4{{B}}{{C}}券を 1消費して{{A}}{{C}}します よろしいですか?=I will spend 1 ☆4 {{B}} {{C}} ticket to {{A}} {{C}}, may I? +{{B}}上限{{A}}{{C}}={{B}} upper limit {{A}} {{C}} +{{A}}・ワカイヤの小瓶=Vial of {{A}} +{{A}}・ワカイヤの野生解放の強化に使用します=Used to enhance {{A}}'s Wild Release. +{{A}} {{B}}の{{D}}の{{C}}に使用します=Used to enhance {{D}}'s {{A}}. +{{A}} ブラック{{B}}の{{D}}の{{C}}に使用します=Used to enhance {{A}}'s{{B}} {{D}} {{C}}. +遊び=Play +{{A}}へ={{A}} +{{A}}編成してクリア=Clear with {{A}} in the party. +{{A}}を{{B}}してクリア=Clear with {{A}} in the party. +メインストーリー=Main Story +成長クエスト=Growth Quest +フレンズストーリー=Friend Story +すぺしゃるクエスト=Special Quest +を受け取りました=Received +クエスト スキップ=Quest Skip/ +クエストスキップ=Quest Skip +わざ=Move List +遊び=Play +すごい=Wow +ナナ=Nana +獲得まで=Next drop in: +あと 回=Turns: +ご機嫌メロディ=Good Mood Melodie +Try!!アップ=Try!!! Up +しょうたい=Invitation +おまけ=Bonus +売却へ=Sale +売却=Sale +いいえ=No +はい=Yes +常時=Always +エラー=Error +提供割合=Drop Rates +開催期間=Ends: +トラ=Tiger +クエスト=Quest +バトル=Battle +フレンズ=Friends +輝石=Pyroxene +ピクニック=Picnic +小=Small +しょうたい=Invitation +詳細表示=Details +一括=Bulk +ハード=Hard +ノーマル=Normal +終盤戦=Final Battle +スタミナ=Stamina +獲得経験値=Gained Experience +フレンズストーリー=Friends Story +回目= Times +個目= Times +回= Times +大=Large +{{A}}さん={{A}}-san +{{A}}ちゃん={{A}}-chan +アライさん=Arai-san +数= Amount +リトライ=Retry +ミラクル=Miracle +特大=XL +中=Medium +配置=Set +{{A}}獲得!={{A}} earned! +コンコン=Kon-Kon +ログイン=Login +フレンズの強い想いから生まれた不思議な鉱物\n{{A}}の{{B}}に使用します=Used for {{B}}, a mysterious mineral born from {{A}}'s strong desires. +メインストーリー=Main Story +電池=Battery +{{A}}先にプレイ中のデータが存在する場合、当該データはプレイできない状態となります。\r\nデータ引き継ぎを行うと引き継ぎ元の端末ではプレイできない状態となります。=If you are playing on a Data Transfer connected device, you cannot play on other devices with the same Data at the same time. +パスワード=Password +{{B}}状態の相手に{{A}}={{A}} to an opponent in {{B}} state +EXPの上限を超えた分の\n{{A}}と{{B}}は使用を取り消しました!={{A}} and {{B}} for the amount exceeding EXP limit were refunded! +まとめて\n{{A}}=Multi\nRelease +ヤク=Yak +ココ=Coco + +----------Engine Text Testing, necessary but annoying---------- +アイウエオカキクケコアイウエオ\nアイウエオカキクケコアイウエオ=iueo-kaki-kukeko iueo\nIueo-kakikukeko iueo +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ={{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko +{{B}}({{A}})={{B}}({{A}}) +がうがうがうがうが\nがうがうがうがうが=gargling +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ={{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} {{A}} {{A}} {{A}} +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}={{A}} kakikukeko {{A}} kakikukeko {{A}} {{A}} kakikukeko {{A}} +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこ={{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} {{A}} {{A}} Kakiku Kekko {{A}} {{A}} {{A}} + +----------9/16/2023 Autotranslations---------- + +位置\n{{A}}=Position {{A}} +アーケードゲーム「けものフレンズ3 プラネットツアーズ」\nの筐体カメラにQRコードをかざしてね=Arcade GamesKemono Friends 3: Planet Tours\nHold up the QR code to the camera of the arcade game "KEMONO'S FRIENDS 3 PLANET TOURS". +掛け軸(いん)=hanging scroll +続けて\n{{A}}=Continue to {{A}} +(レコード名) \n獲得で{{A}}=(Record name) {{A}} with acquisition of (Record name) +とくべつな壁掛けレコード\n獲得で{{A}}={{A}} with special wall record acquisition +{{A}}デビルの壁掛けレコード\n獲得で{{B}}={{A}} Devil's Wall of Records Acquisition for {{B}} +{{A}}の壁掛けレコード\n獲得で{{B}}={{B}} with {{A}} wall record acquisition +{{B}}の壁掛けレコード\n獲得で{{A}}={{A}} with {{B}} wall record acquisition +{{B}}\n獲得で{{A}}={{A}} with {{B}} acquisition +{{A}}と一致するフレンズがいません\r\n※{{A}}の{{B}}を{{C}}してください※=No Friends matching {{A}}\n*Please {{C}} the {{B}} of {{A}}*. +☆4\n{{A}}!=☆4\n{{A}}! +{{A}}を使用しなかったフレンズが確率で発動するスキルです\n同じターンに2回以上行動したフレンズがいた場合は発動率が1/2になります=This is a skill that is activated with a probability by Friends who did not use {{A}}, and if any Friends act more than once in the same turn, the activation rate will be halved. +今月あと1回=One more time this month +{{A}}時と解除時で\n{{B}}画面で聞ける{{C}}が変化します=The {{C}} that can be heard on the {{B}} screen changes when {{A}} is on and when {{A}} is off. +【アイウエオカキクケコアイウエオ】\nアイウエオカキクケコアイウ=Aiueo kakikukeko aiueo\n[iueo kakikukeko iueo +らっせーい!=Rasai! +4周年ログインストーリー 4話 いきをひそめて=4th Anniversary Login Story #4: Shrink Your Breath +ここ、どこだろう…=Where am I... +4周年ログインストーリー 3話 まいごのこ=4th Anniversary Login Story Episode 3 Maigoko +4周年ログインストーリー 2話 よるのもり=4th Anniversary Login Story Episode 2 Yoru no Mori +あのとき\nなにかが おこった=Something happened then. +4周年ログインストーリー 1話 ゆめのなか=4th Anniversary Login Story Episode 1: In the Dream +とりゃ!=Toria! +最新の各種ゲームデータを一括ダウンロードします。\nダウンロードすることで通信を減らし、\n快適にプレイできます。\n\n※通信容量が大きい為、Wi-Fi環境など、\n通信の安定した状態を推奨します。\n\nダウンロードしますか?(約481MB)=Downloading the latest game data in a batch download reduces communication and allows you to play more comfortably.\n\nBecause of the large amount of data to download, we recommend a stable connection such as Wi-Fi.\n\nDo you want to download? +一緒に頑張るフレンズさんは誰にしますか?\nあとで{{A}}もできますよ!=Who would you like to work with, Ms. Friends, and we can do {{A}} later! +選択可能な{{A}}はいません\r\n別の{{B}}を選択してください={{A}} available for selection, please select another {{B}} now +コンティニューをするにはキラキラをParam01消費します\nよろしいですか?=Glitter for continuity.Param01I need to spend glitter to continue, is that clear? +コンティニューをするにはキラキラを3消費します\nよろしいですか?=Glitter for continuity.3I need to spend glitter to continue, is that clear? +{{A}}増加={{A}} increase +{{A}}済み={{A}}ed +データの連携・引き継ぎを行いたい場合はタイトル画面より行ってください。=If you wish to link or transfer data, please do so from the title screen. +シー・ダブリュー・ビー・ブイ・ディー=C. W. B. V. D. +<れいん>\nから受け取りました= \nAccept from +<おひとり様2個まで> もうすぐ4周年!{{A}}交換券{{B}}= Almost 4th Anniversary! {{A}} Exchange Coupon {{B}} +<おひとり様2個まで> 4周年直前!フレンズ{{A}}= Just before the 4th anniversary! +残暑応援{{A}}券×1と\n育成アイテムのセット!=Lingering Summer Support {{A}} Certificate x 1 and a set of training items! +もうすぐ4周年!{{A}}券×1と\n育成アイテムのセット!=Almost 4th anniversary! Set of {{A}} ticket x1 and training items! +もうすぐ4周年!{{B}}交換券と\n{{A}}{{B}}☆3などのセット!=Almost 4th anniversary! {{B}} exchange coupon and {{A}} {{B}}☆3 etc. set! +4周年直前!フレンズ{{A}}券×1と\n育成アイテムのセット!=Just before the 4th anniversary! Set of Friends {{A}} ticket x1 and training items! +{{A}}をすぐに入手\n+\nおまけ効果が一定期間発動!\n=Get {{A}} immediately + the extra effect is activated for a certain period of time!\n +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}か\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}か={{A}} or Kiku Keko {{A}} or {{A}} or Kiku Keko {{A}} or {{A}} +<おひとり様2個まで> もうすぐ4周年!{{A}}券{{B}}= Almost 4th anniversary! {{A}} ticket {{B}} +<{{A}}> 残暑応援{{B}}=<{{A}}> Lingering summer heat support {{B}} +<{{A}}> 4周年直前!もっと{{B}}{{C}}=<{{A}}> Just before the 4th anniversary! More {{B}} {{C}} +{{B}}、{{D}}、\n{{A}}、{{C}}などのセット!=Sets such as {{B}}, {{D}}, {{A}}, and {{C}}! +<{{A}}> {{D}}!{{B}}{{C}}☆4{{E}}=<{{A}}> {{D}}!{{B}} {{C}}☆4{{E}} +{{A}}{{B}}☆4×4!={{A}} {{B}}☆4×4! +<{{A}}> もうすぐ4周年!満喫{{B}}=<{{A}}> Almost 4th anniversary! ++{{A}}、輝きの小瓶などのセット!=+{{A}}, a set of sparkle vials, etc! +<おひとり様2個まで> すごい!!輝き{{A}}2= Amazing! ++おもいでの石SR、{{A}}、\n{{B}}など育成アイテムのセット!=+Set of training items such as Omoide no Ishi SR, {{A}}, {{B}}, etc! +{{A}}のたね×5!={{A}} seeds x 5! +<おひとり様2個まで> 4周年直前!{{B}}のたね{{A}}= Just before the 4th anniversary! +{{A}}などのセット!={{A}} and other sets! +<おひとり様3個まで> 4周年直前!{{A}}{{B}}= Just before the 4th anniversary! +{{B}}、おもいでの石SR、\n{{A}}、{{C}}などのセット!=Set of {{B}}, Omoide no Ishi SR, {{A}}, {{C}}, etc! +<{{A}}> 4周年直前!育成{{B}}=<{{A}}> Just before the 4th anniversary! +{{C}}や\n{{A}}{{B}}☆4などのセット!=Sets such as {{C}} and {{A}} {{B}}☆4! +<{{A}}> もうすぐ4周年!{{B}}育成{{C}}=<{{A}}> Almost 4th anniversary! {{B}} training {{C}} ++{{A}}×1000と\n育成アイテムのセット!=+{{A}} x 1000 and a set of training items! +<{{A}}> もうすぐ4周年!育成{{B}}(ちょこっと)=<{{A}}> Soon to be 4th anniversary! Nurturing {{B}} (a little bit) ++{{A}}×250と\n育成アイテムのセット!=+{{A}} x 250 and a set of training items! ++{{A}}150個\nのおまけ付き!=+150 {{A}}s! ++虹色のアニマルラムネ、\nおもいでの石などのおまけ付き!=+An extra such as rainbow-colored animal ramune, omoide stones, etc. are included! +<月1個まで> すごい!!{{B}}{{A}}= Wow! ++☆4フレンズ{{A}}&{{B}}\nなどおまけ付き!=+4 Stars Friends {{A}} & {{B}} and other extras! +<月1個まで> 復刻!!{{C}}すごい!!{{A}}{{B}}= Reprinted!!!{{C}} Amazing!!!{{A}} {{B}} +<月1個まで> {{C}}{{A}}交換券{{B}}= {{C}} {{A}} exchange coupon {{B}} ++{{C}}{{B}}交換券や\n{{A}}{{B}}☆3のセット!=+{{C}} {{B}} exchange coupons and {{A}} {{B}}☆3 sets! +☆4フレンズを{{A}}1から{{A}}99\nにできるアイテムのセット!=A set of items that can make a ☆4 Friends from {{A}}1 to {{A}}99! ++すごい!!{{C}}10回{{A}}や\nインテリア、{{B}}などのセット!=+Amazing!!!{{C}}10 times {{A}} and interior, {{B}} and other sets! +{{B}}、{{D}}\n{{A}}、{{C}}などのセット!=Sets such as {{B}}, {{D}} {{A}}, and {{C}}! ++{{A}}×450、おもいでの石SR×15、\n☆4フレンズ{{B}}チケット×5などのセット!=+{{A}} x 450, Omoide no Ishi SR x 15, ☆4 Friends {{B}} ticket x 5, etc! ++{{B}}、{{A}}、\n{{C}}のセット!=+{{B}}, {{A}} and {{C}} sets! +<おひとり様3個まで> すごい!!輝き{{A}}= Amazing! +{{B}}{{C}}☆4や\n{{B}}{{C}}☆3、{{A}}{{C}}☆3のセット!=A set of {{B}} {{C}}☆4, {{B}} {{C}}☆3 and {{A}} {{C}}☆3! +<おひとり様2個まで> {{A}}応援{{B}}= {{A}} Support {{B}} ++黄緑色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+ yellow-green animal ramune C & UC & R extra! +黄緑色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Yellow-green Animal Ramune {{A}} +水色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Light blue Animal Ramune {{A}} ++水色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+Light blue animal ramune C & UC & R extra! +赤色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Red Animal Ramune {{A}} ++赤色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+ red animal ramune C & UC & R extra! ++緑色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+ green animal ramune C & UC & R extra! +緑色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Green Animal Ramune {{A}} +青色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Blue Animal Ramune {{A}} ++青色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+ blue animal ramune C & UC & R extra! ++{{A}}200個と迷宮の地図片\nなどのおまけ付き!=+200 {{A}} and a map fragment of the labyrinth and other extras! ++{{A}}10枚\nのおまけ付き!=+10 {{A}}s with an additional 10 {{A}}s! ++輝きの小瓶×100と\n虹色のアニマルラムネSSRなどのセット!=+ Set of 100 vials of sparkle and rainbow-colored animal ramune SSR, etc! +桃色の アニマルラムネ{{A}}=Peach-colored Animal Ramune {{A}} ++桃色のアニマルラムネ\nC&UC&Rおまけ付き!=+Peach-colored animal ramune C & UC & R extra! +{{A}}\n・\n{{B}}={{A}}\n・\n{{B}} +{{A}}を所持していません\r\n※{{A}}は「{{B}}クエスト」などで獲得できます※=Does not possess {{A}}* {{A}} can be obtained through "{{B}} Quest" and other means*. +{{B}}と一致する{{A}}がありません\r\n※{{B}}の{{C}}を{{D}}してください※=There is no {{A}} that matches {{B}}* Please {{D}} the {{C}} of {{B}}*. +{{A}}と一致する{{C}}がありません\n※{{A}}の{{B}}を{{D}}してください※=There is no {{C}} that matches {{A}}* Please {{D}} the {{B}} of the {{A}}*. +{{A}} +761={{A}} +761 +「雪の中でかくれんぼするのは得意ですけど、\n草原とかだとすぐ見つかっちゃいますー。なんでだろう?\nはわわ…おなかすいた…でも眠い……。\nとりあえず空気でも食べてます…。\nうん、この空気はクリーミーですー」=I'm good at playing hide-and-seek in the snow, but I'm easily spotted in meadows... I wonder why... hahawa... I'm hungry... but I'm sleepy............ I'm eating air for now... yes, this air is creamy..." +相手単体に490%のダメージを与え\r\n高確率で{{A}}状態にする=Deals 490% damage to a single opponent and has a high probability of putting them in a {{A}} state. +相手単体に507%のダメージを与え\r\nMPを20減少させる\r\n※一回発動分のMPは残る=Deals 507% damage to a single opponent and reduces MP by 20* MP remains for one activation. +相手単体に468%のダメージを与え\r\nMPを20減少させる\r\n※一回発動分のMPは残る=Deals 468% damage to a single opponent and reduces MP by 20* MP remains for one activation. +{{A}}完了={{A}} completed +{{A}} +96={{A}} +96 +{{A}} +97={{A}} +97 +{{A}} +81={{A}} +81 +{{A}} +740={{A}} +740 +{{D}}{{B}}目{{B}}科ヤケイ属\n{{C}}亜種{{A}}={{D}} {{B}}, order {{B}}, family {{B}}, genus Yakei, subclass {{C}}, subclass {{A}}. +{{D}}の{{B}}が10%増加し、{{A}}状態にならない\r\nさらに{{D}}が状態異常でないとき\r\n{{C}}が10%増加する={{D}}'s {{B}} is increased by 10% and {{C}} is increased by 10% when {{D}} is not in {{A}} state and also when {{D}} is not in abnormal state +{{F}}の{{C}}と{{D}}が10%増加し\r\n{{B}}(桃){{G}}の{{E}}が{{A}}状態の\r\n相手に与えるダメージが20%増加する={{F}}'s {{C}} and {{D}} increase by 10% and {{B}}(peach){{G}}'s {{E}} increases the damage done to an opponent in {{A}} state by 20%. +{{B}}の{{A}}が10%回復し\nMPが10増加する\r\n発動率:60% 発動回数:3回={{B}}'s {{A}} recovers 10% and MP increases 10% Activation rate: 60% Number of times activated: 3 +相手単体に38%×3のダメージを与え\r\n対象の{{C}}が{{B}}(黄緑)の場合\r\n中確率で{{A}}状態にする (1ターン)=Deals 38% x 3 damage to a single opponent, and if the target {{C}} is {{B}} (yellow-green), there is a medium chance it will enter {{A}} state (1 turn) +相手単体に440%のダメージを与える\r\nさらに{{A}}(桃){{D}}の{{C}}の\r\n{{B}}を16%増加する(2ターン)=Deals 440% damage to a single opponent and also increases {{A}}(Peach){{D}}'s {{C}}'s {{B}} by 16% (2 turns). +{{A}} +678={{A}} +678 +{{A}} +564={{A}} +564 +{{A}} +539={{A}} +539 +{{A}} 604回目!={{A}} 604th! +{{B}}の{{D}}\n2個を\n{{A}}\n8個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 2 {{D}}s in {{B}} to 8 {{A}}s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n3個を\n{{A}}\n12個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 3 {{D}}s in {{B}} to 12 {{A}}s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n1個を\n{{A}}\n4個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 1 {{D}} of {{B}} to 4 {{A}} +{{B}}の{{D}}\n1個を\n{{A}}\n20個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 1 {{D}} of {{B}} to 20 {{A}} +{{A}}\n2050/01/01 00:00まで={{A}}2050/01/01 until 00:00 +明るい赤色のてもちバルーン。風にのってふわふわ浮かぶよ\r\nピクニックであそぶことができる。{{A}}が手に入りやすい=Bright red Temochi balloons that float in the wind for picnic fun. +{{A}}日時:2023/09/17 14:08={{A}} Date: 2023/09/17 14:08 +<GM気弱な狼>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}\n\nCODE:20002={{A}}\n\nCODE:20002 +{{B}}を行ったことで、\n{{A}}を獲得しました!={{A}} was earned by performing {{B}}! +(フレンズ名) の\nフレンズストーリー\n○話クリアで{{A}}=({{A}} for completing (Friends' name)'s Friends' Story Episode XX +ピクニックで「フレンズの小さな{{A}}」を14750個獲得!=14,750 "Friends' Small {{A}}s" acquired at the picnic! +★4確定まで\nあと10/10回=4Confirm to go10/10 Times +{{A}}\nよろしいですか?={{A}} May I? +ネコ目ネコ科ネコ族\nネコ科ネコ族ネコ目ネコ科ネコ族ネコ=Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus, Felis catus +フレンズや{{B}}が持つパッシブスキル\n{{A}}を一段階達成することで{{C}}されます={{C}}ed by achieving one level of the passive skill {{A}} that Friends and {{B}} have +インテリア回転=Interior Rotation +{{B}}3個と電池{{A}}=3 {{B}} and batteries {{A}} +{{A}}日時:2023/09/17 20:32={{A}} Date: 2023/09/17 20:32 +<ガブリ>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}日時:2023/09/17 19:47={{A}} Date: 2023/09/17 19:47 +<ポンコツ>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}日時:2023/09/17 18:56={{A}} Date: 2023/09/17 18:56 +({{A}} 450)=({{A}} 450) +バトル\n開始=Start of battle +今日はこれだけど、\n準備はいいかなぁ?=This is it for today, but I hope you're ready for it. +このクエストは1日1度だけ挑戦できます\nバトルが開始するとやり直しはできません\n\n{{A}}{{B}}に間違いはありませんか?=You can only try this quest once a day, and once the battle starts, you can't start over.\n\nIs there a mistake in {{A}} {{B}}? +{{D}}、{{C}}、{{B}}、回復する{{A}}の量、増加するMPの量減少効果、{{E}}の増加効果を無効にする=Disables the effects of {{D}}, {{C}}, {{B}}, the amount of {{A}} to be recovered, the effect of reducing the amount of MP to be increased, and the effect of increasing {{E}} +{{A}}{{B}}が上昇={{A}} {{B}} rises +プレイヤーターン開始時にMPが増加する=MP is increased at the beginning of the player's turn +状態異常の{{A}}が上昇={{A}} of the condition is increased +{{A}}{{B}}の相手から受けるダメージが増加=Increased damage received from {{A}} {{B}} opponents +{{A}}{{B}}の相手に与えるダメージが減少=Reduced damage to {{A}} {{B}} opponents +プラズムチャージの効果が+5%され\r\nさらに2.7倍になる\r\n\n使用しますか?=Plasmic Charge effect is increased by +5% and further multiplied by 2.7\r\n\nDo you use it? +相手単体に658%のダメージを与える\r\n対象が{{C}}(緑){{D}}の場合\r\n高確率で{{A}}、{{B}}状態にする(3ターン)=Deals 658% damage to a single opponent, and if the target is {{C}} (green) {{D}}, it has a high probability of entering {{A}} or {{B}} state (3 turns). +【{{B}}にきらめく☆】{{A}}無料10回{{C}}にて獲得=Sparkling in the {{B}}☆] Earned at {{A}} free 10 times {{C}}. +{{A}}の利刃={{A}}'s advantageous blade +6 left 10/5まで=6 left Through 10/5 +9 left 10/5まで=9 left Through 10/5 +2 left 10/5まで=2 left Until 10/5 +3 left 10/5まで=3 left Until 10/5 +1 left 10/5まで=1 left Until 10/5 +10 left 10/5まで=10 left Through 10/5 +{{D}}大好きお弁当のセット。{{C}}なフレンズにお勧めです\n{{B}}の{{A}}に使用します=A set of {{D}} favorite lunchboxes, recommended for {{C}} Friends, for use with {{A}} in {{B}}. + 10/5まで= Through 10/5 +ユーバル=uval +チワワ過保護隊=Chihuahua Overprotection Unit +ストルム=strum +ロキ=Loki +9月18日(月)の防衛結果=September18th(Mon.) Defense Results +あーるぐれい。=Aarugurei. +米=meter +グリフォン=griffon +どらごねあ=gorilla +つしにゃん=tsutsunyan (4 or 5-stringed insect of the order Tsutsumi) +参加賞=prize for participation +マサイ=Masai (people) +カキワリ=thin, dried strips of daikon soaked in vinegar and other flavorings +あうる=gain +雪印=snow brand +えな=placenta +∀アズマ=∀Holy Azuma +{{D}}{{B}}\n※{{A}}上限を超えた{{F}}は{{E}}ボックスに{{C}}しました={{D}} {{B}}* {{F}} over the {{A}} limit has been {{C}}ed to the {{E}} box +{{A}} +455={{A}} +455 +今月360 left=This month 360 left +フレンズの想いから生まれた不思議な鉱物\n{{B}}の{{A}}アップに使用します=Used to {{A}} up {{B}}, a mysterious mineral born from the thoughts of the Friends +を268個交換しました=268 units were exchanged for 268 units of +今月92 left=This month 92 left +{{A}}★★★★★に到達したため\n{{B}}が{{C}}されました={{B}} has been {{C}}ed because {{A}}★★★★★ has been reached +{{B}}★★★★★★に到達したため\n{{A}}が{{C}}されました={{A}} has been {{C}}ed because {{B}}★★★★★★ has been reached +「わたしは{{A}}の仲間だから足が速くてね、\nどこでもすぐに行けちゃうよ。だけど、留守にしている間に\n誰か来ないかとか、ちゃんと戸締まりをしているかとか、\n心配になっちゃって……すみかからあまり離れられないの。\n気になっちゃうの! あ~あ、遠くに遊びに行きたいなあ」=I'm a {{A}} member, so I'm fast on my feet and can get anywhere, but I can't leave my ...... home very often because I worry about whether or not someone will come while I'm gone, or whether or not the door is locked properly. +相手単体に60%×2のダメージを与え\r\n{{B}}の{{A}}が15%増加する(1ターン)=Deals 60% x 2 damage to a single opponent and increases {{B}}'s {{A}} by 15% (1 turn) +相手単体に420%のダメージを与え\r\n{{A}}を17%増加させる(2ターン)=Deals 420% damage to a single opponent and increases {{A}} by 17% (2 turns) +哺乳綱ネコ目ネコ科{{A}}属\n{{C}}亜種{{B}}=Mammalia catinae catinae {{A}} genus {{C}} subspecies {{B}} +{{A}}\n\nで{{B}}={{A}}\n\n{{B}} in +{{A}}全体={{A}} Overall +{{A}}単体={{A}} stand-alone +を225個交換しました=225 were exchanged for 225 +哺乳綱クジラ偶蹄目イノシシ科\nイノシシ属イノシシ亜種{{A}}=Mammaliaformes cetacea even-toed ungulates boar family boar genus boar subspecies {{A}} +{{A}} +629={{A}} +629 +{{E}}の{{A}}{{C}}(高)が増加する\r\nさらに{{B}}(赤){{F}}の相手の{{D}}が5%減少する={{A}} {{C}} (high) of {{E}} is increased, plus {{B}} (red) {{F}} opponent's {{D}} is reduced by 5%. +{{A}}日時:2023/09/19 12:29={{A}} Date: 2023/09/19 12:29 +天剣十字=form of magic or divination (e. g. animating objects to act as the sorcerer's agent) +ヒルト=hilt +電池{{A}}=Battery {{A}} +({{A}} 451)=({{A}} 451) +別の端末からのログインを{{A}}しました\nタイトル画面に戻ります\n\nCODE:7={{A}} logged in from another device Return to title screen\n\nCODE:7 +【{{C}}にきらめく☆】{{B}}{{A}}=[sparkling in {{C}}] {{B}} {{A}} +{{A}}/ビートシンカー={{A}} / Beat sinker +{{A}}、{{B}}、{{C}}、{{D}}{{E}}が上昇={{A}}, {{B}}, {{C}}, {{D}} {{E}} rise +各{{A}}アップ=Each {{A}} up +サブ{{A}}=Sub {{A}} +{{G}}とは、特定のフレンズが\n{{E}}90以上、ミラクル{{E}}3以上、{{B}}4段階以上、{{C}}ット2つ以上{{D}}の\n条件を達成後、「{{H}}のたね」と素材アイテムを消費し、\n{{D}}することによって効果を発揮するわざです。\n\n{{G}}を持つフレンズはフレンズ{{A}}画面にて{{F}}することができます。={{G}} is a {{D}} technique that works by consuming "{{H}} seeds" and material items after certain Friends have achieved {{E}}90 or higher, Miracle {{E}}3 or higher, {{B}}4 or higher, or {{C}}two or more {{D}} conditions.\n\nFriends with {{G}} can {{F}} it on the Friends {{A}} screen. +{{A}}\n※{{C}}率が100%でも攻撃側の{{D}}によっては攻撃を受けることがあります。\n\n{{B}}={{A}}* Even if the {{C}} rate is 100%, the attacker may still be attacked depending on the attacker's {{D}}.\n\n{{B}} +{{A}}\n{{B}}\n({{D}}、{{E}}、{{H}}、{{C}}、{{G}}、{{F}}全て)\nを受けることができます。\n={{A}} {{B}} ({{D}}, {{E}}, {{H}}, {{C}}, {{G}}, {{F}} all) are eligible.\n +{{A}}\n{{B}}\n{{C}}\nを受けることができます。\n=You can receive {{A}} {{B}} {{C}}.\n +\nプレイヤーターンの開始時に画面右の隊長スキルアイコンをタップ選択することで\n隊長スキルを使用することができます。\nバトルに持ち込む隊長スキルは{{A}}画面で{{B}}することができます。=\nCaptain skills can be used by tapping and selecting the captain skill icon on the right side of the screen at the start of the player's turn. captain skills that are brought into battle can be {{B}}ed on the {{A}} screen. +\n{{C}}\n\n{{D}}\n\n{{A}}画面の「{{E}}」{{H}}や{{B}}のフレンズ枠下部\n「たいき」{{H}}で{{G}}のON/OFF状態を{{F}}することができます。=\n{{C}}\n\n{{D}}\n\nThe ON/OFF state of {{G}} can be {{F}}ed by "{{E}}" {{H}} on the {{A}} screen or "Taiki" {{H}} at the bottom of the {{B}} Friends frame. +{{B}}2個と電池{{A}}=2 {{B}} and batteries {{A}} +<あきら>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}日時:2023/09/20 07:34={{A}} Date: 2023/09/20 07:34 +<ナモヤン>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}日時:2023/09/19 16:44={{A}} Date: 2023/09/19 16:44 +({{A}} 453)=({{A}} 453) +{{A}}:電池={{A}}: Battery +{{B}}{{C}}の相手に{{A}}={{A}} against {{B}} {{C}} +{{B}}、{{C}}、{{D}}、{{A}}={{B}}、{{C}}、{{D}}、{{A}} +疲れてる時こそ、\n準備運動はしっかりね?=When you're tired, you have to be prepared, don't you? +{{A}}を\n1消費して1回{{B}}します\nよろしいですか?=I will spend one {{A}} and {{B}} once, is that correct? +{{A}}日時:2023/09/20 11:35={{A}} Date: 2023/09/20 11:35 +({{A}} 454)=({{A}} 454) +{{A}}日時:2023/09/20 13:00={{A}} Day Time: 2023/09/20 13:00 +{{A}}{{B}}を14750{{C}}=14750{{C}} for {{A}} {{B}} +{{A}}{{B}}を14750個獲得!=14,750 were acquired by {{A}} {{B}}! +ピクニックで{{A}}を14750個獲得!=14,750 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +{{A}}のバトル19をクリア=Clear {{A}} Battle 19 +{{A}}のバトル17をクリア=Clear {{A}} Battle 17. +{{A}}のバトル16をクリア=Clear Battle 16 of {{A}} +{{A}}のバトル20をクリア=Clear {{A}} Battle 20 +{{A}}のバトル18をクリア=Clear {{A}} Battle 18. +{{A}}のバトル21をクリア=Clear {{A}} Battle 21 +{{A}}のバトル15をクリア=Clear Battle 15 of {{A}} +ピクニックで{{A}}を14800個獲得!=14800 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +ピクニックの{{A}}を{{B}}します\nよろしいですか?\n\n入れ替えた枠は獲得までの時間がリセットされます=I will {{B}} the {{A}} of the picnic, is that correct?\n\nThe time to acquire the replaced slots will be reset. +{{A}}\n2023/11/03 23:59まで={{A}}2023/11/03 until 23:59 +4周年前夜祭{{A}}にて獲得=Acquired at {{A}} on the eve of the 4th anniversary +{{A}}でGO!=Go with {{A}}! +{{B}}がギブアップしたとき\r\n{{A}}全体のMPが20増加する(発動回数:1回)=When {{B}} gives up, MP of the entire {{A}} is increased by 20 (number of activations: 1) +☆1☆3\n獲得EXP増加\n{{A}}発生!=1*3 EXP gain increase {{A}} occur! +☆3\n獲得EXP増加\n{{A}}発生!={{A}} occurs with an increase in EXP earned by ☆3! +パーティ編成 ちからくらべ編成 道場パーティ編成 で編成中です。\nこのフォトがすべての編成から外れますが\nよろしいですか?=Party Organize Strength ContestOrganize Dojo Party Organize I am in a Organize with a Photo, and this Photo will be removed from all Organizes, is this correct? +☆2\n獲得EXP増加\n{{A}}発生!={{A}} occurs with an increase in EXP gained by 2☆2! +あと9/11=And 9/11. +モト=motto +『すごい!ちょこっと』を購入しますか?\n※『すごい!ちょこっと』を購入した場合、\nほかのパスポートを重複{{A}}ことはできません。=If you purchase a "Chotto" passport, you will not be able to use other passports in the {{A}}. +購入に必要なDMMポイントが不足しています。\nチャージしますか?=I don't have enough DMM points to make a purchase.\nWould you like to go to the DMM Store? +【月間パスポートすごい!!すたんだーど】\nを購入します。よろしいですか?\n\n所持DMMポイント:1000pt\n必要DMMポイント:1000pt\n※DMM版で購入した有償キラキラは\nDMM版でのみ使用できます=I would like to purchase [Monthly Passport Wow!\n\nDMM points in possession: 1000ptsDMM points required: 1000pts\nGlitter (Paid) purchased on the DMM version can only be used on the DMM version. +吉良きらら=Kirara Kira +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かき\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かき\n{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かき={{A}} Kakikakeko {{A}} Kaki {{A}} Kakikakeko {{A}} Kaki {{A}} Kaki {{A}} Kakikakeko {{A}} Kaki +来てくれたのね\n今日はこれと…私の歌を{{A}}=You came, and today we have this and... my song, {{A}}. +明日も~♪絶対来てね~♪\nや~く~そ~く~よ~~~♪=Come again tomorrow~~~ I'll be sure to see you~~~ Ya~k~soo~~~ yo~~~~~!{{A}} 71452={{A}} 71452 +{{A}} 71070={{A}} 71070 +{{A}} 70642={{A}} 70642 +{{A}} 70625={{A}} 70625 +{{A}} 70155={{A}} 70155 +{{A}} 70103={{A}} 70103 +{{A}} 70075={{A}} 70075 +{{A}} 69006={{A}} 69006 +{{A}} 68507={{A}} 68507 +{{A}} 67868={{A}} 67868 +{{A}} 67816={{A}} 67816 +{{A}} 67477={{A}} 67477 +{{A}} 67459={{A}} 67459 +{{A}} 67376={{A}} 67376 +{{A}} 67163={{A}} 67163 +{{A}} 66830={{A}} 66830 +{{A}} 66784={{A}} 66784 +まねうる=imitate +{{A}}{{B}}ダウン={{A}} {{B}} down +カラマチ=hardy orange +せつふう=snowstorm +コォリィ=collie +灰路=ashes and earth +ことみ=(polite reference to another's) attention +ハンチョウ=albatross +ガロード=gallop +あると=if it is possible +スタッフィー=stuffy +悠神=god of leisure +({{A}} 458)=({{A}} 458) +鍔広帽=broadsword hat +新緑のゆびわ=fresh green ring (i. e. without a ring-shaped hole in the middle) +宝石のゆびわ=jewel ring +どきどき!お返しのブローチ=Thrilling! Brooch for giving back! +ハートのゆびわ=heart ring +鏡もちのブローチ=Kagamimochi brooch +共闘に備えるためのおいしいラムネセット!=A tasty set of ramekins to prepare for the co-op! +累計ログイン1440日目!=Total of 1440th day logged in! +明日も~♪絶対来てね~♪\nや~く~そ~く~よ~~~♪=Come again tomorrow~~~ I'll be sure to see you~~~ Ya~k~soo~~~ yo~~~~~! +{{A}}日時:2023/09/22 13:33={{A}} Date: 2023/09/22 13:33 +({{A}} 461)=({{A}} 461) +{{A}}日時:2023/09/22 14:19={{A}} Date: 2023/09/22 14:19 +なぎの=nagi (species of conifer, Nageia nagi) +({{A}} 462)=({{A}} 462) +あ、きたきた!\n待ってたよー!=Oh, here it comes, I've been waiting for it! +はーい!\n今日の相手だよー!=Hi, I'm your partner today! +強そうなの来たぁ~!\n~クリスマスアレンジ~=Here comes the strong one~~ Christmas arrangement~! +ワクワクけものバトル!\n~クリスマスアレンジ~=Exciting Kemono Battle! - Christmas Arrangement +{{A}}でまったり=Staying put at {{A}} +けもの達の{{A}}\n~まずはここから~={{A}} of the Beasts - Start Here +メンテナンス中です\nタイトル画面に戻ります\n\nCODE:11=Return to title screen.\n\nCODE:11 +ただいまメンテナンス中です\n{{A}}はお知らせをご{{B}}ください\nメンテナンス終了予定日時:2023/09/23 18:00=We are currently undergoing maintenance. Please check the {{A}} for the latest information. +期間:2023年{{A}}23日~2023年{{B}}5日=Period: {{A}}23, 2023 - {{B}}5, 2023 +9/26(火)23:59まで=Until 9/26 (Tue.) 23:59 +10/5(木)23:59まで=10/5(Thu.) 23:59 +なかよしPt4倍!=FriendshipPt4! +9/30(土)14:00まで=Until 9/30 (Sat.) 14:00 +10/8(日)23:59まで=Until 10/8 (Sun.) 23:59 +10/7(土)14:00まで=10/7 (Sat.) until 14:00 +{{A}}\n2023/10/08 23:59まで={{A}}2023/10/08 until 23:59 +4周年記念10回{{A}}=4th Anniversary 10 times {{A}} +{{A}}\n2023/09/24 23:59まで={{A}}2023/09/24 until 23:59 +4周年記念無料{{A}}10回{{B}}=4th Anniversary Free {{A}} 10 times {{B}} +{{A}}を\n250消費して10回{{B}}します\nよろしいですか?=I will spend 250 {{A}} and {{B}} 10 times, may I? +哺乳綱ネズミ目ヤマアラシ科ヤマアラシ属\n{{A}}=Mammaliaformes, Mammaliaformes, Porcupineidae, Porcupineae, {{A}} +{{A}}、ですぅ\nうぅ、恥ずかしい…\nツンツンしちゃいそうですぅ~!={{A}}, I'm so embarrassed... I'm about to tsk tsk...! +4周年記念プレセントアイテム=4th Anniversary Presents Items +4周年衣装交換券=4th Anniversary Costume Exchange Ticket +※このアイテムは 2023/10/08 23:59 に消失します。=This item will disappear at 2023/10/08 23:59. +4周年衣装交換所=4th Anniversary Costume Exchange +ジャパリコイン交換所=Japan Coin Exchange + 10/7まで= Through 10/7 +0体=0 body +現在の{{A}}拠点撃破数=Bosses Destroyed +9/23~9/30 14:00 まで=9/23~9/30 until 14:00 +{{B}}クエスト\n{{A}}={{B}} Quest {{A}} +あと00:00:00=00:00:00 to go +{{A}}増加中!={{A}} is increasing! +累計{{A}}=Cumulative {{A}} +{{A}}かきくけこ{{A}}かきくけこで1234567890獲得しました={{A}} or Kiku Keko{{A}} or Kiku Keko won 1234567890! +今回のターム:04:00 ~ 09:00 まで=This term: from 04:00 to 09:00 +ターム中の{{A}}={{A}} during term +499体=499 body +陽云火花 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Yang Yunhua reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +あまはら が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Amahara reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +{{A}}HP={{A}}HP +あなた 0=You 0 +2020/12/31 12時 {{A}}=2020/12/31 12:00 pm {{A}} +今回{{A}}1回={{A}} 1 time this time +よるはきけんなヤツらがおおい\nきをつけて=Be careful at night, there are a lot of dangerous people. +「Beat!!!」の{{A}}が12%増加する={{A}} increases by 12% for "Beat! +{{D}}の{{A}}が50%以上のとき\r\n{{D}}の{{C}}が8%増加し、{{B}}が5%増加する={{C}} of {{D}} increases by 8% and {{B}} by 5% when {{A}} of {{D}} is greater than 50%. +スラッシュ・アウト=slash out +今回{{A}}0回={{A}} 0 times this time +今回の{{A}}クリア回数が0になりました。=The number of times {{A}} has been cleared this time is now zero. + +タニクマン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tanikuman reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +シオカラ@ちゃま が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shiokara@Chama reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +かにたま が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kanitama reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +さんさ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sansa reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ぽよ子 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Poyoko reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +シオカラ@ちゃま が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Shiokara@Chama reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ポリバケツ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Poly bucket reduced HP by 280,000 at {{A}}! +藤丘弘、 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Hiroshi Fujioka reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +今回の{{A}}={{A}} this time +初夢=year's first dream +アイスター=ice star +とりさん=Tori-san +隊長はわたしのアシュ!=The captain is my Ash! +私のベルを鳴らして♪=♪ Ring my bell ♪ +ささだんご=rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame +胡桃 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Walnut reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +マキシマム馬,鹿 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Maximum Horse, Deer reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +帽子被った変な奴 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=The funny girl with a hat reduced her HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +Juhnter が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Juhnter reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +ロリッコ副隊長 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Lorikko's second-in-command reduced her HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +エド・スタフォード が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ed Stafford reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +りょうすけ=Ryousuke +ガブリエル=Gabriel +とろり=thick +大きな母の愛で抱きしめて=Embrace me with great motherly love. +タロー=tallow +もふねこ=fluffy cat +ストラステラ=wrasse +【イベント】立ち入り禁止区域イベントクエストを3回クリア=Event] Clear the off-limits zone event quest three times. +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを1回クリア=Complete one of the {{A}} quests in the cumulative total +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを3回クリア=Completed any of the {{A}} quests 3 times in total. +【イベント】立ち入り禁止区域イベントクエストを5回クリア=Event] Clear the off-limits zone event quest five times. +あらたな刺激を求めて=Seeking new stimulation +5 left 10/7まで=5 left Through 10/7 +50 left 10/7まで=50 left Through 10/7 +2 left 10/7まで=2 left Until 10/7 +10 left 10/7まで=10 left Through 10/7 +6 left 10/7まで=6 left Through 10/7 +24 left 10/7まで=24 left Through 10/7 +8 left 10/7まで=8 left Through 10/7 +100 left 10/7まで=100 left Through 10/7 +3 left 10/7まで=3 left Until 10/7 +☆4のフレンズが来てくれるそうです!\n対応する{{A}}=The Friends of ☆4 are coming, corresponding {{A}}! +{{A}} 71452={{A}} 71452 +パーティ編成 で編成中です。\nこのフォトがすべての編成から外れますが\nよろしいですか?=Party Organize I am in a Organize with a Photo, and this Photo will be removed from all Organizes, is this correct? +サバンナのよる=By Savannah +【イベント】立ち入り禁止区域イベントクエストを1回クリア=Event] Clear the off-limits zone event quest once. +{{A}}立ち入り禁止区域・解除開始={{A}} No-Go Zone Ban Lifted +【イベント】立ち入り禁止区域イベントクエストを10回クリア=Event] Clear the off-limits zone event quest 10 times. +【イベント】立ち入り禁止区域イベントクエストを7回クリア=Event] Clear the off-limits zone event quest seven times. +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを10回クリア=Complete any of the {{A}} quests 10 times in total. +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを7回クリア=Completed any of the {{A}} quests a cumulative total of 7 times +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを5回クリア=Cumulatively complete any of the {{A}} quests 5 times. +あと51/52=51/52 to go. +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを15回クリア=Completed any of the {{A}} quests a cumulative total of 15 times +「{{B}}立ち入り禁止区域・解除開始」{{A}}={{B}} No Go Zone Lifting Begins" {{A}} +JAC が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=JAC reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +さんだる=three divisions of the noble eightfold path +しばいぬA=Shiba Inu A +バニラ=vanilla +世界を終焉へ導くのだ!=It will lead the world to its end! +ぶらほっく(ERC)=Burahoku +らい=god of thunder +{{A}}隊長におまかせなのだ!=It is up to the {{A}} captain! +エモーホラ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Emohora reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +ピンクピンタロウ=pink pintaro +こよみ=almanac +itachoco が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=itachoco reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +よだれ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Yodare reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +{{A}}{{B}}(中)が増加する={{A}} {{B}} (medium) increases +ボスが1体になると、{{B}}・{{C}}{{D}}が{{A}}\nただし片方だけ倒すと、相手のターンに復活してしまう!=When the boss is one, {{B}} and {{C}} {{D}} will revive on the opponent's turn if only one of them is defeated by {{A}} however! +痛み入ります=thank you very much for your ... +Gene が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Gene reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +らいまお が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Raimao reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +プリン=purine +しみっしみの大根=Sinewy radish +怪鳥=eerie bird +のの=out of the way +しょうた=Shoutarou era (1299.4.25-1302.11.21) +4周年 立ち入り禁止区域・解除開始=4th anniversary No-Go Zone Ban Lifted +フキタ@ちゃま=Fukita@Chama +モフモフ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Mohmoh reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +ところてんの逆襲 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Tokoroten Strikes Back reduced HP by 28,000 at {{A}}! +らぴ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Rappi reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +累計でイベントクエストを20回クリア=Clear the event quest 20 times in total +シューヤ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shuya reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +モフモフ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Mohmoh reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +こだいまい=wild rice +{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!={{B}} reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +くしい が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kushii reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +{{A}}わた が {{B}} でHPを560000減らした!={{A}} Watashi reduced HP by 560000 with {{B}}! +良い夢を、{{A}}=Sweet dreams, {{A}}. +{{A}}クロー={{A}} Claw +トラブル発生?あたしにお任せ!=You have a problem? +レッカ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Recca reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +Amnesia が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Amnesia reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +樹海の脳筋 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Jukai's Brain Muscle reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +Pfaradissa が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Pfaradissa reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +まぼ=mabo +ねこみ″=sleepyhead +出=coming out +じてんしゃちょ〜便利=convenient to use with a bicycle +エコロケーションでお見通し=Echolocation will see you through. +レモラ=lemora +飛鳥 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Asuka reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}が4%増加し、{{D}}が4%減少する\r\nさらに{{A}}(赤){{C}}の相手に対して\r\n追加で{{B}}が5%増加する=Increases {{B}} by 4%, decreases {{D}} by 4%, and increases {{B}} by an additional 5% against {{A}} (red) {{C}} opponents. +Pfaradissa が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pfaradissa reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +シロー が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Shiloh reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ラック が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=LAC reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +マーズ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mars reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +じゃんだらりん=Buddhist center for study and meditation +ヒトのフレンズ=Human Friends +アミノ酸=amino acid +しんしあきちゃま=novice +ガロアムシ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Galois Mushi reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +{{A}}が50%以上のとき狙われやすくなり\r\n{{B}}が3%増加する={{A}} is more targeted when {{A}} is above 50% and {{B}} is increased by 3%. +ま・・・まああんたほどの実力者がそういうのなら・・・・=Well... well, if that's the kind of thing you're capable of ・・・・ +累計でイベントクエストを30回クリア=Clear the event quest 30 times in total +らぴ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Rappi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +くろネ=black cat +相馬和樹@ルンコロ=Kazuki Soma at Runkoro +中藻興部興部線=Nakamo Koube Koube Line +あずま が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Azuma reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +オリモチ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Orimochi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{C}}全体の{{B}}が3%増加する\nさらに毎ターン{{D}}の{{A}}が3%回復する=Increases the {{B}} of the entire {{C}} by 3% and also recovers 3% of the {{A}} of the {{D}} each turn. +{{B}}の{{C}}が15%減少し\r\nさらに{{A}}全体の{{C}}が8%減少する={{B}}'s {{C}} is reduced by 15% and {{A}}'s overall {{C}} is reduced by 8%. +{{B}}が5%増加し、\r\n{{A}}が50%以上のとき\r\n追加で「Beat!!!」の{{B}}が5%増加する=Increases {{B}} by 5%, with an additional 5% increase in {{B}} for "Beat!" when {{A}} is over 50%. +いつもうちのフレンズ使ってくれてありがとです(*´ω`*)=Thanks for always using our frens................ +スナイパー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sniper reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ぼん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Bon reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +らいじん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Raijin reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ボブ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Bob reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ヤーナム が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yanam reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +Yuki が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yuki reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと36/52=36/52 to go. +ルナ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Luna reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +累計で{{A}}のいずれかのクエストを20回クリア=Clear any of the {{A}} quests a cumulative total of 20 times +たくさん集めると☆4のフレンズが来てくれるそうです!\n対応する{{A}}=They say that if you collect a lot of them, the 4☆4 Friends will come to you! Corresponding {{A}} +4 left 10/7まで=4 left Until 10/7 +フレンズの{{B}}に関係している不思議な小瓶\n{{A}}=Mysterious vial {{A}} related to Friends' {{B}} +フレンズの{{B}}が変質した不思議な物質\n{{A}}=Mysterious substance {{A}} transformed by Friends' {{B}} +43 left 10/7まで=43 left through 10/7 +なんだか温かい♡集めるとフレンズの力がさらに高まりそう...な気がする!\nLvのさらなる上限{{A}}に使用します=I feel that the power of Friends will be further enhanced by collecting these warm handsome hands... I will use them for {{A}}, the further limit of LV! +{{A}}で稀に見つかる不思議な種\n{{C}}の{{B}}に使用します=Used for {{B}} in {{C}}, a curious species rarely found in {{A}} +フレンズの強い想いから生まれた不思議な鉱物\n【{{A}}】{{B}}の{{C}}に使用します=Mysterious mineral [{{A}}] born from the strong desire of the Friends to use it for {{C}} in {{B}} +4周年!ハッピーラッキーTシャツ=Happy 4th Anniversary! +{{A}}の4周年!ハッピーラッキーTシャツです=Happy 4th Anniversary of {{A}}! +正義の{{A}}=The Righteous {{A}} +今月10 left=10 left this month +今月3 left=This month 3 left +今月5 left=This month 5 left +今月1 left=This month 1 left +2 left 9/30まで=2 left Until 9/30 +☆2以上フレンズ{{A}}を\n1消費して1回{{B}}します\nよろしいですか?=I will {{B}} once by consuming 1 ☆2 or more Friends {{A}}, is that correct? +・排出したフレンズが重複した場合、{{B}}に{{A}}されます\n・個別表示している提供割合は表示上小数点第4位にて切り捨てしているため、全て合算しても100%にならない場合がございます\n・{{C}}は1回ごとに提供割合に基づいて抽選を行っております。そのため提供割合1%のアイテムが100回中1回、必ず排出される仕組みではございません=The percentage of each {{C}} is rounded down to the fourth decimal place for display purposes, so the total may not equal 100% even if all items are added together. +哺乳綱クジラ偶蹄目ラクダ科\n{{A}}属アルパカ=Mammaliaformes, Cetacea, Camelidae, {{A}}, genus Alpaca +{{A}}です~\nふわふわもこもこで癒しをご提供~♪\nがんばりますね~=This is {{A}}~ providing healing with fluffy fluffy fluff~~ I'll do my best~~! +{{A}}を獲得しよう 165個目!=Let's get {{A}}! 165th piece! +ドレーク が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Drake reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +野乃・のの花 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Nono Nonohana reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +シュウ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +草切=thatch (a plant) +TBGM が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=TBGM reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +銀月 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Silvermoon reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +うなたくみ=brood parasitic coral tree (Erythrina variegata) +ささくれβ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sasare Beta reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +銀狐好きのねるねる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Silver Fox Lover Neruneru reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +かずーい が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kazui reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +kamo が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=kamo reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +(´・ω・`) ノシ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=(Noshi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +累計でイベントクエストを50回クリア=Clear the event quest 50 times in total +医科娘2023 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Medical Daughter 2023 reduced HP by 70,000 in {{A}}! +ハヤシ{{A}}部長 が {{B}} でHPを70000減らした!=Director Hayashi {{A}} reduced HP by 70000 with {{B}}! +トーコ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Toko reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ひのもと が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Hinomoto reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +お主は不思議だね わらわの考えることが\n全部わかっているみたいで…むず痒いな=It's strange how you seem to know everything that I think... it's itchy. +Light が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Light reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +シュミーア が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Schmierer reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +オシリスキー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Osiriski reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +ゆかりごはん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yukarigohan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +オタコ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Otako reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +Mr.クマ=Ms. Bear +ちくわ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Chikuwa reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ピスタチ夫 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pistachio reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +上杉虎子ちゃん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Torako Uesugi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +偽・何処猫 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Fake Where's the Cat reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと31/52=31/52 to go +ゆう が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Yu reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +あと30/52=30/52 to go. +累計で{{A}}クエストを5回クリア=Clear the {{A}} Quest 5 times in total. +累計で{{A}}クエストを10回クリア=Clear the {{A}} Quest 10 times in total. +累計で{{A}}クエストを15回クリア=Completed a cumulative total of 15 {{A}} quests. +累計でイベントクエストを90回クリア=Clear 90 event quests in total +累計でイベントクエストを70回クリア=Cleared the event quest 70 times in total +00 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=00 reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +ロコ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Rocco reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +URITAN が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=URITAN reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +そし*ネコ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Then* cat reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +エスカマリ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Escamari reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +パスタ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Pasta reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +も伍長 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Corporal also reduced her HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +Venom が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Venom reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +あと29/52=29/52 to go. +シグマ隊長の部下 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Captain Sigma's men reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと5分=Five minutes. +みと が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mito reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +mee が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=mee reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +あと27/52=27/52 to go. +今回のターム:09:00 ~ 14:00 まで=This term: 09:00 to 14:00 +更新データが見つかりました\nデータ更新を行います=Update data found Data update will be performed +全拠点のもくひょう達成で開放=Open when all bases have achieved their Moku Hyougo. +ラコ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Laco reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +ビワマス が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Biwamas reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +けんいち が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kenichi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +nnsz@chama が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=nnsz@chama reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +とりさん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Tori-san reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ヴァトレニ=vatreni +オウガ=auger +{{A}}内容が変わりました。\n再出撃しますか?={{A}} content has changed, would you like to re-launch? +あなた 2240000=You 2240000 +こじょう=old fortress +ミリアム=Miriam. +あんかけさん=thank you +ろまん=six emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate, desire) +てんぷら=tempura +コナカ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Konaka reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!={{B}} reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +相手単体に632%のダメージを与え\r\n対象が状態異常の場合、追加で192%のダメージを与える\r\nさらに{{A}}戦のとき、\n対象の状態異常{{C}}に関わらず{{B}}状態にする(1ターン)=Deals 632% damage to a single opponent and an additional 192% damage if the target is in a {{A}} state. +ダークナイトハンター=The Dark Knight Hunter +相手単体に26%×17と104%のダメージを与え\nMPを20減少させる\r ※一回発動分のMPは残る\r\nさらに{{A}}のMPが20増加する=Deals 26% x 17 and 104% damage to a single opponent and reduces MP by 20.\r MP remains for one activation, and {{A}}'s MP is increased by 20. +みんぐどら を{{A}}しました!={{A}}ed Mingu Dora! +マイマイ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Mai Mai reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ぼす が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=BOSU reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +マステマ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mastema reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ふみねこ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Fumineko reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +K-MTTN が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=K-MTTN reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +みぃ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Mii reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +あと25/52=25/52 to go. +Weiss が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Weiss reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +{{A}}を見守る優しい瞳=Kind eyes watching over {{A}} +ちびぃ=little girl +ののの=together with ... +ゲームねこ=game cat +うみみゃ?=Umi-mi-mi? +ざくろ=Punica granatum +諦めの境地=a state of resignation +ミヤビ=Japanese beautyberry (Callicarpa japonica) +一曲うたってあげますよ=I'll sing you a song. +レイン@{{A}}黒鯖=Rain @ {{A}} Black Mackerel +{{A}}のたいせつなオトモダチ={{A}}'s precious Friends +夢戦士イニングマン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Dream Warrior Inningman reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ふたりでダンスレッスン…♪=Dance lessons for two... ♪ +海のお掃除屋さんといっしょ=With the Sea Cleaner +火通す=heat through +ルーリ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Lurie reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +すぱげってぃ=supa-gee +エスジール=SGIRL +ぼん=monk's dwelling +泰らかなる{{A}}の願い=Wish of Tairaku {{A}} +しん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shin reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +才芽=talent and buds +ぷかぷかコレクター=flop collector +暗き夜の後、太陽は輝く=After the dark night, the sun shines +フォーマン=FOMAN +りりなすーん=eelysium +はなまるの副隊長!=Deputy commander of Hanamaru! +こわーい悪魔のお通りだ!=The scary devil is on her way! +エスジール が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Esziel reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +えるすてぃん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Erestin reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと22/52=22/52 to go. +累計でイベントクエストを100回クリア=Clear the event quest 100 times in total +Sochin が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sochin reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +とうふ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Tofu reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +きらら が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Kirara reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +相手単体に336%×2のダメージを与える\r\nさらに{{B}}の12%分{{C}}の{{A}}が回復する状態になる(3ターン)=Deals 336% x 2 damage to a single opponent and also causes {{C}}'s {{A}} to recover by 12% of {{B}} (3 turns). +相手単体に747%のダメージを与え\r\n対象が状態異常の場合、追加で227%のダメージを与える\r\nさらに{{A}}戦のとき、\n対象の状態異常{{C}}に関わらず{{B}}状態にする(1ターン)=Deals 747% damage to a single opponent and an additional 227% damage if the target is in a {{A}} state. +ワイト が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Wight reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +おぼろ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Oboro reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +tel が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=tel reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +ダイチ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Daichi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +げんまい が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Genmai reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +kazuki が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=kazuki reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +ピポポン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pipopon reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +いさちん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Isachin reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}ーネST が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!={{B}}-NeST reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +樹菜樹 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Jnaki reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ムウナ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mouna reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ゆうき が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Yuki reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ぶらほっく(ERC) が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Burahokku (ERC) reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +隊長もまだまだコドモね♪=You're still a little boy, aren't you? +ける が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!={{A}} reduced HP by 137627! +テドロス・アダノム が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tedros Adanom reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +楽狼 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Rakurakuro reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +なまず が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Namazu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +りゅーと が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Ryuto reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}ーネST が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!={{B}}-neST reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +やばんちゃん=young female prostitute working at a nightclub hostess +オトナ同士なかよくするでち♪=♪ Adults will get along ♪ +連合大隊長 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Union Battalion Chief reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +ソロモンの人。 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Solomon's man. reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +Capricorn が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Capricorn reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +レンチ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Wrench reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +シラナミ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Shiranami reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +大理論家 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=A great theorist reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +あと21/52=21/52 to go. +Travis が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Travis reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +青鉢 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Blue Bowl reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ぼうし が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hat reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +ハタさん が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Hata-san reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +デビルマン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Devilman reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{A}} 68120={{A}} 68120 +{{A}} 66247={{A}} 66247 +{{A}} 66417={{A}} 66417 +{{A}} 65435={{A}} 65435 +{{A}} 65255={{A}} 65255 +{{A}} 64828={{A}} 64828 +{{A}} 64869={{A}} 64869 +{{A}} 64764={{A}} 64764 +{{A}} 64793={{A}} 64793 +{{A}} 64398={{A}} 64398 +{{A}} 64003={{A}} 64003 +{{A}} 64060={{A}} 64060 +{{A}} 63995={{A}} 63995 +{{A}} 63598={{A}} 63598 +{{A}} 63443={{A}} 63443 +{{A}} 63469={{A}} 63469 +{{A}} 63105={{A}} 63105 +{{A}} 63327={{A}} 63327 +{{A}} 62828={{A}} 62828 +{{A}} 62483={{A}} 62483 +{{A}} 62547={{A}} 62547 +{{A}} 62029={{A}} 62029 +{{A}} 62140={{A}} 62140 +{{A}} 61126={{A}} 61126 +{{A}} 60726={{A}} 60726 +{{A}} 60384={{A}} 60384 +{{A}} 59345={{A}} 59345 +{{A}} 60019={{A}} 60019 +{{A}} 60203={{A}} 60203 +{{A}} 58926={{A}} 58926 +{{A}} 59006={{A}} 59006 +{{A}} 57989={{A}} 57989 +{{A}} 58593={{A}} 58593 +{{A}} 56305={{A}} 56305 +{{A}} 56388={{A}} 56388 +{{A}} 56541={{A}} 56541 +{{A}} 54569={{A}} 54569 +{{A}} 53987={{A}} 53987 +{{A}} 54498={{A}} 54498 +{{A}} 53032={{A}} 53032 +{{A}} 19137={{A}} 19137 +{{A}} 20309={{A}} 20309 +{{A}} 21091={{A}} 21091 +{{A}} 26460={{A}} 26460 +{{A}} 29572={{A}} 29572 +{{A}} 30080={{A}} 30080 +{{A}} 33879={{A}} 33879 +{{A}} 36185={{A}} 36185 +{{A}} 16567={{A}} 16567 +{{A}} 16341={{A}} 16341 +{{A}} 16038={{A}} 16038 +{{A}} 15807={{A}} 15807 +{{A}} 39637={{A}} 39637 +{{A}} 38695={{A}} 38695 +{{A}} 38124={{A}} 38124 +{{A}} 37813={{A}} 37813 +{{A}} 37537={{A}} 37537 +{{A}} 27521={{A}} 27521 +{{A}} 20518={{A}} 20518 +{{A}} 15891={{A}} 15891 +{{A}} +175={{A}} +175 +{{A}} 69962={{A}} 69962 +{{A}}(桃){{F}}の{{D}}の{{G}}増加、{{B}}減少状態を解除する\nさらに{{E}}を除いた{{A}}(桃){{F}}の{{D}}の\n{{C}}が35%増加し(3ターン)\r MPが15増加する={{G}} increase of {{D}} of {{A}}(Peach) {{F}} and {{B}} decrease state of {{D}} of {{A}}(Peach) {{F}} is canceled, and {{C}} of {{D}} of {{A}}(Peach) {{F}} excluding {{E}} is increased by 35% (3 turns)\r MP is increased by 15 +相手単体に16%×7のダメージを与え\r\n高確率で{{A}}を10%増加させる (2ターン)=Deals 16% x 7 damage to a single opponent and increases {{A}} by 10% with a high probability (2 turns) +「ジョフはもう大人なんでち! ひとりでなんでもできちゃうし、\nお外だって歩き回っても、迷子になんかならないんでち! \nふわわわわ、お菓子をくれるんでちか!?\nむ、そんなのには引っかからないでち! \n大人が食べるのはワサビ茶漬けなんでち!」=Joff is an adult! He can do everything on her own, she can roam around outside, and she won't get lost! +{{B}}が15%増加し、バトル開始時にMPが40増加する\r\nさらに{{D}}の{{A}}が80%以上のとき\r\n{{C}}全体の{{E}}が10%減少する={{B}} is increased by 15% and MP is increased by 40 at the beginning of battle. +{{D}}が15%増加し\r\n{{B}}、{{A}}{{C}}(高)が増加する\r\n毎wave開始時に{{D}}が4%減少し\r\n{{B}}、{{A}}{{C}}(低)が減少する\r\n(発動回数:3回)={{D}} increases by 15% and {{B}} and {{A}} {{C}} (high) increase at the start of every wave {{D}} decreases by 4% and {{B}} and {{A}} {{C}} (low) decrease (number of activations: 3) +MPが10増加する\r\nさらにコチョコチョ発生率が100%増加し\r\n成功率が40%増加する(1ターン)\r\n※{{A}}の効果は重複しない\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回=MP is increased by 10. In addition, the rate of kochokocho is increased by 100% and the success rate is increased by 40% (1 turn) *The effect of {{A}} is not duplicated. +小さな{{D}}の{{C}}\n2個を\n{{A}}\n2個に{{B}}しました=Two small {{D}}'s {{C}}ed into two {{A}}'s {{B}}ed into two {{A}}'s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n2個を\n{{A}}\n40個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 2 {{D}}s of {{B}} to 40 {{A}}s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n5個を\n{{A}}\n20個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 5 {{D}}s in {{B}} to 20 {{A}}s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n4個を\n{{A}}\n16個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 4 {{D}}s in {{B}} to 16 {{A}}s +{{B}}の{{D}}\n11個を\n{{A}}\n44個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 11 {{D}}s in {{B}} to 44 {{A}}s +{{A}}(現在「{{B}}Lv.7」)={{A}} (currently "{{B}}Lv.7") +対象のインテリアを所持していません=I do not have the subject interior. +michi が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=michi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと45分=45 minutes to go. +まさら が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Masara reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ありさ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Arisa reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +朏魄=waning moon +アグリー が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Ugly reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +はっさく が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=HASAKU reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +如月ツヴァイ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kisaragi Zwei reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +参加賞 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=The participation prize was {{A}}, which reduced HP by 137627! +あと20/52=20/52 to go. +かるるぅ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Karruu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと37分=37 minutes to go. +よう が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=The HP was reduced by 137627 at {{A}}! +アムです抱いてくださ=It's Amu. Please hold me. +キミとボクで最強{{A}}=Kimi to Boku de Saikyou {{A}} +はいどらねっと が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Haidoranetto reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと36分=36 minutes to go. +ライカンまつう=lycanthanum +ケミィ(*>ω<*) が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kemmy(*> ω<*) reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +しんざき=newazaigaki (species of cherry tree, Cerasus spachiana) +さかな=fish +まや が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Maya reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +オ{{A}}=O {{A}} +{{A}}♪もうすぐ4周年でち!={{A}}♪ It's almost our 4th anniversary! +8vszu4 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=8vszu4 reduced HP by 70,000 in {{A}}! +あと19/52=19/52 to go. +あと31分=31 minutes to go. +ぶた が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Buta reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ジャック が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Jack reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +脳裏融解 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Brain melting reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +琥珀 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Amber reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +はうる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hauru reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ブロリー超 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Broly Super reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +タケダノボル が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Takeda Noboru reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +ランゼ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Lanze reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +うり が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Uri reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +DIO が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=DIO reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +くんちゃん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kun-chan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あまね が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Amane reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +のくー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nokoo reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと29分=29 minutes to go. +転寝 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tumble down reduced HP by 70,000 in {{A}}! +{{A}}は{{B}}={{A}} is {{B}} +しょてい=fixed +あと16/52=16/52 to go. +一緒に{{B}}を作ったら、もーっと仲良しになれちゃうかも!?\n{{A}}{{D}}の上限{{C}}に使用します=If we make {{B}} together, we can be much closer! +{{B}}には「{{A}}Lv.8」が必要 (現在「{{A}}Lv.7」)={{A}}Lv.8" is required for {{B}} (currently "{{A}}Lv.7") +現在の{{A}}:8=Current {{A}}: 8 +7 left 10/7まで=7 left Through 10/7 +今回のターム:14:00 ~ 18:00 まで=This term: from 14:00 to 18:00 +イノキシアの人 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Inoxia person reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +胡蝶しのぶ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shinobu Butterfly reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +氷村ふぁねる が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Hizon Funeru reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +たいぞぉ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Taizo reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +どじ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Doji reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +レンレン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Renren reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +チュール が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Tulle reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ぬめぬめ獣=slimy goblin +激走!爆走!レッツGO!=Let's go for a fierce, explosive run! +もなず=sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) +氷村ふぁねる=village of ice +しちゅえ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Shichue reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +2ax3 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=2ax3 reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +DEC が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=DEC reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ねこすけ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nekoske reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ダイナソー竜崎 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Dinosaur Ryuzaki reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +姉畑支遁 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Anehata Fugu reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +あと15/52=15/52 to go. +{{A}}日時:2023/09/24 13:41={{A}} Date: 2023/09/24 13:41 +すごい!!!ごーじゃす=Wow!!!! +【VORKED tree house】に\n【Vorkedのツリーハウス】で\n上書き保存します\n\nよろしいですか?=Overwrite [Vorked tree house] with [Vorked tree house].\n\nAre you sure? +輝き始めるカルテット=A quartet that begins to shine +{{B}}のデフォルト楽曲に{{A}}する={{A}} to {{B}} default music +{{B}}楽曲{{A}}={{B}} Music {{A}} +{{A}}でいっしょに!=Together at {{A}}! +KenjiDraco が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=KenjiDraco reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +関統 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Guan Tong reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +おにく が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Oniku reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +M・クフャトコフスキ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=M. Kukyatkowski reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +朧矢車 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Oboro Yaguruma reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +(´・ω・`) ノシ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=(Noshi reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +バッカスラミー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Bacchus Rummy reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +ケイ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Kay reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ふんわり が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Fluffy reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +tanu が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=tanu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +参りますわよ!=Here we go! +玉葱亡者騎士隊長=Knight Commander of the Onion Wraiths +シマシマでとびきりのおしゃれ=Striped and extraordinarily fashionable +おまえはなかなか賢いですね=You are quite clever. +しちゅえ=seventh division of the night (approx. 1 am to 3 am) +隊長、暁に斃れる。=Captain dies at dawn. +{{A}}でギュッてしよ=Let's do the {{A}}. +きゃん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kyan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +関統=syntax +ソルティ7 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Salty7 reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ケミィ(*>ω<*) が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Kemmy (*> ω<*) reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ぴー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pie reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +さんまいめ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sanmaime reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ステキなパークを広めたい=I want to spread the word about the wonderful park. +藤原桑=Fujiwara mulberry (Morus alba) +ふたば=bud +だいすきとたのしいの気持ち=Daisuki and tanashii no sentiments +入寝ひつじ=incoming freshwater sheep (i. e. those that have been sucked into a crib) +パスタ=pasta +心ぽかぽか銀世界=Heart warming silver world +な、仲良くなりたいです!=I would like to be Friends with you! +らいゆう が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Raiyu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}おこめ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!={{B}} Okome reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +P・ガイドウォーカー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=P. Guidewalker reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +古米 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Old rice reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +ymir が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=ymir reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +秋曉 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Akihyo reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +kii が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=kii reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +のどか が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nodoka reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +忍法{{A}}の術!=Ninpo {{A}} no Jutsu! +ゲームねこ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Game Cat reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +けこたん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kekotan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ひまり が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Himari reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +JA8772 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=JA8772 reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +あと56分=56 minutes to go. +あきあき が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Akiaki reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +あと14/52=14/52 to go +ステイン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Stein reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ひむろ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Himuro reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +トマトボーイ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Tomato Boy reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +まみっち が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mamichi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ほっぺ=cheek +届け、はなまるの想い!=Deliver, Hanamaru's thoughts! +うさやま=grazing land +かんぶりあん=sweetened red-bean soup +でじこ=boghorn +ZIG が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=ZIG reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと13/52=13/52 to go +ますやんか が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Masayanka reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +いぬいぬわんわん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Inu Inu Wan Wan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +月と猫のフレンズ月猫 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Moon and Cat Friends Moon Cat reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +あと12/52=12/52 to go +ピクニックで{{A}}を14850個獲得!=14850 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +フレンズの小さな{{B}}が変質した不思議な物質\n{{A}}=Mysterious substance {{A}} transformed from tiny {{B}} in Friends +を100個交換しました=100 exchanged for 100 +フレンズの強い想いから生まれた不思議な鉱物\n{{B}}の{{A}}に使用します=Used for {{A}}, a mysterious mineral {{B}} born from the strong desire of the Friends +{{A}} 38005={{A}} 38005 +{{A}} +166={{A}} +166 +今月あと92回=92 more this month +フレンズの想いから生まれた不思議な鉱物\n{{A}}の{{B}}アップに使用します=Used to {{B}} up {{A}}, a mysterious mineral born from the thoughts of Friends +{{A}} 52073={{A}} 52073 +{{A}} 52127={{A}} 52127 +{{A}} 50632={{A}} 50632 +{{A}} 51489={{A}} 51489 +{{A}} 49021={{A}} 49021 +{{A}} 49283={{A}} 49283 +{{A}} 47673={{A}} 47673 +{{A}} 46430={{A}} 46430 +{{A}} 46770={{A}} 46770 +{{A}} 41485={{A}} 41485 +{{A}} 41947={{A}} 41947 +{{A}} 44877={{A}} 44877 +{{A}} 40213={{A}} 40213 +{{A}} 40237={{A}} 40237 +{{A}} 16811={{A}} 16811 +{{D}}の{{C}}\n5個を\n{{A}}\n20個に{{B}}しました={{B}}ed 5 {{C}}s of {{D}} to 20 {{A}}s +{{A}} 549回目!={{A}} 549th! +{{A}}が発生しました\nタイトル画面に戻ります\n\nCODE:1003={{A}} has occurred Return to title screen\n\nCODE:1003 +{{A}}\n2023/09/25 23:59まで={{A}}2023/09/25 until 23:59 +アタシは{{A}} 危ないものを\n見つけるなら、お任せだよ! 心配だって?\nアタシの身軽さも甘く見ないでほしいな=I'm {{A}}, if you want to find something dangerous, I'm your man! +哺乳綱ネズミ目ネズミ科\n{{A}}属{{A}}=Mammaliaformes {{A}} (Mammaliaformes: Mice, Rats, Mice) +今回のターム:00:00 ~ 04:00 まで=This term: from 00:00 to 04:00 +イクネウモン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Icneumon reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと0分=0 minutes left +花ういー=Okinawan yellow cucumber +キ!なんでも聞こえましゅ!=I can hear everything! +うみみゃ? が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Umimya? reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +もきゅ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Mochu reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +きらりと光るキセキの星=Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Kiseki no Hoshi +どうしてわたしにかまう?=Why are you bothering me? +マキシマム馬,鹿=Maximum Horse, Deer +あなた 1680000=You 1680000 +涼白 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Ryohaku reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ちびくろあんず が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Chibikuro Anzu reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +中藻興部興部線 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Nakamo Koube Koube line reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +おぬし が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=You reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +シロー が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shiloh reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +さんだる が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=SANDARU reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +Ris が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Ris reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +あと10/52=10/52 to go. +あと9/18=Also 9/18 +{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!={{B}} reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +もふれし=bibliophobia +パークのみなに笑顔を!=Smiles for everyone in the park! +しゅないだー=Shuunnai Faction (of the LDP) +ヤーナム=yernum +こち=this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker) +めろえん=melanin +なでなで☆開運パワー!=Nadate☆Power to open the door! +リペア=repair +別にクールではないですよ=Not that it's cool. +あかつき が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=AKATSUKI reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +狐蟻喰=lesser pygmy anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) +えるつぅ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Eruzzu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ソラ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sola reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと44分=44 minutes to go. +ベテラン? が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Veteran? reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +ウルシバル が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Ursibar reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ぬまぞこなまず が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Numa Zokonama reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +あと1分=One minute left. +コンサン が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Konsan reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +そら が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sora reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ベノ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Benno reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +biguma が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=biguma reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +あなたの輪っかにジャンプ!=Jump in your hoop! +{{A}}欲しい…{{A}}があったら頑張れる気がする…ないと駄目かもしれないよ…=I want {{A}}... I feel like I can do my best if I have {{A}}... I might not make it without it... +たこみ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Takomi reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +きりゅう が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=KIRYU reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +わどう が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Wado reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +シフォン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Chiffon reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +あと8/52=8/52 to go. +「{{B}}立ち入り禁止区域・解除開始」{{A}}\n※{{D}}は一括{{C}}の対象外です={{B}} no-go zone, start lifting" {{A}}* {{D}} is not subject to batch {{C}}. +{{A}}日時:2023/09/24 18:30={{A}} Date: 2023/09/24 18:30 +{{B}}1個と電池{{A}}=1 {{B}} and 1 battery {{A}} +({{A}} 466)=({{A}} 466) +secretgash が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=secretgash reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +井之頭五郎 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Goro Inogashira reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{A}}好き が {{B}} でHPを70000減らした!={{A}} lover reduced HP by 70000 with {{B}}! +いっしょに出かけましょ!=Let's go out together! +あなたのしっぽも見せて=Let me see your tail. +雀=knowledgeable person +武芸を極めし達人=A master of the martial arts +もなか が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Monaka reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +道を切りひらく鎌=The sickle that opens the way +ゆなゆな=your eldest son +古代料理研究家=Ancient cookery researcher +ガブ=gulp +目指せ、パークのヒーロー!=Aim to be a hero of the park! +かまどうまさとみ=Satomi Kamado +自然の恵みを分けてあげる=Sharing nature's bounty +かーげー=offering of flowers (at shrine, grave, etc.) +あたたかなこえがきこえるほうへ=Towards a warm voice +ナイレイ=nighray (Nephrops norvegicus) +巨大{{A}}=Giant {{A}} +新しいおやつ、隊長ともぐもぐ♪=New snack, mooching with the captain ♪ +ひっさー=coffee shop +修行をつけてやろう=Let's give her some training. +飆呀=飆呀. +森の王がついているよ=The king of the forest is with you. +ルイちゃん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Louie reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +とも が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Both of them reduced HP by 56,000 in {{A}}! +グリーンランド少佐=Major Greenland. +笛吹大魔王=flute player +舞い降りた闇夜の使い=A messenger of the dark night that descended +{{A}}×団長CP流行れ={{A}} x Commander's CP is going viral. +みぃ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mii reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ガブ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Gab reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ミカガミ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Mikagami reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +一基 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=One group reduced HP by 280,000 with {{A}}! +あと7/52=7/52 to go +Canadensis が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Canadensis reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +キュ{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Cu {{B}} reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +らあ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Rah reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +秀之@{{A}}水色→ が {{B}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hideyuki @ {{A}} light blue reduced HP by 70,000 with {{B}}! +ものへんけ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Mononoke reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ストラステラ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Strastella reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ツノタイ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tsunotai reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +マキト が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Makito reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +{{A}}牧場={{A}} Ranch +なりくん=promoted knight (shogi) +メガネ会へようこそ=Welcome to the Spectacle Society +クロノ=chrono +ゆっくりXYZ64=Slowly XYZ64 +影の針鼠 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shadowy needle rat reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +けだま稲荷 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kedama Inari reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +はるはる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Haruharu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +デューナ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Duna reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{A}} が {{B}} でHPを137627減らした!={{A}} reduced HP by 137627 in {{B}}! +こだま が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kodama reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +sir-wada が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=sir-wada reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +ゲンキ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Genki reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +Mk-12 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Mk-12 reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +マステマ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Mastema reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +タカハシ=falconry (using a hawk or falconry stick) +アイスター が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Icester reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +あと6/52=6/52 to go. +({{A}} 467)=({{A}} 467) +チューペット が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tupet reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +そら丸 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Soramaru reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +キタアカリ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kitaakari reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ヨツバ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Yotsuba reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +たろべぇ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Tarobe reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +レビア が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Revere reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +{{A}}ズ が {{B}} でHPを70000減らした!={{A}} reduced HP by 70000 with {{B}}! +そら丸 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Soramaru reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ワイト が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Wight reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +お座敷ねこ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Otsashikineko reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +Ender が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Ender reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +たま が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Tama reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +はるな が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Haruna reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +メタネコ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Metaneko reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +お坊チャマ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Monk Chama reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +クロモド が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Chromod reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +ゲゲゲ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Gegege reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +たま が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Tama reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +えるつぅ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Eruzzu reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +10/2(月)14:00まで=10/2 (Mon.) until 14:00 +{{A}}アップアイテムが\n獲得できますよ\n今日も張り切っていきましょう!=You can get {{A}} up items! +{{A}}が獲得できますよ\n今日も張り切っていきましょう!=Let's get going today! +再始動=restart +未所持=not possessed (by a person) +所持=possession +対象の{{C}}は見つかりません。\n{{A}}の条件を{{B}}してください。=Target {{C}} not found, please {{B}} the {{A}} condition. +選択中の{{A}}=Selected {{A}} +現在の{{A}}=Current {{A}} +そんなこと言いましたっけ?=Did I say that? +「フシギなおみせ」=Fushigi no Omisei. +{{A}} 17416={{A}} 17416 +{{A}} +87={{A}} +87 +{{A}} +941={{A}} +941 +ネズミといっても、体長が40cmほどにもなる大型の種です。とても優秀な鼻を持っていて、訓練によりその鋭い嗅覚で火薬を嗅ぎ当て、危険な地雷探知で大活躍してくれています。他にも、結核菌の匂いも当ててしまうなど「ヒーローラット」と称えられています。=They are a large species of rat, reaching up to 40 cm in length, with an excellent sense of smell, and have been trained to sniff out gunpowder and dangerous land mines. +「危ないものを見つけるなら、お任せだよ!\nアタシの鼻からは逃げも隠れもできないからさ。\n心配だって? アタシの身軽さも甘く見ないでほしいな。\nそれに、仕事の後はバ{{C}}で乾杯!これがまた格別なんだなあ。\n{{A}}も{{B}}も人前に出てがんばってる。\nアタシはそーゆーの苦手だからさ。\nアタシはアタシの場所でがんばるよ!」=I'm here to help you find anything dangerous, because you can't run or hide from my nose. Don't underestimate my lightweight nature, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the toast at Ba {{C}} after work. +相手単体に60%×2のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{C}}が{{B}}(水)の場合\r\n高確率で{{A}}状態を解除する=Deals 60% x 2 damage to a single opponent, and if the target {{C}} is {{B}} (water), it has a high probability of removing {{A}} status. +相手単体に66%×6のダメージを与え\r\n{{B}}の{{A}}が20%増加する (2ターン)=Deals 66% x 6 damage to a single opponent and increases {{B}}'s {{A}} by 20% (2 turns) +{{D}}の{{B}}が15%増加する\r\nさらにギブアップ中ではない{{C}}が3人以下の場合\r\n{{C}}全体の{{A}}が10%増加する={{D}}'s {{B}} is increased by 15%, and if there are 3 or less {{C}} not in giveaway, the {{A}} of the entire {{C}} is increased by 10%. +小さな英雄=Little heroes +{{B}}(黄緑){{E}}の{{D}}の{{A}}が3%増加する\r\nさらにフレンズ戦で{{D}}全体の{{C}}が10%増加し\r\n毎ターンMPが7増加する={{B}}(yellow-green) {{E}}'s {{D}}'s {{A}} increases by 3%, plus {{D}}'s overall {{C}} increases by 10% and MP increases by 7 every turn in a Friends battle. +縁の下の力持ち=person who does a thankless task +{{C}}全体の{{B}}が10%増加し\r\n{{A}}が10%増加する (2ターン)\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回={{B}} of the entire {{C}} is increased by 10% and {{A}} is increased by 10% (2 turns) Activation rate: 100% Number of activations: 2 +トレーニングは欠かさずに=Never miss a training session. +{{A}} 608回目!={{A}} 608th! +{{A}} 612回目!={{A}} 612th! +{{B}}{{A}}交換所={{B}} {{A}} Exchange +{{A}} +1197={{A}} +1197 +{{A}} +85={{A}} +85 +{{A}} 69819={{A}} 69819 +ガーデン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Garden reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +キャビン8mmLng が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Cabin 8mmLng reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +ゆー が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Yoo reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +爐 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Furnace reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +GARO が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=GARO reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +りょうま が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Ryoma reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +2ぽぽ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=2Popo reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +非局所性YKI が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Non-local YKI reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +爐 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=The furnace reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +アタランテ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Atalante reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +竜宮いなり が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Ryugu Inari reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +observer が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=observer reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +カッパ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Kappa reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}? が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!={{B}}? reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +44 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=44 reduced HP by 56,000 in {{A}}! +マコト が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Makoto reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +クロキツネ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kurokitsune reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +はえぬき が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hae-Nuki reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +HARU が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=HARU reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +夢戦士イニングマン が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Dream Warrior Inningman reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +Grassmann が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Grassmann reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +zeno が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=zeno reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +のりと が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Norito reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ドゥネルド が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Dunerd reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ももぢたんば が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Momojitamba reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +思いの欠片 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=A piece of thought reduced HP by 56,000 in {{A}}! +司書 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Librarian reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ねこまる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nekomaru reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +司空 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Shikku reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}s が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!={{B}}s reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +イシズ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Isis reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ダ↑チョウ↓=↓↓ (e. g. in a video game) +彼を知り己を知る=know oneself even before one is aware of oneself +{{A}}ファンクラブ♡={{A}} Fan Club♡ +ユキ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yuki reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ちーちゃん が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Chi-chan reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +塩漬けもの が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=The salted one reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +つよきち が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Tsuyokichi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +すくなびこな が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Sukunabikona reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +yaTa が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=yaTa reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +シグナ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Signa reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +色んな意味でお花畑 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=In many ways, Hanabatake reduced her HP by 56,000 at {{A}}! +たこかいな が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Takokaina reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +春日 歩 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Ayumi Kasuga reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +たけるスライム が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Takeru Slime reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +コンサン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Konsan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +◇ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=◇ reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +みょう が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Myo reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +ヤマダ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yamada reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +ピンクピンタロウ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pink Pintaro reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +みゆー が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Miyu reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +今回のターム:18:00 ~ 21:00 まで=This term: from 18:00 to 21:00 +ただいまメンテナンス中です\n{{A}}はお知らせをご{{B}}ください\nメンテナンス終了予定日時:2023/09/25 21:00=We are currently undergoing maintenance. Please check the {{A}} for the latest information. +4周年記念無料{{A}}10回{{B}}にて獲得=Acquired at the 4th Anniversary Free {{A}} 10 times {{B}} +{{A}}\n1章9話クリア={{A}} Chapter 1, Episode 9 cleared +{{A}}\n1章1話クリア={{A}} Chapter 1, Episode 1 cleared +{{A}}\n1章6話クリア={{A}} Chapter 1, Episode 6 cleared +{{A}}\n3章12話クリア={{A}} Chapter 3, Episode 12 cleared +ららら が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=LaLaLa reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +ノゾミ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nozomi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +おみそ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Omisato reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +Pankek が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Pankek reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +2シコり が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=2Sikori reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +GEVO が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=GEVO reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!={{B}} reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +革命的アニマル主義者 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Revolutionary Animalist reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ラック が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Lack reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +雪兎 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Snow Rabbit reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +もっちー=choo-choo +ぷっくりほっぺのたっぷりおやつ=Plump cheeks and plenty of snacks +スミス=Smith. +けもフレ大好きマン=Kemofure Lover Man +トリは地上最強なんだよ!=Tori is the strongest on earth! +この歌をおまえのために!=This song is for you! +長毛=longhair (e. g. cat) +にしにし が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nishishi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +鳶助=Inverness cape +最高でサイキョー=The best and the sycophant +ベリル=beryl +コバザク=young Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) +みゅるみゅる が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Myurumyu reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +エヴァンジェ=evangel +小さくてかわいいですねぇ…=It's small and cute... +メリー(島灰色之面)=Merry (Island Gray Mask) +大事な群れの一員=An important member of the flock +ただのキャットじゃないです!=It's not just a cat! +雨龍=dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing) +セセセーセ・セーリュ=Sesse Seleu. +清澄なる青龍の恵み=Blessings of the clear blue dragon +ぎっく が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Gikku reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +おにい=elder brother +ヒトトセ(水面/下)=Hitotose(under/over water) +まくらつむ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Makaratsumu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あんな が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=He reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +アルケオエイビス=Archeoebis (genus of bristletooth sharks) +私がいれば大大大吉です!=It would be a great, great fortune if I were there! +微睡みどろ=drowsy lurker +あなたも化かしてみせますよ=I'll turn you into one too. +温泉の友=one's companion in a hot spring +まんまる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Manmaru reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +モミのき が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Fir tree reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +{{A}}のお悩み相談所!={{A}}'s Concerns! +マサイ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Masai reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +touha が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=touha reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +ザワヨッティ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Zawayoti reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +橘川 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Tachibanagawa reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +野獣先輩 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Beast reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ふぃあな が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Fuiana reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +パスタマン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Pastaman reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{A}} が {{B}} でHPを280000減らした!={{A}} reduced HP by 280000 in {{B}}! +あと5/52=5/52 to go. +烏羽玉 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=WuHuYu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +のんびりや が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Lazily reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +センヨウ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Senyo reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +セレクト が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Select reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +七味 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nanami reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}ーネST が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!={{B}}-neST reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +TYPHOON が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=TYPHOON reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +鶴屋 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Tsuruya reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +三度の飯より飯が好き が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=A man who loves food more than three meals reduced her HP by 56,000 in {{A}}! +栄時 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Eitoki reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +猫みみ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Nekomimi reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ちくわ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Chikuwa reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +かせん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kasen reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +4周年おめでとうでち!(≧∇≦*)=Happy 4th anniversary! +あきら が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Akira reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと43分=43 minutes to go. +尾北ルネ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Rene Onita reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +がうお が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Gao reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +すとらと が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Sutrato reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +こけぞう が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=KOKEZO reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +汚いおっ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Dirty old man reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +みみ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Mimi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +むらさき いも(腐) が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Murasaki imo(rotten) reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ナモヤン が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Namoyan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +サトイモ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Satomo reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +大好きのポーズぅ!=My favorite pose! +あと3/52=3/52 to go +☆レッサー(仮)☆ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Lesser* reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +飴村乱数 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Amemura Ranjin reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ツル が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Crane reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +キャスウェイ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Casway reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +まいしん=striving towards +いく=how many? +わん!あなたをお守りします!=Wan! We will protect you! +たすろ="body heat" solar term (approx. Jan. 6, roughly the coldest time of the year) +ヒゲペーペ・ペーペペ=mustache, pape, pape-pape +隊長のお願いごとだう♪=A request from the captain... ♪ +猫月猫 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Cat Moon Cat reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +りょこうふうちょう=strong winds of travel +それ、3コーラスだよ=That's three choruses. +ガム=chewing gum +シマゾエメンバー募集中=Shimazoe members wanted! +あたしがいないとダメね♪=Not without me. +ぶろっこりー=roly-poly +{{A}}で奏でる友情のメロディ=Melody of Friendship played by {{A}} +虹色=rainbow-colored +想い伝える絵=A picture to convey your feelings +熾烈なる朱雀の熱意=Fiery Vermilion Enthusiasm +ななしさん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Nanashi-san reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +Hins が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Hins reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +☆4【{{A}}】{{B}}デビル{{C}}!チケット{{D}}=☆4 [{{A}}] {{B}} Devil {{C}}! Ticket {{D}} +絶望天帝 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hopeless Emperor reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと2/52=2/52 to go +かしわ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kashiwa reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +Maki が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Maki reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +飛鳥/CX が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Asuka/CX reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +ドルチェ&河童ーナ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Dolce & Kappauna reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +コウ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Ko reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +くわす が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kusu reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +あと1/52=1/52 to go. +長靴を履かない俺で候 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=I, who don't wear boots, reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}を{{A}}していません\r\n※{{B}}は「{{C}}クエスト」などで獲得できます※={{B}} is not {{A}}ed* {{B}} can be obtained through "{{C}} Quest" and other means*. +新しいバージョンがあります\nご利用のストアから最新Verに更新を行ってください\n\nCODE:6=There is a newer version available, please update to the latest version from the store you are using.\n\nCODE:6 +アップデート=update +新しいバージョンがあります\nアプリを終了します=There is a new version close the app +あがさ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Agasa reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ようかん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yokan reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ケププープ・{{A}}プ=Kepu-pupu {{A}}P +シマモフ=shimamoff +あのこに似てる?=Does she look like her? + +{{A}}デビルの4周年!ハッピーラッキーTシャツです=Happy 4th Anniversary of {{A}} Devil's Happy Lucky T-Shirt! +【{{A}}】{{B}}の4周年!ハッピーラッキーTシャツです={{A}}] Happy 4th Anniversary of {{B}}! +【{{A}}】{{B}}デビルの{{C}}です=[{{A}}] This is {{C}}, the {{B}} Devil. +【{{A}}】{{B}}のフリフリフリルPPPのビキニです={{A}}] {{B}}'s frilly frilly PPP bikini. +Lサイズのはなまる!カーペット=L size Hanamaru! Carpet +Mサイズのはなまる!カーペット=M size Hanamaru! Carpet +Sサイズのはなまる!カーペット=S size Hanamaru! Carpet +{{B}}{{A}}枠+1={{B}} {{A}} frame +1 +今月2 left=This month 2 left +{{B}}に{{C}}できるインテリア\nインテリア{{A}}を1獲得できる=1 Interior Interior {{A}} that can be {{C}}ed to {{B}} +今月99 left=99 left this month +ぽんたこ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Pontaco reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}ナギー が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!={{B}} Nagy reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +クローディア が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Claudia reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あわり・てぃあ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Aware Teia reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +それなり が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=The {{A}} reduced HP by 70,000! +うどんご が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Udongo reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ごきぶり=cockroach +{{A}}に続くのだ!=It follows the {{A}}! +ゐしまる=hinder +白き虎動=sly and crafty +ぬあれ=stormy weather +あんそにー が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ansonyi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +{{A}}ン が {{B}} でHPを560000減らした!={{A}}N reduced HP by 560000 in {{B}}! +非局所性YKI が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Non-local YKI reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +{{A}}園長 が {{B}} でHPを560000減らした!={{A}} Director reduced HP by 560000 in {{B}}! +ゆきなほ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Yukinaho reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +よね子 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Yoneko reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +まい が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Mai reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +アスカーラ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Ascara reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +{{A}} 69286={{A}} 69286 +{{A}} 76921={{A}} 76921 +※1回の{{B}}で{{A}}が同じ&Lv.1の{{D}}を10枚素材にする毎に獲得EXPが増加します※\n※複数回の{{B}}でLv.1の{{D}}を10枚素材にしても獲得EXPは増加しないのでご注意ください※\n※獲得EXPの増加量は{{A}}で異なります※\n※一部の{{D}}は{{C}}では選ばれないのでご注意ください※=*Exp gain will increase for every 10 {{D}} with the same {{A}} & Lv.1 {{D}} as material in one {{B}} **Please note that the EXP gain will not increase even if you use 10 Lv.1 {{D}} as material in multiple {{B}}s **The amount of EXP gain varies by {{A}} **Please note that some {{D}} are not selected in {{C}} **. +パーティ編成 道場パーティ編成 助っ人フレンズ で編成中です。\nこのフォトがすべての編成から外れますが\nよろしいですか?=Party Organize Dojo Party Organize Helper Friends I am in a Organize with a Photo, and this Photo will be removed from all Organizes, is this correct? +のんほい夕暮れだに=easy evening mite (any mite of family Ceratopogonidae) +{{C}}が{{A}}\r\nさらに{{B}}が5%増加し\r\n{{D}}が4%減少する={{C}} increases {{A}} and {{B}} further increases by 5% and {{D}} decreases by 4%. +{{C}}が{{A}}\r\nさらに{{B}}が7%増加し\r\n{{D}}が6%減少する={{C}} increases {{A}} further {{B}} increases by 7% and {{D}} decreases by 6%. +{{A}}\r\n{{B}}が25%回復する(発動回数:1回)={{A}} {{B}} recovers 25% (number of activations: 1) +{{A}}最大を初めて達成したため\n『かけっこインターバル』のポスター\nを獲得しました!=I won the poster for "Kaked Intervals" for achieving the {{A}} maximum for the first time! +{{B}}が5%減少する\r\nさらに{{A}}が50%以下のとき{{B}}が5%減少する={{B}} is reduced by 5% further {{B}} is reduced by 5% when {{A}} is less than 50%. +愛しいけものたち=beloved children +隊長よ、何を持っているのだ?\n\n{{A}}…どれ、我に見せてはくれぬだろうか\n\nどれどれ…\nおお、おおお…!=Captain, what have you got there?\n\n{{A}}... which of these would you like to show me?\n\nWhich one... oh, oh, oh...! +あれは…{{B}}に、{{C}}?\nフルーツを食べてるのか?\nオイラも混ぜてほしいな~\n{{D}} 下に{{A}}がいる~?\nふたりが囲まれたら大変だし、ちょっと手伝ってあげようかな!\nそぉ~れっ=Is that...{{B}}, {{C}}, and {{C}} eating fruit? +{{B}}(緑)、{{C}}(黄緑){{E}}の{{D}}の\r\n{{A}}状態の相手に与えるダメージが8%増加する ={{B}} (green), {{C}} (yellow-green) {{E}}'s damage to opponents in {{D}}'s {{A}} state is increased by 8%. +{{A}}(水){{C}}の相手に対して\r\n{{B}}が7%増加し、{{D}}が4%減少する={{A}}(water) {{B}} is increased by 7% and {{D}} is decreased by 4% against {{C}} opponents +{{B}}が5%増加し、\r\n{{A}}が50%以下のとき\r\n追加で「Beat!!!」の{{B}}が10%増加する\n\n={{B}} increases by 5%, and when {{A}} is below 50%, an additional 10% increase in {{B}} for "Beat!\n\n +相手フレンズ出現waveの場合、{{A}}が15%増加し\r\nバトル開始時にMPが10増加する=When the opponent's Friends appear in the wave, {{A}} is increased by 15% and MP is increased by 10 at the beginning of the battle. +相手フレンズ出現waveの場合、{{A}}が10%増加し\r\nバトル開始時にMPが5増加する=When the opponent's Friends appear in the wave, {{A}} is increased by 10% and MP is increased by 5 at the beginning of the battle. +{{C}}が5%減少する\r\nさらにステージの時間が夜の場合\r\n{{B}}と{{A}}が5%増加する={{C}} is reduced by 5%, and {{B}} and {{A}} are increased by 5% if the stage is set at night. +{{C}}の{{B}}が5%増加し、{{D}}が5%減少する\r\nさらに毎ターン{{C}}の{{A}}が3%回復する={{C}}'s {{B}} is increased by 5%, {{D}} is decreased by 5%, and {{C}}'s {{A}} is recovered by 3% each turn. +{{A}}が60%以上のとき\r\n{{C}}と{{B}}が8%増加する={{C}} and {{B}} increase by 8% when {{A}} is above 60 +{{C}}の{{B}}が5%増加し\r\n{{C}}の{{A}}が50%以下のとき\r\n相手全体の{{B}}を5%減少させる=Increases {{C}}'s {{B}} by 5% and decreases opponent's overall {{B}} by 5% when {{C}}'s {{A}} is below 50%. +{{A}}が50%以上のとき\n{{B}}(赤){{E}}の相手に対して\n{{D}}と{{C}}が8%増加する={{D}} and {{C}} increase by 8% against {{B}} (red) {{E}} opponents when {{A}} is over 50%. +{{B}}(桃){{E}}の相手に対して{{D}}が9%増加する\r\n{{A}}が{{C}}の場合、毎ターンMPが2増加する={{B}}(peach) {{D}} increases by 9% against a {{E}} opponent {{A}} increases MP by 2 per turn if {{C}} +相手フレンズ出現waveの場合、{{C}}と{{B}}が6%増加し\r\n毎ターン{{A}}が2%回復する=When the opponent's Friends appear in the wave, {{C}} and {{B}} are increased by 6% and {{A}} is recovered by 2% every turn. +{{A}}{{B}}(低)が増加する={{A}} {{B}} (low) increases +☆1☆2☆3\n獲得EXP増加\n{{A}}発生!=1*2*3 Increased EXP earned {{A}} occurs! +{{A}}2話バトル1をクリア=Clear {{A}}2 Episode Battle 1 +{{A}}1話バトル3をクリア=Clear {{A}} Episode 1 Battle 3 +{{A}}1話バトル2をクリア=Clear {{A}} Episode 1 Battle 2 +{{A}}1話バトル1をクリア=Clear {{A}} Episode 1 Battle 1 +{{A}}2話バトル2をクリア=Clear {{A}}2 Episode Battle 2 +{{A}} 66437={{A}} 66437 +「(くるくるくる~)わぁー、やっぱり砂浴びは気持ちいいなぁ。\n一日一回やらないとね。あ、ボクは{{B}}。\n運動は大好きだよ。ジャンプが得意なんだ。\nそれ、三角跳び! ね? イタズラも…得意かな? エヘヘ。\n今日はもういっぱい遊んだから、そろそろ…\nおっ、{{A}}の寝床、発見!」=I'm {{B}}, I love to exercise, I'm good at jumping, it's the triangle jump, right? I'm also good at... pranks? I've had a lot of fun today, it's time to... oh, I found {{A}}'s sleeping spot! +相手単体に105%のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{B}}が{{A}}(緑)の場合\n替わりに135%のダメージを与える=Deal 105% damage to a single opponent, or 135% damage if the target {{B}} is a {{A}} (green). +バトル開始時に{{B}}のMPが5増加する \r\nさらに{{B}}の{{A}}が10%増加する={{B}}'s MP is increased by 5 at the start of battle, and {{B}}'s {{A}} is increased by 10%. +最高のショーで{{A}}={{A}} at its best show. +{{B}}が10%増加し\r\n{{A}}(緑){{C}}の相手からの{{D}}が15%減少する={{B}} increased by 10% and {{A}} (green) {{D}} from {{C}} opponent decreased by 15 +{{A}}が10%減少し(2ターン)\r\nMPが10増加する\r\n発動率:80% 発動回数:3回={{A}} is reduced by 10% (2 turns) and MP is increased by 10 activation rate: 80%, activation frequency: 3 times +{{A}} +679={{A}} +679 +【{{A}}】{{B}}の小瓶={{A}}] Vials of {{B}} +{{A}} 64430={{A}} 64430 +{{A}} 62750={{A}} 62750 +{{A}} 60873={{A}} 60873 +{{A}} 60299={{A}} 60299 +{{A}} 49563={{A}} 49563 +{{A}}日時:2023/09/26 21:50={{A}} Date: 2023/09/26 21:50 +{{A}}日時:2023/09/26 21:51={{A}} Date: 2023/09/26 21:51 +<やっぽん>\nから受け取りました= \nAccept from +({{A}}数 474)=({{A}} number 474) +ブリキ西瓜 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Tin Watermelon reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +Nyarlat が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Nyarlat reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +わーろっく が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Worokku reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あなたとおそろコーデ!=You and your matching coordinates! +さあ、次のオーダーを=Now, on to the next order. +ふわもふ=fluffy +ピクニックで{{A}}を14900個獲得!=14900 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +{{A}} 16171={{A}} 16171 +{{A}} 19417={{A}} 19417 +{{A}} 21371={{A}} 21371 +{{A}} 17462={{A}} 17462 +{{A}}★★★に到達したため\n{{B}}が{{C}}されました={{B}} has been {{C}}ed due to reaching {{A}}★★★★. +{{A}} 20710={{A}} 20710 +({{A}}数 475)=({{A}} number 475) +無{{A}}要塞ザイガス=No {{A}} Fortress Zygus +({{A}}数 476)=({{A}} number 476) +{{A}}日時:2023/09/27 13:44={{A}} Date: 2023/09/27 13:44 +☆4【{{C}}にきらめく☆】{{A}}{{B}}!チケット{{D}}=☆4 [Sparkling in {{C}}☆] {{A}} {{B}}! Ticket {{D}} +カイ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Kai reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +にゃんさん零式 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=NyanSan Zero reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +しすい が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Shisui reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +あと57分=57 minutes to go. +ザバンナシマシマオオナメクジ=Rhinobatos zebra (Equus quagga zebrina) +姫の魅力を語り合おう!=Let's talk about the charms of Princess! +あと51分=51 minutes to go. +リリィ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Lily reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +{{B}}ゴジュ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!={{B}} Goju reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +月夜に輝くお{{A}}さま=Lady {{A}} shining in the moonlit night +さかんなちほー が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Sakana Chiho reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +あと34分=34 minutes to go. +こよみ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Koyomi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +足軽=common foot soldier +あと33分=33 minutes to go. +あたいが面倒みてあげる!=I'll take care of you! +いかなご=Japanese sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) +{{B}}♪{{A}}で遊ぼ!={{B}}♪ Play with {{A}}! +マママーマ・マールカ=Mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma +かたつむりパン=snail bread +Negator が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Negator reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +あと11分=11 minutes to go. +二代松本白鴎 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Hakuo Matsumoto II reduced her HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +セルジュ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Serge reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +{{B}}シノ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!={{B}} Sino reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +クゥフェ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Cufe reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +がるぅ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Garuu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +ユーカリン が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Eucalin reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +キャビン8mmLng が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Cabin 8mmLng reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +ハク が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Haku reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +GARO が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=GARO reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +をわわ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Wawa reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ふい が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Hui reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +里亜 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ria reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ラーメン が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ramen reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ふい が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Hui reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +だいや が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Daiya reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +Twill が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Twill reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ゼロカスタム が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Zero Custom reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ダックテール が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ducktail reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +孫<サイフはーー!?=Grandson お得な{{A}}130個セット= Value {{A}} 130 pieces set ++おまけで200個(合計400個)\n期間中1回のみ購入できます!=+ 200 extras (400 total), available only once during the period! +<{{A}}> お得な{{B}}400個セット=<{{A}}> Value-priced set of 400 {{B}} +{{B}}、{{A}}、\n☆4フレンズ{{C}}チケットなどのセット!=Sets of {{B}}, {{A}}, and ☆4 Friends {{C}} tickets, etc! +<毎日1個まで> 4周年{{B}}{{A}}{{C}}= 4th anniversary {{B}} {{A}} {{C}} ++おまけで63個(合計130個)\n期間中2回まで購入できます!=+ 63 for extras (130 total), available for purchase up to twice during the period! +<{{A}}> 4周年記念{{B}}{{C}}=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary {{B}} {{C}} ++新規☆4{{C}}「{{D}}でしゅっぱつ♪」や\n{{B}}{{C}}☆4、{{A}}{{C}}☆3のセット!=+ new ☆4 {{C}} "{{D}} de shubutsu♪", {{B}} {{C}}☆4 and {{A}} {{C}}☆3 sets! +<{{A}}> 4周年記念福袋{{B}}1=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary Fukubukuro {{B}}1 +4周年記念10回{{A}}!=4th Anniversary 10 times {{A}}! +<{{A}}> 4周年記念{{B}}1=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary {{B}}1 ++じゃぱりブローチ付き!=+ with japari brooch! +{{C}}×1000、{{B}}×450、\n{{A}}×8などのセット!=Sets of {{C}} x 1000, {{B}} x 450, {{A}} x 8, etc! +<{{A}}> 4周年記念育成{{B}}・松=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary Fostering {{B}}, Matsu +{{C}}×100、{{B}}×100、\n{{A}}×1などのセット!=Set of {{C}} x 100, {{B}} x 100, {{A}} x 1, etc! +<おひとり様2個まで> 4周年記念育成{{A}}・梅= 4th Anniversary Cultivation {{A}}/Ume +{{C}}×300、{{B}}×300、\n{{A}}×3などのセット!=Sets such as {{C}} x 300, {{B}} x 300, {{A}} x 3, etc! +<{{A}}> 4周年記念育成{{B}}・竹=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary Cultivation {{B}}, Bamboo ++ばってんブローチ×1付き!=+Includes +1 batten brooch! +<おひとり様2個まで> 復刻!!ばってんブローチ{{A}}A= Reprint of the Battens Brooch {{A}}A +はなまるアニマル{{A}}券、\nはなまるブローチと{{B}}などのセット!=Hanamaru Animal {{A}} ticket, a set of Hanamaru brooch and {{B}}, etc! +<{{A}}> 復刻はなまる{{B}}=<{{A}}> Reprint Hanamaru {{B}} +{{A}}のアイドル=Idol of {{A}} +ジャパリコイン=Japan Coin +アイテムを何も{{A}}していません=I have not {{A}}ed any items. +{{A}}SP{{B}}チケット={{A}}SP {{B}} Ticket +せんまい が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Senmai reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +キキキ♪イタズラ大成功=Kiki Kiki ♪ Prank a success! +ゆきなほ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Yukinaho reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +けーいち が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Keiichi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +プラズムチャージの効果が+5%され\r\nさらに2.7倍になる\r=The effect of plasm charge is increased by +5% and further multiplied by 2.7\r +ざびーね・しゃる が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Zabine Sharu reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +キヌ{{B}} が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Kinu {{B}} reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +自慢のお耳なのね=You must be very proud of your ears. +{{B}}ニス が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!={{B}} varnish reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +ぬのる=go with the times +ショウ=show +盆踊り名人♪=Bon Odori Meijin♪ +よね子=girl who acts like a spoiled child (or a flirt) +ふたりきりのクリスマス♡=A handsome Christmas for just the two of us +ほねのフレンズ=Friends of the Bone +あなた 560000=You 560000 +ホホホーホ・ホーホホ=Ho-ho-ho-ho +童子切安綱 が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Dojikiri-Yasutsuna reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +奥多摩攻太郎 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Okutama Gutaro reduced HP by 70,000 with {{A}}! +トホホーホ・ホーホホ=thoo-hoo-hoo-hoo +永遠のたずねけもの=the eternal missing person +スッパゲッチィー が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Supaghetti reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +おやじ大尉 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Captain Oyaji reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +SirToby が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=SirToby reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +あと12分=12 minutes left. +chobo が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=chobo reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +たこみ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Takomi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +あげたて☆からあげ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Aged☆Karaage reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +暗黒なめこ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Dark Funghi reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +りりなすーん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Lilinasoon reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +ポッキー が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Pokey reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +Admiral が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Admiral reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +るん が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=RUN reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +わたしのトリコにしてあげる♡=I'll make you my handsome handsome Friend. +大切なダチとシマ=My precious Dachi and Shima +よし吉@祝4周年=Yoshiyoshi@Celebrate 4th anniversary +怠いなり が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Lazy Nari reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +そし*ネコあなざ- が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Then*NekoAnaza- reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +ジン・オルゾフ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Jin Orzhov reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +まるがめ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Marugame reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +マサイキャット が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Masai Cat reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +砂糖醤油 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Sugar Soy Sauce reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +ただいまメンテナンス中です\n{{A}}はお知らせをご{{B}}ください\nメンテナンス終了予定日時:2023/09/28 18:00=We are currently undergoing maintenance. Please check the {{A}} for the latest information. +…………{{A}}だ\n其方の光がいかなるものか、\n見極めさせてもらうぞ=............{{A}} and we'll see what kind of light you've got. +爬虫綱有鱗目カメ{{A}}ン科\nミツヅノカメ{{A}}ン亜属=Reptilia, Reptilia, Scales, Turtles, {{A}}, Family {{A}}, Subgenus Mitsuzuno-Tortoise {{A}} +9/28~10/5 14:00 まで=9/28~10/5 until 14:00 +{{B}}\n・\n{{A}}={{B}}\n・\n{{A}} +{{A}} +193={{A}} +193 +{{A}} +612={{A}} +612 +{{I}}の{{G}}が15%増加し\n{{D}}(青){{J}}の{{H}}の{{C}}{{F}}(高)が増加する\r\nさらに{{A}}が{{E}}の場合\r\n{{D}}(青){{J}}の{{H}}の{{B}}が10%増加し、{{I}}が狙われにくくなる={{I}}'s {{G}} increases by 15% and {{D}}(blue) {{J}}'s {{H}}'s {{C}} {{F}}Z(high) increases. +忍者としての誇り=Pride as a Ninja +{{A}} 616回目!={{A}} 616th! +{{A}} +330={{A}} +330 +{{A}} +331={{A}} +331 +{{A}} +563={{A}} +563 +クエスト88-88=Quest 88-88 +クエスト名が入ります=Quest name will be entered +{{A}} 36116={{A}} 36116 +{{A}} +1173={{A}} +1173 +{{A}} +1138={{A}} +1138 +相手単体に100%のダメージを与え\r\n対象が{{A}}状態のとき、追加で30%のダメージを与える\r\nさらに対象を高確率で{{A}}状態にする(2ターン)=Deals 100% damage to a single opponent, and if the target is in {{A}} status, deals an additional 30% damage and has a high probability of putting the target in {{A}} status (2 turns). +相手単体に165%×3のダメージを与え\r\n中確率で{{A}}増加効果を解除し、{{B}}減少効果を解除する\r\n※各効果はそれぞれ抽選され、重複発動もする=Deals 165% x 3 damage to a single opponent and has a medium probability of canceling the {{A}} increase effect and the {{B}} decrease effect *Effects are drawn individually and can be triggered in duplicate +「むっ! 何やつ? 某に話がある、と。\n事は隠密に運ばねばならぬからな。目立たぬように頼むぞ。\n忍術を教えてほしい? フッ、教わって身に付くなら\n何も苦労はせぬな。一つ、教えておこう。\n闇に潜むだけが忍ではない。光も{{A}}につけることだ。\n光あるところに影がある……」=What's this? I need to talk to a certain someone, and since it must be done in secret, I need you to keep a low profile. You want me to teach you ninjutsu? Well, if you can learn it from me, you'll have no trouble at all, but let me tell you something: it's not only about lurking in the dark, it's also about following the light to {{A}}. +東アフリカ など=East Africa, etc. +大きな3本のツノが印象的なカメ{{B}}ンです。大きな角はオスの特徴ですが、種によってはメスにも小さな角が生えます。爬虫類の多くは手足が平らですが、カメ{{B}}ンの指は前肢も後肢も対向していて物をつかむことができるため、樹上を安定して{{A}}することができます。=Turtle {{B}}Zs have three large, striking horns; large horns are a characteristic of males, but females of some species also have small horns; most reptiles have flat limbs, but turtle {{B}}Zs have opposable fingers on both fore and hind limbs that allow them to grasp objects, allowing them to {{A}} steadily over trees; and they have a large, flattened head, which is a characteristic of male {{B}}Zs. +{{A}} +93={{A}} +93 +ブロント が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Bronto reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +コーラ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Cora reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +handmanp が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=handmanp reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +{{A}} が {{B}} でHPを560000減らした!={{A}} reduced HP by 560000 in {{B}}! +あと26分=26 minutes to go. +ソウ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Saw reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +カカカーカ・ラーカル=Kaka kaka lakal. +光を映すしずかな瞳=Silent eyes reflecting the light +アオツーツ・ツーツツ=Aotsu Tutsu Tutsu +地獄の門のあちらとこちら=There and There at the Gates of Hell +きれいにお手入れ{{A}}の羽=Clean and care {{A}} feathers +わさび煮込み が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Wasabi Stew reduced HP by 137627 in {{A}}! +{{A}}のこころにとどけ=To the Heart of {{A}} +桜兎姫@スノ担 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Sakura Usagi Hime@Snow carrier reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +マダオ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Madao reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +オーダーコンプリート!=Order Complete! +アーマー・{{A}}ージ=Armor {{A}} Zge. +中盤戦クリア\n9/30 00:00 以降=Midfield clear 9/30 00:00 onwards +序盤戦クリア\n9/29 00:00 以降=Early game cleared 9/29 00:00 onwards +9/28 ~ 10/5 14:00 まで=9/28 - 10/5 until 14:00 +隊長さーん!\n{{A}}の大群ですー!=Captain, it's a swarm of {{A}}! +静かな風のごとく=like the silent wind +某も其方を見習わなければならぬな\nこれからも…よろしく頼む=I must learn from your example, and I\nlook forward to working with you in the future. +君が私の戦う理由=You are my reason for fighting. +あと22/32=22/32 to go. +「{{B}}」{{A}}\n※{{D}}は一括{{C}}の対象外です={{B}}" {{A}}* {{D}} is not eligible for batch {{C}} +あと19/32=19/32 to go. +{{A}}\n2023/10/12 14:00まで={{A}}2023/10/12 until 14:00 +そうじチケットを\n50消費して10回{{A}}します\nよろしいですか?=I will spend 50 cleaning tickets and {{A}} 10 times, may I? +{{A}}日時:2023/09/28 00:16={{A}} Date: 2023/09/28 00:16 +{{A}}日時:2023/09/27 17:00={{A}} Date: 2023/09/27 17:00 +({{A}}数 479)=({{A}} number 479) +悶絶少年専属調教師=Exclusive trainer of fainting in agony boy +仲間に手出しはさせねぇ!=I'm not going to let my people get away with this! +あと17/32=17/32 to go. +あと15/32=15/32 to go +{{A}}\n2023/10/02 14:00まで={{A}}2023/10/02 until 14:00 +復刻{{B}}{{A}}=Restoration {{B}} {{A}} +コマ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Koma reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +あと19分=19 minutes to go. +ボウシちゃん が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Boushi-chan reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +チュパシ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Chupassi reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +ユウ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Chloe reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +野良猫王 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Stray Cat King reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +らめぇぇぇっ!! が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=RAME!!! reduced HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +ASTRAY が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=ASTRAY reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +ボウシちゃん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Boushi-chan reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +新米 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Newbie reduced HP by 70,000 at {{A}}! +まずはシャンプーから=Start with shampoo. +つのち=there +カラカーラ・カーララ=Karakâla Karakâla +{{A}}で仲良く作戦会議=Friendly strategy meeting at {{A}} +伊藤亞龍 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Yaryu Ito reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +{{A}} 66351={{A}} 66351 +キクルミ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Kikurumi reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +シュン が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Shun reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +鳥皮平八郎 が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Heihachiro Bird Skin reduced HP by 280000 in {{A}}! +リュウのフレンズ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ryu's Friends reduced her HP by 56,000 with {{A}}! +Jacques が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Jacques reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +nasubi02 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=nasubi02 reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +フレンズ・{{B}}・{{A}} 一覧=Friends, {{B}}, {{A}} List +カラスに似た濁った鳴き声で、群れて鳴くと非常にうるさかったようです。2003年に最後の一羽「キン」が死亡して、日本産の{{A}}はいなくなりました。現在は新潟県の佐渡で、中国から譲り受けた{{A}}の人工繁殖に取り組んでいます。=The last "Kin" died in 2003, and there are no more {{A}}s left in Japan. +「{{A}}よ。私は歌が好き。\n音痴だと言われるけど、歌うことが好きなの。\n声が独特だって言われるけど、綺麗な歌声を諦めたわけじゃないわ。\nさぁ、練習しなきゃ。\n…って、{{B}}なんで一目散でいなくなっちゃうのー!\n私の歌を聴いてー!」=I'm {{A}} and I love to sing, even though people say I'm tone deaf, I love to sing, people say I have a unique voice, but I haven't given up on my beautiful voice, now I have to practice... and {{B}}, why do you leave in a heartbeat, listen to me sing! +相手単体に110%のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{C}}が{{A}}(黄緑)の場合\r\n{{B}}を10%減少させる (1ターン)=Deals 110% damage to a single opponent, reducing {{B}} by 10% if the target {{C}} is {{A}} (yellow-green) (1 turn) +相手全体に196%のダメージを与え\r\n中確率で{{A}}状態にする (1ターン)=Deals 196% damage to the entire opponent and has a medium probability of putting them in a {{A}} state (1 turn) +とてつもない自信=tremendous confidence +集中=concentration +{{B}}全体の{{A}}が5%増加する(2ターン)\r\n発動率:60% 発動回数:∞={{A}} of the entire {{B}} is increased by 5% (2 turns) Activation rate: 60% Number of activations: ∞ +{{A}}トレーニング={{A}} Training +{{C}}の{{B}}が15%増加し\r\n{{A}}(黄緑){{D}}の相手の{{B}}が8%減少する={{C}}'s {{B}} increases by 15% and {{A}} (yellow-green) {{D}}'s opponent's {{B}} decreases by 8%. +天使の祝福=Angel Blessing +{{A}}が15%増加し\r\n{{B}}が15%減少する(2ターン)\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回={{A}} increases by 15% and {{B}} decreases by 15% (2 turns) Activation rate: 100% Number of activations: 2 +砂掘り=gravel separating a noh stage from the audience (e. g. in kabuki) +相手単体に76%×6のダメージを与え\r\n{{A}}を33%減少させる(1ターン)=Deal 76% x 6 damage to a single opponent and reduce {{A}} by 33% (1 turn) +哺乳綱ネコ目ネコ科ネコ属{{A}}=Mammalia catinae catinae catinae {{A}} +{{C}}が7%増加する\r\n{{A}}が{{B}}の場合、\nさらに「Beat!!!」の{{C}}が15%増加する={{C}} increases by 7% if {{A}} is {{B}}, plus 15% increase in {{C}} for "Beat! +お困りですか?=Need help? +{{A}}が15%増加し\r\n{{B}}が15%減少する={{A}} increases by 15% and {{B}} decreases by 15 +おもてなしの気持ち=Omotenashi +{{F}}の{{E}}が5%増加し、{{A}}が5%増加する\r\nさらに{{F}}がギブアップ状態でないとき\r\n{{C}}(水){{G}}の相手の{{D}}を5%減少させ\r\n{{B}}(黄緑){{G}}の相手の{{A}}を5%減少させる={{F}}'s {{E}} is increased by 5%, {{A}} is increased by 5%, and when {{F}} is not in a give-up state, {{C}} (water) {{G}}'s opponent's {{D}} is reduced by 5% and {{B}} (yellow-green) {{G}}'s opponent's {{A}} is reduced by 5%. +相手単体に181%×3のダメージを与え\r\n中確率で{{A}}増加効果を解除し、{{B}}減少効果を解除する\r\n※各効果はそれぞれ抽選され、重複発動もする=Deals 181% x 3 damage to a single opponent and has a medium probability of canceling the {{A}} increase effect and the {{B}} decrease effect *Effects are drawn individually and can be triggered in duplicate. +秘儀・月ノ三連角=Secret Rituals, Moon Triangles +ミラクルLvをアップしよう 284回目!=Let's up the Miracle Lv. 284! +kikou が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=kikou reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +とにー が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Toni reduced HP by 137627 at {{A}}! +れみゅ が {{A}} でHPを137627減らした!=Remyu reduced HP by 137627 with {{A}}! +パパパーパ・パーパパ=88888888888 +デデデーデ・デービル=Dedede Deville. +FuryPotato が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=FuryPotato reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +ピクニックで{{A}}を14950個獲得!=14950 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +{{A}}のポーズぅ!={{A}} pose! +あと9/32=9/32 to go +7 left 10/5まで=7 left Through 10/5 +やっと会えたね=Nice to finally meet you. +{{A}}の夜=Night at {{A}} +バトル開始時にMPが5増加する=MP is increased by 5 at the beginning of battle +({{A}}数 480)=({{A}} number 480) +{{A}}日時:2023/09/29 14:09={{A}} Date: 2023/09/29 14:09 +{{A}}日時:2023/09/29 08:17={{A}} Date: 2023/09/29 08:17 +<べにばな>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +八釼=eight hundred and ninety-five +トルシエ=Troussier. +さと=home (of one's parents, etc.) +紅茶らむね=reddish brown tinged with brown +ゼット=Z +紫蘭=Bletilla striata (purple variety of orchid) +{{A}}が50%以上のとき\r\n{{C}}と{{B}}が10%増加する={{C}} and {{B}} increase by 10% when {{A}} is above 50%. +{{A}}{{B}}(中)が増加し\r\n{{C}}が5%増加する={{A}} {{B}} (medium) increases and {{C}} increases by 5%. +いっしょにもぐもぐ=squirming in unison +{{D}}の{{C}}と{{B}}が5%増加する\r\nさらに{{A}}が50%以上のとき\r\n毎ターン{{A}}が5%回復する=Increases {{C}} and {{B}} of {{D}} by 5% and also recovers 5% of {{A}} each turn when {{A}} is above 50%. +{{A}}を…笑顔に=Make {{A}}... smile. +{{A}}が5%増加し\r\n状態異常にかかっていないとき、{{A}}が3%増加する={{A}} increased by 5% and {{A}} increased by 3% when not affected by a condition +「Beat!!!」の{{A}}が7%増加し\r\n少しだけ狙われにくくなる={{A}} of "Beat!!!" increases by 7% and makes it a little harder to be targeted. +{{B}}(水)、{{A}}(緑){{D}}の相手に対して\r\n{{C}}が5%増加し、{{E}}が3%減少する={{B}} (water), {{A}} (green) {{C}} is increased by 5% and {{E}} is decreased by 3% against {{D}} opponents +{{A}}が70%以下のとき{{A}}が10%回復し\r\n{{A}}が30%以下のときMPが5増加する\n(発動回数:1回ずつ)={{A}} recovers 10% when {{A}} is below 70% and MP increases by 5 when {{A}} is below 30% (activation frequency: 1 time each) +{{D}}が5%減少する\r\n{{A}}が{{C}}の場合、\n毎ターン{{B}}が2%回復する={{D}} decreases by 5% if {{A}} is {{C}}, {{B}} recovers by 2% each turn +{{A}}(水){{D}}の{{C}}の\r\n「Beat!!!」の{{B}}が7%増加する={{A}}(water) {{D}}'s {{C}}'s "Beat!" increases {{B}} by 7%. +{{A}}(緑)、{{B}}(黄緑){{E}}の{{D}}の\r\n「Action!」の{{C}}が7%増加する={{A}} (green), {{B}} (yellow-green) {{C}} of {{E}} {{D}}'s "Action!" is increased by 7%. +{{A}}{{B}}(中)が増加し、\r\n{{C}}が7%増加する={{A}} {{B}} (medium) increases and {{C}} increases by 7%. +「Try!!」の{{A}}が10%増加し\n少しだけ狙われにくくなる=Try!" increases {{A}} by 10% and makes it a little harder to be targeted. +{{A}}が5%減少する\r\nさらに状態異常にかかっている相手から\n受けるダメージを6%減少する={{A}} is reduced by 5%, and the damage taken by the affected party is reduced by 6%. +エリノル(NPC)=Elinor(NPC) +ダリコ=dalico +正月仮面=New Year's mask +うっちゃん=green young man from a well-to-do family +{{C}}の{{D}}が10%減少し\r\n毎ターン{{C}}の{{A}}が5%回復する\r\nさらに{{B}}全体の{{D}}が5%減少する={{C}}'s {{D}} is reduced by 10%, {{C}}'s {{A}} is recovered by 5% each turn, and {{B}}'s overall {{D}} is reduced by 5%. +{{E}}の{{G}}が10%減少する\r\nさらに{{B}}(緑){{F}}の{{D}}の{{C}}が12%増加し\r\n{{E}}の{{A}}が50%以下のとき\r\n追加で{{C}}が5%増加する={{E}}'s {{G}} is reduced by 10%, plus {{B}}(green) {{F}}'s {{D}}'s {{C}} is increased by 12% and {{E}}'s {{A}} is increased by an additional 5% when {{E}}'s {{A}} is below 50%. +常時{{B}}むし状態になる\r\nさらに{{A}}が50%以上で{{E}}が攻撃対象ではない場合\r\n攻撃対象の中で最も{{A}}割合の低い{{D}}を{{C}}\r\nギブアップになる{{D}}がいる場合は優先して{{C}}\r\n※{{C}}発動率30% 発動時の{{F}}10%減少={{C}} will always be in a state of {{B}} insects, and if {{A}} is over 50% and {{E}} is not the target of the attack, {{D}} with the lowest {{A}} percentage among the attack targets will be given {{C}} give-up. +{{C}}{{E}}(青)の相手の{{B}}状態を解除する\nさらに{{D}}全体の{{A}}を10%回復する\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回=Removes the {{B}} status of a {{C}} {{E}} (blue) opponent and also restores 10% of the {{A}} of the entire {{D}}. +相手単体に120%のダメージを与え\r\n中確率で{{A}}の{{B}}を10%減少する(2ターン)=Deals 120% damage to a single opponent and reduces {{A}}'s {{B}} by 10% with medium probability (2 turns) +{{C}}が大幅に狙われやすくなり{{D}}が67%減少する(2ターン)\r\nさらに{{B}}全体の{{A}}を38%回復する={{C}} becomes much easier to target and {{D}} is reduced by 67% (2 turns), plus {{A}} of the entire {{B}} is restored by 38%. +{{A}}\n{{B}}の{{D}}の{{C}}に使用します=Used for {{A}} {{B}}, {{D}}, {{C}} +このアイテムは\n{{A}}です=This item is {{A}} +{{A}} +574={{A}} +574 +健康が自慢の{{A}}だよ!\n{{B}}の力になってあげたいんだ!=I'm proud of my health, {{A}}, and I want to help {{B}}! +いつかできたら…=If I could someday... +シヴァ平祐 が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Shiva Heisuke reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +アヤマサ が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=Ayamasa reduced HP by 280000 with {{A}}! +Allyくん=Ms. Ally. +パッションダンサー=passion dancer +カリスマ・リーダー=charismatic leader +ソルナ@ちゃま=Solna @ Chama +トワイライトは目覚めの時間=Twilight is the time to wake up +クククーク・クークク=Kuku kuku kuku kuku. +シンイリ=thin Iris +おま=horse +ゆみ@こぞう=Yumi@koizo +シジミ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Shijimi reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +春菊 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Shungiku reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +  が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=  reduced HP by 56,000 at {{A}}! +JCSN が {{A}} でHPを280000減らした!=JCSN reduced HP by 280000 at {{A}}! +ルラ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Lula reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +べにうさ が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Beniusa reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +たら が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Tara reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +☆宇宙★ネコ☆ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Space Cat reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +エッグベネディクト が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Eggs Benedict reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +Solania が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Solania reduced HP by 560000 at {{A}}! +{{A}}とたくさん遊びたい!=I want to play a lot with {{A}}! +ふえねーね・ふーえね=Fue-ne-ne and Fue-ne-ne +あなたに…ミャーオ♡=For you... miao ♡♡♡ +ウウウーウ・ウーウウ=Uh-uh-uh-uh. +Floralfish が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Floralfish reduced HP by 70000 at {{A}}! +那成=as was done in the age of the gods +ゴマ が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Goma reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +oudon が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=oudon reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +4周年記念!{{A}}にて入手=4th Anniversary! Get it at {{A}}! +憎悪と圧気な悪魔 が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Hatred and oppressive devil reduced HP by 560000 in {{A}}! +M が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=M reduced HP by 70000 in {{A}}! +ジョフでち!=Joffe! +いつかビッグになるの!=One day I'm going to be big! +おぴき=young striped mullet +ういにゃ>w<=Uyayia> w< +貴公の日頃の行い、しかと見届けております これからも\n{{A}}様のために励むように …何か言いたいことでも?=I have been following your daily activities, and I hope that you\nwill continue to work hard for the {{A}}. ... Is there something you want to say? +接ぎパンのソドリック が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Sodrick, a grafting pan, reduced HP by 56,000 at {{A}}! +あんかけさん が {{A}} でHPを560000減らした!=Ankake-san reduced HP by 560000 with {{A}}! +私を占ってみてください=Try to read me. +あかちゃり=(brown) rice with reddish brown hair +すりすり…ごろごろ…=Sleat ... +ぱぱぱーぱ・ぱーぱぱ=Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa +ロティル が {{A}} でHPを70000減らした!=Lotil reduced HP by 70000 with {{A}}! +更新データが見つかりました\nデータ更新を行います\n\nCODE:4006=Updated data found Data update will be performed\n\nCODE:4006 +{{A}}\n2023/10/03 00:00まで={{A}}2023/10/03 until 00:00 +お昼寝のじゃましないで…!=Don't disturb my nap...! +まっさん=youngest child (may be used as a honorific after name) +相手単体を高確率で{{B}}状態にし\n{{D}}を28%増加、\r{{C}}を28%減少させる (2ターン)\nさらに{{A}}を27%減少させる\r (4ターン)=Causes a single opponent to enter the {{B}} state at a high probability, increasing {{D}} by 28%,\r{{C}} by 28% (2 turns) and {{A}} by 27% (4 turns)\r (4 turns) +あと8/45=8/45 to go. +10/3(火)0:00まで=10/3 (Tue.) 0:00 until +アイウエオカキクケコアイウエオカキクケコウ\nアイウエオカキクケコアイウエオカキクケコアイ=Aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko aiueo kakikukeko ai +…ール! ドール!=... rrr!!! Dhole! +よかったー!\nやっと起きた!=Thank God, it finally happened! +私、いつの間にねむって…=When did I fall asleep? +…………あれ?=............ Huh? +…ール! {{A}}!=... rrr!!! {{A}}! +私のこと…\n探してくれてたんですか…?=Were you... looking for me...? +それにしても\nなかなか見つからないから心配したよー=But still, I was worried because it was so hard to find it! +だね!\nお疲れさま!=I'm sure you're right, good job! +きっとつかれて\n眠っちゃったんだねー=I must have fallen asleep because I was so tired! +‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n当たり前なのだ\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ソーサク‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n夜なべで大捜索だったのだ!=‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nIt's only natural.\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐SOSAK‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nIt was a big nightly search! +群れってことだよ=Herd.I mean. +ともだち…?=Friends...? +コーハイ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n後輩は友だちでもあるのだ!=Kohai‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nJuniors are also Friends! +でも、私、今までひとりだったから\nさがしてくれる子がいると思わなくて…=But I've been on my own so I didn't think there was anyone out there looking for me... +そうだったの!? でも、これからは\n私たちがいるからひとりじゃないよ!=That's what I thought! But we're here for you from now on.You're not alone! +ほんとですか…?=Are you sure...? +こんなことでウソつくわけないのだー!=I would never lie about something like this! +友だちは…群れ…=Friends... flock... +はい! サーバルさんに\nアライグマさん、フェネックさん…=Yes! Serval, Arai, Fennec... +そうだよ!\n改めてよろしくね、ドール=Yes, I do, and once again, nice to meet you,Dhole +よろしくおねがいします!=Thank you very much! +…ねえ、あの後\nちゃんと安全な場所に逃げられた?=Hey, did you get somewhere safe after that? +…よくおぼえていないんですけど\nあの後、とってもこわい物におそわれて…=... I don't remember exactly, but after that, I was scared of something very scary... +あいつじゃない\nだから たおせた=It wasn't him. I could've killed him. +ちがった=wrong +それ!=It! +{{A}}{{A}} きえていった\nすごく こわかった={{A}} {{A}}, she was scared stiff. +あいつは きっと\nまた どこかに あらわれる=I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere else. +(こいつは…にてる…\n あいつに…にてる…)=(He... looks... like... him...) +私もだれかをたすけられるようになりたい!\nだから、つよくなります!=I want to be able to help others, too! +だって私に似てたんだから!=Because she looked like me! +それはきっと…\n強くてかわいい子だね!=That must be... a strong and pretty girl! +(もしかして、あそこにいた――)=(Maybe she was there--) +…私に似てた?=... did it look like me? +なんとなく\n{{A}}さんに似てたような…=It was somewhat like {{A}}'s... +でも、すごい子に\nたすけてもらった気がするんです=But I feel like I've been rescued by an amazing girl. +(きけんだ)=(a) trump card +――けものだったときのきおくは\nぼんやりしている=--When you were a monster, your memories are a blur. +…わかった\nちからをあわせよう=... we know, we know, we know, we know, we know. +――こんどは {{A}}たい=--Ied like to do {{A}} this time around. +わたしは {{A}}が すき=I had to quit {{A}}. +あのとき すごい おとがした=I heard a loud noise. +だからあのときは こうだったかもしれない\nと いまのわたしのことばで はなす=So I will tell you in my own words now what might have happened then. +{{A}}\n2023/10/31 23:59まで={{A}}2023/10/31 until 23:59 +パンケーキ大好き!=I love pancakes! + +({{A}}数 483)=({{A}} number 483) +{{A}}日時:2023/09/30 20:57={{A}} Date: 2023/09/30 20:57 +<マサ@初代バモス乗り>\nから受け取りました=Accept from +{{A}}日時:2023/09/30 06:35={{A}} Date: 2023/09/30 06:35 +ツリーハウスを訪れるフレンズを{{A}}します\n\nよろしいですか?={{A}} the Friends visiting the treehouse.\n\nMay I? +お住いをお探しですか?=Looking for a place to live? +相手全体に84%×4のダメージを与え\n高確率で{{A}}状態にする (2ターン)=Deals 84% x 4 damage to the entire opponent and has a high probability of putting them in a {{A}} state (2 turns) +{{A}} 73850={{A}} 73850 +{{B}}の{{D}}\n1個を\n{{A}}\n60個に{{C}}しました={{C}}ed 1 {{D}} of {{B}} to 60 {{A}} +{{D}}の{{C}}\n4個を\n{{A}}\n16個に{{B}}しました=4 {{C}}s of {{D}}s were {{B}}ed to 16 {{A}}s +{{D}}の{{C}}\n2個を\n{{A}}\n40個に{{B}}しました={{B}}ed 2 {{C}}s of {{D}} to 40 {{A}}s +{{A}} +594={{A}} +594 +哺乳綱ネコ目{{A}}科\n{{A}}属{{A}}=Mammalia catinae {{A}} family {{A}} genus {{A}} +{{C}}の{{B}}が15%増加する\r\nさらに{{C}}がギブアップになるダメージを受けたとき、{{A}}1で耐える\r\n(発動回数:1回)\r\n※{{A}}1のときには発動しない={{C}}'s {{B}} is increased by 15%. Furthermore, when {{C}} takes damage that would cause {{C}} to give up, it withstands it with {{A}}1 (activation count: 1 time) *Not activated when {{A}}1 +{{A}}パワーで解決!={{A}} power is the solution! +{{A}}が40%以上のとき{{B}}が15%増加し\r\n40%以下のとき{{C}}が10%減少する={{B}} increases by 15% when {{A}} is above 40% and {{C}} decreases by 10% when {{A}} is below 40%. +{{C}}が6%減少する\r\nさらに{{A}}が40%以下のとき\r\n{{C}}が10%減少し、{{B}}が10%増加する={{C}} decreases by 6% {{C}} decreases by 10% and {{B}} increases by 10% when {{A}} is less than 40 +大幅に狙われやすくなり\r\n{{A}}が50%減少する (1ターン)\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:1回=Becomes much easier to target and {{A}} is reduced by 50% (1 turn) Activation rate: 100% Number of times activated: 1 +{{A}} +714={{A}} +714 +相手単体に578%のダメージを与え\r\n対象の{{B}}が{{A}}(赤)の場合\r\n高確率で{{C}}を13%増加させる(2ターン)=Deals 578% damage to a single opponent and increases {{C}} by 13% with a high probability if the target {{B}} is {{A}} (red) (2 turns) +相手単体に534%のダメージを与え\r\n対象の{{B}}が{{A}}(赤)の場合\r\n高確率で{{C}}を12%増加させる(2ターン)=Deals 534% damage to a single opponent and increases {{C}} by 12% with a high probability if the target {{B}} is {{A}} (red) (2 turns) +相手単体に198%×3のダメージを与え\r\n中確率で{{A}}増加効果を解除し、{{B}}減少効果を解除する\r\n※各効果はそれぞれ抽選され、重複発動もする=Deals 198% x 3 damage to a single opponent and has a medium probability of canceling the {{A}} increase effect and the {{B}} decrease effect *Effects are drawn individually and can be triggered in duplicate. +{{A}} +1259={{A}} +1259 +{{A}} +436={{A}} +436 +哺乳綱サル目オナガザル科\nシシバナザル属ゴールデンモンキー=Mammaliaformes, order of monkeys, family Cercopithecidae, genus Cercopithecus, genus Golden Monkey +{{D}}の{{A}}、\r\n{{D}}の{{C}}が15%増加する\r\nさらにギブアップになるダメージを受けたとき、{{B}}1で耐える\r\n(発動回数:1回)\r\n※{{B}}1のときには発動しない={{A}} of {{D}} and {{C}} of {{D}} are increased by 15%. +{{C}}が15%増加する\r\nさらに{{D}}が{{B}}状態のとき\r\n追加で{{C}}と{{A}}が10%増加する=Increases {{C}} by 15%, plus an additional 10% increase in {{C}} and {{A}} when {{D}} is in {{B}} state +毎ターンMPが4増加する\r\nさらに{{A}}{{B}}が15%増加する=MP increases by 4 every turn, plus 15% more {{A}} {{B}} +{{B}}全体の{{A}}が10%増加する (1ターン)\r\n発動率:70% 発動回数:2回={{A}} of the entire {{B}} is increased by 10% (1 turn) Activation rate: 70% Number of times activated: 2 +相手単体に115%のダメージを与えMPを4減少させる\r\n※一回発動分のMPは残る=Deal 115% damage to a single opponent and reduce MP by 4* MP remains for one activation. +{{A}} 68170={{A}} 68170 +{{A}}アイテムが獲得できますよ\n今日も張り切っていきましょう!=You can win {{A}} items! +{{A}} 390マス{{B}}!={{A}} 390 Mass {{B}}! +{{A}}のバトル6をクリア=Clear Battle 6 of {{A}} +{{A}}のバトル7をクリア=Clear Battle 7 of {{A}} +{{A}}のバトル13をクリア=Clear Battle 13 of {{A}} +{{A}}のバトル9をクリア=Clear Battle 9 of {{A}} +{{A}}のバトル8をクリア=Clear Battle 8 of {{A}} +10/31(火)23:59まで=Until 10/31 (Tue.) 23:59 +予測不可能=unpredictable +おすすめのばしょでち!=Recommended place! +を361696個交換しました=exchanged 361696 pieces of +({{A}}数 484)=({{A}} number 484) +あなた、クリーミーですね…=You are so creamy... +「{{C}}、{{B}}!\n{{A}}をもらってきたよー!\n{{E}}でいっしょに食べようよ!」\n\n「{{E}}でっ!?」\n「どうして驚くのっ!?」\n\n「……ううん、食いしん坊の{{D}}が\n分けてくれるなんて珍しいなって思ったのよ」="{{C}}, {{B}}, I got {{A}}, let's eat it together at {{E}}!"\n\nWhy are you surprised?\n\n"...... No, I just thought it was unusual for {{D}} to share with us." +{{B}}がギブアップになるダメージを受けたとき\r\n{{A}}1で耐える\r\n(発動回数:1回)※{{A}}1のときには発動しない=When {{B}} takes damage that would otherwise be a giveaway, it withstands it with {{A}}1 (Number of activations: 1) *Not activated when {{A}}1 +{{D}}が{{A}}\r\nさらに{{C}}と{{B}}が5%増加する={{D}} increases {{A}} and {{C}} and {{B}} increases by 5%. +{{A}}{{C}}(中)と{{B}}{{C}}(中)が増加する={{A}} {{C}} (medium) and {{B}} {{C}} (medium) increase +{{A}}最大を初めて達成したため\n『しっぴつかつどう』のポスター\nを獲得しました!=The poster of "Shippi Katsudo" was awarded for achieving the {{A}} maximum for the first time! +{{A}}{{D}}(中)と{{B}}{{D}}(中)と\n{{C}}{{D}}(中)が増加する={{A}} {{D}} (medium) and {{B}} {{D}} (medium) and {{C}} {{D}} (medium) increase +☆2☆3\n獲得EXP増加\n{{A}}発生!=2☆2☆3 Increased EXP gained {{A}} occurs! +{{A}}最大を初めて達成したため\n『しっぴつかつどう』のポスター(変化後)\nを獲得しました!=The poster (after the change) of "Shippi Katsudo" was acquired because it was the first time the {{A}} maximum was achieved! +{{B}}の{{A}}アイテムが\n獲得できますよ\n今日も張り切っていきましょう!={{A}} items from {{B}} are up for grabs! +ミルクティー=tea with milk +ファンタスマ=fantasmas +釜飯( *・ω・)ノ=Kamameshi ( * omega) no. +たま男=man who leads a funeral procession with a gallantry drawn on him +ゆっきー=yukki (Burmese harp) +カイガラ=coal tit (Parus ater) +きゅー=Kyuuuu era (1154.10.28-1156.4.27) +ともみ=fellowship +ニュートリノ=neutrino +{{A}}のハロウィンコスチュームです={{A}} Halloween Costumes. +{{A}}(黄緑){{C}}の相手に対して\r\n{{B}}が7%増加し、{{D}}が4%減少する={{A}} (yellow-green) {{B}} increases by 7% and {{D}} decreases by 4% against {{C}} opponents +{{A}}(黄緑){{C}}の相手に対して\r\n{{B}}が9%増加し、{{D}}が6%減少する={{A}} (yellow-green) {{B}} is increased by 9% and {{D}} is decreased by 6% against {{C}} opponents +{{D}}が5%増加し\r\n{{B}}(黄緑){{E}}の相手の{{A}}{{C}}(低)を減少する=Increases {{D}} by 5% and decreases {{A}} {{C}} (low) of {{B}} (yellow-green) {{E}} opponent +{{D}}が7%増加し\r\n{{B}}(黄緑){{E}}の相手の{{A}}{{C}}(低)を減少する=Increases {{D}} by 7% and decreases {{A}} {{C}} (low) of {{B}} (yellow-green) {{E}} opponent +{{B}}{{C}}(中)が増加し、\r\n{{A}}が40%以上のとき\r\n{{E}}と{{D}}が5%増加する={{B}} {{C}} (medium) is increased and {{E}} and {{D}} are increased by 5% when {{A}} is 40% or higher +{{A}}が80%以上のとき\r\n「Beat!!!」の{{B}}が10%増加し\r\n状態異常にかかっている相手から受けるダメージを9%減少する=When {{A}} is 80% or higher, "Beat!!!" increases {{B}} by 10% and reduces damage taken from an affected opponent by 9%. +{{A}}が50%以上のとき\r\n「Beat!!!」の{{B}}が11%増加し\r\n状態異常にかかっている相手から受けるダメージを10%減少する=When {{A}} is over 50%, "Beat!!!" increases {{B}} by 11% and reduces damage taken by 10% from those affected by the condition. +はいたい!\n今日はこれだよー!=I want to do this today! +さぁさぁ!\nがんばっていってみよー!=Come on, let's go for it! +{{B}}(緑){{F}}の{{E}}の{{D}}が10%増加し\r\n{{A}}{{C}}(高)が増加する={{B}}(green) {{F}}'s {{E}}'s {{D}} increases by 10% and {{A}} {{C}}(high) +{{D}}全体が{{A}}状態になる\nさらに{{B}}(青){{E}}の相手の{{C}}を10%減少させる(2ターン)\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回=The entire {{D}} goes into {{A}} state, further reducing the {{C}} of the {{B}} (blue) {{E}} opponent by 10% (2 turns) activation rate: 100%, activation count: 2 times +{{B}}全体の{{A}}が36%増加する\nさらにギブアップ中ではない{{B}}が5人の場合\r\n{{B}}全体の{{A}}が8%増加する(2ターン)={{A}} of the entire {{B}} is increased by 36%, plus {{A}} of the entire {{B}} is increased by 8% if there are 5 non-giving {{B}}s (2 turns). +{{A}}\r\nさらにギブアップ中ではない{{B}}が3人以上の場合\r\n毎ターン{{B}}全体のMPが3増加する={{A}} further increases the MP of the entire {{B}} by 3 each turn if there are 3 or more {{B}} who are not on give-up. +「Beat!!!」の{{D}}が15%増加し\nバトル開始時のMPが20増加する\nさらに{{B}}、{{A}}{{C}}(高)が増加する={{D}} of "Beat!" is increased by 15% and MP at the beginning of battle is increased by 20. +{{A}}が10%増加し(2ターン)\nMPが30増加する\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回={{A}} is increased by 10% (2 turns) and MP is increased by 30 activation rate: 100% activation frequency: 2 times +相手単体に118%のダメージを与える\nさらに高確率で{{B}}の{{A}}が5%増加する(4ターン)=Deals 118% damage to a single opponent, and also increases {{B}}'s {{A}} by 5% at a high rate (4 turns). +相手単体に198%×3のダメージを与える\n対象が{{B}}(青){{C}}の場合、追加で42%×3のダメージを与え\n高確率で{{A}}状態にする(2ターン)=Deals 198% x 3 damage to a single opponent. If the target is a {{B}} (blue) {{C}}, it deals an additional 42% x 3 damage and has a high probability of putting the target into {{A}} state (2 turns). +{{G}}の{{E}}が15%増加する\nさらに{{B}}(緑){{H}}の{{F}}の{{A}}{{D}}(高)が増加し\n{{C}}(青){{H}}の相手に対して{{E}}が10%増加する={{G}}'s {{E}} is increased by 15% more {{B}} (green) {{H}}'s {{F}}'s {{A}} {{D}} (high) is increased and {{C}} (blue) {{H}}'s {{E}} is increased by 10% against her {{H}} opponent. +哺乳綱ネコ目クマ科クマ属\n{{B}}亜種{{A}}=Mammalia catinae catinae bear family bear genus {{B}} subspecies {{A}} +{{D}}が15%増加し、{{A}}{{C}}(高)が増加する\r\nさらに強{{B}}からの{{E}}が15%減少する={{D}} increases by 15% and {{A}} {{C}} (high) increases {{E}} from further strong {{B}} decreases by 15%. +{{D}}が攻撃対象ではない場合\r\n攻撃対象の中で最も{{A}}割合の低い{{C}}を{{B}}\r\nギブアップになる{{C}}がいる場合は優先して{{B}}\r\n※{{B}}発動率30% 発動時の{{E}}10%減少=If {{D}} is not the target of the attack, {{C}} with the lowest {{A}} percentage among the attack targets is given priority if there is a {{C}} that will be a {{B}} giveaway {{B}}* {{B}} activation rate 30%, 10% {{E}} reduction upon activation +強{{A}}に対して{{B}}が10%増加し\r\n{{C}}が10%減少する(2ターン)\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:∞回=Increases {{B}} by 10% and decreases {{C}} by 10% for strong {{A}} (2 turns) Activation rate: 100% Number of activations: ∞ times +相手単体に110%のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{B}}が{{A}}(青)の場合\r\n追加で15%のダメージを与える=Deals 110% damage to a single opponent, and an additional 15% damage if the target {{B}} is a {{A}} (blue) +相手単体に572%のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{C}}が{{B}}(青)の場合\r\n高確率で{{A}}状態にする(1ターン)=Deals 572% damage to a single opponent, and if the target {{C}} is {{B}} (blue), it enters {{A}} state with a high probability (1 turn) +{{B}}と{{A}}が8%増加する={{B}} and {{A}} increase by 8%. +{{B}}が5%増加する\r\nさらに{{A}}(青){{D}}の相手に対して\r\n追加で{{C}}を5%増加する=Increases {{B}} by 5% plus an additional 5% {{C}} against {{A}} (blue) {{D}} opponents +{{A}}(桃){{C}}の相手に対して\n{{B}}が7%増加し、{{D}}が4%減少する={{A}}(peach) {{B}} increased by 7% and {{D}} decreased by 4% against {{C}} opponents +{{A}}(赤){{C}}の相手に対して\r\n{{B}}が7%増加し、{{D}}が4%減少する={{A}} (red) {{B}} is increased by 7% and {{D}} is decreased by 4% against {{C}} opponents +{{B}}が5%増加する\r\nさらに{{A}}状態の相手に対して\r\n追加で{{B}}を5%増加する=Increases {{B}} by 5%, plus an additional 5% {{B}} increase for opponents in {{A}} +{{A}}が80%以下のときMPが12増加する\n(発動回数:1回)\r\nさらに{{B}}が16%減少する=MP is increased by 12 when {{A}} is 80% or less (number of activations: 1) and {{B}} is reduced by 16%. +相手単体に504%のダメージを与える\r\n対象の{{B}}が{{A}}(青)の場合\n替わりに616%のダメージを与える=504% damage to a single opponent. 616% damage if the target {{B}} is a {{A}} (blue) instead. +累計ログイン1450日目!=Total of 1450th day logged in! +ピクニックで{{A}}を15000個獲得!=15,000 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +ライカ=Leica (German camera brand) +{{A}} 63020={{A}} 63020 +{{A}} +650={{A}} +650 +『ぼっくす』を切り替えます。\n\n新しい「ぼっくす」に切り替わります。\n新しい「ぼっくす」\nは最初からになりますがよろしいですか?=Switch to the new "Bocce".\n\nThe new "Bocce" will start from the beginning. +{{A}}購入=Buy {{A}} +( 有償 9 無償 0 )=( onerous 9 Free of charge 0 ) +所持数 9= Number of Owned 9 +キラキラが 241 不足しています。=Glitter. 241 Insufficient. +{{B}}{{D}}☆4、{{A}}、\n☆4フレンズ{{E}}チケット、{{C}}のセット!=Set of {{B}} {{D}} ☆4, {{A}}, ☆4 Friends {{E}} ticket and {{C}}! +<毎日1個まで> 4周年後夜祭!{{B}}{{A}}{{C}}= 4th anniversary anniversary party {{B}} {{A}} {{C}}! +<{{A}}> 4周年後夜祭!育成{{B}}=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary After Dark Festival! +<{{A}}> 4周年後夜祭!{{B}}{{C}}☆4{{D}}=<{{A}}> 4th Anniversary After-Night Festival!{{B}} {{C}}☆4 {{D}} +{{A}}日時:2023/10/01 23:30={{A}} Date: 2023/10/01 23:30 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/02 23:56={{A}} Date: 2023/10/02 23:56 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/03 00:26={{A}} Date: 2023/10/03 00:26 +<Ukon>\nから受け取りました=<Ukon>\nAccept from +{{B}}4個と電池{{A}}=4 {{B}} and batteries {{A}} +{{A}}日時:2023/10/01 14:12={{A}} Date: 2023/10/01 14:12 +({{A}}数 487)=({{A}} number 487) +ミパル=Mipal. +ごはん=misjudgement +ブラキペルマ=Brachypelma. +トウカ=dong quai (aromatic herb used to treat various gynecological symptoms, Angelica sinensis) +めんこ=game of slapping cards down to overturn opponent's +るん=(in Japan) 9th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A sharp) +ゾクセイ=Xiuyaojing (Indian astrological text written by Amoghavajra) +イオン(NPC)=Aeon(NPC) +マロン=chestnut +{{A}}ロん={{A}}R +玄米=brown rice +リリィー=Lily. +({{A}}数 490)=({{A}} 490) +{{A}}日時:2023/10/04 14:14={{A}} Day Time: 2023/10/04 14:14 +あと14分=14 minutes to go. +あと13分=13 minutes to go. +某に用がある、と…\n事は隠密に進めよう=I have business with a man... and we will proceed in secret. +「日々これ修行にて…」="By daily practice..." +「忍の道はかくも厳しく…」=The path of a Shinobi is hard..." +「己の未熟さを知るもまた…」="Knowing my own inexperience..." +くろぶら=deep-fried tofu mixed with thinly sliced vegetables +日々これ修行にて…=By daily practice... +{{A}}殿はいったい…\nど、どこにいったでござるか…=Where the hell is Misses {{A}}... where did she go...? +気配を探ろうとしても\nまったく見当がつかないでござる…!=I'm trying to find a sign, that I have no idea at all...! +…こ、こっち? それとも、こっち?=... this way or that way? +んー、見つからないでござるー!=Hmm, I can't find it, that I can't find it! +こっちだ、{{A}}=This way, {{A}}. +おぉ!? そんなところに!?\n近かったのに、気付かなかったでござる=I was so close, but I didn't notice it, that I didn't know it was there. +さすが{{A}}殿…\nですがこちらも負けないでござる!=As expected of {{A}}... but we won't be outdone, that we won't be outdone either! +隠れ身の術!!=The art of hiding! +うまく隠れてはいるが…そこ!=Well hidden, but... there! +わぁっ!? 見つかった!?=Wow!!!! You found it! +-そなた-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n其方の隠れ身の術ではまだ、\nそれがし‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n某の目は欺けなかったようだな=-that way-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nStill in the art of hiding on your side,\nit does‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nI guess a man's eyes could not deceive him. +くぅー! これはまだまだ拙者が\n修行不足ということでござるな!=This means that I am still lacking in training! +しかし拙者には、まだまだ\nたくさんの術があるでござる!=But I have many more tricks up my sleeve, that I do! +いいだろう、ならそれらすべてで\n競い合ってみようか=Fine, then let's compete in all of them. +望むところ! いくでござる!=I hope so! +…ま、参ったでござる=Well, I'm in a bind, that I am. +{{A}}殿の方が、\nやはり上手でござった={{A}} was better than me, after all! +ふふ…まだまだだったな=Hmmm... that wasn't quite enough. +まさか、拙者の術がどれも\n通じないとは…!=I never thought that none of my tricks would work...! +-そなた-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n其方は未熟、まだまだ\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n精進が必要であるな=-that way-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nThat one is inexperienced, not yet\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nYou need to be more diligent. +その悔しさを胸に刻みながら、\n修行に励むといい=You should keep that regret in mind as you go about your training. +わ、わかったでござる!\nならさっそく、修行してくるでござるよ!=I understand, that I do! Then, I'm going to go and practice, that I do! +戻ってきたら、また手合わせして\nほしいでござるー!=When you come back, I hope we can have another handshake, that we can have another handshake! +うむ、よかろう=Mm, good. +よーし! がんばるぞー!!=Alright, I'll do my best! +それがし‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\n某との厳しい修行を経ても、\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nあそこまで気合を入れられるとはな=it does‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nEven after a rigorous training with a certain,\n‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\nI didn't know you could get so worked up over there. +やはり{{A}}は見込みがある\nこれからが楽しみだ=I still think {{A}} has a lot of potential, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds. +ただいまメンテナンス中です\n{{A}}はお知らせをご{{B}}ください\nメンテナンス終了予定日時:2023/10/05 18:00=We are currently undergoing maintenance {{A}}, please refer to the announcement {{B}}Expected completion date of maintenance: 2023/10/05 18:00 +期間:2023年{{A}}5日~2023年{{A}}11日=Period: {{A}} 5, 2023 - {{A}} 11, 2023 +覇者の反撃=Counterattack of the Champions +10/12(木)14:00まで=10/12(Thu.) 14:00 +折りたたみコンテナシマウマもよう(スタミナ)=Folding container zebra-like (stamina) +スタミナが獲得できるインテリア実装{{A}}!=Interior implementation {{A}} where stamina can be earned! +{{A}}日時:2023/10/05 23:52={{A}} Date: 2023/10/05 23:52 +({{A}}数 492)=({{A}} number 492) +{{A}}と{{B}}の手押しトロッコ={{A}} and {{B}} hand-pushed trolleys +深海生物チョコレート=Deep-sea creature chocolate +{{B}}お土産のぬいぐるみ({{A}}キャット)={{B}} Souvenir Stuffed Toy ({{A}} Cat) +盛り上げタンバリン=Raising Tambourine + +なにがでるかな? 宝探し{{A}}ー!無料10回{{B}}=What do you think you'll find? Treasure Hunt {{A}}! 10 free {{B}}s! +哺乳綱カンガルー目ウォンバット科\n{{A}}属{{A}}=Mammaliaformes, Kangaroos, Wombatidae, {{A}}, genus {{A}} +{{A}}…\nトンネルは、ろまん…穴掘り大好き\nいっしょに、やる?={{A}}... tunnel is Roman... I love digging holes... you want to join me? +なにがでるかな? 宝探し{{A}}ー!{{B}}=What do you think you'll find? Treasure hunt {{A}}! {{B}}! +{{A}}を獲得しよう 170個目!=Let's get {{A}}! 170th piece! +{{A}}\n2023/10/15 14:00まで={{A}}2023/10/15 until 14:00 +なにがでるかな? 宝探し{{A}}ー!=What do you think you'll find? Treasure hunt {{A}}~! +10/5~10/12 14:00 まで=10/5~10/12 until 14:00 +{{A}} 17725={{A}} 17725 +{{F}}の{{H}}が10%減少し\r\n{{F}}を除く{{C}}(黄緑){{G}}の{{E}}の{{D}}が10%増加する\r\nさらに{{F}}の{{A}}が50%以下のとき\r\n{{F}}の{{B}}が10%増加する={{F}} {{H}} decreases by 10% {{C}} (yellow-green) {{G}} {{E}} {{D}} increases by 10% except {{F}} {{A}} increases by 10% when {{F}} {{A}} is less than 50% {{F}} {{B}} increases by 10% when {{F}} +とんねるは、ろまん=Tonnera is a roman +{{A}} 620回目!={{A}} 620th! +{{B}}\n{{C}}\n{{A}}\n\nCODE:60003={{B}}\n{{C}}\n{{A}}\n\nCODE:60003 +ハードクリア\n10/9 12:00 以降=Hard clear 10/9 after 12:00 +ノーマル1話クリア\n10/5 14:00 以降=Normal 1 episode cleared 10/5 14:00 or later +10/5 ~ 10/12 14:00 まで=10/5 - 10/12 until 14:00 +シロ{{A}}さんに{{B}}さん…\nこんにちは…=White {{A}} and {{B}}... hello... +「しろくてふわふわ」=White and fluffy. +しろくてふわふわ=soft and fluffy +{{A}}全体の{{B}}が7%減少する={{B}} of the entire {{A}} is reduced by 7%. +{{B}}が状態異常のとき、\r\n{{B}}の{{A}}が5%増加し、{{C}}が3%減少する={{A}} of {{B}} is increased by 5% and {{C}} is decreased by 3% when {{B}} is in an abnormal state +じ~…=Jeez... +{{A}}さん…\nまだかな…=Ms. {{A}}... still waiting... +はやく、来ないかな…=Quick, let's get here... +あら、そこにいるのは\n{{A}}さ{{B}}=Oh, there you are, {{A}}, {{B}}. +こんにちは、\nなにしてるの?=Hello, what are you doing? +ひらり=nimbly +あの…{{A}}さん\nポケットからなにか落ちそうになってるよ…=Um...{{A}}, something is about to fall out of your pocket... +た~の~も~!!=Ta~no~moo~! +いるんだろ、ここに!=I know you're in there, here! +オレみたいに鍛練してるやつが…!!=Someone who trains like me...! +ひょこっ=with a single stroke +{{A}}さん…=Ms. {{A}}... +こんにちは~…=Hello~... +あれっ!? {{B}}に\n{{A}}!=Huh? {{B}} and {{A}}! +あんたたちだったのか!=It was you girls! +うん…{{A}}さん\nだれか探してるの…?=Yeah...{{A}}, are you looking for someone...? +いや、通りがかりの洞窟から\nボソボソ声が聞こえてきたからよ=No, because I heard a whispering voice from a cave I was passing by. +オレはてっきり、だれかが\n極秘の鍛錬をしてるのかと…=I thought someone was doing some secret training... +そうだったんだ! うーん…\nでもゴクヒのタンレンはしてないなー=I did! Hmmm... but I don't think I've ever done a tanren of gokuhi... +だよな、あんたらそういう\nフンイキじゃないし=I know, right? You girls don't have that kind of attitude. +わたしたちは、穴掘りしてた…=We were digging holes... +穴掘りか…へぇ?\nそれって楽しいのか?=Digging holes... heh, is that fun? +穴掘りはあんまりやったことないからさ=I haven't done a lot of hole digging. +いっしょにやってみる?\nすっごく楽しいよ!=It's a lot of fun! +そうだな、もしかしたらそこから\n新しい鍛錬を思いつくかもしれない!=Yes, maybe you can come up with a new training from there! +あんたらがよかったら\nオレも仲間に入れてくれよ!=If you girls are willing, I'd like to be a part of it! +10/6 12:00 以降=10/6 12:00 or later +「宝探し{{A}}ーをしよう!」=Let's do the {{A}} Treasure Hunt!" +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計500個獲得=Obtained a total of 500 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計10000個獲得=Obtained a total of 10,000 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +「なにがでるかな? 宝探し{{B}}ー!」{{A}}=What do you think you'll find? Treasure hunt {{B}}~! +けものオバケのカーペット=Carpet of Animal Beasts and Goblins +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図交換所=Treasure Hunt {{A}} Map Exchange +{{A}}の宝物=Treasures of the {{A}} +{{A}}最大を初めて達成したため\n『覇者の反撃』のポスター\nを獲得しました!=The poster of "The Champion's Counterattack" was awarded for achieving the {{A}} maximum for the first time! +…うん、穴掘り\nいろいろあって楽しいよ=... Yeah, digging holes is fun for all kinds of reasons. +{{A}}の宝物を累計10個獲得=Obtained a total of 10 {{A}} treasures +{{A}}の宝物を累計300個獲得=Obtained a total of 300 {{A}} treasures +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計1000個獲得=Acquired a total of 1,000 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計1500個獲得=Acquired a total of 1,500 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +{{A}}の宝物を累計1000個獲得=Acquired a total of 1,000 {{A}} treasures +ぬぅ、あれはまさか伝説のスカフィ・・・=No way, that's the legendary Scuffy... +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計2500個獲得=Acquired a cumulative total of 2,500 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +小さなエンターテイナー=Little Entertainers +まだよくわかってない=I'm not sure yet. +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計3500個獲得=Obtained a total of 3,500 treasure hunting {{A}} maps. +{{A}}の宝物交換所={{A}} Treasure Exchange +あと25/42=25/42 to go. +スタミナ×12=Stamina x12 +({{A}}数 493)=({{A}} number 493) +以下の{{A}}が完了しました=The following {{A}}s have been completed +ピクニックで{{A}}を15050個獲得!=15050 {{A}} were obtained at the picnic! +そうだよ! それだ! オレが\nやってるのは穴掘りじゃない…=That's it! That's it! I'm not digging holes... +宝探し{{A}}ーをしよう!=Let's go on a treasure hunt {{A}}! +…{{B}}\n{{A}}さん=... Ms. {{B}} {{A}}. +うーん、オレがやってるのって\n穴掘りとはどうもちがう気がしてさ=Well, what I'm doing isn't exactly digging holes. +そうかな?\n穴はちゃんとあいてるけど…=I don't know, it's got a hole in it, but... +ヒュウゥ…=Hew... +穴あけなんだ!!=It's a hole puncher! +…たしかに、{{A}}さんは\nちからもちだから…=... Yes, {{A}}, you are very strong... +壁に向かって穴掘りをすると\n穴あけになっちゃうかも…=Digging against a wall might turn into drilling... +そっかぁ あっ! それなら\n地面を掘ってみるのはどう?=I see. Oh! Then how about digging the ground? +地面か、たしかにそれなら\nいけるかもしれねぇな!=The ground, yes, that might work! +…わかった、それじゃあ\nまずは…=... Okay, so first of all... +ほりほりほりほりほり…=Hooray, Hooray, Hooray, Hooray... +ザッザッザッザッザッ=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz +おりゃっ、おりゃ…っ=Oh, oh, oh... +よいしょっ、よいしょっ♪\nいい感じに掘れてるねー=Good, good ♪ It's digging in a good feeling +…ふたりとも、休憩しなくて大丈夫?=... Are you two sure you don't want to take a break? +あかん=hopeless +ぎゅむっとひとおし=making a push +今日は楽しかったぜ!\nありがとうな!=I had a great time today, thank you! +…わたしも楽しかった=... I had a good time too. +また遊ぼうね~=Let's play again! +おう! なぁ、次はバーバリィも\n連れてきていいか?=Oh! Hey, can I bring Barbary next time? +あいつもぜったい気に入ると思うんだ!=I think he's going to love it! +…もちろん\n楽しみにしてるね=... of course I'm looking forward to it. +やったー!\n穴掘り仲間が増えるね!=Yay, more hole digging buddies! +へへ、おもしろいことに誘ってくれて\nありがとうな!=Hehe, thanks for inviting me to something interesting! +ひとりじゃ、なかなか\nやろうって思わないからよ=Because it's hard to do it alone. +あんたたちがいっしょに遊んでくれた\nおかげだぜ!=You girls played with me! +それじゃあ、またな~!=See you later~! +{{B}}&\n{{A}}      ={{B}}&\n{{A}}       +またね=see you later +{{A}}、\n穴掘りを気に入ってくれたみたい!={{A}}, she liked digging holes! +うれしいな~♪=I'm so happy for you! +…うん、いっしょに遊べてよかったね=... Yeah, I'm glad we got to play together. +そうだ、{{A}}\n他の子たちも穴掘りに誘ってみようよ!=Yes, {{A}}, let's invite the other kids to dig holes! +10/7 12:00 以降=10/7 12:00 or later +「何を埋めようかな?」=What shall I fill it with?" +宝探し{{A}}ーの地図を累計5000個獲得=Obtained a total of 5,000 treasure hunting {{A}} maps +10/19(木)23:59まで=Until 10/19 (Thu.) 23:59 +ぱつゆき=powdered snow +{{B}}の力を{{A}}する\n野性味あふれるセット=A wild set of {{A}}ing the power of {{B}} +{{A}}\n2023/10/14 14:00まで={{A}}2023/10/14 until 14:00 +4周年後夜祭無料10回{{A}}=4th Anniversary Post-Festival Free 10 {{A}} +10/14(土)14:00まで=10/14 (Sat.) until 14:00 +きょうも元気にほりほり=Today, too, we are in good spirits. +…穴に埋める宝物、\n探しに行く?=... treasure to bury in a hole, you want to go look for it? +何を埋めようかな?=What shall we bury? +{{B}}とね{{B}}とね\n宝探し{{A}}ーっていうのは={{B}} and {{B}} and treasure hunt {{A}} +まず、地面に{{A}}や\nおいしいものを埋めておくの!=First, we bury {{A}} and other yummy stuff in the ground! +…ふむ=... hmm. +それをみんなでわ~って\n掘り起こすんだ!=That's what we do at Everyone.Woah!We dig it up together! +…それは=... it's... +楽しそう…!=Looks like fun...! +でしょでしょ~!?=Right? +穴の深さで、宝物を変えたり\n食べ物以外も埋めたり…………=The depth of the hole allows you to change treasures and fill it with more than just food. ............ +それいいね!\nぜったい楽しい!=That's a great idea, it's a lot of fun! +それじゃあまずは、うーんと\nなにからしよう…=Well, let's start with, um, what... +楽しそう…!=Looks like fun...! +そうだね! それがいいね!=Yes, that's a good idea! +そしたら明日、すぐにいっしょに\n出かけられるでしょ!=Then we can go out together right away tomorrow! +――ねぇ、今日は{{A}}の\nおうちで眠ってもいい?=--Hey, can I sleep at {{A}}'s house today? +たしかにお日様が隠れてきたもんね!=It's true that the sun has been hiding! +…今日はもう遅いから\n明日からかな?=... I guess I'll start tomorrow since it's late today? +…うん!=... Yeah! +わーい! ありがと~=Yay! Thanks~! +…好きなお部屋\n使ってくれるとうれしいな=... Ied be happy for you to use any room you like. +…もちろん、いいよ=... Sure, sure. +う~ん、よく寝た~=Hmmm, slept well! +…{{A}}さんにパップまんを\nわけてもらうのはどうかな?=... How about having Ms. {{A}} share her pap manan with us? +…それについてなんだけど=Well... about that... +今日からさっそく\n宝物集めだねー=I'll start collecting treasures right away today! +…ふふ、よかった=... Hmm, good. +お部屋がきもちよくて\nぐっすりねむれたよ!=The room was so comfortable that I was able to sleep soundly! +おはよー{{A}}!=Good morning {{A}}! +…おはよう\n{{A}}さん=... Good morning {{A}}. +それいいね!\n{{A}}のパップまんが大好きな子もいるし!=That's a good idea, some kids love {{A}} pup mangs! +うん…このまえ、{{A}}さんも\nオススメしてくれた…=Yeah...{{A}} recommended it to me the other day... +…でも、{{A}}って\n今どこにいるのかな?=... but where is {{A}} now? +よ~し、それじゃあ決定!\nパップまんをもらいに行こう!=Okay, it's decided then! Let's go get a pap man! +…お日様が高いところにあるうちは\n{{A}}によく行くみたい=... as long as the sun is high in the sky, it seems to go to the {{A}} a lot. +そういえば、{{B}}と{{A}}って\n仲良しなんだっけ?=Oh, by the way, are {{B}} and {{A}} good Friends? +…仲良しだよ よくポケットの中身を\n見せ合いっこしてるの=We're good Friends. We often show each other what's in our pockets. +…うん、前にそう言ってたから=... yeah, because you said so before. +ポケットの中身を…?\n今度わたしも混ぜてー♪=You want to empty your pockets...? +やったー!=Yay! +おおー、{{B}}\nほんとに{{A}}にいた!=Oh, {{B}}, I was really in {{A}}! +こんにちは=Hello. - Hello. +あらぁ、こんにちはー=Oh, hello! +はぁい、いらっしゃいませ~=Yes, welcome~! +それじゃあ\nさっそく{{A}}に行こー!=Well then, let's get to {{A}} right away! +…宝探し{{A}}ーの宝物にするの=... to the treasure of Treasure Hunt {{A}}Z. +…うん、{{A}}さんのパップまん\n分けてほしくって=... Yeah, I just wanted to share {{A}}'s pup buns with you. +おや、わたしに何か\nご用事ですか?=Oh, what can I do for you? +このお絵かき帳とクレヨンも\n宝物にいかがですか?=How about this drawing book and crayons for your treasures too? +あの~、もしよかったら…=Um, if you don't mind... +わたしのパップまんをみなさんが探して\nくれるなんて、なんだかワクワクしますし=I am so excited that you are all looking for my papman, and I am so excited that you are all looking for my papman. +いいんですいいんです!=It's okay, it's okay! +…わ、こんなにたくさん\nもらっていいのー?=I'm not allowed to get so many... Wow! +楽しいよ~! 地面の中に宝物を\n隠して、{{A}}で見つけるの!=It's fun! We hide treasures in the ground and use {{A}} to find them! +どさどさどさっ!=Thud, thud, thud! +なるほど! ふふ、そういうことなら\nぜひこのパップまんを使ってください=I see! Well, if that's the case, please use this Papman! +宝探し{{A}}ー?\nなんだか楽しそうですね!=Treasure hunt {{A}}Z? +…いいの?=... is that okay? +はい、ぜひ遊びに行かせてください!=Yes, please let me visit! +ふふ、楽しみにしてますね=Hmm, I'm looking forward to it. +{{A}}ーをするときは\n{{B}}と{{C}}も遊びに来てね=When you play {{A}}, come play {{B}} and {{C}} too! +…ありがとう、{{A}}さん=... Thank you, {{A}}. +はい、おふたりの話を聞いていたら\nとっても楽しそうで…=Yes, I was listening to the two of you and it sounded like you were having a lot of fun... +ガサゴソ…ガサ…=Rustling... rustling... +ふっふっふっ、今日もじょうずに隠れて\n{{A}}をおどろかせてやるぜ!=I'm going to hide well and scare {{A}} again today! +ん{{A}} さっそくだれか\nやってきたな…={{A}} Someone came early... +(そーっとそ~っと…)=(Gently, gently...) +(へへへ、こいつらを\n おどろかしちゃおうっと…)=(Hehehe, let's scare these girls...) +にゅっ=squeezing loudly +…本当だ\n可愛い形の葉っぱもあるね=... I swear, some of those leaves are pretty shaped. +ほら見て!\nリンゴがこんなにたくさん!=Look how many apples there are! +{{A}}ー!\nこっちこっち~!={{A}}! This way, this way~! +スススス~=Soooooooo... +ガサゴソ…ガサ…=Rustling... rustling... +宝探しパーティー!?=Treasure Hunt Party! +…これなら、宝探しパーティーの\n宝物にぴったりかも=... if this is it,Treasure Hunt PartyThis could be the perfect treasure for a treasure hunt party! +もしかして…かくれんぼでもしてたの?\n全然気づかなかった…=Were you... playing hide-and-seek or something? +もーっ!\nじゅーぶん、びっくりしたよ!=I was so surprised! +そ~っと近づいて\nびっくりさせるつもりだったのに…!=I was going to surprise her by approaching her gently...! +ああっ! しまった!=Oh, shoot! +わあ…\nひゃああ!?=Wow...\nHyah Ooh!? +その宝探し{{A}}ーっていうのは…=That treasure hunt {{A}}Z- is... +そ、それよりオマエたち=But more importantly, you girls... +ふふん、まぁな!=Hmmm, well! +今はね、その宝物を探してるの!=Now, you know, I'm looking for that treasure! +そうそう! いろんな宝物を\nいろんな場所に埋めるんだ!=Yes, yes! Bury all kinds of treasures in all kinds of places! +…宝探しパーティーは、地面に埋まった\n宝物をみんなでほりほりするパーティー=Treasure Hunt Party is a party where everyone digs for treasure buried in the ground,Party- Party- digging for treasures buried in the ground with Everyone +ふーん…楽しそうだな…=Hmmm... sounds like fun... +へ、へへへ…しょうがねぇなぁ!=Heh, heh, heh... I can't help it! +…来てくれたらうれしい\nいっしょに遊ぼう=... Ied be glad if youed come and play with me. +オマエたち\n{{A}}ーで使う宝物を探してるんだろ?=You girls are looking for treasure to use in the {{A}}? +ほんとー!? やったね!\n{{A}}!=Really? You did it, {{A}}! +お、オレ様も気が向いたら\n行ってやってもいいけどな=Oh, Ied be happy to go too, if you feel like it. +ならコレやるよ! オレ様のとっておき!\nさっき見つけたお~っきいリンゴだ!=I'll give you this! It's my favorite! It's a nice apple I found a while ago! +へへ、準備するのが楽しみだね!=Hehe, I'm looking forward to getting ready! +すごい…\nこれを埋める穴もつくろう=Great... let's make some holes to fill these in. +すごい…!\nわたしの手よりも大きいかも!?=Wow...! Maybe it's bigger than my hand! +10/8 12:00 以降=10/8 12:00 or later +「ディグ・ディグ・ディグ!!」=Dig Dig Dig!!!!" +{{A}}日時:2023/10/06 13:00={{A}} Date: 2023/10/06 13:00 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/06 17:50={{A}} Date: 2023/10/06 17:50 +<ymir>\nから受け取りました=<ymir>\nAccept from +<kakesoba>\nから受け取りました=<kakesoba>\nAccept from +({{A}}数 496)=({{A}} 496) +{{A}}日時:2023/10/08 10:08={{A}} Day Time: 2023/10/08 10:08 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/06 23:33={{A}} Day Time: 2023/10/06 23:33 +{{A}} 37936={{A}} 37936 +{{D}}の{{C}}\n1個を\n{{A}}\n4個に{{B}}しました=1 {{C}} of {{D}} was {{B}}ed to 4 {{A}} +小さな{{D}}の{{C}}\n3個を\n{{A}}\n3個に{{B}}しました=3 small {{D}}'s {{C}}'s {{B}}ed into 3 {{A}}'s +秋応援!{{A}}=Autumn Support {{A}}! +あと13/42=13/42 to go. +{{A}}日時:2023/10/08 12:28={{A}} Day Time: 2023/10/08 12:28 +{{A}} +1838={{A}} +1838 +{{A}}Lv.6/7={{A}}Lv.6/7 +{{A}}Lv.7/8={{A}}Lv.7/8 +わらわは{{A}}、道を示すものなり\n{{B}}、仲良くやってるみたいだね~=I'm {{A}}, I'm the one who shows the way, {{B}}, and we seem to be getting along great~! +{{A}}は、{{A}}なのだ!\nもっと{{A}}は活躍したいのだ!={{A}} is {{A}}, and {{A}} wants to be more active! +ボクは{{A}}\n{{B}}と…お友だちになってくれる?=I am {{A}} {{B}} and... will you be my Friend? +私は{{A}}\n色んな便利グッズを作ってるの=I make {{A}} and all sorts of useful stuff. +{{A}}ですぅ\nお母さん、張り切っちゃいますねぇ={{A}}, my mom is so excited! +あたいは{{A}}ってんだ\n夜遊びならついてきてもいいゼ=I'm {{A}} and I can come with you for a night out. +わたっ、私は…永遠のたずねけもの…\n{{A}}…だっ!=I am... the eternal quest...{{A}}...! +「すてきな果樹園」="A nice orchard." +「{{A}}を追いかけろ!」=Go after {{A}}!" +「すてきなお酒」="Lovely drink." +ちゅらうみゃみゃ~!\n{{A}}のレフティだよ!=Churaumyamya~! It's Lefty from {{A}}! +「{{A}}を案内するよ!」=I'll show you the {{A}}!" +「{{A}}で一緒に踊るのさー」=We dance together at the {{A}}." +わたし、{{A}}!\nぼうけん、だいすき!=I'm {{A}}! I love adventure! +我は{{A}}\nさあ、共に行こう=I am {{A}}. Come on, let's go together. +{{A}}だ、よろしく\n私の力が必要なら、いつでも呼んでくれ={{A}}, my pleasure, if you need my help, call me anytime. +{{A}}だぞ!\nお手紙ちょうだいっ!=It's {{A}}! +「ストリートパフォーマンスですぞ」=It's a street performance. +「音楽会を開きますぞ」=We're going to have a concert. +「満員御礼ですぞ」=We're full to capacity." +わたくしは{{B}}ですぞ~\nここの名物、{{A}}は絶品ですな!=I am {{B}} - the specialty of this place, {{A}} is excellent! +ストリートパフォーマンスですぞ=It's a street performance! +はぁ~ 先ほどのイチゴ味の{{A}}、\nとってもおいしかったですなぁ!=Hah~ The strawberry-flavored {{A}} I just had was very tasty! +あ~、観覧車楽しかったー! {{A}}は\n次、どのアトラクションに乗りたい?=Ahhh, the Ferris wheel was fun! Which attraction does {{A}} want to ride next? +それじゃあ、さっそく\nパーク{{A}}に行ってみよー!=Well then, let's get to Park {{A}}! +はい! わたくしも賛成ですぞ!=I agree with you! +クルーザーの修理が終わるまでの間、\n色んな場所へ遊びに行きたいね=Ied like to visit many places while I wait for my cruiser to be repaired. +さっき教えてもらった『パーク{{A}}』\nっていう場所も気になるし=I'm also interested in a place called "Park {{A}}" that you just told me about. +迷宮ゾーンも楽しかったし、\nカフェの料理もおいしかったですなぁ=The labyrinth zone was fun and the food at the cafe was delicious! +{{A}}には\nワクワクするものがたくさんあるね=There's a lot to be excited about at {{A}}. +はい! リンゴ味やサクランボ味もあると\n聞きましたから、ぜひ食べてみたいです!=Yes! I heard that there are also apple and cherry flavors, so I would love to try them! +あはは、{{A}}はイチゴが大好きだもんね=Haha, {{A}} loves strawberries. +(ならばこの辺りで、\n ちょっと驚かせちゃいましょうか!)=(Then let's surprise them a bit around here!) +{{A}}へ来たら、とってもステキな\n演奏を聴けちゃったんですけど!=I came to {{A}} and heard a very nice performance! +パチパチパチ!=Crackle, crackle, crackle! +(ややっ、あそこにフレンズの方々が\n いらっしゃいますね)=(Hey, there they are, the Friends.) +(おや? どこからか拍手が…)=(Oh? There's applause from somewhere...) +ええー!?=Eh! +ふたりとも、しろくてふわふわで\nきれいだったな…=They were both white, fluffy and beautiful... +無事でよかった…\nあるじのハンカチ…!=I'm glad you're safe... your handkerchief...! +なるほど、ここで穴掘りすればいいんだな!\nよ~し、掘るぞー!=I see, we can dig a hole here! +へへへ、{{A}}が\n穴掘りを気に入ってくれてよかった~=Hehehe, I'm glad {{A}} likes digging holes~! +うわぁ~! ほんとにキレイな\n貝殻がいっぱい!=Wow! There are so many beautiful shells! +ううん、わたしたち\n宝探し{{A}}ーの宝物を探しに来たの!=No, we are here to look for the treasure of the treasure hunt {{A}}Z! +宝探し{{A}}ー?=Treasure hunt {{A}}? +…地面に宝物を埋めて、\nそれを{{B}}で探す{{A}}ーだよ=...{{A}}- to bury treasures in the ground and search for them with {{B}}... +へぇ~、すてきだね!\n楽しそう!=Wow, that's neat, looks like fun! +ただ、いい宝物が見つからなくて~…=I just couldn't find any good treasures~... +それなら貝殻なんてどう? キレイなのが\nたくさん落ちてる場所を知ってるの!=How about shells? I know a place where there are lots of beautiful ones! +…キレイな貝殻\nそれならすてきな宝物になるかも…=A beautiful shell... that would make a lovely treasure... +クフフ 決まりだね!\n案内するからついてきて!=I'll show you around, follow me! +…ここにも、あ…\nあそこにもある…=... here... there... there... +いい場所を教えてくれてありがとう!=Thanks for sharing a great place! +クゥ~♪ どういたしまして!=Coo~♪ You're welcome! +…サラサラの砂に埋まった貝殻、\n見つけるの楽しいね=... I love finding shells buried in the silty sand! +でしょ?\nワタシも貝殻を探すの好きなんだ~=I like to look for shells too! +そうだ!\n{{B}}も宝探し{{A}}ーに来てよ!=Yes! {{B}} should also come to the treasure hunt {{A}}~! +貝殻を探すのが好きなら\nきっと楽しめると思う!=If you like to look for shells, I am sure you will enjoy it! +いいの? 実はふたりの話を聞いて\n気になってたんだよね=Are you sure? I was actually curious after hearing you two talk about it. +クフフ、すてきな{{A}}ーに誘って\nもらったお礼をしなくちゃ!=Kuhf, I have to thank the lovely {{A}} for inviting me! +{{A}} 57114={{A}} 57114 +{{A}} 39925={{A}} 39925 +すくすく{{B}}{{A}}=Sukusuku {{B}} {{A}} +選択可能な{{B}}はいません\r\n別の{{A}}を選択してください={{B}} available for selection, please select another {{A}} now +ディグ・ディグ・ディグ!!=Dig dig dig dig! +ふぅ~、宝物もたくさん集まったし\n次はいよいよ穴掘りだね!=Phew, now that we have gathered a lot of treasures, it's time to dig a hole! +…うん、この辺りなら土も柔らかいし\n穴を掘りやすいと思う=... Yeah, I think the soil is soft around here and it's easy to dig a hole. +よぉし! やるぞやるぞ~!=Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it! +わわっ!?=Wow! +どーん=boom +そうだよね~、えーっと\nいくつくらい掘れば…=That's right - let's see, how many digs do I have to... +…穴もたくさん掘らなくちゃ=... and a lot of holes to dig. +宝物集め、楽しくて\nいっぱい集めちゃったから…=I had so much fun collecting treasures that I ended up collecting a lot... +これって…もしかして…\nい――っぱい穴堀りしなくちゃいけない?=Could this... be...\nI'm gonna have to... dig... a lot.Do I have to dig a hole? +…たぶん=... maybe. +どどどどーしよー!?\nすぐに{{A}}に遊んでほしいのに!=I want {{A}} to play with me right away! +…大丈夫\nひとつずつ掘り進めて行けば…=... it's okay, you just have to keep digging one by one... +これじゃあ準備がたいへんで\nなかなか{{A}}ーを開けないよー!=I can't open the {{A}} because it's too much work to prepare! +おふたりとも\nなにをしているでありますか?=What are you both doing? +オグロプレーリードック=grey-tailed prairie dog +そ、それもそうだね\nとにかくがんばらなきゃ…!=Yeah, that's true too... anyway, I have to do my best..! +ちょうどいいところにー!=Just in the right place! +なんだか困っているように見えますな=You seem to be in some kind of trouble. +あっ!\nオグロプレーリードックに{{A}}!=Ah! {{A}} on the oglo prairie dock! +{{A}}\nID.162681227={{A}}\nID.162681227 +挑戦中のバトルを中断してタイトル画面に戻ります\n※バトルを中断すると、進行状況が保存されず\n挑戦時に消費したものも返還されません\n本当によろしいですか?=Interrupting a battle in progress and returning to the title screen *If you interrupt a battle, your progress will not be saved and you will not get back what you spent during the challenge Are you sure you want to do this? +10/9 12:00 以降=10/9 12:00 or later +「楽しい宝探し{{A}}ー」="Fun Treasure Hunt {{A}} -" +クエストをプレイする際に\n一度見たストーリーを再生する設定に変更します。=When playing a quest\nConfiguration to replay the story once you have seen Change. +ふむふむ…\n宝探し{{A}}ーですか=Hmmm... treasure hunt {{A}} ~? +穴掘って、宝物を掘り当てる…\n楽しそうな{{A}}ーであります!=Dig a hole, dig a treasure... it looks like fun {{A}}~! +そもそも、穴を掘って宝物を埋める\nところから楽しそうであります!=To begin with, digging a hole and burying the treasure looks like fun! +{{A}}さんは\n穴を掘るのが大好きですからねぇ={{A}} loves digging holes! +はい! ですから、ぜひ{{A}}ーの準備を\n手伝わせてほしいであります!=So please let me help you prepare for {{A}} ! +{{A}}さん、ありがとう=Thank you, {{A}}. +私も穴を掘る楽しさは\n知っていますからねぇ=I know how fun it is to dig a hole! +よろこんでお手伝いいたしますよぉ=We will be glad to help you! +{{A}}もありがとー!=Thanks for the {{A}} too! +ざくざくざくざく…=Zaku zaku zaku... +ほりほりほりほり…=Dust, dust, dust... +やっぱり{{A}}で穴掘りするのって\nたのしーねー=Digging holes with {{A}} is so much fun! +そうでありますな! あっという間に\nじかんが過ぎていくであります!=Yes, the time flies by so fast! +穴の数もかなり増えてきましたし、\nいい感じなんじゃないですかねぇ=The number of holes has increased considerably, and I think it's looking good. +うん…これなら、すぐに{{A}}に\n遊んでもらえるね…=Yeah... this will have {{A}} playing with me in no time... +うおー! みなさんに\n穴掘りの楽しさを伝えるでありますよ!=Woohoo! I will tell everyone how fun it is to dig holes! +ザクザクザクザクザク…ッ!=Zakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzak...! +{{A}}さん!?\nそれはさすがに深く掘りすぎでは!?=Ms. {{A}}, that is indeed digging too deep! +ハッ! 失礼したであります…=Ha! I beg your pardon... +あはははは!=Ha ha ha! +(…すてきな宝物も用意できたし\n {{A}}ーの準備も順調…)=(... we've got some nice treasures ready and the {{A}}preparations are going well...) +(あのふたりも\n 誘ってみればよかったかな…)=(Maybe I should have asked those two to join us...) +{{A}}の宝物を累計5000個獲得=Acquired a total of 5,000 {{A}} treasures +{{A}}の宝物を累計10000個獲得=Acquired a total of 10,000 {{A}} treasures +{{A}}の宝物を累計30000個獲得=Obtained a total of 3,000 {{A}} treasures +あと10/42=10/42 to go. + 10/19まで= Through 10/19 +けものオバケをイメージした もふもふなカーペット\n拠点に{{A}}することができる={{A}} can be done on a fluffy carpeted base with the image of a monster +{{A}}を集めよう 95個目!=Collect {{A}}. 95th piece! +4周年後夜祭{{A}}=4th Anniversary Post-Festival {{A}} +※「10回」の利用時、「{{A}}」「★3以上{{C}}時」を除いた8枠は{{D}}の確率で抽選されます。\n・排出したフレンズが重複した場合、{{E}}に{{B}}されます\n・個別表示している提供割合は表示上小数点第4位にて切り捨てしているため、全て合算しても100%にならない場合がございます\n・{{F}}は1回ごとに提供割合に基づいて抽選を行っております。そのため提供割合1%のアイテムが100回中1回、必ず排出される仕組みではございません=When using "10 times", the 8 slots excluding "{{A}}" and "when {{C}} of ★3 or more" will be drawn with the probability of {{D}}. +※「10回」の利用時、「{{B}}」「★3以上{{E}}時」を除いた8枠は{{F}}の確率で抽選されます。\n・排出したフレンズが重複した場合、{{G}}に{{C}}されます\n・個別表示している提供割合は表示上小数点第4位にて切り捨てしているため、全て合算しても100%にならない場合がございます\n・{{H}}は1回ごとに提供割合に基づいて抽選を行っております。そのため提供割合1%のアイテムが100回中1回、必ず排出される仕組みではございません\n・月間パスポート「すごい!!!ごーじゃす」の有効期間中、{{D}}の代わりに{{A}}10枚をご使用いただけます=When using "10 times", the 8 slots excluding "{{B}}" and "★3 or more {{E}}" will be drawn at the probability of {{F}}. ・When duplicate Friends are ejected, they will be {{C}}ed to {{G}}. +\nいっしょにパオパオ =\nPao Pao together. +\nポケットの中は… =\nInside the pocket... +\nスタッフパス =\nstaff pass +あと9/42=9/42 to go. +{{A}}の宝物を累計15000個獲得=Acquired a total of 15,000 {{A}} treasures +美しいから!=Because it is beautiful! +{{A}}\n2023/10/16 14:00まで={{A}}2023/10/16 until 14:00 +{{A}}を\n130消費して10回{{B}}します\nよろしいですか?=I will spend 130 {{A}} and {{B}} 10 times, is that correct? +哺乳綱ネコ目イヌ科イヌ属=Mammalia Catinae Canis lupus (Canis lupus) +{{A}}…だよ\nボ、ボクとお友達になってくれるの?\nアオ~ンッ! えへへ、うれしいっ!={{A}}... bo, will you be my Friend? +合計{{A}}を10000000以上にはじめて到達!=Total {{A}} reached over 10,000,000 for the first time! +グレークロスハント=grey cross hunt +{{A}}の宝物を累計20000個獲得=Acquired a total of 2,000 {{A}} treasures +{{A}} 19063={{A}} 19063 +「ボ、ボクが{{A}}、だよ。\n用があったら大きな声で『アオ~~ン』って鳴いて呼んで。\n鳴きまねうまいんでしょ? いつも森にいるから、\n開けたところに来ると少しきんちょーする。\n仲間がいると安心するから、よくハウってるんだ。\nかくれんぼしてもさみしくなって鳴いちゃう……」=I'm {{A}}, and if you need me, I'll call you with a loud 'aoh~n' I'm a good imitator, right? I'm always in the woods, so I get a little nervous when I come to open areas, and I often howl because I feel safe with company, and I get lonely when I play hide and seek. ...... +相手単体に50%と20%×3のダメージを与え\r\n高確率で{{A}}を5%減少させる(2ターン)=Deals 50% and 20% x 3 damage to a single opponent and reduces {{A}} by 5% with a high probability (2 turns) +相手単体に240%×2のダメージを与える\r\nさらに{{B}}の{{A}}が9%増加し、{{C}}が9%減少する(5ターン)\r\n加えて{{B}}のMPが14増加する=Deals 240% x 2 damage to a single opponent, plus {{B}}'s {{A}} is increased by 9% and {{C}} is decreased by 9% (5 turns), plus {{B}}'s MP is increased by 14 +北アメリカ\nカナダ東部など=North America Eastern Canada, etc. +主に北米の五大湖周辺に生息するオオカミです。{{A}}の亜種とされていましたが、最近では独立種とする研究もあり分類が定まっていません。狩猟や森林開発による生息地の減少で数を減らしていて、カナダではアルゴンキンオオカミという名称に{{B}}し、保護活動を進めています。=The Algonquin wolf is a subspecies of the {{A}}, but recently there has been some research suggesting that it is an independent species, and its classification has not been finalized. +{{D}}の{{B}}と{{A}}が8%増加する\r\nさらに{{C}}全体の全体攻撃による{{E}}が15%減少する={{B}} and {{A}} of {{D}} will be increased by 8%, and {{E}} of the entire {{C}} will be reduced by 15% due to the total attack. +ボクの声、きいて!=Listen to my voice! +{{B}}の{{A}}減少効果と{{C}}増加効果を解除し\r\n{{A}}が15%増加する(2ターン)\r\n\r\n発動率:100% 発動回数:2回=Removes the {{A}} reduction effect and {{C}} increase effect of {{B}}, and increases {{A}} by 15% (2 turns)\r\n\r\nActivation rate: 100% Number of times: 2 +のんびり月光浴=Relaxing moonlight bath +仲間とともに真夜中の狩りへ=Go on a midnight hunt with your Friends. +森の外へいっぽ=just as soon as out of the woods +{{C}}の{{A}}が10%増加し\nバトル開始時にMPが20増加する\r\nさらにギブアップ中の{{B}}1人につき\n毎ターン{{C}}のMPが2増加する={{C}}'s {{A}} is increased by 10% and MP is increased by 20 at the start of battle, plus {{C}}'s MP is increased by 2 each turn for each {{B}} in giveaway. +大倉紬=Okura pongee +{{A}}\n4段階目達成={{A}} 4th stage achieved +{{A}}\n3段階目達成={{A}} 3rd stage achieved +{{A}}\n2段階目達成={{A}} 2nd stage achieved +{{A}} +202={{A}} +202 +{{A}} +602={{A}} +602 +{{A}} 624回目!={{A}} 624th! +{{A}} +1655={{A}} +1655 +あと6/42=6/42 to go. + +ラッキービーストのぬいぐるみ(はながさ・だいだい)=Stuffed Lucky Beast (Hanagasa and Daidai) +Lサイズのけものオバケのカーペット=L size monster obake carpet +Mサイズのけものオバケのカーペット=M size monster obake carpet +Sサイズのけものオバケのカーペット=S size monster obake carpet +{{A}}と{{B}}が\nセットになった豪華詰め合わせ!=Luxury assortment of {{A}} and {{B}}! +小さな{{A}}の{{D}}\n9個を\n{{B}}\n9個に{{C}}しました=9 small {{A}}'s {{D}}'s {{C}}'d into 9 {{B}}'s +{{A}} +681={{A}} +681 +小さな{{A}}の{{D}}\n12個を\n{{B}}\n12個に{{C}}しました=12 small {{A}}'s {{D}}'s {{C}}'d into 12 {{B}}'s +音楽会を開きますぞ=We'll have a music concert. +ううう…=Umm... +ずんずんずん=growing visibly +{{A}}を集める?=Collect {{A}}? +満員御礼ですぞ=It's going to be a full house! +ところで{{A}} わたくしたちの\n音楽会を開くのにピッタリな舞台ですが、=By the way, {{A}}, this is the perfect stage to hold our concert, +いや~ こうして舞台が確保できて\nひと安心ですな~=It's a relief to be able to secure a stage like this. +ざわざわざわ=sound of people talking +ねえ{{A}}、\n今日ここで演劇やるの?=Hey {{A}}, are you doing a play here today? +コツコツコツ=knock-knock +私は{{A}}\n一曲、歌わせてもらうわね=I'm going to sing one song, {{A}}. +【{{A}}】{{C}}を{{B}}してクリア={{A}}] {{B}} and clear {{C}}. +どうも 天才博士の助手\n{{A}}です=Hi, I'm {{A}}, assistant to Dr. Genius. +よぉ、あたしは{{A}}だ!\nひよっこどもを鍛えるとするか!=Hey, I'm {{A}}! +小さな{{A}}の{{D}}\n24個を\n{{B}}\n24個に{{C}}しました=24 small {{A}}'s {{D}}'s {{C}}'d into 24 {{B}}'s +10/16(月)14:00まで=10/16 (Mon.) until 14:00 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/08 13:36={{A}} Date: 2023/10/08 13:36 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/08 15:46={{A}} Date: 2023/10/08 15:46 +{{A}}日時:2023/10/08 17:15={{A}} Date: 2023/10/08 17:15 +<夢銀河>\nから受け取りました=from Accept +({{A}}数 499)=({{A}} number 499) +…{{A}}、たくさん集まってくれたみたい=...{{A}} , looks like a lot of people showed up. +楽しい宝探し{{A}}ー=Fun Treasure Hunt {{A}} ~. +宝探し{{A}}ー当日=Treasure Hunt {{A}} - Day of the Treasure Hunt +ざわざわ=noisy +ざわざわざわ…=Za za za za... +ざくざくざくざく=cutting up roughly into chunks +ざっざっざっ=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz +ふっふっふ~!\n見つけたぞ! ピカピカの貝殻だ!=Phew~! I found it! A shiny shell! +ボク、隊長とハウるの大好きなんだ♪ 今日もいっしょにやろうよ\nせーのっ、アオーン!=I love to hang out with the captain! +あんまり深くまで穴を掘ると\nふたりの体…汚れちゃうかも=If we dig too deep, we might get our bodies... dirty. +このゆるぎない真実は\nなにがあろうと変わらないのです=This unwavering truth will not change, no matter what. +…おお=... Oh! +わたしたちは…=We are... +ええ、たとえ土で\nちょっぴり汚れたとしても…=Yes, even if it does get a little dirty with dirt... +…そうなの?=... is that so? +うん、わたしもへーき♪=Yeah, I'm okay with it. +心配してくれてありがとうございます\nけれど大丈夫ですわ!=Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine! +そういうこと♪=That's what I'm talking about. +それに、わたしってけっこう積極的なの\nだからぐいぐい掘っちゃう!=Besides, I'm an aggressive person, so I dig in! +わたし…ふたりはあんまり…\n穴掘り好きじゃないかもって思ってた=I... thought you two didn't really like digging. +…そうだったんだ=... it was. +だからいろんなことに\n挑戦してみたいと思っていますの!=That's why I want to try all kinds of things! +わたしも美しい羽とこころを手に入れるため\n日々がんばっています=I am also working hard every day to obtain beautiful wings and heart. +だから、わたしも挑戦してみたいと\n思っていましたの=So I thought I'd like to give it a try. +もくもくと穴を掘る姿…\nとっても美しいですわ=The way she digs her hole so fast... it's so beautiful. +{{A}}、いつも一生けんめい\n穴掘りをしてるでしょ?={{A}}, you're always digging holes for a living, aren't you? +わたし、雪を掘ることがあるから\n土も掘ってみたいなって思ってたの=I've been digging in the snow, so I thought I'd try digging in the dirt. +そんなことないわ=That's not true. +ふたりがわたしのこと\nそんな風に…=I don't know if you girls think of me that way... +ほんとだ♪\nどんな宝物が入ってるのかな?=Really... what kind of treasures are in it? +{{A}}さん!\nわたしたちが掘った穴になにか音が…=Ms. {{A}}! I heard something in the hole we dug... +がさごぞ、がさごそ…=Rustling, rustling... +そんな…!=Oh no..! +シロ{{A}}&\n{{B}}       =White {{A}} & {{B}}        +チラァアアア!!!=Chilaaaaah! +はぁ、びっくりしましたわ=Huh, you surprised me. +見てたぜ~\nハズレを引いたな!=I've been watching you - you've got the wrong girl! +――ありがとう=--Thank you. +{{A}}さんがおっしゃる通りですわ={{A}}, you're absolutely right. +謝らなくていいわ\nだって、あなたのせいじゃないもの=You don't have to apologize, because it's not your fault. +ごめんなさい=I'm sorry. I'm sorry. +…よくわからないけど\n紛れ込んじゃったみたい=... I don't know, I guess I got mixed up in it. +宝物だけじゃなくて\n{{A}}が埋まってることもあるのね?=So not only is there treasure, but there's a {{A}} buried in the ground? +…うん、なんとかなってよかった=... yeah, I'm glad we managed. +しかし、\nなかなかの{{A}}さばきだったな=But that was some pretty good {{A}} work. +ふふふ、わたしたちは\n美しいだけじゃありませんもの=We are not only beautiful. +…ええと、もしよかったら\nコツを教えようか?=... uh, I can give you some tips if you want. +そうね もっとじょうずに掘るには\nどうしたらいいかな?=Yes, how can I dig better? +ええ!\n穴掘りももっとじょうずになりたいですからね=Yes! I want to be better at digging holes, too. +でもハズレをひいたのは悔しいわ\n次はぜったい宝物を見つけてみせる!=But it's frustrating that I got the wrong one, and next time I'm sure I'll find a treasure! +穴掘りのゴクイ、\nぜひお教え願いたいですわ!=Gokui, I would love to know how you dig holes! +いいの? あなたって優しいのね\nタイプかも=You're so sweet, maybe you're my type. +そりゃあいいな!\n{{A}}に教われば間違いないぜ!=That's great! You can't go wrong with {{A}}! +じゃあ\nはなまるが描いてあるところへ行きましょ=Then let's go to the place where the Hanamaru is painted. +…うん、まかせて=I'll take care of it. +{{A}}、楽しそう♪={{A}}, sounds fun... ♪ +おー…!=Oh...! +えいえい・おー!=Ei-ei-o! +次こそは宝物を見つけてみせますよ!=Next time I will find the treasure! +楽しそうなヒメウォンバットを\n見られたから、がんばってよかったー!!=I'm glad I did my best because I got to see Wombat having fun! +うん! ただおもしろそうだなって思って\n始めた{{A}}ーだったけど――=I just thought it sounded like fun, so I started {{A}} - but... +はい、すっかり仲良くなられましたな=Yes, you are getting along very well. +宝探しパーティー、大成功だね♪=Treasure Hunt Party - a great success.......................... +トリス=Tris. +ウサギ{{A}}=Rabbit {{A}} diff --git a/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Postprocessors.txt b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Postprocessors.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00c78a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Postprocessors.txt @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +Invitation (Gacha)=Invitation +Configurationed=Configured +1 Times = 1 Time +Kochokocho=Tickling + + +ZZMCZ= {{A}} +ZZMDZ= {{B}} +ZZMEZ= {{C}} +ZZMFZ= {{D}} +ZZMGZ= {{E}} +ZZMHZ= {{F}} +ZZMIZ= {{G}} +ZZMJZ= {{H}} +ZZMKZ= {{I}} +ZZMLZ= {{J}} +ZZMMZ= {{K}} +ZZMNZ= {{L}} +ZZMOZ= {{M}} +ZZMPZ= {{N}} +ZZMQZ= {{O}} +ZZMRZ= {{P}} + +ZMCZ={{A}} +ZMDZ={{B}} +ZMEZ={{C}} +ZMFZ={{D}} +ZMGZ={{E}} +ZMHZ={{F}} +ZMIZ={{G}} +ZMJZ={{H}} +ZMKZ={{I}} +ZMKZ={{I}} +ZMLZ={{J}} +ZMMZ={{K}} +ZMNZ={{L}} +ZMOZ={{M}} +ZMPZ={{N}} +ZMQZ={{O}} +ZMRZ={{P}} + +ZMMCZ={{A}} +ZMMDZ={{B}} +ZMMEZ={{C}} +ZMMFZ={{D}} +ZMMGZ={{E}} +ZMMHZ={{F}} +ZMMIZ={{G}} +ZMMJZ={{H}} +ZMMKZ={{I}} +ZMMKZ={{I}} +ZMMLZ={{J}} +ZMMMZ={{K}} +ZMMNZ={{L}} +ZMMOZ={{M}} +ZMMPZ={{N}} +ZMMQZ={{O}} +ZMMRZ={{P}} + +Owned Number=Owned +tiger=Tiger + his = her + him = her + he's=she's +He's=She's +Mr.=Ms. +Expedition=Expedition +ExpeditionLv=ExpeditionLv +ExpeditionLv.=ExpeditionLv +Â=♪ +guy=girl +ZL= +.<=. < +!<=! < +?<=? < +,<=, < +>=> +yak=Yak +~=~ +Mister=Misses + sir= ma'am + he = she +Jamari=Japari +friends=Friends +friend=Friend + +){=) { + +1{=1 { +2{=2 { +3{=3 { +4{=4 { +5{=5 { +6{=6 { +7{=7 { +8{=8 { +9{=9 { +0{=0 { + +A{=A { +B{=B { +C{=C { +D{=D { +E{=E { +F{=F { +G{=G { +H{=H { +I{=I { +J{=J { +K{=K { +L{=L { +M{=M { +N{=N { +O{=O { +P{=P { +Q{=Q { +R{=R { +S{=S { +T{=T { +U{=U { +V{=V { +W{=W { +X{=X { +Y{=Y { +Z{=Z { + +a{=a { +b{=b { +c{=c { +d{=d { +e{=e { +f{=f { +g{=g { +h{=h { +i{=i { +j{=j { +k{=k { +l{=l { +m{=m { +n{=n { +o{=o { +p{=p { +q{=q { +r{=r { +s{=s { +t{=t { +u{=u { +v{=v { +w{=w { +x{=x { +y{=y { +z{=z { +Z~=~ +Z~=~ +ー=ー +-!=~! +-?=~? +-.=~. +-,=~, +.A=. A +.B=. B +.C=. C +.D=. D +.E=. E +.F=. F +.G=. G +.H=. H +.I=. I +.J=. J +.K=. K +.L=. L +.M=. M +.N=. N +.O=. O +.P=. P +.Q=. Q +.R=. R +.S=. S +.T=. T +.U=. U +.V=. V +.W=. W +.X=. X +.Y=. Y +.Z=. Z + +.a=. a +.b=. b +.c=. c +.d=. d +.e=. e +.f=. f +.g=. g +.h=. h +.i=. i +.j=. j +.k=. k +.l=. l +.m=. m +.n=. n +.o=. o +.p=. p +.q=. q +.r=. r +.s=. s +.t=. t +.u=. u +.v=. v +.w=. w +.x=. x +.y=. y +.z=. z + +!A=! A +!B=! B +!C=! C +!D=! D +!E=! E +!F=! F +!G=! G +!H=! H +!I=! I +!J=! J +!K=! K +!L=! L +!M=! M +!N=! N +!O=! O +!P=! P +!Q=! Q +!R=! R +!S=! S +!T=! T +!U=! U +!V=! V +!W=! W +!X=! X +!Y=! Y +!Z=! Z + +!a=! a +!b=! b +!c=! c +!d=! d +!e=! e +!f=! f +!g=! g +!h=! h +!i=! i +!j=! j +!k=! k +!l=! l +!m=! m +!n=! n +!o=! o +!p=! p +!q=! q +!r=! r +!s=! s +!t=! t +!u=! u +!v=! v +!w=! w +!x=! x +!y=! y +!z=! z + +?A=? A +?B=? B +?C=? C +?D=? D +?E=? E +?F=? F +?G=? G +?H=? H +?I=? I +?J=? J +?K=? K +?L=? L +?M=? M +?N=? N +?O=? O +?P=? P +?Q=? Q +?R=? R +?S=? S +?T=? T +?U=? U +?V=? V +?W=? W +?X=? X +?Y=? Y +?Z=? Z + +?a=? a +?b=? b +?c=? c +?d=? d +?e=? e +?f=? f +?g=? g +?h=? h +?i=? i +?j=? j +?k=? k +?l=? l +?m=? m +?n=? n +?o=? o +?p=? p +?q=? q +?r=? r +?s=? s +?t=? t +?u=? u +?v=? v +?w=? w +?x=? x +?y=? y +?z=? z + +,A=, A +,B=, B +,C=, C +,D=, D +,E=, E +,F=, F +,G=, G +,H=, H +,I=, I +,J=, J +,K=, K +,L=, L +,M=, M +,N=, N +,O=, O +,P=, P +,Q=, Q +,R=, R +,S=, S +,T=, T +,U=, U +,V=, V +,W=, W +,X=, X +,Y=, Y +,Z=, Z + +,a=, a +,b=, b +,c=, c +,d=, d +,e=, e +,f=, f +,g=, g +,h=, h +,i=, i +,j=, j +,k=, k +,l=, l +,m=, m +,n=, n +,o=, o +,p=, p +,q=, q +,r=, r +,s=, s +,t=, t +,u=, u +,v=, v +,w=, w +,x=, x +,y=, y +,z=, z + +}Z{=} { +}Z =} +}Z=} +}{=} { \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Preprocessors.txt b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Preprocessors.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..056647b --- /dev/null +++ b/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/_Preprocessors.txt @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ + = + = +ZZMCZ= {{A}} +ZZMDZ= {{B}} +ZZMEZ= {{C}} +ZZMFZ= {{D}} +ZZMGZ= {{E}} +ZZMHZ= {{F}} +ZZMIZ= {{G}} +ZZMJZ= {{H}} +ZZMKZ= {{I}} +ZZMLZ= {{J}} +ZZMMZ= {{K}} +ZZMNZ= {{L}} +ZZMOZ= {{M}} +ZZMPZ= {{N}} +ZZMQZ= {{O}} +ZZMRZ= {{P}} + +ZMCZ={{A}} +ZMDZ={{B}} +ZMEZ={{C}} +ZMFZ={{D}} +ZMGZ={{E}} +ZMHZ={{F}} +ZMIZ={{G}} +ZMJZ={{H}} +ZMKZ={{I}} +ZMKZ={{I}} +ZMLZ={{J}} +ZMMZ={{K}} +ZMNZ={{L}} +ZMOZ={{M}} +ZMPZ={{N}} +ZMQZ={{O}} +ZMRZ={{P}} + +ZMMCZ={{A}} +ZMMDZ={{B}} +ZMMEZ={{C}} +ZMMFZ={{D}} +ZMMGZ={{E}} +ZMMHZ={{F}} +ZMMIZ={{G}} +ZMMJZ={{H}} +ZMMKZ={{I}} +ZMMKZ={{I}} +ZMMLZ={{J}} +ZMMMZ={{K}} +ZMMNZ={{L}} +ZMMOZ={{M}} +ZMMPZ={{N}} +ZMMQZ={{O}} +ZMMRZ={{P}} +ー=- +}Z{=} { +}Z =} +}Z=} + his = her + him = her +Himself=himself +himself=himself +him=her +his=her +~=~ +ー=ー +Mister=Misses + he = she +he=she +Jamari=Japari + +.<=. < +!<=! < +?<=? < +,<=, < +>=> + +-!=~! +-?=~? +-.=~. +-,=~, + +.